
    Podcast Summary

    • Impact of COVID-19 on Podcast Industry and Personal GrowthThe pandemic led to a surge in podcast listeners seeking comfort and distraction, with production shifting to remote work. Some individuals found personal growth through meditation, exercise, and writing, while businesses and individuals faced unprecedented challenges. The importance of resilience, adaptability, and community during hardships was emphasized.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted people's lives, leading to remote work and content consumption as people look for honest and engaging content during these uncertain times. The podcast industry, including Joe Rogan's experience, has seen a surge in listeners as people seek comfort and distraction. The podcast production process has shifted to remote work, with rigorous testing to ensure safety. Despite the challenges, some individuals have used the situation for personal growth through meditation, exercise, and writing. However, the pandemic has also caused unprecedented hardships for businesses and individuals, with many struggling financially and health-wise. The situation has highlighted the importance of resilience, adaptability, and community during challenging times.

    • COVID-19 Regulations: Uncertainty, Stress, and FrustrationThe inconsistent and unpredictable nature of COVID-19 regulations is causing stress, frustration, and uncertainty for individuals, leading to missed medical appointments, mental health issues, and family strains.

      The COVID-19 regulations have caused a great deal of uncertainty and infringement on personal freedoms, leading to feelings of inconsistent parenting and stress. People are growing tired of the political motivations behind the regulations and the lack of predictability in their lives. The speaker specifically mentions the challenges of lockdowns in Montreal and California, and the unintended consequences of these regulations such as missed medical appointments, mental health issues, and family strains. The speaker also expresses concern that the public would have resisted the lockdowns if they had known the true costs and benefits at the beginning. Overall, the inconsistency and unpredictability of the regulations are causing significant stress and frustration for individuals.

    • WHO's initial lockdown support led to harm, yet continuesDespite WHO's reversal, lockdowns continue due to lack of clear authority and political leanings. Embrace a positive attitude, alternative media, and long-form conversations to fight against harmful policies.

      The World Health Organization's initial support for strict lockdown measures has led to significant economic and psychological harm, yet these measures continue despite the WHO's recent reversal on the issue. The lack of clear authority and the political leanings of those in power contribute to the continuation of the lockdowns. Cities have become increasingly liberal due to the concentration of intellectuals and academics, many of whom have been influenced by ideological pathogens. To fight against the lunacy, it's crucial to have a happy disposition and the ferocity of an intellectual honey badger. Embracing alternative media and long-form conversations has also been key to spreading ideas and ensuring accurate understanding.

    • Embracing Alternative Platforms for Academic ImpactAcademics should expand their reach by using alternative platforms like podcasts to share ideas beyond traditional academic circles, potentially reaching larger audiences and creating meaningful impact.

      Academics should embrace alternative platforms like podcasts to spread their ideas beyond traditional academic circles. The speaker shared his experience at Stanford Business School where he was criticized for appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast instead of publishing academic papers. However, he argued that having conversations on podcasts can reach larger audiences and create meaningful impact. The speaker encouraged academics to be brave and use various tools to spread their ideas, rather than limiting themselves to traditional academic channels. He emphasized that the world is shaped by unorthodox thinkers and that taking risks can lead to great rewards. The speaker's own success with his podcast is a testament to this idea.

    • Sharing stories of intellectual curiosity and honestySuccessful podcasts require authenticity, open-mindedness, and a genuine interest in connecting with diverse individuals. Intellectual curiosity and honesty are essential traits for hosts, leading to engaging conversations and expanding listener bases.

      The success of a podcast or any platform relies heavily on intellectual curiosity, honesty, and the ability to connect with diverse individuals. The speakers in this conversation met through mutual connections and have since accumulated over 25 hours of content between them. They reminisced about how they first connected through Twitter and the growth of their respective platforms. They also shared their belief in the importance of intellectual curiosity and honesty in hosting successful shows. An interesting anecdote was shared about a former porn star reaching out to one of the speakers, and without hesitation, he saw her as an intelligent person with a large platform and agreed to be on her show. This open-mindedness and authenticity have contributed to their success. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the unexpected growth of their podcasts on Spotify, reaching new audiences and expanding their listener base.

    • Normalizing Discussions Around SexualitySpeaker shares personal experience, societal attitudes towards masturbation and pornography, and the evolutionary perspective. Emphasizes normalizing discussions around sexuality and recognizing biological significance.

