
    #163 - Doug Stanhope, Joey Diaz

    en-usDecember 01, 2011

    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Rogan's comedy career evolution and audience connectionStay true to oneself, take risks, and embrace technology to reach new audiences and build communities.

      Joe Rogan, in his podcast, discussed the evolution of his comedy career and the importance of finding and connecting with one's audience. He shared stories about his experiences with commercials, live shows, and his decision to leave traditional comedy clubs to perform at smaller venues and build his own following online. Rogan emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and not being afraid to take risks, even if it means going against the norm. He also highlighted the impact of technology on the entertainment industry and how it has allowed artists to reach new audiences and build communities in unique ways. Overall, Rogan's conversation underscored the importance of perseverance, creativity, and authenticity in the face of adversity and changing industry trends.

    • People's jealousy and insecurity can hinder their own happinessFocus on personal happiness, surround yourself with supportive friends, and enjoy good comedy despite others' opinions.

      People often look for reasons to be unhappy or jealous, especially when it comes to comedy and the success of others. Joe Rogan shares his experiences of being criticized for bringing Joey Diaz on the road and being in a relationship where his partner disapproved of his social life. He emphasizes the importance of enjoying good comedy and being around funny people, even if it means being apart from a significant other. The underlying theme is that people should focus on their own happiness and not let jealousy or insecurity get in the way. Additionally, Rogan highlights the importance of being true to oneself and surrounding oneself with supportive and fun friends.

    • Connecting with others brings valuable insightsConnecting with others through various means like podcasts or shared experiences can provide new perspectives and deep introspection

      Making meaningful connections with others, whether through friendships or experiences, can provide valuable insights and enhance our perspectives. This can be achieved through various means, such as podcasts, where listeners can gain a sense of a person's thoughts and deciphering abilities, or through shared experiences like using psychedelic substances. It's important to surround ourselves with positive influences and not get stuck in negative situations. A memorable experience shared between friends involved trying Ayahuasca and mushrooms, which led to deep introspection and a new appreciation for the universe. It's the unusual and unexpected moments with others that can leave a lasting impact.

    • Selling Drugs to Celebrities: A Destructive PathSelling drugs to celebrities can lead to dangerous consequences and moral dilemmas, while personal drug use can also be destructive.

      The speaker recounts a time when they were involved in selling large quantities of drugs, including cocaine, to famous celebrities like Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. The speaker describes how they would sell drugs to the celebrities, who would then consume them excessively, often leading to dangerous and potentially fatal consequences. The speaker also mentions their own struggles with drug use and the immense pressure to keep up with the celebrities' demands. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on the moral implications of their actions and the destructive nature of drug addiction.

    • A cautionary tale of addiction's destructive powerAddiction can lead to risky decisions, health issues, financial losses, and legal repercussions

      The speaker's addiction to drugs led him to make risky decisions and engage in questionable activities, including selling and transporting illegal substances for famous clients. The speaker's addiction consumed him, causing him to prioritize drugs over his personal and professional obligations. The consequences of his actions were severe, including health issues, financial losses, and potential legal repercussions. The speaker's story serves as a cautionary tale about the destructive power of addiction and the dangerous choices that can result from its grip.

    • Friendship, Confusion, and New BeginningsThough the circumstances of life may be uncertain, respecting others' privacy and maintaining strong relationships are essential.

      The discussion revolves around a personal story involving a friend's alleged theft and the speaker's experiences with drug use and moving to a new place. The speaker expresses frustration and confusion about the situation, and there are references to famous individuals, earthquakes, and open house policies. The conversation also touches on the topic of living in small towns and the implications of respecting one's neighbors. Despite the various tangents, the speaker ultimately acknowledges that there might not be a definitive answer to the situation and that it's essential to respect people and their privacy. The discussion showcases the informal and conversational nature of the speakers' relationship, with frequent interruptions and overlapping speech.

