
    #1714 - Josh Dubin & Robert Jones

    en-usOctober 05, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Encounter with a man exonerated after 24 years in prisonThe power of human resilience and the importance of fighting for justice were demonstrated through a chance encounter with a man who spent decades in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

      The power of human resilience and the importance of fighting for justice were powerfully illustrated in a chance encounter between the speaker and a man named Robert, who was exonerated after spending nearly 24 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit. This encounter took place during a criminal defense attorneys' conference in New Orleans in 2016. Robert's gripping speech to the attendees about the importance of standing up for one's clients' constitutional rights left a deep impression on the speaker. They met in person after the speech and later became close, with the speaker helping represent Robert in his civil rights case. The speaker describes Robert as a "force of nature" and a "miracle," and expresses awe at his ability to endure and overcome the hardships of wrongful imprisonment. Five years after his release, Robert has come to terms with his freedom and continues to inspire others with his story.

    • From Prison to Society: Learning Respect and Adapting to NormsDespite the challenges of transitioning from prison to society, acts of kindness and respect for others matter. Unfortunately, the justice system isn't always fair, and innocent people can be wrongly accused and convicted.

      Transitioning from prison life to society can be challenging, especially in learning to respect others and adapt to societal norms. The speaker shared an experience of helping an old lady cross the street and receiving accolades for what was considered a normal human act. He also shared how he was arrested for crimes he didn't commit and was shocked to find that the system wasn't always fair. The speaker was only 19 when he was arrested and had never been in trouble before. He assumed that if you committed a crime, you would be arrested and eventually get a fair trial. However, he was charged with aggravated rape, first-degree murder, and a slew of armed robberies, and learned that innocent people could be wrongly accused and convicted. The case received national attention due to a British tourist's involvement, and the speaker didn't learn about the full extent of the evidence against him until the proceedings. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of respect, empathy, and understanding the complexities of the justice system.

    • Innocent Lives Ruined by Withheld EvidenceThe criminal justice system can wrongfully convict innocent people through withheld evidence and mistaken identification. It's crucial to prioritize truth and justice, and hold accountable those who fail to disclose exonerating evidence.

      The criminal justice system can wrongfully convict innocent people due to withheld evidence and mistaken identification. Robert's case is an example of this injustice, where he was falsely accused, spent four years in jail, and was eventually convicted despite evidence of another suspect. Prosecutors and law enforcement have an obligation to turn over exonerating evidence, but in some cases, they don't, ruining innocent lives. It's crucial to change laws and make these actions accountable to prevent such horrific crimes. The anonymous false tip led to Robert's arrest, highlighting how easily lives can be disrupted. The criminal justice system should prioritize truth and justice over winning at all costs.

    • Navigating the Criminal Justice System: A Personal AccountThe criminal justice system can be complex and opaque, leaving those without legal knowledge at a disadvantage. Effective representation and transparency are crucial for ensuring fairness and accuracy in the system.

      The criminal justice system can be overwhelming and confusing for those without a strong understanding of legal jargon and processes. The speaker, who grew up in a disadvantaged background and ended up wrongly accused and imprisoned, found himself in a system where he didn't understand the language or the workings. Despite his innocence, he held onto hope that he would be exonerated. However, he was left to rely on a private attorney who promised to find crucial evidence but was unable to do so due to the withholding of crucial documents. The speaker eventually learned the law himself while in prison, but the experience left a lasting impact on him, highlighting the need for better representation and transparency in the criminal justice system.

    • Observing the Consequences of Neglect in PrisonDespite facing adversity, remember every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow, like a boxing match where each challenge is a chance to throw a counter punch and keep moving forward.

      During his time in prison, the speaker observed the consequences of being uneducated, disconnected from family and outside resources, and filled with anger among long-term inmates. He used their experiences as a mirror and decided to take the opposite approach. However, despite his efforts to stay positive, he was devastated when his younger brother was killed while selling drugs to raise money for the speaker's release. This traumatic event led him to feel responsible and depressed, even considering suicide. But a boxing trainer inside the prison became a mentor and friend, helping him through this difficult time by reminding him that life is like a boxing match – every challenge is an opportunity to throw a counter punch and keep moving forward.