      Discussing sexual topics, including masturbation and pornography, carries a social stigma despite being natural biological needs. The speaker shared their personal experience and use of masturbation as a clarity device and discussed how cultural references, like Seinfeld episodes, reflect societal attitudes towards these topics. They also highlighted the evolutionary perspective, mentioning the sperm competition hypothesis and its impact on the depiction of polyandrous scenes in pornography directed towards heterosexual men. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of normalizing discussions around sexuality and recognizing the biological significance of these behaviors.

    • The Sperm Hypothesis: Three Types of SpermThe Sperm Hypothesis theory proposes three types of sperm: traditional, blockers, and killers, with traditional sperm aiming to fertilize and blockers/killers preventing other men's sperm. The theory's accuracy is debated, but intellectual discourse is crucial to understand and discuss differing perspectives, rather than using labels to discredit opponents.

      The sperm hypothesis theory, proposed by Robin Baker in his book "Sperm Wars," suggests that men produce three types of sperm: traditional, blockers, and killers. Traditional sperm aims to fertilize an egg, while blockers and killers prevent other men's sperm from reaching the egg. This theory implies that women may have been promiscuous evolutionarily, as sperm remains viable in a woman's reproductive tract for only about 72 hours. However, the theory's accuracy is still debated. Unfortunately, the veracity of a theory can be influenced by ideology. If it aligns with a particular narrative, it's embraced; if not, it's discredited using labels like "Nazi" or "anti-intellectual." This was evident when Dr. Saad and Jordan Peterson were invited to speak at Ryerson University, only to have their talk canceled due to baseless accusations. These tactics, using fast and frugal heuristics to discredit opponents, are a manifestation of anti-intellectualism. It's crucial to engage in intellectual discourse, considering the cognitive effort required to weigh the merits of complex ideas. Instead, we should focus on understanding and discussing differing perspectives rather than resorting to simplistic labels.

    • Rewarding intellectual curiosity and broad thinkingValuing intellectual curiosity and openness, regardless of academic norms, can lead to unique perspectives and valuable contributions across various fields.

      Academia often rewards specialization over broad thinking and intellectual curiosity. The speaker shares his own experience of publishing in various disciplines and being criticized for it. He argues that true intellectuals are those who can engage in great conversations across different intellectual landscapes, like Christopher Hitchens. The speaker values intellectual curiosity and openness, and believes that it should be encouraged and rewarded, regardless of the rules of academia. He emphasizes that being a polymath or a broad thinker can lead to unique perspectives and valuable contributions to various fields. The speaker's success comes from his intellectual curiosity and ability to engage with diverse individuals, from Nobel laureates to comedians.

    • Interviewer's admiration for intellectually superior individualsAppreciate and learn from intellectually superior individuals, respect their unique perspectives, and embrace their unconventional behaviors.

      The interviewer expressed his awe and curiosity when speaking with intellectually superior individuals, such as Sir Roger Penrose, despite feeling intimidated. He emphasized the importance of having deep curiosity and respect for such individuals, and shared his desire to learn from them. The interviewer also mentioned his admiration for certain individuals, like Kanye West and Elon Musk, who exhibit extraordinary focus and creativity, despite their unconventional behaviors or public personas. He acknowledged the misunderstood nature of these individuals and appreciated their unique contributions to their respective fields. Overall, the interviewer emphasized the value of intellectual curiosity, respect, and open-mindedness towards individuals who challenge our perspectives.

    • Redefining Behaviors as Sexual ViolenceWhile efforts to raise awareness about harassment and violence against women are important, using extreme language to label common behaviors as sexual violence can distort meanings and force compliance with certain ideologies. It's crucial to maintain clear definitions and understand nuances to foster productive conversations and prevent misunderstandings.

      There is a growing societal emphasis on redefining common behaviors as forms of sexual violence, such as catcalling. This redefinition is being promoted through mandatory sexual education trainings in universities. While the intent behind these trainings is to raise awareness about harassment and violence against women, the use of extreme language can distort the meaning of words and force compliance with certain ideologies. It is essential to maintain clear definitions and understand the nuances of different behaviors to foster productive conversations and prevent misunderstandings. For instance, catcalling may be intimidating and disrespectful, but it is not violence. Instead, it is crucial to acknowledge the differences in experiences and perspectives and work towards creating a respectful and inclusive environment for all.

