
    #1736 - Tristan Harris & Daniel Schmachtenberger

    en-usNovember 18, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The ethics of influencing people through technologyFormer Google designer Tristan Harris raises concerns about technology's power to manipulate our thoughts, behaviors, and attention, highlighting the need for clear ethical frameworks to prevent negative consequences.

      The ethics of influencing people through technology, particularly social media, is a complex issue that requires careful consideration. Tristan Harris, a former design ethicist at Google, discussed this topic with Daniel Schmachtenberg on The Joe Rogan Experience. They highlighted how technology's ability to influence our thoughts, behaviors, and attention creates an asymmetric power relationship between what technology knows about us and what we don't know about ourselves. Harris shared his concerns about the arms race to capture and harvest people's attention, which can lead to negative consequences such as social validation, narcissism, and an overall decline in societal well-being. The lack of a clear ethical framework for persuasive technology was a major concern for Harris, who studied the subject at Stanford University before the rise of social media. He emphasized that simple ethical cop-outs, like "giving people what they want" or "if they don't want it, they'll use something else," are not sufficient solutions to this complex issue.

    • The ethical influence and control over information on social mediaThe potential harm of social media, especially to vulnerable populations, is a concern. Whistleblower revelations add to evidence of negative effects. Government intervention vs. free speech is a complex issue.

      The ethical influence and control over information on social media platforms is a complex issue. With billions of users connected, the potential for harm, especially to vulnerable populations like teenage girls, is a growing concern. The recent revelations from whistleblower Francis Hagen about Instagram's impact on body image issues adds to the mounting evidence of social media's negative effects. However, the idea of a whistleblower being a government plant or a psyop is a common conspiracy theory. While some may see government intervention as a solution, others fear the potential for censorship and loss of free speech. The line between what is a real conspiracy and what is a psyop can be blurry, and the virality of controversial content only adds to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, it's important to critically evaluate information and consider the potential motivations and incentives of those involved.

    • The complex issue of social media's influence on young girlsSocial media platforms, with their attention-grabbing algorithms, can negatively impact young girls' self-esteem and contribute to bullying. The root cause lies in the mismatch between our emotional responses, outdated institutions, and advanced technology.

      The concern over the influence of social media on young girls, particularly regarding self-esteem and bullying, is a complex issue. While some may view certain individuals or organizations as potential tools for exploiting these issues for their own gain, others believe that these concerns are genuine and driven by a good faith actor. The fundamental problem, as sociobiologist E.O. Wilson noted, is the combination of our paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology. Social media platforms, with their algorithms designed to maximize engagement and attention, are just one piece of this puzzle. These platforms use various tactics, such as inflating users' sense of beauty and showing them content that enrages them, to capture and retain attention. Ultimately, the race to capture human attention is driving the development and use of these technologies, which can have detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole. It's essential to consider the complexity of the issue and avoid jumping to conclusions.

    • Technology's Impact Outpacing Society's Ability to RegulateTechnology's rapid advancement creates unintended consequences, polarizes society, and erodes trust in institutions. Regulation is necessary but may not keep pace with technological advancements. Experts with a comprehensive understanding of technology and its implications are crucial in the regulatory process.

      The rapid advancement and impact of exponential technologies, such as computation, AI, and social media, are outpacing society's ability to regulate and understand them. This can lead to unintended consequences and a loss of trust in institutions. For instance, social media platforms, while optimizing ad revenue, can inadvertently polarize and divide people, making it difficult for them to discern truth from falsehoods. The complexity of issues like climate change, nuclear escalation, and bioengineering further complicate matters. While regulation is necessary, it may not keep pace with the speed of technological advancements. It's crucial to have experts with a comprehensive understanding of the technology and its implications involved in the regulatory process. The increasing complexity of humanity's problems and the capacity to meet them is a significant challenge, and the cynical take on institutions that goes viral only adds to the issue.

    • Impact of Social Media on Society and Confirmation BiasSocial media platforms can create divisive narratives, manipulate public opinion, and spread misinformation, contributing to confirmation bias and hindering productive discourse. False claims about individuals, like Frances Haugen, can further complicate matters, making it difficult for them to engage in meaningful dialogue.

      Confirmation bias and the spread of controversial, conspiratorial takes on social media platforms like Facebook can hinder productive discourse and regulation. During a Senate hearing, Frances Haugen testified about the power of these platforms to create divisive narratives and manipulate public opinion. Her testimony created a bipartisan consensus, but her reputation was later tarnished by false claims that she was a democratic operative. These claims were amplified by troll farms and right-wing media, making it difficult for her to engage in meaningful dialogue. Russia and China, among others, have reportedly used these tactics to sow discord in American society. For instance, in October 2019, 140 million Americans were reached by troll farms, and 85% of the people who saw their content did not even subscribe to the pages. These findings highlight the need to understand the deep impact of social media on our society and the importance of addressing the issue of confirmation bias and the spread of misinformation.

