
    Podcast Summary

    • Accepting Joey Diaz's unpredictabilityLetting people be themselves, even with quirks, enhances experiences and makes them unique

      Unpredictability and impulsiveness come with the territory of having a unique and entertaining personality, as exemplified by Joey Diaz. Despite his unconventional behavior and last-minute cancellations, his wild nature is a significant part of his appeal. The host learned to accept this and even started bringing two comics on the road to make the experience more enjoyable. Road traveling can be isolating for comedians, but having companions made it feel more like a party and less like being alone in a hotel room. It's important to let people be themselves, even if they have quirks, because it's part of what makes them who they are.

    • Collaborating with Raka from Dilated Peoples to create a meaningful songAuthentic collaboration and expressing personal connection leads to powerful music. Stay true to your passions and persevere despite challenges.

      Collaboration and personal expression are key elements in creating meaningful music. The speaker shares a story about working with rapper Raka from Dilated Peoples to create a song called "Jujitsu." The process involved finding common ground and creating a personal connection, resulting in a powerful and authentic track. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating music that resonates with the artist, rather than trying to cater to a wider audience. He also discusses the challenges of being taken seriously as a musician despite his background in Jiu-Jitsu and the importance of persevering and staying true to one's passions. Ultimately, the speaker's experience highlights the value of authentic collaboration and the power of creating music that comes from a personal place.

    • Struggling to excel in multiple areas, Michael Jordan and Don Johnson's careers serve as warnings for artists in the entertainment industry.Artists must balance confidence and authenticity with humility to succeed in the music industry, where control and competition are increasing.

      People often struggle to excel in multiple areas, and the entertainment industry, particularly music, can be unforgiving when artists try to branch out and fail. Michael Jordan's baseball career and Don Johnson's music career are prime examples. Artists often face the challenge of objectively evaluating their work, and music, being a collaborative and personal project, requires confidence without coming off as boastful. With the changing music industry landscape, artists now have more control and access to audiences, but the competition is fiercer. Confidence and authenticity are crucial, but artists must be cautious about grandiose claims to avoid appearing arrogant.

    • Self-promotion and the Power of the Internet in Music IndustryArtists can reach wider audiences and gain recognition through self-promotion and utilizing the power of the internet, but must navigate censored radio and evolving norms in the entertainment industry.

      In today's music industry, self-promotion plays a crucial role in an artist's success. The artist in this conversation is releasing his music on various platforms, including iTunes, for free initially and later at a paid price. He emphasizes the importance of utilizing the powerful internet to reach a wider audience and gain recognition. The artist also shares his experiences with censored radio and the limitations it imposes on language use. He reflects on the impact of movies like Tropic Thunder, where offensive language is used, and the controversy it can cause. Despite some reservations about Jack Black's movies, the artist acknowledges Jack Black's exceptional performance in Tropic Thunder and Ben Stiller's direction. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-promotion, embracing the power of the internet, and adapting to the evolving norms and expectations in the entertainment industry.

    • Navigating the Unpredictability of Movie ProductionEffective communication and trusting the creative vision are crucial to avoid potential movie production disasters, even if unexpected opportunities arise.

      The movie industry can be unpredictable, with many movies failing despite the involvement of well-known actors and significant budgets. The creative process can be influenced by numerous individuals, leading to potential miscommunication and a messy final product. However, even if a movie bombs, there's always a chance for redemption through alternative release channels like YouTube. The speaker shared his experience of working on a low-budget movie and the unexpected outcome of ending up in the same film as one of the actors. The importance of clear communication and trusting the creative vision is emphasized to avoid potential disasters.

    • Authenticity and Passion in ActionImprovising based on real-life experiences and genuine connections can create a deeply resonant performance, captivating audiences and leaving a lasting impact.

      Passion and authenticity can resonate deeply with audiences, even in unconventional ways. The discussion revolves around a successful performance in a film, where the actors, Dude and Joey, improvised their parts based on their real-life experiences and connections to martial arts. Despite some skepticism from others, the performance was well-received at screenings, with people assuming the actors were real-life figures. This success came from the actors' genuine connection to the material and their ability to bring their unique experiences to the table. This story highlights the importance of authenticity and passion in artistic endeavors, and the potential impact they can have on audiences.