    • The need for truth and avoiding deceptionThe redefinition of words and concepts for specific narratives can lead to deception and double standards, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and belonging to the 'tribe of truth' to maintain a focus on first principles.

      Our society's ongoing redefinition of words and concepts to fit specific narratives, what the speaker calls the "homeostasis of victimology," can lead to deception and a disregard for truth. This phenomenon, which is driven by the need to maintain a set level of victimhood or moral high ground, can result in double standards and a disregard for the presumption of innocence. The speaker argues that belonging to the "tribe of truth" rather than political tribes is a way to avoid this, as it encourages critical thinking and a focus on first principles. The speaker acknowledges that this may be difficult to achieve, as people are naturally tribal animals and often feel the need to belong to specific political groups. The speaker also mentions the concept of "concept creep," which is similar to the homeostasis of victimology, and the example of Brett Weinstein being banned from social media platforms for promoting unity and common ground among political groups.

    • Social media companies' power to edit and delete content based on employees' political beliefsSocial media companies have the ability to edit and delete content based on employees' political beliefs, raising concerns about impartiality, free speech, and inconsistent application of community standards.

      Social media companies have the power to edit and delete content based on their employees' subjective political beliefs, rather than objective violations of terms of service. Former employees have spoken out about this practice, which calls into question the impartiality of these platforms in upholding free speech and expression. The case of the New York Post's account being locked out for posting a controversial story about Joe Biden is an example of this ambiguity. Jack Dorsey, Twitter's CEO, personally supports free speech and open platforms, but it seems that not everyone within the company shares this view. The potential for political bias and inconsistent application of community standards is a significant concern for many. The lack of clear regulations and legal protections for social media companies adds to the confusion and complexity of the issue. The ongoing debate about reforming these platforms and holding them accountable for their content moderation practices is a critical conversation that needs to continue.

    • Regulating Free Speech on Twitter: A Complex ChallengeA regulatory mechanism is needed to protect free speech on the internet, as the current state leaves room for censorship and the stifling of diverse perspectives. Better speech and constructive dialogue are the solutions to bad speech, rather than censorship.

      The regulation of free speech on social media platforms, particularly those as influential as Twitter, poses a complex challenge. Jack Dorsey, Twitter's CEO, faces pressure from various constituencies, making it difficult for him to uphold the ideals of unfettered speech while also addressing offensive content. The speaker argues that a regulatory mechanism is necessary to protect free speech on the internet, as the current state leaves room for censorship and the stifling of diverse perspectives. The history of purging controversial figures from platforms like Psychology Today serves as a cautionary tale, as it sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the value of open discourse. Ultimately, the answer to bad speech lies in better speech and the ability to engage in constructive dialogue, rather than censorship.

    • A reminder of valuable intellectual exchangesThe 1960s debates between Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley showcased the importance of open discussions between opposing viewpoints, but today's media landscape makes such debates challenging to facilitate on a large scale.

      The debates between Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley during the 1960s were a significant moment in American television history. These intellectual combatants represented liberal and conservative ideas, engaging in open discussions that resonated with viewers. Today, we lack such open debates, and while platforms like this one offer opportunities for honest discussions, mainstream media seems reluctant to provide a stage for differing viewpoints due to the influence of liberal ideologies. Thomas Sowell, a renowned intellectual, is an example of someone whose ideas were influential during this period. He started as a liberal but evolved into a more pragmatic thinker. A debate between Sowell and someone holding opposing views could provide valuable insights. However, in today's media landscape, such a debate on prime time television would be challenging due to the involvement of numerous stakeholders and the potential for intimidation and bias. Instead, smaller forums might be more effective for fostering open discussions between individuals with differing perspectives. The 1960s debates between Vidal and Buckley serve as a reminder of the value of such intellectual exchanges. While the media landscape has changed, the need for honest and open discussions remains.

    • Outdated debates lack fact-checking toolsDebates should utilize technology for real-time fact-checking and call out lies, while addressing past statements and actions to aid informed voting decisions.

