
    Podcast Summary

    • Adapting to Challenges and Finding NormalcyPeople have adapted to challenges like the pandemic and lockdowns, some places have relaxed restrictions, and everyone has the ability to find success in their own way despite unique experiences.

      Despite the challenges of the past year, including the pandemic and lockdowns, people have learned to adapt and find ways to move forward. Some places, like Texas, have managed to relax restrictions and allow for a sense of normalcy to return. The absence of live audiences at events, such as fights, has created a unique experience for both performers and spectators, with some thriving on the energy of a crowd while others prefer the focus and calm of a quieter setting. Ultimately, it's about finding what works best for individuals and embracing the differences that make us unique. Whether a brawler or a trained fighter, everyone has the ability to overcome obstacles and find success in their own way.

    • Learning from mistakes and growingSuccess requires a balance of boldness, intelligence, and technical skills. Forgiveness and empathy are essential for personal and societal progress.

      Being bold and wild can be effective, but true success comes from tempering those traits with intelligence and technical skills. A perfect example is John Jones, who, despite his youth and wild fighting style, was able to learn from his mistakes and re-establish himself after setbacks. However, forgiveness and empathy are missing in today's society, as cancel culture and social media can often lead to bullying and attacks on individuals for past mistakes. It's important to recognize that everyone evolves and grows over time, and forgiveness is crucial for personal and societal progress.

    • Navigating the Complexity of Social MediaEmbrace new experiences, be open to learning, and approach social media with humor, humility, and a willingness to adapt to different perspectives.

      Social media can be a challenging and complex part of modern life, with people often judged based on past actions and words, even if they have since grown and changed. It's important to remember that everyone experiences reality differently, and it's essential to be prepared for different perspectives. The fear of being a beginner or appearing vulnerable can hold people back, but embracing new experiences and being open to learning can lead to growth and personal development. It's also crucial to remember that social media is a new tool, and there are still no established cultural rules for its use, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. Ultimately, it's essential to approach social media with a sense of humor, humility, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

    • Appreciating unique perspectivesEffective communication requires patience, listening, and respecting partners' unique experiences and perspectives to build stronger relationships.

      Effective communication and understanding the unique perspectives of our partners are crucial in any relationship. The speaker shares an experience of realizing that despite seeming to understand each other's words, they were interpreting them differently. This revelation led him to appreciate the importance of patience, listening, and allowing space for partners to express themselves. He also acknowledges the inherent differences between men and women, and the unique challenges each gender faces. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy, respect, and appreciation for the distinct experiences and journeys that shape us as individuals. By embracing these differences and fostering open communication, we can build stronger, more resilient relationships.

    • From Military Experience to Bestselling BookMilitary service led to anonymously creating a bestselling book, involving top writers and lawyers, honoring fallen comrades.

      The speaker's experience in the military, which included serving in SEAL teams and surviving a fallen angel operation, led to the creation of a book about his experiences. The process involved working with top writers and lawyers, and the speaker shared the story with a friend, Patrick Robinson, who became the author of the book. The speaker remained operational and anonymous during the process, but was eventually identified and acknowledged in the book. Despite the challenges and dangers involved, the speaker found the experience of sharing his story and honoring his fallen comrades to be the hardest and most rewarding job he had ever had.

    • From Military to HollywoodMark Wahlberg's military background and storytelling ability led him to Hollywood, where he met influential figures and formed a partnership with Peter Berg to create authentic Navy SEAL films.

      Mark Wahlberg's transition from military service to Hollywood was not an easy one. He was pulled offline as an operator and told he could contribute more to the SEAL teams through his storytelling. After traveling around and sharing his experiences, Hollywood came calling. Mark met with various directors until he linked up with Peter Berg, who went on to direct the film "Lone Survivor." Mark's journey to LA involved meeting influential figures like Alan Schwartz and Ed Victor, and he was eventually introduced to Peter Berg on the set of "Hancock." Their meeting led to a partnership, with Mark entrusting Berg with the story of his friends and the events that transpired. Berg's attention to detail and commitment to authenticity resonated with Mark, and they went on to create a film that accurately portrayed the experiences of the Navy SEALs.

