
    155 | Real Time Horror Ft Darkness Prevails And Swamp Dweller - Episode 1

    enJanuary 22, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Two personal stories of unexplained paranormal experiencesPersonal experiences, even if strange or unexplained, can leave a lasting impact and shape beliefs

      Personal experiences, no matter how strange or unexplained, can leave a lasting impact on individuals. The discussion revolves around two personal stories shared on a live stream about paranormal experiences. The first story involves a shadow figure following a man home from a historical site. The second story involves an encounter with an old man in a haunted apartment. Both stories illustrate how these experiences, though rooted in the supernatural, left the individuals feeling powerless and unable to move. These experiences, despite being difficult to explain or understand, have stayed with them and shaped their beliefs. The Shopify ad in the episode serves as a reminder that no matter what stage a business is in, it can always grow and provide a sense of security and stability.

    • Encountering a mysterious figureSpeakers shared personal experiences of encountering a mysterious figure described as a man in a suit and top hat, leaving them feeling paralyzed with fear. Others in their community reported similar occurrences, leading them to believe in a supernatural explanation.

      The speakers in this discussion shared personal experiences of encountering a mysterious figure, described as a man in a suit and top hat, which left them feeling paralyzed with fear. This experience was not limited to just one person, as others in their community also reported similar occurrences. Despite some skepticism, the speakers believe that there may be a supernatural explanation for these events and that they may be dealing with a common entity. These shared experiences have left them convinced that there is something unexplained and potentially frightening in their midst.

    • Online group discusses paranormal encounters, including a haunted house experienceA man named Cooper shared his personal experience of living in a haunted house, where he heard strange noises, saw moving shapes, and had objects moved. The presence was most active in a crawl space and seemed to target Cooper and his stepbrother with uneasy feelings and nightmares.

      A group of individuals came together for a regular online discussion, where they shared personal experiences of paranormal encounters. Lady Dreadful, the host, expressed her appreciation for the unique stories and hoped to make it a regular event. Cooper was invited to share his experience of living in a haunted house. He described hearing strange noises, seeing moving shapes, and having objects moved around. The house's previous occupant had left it in a destroyed state, and the cleaning process was awkward due to unexplained occurrences. Cooper's nightmares featured a girl with long dark hair and red eyes. He also reported hearing footsteps, finding things moved, and experiencing a gust of hot air following him. The presence seemed to be most active in a crawl space beneath the stairs, which was bolted shut but would sometimes open. Cooper's stepbrother also reported experiencing uneasy feelings and having his covers pulled off while sleeping in the house. The group was planning to investigate further and discuss potential explanations for these experiences.

    • Arguments can lead to dangerous situationsArguments, no matter how trivial, have the potential to escalate into destructive and dangerous situations. Effective communication and conflict de-escalation are crucial.

      Arguments can escalate into destructive and unexplainable incidents. The speaker shared an experience of an argument leading to a blackout and the destruction of her room, including tearing off doors and throwing heavy objects. She later learned that a week after they moved out, the hot water heater had exploded. The incident left her feeling concerned and traumatized. This experience highlights the potential for arguments to escalate into dangerous situations, even if the initial cause seems trivial. It's important to communicate effectively and de-escalate conflicts before they become destructive.

    • A listener's encounter with a mysterious creature in the snowy wilderness of CanadaThe natural world can hold unknown dangers and mysteries, requiring caution and respect when encountered

      Encountering the unknown in nature can be both exhilarating and terrifying. A listener shared his experience of following strange tracks in the snow, which led him to an encounter with a creature he believed to be a Wendigo. The creature was described as being tall, slender, and having a bleach white deer skull. After shooting it, the listener discovered that the creature's blood contained both human and animal DNA. However, the Wendigo seemed to be aware of the listener's presence and retaliated by leaving hawk prints on the windowsill and flying away. The listener's experience serves as a reminder that the natural world can hold mysteries and dangers that are beyond our understanding. It's important to approach such encounters with caution and respect, as they can have lasting consequences. The listener's bravery in sharing his story highlights the allure and fascination that comes with the unknown.

    • Encounters with the supernatural can leave a lasting impactEncounters with the unknown can be intriguing yet terrifying, leaving a profound impact on one's psyche

      Encounters with the supernatural can evoke strong emotions and leave a lasting impact. The story shared by "Gee" about a demon encounter during a spiritual event at an old church when they were 12, highlights this. Despite being skeptical at first, the feeling of being followed and hearing whispers in the hallway left her feeling uneasy and fearful. The discovery that there was no one in the room where she thought the argument was taking place, added to her terror. This experience shows how encounters with the unknown can be both intriguing and terrifying, leaving a profound impact on one's psyche.