      The current format of presidential debates is outdated and fails to fact-check misinformation in real-time. The speakers can make demonstrably false statements without being held accountable, and the lack of fact-checking tools being used during debates is offensive to the American public. The debates should utilize the available technology to fact-check claims made during the debate and call out lies from both candidates. The antiquated time limits and format of the debates also hinder a thorough discussion of important issues that can impact the free world. The speakers' past statements and actions should be brought up and clarified to help voters make informed decisions. The refusal to use fact-checking tools during debates gives too much control to the media and allows biases to steer the narrative of the election process.

    • Trump's interview style and media reactionTrump's unconventional interview style and media's reaction created a confusing dynamic, making it hard for journalists to understand his beliefs.

      The division and lunacy in American politics could be greater if Trump wins the election, but the manner of expression and reaction to disappointment might not be as drastic if Biden wins. Trump's interview style, which involves filibustering, rambling, and saying things that aren't true, can make it difficult for journalists to get to the heart of his beliefs. Trump's strategy of saying outrageous things to get free press backfired on the mainstream media, who took his words at face value and failed to recognize when he was joking. This disconnect between Trump's words and the media's reaction is a confusing and strange dynamic that Trump has successfully exploited.

    • People's perceptions of political leaders are influenced by both personal feelings and policy actionsPeople's perceptions of political leaders are shaped by a combination of their personal impressions and the policies and actions taken during the leader's tenure.

      People's perceptions of political leaders can vary greatly based on personal feelings and impressions. While some may find certain leaders, like Trump, more appealing when engaging with them directly, others, like Obama, may be admired for their eloquence, calm demeanor, and statesmanship. However, policies and actions taken during their tenure can also significantly impact opinions. For instance, some criticize Obama for not legalizing marijuana federally despite his personal use and support for reform, while others believe presidents may be compromised by special interests and the realities of office, leading to amended positions on issues. Ultimately, personal feelings and policy actions contribute to the complex and nuanced ways in which people view political leaders.

    • Emotional factors influence voting decisions more than policiesPeople often vote based on emotional connections to candidates, potentially overlooking important policy details

      The decision of who to vote for in a presidential election is often influenced more by emotional, superficial factors than by careful consideration of policies. People may be drawn to candidates based on their perceived qualities, such as charisma or leadership style, rather than examining their policies in depth. This can lead to a situation where individuals overlook potential benefits or detriments of a candidate's policies due to their emotional attachment. For instance, some individuals may have supported Obama for his eloquence and presidential demeanor, while others may have been repelled by Trump's vulgarity and aggression. This emotional response can overshadow the importance of engaging with the policy details, potentially leading to negative consequences. It's essential to strive for a more balanced approach, focusing on both the emotional appeal and the policy substance when making decisions about political leaders.

    • Trump's Need for Validation and Greenwald's Fair-mindednessTrump's actions stem from a lack of media validation and a desire for recognition, while Greenwald's journalism is fair-minded and courageous, emphasizing intellectual honesty and open-mindedness. Wealth, initially bringing happiness, eventually has diminishing returns.

      Former President Trump's actions and statements can be seen as a desire for validation and approval, fueled by the lack of it from the mainstream media. This need for recognition, coupled with his polarizing nature, leads to his bombastic behavior. Regarding Glenn Greenwald, despite initial perceptions, he is considered fair-minded and courageous for his journalistic work. The importance of intellectual honesty and open-mindedness in journalism was emphasized. Lastly, wealth, such as a large deal with Spotify, may initially bring happiness but beyond a certain point, it has diminishing returns and does not significantly alter one's overall level of happiness.

    • Money doesn't guarantee happinessFinancial success may ease worries but doesn't necessarily increase overall happiness. Focus on constant sources of joy like family, friends, and self-expression.

      While achieving financial success can alleviate certain worries and provide a sense of security, it does not necessarily increase overall happiness. In fact, it can bring added pressure and increased criticism, potentially leading to less happiness. The interviewee emphasized that his sources of happiness remain constant – things like doing stand-up comedy, podcasting, family, friends, and self-expression. He also mentioned the importance of being with a company that has a vested interest in the success of his show, rather than just being on a platform where they benefit from him without investing in his work. The interviewee shared his personal experience of feeling happier when he no longer had to worry about bills, but beyond a certain point, more money does not add to his global happiness. Instead, he copes with the stresses of fame and criticism through intense physical exercise and meditation.

