
    #1677 - Tim Dillon

    en-usJuly 03, 2021
    What is the 'attic brain' in addictions?
    How do societal biases affect women in comedy?
    What challenges did the speaker face when quitting caffeine and smoking?
    Why is the truth about major events often elusive?
    How is the comedy industry evolving in terms of gender?

    • Challenges of Overcoming AddictionsAddictions, no matter how small, can significantly impact health and are tough to overcome due to mental and emotional attachment.

      Addictions, no matter how small they may seem, can have a significant impact on one's life and health. The speaker shared his personal experience with giving up caffeine and smoking, and the challenges he faced in quitting despite the negative consequences on his health and sleep patterns. He also discussed the concept of the "attic brain," which refers to the part of us that can rationalize and justify our addictive behaviors, making it difficult to quit even when we know we should. The speaker emphasized that addictions, even seemingly harmless ones like cigarettes, can be tough to overcome due to the mental and emotional attachment we develop to them.

    • Personal experiences shape contradictory choicesUnderstanding individuals' backgrounds is key to grasping their motivations and decisions, as choices are often influenced by personal experiences and emotions.

      Personal preferences and experiences shape our choices, even if they seem contradictory. The speaker shared his past experiences with smoking in a car and his fondness for comfort and luxury cars, despite being a bad driver with a suspended license multiple times. He also expressed his desire for a Cadillac Escalade, appreciating its comfort and affordability compared to a Range Rover. These choices stem from his personal journey and the associated emotions and memories. It's essential to understand the context and background of individuals to truly grasp their motivations and decisions.

    • Nostalgia and the Blurred Lines of Reality and FantasyNostalgia can lead to unhealthy beliefs and false identities, it's important to recognize reality and strive for authenticity and truth.

      Our appreciation for the past, whether it's for specific objects like classic American muscle cars or a particular era, can evoke strong emotions and feelings of nostalgia. This nostalgia can sometimes blur the lines between reality and fantasy, leading people to hold unconventional beliefs or even lie about their identity. An example of this is Rachel Dolezal, who gained notoriety for identifying as black and leading a civil rights organization under a false pretense. This behavior, while perhaps well-intentioned, can have negative consequences and is not a healthy or acceptable way to deal with mental health issues or societal issues. It's important to recognize the difference between reality and fantasy and to strive for authenticity and truth in our actions and identities.

    • Blurring Lines Between Identity and PerformanceWell-intended acceptance of unconventional identities can blur the line between genuine mental health issues and performative behavior. Empathy, understanding, and open dialogue are crucial in navigating complex issues like transracial identity and respecting boundaries.

      Society's acceptance and encouragement of certain unconventional identities, while well-intentioned, can blur the lines between genuine mental health issues and performative behavior. The speaker expresses concern over the normalization of transracial identity and the potential erasure of biological differences, which they argue could lead to further misunderstandings and conflicts. The discussion also touches upon the challenges of defining and respecting boundaries in various social contexts, particularly in regards to gender and sexuality. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of empathy, understanding, and open dialogue in navigating these complex issues.

    • Controversy over gender rights and privacy in a Los Angeles spaExtreme ideologies in educational institutions can lead to divisiveness and forced compliance in society, as shown in a spa controversy over gender rights and privacy.

      The influence of extreme ideologies in educational institutions can lead to the indoctrination of students, who then enter the workforce and spread those ideologies, creating a culture of divisiveness and forced compliance. This was highlighted in a controversy at a spa in Los Angeles, where a man identifying as trans was allowed to use the women's section, leading to heated debates about gender rights and privacy. The incident went viral, and protests were planned, illustrating the intensity of these issues and the potential for conflict. It's important to recognize the impact of ideological indoctrination and the need for open dialogue and understanding to prevent the escalation of such controversies.

    • Embracing Human Emotions and ExperiencesFocusing too much on strict gender and pronoun classifications can lead to inefficiency, discomfort, and potential harm. Instead, we should respect and understand the full range of human emotions and experiences.

      The current focus on constantly identifying and respecting people's pronouns and genders can be inefficient and may lead to discomfort and absurdity. The speaker argues that people should embrace the full range of human emotions and experiences, rather than insisting on strict classifications. They also express concern about the potential for increased violence and crime in areas with more progressive gender and sexuality norms. The speaker's perspective is that of a comedian who finds the situation absurd, but also recognizes the complexity and validity of individual experiences. They call for understanding and respect for all human beings, while acknowledging the challenges of navigating a diverse and rapidly changing society.