    • A Terrifying Night at an Old ChurchAn encounter with the unknown can leave a lasting impact, changing our perspectives and leaving us feeling uncertain and fearful.

      The speaker experienced a terrifying night at an old church where they saw their eyes turn black in a mirror, sleepwalked, and woke up outside their sleeping bag. The encounter left them feeling unexplained fear and uncertainty. The experience was so disturbing that it changed their perspective and made them consider moving away. Despite the unsettling events, the speaker managed to fall back asleep and continue with the event the next day. However, the incident left a lasting impact on them, and they remain unsure if it was a real experience or a figment of their imagination. It serves as a reminder of the power of the unknown and the unexplained in shaping our perceptions and experiences.

    • Personalized solutions for unique challengesPersonalized weight loss plans consider individual dietary restrictions, medical issues, and personal needs for effective and sustainable weight loss. Noom app offers a psychology and biology-based approach without shaming or restricting users, focusing on progress and learning new skills every day.

      Personalized approaches are effective in addressing unique challenges. The story shared involved an unexpected encounter with an unknown entity during a family road trip, and the experience of using the Noom weight loss app. In the story, the family found their car damaged with an unknown object on the roof, causing panic and confusion. Similarly, Noom offers a personalized weight loss plan that takes into account individual dietary restrictions, medical issues, and personal needs, making it a more effective and sustainable solution for weight loss. The app doesn't restrict or shame users, instead focusing on progress and learning new skills every day. The story also highlighted the importance of staying focused on personal goals and the benefits of a psychology and biology-based approach. The encounter with the unknown entity was a reminder of the importance of being adaptable and resilient in the face of unexpected challenges.

    • Encountering the Unknown in Abandoned PlacesInvestigating abandoned places can lead to strange occurrences and supernatural experiences, but it's important to remember the potential dangers and unknown risks.

      Exploring abandoned places can be dangerous and potentially encounter supernatural experiences. The speaker and his friends went to investigate an old building in high school, where they encountered strange occurrences such as a flickering candle, broken windows, and unexplained claw marks on the speaker's back. They also heard strange noises and music coming from the building before their visit. Another experience the speaker shared was when they were kids, they heard a ghost in their house that would comfort their sick friend. However, the speaker also had terrifying experiences, such as being shoved down the attic stairs and having objects thrown at him. These experiences left him feeling frightened and unsure of what was real. It's important to remember that exploring abandoned places can be dangerous and potentially lead to unexplained phenomena.

    • Encounter with a strange creature leaves man feeling uneasyAn unexpected encounter with a strange creature can leave one feeling frightened and questioning the normality of their surroundings

      An unexpected encounter with a strange creature in the garden left a man feeling frightened and perplexed. During his evening walk with his dog, the animal acted unusually, leading the man to investigate. Upon discovering a pale and mangled deer, he was initially confused but soon became terrified when the deer charged towards him. The incident left him questioning the normality of wildlife in his area and left him feeling uneasy in his own home. Despite his fear, he continued to investigate, looking up information online to try and make sense of what he had experienced. The encounter served as a reminder of the unknown and potentially dangerous creatures that exist in the world around us.

    • The Unknown: A Source of Fear and FascinationEncounters with the unknown can leave a lasting impact and evoke feelings of fear and fascination. Approach such encounters with caution and trust the credibility of the source.

      Sometimes, encounters with the unknown can be terrifying and leave a lasting impact. The story of the Fresno Nightcrawler, as shared by a coworker of the speaker, is a perfect example. The creature, described as having a horizontal body with sloth-like arms and a face, was an unusual sighting for someone living in rural North Carolina. The encounter left the witness and his friend shaken, leading them to investigate further in the woods. The story's eerie details, such as the creature's slow movement and the screeching noises they heard, added to the overall sense of unease. Despite the uncertainty of what they had encountered, the story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the unknown can be a source of fear and fascination. It's important to approach such encounters with caution and to trust the credibility of the source of the story.

    • The power of personal stories and secondhand accountsDespite lacking concrete evidence, compelling personal experiences and trusted secondhand stories can create strong connections and add authenticity, especially when discussing cryptids and unexplained phenomena. Listen and validate these experiences.