    • Maintaining balance in self-criticismSetting high standards fuels growth, but excessive self-criticism can be harmful. Maintain introspection for improvement, not self-destruction or delusion.

      Being overly self-critical and self-congratulatory can be equally toxic when dealing with public criticism and praise. It's essential to maintain a balance and remain introspective to improve and grow, but not to the point of self-destruction or delusion. The speaker emphasizes the importance of setting high standards for oneself and using self-criticism as a regulatory mechanism, but not letting it consume or define one's identity. The introspective process helps maintain clarity and relatability, allowing individuals to continue working and grinding towards their goals.

    • The power of persistence and self-reflectionConsistent effort and self-criticism lead to improvement in all areas of life. Authentic conversations and the author narrating their own work enhance connection and impact.

      Consistent effort and self-reflection lead to improvement, no matter the endeavor. The speaker emphasizes the importance of keeping going, staying critical, and learning from mistakes. This applies to various aspects of life, including conversations and creative projects like writing books. The speaker also values the intimacy and authenticity of genuine conversations and believes that people appreciate and connect with it. A mistake made by the publisher in not allowing the author to narrate his own book was discussed, and the importance of having the author narrate their own work was emphasized for maintaining the intended tone and delivery.

    • The editor-author relationship: A crucial partnershipAuthors and editors form an intimate partnership, shaping a manuscript into a compelling read. Trust, humility, and a willingness to make changes are key.

      The relationship between an author and their editor is crucial in bringing a book to life. This partnership is akin to a marriage, as the editor is the first person to read and provide feedback on the author's intimate thoughts. The editor's role is to help shape the manuscript into a compelling and engaging piece that readers can't put down. However, this process requires trust and intimacy between the two parties. In some cases, authors and publishers may have differing visions for the book, leading to frustration and disagreements. The author in this discussion faced this issue when the publisher wanted him to write his book like stand-up comedy, which didn't resonate with his unique perspective. Ultimately, it's essential for authors to approach the editing process with humility and a willingness to make changes, ensuring the best possible outcome for their work.

    • Finding the gold in comedy through testing and validationComedians sift through unusual ideas, test material, and need validation from audiences and industry figures to succeed

      Comedy, like mining, involves sifting through a lot of unusual and bizarre ideas to find the golden nuggets. Comedians often test new material in front of audiences, using proven bits as a safety net. Mitzi Shore, the influential owner of The Comedy Store, played a crucial role in validating comedians' self-worth by recognizing their humor and allowing them to perform on stage. The Comedy Store was a ruthless yet essential platform for comedians, where only those who could make people laugh could survive and thrive. The journey to becoming a successful comedian is a challenging one, with a small percentage of comedians reaching the level of headlining in theaters or arenas.

    • The Comedy Store: A Challenging and Rewarding EnvironmentThe Comedy Store in LA is a legendary hub for comedy where comedians face constant pressure to perform, but also find support and collaboration from their peers.

      The comedy world, especially at the Comedy Store in Los Angeles, is a challenging yet rewarding environment where comedians must consistently deliver and improve to stay relevant. The pressure to perform well comes not only from the audience but also from the presence of renowned comedians in the lineup. However, the competitive atmosphere has evolved into a more supportive and collaborative one, with comedians helping each other and sharing resources. This shift has made the Comedy Store a place for comedians to refresh, connect with peers, and hone their craft. Mitzi Shore's vision of letting comedians find themselves on stage and focusing solely on their comedic abilities has made the Comedy Store a legendary hub for comedy. Despite the challenges, the rejection, and the constant need to improve, the reward of making people laugh and being part of this unique community keeps comedians pushing forward.

    • Rejection and struggle are essential parts of progress in science and comedyIn both science and comedy, facing rejection and overcoming struggles leads to growth and improvement. View setbacks as opportunities to learn and adapt, and remain honest, resilient, and committed to your goals.

      Both in science and comedy, rejection and struggle are essential parts of the process. In science, the high rate of paper rejections in top journals ensures that only the best research gets published. Similarly, in comedy, bombing on stage and facing rejection can lead to growth and improvement. The key is to view these setbacks as opportunities to learn and adapt, rather than as failures. Both fields require honesty, resilience, and a willingness to put in the hard work to succeed. In comedy, this means focusing on connecting with the audience and finding what resonates with them, while in science, it means persisting through the challenges and continuing to innovate. Ultimately, the journey towards success is not always easy, but it is worth it.

