
    158: Not Very 'For the Girls'.. Ft. Girls Gotta Eat

    enMarch 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Co-founders of Girls Gotta Eat share their journey of running a business togetherWorking with a partner can bring challenges, but the rewards of shared goals, accountability, effective communication, bouncing ideas, and a strong bond can lead to a successful and fulfilling collaboration

      Having a business partner or co-host, despite the challenges, can bring benefits and lead to a successful and fulfilling collaboration. Reina and Ashley, co-founders of Girls Gotta Eat, shared their six-year journey of running a business together and the ups and downs they experienced. They acknowledged the difficulties of working with another person and the importance of having shared goals, accountability, and effective communication. Despite the hardships, they emphasized the joys of having a partner to bounce ideas off of, share the load, and build a strong bond. Their friendship and business partnership have withstood the test of time, and they continue to inspire and provide valuable insights on relationships and sex through their podcast. Overall, the key takeaway is that while working with a partner may present challenges, the rewards can be significant and lead to a successful and rewarding collaboration.

    • Understanding and supporting each other during pregnancyEmpathy, communication, and considering one's partner's needs are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship during pregnancy. Narcissistic behavior can be detrimental and should be addressed.

      Assuming responsibilities for each other's well-being and understanding the unique challenges that come with pregnancy are crucial elements in maintaining a healthy relationship. The story shared on Reddit highlights a man's insensitivity towards his pregnant wife's needs and the consequences of his actions. The husband, who was unaware of the emotional and physical toll pregnancy takes on women, planned a hiking trip without considering his wife's condition. When she became ill during the hike, he criticized her for not keeping up with their normal pace, leading to a heated argument. This situation underscores the importance of empathy, communication, and considering the needs of one's partner, especially during significant life changes such as pregnancy. By understanding the challenges that come with pregnancy and supporting each other, couples can build stronger, more compassionate relationships. Additionally, the husband's behavior was indicative of narcissistic tendencies, as he failed to recognize the impact of his actions on his wife and prioritized his own desires over her well-being. Narcissistic behavior can be detrimental to relationships, and it's essential to be aware of these patterns and work towards addressing them.

    • Narcissistic partners may struggle to support pregnant partnersNarcissistic partners may find it hard to understand and appreciate the physical and emotional challenges of pregnancy, leading to frustration and embarrassment, causing additional stress for pregnant women.

      A narcissistic partner may not fully understand or appreciate the physical and emotional challenges of pregnancy. Instead of offering support and understanding, they may become frustrated and embarrassed by their partner's changing body and behaviors. This is a concerning dynamic, as it can create additional stress and tension during an already challenging time. It's important for partners to be aware of these potential issues and make a conscious effort to be supportive, patient, and understanding throughout their partner's pregnancy and beyond.

    • Respect and Understanding During Significant Life EventsEveryone deserves respect and understanding during life events, including pregnancy and weddings. Communicate effectively, follow rules in online communities, and prioritize health and well-being.

      Everyone deserves respect and understanding, especially during significant life events like pregnancy and weddings. In the discussed situation, a woman was shamed for gaining weight during her pregnancy and wearing a cultural outfit to a wedding that had been approved prior. This behavior is unacceptable and can cause harm to individuals, damaging relationships and causing emotional distress. It's essential to remember that everyone has unique experiences and circumstances, and it's crucial to be considerate and empathetic towards others. Another essential takeaway is the importance of communication and following rules in online communities. In the conversation, deleted comments were discussed, which were deemed disrespectful and against the community's rules. Moderators removed these comments to maintain a safe, civil, and purposeful online space. It's crucial to understand the rules of online communities and respect the judgments made by moderators. Lastly, the conversation touched on the importance of health screenings, specifically colonoscopies. Regular screenings can help prevent serious health issues, and tools like Zocdoc can make finding quality doctors and scheduling appointments more accessible and convenient. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of respect, understanding, and prioritizing health and well-being.

    • Avoiding misunderstandings at weddingsClearly communicate preferences and respect the couple's vision to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts at weddings.