      Personal experiences and secondhand stories, especially those told by trusted sources, can be compelling and believable, even if there isn't concrete evidence to back them up. The tone and emotion of the storyteller can add authenticity to the tale, and the shared excitement and fear can create a strong connection between the storyteller and the listener. The discussion also highlighted the appeal of cryptid sightings and unexplained phenomena, as well as the importance of creating a community for sharing such stories. The speakers emphasized the importance of listening to and validating these experiences, even if they defy conventional explanations.

    • Encountering the Unexplained in a Florida SwampSpeakers shared stories of hearing strange noises, seeing deer act erratically, and experiencing a sense of unease while exploring a Florida swamp. They also found a mysterious gate guarded by an unidentified creature, leaving them with a lasting impression of the paranormal.

      The speakers in this discussion shared personal experiences of encountering strange and unexplained phenomena while exploring a Florida swamp. They recounted hearing unusual noises, seeing deer acting erratically, and experiencing a sense of unease and awe. The speakers also mentioned finding a gate that seemed to be guarded by an unidentified creature, which made a noise unlike anything they had heard before. Although they didn't see the creature directly, they were left with a lasting impression of the mysterious and potentially paranormal events they had experienced. The discussion also included some light-hearted moments, such as the speaker promoting their merchandise and the group bantering with each other. Overall, the conversation revolved around the shared fascination with the unknown and the thrill of exploring the unknown territories.

    • Lady Dreadful's Encounter with a Paranormal CreatureSharing experiences of unexplained phenomena can provide comfort and connection, while reminding us of the unknown and potentially terrifying world around us.

      The caller, Lady Dreadful, shared a chilling experience about encountering a paranormal creature in her home while trying to protect her son from harm. The creature was described as having long, shadowy limbs, saucer-sized white eyes, and a gaping maw full of teeth. Lady Dreadful's account left the listeners feeling uneasy and terrified, reminding us that there are unexplained phenomena that can leave lasting impacts on our lives. Despite the fear, Lady Dreadful found solace in sharing her story and connecting with others who believe in the supernatural. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the importance of supporting each other and building a community around shared experiences.

    • A Family's Encounter with a Terrifying CreatureA 7-year-old boy and his mother experienced encounters with a 7-foot tall shadowy figure and a 10-foot tall creature with hobbit-like feet in their Ohio home. Despite seeking help, they continue to live in fear and uncertainty.

      This individual shared a chilling encounter with an otherworldly entity that left a lasting impact on him and his family. The incident occurred when he was just 7 years old, and since then, they have experienced strange occurrences in their Ohio home. Despite attempts to seek help from mediums and other paranormal experts, no one has been able to explain or alleviate the situation. The first encounter involved a shadowy figure appearing in his room, expanding into a 7-foot tall being, leaving the boy terrified and in shock. Later, while taking a walk with his mother, they encountered a monstrous creature, described as being at least 10 feet tall, with hobbit-like feet and large sockets for eyes. The family believes this encounter may have occurred on Indian burial grounds, based on the discovery of an arrowhead made of flint. The individual expresses great fear and anxiety, which is understandable given the traumatic experiences he and his mother have faced. The story is unique due to the hobbit-like feet of the creature, which is not a typical description of skinwalkers or other folkloric entities. The family continues to live in fear, unable to find answers or peace in their own home.

    • Encounter with the Michigan Dog ManA witness and his friend encountered a paranormal creature, the Michigan Dog Man, in a forest, leaving a lasting impression and adding to the rich cultural folklore of Native American regions in the US.

      The United States, particularly regions with significant Native American history, are rich in paranormal urban legends. One such legend is the Michigan Dog Man, a tall, buff, furry figure with glowing eyes that reportedly stands in the forest borders of Michigan. The Michigan Dog Man, as described by a witness, was encountered by him and his friend while they were walking back from a convenience store through a sketchy forest. The friend suddenly stopped and stared into the forest, and the witness saw a figure that was not human. The incident left a lasting impression on the witness, who later learned about the Michigan Dog Man legend. This encounter is just one example of the many paranormal creatures and legends that exist in the United States, particularly in regions with significant Native American history. These legends often go deeper than mainstream monsters like Bigfoot and offer a glimpse into the rich cultural folklore of various communities.