    • Challenges for Female ComediansHistorically, men had stronger selection pressures to be funny for courtship. Societal perceptions and biases can make it harder for women to succeed, but with passion, dedication, and ability to connect, women have made significant contributions to comedy.

      Being a female comedian comes with unique challenges. From an evolutionary perspective, humor is seen as a sexually selected trait, and historically, men have had stronger selection pressures to be funny as part of their courtship rituals. This could explain why there are fewer women in top comedy roles. Additionally, societal perceptions and biases can make it harder for women to succeed in comedy. However, it's important to remember that comedy is a form of art, and being successful in it often comes down to the performer's passion, dedication, and ability to connect with their audience. Despite these challenges, many women have made significant contributions to the world of comedy, proving that with hard work and determination, anyone can make people laugh.

    • The importance of finding happiness in daily workFind your unique path, make it your goal, and avoid living in regret by striving for happiness in daily work

      Finding happiness in your daily work is crucial for overall contentment in life. The tragic story of a comedian who longed to be a movie star but found misery in his real life highlights the importance of pursuing what truly makes you passionate. Most people experience regret more from inactions than actions in their lives, so it's essential to find your unique path and make it your ultimate goal. For some, like the comedian, success may have looked different in the past, but now, comedy itself can be the ultimate goal. Ultimately, Thoreau's quote, "Most men live lives of quiet desperation," serves as a reminder that we should avoid living in regret and instead strive to find happiness in what we do every day.

    • Living a Fulfilling Life: Work, Relationships, and Personal GrowthFocus on work, relationships, and personal growth for a fulfilling life. Learn from past mistakes, value family, choose a good life partner, and work on personal issues to attract a quality human being. Avoid accumulating wealth and power at the expense of relationships and decency.

      Living a fulfilling life involves finding joy in various aspects, including work, relationships, and personal growth. Joe Rogan, a clinical psychologist, color commentator for the UFC, professional stand-up comedian, and podcast host, emphasizes having no regrets for inaction but learning from past mistakes. He also highlights the importance of having a loving family as a source of solace and happiness. Furthermore, choosing a good life partner carefully and working on personal issues to attract a quality human being is crucial for a successful and balanced life. Accumulating wealth and power without focusing on relationships and being a decent human being can lead to an unfulfilling life. In essence, a meaningful life requires a combination of personal and professional growth, loving relationships, and self-improvement.

    • The importance of people and personal growthFocus on relationships and personal development for true happiness, not just material possessions or comparisons to others.

      The pursuit of happiness and fulfillment goes beyond material wealth and accumulation. Surrounding yourself with great people and engaging in personal growth through challenges and learning new skills are essential components of a satisfying life. However, it's crucial to be mindful of the potential addictive nature of comparing oneself to others and focusing solely on numbers. Instead, focus on the process of improving and developing your potential, which can lead to greater overall happiness and engagement. Social connections and personal growth are more important than comparing yourself to others and striving for endless material possessions.

    • Jillian Michaels' tough love approach to weight lossJillian Michaels' unyielding focus on health and fitness can motivate us to overcome our struggles with food and achieve a healthy body through discipline and hard work.

      Jillian Michaels, known for her role as a weight loss expert and trainer on shows like "The Biggest Loser," motivates people to get after their fitness goals with her tough love approach. Paco, a guest on the podcast, shared his own experience with weight loss, admitting his struggle with pasta and other carbohydrates. He joked about how appearing on Jillian's show finally gave him "street cred" with his wife. The conversation touched on the idea that sometimes the truth, even if it's difficult to hear, can be a powerful motivator for change. Jillian's focus on health and fitness, and her unwillingness to celebrate obesity, can be seen as a reminder of the importance of discipline and hard work in achieving and maintaining a healthy body.

    • The Reality of Body PositivityBody positivity campaigns can be misleading if they ignore societal standards for desirability and the reality that not everyone looks great no matter what. It's important to acknowledge these truths rather than denying them for the sake of political correctness.