    • A Man's Journey from Prison to Expert LawyerInvest in your education and future, even in adversity. Persistence and determination can help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

      After being inspired to take action, a man named him went back to school to improve his literacy skills and learn the law in order to help himself and others in prison. He understood that he couldn't rely on others to provide resources or education, and instead, he invested in himself by studying and writing to various organizations and individuals for assistance. Through his hard work and dedication, he became an expert at litigating cases within the prison system and eventually gained the resources and knowledge to help himself and others get out of prison. This story illustrates the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's education and future, and the power of persistence and determination in overcoming adversity.

    • Overcoming Adversity through Focus and CourageFocus on essential needs, learn new skills, build support networks, and maintain dignity to overcome adversity and rise above difficult situations.

      Overcoming adversity requires a clear focus on essential needs and the courage to stand up for oneself. The speaker, who spent years in a violent prison, shares how he navigated the dangerous environment by prioritizing education, learning the law, and building support networks. His determination to maintain his dignity and not let violence become a distraction allowed him to concentrate on the steps necessary for his release. The speaker's story underscores the importance of resilience and the ability to rise above adversity with courage and a strong mindset.

    • Navigating Challenging Environments with Self-confidence and ResilienceDeveloping a strong mindset and assertiveness helps establish respect and protection in difficult situations. Maintaining hope and focus on goals aids in overcoming adversity.

      Having a strong mindset and being willing to stand up for oneself can help establish respect and protection in challenging environments. The speaker shared an experience of using this mindset to navigate through a prison system, where he had to learn to assert himself and confront others to gain respect. Despite the difficulties and dangers, maintaining hope and focus on a goal helped him persevere. The experience highlights the importance of self-confidence and resilience in overcoming adversity. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the unique culture and challenges of living in a long-term incarceration facility.

    • Fighting for Respect and FairnessStanding up for oneself, even in adversity, can earn respect and lead to fair treatment. Maintain fairness and negotiate for equal opportunities.

      Standing up for oneself, even in the face of adversity, can lead to respect and fair treatment. The speaker shared a personal story about being pushed to the back of a food line and deciding to fight back instead of accepting the injustice. His actions earned him respect from his peers and eventually led to better opportunities. However, even in challenging situations, he maintained fairness and negotiated for equal food distribution for everyone. It took several years, but he eventually received a hearing to preserve DNA testing for his case, bringing him closer to proving his innocence. Overall, the story highlights the importance of standing up for oneself and fighting for fairness, even in the most difficult circumstances.

    • 23-year fight for DNA testing proves innocenceAccess to DNA testing is a human right, but not always granted. Persistence and advocacy can uncover hidden evidence and prove innocence.

      Access to DNA testing for proof of innocence is a fundamental human right that is not always granted or prioritized, especially for those who are unable to afford or navigate the legal system alone. This was the experience of a man named Robert, who spent 23 years and 7 months fighting for the preservation and testing of DNA evidence from a rape and murder case in which he was accused. Despite multiple denials from the courts, Robert's persistence paid off when the Innocence Project of New Orleans became involved and exposed hidden evidence that ultimately supported his innocence. The importance of advocacy and public support cannot be overstated in the fight for fairness and justice in the legal system.

    • Exploring the Morality of the Death Penalty: Innocent Lives and Emotional StrugglesThe death penalty raises ethical dilemmas, with innocent people wrongly convicted and emotional jury selection processes, emphasizing the need for critical thinking and reform in the criminal justice system.

      The death penalty raises complex moral and ethical questions, as there have been numerous cases of innocent people being wrongly convicted and sentenced to death. The speaker shares his personal experience of caring for terminally ill prisoners who claimed their innocence before dying. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing the flaws in the legal system and the need for critical thinking and open-mindedness when it comes to criminal justice reform. The process of jury selection in death penalty cases, known as death qualification, highlights the emotional struggle people face when deciding whether someone deserves to live or die, even if they are convinced of their guilt. Ultimately, the speaker encourages everyone to reflect on their beliefs and values, and to consider the complexities and nuances of the criminal justice system.

    • Unreliable Information and False Testimonies Lead to Wrongful ConvictionReliable evidence is crucial to ensure fair justice and prevent wrongful convictions based on false testimonies or confessions.

      Justice was not served fairly in this case due to the use of unreliable information and false testimonies. The main suspect, Robert, was falsely accused of a series of crimes, including murder, armed robbery, rape, and kidnapping, based on the word of a convicted criminal who was looking to reduce his own sentence. Despite the fact that Robert had an alibi and no physical evidence connected him to the crimes, he was still charged and convicted. This case highlights the importance of reliable evidence and the potential for false confessions or testimony to lead to wrongful convictions.

