
    173. How to Renew or Repair Your Relationship

    enDecember 27, 2023

    About this Episode

    At the start of every new year, there’s usually an increase in the number of people who come to see counselors and coaches, including many people who want to work on their relationships.


    Dr. Kimmery joins me this week to share what people in relationships are generally coming to talk to her about and the things they want to work on the most. We dive into renewal and repair in the new year, some advice to improve your relationship over the course of the year, and why you always get to intentionally decide what your relationship looks like.


    Get your free Busy Woman's Guide to Enhanced Intimacy by clicking here: https://sonia-wright-md.mykajabi.com/enhanced

    Recent Episodes from The Midlife Sex Coach for Women™ Podcast

    182. Celebrating Feminine Intuition in Women’s History Month

    182. Celebrating Feminine Intuition in Women’s History Month

    Many times, as women, we want to trust outside of ourselves because intuition is often misunderstood or pushed down. This week, Coach Lisa Hatlestad is back on the show to talk about the importance of feminine intuition and how the tarot card of the High Priestess makes the world of logic and intuition come together. 


    Listen in as Coach Lisa and I delve into the different cycles indicated by the High Priestess and learn how, no matter which cycles you find yourself in - whether it’s fertility, perimenopause, or menopause - it’s natural that sexuality comes and goes, and you get to decide what you want to do with this freedom.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/182

    181. Intuition: Tapping into Your Knowing

    181. Intuition: Tapping into Your Knowing

    As women, we so often push down the whispers of our intuition like we push down our sexuality, our needs, and our dreams. But Diamonds, your soul is telling you what it wants you to know and you need to listen.


    This week, discover how to trust in yourself and your intuition when making decisions. I explore the connection between the High Priestess tarot card, spirituality and sexuality, and discuss how to use the meaning behind this card to tap into your sexual intimacy.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/181

    180. Manifesting the Relationship You Want Post Valentine's Day

    180. Manifesting the Relationship You Want Post Valentine's Day

    Are you, like me, feeling so done and over with Valentine’s Day? Society tells us that certain things should happen on Valentine’s Day and what our relationship should look like.


    Today, Dr. Kimmery is back on the podcast to discuss how to look at Valentine’s Day as a time to get a better idea of what you’re looking for in a relationship, rather than feeling the stress of what you think should happen on this day. Listen this week to learn how to tailor your relationship around what you and your partner want and how to define what you want your relationship and your Valentine’s Day to be. 


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/180

    179. Manifestation with Coach Lisa Hatlestad

    179. Manifestation with Coach Lisa Hatlestad

    By closing ourselves off to possibilities, we are also manifesting, but what we manifest is the absence of possibilities. This week, Master Coach Lisa Hatlestad is back on the show to talk about manifestation and the importance of believing that magic and possibilities can happen.


    Together, we discuss when manifesting begins, the power of how we say things, and how the desire for instantaneous results can get in our way of manifesting what we want in life. Learn how choosing not to do the work towards something you want is still work, how small differences can create big magic, and how to find the Magician within yourself.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/179

    178. The Power of Manifestation

    178. The Power of Manifestation

    Earlier this year, I started a new series for 2024, using tarot cards as means of discussion. I use them to introduce a concept, rather than focus on the cards themselves because I love what they can represent in our lives. In today’s episode, I explore the meaning of the Magician. I share how it represents manifestation, and how it takes the intention of the Fool and adds in will and determination to turn something imagined into reality.


    Tune in to discover how to make your dreams a reality with the help of the Magician. Learn how to work on what’s blocking your beliefs, ask yourself what it is that you want in your life and in your sex life. Allow yourself to take the first step to make your dreams come true.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/178

    177. Relationships: New Beginnings

    177. Relationships: New Beginnings

    If you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you might find yourself in a ‘comfortable mode.’ But what would it be like to start anew with this person? This week I’m joined by relationship coach Dr. Kimmery to answer questions about new beginnings in relationships.


    Tune in to learn how to make this new year a new beginning for your long-term relationship. Discover how to look at your relationship from a place of curiosity. If you want to approach your partner with curiosity and new ideas but are unsure where to start, this episode will help you take the first step.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/177

    176. The Fool: A Conversation with Lisa Hatlestad

    176. The Fool: A Conversation with Lisa Hatlestad

    This week, we continue our exploration of women’s sexuality through tarot cards, accompanied by our special guest Coach Lisa, who brings unique insights to the conversation. Together, we take a deeper dive into last week’s card, "The Fool", and discuss different ways to embody the card’s playfulness and potentiality.


    Tune in to get a deeper comprehension of how to use tarot cards and the meaning behind them as a tool to tap into your inner self-understanding, particularly regarding women’s sexuality. Discover the power of starting the new year being the Fool to embrace the beginning of this new adventure. My Diamonds, how do you envision this playful journey represented by the Fool to look like for you?


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/176

    175. Contemplating New Beginnings in Midlife

    175. Contemplating New Beginnings in Midlife

    As women, we often think that we can’t change things up or do things differently. But the truth is, you can always decide to start anew. One tool for exploring this idea is tarot cards, and in this episode, we discuss how to view the card, “The Fool,” in connection to sexuality and how it can help us unravel what we want for this new year.


    As we enter 2024, I invite you to ask yourself, what you would like to start anew with your sexuality? If you want a healthy sexuality throughout your lifetime, it’s likely going to change over time. You can have a goal, or simply follow the path to see where you’re meant to go. My Diamonds, let me ask you this: would you like to enter 2024 as a Fool, opening the door for fun, wonder, and adventure?


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/175

    174. New Year and Sabbatical Musings

    174. New Year and Sabbatical Musings

    Midlife brings its share of changes and our libidos, much like everything else, are always shifting and changing. Perhaps you're in a season of high libido, or perhaps your libido needs a break. Either way, the beginning of a new year is a great opportunity to reflect on what is going on in your life.


    This week, discover how to listen to your body’s needs, and learn about the connection between spirit, libido, and sexuality that I want to tap into this year. Diamonds, I suggest you also start a new relationship with your libido, regardless of age, and ask yourself what this year will be about for you, what you would like to focus on, and how I can help you with that.


    Get full show notes and more information here: https://soniawrightmd.com/174

    173. How to Renew or Repair Your Relationship

    173. How to Renew or Repair Your Relationship

    At the start of every new year, there’s usually an increase in the number of people who come to see counselors and coaches, including many people who want to work on their relationships.


    Dr. Kimmery joins me this week to share what people in relationships are generally coming to talk to her about and the things they want to work on the most. We dive into renewal and repair in the new year, some advice to improve your relationship over the course of the year, and why you always get to intentionally decide what your relationship looks like.


    Get your free Busy Woman's Guide to Enhanced Intimacy by clicking here: https://sonia-wright-md.mykajabi.com/enhanced