    • Lessons learned on the comedy circuitMeeting key figures and overcoming challenges shaped the speaker's comedy career, leading to valuable friendships and memorable moments.

      The speaker's experiences on the comedy circuit, particularly during the Boulder Broker Run, played a significant role in shaping his comedy career. The speaker met important figures like Joey Coco Diaz and learned valuable lessons about performing and connecting with audiences. Despite the challenges, such as performing for the same crowd every Tuesday and dealing with hecklers, the speaker persevered and found joy in the experience. The road trips and gigs also brought about friendships and memorable moments, like staying with Doug at his condo and selling Valiums to make ends meet. Ultimately, these experiences helped the speaker develop his comedic voice and led him to pursue comedy as a career.

    • Starting out in comedy with unexpected challengesDespite unconventional beginnings and personal struggles, the comedian persisted in pursuing his comedy career and learned to adapt and overcome obstacles.

      The comedian's comedy career began in a chaotic and unconventional way, with constant interruptions during performances due to a faulty sound system, and even having to replace a magician host whose bird would get stuck on the lights and defecate on him. The comedian also shared his strong opinions on beer and his experiences following another comedian, Jim Brewer, who outshined him during a late-night show due to the crowd being drunk and Brewer's confidence and style. The comedian also expressed his discomfort with dressing up for performances and dealing with personal issues that affected his mindset and ability to perform well on stage. Despite these challenges, the comedian continued to pursue comedy and learned to overcome his self-doubt and physical limitations.

    • Handling Pressure and Hecklers as a ComedianMaintaining a positive mindset and focusing on audience enjoyment helps comedians effectively handle pressure and hecklers.

      Performing under pressure and dealing with hecklers can be challenging for comedians. The speaker shared an experience where he struggled during a performance due to personal issues and the presence of a heckler. He felt overwhelmed and unable to respond effectively, leading to a negative experience. However, this incident taught him the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and focusing on the audience's enjoyment rather than external distractions. The speaker also mentioned the influence of substances like mushrooms and DMT on his experiences and creativity. Ultimately, the experience served as a learning opportunity for him to grow as a performer.

    • Privacy invasion through logging of keystrokes and messagesPrivacy is under threat as data is being logged without consent, potentially leading to misuse and loss of personal secrets.

      Privacy is under threat as every key press and text message is being logged in a database, and this information can be manipulated and used without consent. The speaker expresses concern over the potential misuse of this data, even if one is not doing anything wrong. He argues that people have the right to keep their secrets and that this invasion of privacy is a slippery slope towards a future with no secrets at all. The speaker also mentions the discovery of a new app called IQ client, which is believed to log text messages on Android phones, and the argument that if you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about is dismissed as a weak argument. The speaker emphasizes the importance of privacy and the potential consequences of losing it.

    • The interconnectedness of tech and social media brings fame, influence, and concernsNavigate tech and social media with critical thinking and respect for others, balancing fame, influence, and privacy concerns.

      The interconnectedness of technology and social media has the potential to give individuals a platform for fame and influence, but also raises concerns about privacy and control. The fear of a centralized database controlling information and the natural human desire to dominate others can create tension. However, the accessibility of content through various mediums like podcasts and talk radio provides entertainment and information for audiences. Ultimately, it's important to navigate these platforms with critical thinking and respect for others.

    • Tales of a Wild Past: The Speaker's Seedy EncountersThe speaker shares stories of his past, including questionable actions and encounters with famous figures, reflecting on his struggles with substance abuse and concern for a friend's potential drug problem, despite now having a clean record and involvement in UFC.

      The speaker's past involves some questionable actions, including stealing and drug use. He shares stories of his wild times, including hanging out with famous figures like James Gandolfini and Quentin Tarantino in seedy dive bars. The speaker also mentions a friend named Joey Jingles, who may have a drug problem. The speaker expresses concern for Joey and reflects on his own past struggles with substance abuse. Despite his past, the speaker now has a clean record and is involved in UFC. However, he still remembers the crazy times and the seedy characters he encountered during those periods. The speaker also mentions a specific incident where he stole a car and got caught due to a broken gas gauge. The speaker's stories paint a picture of a wild and unpredictable past.