    • Joey Diaz's UFC Debut and PredictionA latecomer to MMA, Joey Diaz used his extensive knowledge and passion for the sport to make a successful UFC analysis debut, predicting a shocking upset in Anderson Silva vs Velasquez.

      Joey Diaz, a Cuban black belt in Karate and a trained assassin, made a memorable UFC analysis debut with his unique insights on Anderson Silva's fighting style. Diaz, known for his humor and brash personality, lacked confidence in his MMA knowledge during his first appearance due to his late entry into the sport. However, his passion for UFC grew after the Ultimate Fighter series, and he became a fanatic with extensive knowledge of upcoming fights and venues. During his analysis of Silva's fight against Velasquez, Diaz confidently predicted Velasquez's loss, which turned out to be a shocking upset. Despite the controversy surrounding the outcome, Diaz's prediction showcased his deep understanding of the sport and cemented his place as a respected analyst.

    • UFC Debut of Genaro de Santos Impresses Fans and ExpertsGenaro de Santos made a powerful UFC debut, knocking out Kane Velasquez in just 64 seconds, leaving fans and experts impressed by his punching power and good timing. Roy Nelson, despite his large size and reputation, showed resilience and determination, impressing many with his ability to take a punch and face top opponents.

      Genaro de Santos, also known as "The Mike Tyson of MMA," delivered an impressive and decisive performance in his UFC debut against Kane Velasquez, knocking him out in just 64 seconds. Fans and experts alike were impressed by de Santos' powerful punching and good timing, which left many wondering if he could become a dominant force in the sport. Another notable figure discussed was Roy Nelson, who despite his large size and reputation as a "fat guy," has shown the ability to take a punch and has impressed many with his resilience and determination to face top opponents. Overall, the UFC opening show was a successful one, with several standout performances and exciting moments.

    • The Greatest Fight in MMA History: Henderson vs. ShogunDespite not being in peak condition, Henderson and Shogun delivered a memorable, back-and-forth battle. Judges must consider all aspects of the fight for fair decisions.

      The Henderson vs. Shogun fight, considered by some to be the greatest fight in MMA history, showcased the raw, real-life intensity of combat sports. The athletes, Dan Henderson and Mauricio Shogun, were not in peak physical condition, yet their determination and skill resulted in a back-and-forth battle that came down to the wire. The fight wasn't a textbook display of offense versus defense or a GSP vs. Anderson Silva-type performance, but its authenticity and close match-up made it unforgettable. The judges' decision was close, and it's important for judges to remember all aspects of the fight and not just focus on one or two significant moments. There are fights that end in draws, and it's crucial for judges to uphold the integrity of the sport by acknowledging that.

    • Appreciating the Role of Referees in MMAReferees like Josh Rosenthal and Herb Dean allow fights to continue, giving fighters a chance to come back and win. Fighters should be given the opportunity to keep fighting unless clearly unable, as they may still pull off a victory.

      Referees play a crucial role in MMA fights by making judgment calls on when to stop a fight. The speaker expresses his admiration for referees like Josh Rosenthal and Herb Dean who allow fights to continue longer, giving fighters the opportunity to come back and win. He believes that fighters should be given the chance to keep fighting unless they're clearly unable to continue, as they may still be able to pull off a victory. The speaker also mentions specific fights where he felt the referee made the right call to stop the fight, despite his initial reaction being that it was too early. Overall, the speaker values the importance of giving fighters every opportunity to win and appreciates the skill and judgment of experienced MMA referees.

    • MMA Fighters Focus on Refining Existing SkillsMMA fighters prioritize refining their existing skills due to limited time for extensive training, but it's essential to continually add new submissions to their game.

      In MMA, fighters have limited time to master various aspects of the sport due to the extensive training required in kickboxing, wrestling, Jiu Jitsu, running, and strength conditioning. As a result, they often focus on refining their existing skills rather than learning new ones. For instance, in striking, fighters drill extensively because full-contact sparring is not feasible. In contrast, Jiu Jitsu allows for more sparring, but less drilling, as it's less physically taxing. However, it's crucial for fighters to continually add new submissions to their game, necessitating dedicated practice time. Ultimately, it's advantageous for fighters to excel in one area and incorporate other skills, rather than attempting to master everything.