    • Drug addiction and crime in major cities endanger vulnerable populationsDrug addiction and crime in major cities pose a threat to vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly and poor. Foreign entities may manipulate public opinion online, and it's crucial to acknowledge and address these issues while being critical of sources of information.

      The rise of drug addiction among unhoused populations in major cities is creating a dangerous environment for vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly and poor. This issue is often ignored or downplayed, with some people romanticizing crime and violence in urban areas. There is a concern that foreign entities may be manipulating public opinion online by promoting extreme and dangerous ideas. It is important to acknowledge and address the realities of crime and addiction in our communities, and to be critical of sources of information. Additionally, it is essential to recognize the impact of these issues on the most vulnerable members of society. [Explanation: The text discusses the issue of drug addiction and crime in major cities, specifically among unhoused populations. The speaker expresses concern about the dangerous environment created by these issues and the lack of attention or action being taken. The speaker also mentions the potential influence of foreign entities on public opinion through social media. The text touches on the impact of these issues on vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly and poor. The speaker encourages critical thinking and acknowledgement of the realities of these issues.]

    • Exploring the connection between manipulation and civil unrestManipulation can exploit human tendencies towards panic and moral superiority, leading to civil unrest. Be aware and critically evaluate information to prevent being manipulated.

      Manipulation and civil unrest are interconnected issues, and the ease with which they can be exploited is a concern. The discussion highlighted instances of intentional manipulation, such as the Russian troll farms that instigated fights between different groups. The human tendency towards panic and the need for moral superiority were also pointed out as factors that can be exploited. The conversation also touched upon the aftermath of the 2016 US Presidential election, where the shock of the outcome led to a wave of panic and moralizing, often in the form of "panic porn." The discussion concluded with the observation that the Capitol Hill attack was another instance of manipulation, with some believing that government agents were involved. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being aware of the potential for manipulation and the need to critically evaluate information.

    • Concerns about FBI manipulation and involvement in extremist groupsSome question the FBI's handling of certain cases, like the Capitol Hill riots and Boston Marathon bombing, and worry about potential instigation or encouragement of extremist groups for law enforcement purposes.

      There are concerns about manipulation and potential involvement of law enforcement in certain extremist groups and events, such as the Capitol Hill riots. The Boston Marathon bombing is an example where the FBI's handling of the case raised questions about their actions and the subsequent trial. Some believe that the FBI may allow or even encourage such groups to act in order to institute new laws or surveillance. The opening of the Capitol gates by police and reported selfies with rioters add to the confusion and fuel speculation. The line between informants and instigators can be blurred, and the manipulation of extremist groups can delegitimize their causes and undermine public trust.

    • CIA's Role in Shaping Cults and Social MovementsThe CIA's involvement in cults and social movements, through operations like Midnight Climax and Mockingbird, may have influenced events and shaped media narratives, raising concerns about manipulation and the authenticity of reality

      There have been significant connections between intriguing cults and groups, including those in California's Laurel Canyon area, and US intelligence agencies like the CIA. These relationships are not necessarily proof that these events would not have occurred without intelligence involvement, but they may have accelerated or influenced certain developments. The CIA's involvement extends beyond intelligence gathering, with operations like Operation Midnight Climax and Mockingbird shaping media narratives and social movements. Some seemingly organic events, like riots, might have had external instigation, as seen in the abandoning of cop cars and the presence of pallets of bricks during protests. The potential manipulation of public perception to maintain power and control is a concerning possibility, with groups like Antifa using seemingly harmless items as weapons to further this divide. The complexity of these connections raises questions about the authenticity of events and the potential for manipulation, leaving us to ponder the nature of reality itself.

    • Manipulation of Public OpinionThe few in power can manipulate public opinion through various means, including self-censorship and arbitrary decision-making, and will continue to do so.

      The power to control information and manipulate public opinion lies in the hands of a few, and they will continue to use it to their advantage. The discussion touched upon various topics, including a company that makes unique frying pans from recycled materials, the manipulation of the population, and the demonetization of content on YouTube. It was mentioned that people are easily controlled and manipulated, and the powers that be have been doing it for decades. The recent example given was the demonetization of certain content on YouTube, which was seen as a form of self-censorship. The speakers also expressed their thoughts on the Weinstein scandal and the arbitrary decision-making that can occur within large corporations. Despite the challenges, there is a chance for open and honest dialogue, as shown by the possibility of interviewing a controversial figure on a podcast. However, the overall sentiment was that the powers that be will continue to use their influence to shape public opinion and control the narrative.