    • MMA and comedy intertwine unexpectedlyFighters' personalities extend beyond the ring, comedians bring humor, injuries and challenges don't stop performances, and raw talent is important in both MMA and comedy.

      The world of MMA and comedy intertwines in unexpected ways, as shown in this conversation between Joe Rogan and Ralphie May. Despite the injuries and challenges faced by MMA fighters, they continue to perform, and their personalities extend beyond the ring or cage. Comedians like Joey Diaz bring humor and unpredictability to the table, and some, like Ralphie May and Joe Rogan, have a deep appreciation for animals and support charitable causes. The line between fan and friend blurs, and the importance of recognizing and nurturing raw talent, whether in comedy or MMA, is emphasized.

    • Manipulating friends for comedy materialBeing charismatic and funny doesn't give license to disrespect friends or manipulate them for comedy material. Set boundaries to maintain healthy relationships.

      Some individuals, who are naturally funny and charismatic, may use their desire to succeed on stage to disregard social norms and even manipulate their friends. These individuals, often described as "derelicts" or "wild motherfuckers," may share their jokes or material in various settings, including the green room before a performance. This behavior, referred to as "earfucking," can leave friends feeling used and disrespected. The line between sharing a joke and practicing material can be blurred, and some individuals may even use cocaine or other substances to enhance their performance and rapid-fire idea generation. It's essential to be aware of these dynamics and set boundaries to maintain healthy relationships while pursuing creative endeavors.

    • Unexpected drug experiences and acid tripsEncountering unpredictable drug experiences or bad acid trips can leave lasting impressions and shape our perspectives on certain activities or places.

      Unexpected experiences, whether it's encountering someone doing drugs or having a bad trip on acid, can leave lasting impressions and potentially deter us from certain activities or places. The speaker shared several anecdotes from his past involving drugs and acid trips that left him feeling uneasy and embarrassed, but also memorable. These experiences serve as reminders of the unpredictability and power of such substances, and how they can impact us in unexpected ways. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of being mindful of one's surroundings and the potential impact of one's actions on others, particularly in the case of tripping in public.

    • California's Self-Extinguishing Cigarettes and Skepticism towards FDA-Approved AdditivesThe conversation touched upon California's self-extinguishing cigarettes and the speakers' skepticism towards the safety of FDA-approved cigarette additives.

      During the conversation, the topic of California's self-extinguishing cigarettes was brought up. These cigarettes are designed to go out after being flicked out of a window, reducing the risk of fires. The FDA has approved over 500 chemicals in cigarettes, and the speaker expressed skepticism about the safety of these additives. The conversation then shifted to the topic of money management and accountants. The speaker mentioned having a comedian accountant named Harvey Altman, and they discussed the ease of distractions, such as checking Twitter, during long radio shows. The overall feeling from the conversation was that the O&A show, despite its comfort and authenticity, seemed like it might be winding down. The speakers appeared to be in a relaxed, conversational mode, making the show feel more like hanging out with friends than a formal broadcast.

    • A heartfelt conversation about comedy, music, and pop cultureThe group shared stories about a legendary comic, debated favorite musicians and albums, and discussed the morbid pastime of death pools.

      The conversation revolved around various topics including comedy, music, and pop culture. A notable figure discussed was Eleanor, a legendary comic from the Comedy Store, who is highly regarded and missed by many. The group also had a debate about their favorite musicians and albums, with Pink Floyd's "The Wall" and Tim Curry's music being mentioned. The discussion also touched on the topic of death pools, where individuals bet on the death of celebrities, and the group shared their experiences and thoughts on this morbid pastime. The conversation was filled with strong opinions, humor, and a shared love for entertainment.