    • Learning from real-life challenges and forming deep connectionsExperiencing hardships and adversity can lead to valuable insights and deep connections. Recognizing the importance of resilience and the bonds formed through shared experiences is crucial for personal growth and maintaining freedom and safety in society.

      Experiencing real-life challenges and hardships, as Peter did when he embedded with Navy SEALs, can significantly change one's perspective and appreciation for life. These experiences foster deep connections and a sense of camaraderie that can last a lifetime. Furthermore, having individuals who are willing and able to protect and face adversity head-on is crucial for maintaining freedom and safety in society. These individuals, who have stared into the heart of darkness, can provide valuable insights into human nature and help guide us during challenging times. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize the importance of hardship, resilience, and the bonds formed through shared experiences.

    • Embracing Life's Challenges for Personal GrowthUnderstanding and empathizing with others' struggles, balancing emotions, and appreciating good times deepen after bad experiences contribute to personal growth and true happiness.

      Life's experiences, especially those that involve hardships and pain, are essential for personal growth and true happiness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding and empathizing with others, particularly those who have gone through difficult times. They also mention the dangers of an undisciplined human mind and the need for a balance of various emotions and experiences. The speaker draws an analogy between life and a game, where challenges and hardships are necessary for growth. They also highlight the importance of appreciating the good times more deeply after experiencing the bad. Overall, the speaker encourages embracing the full range of human emotions and experiences as part of the human journey.

    • Embrace each experience, learn from mistakesAppreciate life's experiences, learn from mistakes, and be open to new opportunities for growth

      Life is a mix of various experiences, and it's essential to appreciate each one for what it is. Just as some people thrive in storms and cold weather, others love sunny days at the beach. The challenges and mistakes we encounter are opportunities for growth, and we should learn from them. Technology, while convenient, should be balanced with the ability to live off the land. And as we progress through life, we must be open to new experiences and learn from them, even if they come with mistakes. In the words of the speaker, "The only easy day was yesterday. It's gone. Tomorrow we don't have any idea if it's going to show up. You got one day down here, man. You wake up, you give it everything you got."

    • Embracing life's experiences for personal growthUnderstand life's fragility, respect self and others, learn from hardships, have supportive relationships, and live authentically

      Embracing life's experiences, both good and bad, and acknowledging the lessons they bring is essential for personal growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding the fragility of life and respecting oneself and others through discipline. He also shares the value of having supportive relationships and learning from the hardships and lessons that come with them. Additionally, the speaker highlights the power of open and honest conversations, especially in intimate settings like podcasts, and the impact they can have on listeners. Ultimately, the speaker encourages living fully and authentically, recognizing that our experiences shape who we are and why we're here.

    • Experiences shape us into unique individualsFocus on becoming the best version of yourself, learn from loved ones and mistakes, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth.

      Our experiences, both good and bad, shape us into unique individuals. Our relationships with our loved ones, especially our parents, play a significant role in this shaping process. Our past hardships and successes serve as valuable lessons for us and future generations. It's essential to recognize that we cannot be someone else, no matter how much we admire them. Instead, we should focus on becoming the best version of ourselves, learning from those around us, and embracing our mistakes as opportunities for growth. Ultimately, we are all forged through life's challenges, and it's through these challenges that we become the sharp, resilient blades we are meant to be.