    • Criticisms of The View's Lack of DiversityThe speaker calls out The View for insufficient representation of women, including trans women, and controversial past comments by some hosts. They advocate for more inclusivity and thoughtfulness in the show's content and casting.

      The speaker expresses strong criticisms towards The View, a popular daytime talk show, for lacking diversity, particularly in the representation of women and having hosts with controversial past comments. They believe the show should prioritize having more women, including trans women, as guests and hosts, and be more mindful of the sensitive topics they discuss. The speaker also shares personal experiences and anecdotes about specific hosts and their problematic past comments. Overall, the speaker believes The View should strive for more inclusivity and thoughtfulness in its content and casting.

    • The debate around Building 7 during the 9/11 attacksQuestions remain about Building 7's collapse, with theories ranging from controlled demolition to severe fire, but definitive evidence is lacking

      The collapse of Building 7 during the 9/11 attacks raises questions about its structural integrity and the cause of its demise. While some believe it was a controlled demolition, others attribute it to a severe fire that weakened the building's steel and concrete structure. The absence of key information from the 9/11 Commission report regarding Building 7 and the involvement of Saudi Arabia in the attacks adds to the conspiracy theories. However, it's important to note that these theories are not proven facts and require further investigation. The debate around Building 7 serves as a reminder of the need for transparency and accountability in government reports and investigations.

    • Doubts about the Pentagon plane crash on 9/11Speakers question the authenticity of a Pentagon plane crash video, pointing out inconsistencies and suggesting possible cover-ups. No definitive evidence is presented.

      The discussion revolves around the question of whether a plane really hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The speakers express doubts about what they see in a video, pointing out inconsistencies in size, speed, and the apparent lack of debris. Some suggest that the video may be doctored and that the event could have been orchestrated as a cover-up. Others bring up the coincidence of military exercises simulating plane crashes into buildings on the same day. Despite the uncertainty, no concrete evidence is presented to support these theories. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and controversy surrounding the events of 9/11 and the ongoing debates about their true nature.

    • Unreliable Eyewitness Accounts and the Complexity of Middle Eastern PoliticsEyewitness accounts can be unreliable, but some provide valuable info from traumatized individuals. Middle Eastern politics and oil industry's wealth create complexities, obscuring truth, as seen in suppressed investigations and impunity for powerful figures like in the case of Jamal Khashoggi's murder.

      Eyewitness accounts can be unreliable, but some can provide valuable information from individuals who have experienced trauma and stress. However, the events of 9/11 remain shrouded in mystery, and investigations into potential Saudi involvement were suppressed. The amount of money involved in the oil industry and the power of monarchs in Middle Eastern countries creates a complex web of politics and wealth that can make uncovering the truth challenging. The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is an example of the impunity that some powerful figures enjoy, raising questions about accountability and transparency. Ultimately, the truth about many significant events may remain elusive.

    • Understanding the Love and Loyalty towards Oppressive LeadersDespite hardships and brainwashing, people in oppressive regimes like North Korea show deep love and loyalty towards their leaders due to lack of basic necessities and manipulation of reality.

      The love and loyalty of people towards their leaders in oppressive regimes like North Korea can be deeply disturbing and hard to comprehend. This was discussed in relation to a comedian's private show for a royal family and the experiences shared by North Korean defector Yeonmi Park about growing up in North Korea. The lack of basic necessities like internet and power, and the brainwashing that destroys people's sense of reality, were highlighted as factors contributing to this phenomenon. Christopher Hitchens' article "Fat Man and Little Boy" was also mentioned as an insightful exploration of this issue. The discussion also touched upon the transparency and morally questionable actions of leaders like Putin, but also acknowledged the complexities and nuances involved in understanding the dynamics of power and control in such contexts.

    • Bitcoin's Value and the Crypto World's Intrigue: Elon Musk and BeyondBitcoin's value is speculative, influenced by figures like Elon Musk, and surrounded by intrigue from topics like anonymity and mysteries. However, the credibility of related information can be questionable.

      Bitcoin's value is highly speculative and can be influenced significantly by public figures like Elon Musk and his tweets. The anonymity and mystery surrounding its creator, Satoshi Nakamura, and other topics like Bigfoot and UFOs, add to the intrigue and fun in the crypto world. However, the credibility of information regarding these topics can be questionable, as seen with the lack of solid evidence for Bigfoot sightings or the unexplained UFO encounters reported by military personnel. Despite the intrigue, not everyone is as captivated by these topics as those deeply invested in them, and the world's focus may shift to other issues depending on the larger context.