      Cultural sensitivity and clear communication are essential for avoiding misunderstandings and potential conflicts at weddings. The OP's friend wore a sari to the wedding, which initially received positive feedback from the groom, his mother, and other guests due to their cultural backgrounds. However, the bride and her bridesmaids showed disapproval, resulting in the OP feeling uncomfortable and unwelcome. The incident could have been avoided if the bride had communicated her preferences clearly beforehand or if the OP had asked for approval before wearing the sari. It's important to remember that weddings are personal events, and guests should respect the couple's vision and wishes for their special day.

    • Misunderstanding Cultural TraditionsClear communication and cultural awareness are essential to avoid unintentional disrespect or offense at events. Indian wedding traditions are beautiful and should be admired with respect.

      Cultural sensitivity and understanding are crucial when attending weddings or events that differ from one's own background. The speaker in this discussion encountered confusion and backlash when she wore a sari to a friend's wedding, assuming it was a non-Indian event. However, the bride and groom were Indian, and the mother-in-law, who complimented the speaker, may have been protective of the cultural traditions. The speaker's intentions were to respect the culture, but the misunderstanding led to negative attention. This incident highlights the importance of clear communication and awareness of cultural nuances to avoid unintentional disrespect or offense. Additionally, the beauty and richness of Indian wedding traditions, including the clothing and jewelry, were admired by the speaker and her friends.

    • Misunderstandings at weddings can lead to hurt feelingsOpen communication and understanding can prevent misunderstandings and hurt feelings during special events, especially when it comes to color perception and cultural differences.

      Cultural misunderstandings and misunderstood intentions can lead to unnecessary conflict and hurt feelings, especially during special events like weddings. In this case, a guest wore a medium blue-gray dress to a western wedding, which some guests mistakenly perceived as white or too close to white. The bride and her friends reacted negatively, creating a mean-girl atmosphere. The guest felt hurt and insecure, especially given the cultural significance of hospitality and respect for guests in her background. It's important to remember that color perception can vary, and open communication and understanding can help prevent misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Additionally, it's essential to recognize and challenge mean-girl behavior when we encounter it. Ultimately, the guest did nothing wrong and was justified in wearing the dress she chose.

    • Personal preferences shape event planning and wardrobe choicesPersonal preferences play a big role in planning unique events and finding clothes that make one feel confident and good.

      Personal preferences play a significant role in planning events, such as weddings. The speaker shared her experience of wanting to stand out at family gatherings and weddings by having everyone wear neutral colors while she wore a bold, contrasting color. She also revealed her plans for a unique, farm-themed wedding with carnival games, rides, and even inviting the entertainment group, Raina, to perform. Furthermore, the conversation touched upon the importance of feeling good and confident in what one wears. The speaker shared her positive experience with Stitch Fix, a personal styling service, which helped her find clothes that fit her style and made her feel good. The ease and convenience of having a stylist do the shopping and receiving the items in a perfect little box were highlighted as benefits. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of personal preferences and feeling confident in one's choices, whether it be in planning events or finding clothes that make one feel good.

    • A pivotal year: 2014 brought personal growth, new experiences, and the start of trendsIn 2014, the speaker started a popular Instagram account, met their partner, and experienced personal growth during a year filled with new trends and experiences

      The year 2014 was a pivotal time in the speaker's life. It was the year they started their influential Instagram account, Bros Being Basic, which gained a massive following. They were also engaged at the time but ended up starting a food Instagram account instead. The speaker worked for a tech company and was unaware of Ashley, who would later become their partner, as she didn't have an Instagram account yet. The speaker's experience with Instagram helped them meet Ashley during an influencer trip. Looking back, 10 years later, the speaker finds it fascinating how much has changed since then, including the popularity of Instagram and the word "basic." The speaker also shared a personal story about a prank involving gnomes that occurred in 2014. Despite the prank causing some tension between the speaker and their boyfriend, they were eventually able to move past it. Overall, 2014 was a significant year filled with personal growth, new experiences, and the start of many trends that continue to shape our world today.