    • Social media's power to add users to groups without consent and spread misinformationSocial media's automatic group addition feature can expose users to radicalizing content and deepen political polarization, while the ease of creating and distributing deep fakes raises concerns about online information authenticity and identity protection. Regulations may be necessary to protect users and ensure authentic online interactions.

      Social media platforms like Facebook have the power to automatically add users to groups without their consent, potentially exposing them to radicalizing content. This practice, which optimizes for growth and engagement, can contribute to the spread of misinformation and deepen political polarization. Furthermore, the ease of creating and distributing deep fakes, including text-based ones, raises concerns about the authenticity of online information and identity. The discussion also highlighted the potential for foreign entities to exploit social media for geopolitical gain by turning populations against themselves. It's crucial to consider the implications of these issues and the potential need for regulations to protect users from unwanted content and ensure the authenticity of online interactions.

    • AI's potential to generate vast amounts of data and contentThe combination of advanced AI technologies can create and curate content at an unprecedented scale, raising concerns about authenticity and reliability of information on the internet.

      The combination of advanced AI technologies, such as GPT-3 and OpenAI, has the potential to generate vast amounts of data and content, including text, graphics, and even code, at an unprecedented speed and scale. This raises concerns about the authenticity and reliability of information on the internet, as it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between human-generated and AI-generated content. Furthermore, the exponential growth of this technology means it will soon be accessible to a larger population, leading to an even more complex web of information, where the distinction between truth and fiction may become even more elusive. The potential for AI to create and curate content, maximizing for stickiness, adds another layer of complexity, making it crucial to develop strategies to ensure the accuracy and trustworthiness of information in the digital age.

    • Decentralized Powers and Potential DisastersThe decentralization of technology and biotech presents challenges in preventing catastrophic capabilities, illustrated by the analogy of a bowling alley leading to either centralized control or anarchy, with examples of decentralized disasters like 'devious licks' and self-harm challenges.

      As technology and biotech become more accessible and decentralized, we face the challenge of preventing decentralized catastrophic capabilities, whether it's swarming drones, gene editing tools like CRISPR, or cyber weapons. This decentralization can lead to dystopian outcomes, such as centralized control or anarchy. Social media serves as an example of this decentralized power, with the potential to influence the thoughts and actions of billions of people. The analogy of a bowling alley illustrates the two potential outcomes: one is centralized control, like China's internet or Mark Zuckerberg's monopoly, and the other is letting go of control and allowing anything to go viral. Decentralized powers, like the "devious licks" TikTok challenge or self-harm challenges, can lead to decentralized disasters. The challenge for civilization is to navigate this without killing itself. Regulation and control are complex issues, and it's crucial to frame the problem clearly to understand what we're trying to solve.

    • Radicalized Population and Powerful Technology: A Fragile IntersectionRecognizing the potential consequences of small steps in the intersection of radicalized populations and powerful technology, and the importance of balancing control and censorship with civil liberties, is crucial for maintaining societal stability.

      The intersection of a growing radicalized population and increasingly powerful technology poses significant risks to the stability of society. Centralized control and censorship, as well as decentralized viral memes, can both contribute to this fragility. China's attempts to regulate its internet in response to these issues serve as a cautionary tale, but implementing solutions with sufficient civil liberties is crucial. Social media platforms can amplify reactions and trigger fear, making it essential to be aware of this dynamic and strive for a balanced approach. Ultimately, it's crucial to recognize the potential consequences of small steps in any direction and the role of technology in shaping public opinion.

    • China's social media regulations to protect young usersChina limits young users' screen time and offers educational content on Doyen, while adversaries exploit social media to radicalize specific groups and disrupt democracies.

      Some countries, like China, are implementing strict regulations on social media platforms to limit the amount of time young users spend online and protect them from harmful content. For instance, Doyen, China's version of TikTok, offers educational content to underage users and imposes a 40-minute daily limit. Additionally, the platform includes mandatory interludes and closed hours to reduce the pressure on users to constantly engage. Contrastingly, adversaries like Russia and China exploit social media to radicalize specific groups, such as veterans, to sow discord and disrupt democracies. These actions highlight the significant national security implications of social media in the digital age, as traditional geographic power asymmetries are erased, and the need for governments and democracies to adapt and respond effectively.

    • Social media's prioritization of meaningful interactions leads to a polarized political climateSocial media algorithms prioritize divisive narratives, creating a radicalized population and a more polarized representative class, hindering effective problem-solving in times of crisis.

