
    171. How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

    enJanuary 16, 2024

    About this Episode

    Shatter Your Limiting Beliefs

    Are you constantly battling thoughts that hold you back? In this episode, Penny goes deep into the world of limiting beliefs, those hidden mental blocks that can be as subtle as a whisper or as obstructive as a wall in your life's path. 

    🌟 Must-Watch Highlights:

    Recognize and Reframe: Learn how to spot those sneaky limiting beliefs and the art of transforming them from negative speed bumps to positive stepping stones in your life. It's all about the power of awareness and positive reframing.

    Affirmations with a Twist: Dive into the world of affirmations, but not as you know them. Understand why starting with believable and relatable affirmations is key to progress and how they can evolve into your wildest dreams.

    Values and Choices: The root of limiting beliefs isn't always trauma or past events. Often, it's a subtle misalignment of our actions with our core values. 

    This episode is full of insights for anyone ready to break free from the frustration of limiting beliefs. Whether you're struggling with personal, career, or relationship growth, these strategies offer a fresh perspective and practical tools to help you navigate and overcome these mental barriers.


    Get the details on the next hypnosis certification https://pennychiasson.com/certifyme

    If you're ready to dive a little deeper into uncovering and reprogramming your limiting beliefs get Amplify Success for only $27 https://pennychiasson.com/amplify-success


    Recent Episodes from Penny, On Your Thoughts

    Encore: Trusting Yourself is Not the Issue

    Encore: Trusting Yourself is Not the Issue

    When most people reach out to me, they’re doing so because they feel blocked around money. Something has happened in the past that’s creating issues around their ability to manifest the money, job, or relationship. As part of the process of working with me, I have people list the benefits of the change they’re looking for which tells me a lot about where we’re starting. And in almost all cases, they’ll list that they want to trust themselves. In this episode, I talk about how that’s not really the problem and expose the deeper issue at play.

    4:02 - What you’re really saying if you tell yourself you’re untrustworthy

    7:31 - What to ask yourself when lacking self-trust and how to easily release judgment


    Thanks for tuning in today! I’d love it if you could head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a positive review, so we can reach even more people, so they can change their lives. That positive energy of sharing comes back to you as we spread this message.


    How to stay out of your emotions and in your peace

    How to stay out of your emotions and in your peace

    In this bonus episode of Penny, On Your Thoughts, Penny reveals the changes that have been happening behind the scenes and how she has moved through these challenges using the tools she often shares. 

    We can carry emotional events and trauma for years and sometimes becoming aware of layers to be peeled requires a trigger. She shares in detail the reason she doesn’t talk about being in her emotions and the higher responsibility that comes with developing your spiritual awareness and working with others. 

    Penny touches on:

    • What shamanism is
    • Why the there is a great responsibility with evolving spiritually
    • The events that recently triggered old wounds
    • How she managed and moved through those emotions

    Emotions are not bad or good. They are a part of being human. We signed up for this experience. How we navigate those emotions is what allows us to the opportunity to grow. 

    If you are ready to say yes to following your purpose and helping others, register for our next hypnosis certification training at https://pennychiasson.com/certifyme

    If you want to work 1:1 with Penny, go to https://pennychiasson.com/work-with-me


    Moving Leaders from Burnout to Peace with Rita Hyland

    Moving Leaders from Burnout to  Peace with Rita Hyland

    In today’s episode of Penny, On Your Thoughts I sit down and have a conversation with Rita Hyland. Rita is an executive coach and creator of the Neuroleadership Growth Code™. Her journey began when she transitioned from corporate America into coaching, when coaching was ‘new’ and few knew what it meant. 

    We explore her story of burnout and how the corporate culture is fertile ground for living a life that is not aligned with who we are. In an interesting twist that is contrary to popular perspectives among female coaches, she shares how she has greater compassion for men in corporate and why. 

    You can connect with Rita on LinkedIn or at www.ritahyland.com. Get access to her morning mindset routine HERE.

    If you are ready continue your journey of personal transformation by overcoming blindspots and ceilings while taking a higher perspective as you grow spiritually, I have two 6 month hypnosis-spiritual growth coaching openings. Let’s connect and see if we are a good fit. 

    If you’re ready to help others fast track positive changes in their life, join me in my next hypnosis certification training. All the details are HERE.

    176. Breaking Free from the Christian Taboo to the Woo with Drenda Thomas Richards

    176. Breaking Free from the Christian Taboo to the Woo with Drenda Thomas Richards

    This week we are diving into the influence of religious beliefs and the stories they create that can ‘trap’ us in an unhappy life. This week I am interviewing Drenda Thomas Richards, spiritual teacher, subconscious mind expert and author as she shares the story behind her new book, Dare to Remember:  Uncover Who You Were Before the BS. 