    • Misunderstandings and conflicts from pranks and personal belongingsClear communication and respecting each other's belongings and boundaries are crucial in relationships to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

      Miscommunication and differing perspectives can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, especially when it comes to pranks and personal belongings. In this situation, the speaker's boyfriend was upset that she had given away his sister's gnomes without permission, believing it to be part of a long-standing prank. However, the speaker felt that she had been unaware of the significance of the gnomes and had thought they were simply items that could be given away. The situation escalated, with the speaker's boyfriend demanding that she retrieve the gnomes and the speaker feeling resentful and unsure of what to do. The incident highlights the importance of clear communication and respecting each other's belongings and boundaries in relationships. It also shows how cultural differences and personal preferences can impact how people perceive and respond to situations. Ultimately, the speaker and her boyfriend needed to have an open and honest conversation about the issue to find a resolution.

    • Effective Communication and GnomesClear communication can prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary tension. Empathy and understanding are crucial for resolving conflicts in relationships.

      Effective communication is key in any relationship. In the discussed situation, the lack of communication between the sister and her boyfriend led to misunderstandings and unnecessary tension over a seemingly trivial matter - gnomes. If the boyfriend had communicated with his sister about her gnome collection and her desire to keep them, the situation could have been avoided. Additionally, the sister's attempts to resolve the issue by confronting her boyfriend and returning the gnomes she had were met with resistance and confusion, highlighting the importance of clear and open dialogue. The revelation that the gnomes belonged to the sister's late boyfriend added a layer of complexity to the situation, emphasizing the need for empathy and understanding in relationships. Overall, the incident serves as a reminder that effective communication and empathy are essential for resolving conflicts and maintaining healthy relationships.

    • Family dynamics, deceit, and emotional attachmentTrust, honesty, and communication are crucial in relationships and families. Tampering with sentimental items can lead to harm and conflict.

      The gnome prank incident in the text reveals a complex web of family dynamics, deceit, and emotional attachment. The prank, which was initially carried out by Steve and Chrissy years ago, resulted in gnomes being placed in the yard of an unsuspecting person. When the truth came out that the boyfriend had been the one to place the gnomes, Chrissy was understandably upset and believed her brother's lie rather than trusting the truth from the person who had uncovered the truth. The incident highlights the importance of trust and honesty in relationships, as well as the emotional significance of sentimental items and the potential harm that can come from tampering with them. The incident also underscores the importance of communication and understanding in families, particularly in times of conflict. The incident left a lasting impact on all involved and may continue to haunt the family for years to come.

    • Prank gone wrong leads to lost relationshipPranks and jokes can have unintended and severe consequences, damaging trust and relationships.

      The actions of a seemingly prank gone wrong can have severe and long-lasting consequences for those involved. In this case, a brother's decision to prank his sister by stealing and displaying her cherished gnomes led to the loss of a significant relationship and years of unresolved tension. The sister, Chrissy, was left heartbroken and unsure of her brother's intentions, leading her to question his honesty and trustworthiness. The brother, unaware of the emotional impact of his prank, continued to deny involvement, leaving Chrissy to grapple with the loss of both her partner and her brother's image in her mind. The incident serves as a reminder that pranks and jokes should be considered carefully, as they can have unintended and far-reaching consequences.

    • Exploring the Complexities of Human RelationshipsCommunication, forgiveness, and recognizing the value of differences are crucial in navigating the intricacies of human relationships. Whether it's acknowledging past mistakes or embracing differences, open dialogue and empathy can lead to stronger bonds.

      People, regardless of age, can make mistakes and act in ways that may harm relationships. In the first discussion, a woman reflects on her past actions and realizes she may have been wrong to lie and blame others to avoid confronting her brother's actions. In the second discussion, a woman shares her experiences of feeling unattractive and overlooked by her more popular sister, leading to feelings of resentment and difficulty co-existing in business. Both situations highlight the importance of communication, forgiveness, and recognizing the value of differences. In the third discussion, the topic shifts to a more lighthearted note with a woman sharing her experience of hiding CBD gummies from her fiancé and the benefits of trying Nextiva's high-quality CBD products. Overall, these discussions showcase the complexities of human relationships and the importance of understanding and accepting each other's unique experiences and perspectives.