      While body positivity campaigns can empower women, they can also be misleading if they ignore the reality that not everyone is equally desirable or beautiful. The speaker argues that it's not nice to mock or shame people based on their appearance, but it's also not true that everyone looks great no matter what. The societal standards for desirability differ between men and women, and men are often not subjected to the same level of body shaming. The speaker believes that it's important to acknowledge these truths rather than denying them for the sake of political correctness. The discussion also touches upon the hypocrisy of people who claim to be against body shaming but engage in it themselves, often selectively. The speaker suggests that understanding human behavior and the psychological traps we fall into can help us navigate these complex issues.

    • The War on Reason in AcademiaJordan Peterson argues that some good intentions on university campuses have distorted into extreme and irrational beliefs, such as feminism and transgender activism. He offers solutions for protecting ourselves against these bad ideas and vaccinating ourselves against disordered thinking, emphasizing the importance of reason, logic, and science.

      The book "The Campus War: Defending Academic Freedom" by Jordan Peterson argues that many harmful ideas originated from good intentions on university campuses, but then distorted into extreme and irrational beliefs. Peterson identifies several of these ideas, including feminism and transgender activism, and explains how they started with noble goals but became parasitic and departed from reason. He offers solutions for protecting ourselves against these bad ideas and vaccinating ourselves against disordered thinking. Peterson acknowledges that his ideas may be uncomfortable and upsetting to some, but he has presented the evidence in a tempered way, and he believes that the evidence is too great in his favor to argue against. He emphasizes the importance of reason, logic, and science in understanding human affairs and facing criticism from those who disagree with his positions. Peterson has spent much of his career debating those with social justice warrior perspectives and facing resistance from colleagues in the social sciences who resist the idea that biology matters in human affairs. He has written the book as a response to the war on reason, logic, and science that he has experienced in academia.

    • Denial of Biological Realities: Detachment from RealityIgnoring physical differences can be both foolish and harmful, particularly in sports and understanding human potential and identity. Biological realities cannot be ignored without consequences.

      The denial of biological realities, particularly in the context of human potential and identity, can lead to detachment from reality. These ideas, often rooted in universities, can have significant consequences when they enter mainstream society. They may be driven by a noble desire for equality, but ignoring physical differences can be both foolish and harmful. For instance, in sports, physical variables play a crucial role in determining potential and achievement. Historically, there have been instances where organic conditions like schizophrenia were wrongly attributed to environmental factors. The ideas that challenge biological realities have been advocated by intelligent and influential figures, such as John Watson and John Money. However, these ideas can have serious repercussions, as seen in real-life situations like the ongoing protests in Portland. Justin Trudeau, as a product of this educational process, embodies many of these problematic ideas and implements them as policies, leading to tangible consequences.

    • A father stands up against a teacher's political display in the classroomSpeak out against harmful ideas, even if it means taking personal risks, to shape the future and engage in meaningful discussions.

      Every individual has a responsibility to engage in the battle of ideas, even if it means facing potential backlash. A father, in this discussion, took a stand against his daughter's science teacher using a BLM avatar in the classroom, expressing his concern over political affiliations being displayed to young children. He believed it was inappropriate for a teacher to express such views in a pedagogical setting. After voicing his concern, the teacher removed the avatar. The father emphasized the importance of speaking out against ideas that have severe consequences, even if it means taking personal risks. He compared cowardice to a new deadly sin and encouraged everyone to participate in shaping the future by expressing their opinions. The conversation emphasized the importance of engaging in discussions and taking a stand, rather than remaining silent due to fear of repercussions.

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    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Trevor Wallace, Brian Simpson, Kam Patterson, Paul Deemer, D Madness, Michael A. Gonzales, Hans Kim, David Lucas, William Montgomery, Jon Deas, Matthew Muehling, Jules Durel, Joe White, Kristie Nova, Yoni, Tony Hinchcliffe, Brian Redban - 06/19/2023 Follow Tony: @TonyHinchcliffe Follow Yoni: @BestBarbecue To watch the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/KILLTONYYouTube Don’t forget to follow the podcast for free wherever you're listening or by using this link: https://bit.ly/KILLTONY If you like the show, tell people about it! You can text, email, post, or send this link:  https://bit.ly/KILLTONY To check out the show live in Austin, TX, go to: https://killtonylive.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep 115 - Black Man Time | ShxtsnGigs Podcast

    Ep 115 - Black Man Time | ShxtsnGigs Podcast

    Join us at BBE Podcast Festival for our 1st live show October 10th in London


    This Week The Guys Discuss:

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