    • The legal system's win-or-lose mentality can lead to inflexibility and suppression of evidenceThe legal system's desire to win and inflexibility in reasoning can result in unjust outcomes and the suppression of exonerating evidence

      The legal system's win-or-lose mentality can lead to inflexibility in reasoning and the suppression of exonerating evidence. This was evident in the case discussed, where a man was wrongfully convicted based on the theory of friendship and withheld evidence of his denial of involvement. Prosecutors and judges may rationalize initial suspicions and overlook new evidence, creating a fundamental flaw in the system. This issue is not unique to the legal system, as it applies to various aspects of life, including politics. Human nature's inability to be flexible in reasoning and the desire to win can lead to unjust outcomes and a game-like approach to justice.

    • Systems prioritize winning or making a profit over human interactionLarge systems, such as law enforcement and corporations, can perpetuate harm due to a lack of empathy and accountability. Training and human interaction can help mitigate this harm.

      Systems, whether they are in the form of law enforcement or corporations, can perpetuate harm and unfairness due to a lack of empathy and accountability. This lack of empathy can stem from the position and structure of these systems, which often prioritize winning or making a profit over human interaction and understanding the human toll of their actions. The diffusion of responsibility in large groups also makes it easier for harmful actions to go unchecked. This was discussed in relation to both law enforcement quotas and corporate practices. The lack of training and human interaction in these systems was also highlighted as a potential solution to mitigate the harm caused. The former prosecutors and judges who have since become criminal defense attorneys and advocates for clemency were given as examples of individuals who have gained a new perspective and sense of obligation to make amends for their past roles in these systems.

    • Mistakes in the Criminal Justice System: Ruining LivesDespite efforts, the criminal justice system can make terrible mistakes, ruining lives, and those responsible are not always held accountable. Compensation is a small step towards rectifying these issues.

      The criminal justice system can make terrible mistakes, ruining people's lives, and those responsible are not always held accountable. Former warden and ex-executioner, now an advocate for civil rights, shared his shocking realization of the empathy and reforms Robert has achieved in the five years since his release. Confirmation bias, withholding exonerating evidence, and lack of accountability for these mistakes are significant issues. While Robert recently received compensation, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the 24 years he lost. The new district attorney in New Orleans, Jason Williams, is making strides to rectify this, but it's a complex issue with no easy answers.

    • Compensation not always sufficient for wrongful incarcerationThose wrongfully incarcerated may face ongoing challenges despite compensation, and a minimum compensation amount and simpler legal process are needed.

      The compensation for wrongful incarceration is not always enough to make up for the lost time and experiences. The case of Clemente, who spent 24 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, illustrates this point. Despite being compensated, he is still facing challenges in his life and is in the process of a civil rights case to seek further compensation. The discussion also highlighted the need for a minimum compensation amount and the complexities of the legal system that can hinder the process for those who have been wrongfully incarcerated.

    • A Man's Journey from Criminal Defendant to Community AdvocateDespite a complex and often unjust criminal justice system, individuals can use their experiences to inspire change and advocate for fairness and reform

      The criminal justice system can be a lengthy and complex process, especially for those who cannot afford legal representation. A man, who was once in the same system as a defendant, now works as the Director of Community Outreach and Lead Organizer for a public defender's office, using his experience to inspire and help others. He also runs a non-profit organization that mentors youth and advocates for change in laws. The man's influence and respect in the community come from his ability to speak truth to power and use his experiences to create a platform for fairness and change. The system can be unjust and many people are unaware of its intricacies until they are directly affected. It takes individuals like this man and organizations like Joss and Jason's to bring awareness and effect change.

    • Impact of Criminal Justice System and Paths to ChangeThe criminal justice system affects individuals deeply, requiring empathy, support, and efforts to challenge biases and myths. Reentry can be difficult due to inadequate compensation and lack of networks, necessitating compassionate actions and policies.