    • Dr. Drew's Controversial Views and Lighthearted ApproachDespite controversy, Dr. Drew uses his platform to express evolving opinions, questioning rehab programs' authenticity and skepticism towards marijuana's withdrawal effects, all while maintaining a lighthearted approach to life.

      Dr. Drew, despite being a controversial figure due to his views on substance use, is a personable and adaptable individual who uses his platform to express his opinions, even if they evolve with public opinion. The discussion also touched upon the topic of addiction, with the speaker expressing skepticism towards the severity of marijuana's withdrawal effects and questioning the authenticity of some rehab programs. The conversation was filled with humor and self-deprecation, showcasing the speaker's lighthearted approach to life. Overall, the conversation provided an insight into the speaker's perspective on Dr. Drew and the entertainment industry, highlighting the complexities and nuances of public figures and their evolving stances.

    • Speaker's conflicting feelings towards marijuana and pharmaceutical companiesThe speaker shares his personal experiences with alcohol and marijuana, expressing a preference for Sativa strains and criticizing those who accept money from pharmaceutical companies while condemning immigrants.

      The speaker expresses frustration towards a person who accepts large sums of money from pharmaceutical companies while criticizing immigrants. The speaker also shares his personal experience of smoking weed for the first time and expresses his preference for Sativa over Indica strains. He also mentions his past issues with alcohol and how he quit it. Despite his introspective nature, he had avoided smoking weed due to past negative experiences and feeling left out. He believes that if he had tried it with the right people or the right strain, he might have had a different experience. The conversation also touches upon the different effects of Indica and Sativa strains on memory and energy levels.

    • The importance of taking breaks from frequent experiencesTaking breaks from frequent experiences, like coffee or travel, can help us rediscover their impact and prevent desensitization. Unexpected incidents can also have significant effects on us, sometimes with unintended consequences.

      Our bodies and minds can become desensitized to frequent experiences, including consumption of substances like coffee or alcohol. The speaker shared how he had developed a tolerance for coffee, but when he took a break, he was surprised by the jolt it gave him when he resumed drinking it. He also reflected on his long career in comedy, which involved constant travel and meeting new people, and how his brain was not designed to process such a high volume of new experiences. The speaker also mentioned an experience with a comic named Richard Jenny, who had introduced him as his boyfriend to the speaker's girlfriend, and how this led to a heated exchange on stage. The speaker noted that while Jenny took it in good spirit at the time, he later speculated that this incident may have contributed to Jenny's eventual suicide. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the importance of taking breaks and allowing ourselves to be surprised and affected by new experiences, as well as the potential consequences of frequent exposure to certain stimuli or situations.

    • Maintaining Personal Connections in the Age of FameDespite the allure of fame, it's impossible to maintain personal relationships with an excessive number of fans due to cognitive limitations. Fans' obsession with celebrities can be absurd and often trivial in comparison to the importance they place on it in their own lives.

      Fame comes with challenges, particularly maintaining relationships with fans. The human brain can only keep a certain number of friendships, known as Dunbar's number, and when the number of fans exceeds this limit, it becomes impossible to maintain personal connections. The speaker shares anecdotes about receiving fan mail, including a suicide letter, and how he deals with it by dropping it off at the thrift store. He also mentions the absurdity of fans' obsession with him and how he finds it trivial compared to the importance they place on it in their own lives. Ultimately, the speaker reflects on how his comedy has been influenced by his experiences with fame and the realization that much of it was driven by a desire for sex.

    • Finding joy in imperfect nature and societyEmbrace simple pleasures, self-reliance, and unique experiences to find joy despite societal pressures and imperfections.