    • Developing balance, agility, and athleticism through other physical disciplines can aid in mastering martial artsOther physical disciplines like breakdancing, gymnastics, and capoeira can enhance skills in martial arts like Jiu Jitsu and wrestling. Focusing on specific skills and practicing drills are also crucial for mastery.

      Having a strong foundation in other physical disciplines, such as breakdancing, gymnastics, or capoeira, can make learning and excelling in martial arts like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or wrestling easier due to the development of balance, agility, and athleticism. This was exemplified by Bill Cooper, a breakdancer and one of the greatest American Jiu Jitsu players, and Kobrina, a capoeira practitioner who became one of the best Jiu Jitsu fighters in his weight class. Additionally, focusing on specific skills, such as striking or grappling, and practicing drills are essential for mastering these martial arts. Jiu Jitsu, in particular, allows practitioners to spar without injury and work on deadly techniques, making it an effective and enjoyable way to prepare for real-life combat situations.

    • Size vs. Skill: Nogara vs. SappSize doesn't always guarantee victory in martial arts. Technique, perseverance, and the ability to finish fights from disadvantaged positions are crucial.

      Size is not always an advantage in martial arts, as demonstrated in the fight between Minataro Nogara and Bob Sapp. Despite Bob Sapp's massive size and muscle, Nogara was able to use his skills in jujitsu to overcome him. The fight was a testament to the importance of technique and perseverance, as Nogara continued to fight even when he was on the bottom and being heavily outweighed. Nogara's ability to finish fights from his back was also a game-changer, as there were few other heavyweight submission specialists at the time. The fight was a thrilling display of determination and skill, leaving the audience screaming and cheering as Nogara finally managed to get on top and gain control.

    • Japanese MMA allows injured fighters to recover before continuing the fightUnlike American MMA, Japanese rules provide injured fighters with opportunities to recover, leading to more strategic and exciting fights

      In Japanese MMA, injured fighters receive immediate medical attention and are given a chance to recover before continuing the fight. This contrasts with American MMA where fighters do not receive such breaks, leading to potentially more intense and longer fights. For instance, in the Bob Sapp vs. Minotauro Nogueira fight, the Japanese rules allowed for multiple stops in the action to assess injuries and apply coagulants. This gave Nogueira an opportunity to recover and continue the fight despite being significantly smaller and weaker than Sapp. The unique rules of Pride FC created intriguing matchups and added excitement to the sport.

    • The effectiveness of Jiu Jitsu against larger opponentsJiu Jitsu's emphasis on leverage and technique can neutralize size differences, but pacing and endurance are crucial in MMA.

      The Pride Fighting Championships, specifically the fight between Bob Sapp and Minotauro Nogueira, showcased the effectiveness of Jiu Jitsu even against much larger opponents. Despite Sapp's massive size, Nogueira was able to hold his own and even submit him. However, the 10-minute first round took a heavy toll on Nogueira, and he was visibly damaged by the end of the fight. This highlights the importance of pacing and endurance in MMA, as well as the significance of the entire fight being considered when determining the winner. Additionally, the fight left a lasting impact on fans, with moments like Sapp's pile drive and Nogueira's belief that he was at a rave in Toronto adding to the spectacle.

    • Appreciation and Expression of Martial Arts CultureJapanese fans show quiet respect during fights, contrasting Western fans' loud cheers. Technique and heart matter in martial arts. Cultural differences in sports fandom should be respected.

      The appreciation and expression of martial arts culture varies greatly between different communities. The discussion revolves around the contrast between Japanese fans' quiet and respectful cheering during fights compared to the loud and sometimes misunderstanding cheers from Western fans. The speakers reminisce about a historic Pride fight between Vanderlei Silva and Guy Masger, highlighting the significance of technique and heart in the sport. They also share a funny anecdote about a potential commercial parody involving Bob Sapp testing a sturdy bed. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences in the context of martial arts and sports fandom.

    • Bob Sapp's Controversial Career and Retirement from Combat SportsDespite his immense size and popularity in Japan, Bob Sapp faced disagreements over financial issues and sustained damage during fights, leading to his retirement from combat sports.