    • Friendships and relationships shape us as individualsRecognize those who polish or dull us, learn to let go of toxic relationships, and strive for a diverse and supportive network

      Friendships and relationships play a crucial role in shaping and sharpening us as individuals. Some people serve as polishers, while others may dull us out. It's essential to recognize these dynamics and learn to navigate them. We all have unique strengths and weaknesses, and we need a diverse range of people in our lives to help us grow and become the best versions of ourselves. It's essential to remember that everyone has a story and that everyone has the potential to teach us something. We should strive to be open-minded, empathetic, and understanding towards others, even if they are different from us. Additionally, we must learn to let go of toxic relationships that drain our energy and focus on nurturing those that bring out the best in us. Ultimately, the goal is to create a balanced and supportive network of relationships that helps us thrive in all areas of our lives.

    • Embrace opportunities for growthEven experienced individuals can learn from newcomers, cherish moments of defeat as opportunities for growth, and continuously seek improvement in life and martial arts.

      No matter our past experiences or current circumstances, we all have the capacity to improve, learn, and grow. This can be seen in the world. of martial arts, where even the most experienced practitioners can be humbled by newcomers. By embracing the opportunity to learn from others, we can gain valuable insights and become better versions of ourselves. The moments of defeat or humiliation are not to be shunned, but rather cherished as opportunities for growth. In life, as in martial arts, the opportunities for learning and improvement are endless, and it is through these experiences that we truly develop and progress.

    • The Road to Success is Paved with Challenges and PerseveranceSuccess requires hard work, dedication, resilience, and the ability to handle setbacks. Family and upbringing can also play a significant role. Stay true to oneself and push through hardships to achieve success.

      Success, especially in high-pressure environments like sports or business, doesn't come easy. It requires hard work, dedication, and the ability to handle setbacks. Floyd Mayweather, despite his controversial fighting style and undefeated record, faced challenges and adversity in his training and personal life. His success is a testament to his resilience and intelligence. Additionally, the influence of family and upbringing can significantly impact an individual's path to success. The speakers' shared experiences, from trying out for reality shows to watching historic fights, highlight the importance of perseverance and the power of motivation from role models. Ultimately, the key to success lies in pushing through hardships and staying true to oneself.

    • David Goggins and his community of like-minded individualsDavid Goggins' supportive community of diverse individuals inspires personal growth and pushing through adversity, leading to collective impact and innovation.

      David Goggins, an ultra-endurance athlete, forms deep connections with like-minded individuals, creating a supportive community that pushes each other to greatness. These friendships, forged through shared experiences and challenges, serve as a source of motivation and inspiration. Goggins, recognizing the power of this community, strives to make a difference, believing that the collective energy of disciplined individuals can impact the world in a profound way. Their camaraderie transcends typical boundaries, as they come from diverse backgrounds, from military personnel to scholars. This diverse group of individuals, each contributing unique perspectives and skills, is essential for progress and innovation. Goggins' unwavering commitment to personal growth and pushing through adversity serves as a beacon for those around him, inspiring them to overcome their own challenges and become the best versions of themselves.

    • Navy SEALs: Dangerous Training and Unbreakable CamaraderieDespite the extreme dangers in Navy SEAL training and combat, the unbreakable camaraderie among team members drives them to overcome fear and act swiftly.

      Serving in the Navy SEALs involves extreme danger, both in training and in combat. One team member was hit by a stray bullet during a gunfight and had to carry a bullet in his body due to it being encapsulated. Another member died during a dive under an aircraft carrier. The training is intentionally made more dangerous than real life, leading to more deaths in training than in combat. Despite the hardships, the camaraderie among the team members is unbreakable. The speaker shared an experience of feeling hesitant during his first gunfight after recovering from injuries, but he soon realized his instincts as a fighter and led his team to safety. Fear and anxiousness, which stem from the same gland, are present in the beginning but switch to action when faced with danger. It's essential to have a trigger to act and not to gauge the situation too long.

    • Embrace discomfort for growthDiscomfort and pain are essential for growth, apply Navy SEals mindset to everyday life, adapt to pain with the right mindset, and see discomfort as an opportunity for growth.