      Despite the complexities and imperfections of nature and society, individuals have the power to find enjoyment and fulfillment in their own way. The speaker acknowledges the flaws in nature and consumer culture, but also appreciates the simple pleasures in life, such as good company, a favorite drink, or a beloved possession. He encourages embracing these things, even if they may not align with societal expectations or be considered "cool" by others. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self-reliance and avoiding unnecessary obstacles, including the government. Ultimately, he encourages individuals to create their own reality and find joy in their unique experiences.

    • Occupy Wall Street: A Mass Movement Without Clear LeadershipThe Occupy Wall Street movement, driven by a large discontented population, lacks clear leadership and defined goals, making it difficult for authorities to control but potentially hindering its effectiveness in bringing about significant change.

      The Occupy Wall Street movement represents a large, discontented population seeking change, but lacks clear leadership and guidance. The movement's success lies in its anonymity and lack of hierarchy, making it difficult for authorities to control. However, the lack of defined goals and leaders could hinder its effectiveness in bringing about significant change. The conversation also touches on the idea that certain elements in power may intentionally keep the populace uneducated and ignorant to maintain control. The movement's unprecedented size and public display of dissatisfaction are seen as exciting and necessary, but the potential for violence and government pushback is a concern. Ultimately, the fight is against a perceived corrupt system and the desire for change, but the way forward remains unclear.

    • Communicating Effectively During Social UnrestUse humor and creativity to engage more people, acknowledge the need for numbers and diversity, recognize the challenge of dealing with uneducated individuals, emphasize clear goals and effective strategies for change.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial during times of social unrest. The speaker expresses frustration with the unfocused anger and ignorance of some protesters, but also acknowledges the need for numbers and diversity in the movement. He suggests using humor and creativity to engage more people, but also recognizes the challenge of dealing with uneducated individuals. The speaker also reflects on the influence of parents on their children and the importance of maintaining separate lives in relationships. Ultimately, he emphasizes the need for clear goals and effective strategies to bring about meaningful change.

    • Discussing the National Defense Authorization Act and its implications for civil libertiesThe NDAA could define the US homeland as a battlefield, potentially making citizens subject to military detainment without trial, highlighting the need for awareness and individual action to protect civil liberties.

      The discussion revolved around the National Defense Authorization Act, which could potentially define the US homeland as a battlefield and make US citizens subject to military apprehension and detainment without trial. This raised concerns about civil liberties and the potential for military control during civil unrest. The speakers expressed frustration that such significant issues were not receiving more mainstream media attention, and emphasized the importance of individual awareness and action. They also touched upon the historical context of revolutions arising during times of economic hardship, and the need for a fair and ethical system to inspire collective change.

    • Impact of societal norms and upbringing on humor and respectModern humor can be shallow, respect is easily lost, insular communities shape us, technology changes interactions, past actions have consequences

      The way people behave, particularly in the context of media consumption and expression, can be influenced by both their upbringing and the societal norms of their time. The speaker expresses disappointment in the shallow nature of modern humor and the ease with which respect can be lost. They also reflect on the power of insular communities and the impact of technology on our interactions and perceptions. The speaker shares an anecdote about a local women's group and their home tour, which led to unexpected attention for their unusual hobby. They also mention their past pranks, specifically "pedophile baitings," and the potential repercussions of such content in today's digital age. Despite their self-deprecating humor and apparent cynicism, the speaker expresses a deep connection to their past work and the joy it brings them, even as they acknowledge the potential harm or offense it might cause.

    • The power of shared experiences and unique contentDiscovering and sharing unusual content can lead to unexpected connections and lasting impacts.

      The power of shared experiences and the spread of unique content, whether through word of mouth or early forms of media like VHS tapes, can lead to unexpected and impactful outcomes. From the infamous "Winnebago Man" documentary to the early days of internet videos, the human connection and excitement around discovering and sharing unusual content has remained a constant. The story of these forgotten moments in history serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing the strange and unexpected, and the potential for these experiences to bring people together and leave a lasting impact.