      Bob Sapp was an extraordinary figure in the world of combat sports, known for his immense size and charismatic personality. He gained immense popularity in Japan, where he was a national superstar, but faced disagreements over financial issues that led to his departure from the sport. Despite his size, Sapp was not invincible and sustained damage during his fights, including being dropped by Ernesto Hoos with a leg kick. Sapp's fame in Japan was so great that he was mobbed in public and even appeared in commercials, though some may have been perceived as racist in other cultures. However, like many athletes who reach great heights in their careers, Sapp's size and strength were not sustainable, and he eventually retired. Today, there are few pictures of him in his prime, showcasing his incredible size and muscularity. Despite his controversial commercials and the cultural differences that may have existed, Sapp's impact on Japanese sports and entertainment remains significant.

    • Bodybuilding and comedy: two worlds collideBodybuilding has seen remarkable growth, but comedy faces issues with joke theft, leaving performers feeling uncomfortable and undervalued.

      The world of bodybuilding has seen significant changes over the years, with athletes pushing boundaries and setting new standards for size and definition. This was evident in the shift from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Lee Haney, who reportedly weighed around 300 pounds of muscle at his peak. However, the discussion also touched on the issue of joke theft in comedy, where bits can be taken from one comic and used by another, leading to feelings of copying and discomfort. This was exemplified by the Spider-Man joke, which had been used by multiple comics, including the speaker himself. The desperation to keep jobs in the entertainment industry can sometimes lead to this unfortunate situation, as seen with Kevin James and his experience with NBC.

    • Idea theft in comedyIn the creative world, it's common for ideas to be stolen or inspired from each other. It's important to focus on developing your craft and continuing to perform, regardless of the challenges.

      Idea theft in comedy, or in any creative field, is a common occurrence due to the abundance of information available today. The speaker shared an experience where a comedian's bit was stolen and used on a TV show, but it's unclear if it was intentional or not. Parallel thinking, where multiple people come up with similar ideas independently, is also a factor. The speaker acknowledged that it's impossible to know for sure if their idea was stolen or if it was just a coincidence. The comedy world, specifically the comedy store they used to frequent, was described as a hostile and aggressive environment where ideas could easily be stolen or inspired from each other. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of developing their craft and continuing to perform.

    • An unforgettable encounter with David Lee RothDavid Lee Roth shared captivating stories from his rockstar lifestyle, showcasing his down-to-earth personality despite attempts to hide wild tales. Van Halen's transformation led by Sammy Hagar and Roth's unexpected shift to keyboards brought massive success.

      The encounter with David Lee Roth at the conference was an unforgettable experience. He shared captivating stories from the past, entertaining the audience with tales of his rockstar lifestyle and managing groupies. Despite his manager's attempts to keep certain stories under wraps, Roth came across as a down-to-earth and approachable figure. Van Halen's transformation from a wild and badass band to a more commercial sound, led by Sammy Hagar, was a significant turning point in their career. Roth's unexpected shift to keyboards in their music caused a stir, but it ultimately paid off with massive success. Eddie Van Halen's guitar skills revolutionized the instrument and cemented their place in rock history. If TMZ had been around during Roth's day, the world might have had an even wilder glimpse into the lives of these iconic musicians.

    • David Lee Roth's potential as a podcast hostDavid Lee Roth's charisma, wit, and unique quotes make him an excellent podcast host candidate. Unfortunately, he hasn't started one yet.

      David Lee Roth would make for an excellent podcast host due to his charisma, wit, and unique quotes. His ability to entertain and engage audiences was evident in his past appearances on radio and television. Unfortunately, he has not started a podcast yet, and the speaker is currently too busy to help him get started. The conversation also touched upon some entertaining stories from the speaker's experiences with Roth and other celebrities, including a possible accidental gay encounter and a reference to an old Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor's gay porn video. Overall, the discussion highlighted Roth's potential as a podcast host and the excitement that could come from hearing him share his thoughts and stories on a regular basis.

    • A candid conversation between two MMA commentators about their friendship and current eventsTwo MMA commentators shared their experiences in the UFC commentary world and the challenges of working alone, reflecting on their friendship and current events, including concerns about the economy and the financial system.