    • Looks and self-worth: A complex relationshipEmpathy, self-awareness, and respecting each other's journeys towards self-improvement and confidence-building are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships.

      Looks and appearances can significantly impact one's confidence and self-worth. The speaker shares her experience of feeling unwanted due to her looks and how she worked hard to improve herself. However, her sister, who also struggled with her appearance, now seems to be projecting her own insecurities onto the speaker, causing tension between them. The speaker feels frustrated and embarrassed by her sister's behavior and feels that she is not being supportive or understanding. In essence, this situation highlights the importance of empathy, self-awareness, and respecting each other's journeys towards self-improvement and confidence-building. It's essential to remember that everyone's experiences and struggles are unique, and it's crucial to avoid comparing ourselves to others or trying to bring them down due to our own insecurities.

    • Appearance-based teasing from family can be deeply harmfulBe mindful of words and actions towards others, especially towards family members, as past experiences and insecurities can shape reactions, and treat others with kindness and respect.

      Appearance-based teasing and humiliation, especially from a family member, can be deeply traumatizing and harmful, regardless of the intentions behind it. The discussion highlights how a friend felt sad and humiliated when her sister shared an old unflattering photo of her, and how this action, despite being meant as a joke, triggered painful memories and feelings of inadequacy. The friend's experience underscores the importance of being mindful of the words and actions we use towards others, especially towards those we have a close relationship with. It's crucial to remember that our past experiences and insecurities can shape how we react to seemingly innocuous comments or actions, and that it's essential to treat others with kindness and respect, especially when it comes to matters of appearance. Ultimately, the conversation emphasizes the need for empathy, understanding, and self-awareness when navigating complex family dynamics and interpersonal relationships.

    • Emphasizing compassion without pity or unkindnessCompassionately understand others' struggles, but don't let it lead to pity or unkindness towards them or others. Keep moving forward and focus on the outcome.

      While it's natural to have sympathy for someone going through a difficult time, it's important not to let that turn into pity or unkindness towards others. The speaker acknowledges the challenges her sister has faced, but refuses to let her behavior negatively impact how she treats others. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not letting one's own struggles define them or cause them to be unkind to others. Additionally, the speaker shares her preference for knowing the outcome of stories, whether it be books or real-life mysteries, and her belief that there is not a lot of surprise left in life.

    • The power of well-written media to provide closure and reassuranceEffective storytelling and satisfying resolutions can help people process and make sense of difficult or unsettling situations, even if the subject matter is frightening or controversial.

      While some people may find certain media, such as crime shows or thrillers, terrifying, others can find enjoyment and even a sense of closure from them, especially when they are well-written and have a satisfying ending. The speaker in this conversation expressed her initial fear and unease while watching a crime show, but ultimately felt more positive and reassured by the end. She also shared her experience with a controversial story from the "Am I the Asshole" subreddit, where a man kicked his wife out after she physically attacked his mother. The situation was complex, with the speaker feeling torn between his loyalty to his wife and his concern for his mother's wellbeing. The conversation underscores the importance of effective storytelling and the power of a satisfying resolution in helping people process and make sense of difficult or unsettling situations.

    • Space and understanding in relationshipsEffective communication, empathy, and compromise are vital for resolving conflicts in relationships. Violence or abuse are unacceptable. Leaving a relationship after a request for space might be a final straw in long-term relationships with underlying issues.

      Both parties in a relationship need space and understanding during difficult times. However, physically removing one partner from the shared home, especially with a newborn involved, can be a deal-breaker and potentially lead to divorce. While it's essential to address conflicts, doing so in a violent or abusive manner is unacceptable. Effective communication, empathy, and finding a compromise are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. In this situation, the wife's decision to leave after her husband asked for space might have been the final straw in a long-term relationship with underlying issues.

    • Mother-in-law's toxic behavior leads to divorceSetting healthy boundaries and addressing toxic behavior from family members is crucial to protect relationships and prevent harm.