      Discomfort and pain are essential parts of growth and progress. The Navy SEals train to endure physical and mental exhaustion, pushing themselves beyond their limits to develop muscle memory and resilience. This mindset can be applied to everyday life, as anything new or challenging will make us uncomfortable but ultimately leads to growth. Even seemingly insurmountable obstacles, like the birth of a child or a life-threatening illness, can be overcome with determination and a positive perspective. Pain is subjective, and we can adapt to it with the right mindset. By embracing discomfort and seeing it as an opportunity for growth, we can become stronger and more resilient, just like the Navy SEals.

    • Embrace humanity and unique qualitiesFocus on our shared humanity and unique qualities instead of superficial differences to create meaningful connections and experiences.

      While differences make us unique and the camaraderie in similarities is beautiful, focusing too much on superficial aspects like color, gender, or sexuality can limit our experiences. Instead, we should strive to embrace our humanity and the unique qualities that make us who we are. Texas, as an example, is a diverse state with different regions and cultures, but the shared "swagger" and respect for its people create a sense of unity. As Billy Alsbrook, a motivational speaker, encourages, we should live each day as a Texan - friendly, loving, and ready to defend our values when necessary. Ultimately, it's important to remember that we are all human beings deserving of respect and kindness, regardless of our differences.

    • The Texas Rangers: A Bond of Respect and AdmirationThe Texas Rangers inspire respect and admiration through their rich history, leading to lasting bonds between those who serve and those who tell their stories.

      The Texas Rangers, represented by the late Captain Hayes and actors like Mark Wahlberg and Ben Foster, are a respected and storied institution with a rich history. The bond between those involved in bringing their stories to life, whether through service or art, is a testament to their shared respect and admiration for the Rangers. Road trips, shared experiences, and unexpected connections are just a few of the ways that friendships have been formed between individuals who have been a part of this legacy. The Texas Rangers' story is one of resilience, camaraderie, and the shared experience of overcoming challenges.

    • Witnessing the dedication of movie stuntmen and actorsDespite the physical toll, stuntmen and actors remained committed to authenticity and refused to compromise truth in a fictional context. Speaker learned valuable lessons about resilience, determination, and staying true to values.

      The line between reality and fiction can be blurred, especially when it comes to the experiences of Navy SEALs. During the filming of a movie about their operations, the speaker witnessed the dedication and authenticity of the stuntmen and actors, despite the physical toll it took on them. He was struck by their commitment to authenticity and their unwillingness to compromise the truth, even in a fictional context. This experience reinforced the speaker's appreciation for the sacrifices made by those in the military and the importance of staying true to one's values, even in the face of adversity. The speaker also shared his own experiences of pain and fear, emphasizing the resilience and determination required to overcome challenges and continue moving forward. Ultimately, he encouraged listeners to embrace the unknown and find meaning in even the most difficult experiences.

    • Staying true to oneself and working hardDespite facing challenges and setbacks, staying humble, working hard, and focusing on personal growth is essential for success.

      The speaker values hard work and perseverance, despite facing challenges and setbacks. He shares how his humble beginnings and slow progress led him to work harder than everyone else and push through adversity. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself and focusing on putting in the effort, rather than worrying about external opinions. Additionally, he reflects on the impact of the movie made about him, acknowledging that the actor, Peter Berg, did an excellent job portraying his story with authenticity and without added fluff. Overall, the speaker's message highlights the importance of staying humble, working hard, and staying true to oneself, even in the face of adversity.

    • Understanding human behavior and communication in self-defenseEffective self-defense requires more than physical techniques, it involves empathy, respect, and knowledge of human behavior and communication to de-escalate situations and protect oneself.

      Effective self-defense goes beyond physical techniques and involves understanding human behavior and communication. The speaker shares his experience as a martial arts expert and a medic, emphasizing the importance of identifying and neutralizing critical areas on an attacker. He also highlights the significance of empathy and respect in defusing potentially violent situations. The speaker believes that true strength comes from knowing oneself and being confident in one's abilities. He encourages a non-violent approach to interactions, preferring to build connections through respectful communication. The world would be a safer place if more people understood themselves and others, and communicated effectively.