      The conversation between the speakers touched upon various topics, including their experiences in the world of MMA commentary and the history of their friendship. At one point, they discussed the challenges of working alone and how they met while commentating for UFC. They also shared some humorous moments, such as an old video of one of them working as a BJJ instructor before UFC. The conversation then shifted to discussing the Occupy Wall Street movement and the state of the economy, with one speaker expressing concerns about the financial system and the sustainability of the American way of life. They also mentioned the disappearance of large sums of money from the Pentagon. Overall, the conversation showcased their candid and humorous banter, as well as their thoughtful reflections on current events.

    • Government Funds Going Missing: 9/11 and the PentagonSuspicions of financial mismanagement and potential cover-ups arise when large sums of government funds disappear, such as the 2.3 trillion dollars from the Pentagon before 9/11 and the mysterious collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.

      There have been numerous instances of large sums of money going missing from government funds, raising suspicions of financial mismanagement or even potential cover-ups. One notable example is the disappearance of 2.3 trillion dollars from Pentagon funds just before the 9/11 attacks, followed by the destruction of the accounting office in the Pentagon the next day. Additionally, the mysterious collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11, which fell at free fall speed, has fueled conspiracy theories and calls for transparency. Despite the abundance of evidence suggesting questionable activities, many people exhibit confirmation bias, refusing to entertain the possibility of government involvement in these incidents. The lack of thorough investigations and the suppression of information only adds to the suspicion and intrigue surrounding these events.

    • Was WTC 7 a Controlled Demolition?The speaker expresses uncertainty over the cause of WTC 7's collapse but observes similarities to a controlled demolition, suggesting the presence of diesel fuel and potential ulterior motives.

      The discussion revolves around the debate over whether or not the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11 was a controlled demolition. The speaker expresses their uncertainty but observes that it looks like one based on what they've seen. They also mention the presence of diesel fuel in the building and the potential heat it could generate. Some people get defensive and angry when the idea of a controlled demolition is suggested, but the speaker maintains that it's just an observation and that the truth will eventually come out. The conversation also touches on the presence of intelligence agencies in the building and the possibility of ulterior motives. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges that they don't have enough information to make a definitive conclusion.

    • Government Conspiracy Theories: Manipulating Historical EventsSome believe governments manipulate events to justify wars or build empires, with examples including 9/11 and Operation Northwoods. Controversial theories continue to gain mainstream acceptance.

      There are conspiracy theories suggesting government involvement in significant historical events, such as the 9/11 attacks and the Cuban Operation Northwoods. These theories allege that governments have manipulated situations to justify going to war or building empires. For instance, some believe the FBI may have destroyed Tower 7 at the World Trade Center site to eliminate potential evidence. The Northwoods operation in 1962 is an example of a government plan to provoke war with Cuba, which was never executed. These theories, while controversial, have gained more mainstream acceptance over time. Ultimately, the question remains: how deep are we willing to delve into these theories, and do we believe that governments have the capability and motivation to manipulate events for their benefit?

    • Reasons for U.S. Wars: Access to Resources or Genuine Threat?Speaker questions U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, suggesting ulterior motives, expresses frustration with corruption and deceit in governments, admires Ron Paul's commitment to Constitution, and advocates for transparency and prioritizing people's well-being.

      The speaker questions the reasons behind the U.S. involvement in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, suggesting that there may be ulterior motives, such as access to natural resources, rather than a genuine threat. The speaker also expresses frustration with the corruption and deceit in governments, using the example of Putin's re-emergence as a powerful figure in Russia. The speaker expresses admiration for Ron Paul, despite his unconventional beliefs, due to his strong commitment to the Constitution. Overall, the speaker expresses a desire for transparency and honesty in government, and a belief that leaders should prioritize the well-being of their people.

    • Frustration with U.S. government's focus on policing the world and war profiteering, strict drug lawsSpeaker admires Ron Paul's stance on reducing government intervention, decriminalizing drugs, and prioritizing resources for domestic issues.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the U.S. government's focus on policing the world and its war profiteering, as well as its strict drug laws that disproportionately affect non-violent offenders. They admire Ron Paul's stance on these issues and believe his drug policy, which advocates for decriminalization, is courageous. They also criticize the media for ignoring Paul in favor of other candidates and express skepticism about the government's true intentions towards its citizens. Overall, the speaker calls for less government intervention in personal choices and more resources devoted to strengthening the country's inner cities and structures.