    • Fear and the unknown's impact on emotions and behaviorsFear can lead to intense emotions and irrational behaviors, even for the bravest individuals, as demonstrated by stories of encounters with unknown creatures or possessed objects.

      The power of fear and the unknown can be overwhelming, leading even the bravest individuals to experience intense emotions and irrational behaviors. The story of the brother encountering a wolf-like creature while painting a building highlights this idea. The creature's menacing presence and the brother's subsequent fear resulted in him crying, an unusual reaction for a "redneck kid" from the South. Meanwhile, Caleb's story of a possessed porcelain doll follows a similar theme, demonstrating how deeply ingrained superstitions and the fear of the unknown can impact our perceptions and experiences. These stories serve as reminders of the profound impact fear can have on us, often leading us to question the rationality of our beliefs and reactions.

    • Encounter with a Possessed Doll in a DreamA woman in a dream tried to lure a sleepwalking speaker towards a closet door where a possessed doll was believed to be. The doll's possession attempt failed, but the speaker's mother attempted an exorcism, causing the doll to be removed from the household.

      The speaker had an unusual experience of sleepwalking and encountering a blonde woman in her dream who tried to lure her towards a closet door where a doll was presumably kept. The speaker's mother, who was a light sleeper, slept with her that night due to the speaker's past habit of grinding her teeth. The woman in the dream became angry and threatening when the speaker didn't respond, causing her to sleepwalk towards the door. The speaker's mom was alarmed and believed the doll might have been trying to possess her, leading to an exorcism attempt. The speaker's theory is that the doll attempted to release itself but failed, and the speaker's teenage clumsiness saved her from harm. After the incident, the doll was removed from the household, and the speaker avoids dolls to this day.

    • Stories of Uneasy EncountersFears can range from mundane to mysterious, and sharing stories can help us connect and understand each other better. Sometimes, our fears can be turned into something beautiful.

      People have various fears and experiences that can leave them feeling uneasy or even terrified. In the discussion, we heard stories about a moving doll, a hated clown, and a possible sighting of a dog-like creature. These stories show how people's fears can range from the mundane, like a doll coming to life, to the more mysterious, like an encounter with an unknown creature. Some people find comfort in facing their fears, while others prefer to avoid them. Regardless, sharing these stories can help us connect and understand each other better. Additionally, we learned that sometimes, our fears can be turned into something beautiful, like a love story with a "beast." Overall, the discussion highlights the power of storytelling to entertain, connect, and help us make sense of the world around us.

    • Encountering the Legendary DogmanPersonal experiences can ignite a passion for investigating the unknown and shape one's beliefs

      The Italian folklore of the Dogman, a creature with massive size, broad shoulders, and terrifying red eyes, left a lasting impression on a young man. This encounter occurred on a road near where the movie "Jeepers Creepers" was filmed, and the creature's height and intimidating presence left the man feeling powerless. The incident led him to share his story on a podcast, which eventually inspired him to start his own channel dedicated to cryptids. Years later, he had another encounter with a creature in a swamp, which further solidified his belief in the existence of such beings. These experiences not only fueled his passion for investigating the unknown but also highlighted the impact of personal encounters on shaping one's beliefs and pursuits.

    • Encounters with a Terrifying CreatureThe speaker's encounters with a red-eyed creature left them feeling terrified and caused sleep paralysis and unusual anxiety. The descriptions of the creature varied, and the fear continued to impact the speaker long after the encounters.

      The speaker had multiple encounters with an otherworldly creature they described as having red eyes and a terrifying appearance. These encounters left the speaker feeling terrified and caused them to experience sleep paralysis and unusual anxiety. Despite feeling safe in the place where these encounters occurred, the speaker felt as though they were being watched and hunted. The descriptions of the creature varied, with one encounter involving a shadowy figure and another involving a large, mangy, and buff creature. The speaker's fear was so intense that they took a break from their podcast about the encounters and avoided the area where they had previously seen the creature. The encounters left a lasting impact on the speaker and continued to affect them long after the initial encounters.

    • Encounters with Dogmen: Mysterious Creatures with Lasting ImpactEncounters with Dogmen, not actual dogs or wolves, can lead to sleep paralysis and traumatic experiences. These creatures use pack mentality and are linked to dark history and energy.