    • Recognizing and Overcoming InsecuritiesInsecurities can lead to diminishing others and hindering personal growth. It's important to recognize self-worth based on experiences and accomplishments, not others' opinions. Leaving comfort zones and facing challenges can promote growth and learning. Confidence and positivity are crucial in the face of criticism or adversity.

      Insecurity and a lack of self-awareness can lead individuals to diminish others and hinder personal growth. This issue is particularly prevalent among men who refuse to acknowledge their weaknesses and instead try to weaken those around them. This behavior stems from a lack of experience and testing oneself in various situations. It's essential to recognize that your self-worth should be based on your experiences and accomplishments, rather than others' opinions. Moreover, it's crucial not to let others' perceptions define you. The speaker emphasizes the importance of leaving one's comfort zone and facing challenges to grow and learn from others. In the military community, for instance, individuals are intentionally placed in diverse groups to prevent cliques and encourage teamwork. Ultimately, it's essential to carry oneself with confidence and positivity, even in the face of criticism or adversity.

    • Embracing diversity in teamworkEffective teamwork requires understanding and appreciating diverse individuals, learning to work with everyone, and embracing new experiences for personal growth.

      Effective teamwork requires appreciation and understanding of diverse individuals. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning to work with everyone, regardless of personal differences or perceived shortcomings. He uses the analogy of SEAL teams being a hybrid of different programs, where the combination creates an unbreakable bond. In the context of the movie, the speaker acknowledges that condensing real life experiences into a movie format may result in some inaccuracies, but the overall process of creating a movie involves both enjoyable and challenging experiences. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that teamwork and personal growth involve embracing diversity, learning to appreciate others, and being open to new experiences.

    • A colleague's detailed account wrote itself during a harrowing experienceAuthentic storytelling brings out the intensity and danger of real-life experiences, making them captivating and memorable.

      The debriefing of a harrowing experience can sometimes write itself, as the speaker's account of their ordeal unfolds naturally. The speaker recounted how they went through a harrowing experience with a colleague, who wrote down every detail of their adventures. The speaker emphasized that the script wrote itself, as every detail was a true reflection of what had happened. The experience involved dealing with seals, employment, and dangerous situations, with the speaker and their colleague often pushing each other to their limits. The movie based on their story focused on a gunfight scene, but in real life, their extraction was far more complex and dangerous, involving fighting off the Taliban and being rescued by villagers. The speaker's incredible journey involved crawling for days to reach safety and nearly dying from thirst. The experience was so intense that the speaker was willing to do anything for water, including drinking their own urine or blood. The natural flow of the debriefing session brought out the intensity and danger of their experience, highlighting the importance of authentic storytelling.

    • Unexpected salvation from basic self-careIn challenging situations, prioritizing self-care and maintaining calm can lead to unexpected salvation

      During a harrowing encounter with the Taliban, a soldier found unexpected salvation in the most unlikely of places – the words "shampoo" and "hydrate" spoken by a local villager. The soldier, who was badly injured and near the brink of losing his mind, was saved by the simple reminder of basic self-care. Despite the danger and the desire to defend himself, he was able to trust the villager and let down his guard, ultimately leading to his rescue. This experience serves as a powerful reminder that even in the most dire circumstances, the importance of taking care of oneself and maintaining a sense of calm and trust can make all the difference.

    • A medic's harrowing experience in a warzoneAmidst the chaos of war, the medic found solace in the bonds of friendship and the greatest gift was the love and camaraderie of his fellow soldiers. The experience shaped him into someone who could handle adversity with grace and forgiveness, except when it came to harming his friends.