    • Power and Corruption in the PresidencyThe presidency, with its potential for self-interest and unchecked power, raises concerns for legality and morality. Seek harmony and understanding instead of conflict, especially when children are involved.

      The presidency is viewed as a position of great power and potential for corruption, with a limit of eight years in office due to the temptation for self-interest and the risk of unchecked power. The example given is the presidency of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, where the perceived influence of corporate interests and the pursuit of war for profit raised concerns about legality and morality. The discussion also touches upon the idea that those in positions of power, including political leaders and relationships, should strive for harmony and understanding, rather than constant anger and conflict, especially when children are involved.

    • Experiences with love or substances can lead to intense reactionsExperimenting with love or substances can result in deep appreciation, intense anxiety, and significant emotional and social repercussions

      Experiences with love or substances like pot can lead to heightened emotions and sensitivity, which can result in intense reactions, both positive and negative. For instance, one may develop a deep appreciation for someone or see them with new eyes, or experience extreme anxiety and paranoia. The speaker in this conversation shared a personal experience from high school where smoking pot led to a severe anxiety attack and getting caught by the authorities. Despite initial reluctance, he ended up smoking with the crowd out of fear of being a social outcast. The experience left him feeling paranoid and out of control, leading to a panic attack and subsequent consequences. This illustrates how even a single instance of experimentation can have significant emotional and social repercussions.

    • A traumatic experience with marijuana in his youthDespite a frightening first encounter, the speaker later came to question the logic behind marijuana's illegality and hoped for its future legalization.

      The speaker's first experience with marijuana at a young age was intense and frightening, leading him to have a negative perception of the substance for a long time. He stole his father's weed and had a disorienting experience, which included time traveling and memory loss. This incident made him scared of weed and caused him to blame it for mistakes in his music career. He also judged and criticized those who used marijuana. However, as he grew older, he began to question the logic behind marijuana's illegality and recognized that there were no valid reasons for it beyond political and financial motivations. He expressed hope that marijuana would become more widely legalized in the future.

    • Excessive force by law enforcementExcessive force by law enforcement has severe consequences, lenient punishments question accountability, and technology makes scrutiny harder but consequences still severe.

      The use of excessive force by law enforcement officers, such as pepper spraying unarmed civilians, has significant consequences and is widely condemned. The leniency of punishments for officers involved in such incidents raises questions about accountability and the need for stricter rules and consequences. The widespread use of cameras and social media has made it increasingly difficult for officers to act without scrutiny, but the consequences of their actions can still be severe for those affected. It's important to remember that the use of force, even in the context of law enforcement, should be a last resort and always used with care and consideration for the wellbeing of civilians.

    • Exploring unconventional content for videosConsider audience, potential consequences, and ethical standards when creating unconventional video content.

      Exploring unconventional content for a video project comes with potential risks and ethical considerations. The discussion touched upon various ideas, from harmless activities like holding hands while watching TV to more extreme concepts like hypnotic powers or bondage. While some fetishes may have a market, it's crucial to consider the audience and potential consequences. The conversation also touched upon the historical context of priests and their role in society, raising questions about power dynamics and control. Ultimately, it's essential to approach such projects with careful thought and consideration, ensuring that they align with personal values and ethical standards.

    • Navigating the complexities of religious upbringingThe speaker shares his anxiety-filled experience with confessing a sensitive sin as a child, highlighting the confusion and challenges of religious upbringing.

      The speaker's experience with confession as a child involved a great deal of anxiety and confusion surrounding the concept of self-pleasuring and the act itself. He believed that the confession booth, which he imaginatively referred to as a "beat off box," came about as a result of the outlawing of self-pleasuring. The speaker's fear of being discovered during confession led him to practice confessing to all of his sins, including this one, in a straightforward manner. The priest did ask for clarification on this sin, but the speaker was able to avoid explaining himself in detail. The speaker also shared a humorous anecdote about a video he had seen featuring people with faces in their crotches, which he found to be bizarre. Overall, the speaker's account highlights the complex and often confusing nature of religious upbringing and the challenges that come with navigating sensitive topics as a child.