      Enabling toxic behavior from family members, especially in-laws, can lead to harmful and destructive situations. In the discussed scenario, a mother-in-law's cruel and derogatory treatment towards her pregnant daughter-in-law went unchecked by the husband, resulting in the wife feeling threatened and enraged. The mother-in-law's actions, including taking food from the fridge meant for the wife and physically harming her, were justified in the wife's eyes as self-defense. The husband's failure to set boundaries and protect his wife led to a quick divorce and a shocking turn of events. This situation underscores the importance of standing up against toxic behavior and setting healthy boundaries to protect relationships and prevent further harm.

    • Impact of past experiences on relationshipsPast experiences can significantly influence how individuals react in volatile situations, shaping their perspective and leading to complex dynamics within relationships.

      Trauma and past experiences can significantly impact how individuals react in volatile situations, leading to complex dynamics within relationships. The discussion revolves around a man who, after his wife physically confronted his mother, found himself in a difficult position. He felt compelled to protect his wife and baby, but his actions led to his wife being completely cut off from his life. The man's background of growing up in an abusive household shaped his perspective, causing him to fear violence and react in a way that prioritized his family's safety. Despite the challenging circumstances, it's essential to understand the complexity of the situation and the impact of past experiences on people's actions.

    • Childhood Trauma and Complex RelationshipsChildhood traumas can shape our relationships in complex ways. Recognizing and addressing these underlying issues through effective communication, therapy, and setting boundaries are crucial steps towards healing and rebuilding relationships.

      Traumatic experiences in childhood can shape our relationships in complex ways. In the discussed situation, a man's protective instincts towards his mother, who was a victim of physical abuse, led him to react strongly when he perceived his wife as a threat. His actions, fueled by fear and emotions, caused harm and led to a potential divorce. However, his genuine remorse and accountability for his actions have left his wife contemplating whether to give him a second chance. The couple's past traumas and the enmeshed relationship between the man and his mother add layers of complexity to their situation. Effective communication, therapy, and setting boundaries are crucial steps towards healing and rebuilding their relationship. It's essential to recognize and understand the impact of childhood experiences on our adult relationships and take steps to address any underlying issues.

    • Explore Vibes Only's Premium Sex Toys and AccessoriesDiscover top-selling sucker and vibrator combo, Rayna, controlled via app. New powerful toy, Ashley, coming soon. Enjoy flavored blow gels for oral experiences, catering to dietary needs.

      Vibes Only offers premium, Bluetooth-connected sex toys with long-lasting batteries, lubes, and other accessories. Their top-selling product, the Rayna, is a sucker and vibrator combo that can be controlled via an app, even for long-distance relationships. They also have a new, powerful toy named after Ashley, which will be released soon. Vibes Only's flavored blow gels, like the vanilla frosting and peppermint patty, add excitement and enhance oral experiences. These products are free of certain ingredients and cater to various dietary needs. To explore and purchase these items, check out Vibes Only's website, and stay tuned for the new Ashley toy release.

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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes
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    enMay 23, 2024

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered

    166: Trying to Have a Good Time.. Ft. Zane and Heath Unfiltered
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guests Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar from Zane and Heath: Unfiltered! This episodes stories have people that seem to just want to have a good time.. but things are not going according to plan. Cue the YTA and NTA debates! We're going to need your help on these ones :)

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    Two Hot Takes
    enMay 19, 2024

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo

    165: Wanna Be a Fly on the Wall.. Ft. LyssieLooLoo
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host ConcreteCrotchKiss aka LyssieLooLoo aka Alyssa Collins and Juni!! When you hear about people having drama do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall to witness it all for yourself?! Well that's what these stories made me wish.. From someone's boyfriend cashing out his 401k to your cousin marrying an ex-fiance.. this is a wild ride.

    Checkout Alyssa's content!!