      War is a harrowing and surreal experience that tests the limits of human endurance and resilience. The speaker, a medic, recounts his harrowing experience in a warzone, where he was left for dead amidst gunfire and explosions. Despite the horrors he faced, he found solace in the bonds of friendship that formed amidst the chaos. The greatest gift he received from the experience was the love and camaraderie of his fellow soldiers. Despite the trauma, he was able to find a silver lining and maintain a positive outlook on life. The experience also shaped him into someone who could handle adversity with grace and forgiveness, except when it came to harming his friends.

    • Finding ways to connect and honor fallen comradesSurviving a war tragedy and maintaining relationships with former enemies, the speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing stories and finding connection to heal from loss and trauma.

      Despite the horrors of war and the loss of friends, it's important to keep telling their stories and finding ways to connect and honor their memories. The speaker shares his experience of surviving an attack in Afghanistan, where 19 of his teammates were killed. He struggled with how to cope with their deaths and his own survival, but found solace in reminding himself that someone had to make it out to tell the story. He also emphasizes the importance of community and connection, even with those who were once considered enemies. The speaker still maintains relationships with some of the people who saved him and recognizes the importance of understanding and empathizing with their perspectives. Despite the trauma and loss, he encourages the younger generation to embrace the experience of living while they're dying and to remember that those who check out early have done their job.

    • The Power of Human Compassion and ResilienceEven in contentious relationships, human compassion and resilience can form unbreakable bonds.

      Even in the most unexpected and challenging circumstances, the bonds of humanity can form between individuals. The speaker shares a profound story of being saved by a man he initially had a contentious relationship with. Despite their differences, this man went above and beyond to rescue the speaker from a dangerous situation, leading to a deep appreciation and connection between them. The experience transformed their relationship and demonstrated the power of human compassion and resilience. The speaker acknowledges that he may have caused his savior more grief than good, but the bond they formed was unbreakable. The story highlights the importance of empathy, forgiveness, and the human spirit in the face of adversity.

    • Forming deep friendships through shared strugglesDifficult experiences can leave a profound impact, shaping us and strengthening bonds with others.

      Friendships can be formed through shared experiences and hardships. The speaker shares a story of a friend who saved his life and how their bond was strengthened through their shared struggle. The speaker also reflects on the idea that difficult experiences can leave a lasting impact, shaping us in ways we may not fully understand until much later. The speaker's vivid description of his experience, including the sensation of having mud in his mouth and the desire to quench his thirst, underscores the intensity of the moment and the profound impact it had on him. The synchronicity of having this dream before speaking with someone about it further reinforces the idea that there is a deeper meaning or connection to these experiences.

    • The power of intense experiences and emotions in creating connectionsIntense experiences and emotions can create meaningful connections even between strangers, touching their consciousness and forging bonds.

      Intense experiences and strong emotions can leave a lasting impact on people's consciousness, leading to meaningful connections even between strangers. The speaker shared a vivid dream about being unable to get water due to dirt in his mouth, which reminded him of a past experience with friends where they were injured during a fight. He believes that the intensity of his dream was so great that it reached out and touched his interlocutor's consciousness, creating a connection between them. This idea, though unconventional, highlights the power of shared experiences and emotions in forging bonds between individuals.

    • Embrace the imperfections in relationshipsAppreciate unique differences, learn from unexpected connections, and grow through interactions with others

      Life is full of connections and imperfections that make it beautiful. We are all unique pieces of a puzzle, and the best relationships are formed when we embrace our differences and learn to appreciate each other's imperfections. Perfection is a concept that doesn't apply to human beings, and the best connections often come from unexpected places. It's important to remember that everyone is on their own journey and that there is value in getting to know people for who they truly are. Our interactions with others shape who we are, and it's through these connections that we can grow and learn to understand ourselves and others better. So, embrace the odd couples and the opposites in your life, as they may be the best teachers and the source of the most meaningful relationships.

    • Navigating Relationships Amidst Chaos and ComplexityDespite the imperfections and chaos in life, it's crucial to recognize and value the unique aspects of being a person and find common ground with others.