    • Unidentified Phenomena: UFOs, Advanced Tech, or Extraterrestrial?Military reports of UFOs may be explained by advanced technologies or extraterrestrial beings, but could also be classified projects or Chinese advancements. Lack of evidence and secrecy make it difficult to draw conclusions, and some believe in a government agency dealing with such phenomena.

      There are unexplained phenomena, such as unidentified flying objects (UFOs), that have been reported by military personnel and may be the result of advanced technologies, possibly even from other planets or extraterrestrial beings. However, it is also possible that these phenomena are the result of classified military projects or Chinese technological advancements. The lack of concrete evidence and the secrecy surrounding these events make it difficult to draw definitive conclusions. Additionally, some believe that there is a government agency responsible for dealing with such phenomena, and that the highest levels of government are aware of and involved in these matters. Furthermore, the public's fascination with UFOs and the paranormal is compared to the perception of Tijuana as a place of spectacle and entertainment, suggesting that if extraterrestrial life exists, they may view Earth in a similar light. The authenticity of certain pieces of evidence, such as the "men in black" video, remains uncertain. Ultimately, the truth about these phenomena may remain elusive until more concrete evidence is presented or until a significant event occurs that demands greater attention and transparency.

    • The Reality Behind the 'Men in Black' in UFO FolkloreBe cautious of UFO stories, many can be debunked or explained by mundane reasons. The internet spreads false information quickly, check facts before believing.

      The phenomenon of the "Men in Black" in UFO folklore can be explained through a combination of misinformation, human behavior, and the power of suggestion. The idea of these mysterious figures dressed in black suits and wearing sunglasses, who allegedly intimidate UFO witnesses, has persisted due to a mix of real-life experiences, exaggerated stories, and the power of the internet to spread information quickly. However, as we've discussed, many of these stories can be debunked or explained through mundane reasons. For example, people dressing up as "Men in Black" to prank or interview UFO witnesses. Moreover, the proliferation of disinformation online, as discussed by historian Yuval Noah Harari, can lead people to believe in false or misleading information, just as in the early days of literature when people believed in the existence of witches based on false information spread in books. Therefore, it's essential to approach such stories with a critical mind and fact-check before accepting them as truth. Additionally, the PowerPoint presentation discussed in the text, which was not from Edward Snowden but from a separate source, highlights the importance of being aware of online disinformation and the need for cybersecurity professionals who can combat it. In summary, while the legend of the "Men in Black" may be intriguing, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction and be skeptical of information found online.

    • Technology used for deception and manipulationOnline manipulation and censorship can distort truth, making it hard for individuals to distinguish fact from fiction. Stay informed and advocate for transparency to ensure accurate information.

      Deception and manipulation through technology, particularly online, have become significant tools for shaping public perception and behavior. This was evident during wartime when inflatable tanks were used to deceive enemies, and it continues today in the form of social media manipulation and censorship by large corporations. The battleground for information and truth has shifted to the digital realm, making it increasingly difficult for individuals to navigate and distinguish fact from fiction. The consequences of this can be severe, as the suppression of information can lead to a watered-down, corporatized version of the truth. It's essential to be aware of these tactics and strive for transparency and open dialogue to ensure that accurate information reaches the public.

    • From Zero to Two Million: The Power of Viral Social Media ContentSocial media can rapidly grow individual platforms through viral content, and starting skills training early can have significant benefits.

      The power of social media can quickly elevate individuals and their platforms, as seen in the case of a content creator named Hezbollah, who went from having zero followers to over two million in a short period. This was due to a viral video that caught the attention of many, leading to a massive push behind his content. Another key point discussed was the debate over children participating in martial arts training, with some arguing that it's beneficial for them to learn sparring at a young age when they don't hit hard and don't face significant consequences. Others, however, believe that it's harder for adults to develop striking skills, especially if they don't have a specific athletic background. Overall, the conversation highlighted the impact of social media and the importance of starting skills training at an early age.

    • Considering the Risks of Teaching Children Fighting SkillsThough cultural norms may promote teaching children fighting skills, it's crucial to prioritize their well-being and development over potential benefits, considering the vulnerability and lack of understanding of consequences.

      While it may seem unusual or even beneficial for children to engage in fighting, especially in cultures like Thailand, it's important to consider the potential harm and lack of consent involved. The idea of teaching children fighting skills can be compared to any other job or pursuit, but extra care must be taken due to the vulnerability and lack of understanding of the consequences that come with growing up. Additionally, the entertainment industry, such as acting, also poses unique challenges and potential risks for children that need to be addressed with caution. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize the well-being and development of children above any potential benefits.