    • Wrestling: The Journey of ResilienceDespite challenges, it's crucial to persevere and find joy in the journey of wrestling, rather than seeking external validation.

      The world of wrestling, like comedy, has a diverse range of individuals, from newcomers to veterans, who face unique challenges and experiences. Some wrestlers struggle to keep up with the demands of the sport as they age, while others continue to thrive. The documentary "beyond the map" serves as an inspiration, showcasing the resilience and determination of those who refuse to give up, despite the hardships they face. The conversation also touched upon the importance of finding happiness in what one has built, rather than striving for external validation. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's okay to be content in a small town or on a small stage, as long as one is genuinely happy. The discussion also highlighted the challenges of performing in front of unfamiliar audiences and the importance of adapting to different situations. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of perseverance, resilience, and finding joy in the journey, rather than the destination.

    • Prioritizing Existing Fans Over NewcomersArtists may prioritize their existing audience over newcomers, leading to exclusivity. They may turn down fans, have a waiting list, or create controversial content to entertain their current fanbase. Experimentation and pushing boundaries are also key to building a successful creative career.

      As an artist gains more success and a dedicated fanbase, they may start to prioritize their existing audience over newcomers, leading to a sense of exclusivity. This was evident in the discussion between the speakers, who spoke about turning down fans, having a waiting list, and even making controversial content specifically to entertain their current fanbase. Another theme that emerged was the idea of experimentation and pushing boundaries, as seen in their early videos targeting Verizon DSL and the speaker's attempts to quit smoking and coffee. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unique challenges and opportunities that come with building a successful creative career.

    • The speaker shares examples of his mind wandering during conversationsThe speaker admires artists for their unique abilities and skill, but sometimes struggles to stay focused during conversations due to distractions

      The speaker's mind often wanders during conversations, causing him to appear distracted or disinterested. He shared various examples of this happening, such as fixating on fried clams instead of listening intently, or getting distracted by cigarettes or memories. He also mentioned his admiration for certain artists, like Notorious B.I.G., who he believes have a unique ability to create art in their respective fields. Despite his lack of interest in music, he appreciates the artistry and skill that goes into creating it. The conversation also touched on the topic of selling out and performing for an audience, with the speaker expressing his views on artists like Ron White, who he believes water down their acts for commercial success.

    • People's complicated relationship with musicSome people dislike music's interference with conversations or environments but still appreciate it as a fan, acknowledging their lack of musical knowledge and ability.

      For some people, music can interfere with their enjoyment of other experiences, such as conversations or certain environments. This was expressed through a personal anecdote about hating music due to its interference with pub culture in England and conversations at the bar. However, despite this bias, the speaker also shared that they deeply appreciate music and find inspiration in it. They acknowledged their lack of musical knowledge and ability but still enjoy it as a fan. The speaker's relationship with music is described as a part-time interest, and they expressed a desire for their musical tastes to be more "normal." The conversation also touched on the topic of radio and comedy, with the speaker sharing their experiences in Tucson radio and the shittiest comedy club in the world. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and nuanced relationship people can have with music and how it intersects with other aspects of their lives.

    • Building communities: Challenges and complexitiesGenerosity, flexibility, and open-mindedness are essential for successful community building. External factors and divisive attitudes can test bonds, but remembering these qualities can help overcome challenges.

      Community building, whether it's a hippie commune or a Death Valley party, can be a complex and challenging process. People come together through shared experiences and mutual understanding, but external factors like law enforcement and unexpected guests can test the bonds of the community. The desire for control and security, especially in areas with high immigration or tourism, can lead to divisive attitudes and us-versus-them mentality. It's important to remember that generosity, flexibility, and open-mindedness are essential qualities for successful community building. Additionally, the speaker's fascination with Death Valley and its unique challenges, as well as his dark sense of humor, add depth and intrigue to the discussion.

    • Navigating the changing world of comedyComedians discuss the evolution of comedy, the impact of technology, and share stories about their interactions with audiences and media, highlighting the sensitivity required in delivering controversial material.