      Relationships can be chaotic, and it's important to find compatibility with our partners. People are complex, and we all have our virtues and vices. Sometimes, two good people may not be a good match. However, the imperfections and chaos in life can lead to growth and new experiences. It's natural for people to take advantage of societal openings and conflicts, and we're currently living in a time of significant cultural and political upheaval. Through it all, it's essential to recognize and value the unique aspects of being a person and to find common ground with others despite our differences.

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    I haven’t done enough.  I haven’t been a good ally.

    Like most of you, the images you’re seeing right now are frustrating, saddening, infuriating, confusing, heartbreaking, and simply wrong in ways we’d hoped we wouldn’t see again in this country. Yet here we are again.  While “thoughts and prayers” are needed, I’ve decided I need to do more.  Part of me realizing that I need to do more has led to me educating myself.  Through that education, I have come to understand how little I know.  

    This podcast is for anyone who feels helpless, powerless or just doesn’t know what to say or do...I understand. My hope is we will learn to take SOME action, ANY action to try something new.  We need to help each other.  We need to listen.  We need to understand. We need to act. My guest, Eric Johnson of Insighted, shares his expertise being a Diversity and Inclusion Expert and also gives his perspective as an African American man in America.

    This episode is for you if you want to learn: 

    • [11:10]  Why everyone's voices needed to be heard right now
    • [14:15] The 2 main issues Eric sees with white people going dark on social media 
    • [18:06] Eric’s views on what you can do and say as a white person to show unity  
    • [20:45] What this movement is really about (and no, it’s not what you think)
    • [25:08] How during a recent event he still followed the advice his parents gave him as a 4 year old   
    • [31:51]  The two types of fear we all experience
    • [33:10] One big problem that can be created when you stay stuck in the same narrative 
    • [38:52] Where change needs to actually take place in order to have a different, more positive outcome
    • [40:10] What the acronym RAIN stands for (and how you can apply it to help overcome racism)
    • [47:46]  The questions you can ask yourself while you are investigating what is happening right now
    • [50:06] What you need to be questioning even if you think you know the answers
    • [56: 26] Who is responsible for education around racism  
    • [1:07:20] Why just checking a box isn’t actually doing anything




    For additional anti-racism resources to explore and education yourself click here:http://bit.ly/ANTIRACISMRESOURCES

    To connect and continue the conversation with Eric, you can find him here: 




    E469 Ask Nick - He Divorced Me For The Nanny

    E469 Ask Nick - He Divorced Me For The Nanny

    Today we’re back with another exciting episode of Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We’re here again  to answer your questions about navigating relationships and situationships. Our first caller shares that she is having a hard time setting boundaries with her ex-husband since their marriage ended mostly due to him having an affair with their nanny, yet never admitting to it while they were married. She wonders how to move past this and be grateful for her new lease on life while also managing having to co-parent with her ex. Our next caller is concerned for her best friend as our caller finds her new boyfriend to be disrespectful of boundaries and constantly pressuring them both. She loves her friend and asks how to best support her while also telling her about her concerns while not pushing her away due to her distrust and dislike of this guy. Our last caller is very comfortable in her home town with family and a great job she's worked hard at. Yet, she wonders if she is just letting her life and opportunities for love pass her by in staying there versus moving away and trying to expand her horizons. 

    “It can be addicting to feel bad.”

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@kastmedia.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    Pre-Order Nick’s Book: https://www.abramsbooks.com/product/dont-text-your-ex-happy-birthday_9781419755491/

    Support a Local Bookstore: https://bookshop.org/books/don-t-text-your-ex-happy-birthday-and-other-advice-on-love-sex-and-dating-9798212185622/9781419755491

    Check out our new "Introvert" merch at http://www.viallfiles.com today!

    If you would like to get some advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@kastmedia.com with “Office Hours” in the subject line! 