    • The complex issue of representation in mediaIndustry needs to make space for diverse voices and perspectives, but it's not solely on creators to ensure diversity. Collaborative effort between industry, creators, and audiences is crucial for authentic representation in media.

      Representation matters in media, but it's a complex issue. Hollywood has a responsibility to create opportunities for underrepresented groups, but it's not the sole responsibility of individual creators to ensure diversity. The industry needs to make space for different voices and perspectives, but it's also important to remember that there may be fewer people from certain backgrounds pursuing certain fields, such as comedy writing. However, when compelling stories about underrepresented communities are told, they can be profitable and successful. It's crucial to avoid an over-correction where identity is prioritized above talent, as this can lead to lower quality productions. Ultimately, it's a collaborative effort between industry leaders, creators, and audiences to push for more inclusive and authentic representation in media.

    • Breaking Barriers in EntertainmentThe entertainment industry can be biased towards the loud and political, but meritocracy exists in comedy. Diversity is crucial for representation and varied content. Everyone faces challenges, but pushing for opportunities and celebrating successes is essential.

      The entertainment industry, particularly in film and comedy, can be biased towards those who are political and loud, rather than focusing on raw talent and merit. However, there have been exceptions, such as Bruce Lee, who transcended all barriers and became a global icon. Diversity in entertainment is important, not only for representation but also for providing interesting and varied content. The comedy world is one of the most accepting of diversity, as it can be a true meritocracy where those who can "murder" on stage are treated with respect. However, the industry is hard, and not everyone can make it based on talent alone. It's important to recognize that everyone has inherent advantages and disadvantages, but the comedy world comes closest to being a meritocracy. Ultimately, it's essential to keep pushing for more opportunities for underrepresented groups and to continue celebrating those who break through the barriers.

    • Unique challenges for women in comedy industrySocietal biases and evolving definitions of comedy present challenges for women in comedy, but those who authentically connect with audiences can make a significant impact.

      Women face unique challenges in the comedy industry due to societal biases and changing definitions of comedy. Women may be perceived negatively when discussing certain topics, particularly sex, and may struggle to get recognized or accepted in lineups. However, those who manage to break through and speak their truth can make a significant impact. The industry is evolving, with some valuing authenticity and truth-telling over traditional punchlines and jokes. While some may criticize this shift, it's important to remember that comedy is subjective, and different audiences have varying preferences. Ultimately, the most successful comedians, regardless of gender, are those who can connect with their audience and deliver content that resonates with them.

    • The dominance of a certain demographic in NYC comedy sceneComedy should be inclusive and not limited to one style or demographic. Everyone should be free to express themselves uniquely in the art form.

      The comedy scene in New York City during a certain era was dominated by a particular demographic, leading to a sense of exclusivity and criticism towards those who didn't fit the mold. This era of comedy was characterized by a focus on literary references and a lack of discussion about real issues. With the arrival of Trump and a shift towards more political comedy, this era came to an end, and many comics found themselves struggling to adapt. The speaker believes that comedy should not be limited to one style or demographic, and that everyone should be free to express themselves in their unique way. The idea that certain people, such as Hannah Gatsby, were able to break through and tell their truth was a significant moment in comedy history. Ultimately, the speaker encourages everyone to enjoy comedy in their own way and to appreciate the diversity and inclusivity that the art form offers.

    • Attempts to control comedy can harm the art formCensoring or shaming successful comedians stifles innovation and growth in comedy, allowing mediocre performers to criticize instead.

      Success in the comedy world can lead some people to assume a role of controlling what's considered good or bad in the art form. This can result in attempts to censor or shame others, which can lower the standard of comedy and create an environment where mediocre performers feel empowered to criticize successful comedians. The anger and negativity towards Louis C.K. after his return to stand-up, following allegations of sexual misconduct, was an example of this phenomenon. These critics, who were often mediocre performers themselves, felt safe to express their anger and pile on, but their own lack of risk-taking and unwillingness to take chances in their own careers kept them from achieving greatness. The backlash against Louis C.K.'s first set back was particularly harsh, as it came after a long hiatus and included jokes that were considered inappropriate, but were actually part of his long-standing act. Ultimately, this behavior harms the art form and prevents true innovation and growth in comedy.