    We touch on topics ranging from unworthiness beliefs and christian witchcraft to finding compassionate support from those who disagree with personal choices like abortion. It’s an episode you will want to listen to in its entirety. 

    You can find Drenda on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok

    You can purchase Dare to Remember:  Uncover Who You Were Before the BS HERE. 

    If you are ready to Remember who you truly are, join me April 30-May 4th in Sedona, AZ at the Ultimate Alignment Retreat. Details at https://pennychiasson.com/retreat-2024

    This week ONLY, save an additional $500 off of hypnosis certification. Use code 500off on the registration page. https://pennychiasson.com/hypnosis-certification

    If you are interested in Money Mindset, I’m running a 21 day sprint March 1-21. This is a Facebook group with daily videos, lives 2X week and coaching in the group. It’s only $333 for 21 days of money mindset coaching. Register before 3/3/2024


    175. Is This Creating Limiting Beliefs?

    175. Is This Creating Limiting Beliefs?

    Today's show opens your eyes to the blindspots in self-help and personal development. We talk about the complicated path of healing and growth as well as the unintended effects of good advice. As a hypnotist with many years of experience, I've seen personally how some personal development methods, even when they're meant to help, can sometimes get in the way, especially when it comes to dealing with our limiting beliefs.

    Find Out What Your Limiting Beliefs Really Mean: Figure out that not all problems, like putting things off or not having enough money, are caused by stress or not feeling good enough. Find out how to get past the real problems that are holding you back.

    Critical Thinking in Personal Development: Learn why taking self-help tips at face value can be harmful and how you can start being more selective about the information you take in.

    The Power of Self-Exploration: Learn why labeling yourself or going for quick fixes suggested by other people is not the way to real growth or helping others.

    It's important to listen to this episode if you've ever been stuck in a cycle of self-help that doesn't seem to work or if you want to learn more about personal growth than just the basics. We'll talk about why some common beliefs about healing and growth might not be true for everyone and how you can find your own way to get rid of your limiting beliefs without oversimplifying or naming things incorrectly.

    Come with me as we question what you think you know about personal growth and take the first step toward real, long-lasting change. This is the beginning of your journey to break free from your limiting ideas. When you press play, you'll find out things that might change the way you approach your growth journey from now on. 

    Join me April 30-May 4th in Sedona for the Ultimate Alignment Retreat. Only 11 women, 3 days, infinite possibilities. https://pennychiasson.com/retreat-2024


    174. How saying no can be the ultimate act of saying yes to a life you love.

    174. How saying no can be the ultimate act of saying yes to a life you love.

    In today's episode of the Penny on Your Thoughts podcast, we dive deep into the life changing power of “saying no to say yes” to ourselves. In the hustle of daily life, it's easy to lose sight of what truly nourishes our soul. This episode explores how we can reclaim our time, energy, and essence by setting boundaries, managing expectations, and prioritizing self-care over societal pressures. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the demands of family, career, and personal goals, this conversation is for you.

    In this episode:

    ~Learn how to give yourself the space to be, to rest, and to engage in activities that truly matter to you. It's not just about self-care; it's about self-transformation.

    ~We'll explore how setting boundaries with others and ourselves can lead to a more fulfilling and less stressful life. 

    ~Taking time to truly ‘get away’ makes space to reset and realign with who you really are. 

    This episode is a must listen for anyone feeling trapped in the cycle of overcommitment and overwhelm. It's a reminder that by saying no to the things that deplete us, we open the door to saying yes to the things that enrich and fulfill us. Whether you're a busy parent, an entrepreneur, or someone just trying to navigate the complexities of modern life, there's something in this conversation for you.

    Let's explore together how saying no can be the ultimate act of saying yes to a life you love.

    Get the details and reserve your spot at the Ultimate Alignment Retreat at https://pennychiasson.com/ultimate

    Apply to work 1:1 with Penny at https://pennychiasson.com/work-wtih-me

    Penny, On Your Thoughts
    enFebruary 06, 2024

    173 Co Creating Reality How it works

    173 Co Creating Reality How it works

    In this episode of Penny, On Your Thoughts, Penny dives into the essence of co-creating our reality, exploring how our inner world shapes our external experiences. This journey isn't just about understanding ourselves; it's about recognizing our role as energetic beings in a universe that responds to our vibrations. From observing the ego to embracing unconditional love, this episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone seeking to elevate their consciousness and live a life aligned with their truest self.

    Understanding Ego and Emotion: Discover how observing your ego's response to emotions like sadness and longing can unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. 