    Betterhelp: When you want to be a better problem solver, therapy can get you there. Visit http://www.BetterHelp.com/VIALLFILES today to get 10% off your first month.

    Canva: Design like a pro with Canva Pro! Right now, you can get a FREE 45-day extended trial when you use my promo code! Just go to canva.me/viall to get your FREE 45-day extended trial.

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    #080: Leading Powerfully in Tech with Caroline Calhoun

    #080: Leading Powerfully in Tech with Caroline Calhoun

    I want you to think about a person that defies the odds and breaks the mold - someone so inspiring that you want to be more like them. Now, what gives them that edge, the thing that drives their success? In today’s episode, I invite Caroline Calhoun - tech CEO, badass power leader, and one of my amazing clients - to share her powerful journey as a woman in tech. We discuss what it takes to lead powerfully in a male-dominated industry and the persistence you need to take BIG actions toward your goals!

    We dive into:

    • [7:45] Caroline’s career journey from sales to tech
    • [10:20] Why she puts finding a company that fits ahead of finding a role that fits
    • [11:20] The 2 BIGGEST keys to Caroline’s success
    • [15:35] One of the MOST COMMON missteps women make in their careers (and what to do about it!)
    • [18:35] What made Caroline seek out coaching - and commit to taking the leap!
    • [22:05] The ONE thing that kept her from signing up for coaching sooner (and how to get over this hurdle!)
    • [24:30] Why the opposite of success is NOT failure (what it REALLY is - and how to avoid letting this hold you back from entrepreneurship)
    • [26:35] Why Caroline does not believe in work-life balance - and what she believes in instead!
    • [33:50] An IMPORTANT step you can take to help eliminate conflict in a growing company 
    • [40:00] Some TOP TIPS for thriving as a woman in a male-dominated field
    • [47:40] The benefits Caroline got out of the Women Leading Powerfully Leadership Lab
    • [53:05] Caroline’s advice if you are holding back from investing in your personal development

    To connect with Caroline, you can find her here:

    Website: www.fx5solutions.com

    Email: caroline.calhoun@fx5solutions.com 

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/carolinecalhoun

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carocalhoun/

    Join the Women Leading Powerfully -  Leadership Lab 

    We hear from women everywhere a deep craving for more. More fulfillment in their career, more desire to have a clear vision for their future, more readiness to take charge of their leadership and grow personally and professionally. Visit our website at www.womenleadingpowerfully.com and apply now for a seat in one of our upcoming cohorts.

    In this season of unknowns, the Leadership Lab offers women the opportunity to get certain. You will make choices and increase your impact in more meaningful ways than ever before.

    Here is what you will walk away with after 12 weeks of group coaching:

    -Clarity and Confidence around what YOU really want

    -Awareness of what gets in your way

    -A vision statement for you as a leader

    -Tools for taking action that gets you from where you are to where you want to be

    -An easy way to measure your progress and get unstuck as you move forward

    So, if you are looking to build life-long connections and be in a community of like-minded women that have the same goals, then reach out to Natalie at natalie@corecreationcoaching.com for a complimentary coaching call to see if the Leadership Lab is the next step in your personal and professional journey!


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    Do you love the Lead Your Life podcast? If the insights, interviews and real conversations we share in each episode help you step into your power, and have more confidence to “lead your life, so you can love your life”, then please head over to  ‎Lead Your Life on Apple Podcasts and subscribe to the show. If you leave us a review, you might win one of our monthly prizes!

    Join the Women Leading Powerfully Community!

    Would you like to join a community of high-achieving women that are supporting each other to play a bigger game, have a bigger impact, and live a more fulfilled life? Join us in the Women Leading Powerfully Facebook Group.  This free, private community is for strong, supportive, determined, badass women who are leading their lives at home and in the workplace. 

    If you’re ready to take your life and your business to the next level, join us in this exclusive and amazing community of women today!