    • The line between comedy and transgressionSupport and promote talented individuals, take risks in creative pursuits, and embrace the joy of discovering and sharing authentic content, despite potential backlash.

      The line between comedy and transgression can be blurry, and the response to such content can depend on the social and professional context. The speaker expresses frustration towards those who praised a comedian's work until he faced backlash, only to turn against him. He argues that these individuals are hypocritical for relying on large corporations for their careers while criticizing independent content creators. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of supporting and promoting talented individuals and taking risks in creative pursuits. He believes that the joy of discovering and sharing great content is a reward in itself, and that the negativity from those who feel threatened by authenticity and independence is a natural consequence.

    • Sensitivity around controversial topics and consequences of expressing unpopular opinionsExpressing unpopular opinions, especially in the public eye, can lead to sensitivity and potential consequences, including being fired or boycotted.

      People have deep-seated feelings about being perceived as owned or controlled, even if it's disguised as altruism. This was exemplified in the case of Gina Carano, who was fired from the Star Wars franchise for making a controversial comparison to Nazi Germany. While some saw her comments as hateful and divisive, others saw it as a warning about the dangers of demonizing those with opposing political views. Regardless, the incident highlights the sensitivity around controversial topics and the potential consequences of expressing unpopular opinions, particularly in the public eye. Additionally, it appears that some film studios and production companies may be using political motivations to make decisions about talent, as seen with the Daily Wire's plans to produce films featuring conservative voices.

    • Conservative Figures Pursue Independent Film MakingThe film industry's perceived lack of representation for conservative values drives some to make movies independently. Success depends on creating good content, while the industry's dominance by the left and foreign funding is criticized.

      There is a perceived lack of representation for conservative values in Hollywood and the film industry, leading some conservative figures to explore making movies independently. James Woods and John Voigt, among others, have made films to showcase conservative narratives. The Daily Wire, a conservative media outlet, has also entered the movie business with the film "Growing a Hide Fight," although its reception has been mixed. Clint Eastwood is cited as an example of a successful conservative filmmaker in Hollywood. However, creating a high-quality movie that counters liberal narratives without falling into the same traps of overt messaging is a challenge. The success of these efforts ultimately depends on the ability to produce good, engaging content. The left's dominance in the industry stems from their longer history and established presence. The film industry, with many studios funded by foreign money, is criticized for producing a lack of quality and substance in their offerings.

    • China's Financial Influence on Hollywood: A Challenging Balancing ActThe financial gains from the Chinese market force creators to navigate Chinese influence, resulting in self-censorship or corporate censorship, and creating a demand for uncensored content.

      The entertainment industry, particularly moviemaking, has a significant financial interest from China, making it challenging for creators to avoid Chinese influence due to the huge financial gains from the Chinese market. Apologies, even insincere ones, have been made in Mandarin to appease this market. The process of creating and distributing content independently is a brutal process, and the censorship, whether self-imposed or imposed by corporations, creates a demand for uncensored content. Tim Dillon, a comedian, appreciates the impact of this situation on his career and is excited to perform live again. He also plans to buy a house in Beverly Hills and invites his friend to stay whenever they want. Despite some challenges, he finds joy in creating content and connecting with audiences.

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    Crying Wolf

    It used to be that we tried our best to conceal disadvantages, hardships, and humiliations. But new research explores a curious shift: some people are flaunting limitations that don't exist. This week, we talk to psychologists Karl Aquino and Jillian Jordan about the strange phenomenon of wanting to seem worse off than we really are.

    Think back to the last time you tried to win an argument. What could you have done to bolster your case? Check out our recent episode "Less is More" for helpful strategies. And if you like our work, please consider supporting it! See how you can help at support.hiddenbrain.org.  

    BVOV - Jan2519 - Discipline Your Mind to Live in Love and Victory

    BVOV - Jan2519 - Discipline Your Mind to Live in Love and Victory
    Believers Voice of Victory Audio Broadcast for Friday 01/25/2019 Is your smartphone damaging your brain? Listen to Believer’s Voice of Victory, as Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, along with Dr. Caroline Leaf, uncover the damage to your identity that occurs with excessive use of technological devices. Technology gives us access to lots of information without thinking it through. Learn to discipline your mind in this technological age to beat depression and live in love and victory!

    Side Effects of Being Smart Funny and Black: LIVE at the Kennedy Center

    Side Effects of Being Smart Funny and Black: LIVE at the Kennedy Center

    This week we take you to the Kennedy Center in Washington DC for a live recording of Small Doses, where we talk all about what it means to be Smart, Funny, and Black.


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