      The criminal justice system is flawed and can have a profound impact on individuals and their families. Personal experiences and conversations can help raise awareness and challenge confirmation bias. Compensation for time spent in prison is often inadequate, leaving individuals in difficult financial situations upon release. Building relationships and having supportive networks are crucial for rebuilding lives after incarceration. It's essential to challenge the myth that ex-prisoners will have an easy life upon release and to extend opportunities and support to those who have been through difficult circumstances. Human kindness and empathy are essential in creating a more equitable society. Rare conversations between individuals with different political views and lawmakers can lead to meaningful change in the criminal justice system.

    • The Power of Listening and Empathy in Criminal JusticeListening and empathy are crucial for understanding complex issues in criminal justice. Wrongful convictions can be prevented through open conversations and considering different perspectives. Those who have been wronged by the system can find joy in helping others and making a positive impact.

      Listening and empathy are powerful tools for understanding and resolving complex issues, particularly in the context of criminal justice. The case of Robert, who was wrongly imprisoned and later exonerated, highlights the importance of having open conversations and being willing to consider different perspectives. Robert's composure and character, developed through his experiences, make him uniquely qualified to advocate for those who have been wronged by the system. The joy he finds in helping others and making a positive impact on their lives demonstrates the transformative power of turning negative experiences into positive outcomes. Additionally, education and knowledge about the system are essential for creating meaningful change and advocating for those who need it most.

    • The Power of Transformative SpeakersReal experiences and stories from those who've overcome adversity inspire deep understanding, empathy, and personal growth.

      The power of having a tough mentality and maintaining inspiration during difficult times is essential for personal growth and transformation. Unlike motivational speakers who inspire momentarily, transformative speakers, like Robert, come from a place of experience in overcoming adversity. By sharing real stories and experiences, we can gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and be inspired to make a difference in our own lives and in the world. The transformative impact of platforms like this podcast is evident in the countless stories of people whose lives have been changed by hearing and learning from others' experiences. Robert's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy, compassion, and the pursuit of justice, and we are grateful for the opportunity to learn from him and be inspired by his journey.

    • Emphasizing the importance of an open mindStrive to keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and experiences for personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

      Our personal beliefs and experiences can limit our perspective on life. During this discussion, we've heard how important it is to be open-minded and consider different viewpoints. By doing so, we can inspire change and growth in ourselves and potentially impact the lives of others. This idea was emphasized throughout the conversation and I believe it's a valuable lesson for all of us. Let's strive to keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and experiences. This can lead to personal growth and a more fulfilling life. Thank you for this opportunity to reflect on this important topic. I'm confident that many lives will be changed and inspired by this conversation.

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    As always, a full text transcript of the show is available below and at officialhacksandwonks.com.

    Find the host, Crystal Fincher on Twitter at @finchfrii and Mike McGinn at @mayormcginn. More info is available at officialhacksandwonks.com.


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    • How she has managed to build a multi-million pound business empire
    • Her life purpose
    • Why she doesn’t believe in hate

    Also featured:

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    • Her next steps and goals for life
    • Why and how she dedicates her life to helping other victims through her activism and life coaching.


    "I was literally passed from person to person, thrown on the floor, sexually abused, raped, bitten, beaten - it was a really savage, frenzied attack."

    "The law doesn't protect victims or survivors."

    "I don't hate anyone. I love my father because without him I wouldn't learn to love unconditionally.

    "You have to celebrate yourself - any little celebration."

    "I'm a changemaker. I don't take no."







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

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    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    Elle Johnson | TV Writer + Author, 'The Officer's Daughter'

    Elle Johnson | TV Writer + Author, 'The Officer's Daughter'
    Elle Johnson knows how to tell a cop story. Her father was a New York City parole officer. Her uncle was an NYPD homicide detective. She’s written and produced for several shows including Homicide Life on the Street, Law & Order, and Bosch. She also wrote a memoir about her cousin Karen’s 1981 murder.

    Her book, The Officer’s Daughter: A Memoir of Family and Forgiveness, explores that tragedy, her complicated relationship with her father, and the surrounding criminal justice themes like sentencing and parole. She faces a big question about whether or not to speak out for or against the release of her cousin’s murderer and her memoir will compel you to consider what you would do in the same situation.

    Elle and I discuss her book’s themes, her entry into show business, and what restorative justice could look like. I hope you will check out this book and also follow her on social media as she has a new show and book coming out soon!

    Here's her book: https://www.amazon.com/Officers-Daughter-Memoir-Family-Forgiveness/dp/0063011328/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1635295735&sr=8-1

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