      The encounters with mysterious creatures, referred to as "Dogmen," can leave a lasting impact on individuals, leading to sleep paralysis and other traumatic experiences. These creatures, which are unlike dogs, wolves, or coyotes, are believed to use pack mentality to distract and attack. The area where these encounters often occur is rich in history and dark energy, which may contribute to the experiences. The name "Dogman" is misleading, as these creatures are not our best friends but rather natural and physical beings. The speakers suggest that further research into the experiences of those who have encountered these creatures may reveal a correlation between traumatic experiences and sleep paralysis.

    • Personal stories of unexplained UFO sightingsThe speaker shares two intriguing experiences of witnessing unidentified flying objects, leaving them feeling unexplained and possibly otherworldly, and expresses curiosity and fascination with the unknown.

      The speaker shared two personal experiences involving unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The first encounter occurred during the day while driving home from work, and the speaker saw multiple lights in the sky that disappeared without explanation. The second encounter happened at night while on the phone with a friend, and they both witnessed a slow-moving, non-blinking light that moved in a triangle pattern and then disappeared. The speaker expressed that these experiences left them feeling unexplained and possibly otherworldly. The speaker also shared a story about their father's encounter with an unpleasant smell and possible Bigfoot encounter in the same area. Overall, the speaker's stories convey a sense of curiosity and fascination with the unknown and unexplained phenomena.

    • Stories of encounters with the unknownPeople's reactions to the unknown can range from denial to fear, and some experiences can leave a lasting impact. Believe in the existence of unexplored phenomena, but approach the unknown with a skeptical yet open-minded attitude.

      People's experiences with the unknown can be both terrifying and intriguing. The first story involves a man encountering an unusual creature in the woods, which he initially dismissed as impossible, only to realize it might have been something unexplained. The second story is about a man who, while camping with friends, heard what sounded like a woman being murdered, but chose to leave rather than investigate. The third story is a ghost story about a group of friends who experienced strange occurrences while watching a scary movie. These stories illustrate how people's reactions to the unknown can range from denial to fear, and how some experiences can leave a lasting impact. Additionally, the speaker expresses a belief in the existence of unexplored phenomena and encourages a skeptical yet open-minded approach to the unknown.

    • People's instinct is to investigate, not panicEncountering the unknown can be unsettling, but people generally prefer to investigate and understand rather than panic. Storytelling and human connection can bring people together.

      Even in the face of the unknown or unexplained, people's natural instinct is to investigate and not panic. This was evident in Brendan Dean's story about encountering a deer's ass that he initially thought was a strange creature. Swamp Dweller shared similar experiences, and they both agreed that they would rather take the time to understand what they're dealing with instead of reacting in fear. The live stream was a testament to the power of storytelling and the human connection, with many viewers expressing their appreciation for the hosts' shared experiences. Despite not being able to reach everyone during the live session, the hosts promised to do it again, emphasizing the importance of providing a platform for people to share their own stories and experiences. O'Reilly Auto Parts was highlighted as a company that values expertise and knowledge, making it a trusted resource for those who need help with their vehicles.

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    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories

    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak What happens in the woods, stays in the woods. Especially if it kills you. Enjoy these allegedly true horror stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:05 Adirondacks Mystery Monster from Anonymous 6:11 Possible Cryptid in the Woods from Lori 911 10:23 Seeing is Believing from K_Bar the Donkey 18:54 Lynda from PumpkinMama2022 23:43 Letchworth State Park from TJB 26:16 I Don’t Believe it, Why Should You? From CoffeeQueen 37:55 Encounter on the Hill from The Dark Knight 44:50 A Presence from a stranger Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Do you believe in ghosts? You might after this compilation of 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: Intro 0:43 The Cat Saw It Too from TheWoo 1:40 I Call Him Jerry from Josh 10:12 It Came with the Fog from Double D 16:44 Yellow Eyes from Zax 27:13 The Basement from Martin 43:10 Faint Bernard and the Warbling Man from X99X 51:24 The Drench from mariscully 57:54 Just Getting Started from N00N3 1:03:34 The Skwentna AK Happenings from Quillback 1:09:11 Quiet Nights from TeaFox 1:23:59 Terror in the Chapel from Jack 9053 1:31:24 Late Night at the Park from 1314RECON 1:35:09 The Other Girl in the Room from Mavie Wavy 1:41:35 Hospital Terror from Lady Blue 1:47:33 It Got Inside My House from Anonymous 1:57:41 Never Sleep with the Closet Door Open from Crystal_hawley22 2:02:23 The Ghost in my Basement from Papigallo22 2:05:42 Creature Near the Old Oak from HotChocolate 2:13:26 The Mounds from bekka 2:19:18 Sleeping with the Ghost from Auntie TT 2:27:50 Shadow Island Drive from EvansFiance 2:31:43 My Haunted Doll from Smileyalby 2:34:25 The Many Voices in my Ears from Darkvoice 2:41:33 My Friend's Experiences As A Police Officer 2:46:17 Demon Pretending to be a Skinwalker or Wendigo from CountryMama87 2:52:50 Haunted Old Brothel Above Restaurant from April 3:04:44 Shadows Plague from Celestial 3:11:01 My Weird Childhood Poltergeist from JollyJello 3:16:43 The Haunting on the Roof from paranormal.pk 3:21:19 Ya I’m Here from Laurie Means Me 3:26:50 Shape from Casket 3:34:59 My Terrifying Home Alone Experience from OhNoItsAGhost52 3:42:01 I Felt like the Ghost's Plaything from PennyB2203 3:47:34 Specter Brume from WhiteChapel 3:54:07 Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak NaturesTemper joins me today in telling some very SCARY stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Jeremy from Wanderlust Jojo 8:05 The Gargoyle Man of the Graveyard Shift from Nyxolotl 18:22 I Think a Skinwalker is Stalking Me from Scout 22:35 Two Sets of Eyes from B.W. Newman read by NaturesTemper 33:43 The Locked Doll from Mnm_974 37:29 Creature in the Cave from Mr. Instrument and Sensor read by NaturesTemper 48:55 The Shadow with Teeth from thatgirlzed Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak If you get lost in the woods, don't worry - something will find you. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:36 Not All Monsters are Monsters from Very Mean Jelly Beans 14:55 The Dogman Talked to my Dog from Wolfenstein572 20:20 Wendigo Encounter While Zoinked from Shnitzel 29:55 It Followed Me from spartan_thorn9 35:27 Never Alone from Meg 43:09 What Was In The House from Robert117 50:17 What’s in my House? From Sleepless Nights  Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained

    465 | DISTURBING Entity in the Appalachian Mountains | 8 TRUE Stories of the Unexplained
    HEADS UP: This episode was made when I was bedridden and sick. So, I had someone use an AI version of my voice. Sorry, but I'd rather my family have food on the table and my fans have stories to enjoy. You might hear some mispronunciations. Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Something evil lurks in the Appalachian mountains, and you DON'T want to meet it! SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:10 Bridge Water Triangle in Massachusets Story; from DanTheMan 4:13 I move, it moves, we all move; from N00N3 10:28 Be Careful Hiking in the Bighorn Mountains; from Colter Morgan 13:22 The Woman in the Bathroom Mirror; from SpookyGuy556 30:50 The Morning I'll Never Forget; from TruthFinder16 35:08 Paranormal Happenings; from PaigeH92 48:14 Oconee Spirits; from Swampfox 57:31 Uncle Johnny; from Leahbeah Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    SC EP:1046 Three Months In Hell

    SC EP:1046 Three Months In Hell

    I will be welcoming Jerry to the show. Jerry writes “I lived deep in Provo Canyon, in Utah, in a camper trailer with thousands of square miles of forest right behind where I lived. The first month and a half I lived there was peaceful. One day it felt like I was being watched and I had a bad feeling almost like I was sick. I fell asleep that night and woke up suddenly in the middle of the night.

    I had 2 “Wyze” cameras set up inside my trailer (Later I faced one outside so I could see what was happening, although they avoided the infrared light) that recorded 24/7 and they also have night vision but a crappy microphone for audio recording. So when I woke up I immediately felt like I was being watched and that something was wrong. I checked the recording on my phone from the camera as I just had a feeling that something woke me up. I looked at the recording from my cameras on my phone and there was a big BANG as if something slapped the side of my trailer thus waking me up.

    The video titled “Attack1” shows what I saw and what happened and you can hear me wake up from it.

    I was trying to justify what the bang was but something felt off so I stayed up all night and A LOT more happened. “attack2”, “attack3”, and “attack4” videos are all from that night some being very violent.

    the camera microphone is very cheap so you will need to turn the volume all the way up to hear what it sounded like and it still was louder in person. The cameras record clips when a sound is loud enough or when it detects motion.

    At that time the cameras were both inside my trailer recording the inside. The creatures were just outside my door that night and if I had opened my door I would have seen them. I was scared stiff in my bed trying to be silent and I was just frozen to say the least.