    The Power of Unconditional Love and Reciprocity:  Learn about the impact of unconditional love and the law of reciprocity in our lives. 

    Co-Creating Our Reality: Understand how our thoughts, emotions, and energy contribute to co-creating our reality. This is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding how our inner state influences our external world and how we can consciously shape our experiences.

    Are you feeling pulled to help others transform their lives? Or maybe you are seeking a deeper understanding of the mind, habits and beliefs? Join me for February’s NGH + Advanced Hypnosis Certification. It’s a 7 days intensive with personal post-grad support as you build your skills. Get the details at https://pennychiasson.com/certifyme


    172. How to Bridge the Identity Gap, FAST

    172. How to Bridge the Identity Gap, FAST

    How to Bridge the Identity Gap, FASTIn today’s episode, we get into the intriguing concept of the 'identity gap', a term that refers to the distance between our current selves and the identity we aspire to achieve. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a corporate professional, or someone at a personal crossroads, this gap affects us all. The discussion navigates through the intricate paths of our habits, beliefs, and subconscious patterns, offering insights into how they shape our actions and perceptions. 

    Understanding the Identity Gap: The identity gap is not just about our actions but deeply rooted in our neural pathways and habits. It’s the space between where we are and where we want to be, affecting various aspects of our lives. 

    The Role of Subconscious Beliefs and Stories: Central to this chat is the impact of our subconscious mind. The host illustrates this with a poignant story of a client struggling with feelings of inadequacy stemming from a childhood incident. This narrative exemplifies how early experiences can seed long-lasting beliefs that shape our self-perception and actions. 

    Avoiding Victim Mentality and Reframing Stories: Be mindful of recounting experiences, emphasizing that repeatedly framing stories from a victim’s perspective can unconsciously reinforce a sense of helplessness. The discussion pivots to the power of language and self-perception in shaping our reality and the importance of shifting from a victim mindset to a more empowered narrative.

    Our identity rests in our subconscious mind. We truly create our reality. 

    To sign up for Learn to Hypnotize Anyone, visit https://pennychiasson.com/hypnotize.

    To register for the upcoming hypnosis certification, visit https://pennychiasson.com/certifyme

    The Ultimate Alignment Retreat is April 30 - May4, 2024. Details are HERE.

    If you are ready for one-on-one, book your call today so you can get on the waitlist.


    171. How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

    171. How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

    Shatter Your Limiting Beliefs

    Are you constantly battling thoughts that hold you back? In this episode, Penny goes deep into the world of limiting beliefs, those hidden mental blocks that can be as subtle as a whisper or as obstructive as a wall in your life's path. 

    🌟 Must-Watch Highlights:

    Recognize and Reframe: Learn how to spot those sneaky limiting beliefs and the art of transforming them from negative speed bumps to positive stepping stones in your life. It's all about the power of awareness and positive reframing.

    Affirmations with a Twist: Dive into the world of affirmations, but not as you know them. Understand why starting with believable and relatable affirmations is key to progress and how they can evolve into your wildest dreams.

    Values and Choices: The root of limiting beliefs isn't always trauma or past events. Often, it's a subtle misalignment of our actions with our core values. 

    This episode is full of insights for anyone ready to break free from the frustration of limiting beliefs. Whether you're struggling with personal, career, or relationship growth, these strategies offer a fresh perspective and practical tools to help you navigate and overcome these mental barriers.


    Get the details on the next hypnosis certification https://pennychiasson.com/certifyme

    If you're ready to dive a little deeper into uncovering and reprogramming your limiting beliefs get Amplify Success for only $27 https://pennychiasson.com/amplify-success


    Penny, On Your Thoughts
    enJanuary 16, 2024

    170. Ways Hypnosis Can Help You on Your Spiritual Journey

    170. Ways Hypnosis Can Help You on Your Spiritual Journey

    In today's episode, I dig into the essence of the spiritual journey, exploring the deep and often misunderstood aspects of personal growth and spiritual awakening. This discussion is an intimate and in depth exploration of the journey to the soul. Join me as I unravel the layers of consciousness and discover how hypnosis can be used to navigate the intricate dance of remembering who we truly are.

    Listen to find out how:

    Hypnosis can be a gateway to the soul;

    Mind chatter creates a disconnect from our spiritual awareness; and

    Some have a true spiritual experience in hypnosis. 

    We are all luminous spiritual beings, it’s simply a matter of remembering who we are. I invite you to listen and explore what it takes to stay in your personal power and in tune to the connection to your soul. 


    If you are ready to follow a passion for helping others to live a happier, more fulfilling life I invite you to explore professional hypnosis certification training. Get the details and register HERE.


    To book a call to explore working with me, click HERE.