      The way social media platforms like Facebook operate, prioritizing "meaningful social interactions," has led to a more polarized political climate, forcing politicians and media personalities to cater to divisive narratives in order to gain attention and get elected. This feedback loop between social media algorithms and the content they prioritize has created a radicalized population and a more polarized representative class, hindering effective problem-solving in times of crisis. The business models of these central platforms further exacerbate the issue, as publishers and advertisers must cater to the algorithm to reach their audiences. Ultimately, this dynamic throws a wrench into the gears of democracy, leading to a lack of productive results. The solution to this complex issue is multifaceted and requires a deeper exploration of the underlying causes and potential solutions.

    • Using technology to strengthen democraciesTo avoid a chaotic or dystopian future, we must use technology to enhance democracies, not let it become a tool for division and polarization. Taiwan's approach with digital minister Audrey Tang is an example to follow.

      Our society is becoming increasingly polarized due to the spread of misinformation and confirmation bias, fueled by technology. This has made it difficult for us to make shared sense of the world and act effectively on important issues. The consequence is that we're moving towards either a decentralized, chaotic future or a centralized, dystopian one. To avoid these extremes, we need to find a way to use technology to strengthen democracies rather than making them weaker or more authoritarian. Taiwan, with its digital minister Audrey Tang, is an example of a democracy trying to do just that. We need to consciously work towards using technology to enhance our democracy and make it more effective, rather than letting it become a tool for division and polarization.

    • Competing with China's tech influenceChina recognizes tech power and risks, investing in AI and computation to shape the future, while democratic societies must act to keep up.

      The conversation around tech reform is not just about reducing toxicity on social media, but about creating a more influential and positive society that can compete with autocratic regimes like China. The Chinese Communist Party recognizes the power of technology and the potential risks it poses, and they are willing to make sacrifices to control it. Unlike democratic societies, they have the ability to completely connect government and business, which gives them an edge. The cynical view is that they are just doing what authoritarian regimes do. However, a more nuanced perspective is that they are also recognizing the potential threats of unregulated technology. History shows that the development and deployment of exponential tech, such as AI and computation, will determine who influences the future. China, autocratic nations, and major corporations are among the groups investing heavily in these technologies. The stakes are high, and the risks are greater than ever before. It's crucial for democratic societies to recognize this and take action to ensure they keep up.

    • Dominated by corporate and ideological models, open societies lag in tech raceOpen societies struggle to balance free expression and truth-seeking with financial power and ideological control in the tech landscape

      The current technological landscape is dominated by two distinct models: the corporate for-profit model and the ideological model, both lacking in democratic governance and participatory decision-making. The open societies are falling behind in the race to develop and deploy exponential technology. A third way, preserving civil liberties and advancing participatory governance, seems elusive. The example of John Cena's apology to China illustrates the potential consequences of self-censorship driven by financial power. We must be vigilant against dystopian futures where our thoughts and ideas are suppressed or distorted, and instead strive for a balanced approach that protects free expression and open-ended truth-seeking. The fear of Orwell's censorship and Huxley's distraction are becoming a reality, and it's crucial to find a middle ground between the two.

    • The Unchecked Use of Reshare Buttons on Social MediaThe irresponsible use of reshare buttons can contribute to the spread of harmful content, leading to a fragmented society. Limiting their use may be a solution, but it also limits the ease of sharing. Individuals must be mindful of what they share and verify its truth before spreading it.

      The unchecked use of reshare buttons on social media platforms contributes to the spread of controversial and potentially harmful content, leading to a fragmented society. A potential solution suggested is for platforms like Facebook to remove the instant, frictionless reshare button after it has been used once. This would keep the freedom of speech while limiting the irresponsible reach of content. However, this would also limit the ability to easily share interesting content. The speaker references Steve Jobs' philosophy of only sharing truly meaningful content through copying and pasting links. The speaker also warns against the creation of a "memetic virus" through social media platforms, which can lead to a breakdown of shared sense-making in society. Ultimately, it's up to individuals to be mindful of what they share and to take the time to verify the truth of information before spreading it. The speaker also touches on the impact of social media on science, emphasizing the importance of minimizing bias in scientific research and being cautious of the potential for misinformation to influence public opinion.

    • Social media's unintended consequence: a polarized societySocial media's speed and lack of transparency make it challenging for governments to effectively address the issue of polarization and manipulation, despite efforts to regulate and enforce identity verification.