      The conversation between the individuals revolves around comedy, past experiences, and the challenges they face in their careers. They discuss the evolution of comedy and the changing landscape, with a particular focus on how technology impacts their work. They also share stories about their interactions with audiences and media, highlighting the sensitivity required in delivering controversial material. Despite the banter and joking, it's clear that they hold a deep appreciation for the art of comedy and the challenges it brings. They also reflect on how their memory and attention span have been affected by the digital age, making it harder to jot down ideas or write in cursive. Overall, their conversation showcases the camaraderie and resilience of comedians as they navigate the ever-changing world of entertainment.

    • The potential of Bitcoin and impact of habitsBitcoin offers innovation and convenience, while habits like coffee consumption can impact mood and energy levels. Stay open-minded and aware of daily habits' effects on well-being.

      Bitcoin, as the first major attempt at an internet currency, may seem confusing and unnecessary to some, but its potential for innovation and convenience, as demonstrated by the evolution of other technologies like Napster, should not be dismissed outright. Another key point from the conversation is the impact of habits, such as regular coffee consumption, on mood and energy levels. The speakers also touched upon the idea of finding joy and fulfillment in life and the difficulty of pinpointing what may lead to feelings of misery. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying open-minded to new ideas and being aware of the potential effects of our daily habits on our well-being.

    • Exploring new environments, meeting new people, and comedy classes for positivitySurround yourself with positivity, try new experiences, and meet new people to boost mood and energy.

      Our conversation revolved around the importance of positivity and surrounding oneself with positive influences. Doug was feeling down and disconnected, leading to a lack of motivation and engagement in various aspects of his life, including relationships and career. The group suggested he explore new environments, meet new people, and even consider comedy classes to help boost his mood and energy. They also emphasized the power of positivity and how it can significantly impact one's outlook and overall well-being. The group's supportive and encouraging conversation aimed to help Doug shift his mindset and find joy in life again.

    • Appreciation for Comedy and ComediansDespite challenges, speakers value comedy and admire comedians for their unique ability to make people laugh, regardless of their affluence.

      While some people believe that comedy, especially live performances, should be free, others, like the speakers in this conversation, appreciate the art form enough to pay for it. The speakers reminisced about their long history with comedy and their appreciation for it, despite some challenges they've faced. They also discussed their admiration for comedians and their unique abilities to make people laugh. Additionally, they touched on the topic of affluence and how it doesn't necessarily change a person's character or creativity. Overall, the conversation highlights the enduring love and appreciation for comedy and the comedians who bring joy to people's lives.

    • Authenticity and Artistry in ComedySpeakers value raw, unfiltered content and authenticity in comedy, even if it means tackling misery or taboo subjects.

      Both the speaker and their guest, Doug Stanhope, value authenticity and artistry, even if it means embracing misery or taboo subjects. The speaker admires Stanhope's dedication to his craft, while Stanhope himself prefers to put out raw, unfiltered content. They also engage in self-deprecating humor and promote various products throughout the podcast. The conversation is filled with crude language and irreverent topics, reflecting their unique and unapologetic perspectives. Additionally, they look forward to interviewing Shane Smith from Vice.com in the upcoming episode, showcasing their appreciation for other like-minded individuals. Overall, this podcast highlights the importance of authenticity, creativity, and pushing boundaries in art and entertainment.

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    • 30:39 Study of human behavior
    • 34:44 Be patient 
    • 36:45 Train yourself to not react right away
    • 39:51 For people in power and leadership
    • 43:16 Be okay to admit you’re wrong
    • 46:20 The one book Robert would want you to read
    • 48:32 Your real power & using your weakness as your strength
    • 50:49 Gaining power from respect vs. fear

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    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    KEY LIME PIE S*X GONE WRONG - Confession Corner

    Hey Besties! Ready for another wild ride in the Confession Corner? Violetta's got the juiciest stories for you. Ever been on a date where you had to do some quick thinking, maybe tell a little white lie? Trust me, you're not alone! We're diving into those hilarious and awkward moments as they take unexpected turns. 