    I heard whistling and quick “whooops” coming from behind my trailer where some bushes were and also from the side and front of my trailer as I lay there all night not being able to move, breathe, or make a sound.

    My cat was very curious as to what was going on as you can see in the videos and you can tell where the sasquatch was standing from where my cat is. Once the sasquatch hit the trailer my cat would get scared and run back to me in my room.

    I could hear the sasquatch run away but only the first 3 steps as they left. then BANG they came back to hit the trailer again later in the night. I could hear the whistling and whooping throughout the night.

    The next day I quickly left my trailer with my camera once the light came out and Very quickly took pictures in the directions where I had heard the whistling and whooping. It took me some time to look at the pictures but when I did I was shocked once I zoomed in and studied the pictures.

    There was a BIG one hiding next to a house showing his teeth at me and this photo was taken from behind my trailer. Also, the black one hiding in the bushes was taken from the front of my trailer.
    In both photos, they are both about 200 yards away and the pictures were taken with a 1080p Sony camera which is why the zoomed-in photos are a little grainy. Now those videos are from 1 night, and the photos from the morning right after. I included pictures of both areas without the sasquatch for comparison as well. Yes, there were some tracks and I have some photos if you want them.

    I only stayed there as I was hoping the attacks would stop but after a month of trying they became bolder and bolder and I had to abandon the trailer, take what I could carry and my cat to my car while looking down at the ground so that I wouldn’t see one in person (seeing one in person with my eyes would have been way too much for my mind). Yes, I saw a HUGE male sasquatch, through the night vision camera and I have never been more scared in my life.

    this email would be a book if I wrote all that happened during that month and I am shaking while writing this and I feel sick.

    I included a video of a possible sasquatch on my landlord’s roof that has his arm reaching down and he pulls it up as he lifts his face towards the camera as if he hates it. His face is lit up by a light and infrared light which is why I think his face looks like it is glowing. It was also raining and it appears that there is a water droplet that moved and then the infrared becomes stronger on its face and that’s when you see his arm move up and face turn up. I am curious what you think about this video.

    there is another picture that appears to show a brownish female sasquatch and her arm standing to the left of what I think is the big one but I admit it is not the best photo.

    There is also a photo of a possible dogman but it is a long exposure. I heard sounds I can’t describe, my windows were ALL covered so I put my phone under the blanket covering the window and took the photo. I hope it’s not what it looks like but I figured I would include it and you can make up your own mind about it.

    I NEVER went back to the trailer to get my stuff. but that’s a long story I can tell you over the phone. As much as I love the mountains I have never been back to any of them since. I was a Boy Scout and lived for camping my whole life. I grew up and lived right next to Little Cottonwood Canyon and spent most of my life exploring, camping, and hiking in the mountains and all over Utah and it makes me cry that it has been ruined for me.

    I have so much more to tell you that I can’t write out but people need to know what can happen and that these creatures are real and to be careful.

    Once I got a little vocal about what was happening with my landlord, the other tenants, and my family (sometimes showing some of them just some of the pictures and videos I have) The other tenants moved out of the mountains 3 days later, my family thought I needed help, and the landlord KNEW (I have theories about him) about these things and then he also ended up moving around the time my lease was up (I had paid in full for 6 months upfront).

    Anyway, I am a bit worked up typing this as the PTSD from this is still there, although I am doing much better now and I can communicate much better in person and explain so much more in a way that makes better sense as it is hard to convey 40 days ish of being tormented and scared to death through a shortish email. Also, the aftermath of what can happen when you are vocal with the wrong people that “I had/have A LOT of evidence of these creatures”. I feel that this needs to be shared so others do not make some of the mistakes I made hopefully or at least get this off of my chest with people who know this is real.

    I apologize if this message does not make much sense and I hope to talk to you and go through what has happened to me while being trapped and tormented deep in Provo Canyon. People need to be warned and I need to get this message out of what can happen.”


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    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

    Tony's Instagram: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Show art: Ricardo Chucky ( https://www.artstation.com/ricardochucky)

    Audio Trailer: Dalton Boyd (www.soundcloud.com/supernova-city)

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    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI

    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

    Tony's Instagram: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Show art: Nate Hallinan (www.natehallinan.com)

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    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI

    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Show Art: Alika Spahn Naihe (www.hauoliart.com)