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    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre

    164: Cheating the System.. Ft. Charlotte Dobre
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Charlotte Dobre!! CHEATING, AFFAIRS, OH MY. This episode is all about cheating the system or straying from the norms you may have agreed to. Whether that's being a good partner, or just answering your phone if a family member calls 30 times.. There are some tough ones this week that we could use your takes on too!

    Checkout Charlotte's content:

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    Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036
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    Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

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    Liquid Death: liquiddeath.com/tht

    163: Anything but Perfect..

    163: Anything but Perfect..
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    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Richa!! I am so excited to introduce a new friend to the THT family! Show Richa some love for being brave enough to come on and address these stories that were anything but perfect.. From your SIL trying to borrow a symbolic family heirloom to finding out you have a brain tumor these OPs were going through it. And we're left with a lot of questions.. the biggest.. DO YOU TELL THEM?!

    Checkout Richa! https://www.instagram.com/richaanand/?hl=en

    MERCH IS HERE ! https://shop.twohottakes.com
    I can't wait to see you all in these, especially at our live shows!!
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    WE'RE ON TOUR & CHRIS IS JOINING!!! : https://linktr.ee/twohottakestour
    Link for Google Form if you're attending one of our shows: https://forms.gle/A9WkQAci26LhMZjs5

    Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin! They say don't cry over spilt milk, so how exactly do you move on? From not wearing a dress someone made you on your wedding day to freaking out at your husband for pranking you with flowers, this week's Reddit stories are some of the most frustrating we've had in a while. Going to need your takes on these ones because they were tough..

    MERCH IS HERE ! https://shop.twohottakes.com
    I can't wait to see you all in these, especially at our live shows!!
    Our PO Box!!
    Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036
    Bonus Content on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TwoHotTakes
    Our SubReddit to Submit YOUR Stories!!! https://reddit.app.link/twohottakes
    Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoHotTakes

    lumedeodorant.com Promo Code: THT
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    Don’t Let This Conversation Trap Ruin Your Relationship

    Uh-oh. Here it comes. You’ve been dating a man for a while now and everything is going great until you mention a guy “friend” of yours. Suddenly, he’s obsessing about this “friend” and wants to know exactly how “friendly” you’ve been in the past. Before he hooks you into this conversation trap, listen to today’s episode of LOVE Life for my 3 tips on exactly what to say to diffuse his jealousy, ease his mind, and keep your new relationship going strong. 


    Chuck Wisner - Conscious Conversations: The Key to Deepening Relationships & Fostering Understanding | STM Podcast #168

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    On episode 168, we welcome Chuck Wisner to discuss the importance of conscious conversations in building deeper connections and understanding between people, the role of active listening in conscious conversations, how it can transform our relationships and interactions, strategies for cultivating empathy and compassion during conversations, why these qualities are essential for effective communication, how ego and internal storytelling disrupt relationships, how practicing mindfulness can improve our ability to communicate with others, the ways in which conscious conversations can be used to address difficult topics, examples of conscious conversations in action, creativity from collaboration and why it shouldn’t matter who gets credit, practical tips and exercises for developing the skills and habits needed for conscious conversations, how readers can apply these strategies in their daily lives, and what Chuck learned from meeting the Dalai Lama.

    Chuck Wisner is president of Wisner Consulting. His client list includes companies such as Google, Rivian, Apple, Tesla, Harvard Business School, Ford, and Chrysler. Wisner was a senior affiliated mediator with the Harvard Mediation Program and was among the first to be certified through the Mastering the Art of Professional Coaching program at the Newfield Institute. He was also a specialist in organizational learning and leadership as an affiliate with MIT’s Center for Organizational Learning. His new book, available now, is called The Art of Conscious Conversations: Transforming How We Talk, Listen, and Interact.


    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

    ► Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/chuck_wisner

    ► Twitter | https://twitter.com/chuck_wisner

    ► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/chuckwisnerconsulting

    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/company/chuckwisner

    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


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    “Tino, why are you giving advice?” 

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes.

    Join us for our new LIVE show on Thursdays at 9PM ET/6PM PT on Amp, available in the Apple app store. Android User? Listen here: https://www.onamp.com/  

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com 

    If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line!

    To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles 


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