    And, oh boy, get ready for some spice! We're talking about turning up the heat in the bedroom, and yes, it involves food. From a delightful encounter with key lime pie that leaves you questioning cleanliness to accidentally turning a passionate moment into a bit of a bloodbath – these stories are wild, unpredictable, and oh-so-relatable. You won't believe where these confessions lead, but one thing's for sure –  it's a rollercoaster of laughs and surprises. 

    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    Today’s Sponsors:

    • Lume - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code ADULTING at https://lumedeodorant.com/ 
    • Nutrafol - Find out why over 4,000 healthcare professionals recommend Nutrafol for healthier hair. Visit https://nutrafol.com/ and use promo code ADULTING
    • Urban Outfitters - Shop https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/ and receive an additional 10% off when you use the code VIOLET10 at checkout

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:59 Story #1: He cut himself while opening my window on our first date
    • 05:20 Story #2: Eating key lime pie from her p*ssy
    • 10:14 Story #3: I scrapped his d*ck with my nails while I was about to clim*x
    • 17:57 Story #4: I was broken up by him through his mother

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    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    How I Stayed At A 50M Dollar House

    Staying at a billionaire's house? That's a dream come true! But girl, don't forget to show your finesse and charm while you're there. 

    Today, Violetta shares a few updates about her life. She starts off with the post-surgery experience after she had her eggs extracted successfully, how it affected her mentally, and what no one tells you about post egg freezing. Then, she talks about her recent trip to Mexico where she stayed at James Packer’s $50M house for a weekend - the place, the view, the food, the fun - bombastic side-eye!

    Advertise with Almost Adulting at Gumball.fm 

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    ZOCDOC - Find your local doctor by visiting www.zocdoc.com/adulting   

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:19 I recently finished freezing my eggs
    • 08:52 My friend called and said, “Do you wanna go to Mexico with me?”
    • 18:24 I don’t normally go on vacation
    • 20:37 I got to meet the billionaire
    • 23:32 Would you rent it for $35,000 - $40, 000 a night?
    • 28:53 How do you finesse staying at a billionaire’s house?
    • 31:57 Other features of the house

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    Love Is Blind S5 - GASLIGHTER UCHE

    Love Is Blind S5 - GASLIGHTER UCHE

    Hey there, Besties! Get ready to dive into another jam-packed review of Love Is Blind S5, Episode 5, 6, and 7. We're not just spilling the tea today; we're pouring a whole kettle of it! 

    Violetta talks briefly about last weeks' Thursday episode, 4 Steps to Love Yourself where she shares steps to help you embrace and adore the amazing person you are, because who doesn't need a little extra self-love in their life, right?

    Love Is Blind fans, Violetta's got the latest scoop on who's walking down the aisle – and trust us, there are some surprises. Plus, we're dissecting the awkwardness between Taylor and JP and taking a closer look at relationships on the show. Is Lydia onto something, or is Uche playing with fire? And hold onto your Instagram accounts because we're talking about following (or maybe not following) random girls. Are your social media habits revealing more than you think? Tune in for laughter, revelations, and some good old-fashioned reality TV chatter.  

    Today’s Sponsor:

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:50 Four steps to love yourself
    • 03:27 Love Is Blind S - who’s getting married?
    • 05:29 Why are Taylor and JP so awkward?
    • 12:16 When reality sets in for Izzy and Stacy  
    • 17:05 Lydia and Milton’s relationship seems very surface level
    • 18:49 Is Uche gaslighting Aaliyah?
    • 24:25 Maybe Lydia knew that Uche will be in S5
    • 31:42 You’ll know a partner’s bad for you when…
    • 34:41 Still following random girls on IG   

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