    • Discussing censorship in Hollywood and the benefits of Jiu JitsuThe group discussed the need to blur or remove explicit content in a controversial video, while also promoting the value of learning Jiu Jitsu for fitness, self-defense, and potential life-saving skills at Legends MMA in Hollywood.

      The group was discussing an issue with a controversial video featuring comedian Joey Diaz that contained explicit content which needed to be blurred out or removed. The conversation also touched upon the chaos and strangeness of Hollywood and the comic store scene, as well as the benefits of learning Jiu Jitsu. The group was promoting a special offer for new customers at their Jiu Jitsu academy, Legends MMA, located at 5176 Santa Monica Boulevard in Hollywood. They emphasized that it's a fun and exciting skill to learn, and can potentially be life-saving. The group members, including Eddie Ifft and Robert Apavaya, have been practicing Jiu Jitsu for years and believe it's a valuable investment for overall fitness and self-defense.

    • Martial arts as a tool for personal growthMartial arts offers physical skills, character building, mindset development, and unique life perspective.

      Martial arts, particularly Jiu Jitsu, offers more than just physical combat skills. It's a valuable tool for personal growth, building character, and developing a strong mindset. The speaker shared his passion for Jiu Jitsu and how it has introduced him to some of his favorite people. He emphasized that martial arts is not just about being a fighter, but about pushing oneself, learning from failure, and gaining a unique perspective on life. He also mentioned upcoming events, including a free seminar and a YouTube release of a movie. The speaker ended by promoting various products and encouraging listeners to check them out.

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    Reggie Watts

    Reggie Watts
    Santino sits down with the great Reggie Watts to talk about his ginger roots, future projects, music, the finer point of driving a performance vehicle, and much much more! #reggiewatts #andrewsantino #whiskeyginger #podcast COME SEE ME ON TOUR!!! https://www.andrewsantino.com ORDER SOME MERCH!!! https://www.andrewsantinostore.com Join our Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/whiskeygingerpodcast ============================================================ SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! ROMAN Get 20% OFF your order https://ro.co/whiskey BESPOKE POST PROMO CODE: Whiskey for 20% off your first box https://boxofawesome.com RABBIT HOLE $5 OFF with Promo Code: WHISKEY https://rabbitholedistillery.com/drizly Follow Santino on Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/cheetosantino/ https://twitter.com/CheetoSantino Whiskey Ginger Insta and Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/whiskeygingerpodcast/ & https://twitter.com/whiskeyginger_ Whiskey Ginger Clips: http://www.youtube.com/c/WhiskeyGingerPodcastClips Produced and edited by Joe Faria IG: @itsjoefaria Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    A Meeting With Hip Hop Legend REDMAN

    A Meeting With Hip Hop Legend REDMAN

    Loved meeting with hip hop icon and mastermind, Redman to focus on what his next steps should be into the content world. It all boils down to creating content on whichever platform fits your audience - similar to how dj khaled dominates snapchat. This chat was great, and we did some good narrowing in on the types of content, music included that Red can be producing to blow his personal brand out of the water. Hope you enjoy this one ;)

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

    104. Why We’re Taking a Break From The Fellas, Mr Beast's REAL Legacy & Inside Info on Sidemen Charity Match REVEALED

    104. Why We’re Taking a Break From The Fellas, Mr Beast's REAL Legacy & Inside Info on Sidemen Charity Match REVEALED
    One hundred and four episodes later... Season 1 & 2 are COMPLETE! Thank you so much to Spotify for the past year, we're so excited to bring you SEASON 3 exclusively on Spotify with our BRAND NEW SET! Season 3 will be launching Tuesday 29th November 2022 and we promise you... the best is yet to come from The Fellas. Once again, thank you all so much for the continued support on the podcast. It means the world! WE NEED YOU FOR SEASON 3... If you have any stories, dilemmas or bizarre experiences then email: thefellas@fellasstudios.com Latest 165th Floor Drop OUT NOW: https://www.165thfloor.co.uk/

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