      Social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok, while not intentionally polarizing populations, have an unintended consequence of creating a polarized society. This polarization decreases the capacity of government in a democracy, making it more challenging to govern effectively. The key issue isn't regulation but the speed at which tech can maneuver compared to government. Even without algorithms, there's a risk of manipulation by large-scale troll farms. Facebook, for instance, shuts down 2 billion fake accounts per quarter, but the lack of transparency about viral content and the origin of troll accounts makes it difficult to address the issue effectively. A more rigorous identity layer on social media platforms could potentially help address these challenges.

    • Decentralized solutions for proving personhoodInnovative projects aim to build decentralized systems to maintain democratic process and encourage civic participation by focusing on consensus-building, civic design processes, and rewarding citizens for identifying inefficiencies, while ensuring transparency and accountability in digital communication systems.

      The current digital communication systems lack transparency, accountability, and the ability to verify authentic human identity, leading to potential issues with misinformation and centralization of data. Anonymity on the internet has been valued, but finding decentralized solutions for proving personhood is essential to maintain the democratic process and encourage civic participation. Innovative projects like Idenna and Polis are working on these solutions, focusing on consensus-building and civic design processes. Transparent budgeting and rewarding citizens for identifying inefficiencies are also key components of these systems. If applied to a large scale, such as the US government, these decentralized systems could lead to increased trust and efficiency. However, it's important to note that these ideas challenge traditional power structures and may face resistance from those in positions of authority.

    • Challenges to Modern Democracy: Divided Population and Complex IssuesTo make democracy more effective, we need new institutions that promote understanding, transparency, and accountability, while addressing the challenges of technology and polarization.

      The current state of democracy is facing significant challenges due to the scale and complexity of issues, as well as the polarizing effects of technology. Few propositions receive near-unanimous support because they benefit some while harming others, leading to a divided population. To make democracy more realized, there's a need for better understanding of values, emotions, and facts, as well as a platform for crafting propositions together. However, creating transparency and accountability at scale is a complex issue, and incentives for those in power to allow such transparency are not clear. To address these challenges, there's a need for new 21st-century institutions that are of, by, and for the people, requiring a cultural enlightenment and active engagement from the populace. The lack of trust in institutions and the potential for technology to produce catastrophic outcomes necessitates this radical change, but achieving it may require a significant catalyst like a major crisis.

    • Recognizing and overcoming paleolithic emotions and limitations for catastrophic event understanding and preventionHumanity can harness exponential tech power by addressing paleolithic emotions and limitations through education, conditioning, and clear incentives, while using social media to raise awareness and create a gradient of cultures valuing wisdom.

      Humanity's ability to understand and address potential catastrophic events lies in our unique capacity to recognize and overcome our paleolithic emotions and limitations. While some cultures have shown the potential for positive change through conditioning and investment in education, the challenge lies in motivating a radical shift in human nature to become adequate stewards of exponential tech power. Social media provides a unique opportunity to raise awareness and understanding of the consequences of unregulated technologies, but turning that awareness into action requires a clear incentive and a well-executed plan. Ultimately, the experiment is ongoing, and the opportunity for humanity is to create a gradient of cultures that value wisdom and invest in developing it in people, rather than repeating past mistakes of using power for war, environmental destruction, and class subjugation.

    • Facebook's Prioritization of Engagement and the Impact on SocietyFacebook prioritizes engagement, leading to the spread of outrage, desire, and addiction. Individuals should take responsibility for their news feeds and be more objective about the information they consume.

      Facebook, as a massive AI-optimized platform, prioritizes engagement over diverse ideas and complex discussions. This often results in the spread of outrage, desire, and addiction. However, there's potential to personalize development and education through these platforms. The challenge lies in the motivation of corporations and the role of government regulation. It's a complex issue that requires trust in neither Facebook nor the government to hold such power. Instead, individuals should take responsibility for their news feeds and be more objective about the information they consume. It's easier to ask individuals to change their behavior than it is to ask corporations or governments to be more transparent and honest. Education and awareness about the impact of consumption on psychology and future interactions with the world could potentially change the effectiveness of these algorithms. The human understanding of personal consequences and lack of diffusion of responsibility sets individuals apart from corporations and governments in this context.

    • The Challenges of Misinformation and Manipulation in the Digital AgeCompanies with user data and algorithmic power can influence users without consent, requiring a systemic change to address this issue, while education and digital literacy are important but may not be sufficient solutions.

      The current state of technology, particularly social media platforms, poses significant challenges in terms of misinformation and manipulation of users' attention and behavior. Companies with vast amounts of user data and algorithmic power have an asymmetric advantage, potentially allowing them to radicalize or influence users without their knowledge or consent. Education and digital literacy are crucial, but they may not be sufficient solutions, especially as technology continues to advance. A systemic change is needed to address this issue, but it will require a collective effort to understand the problem and find effective solutions. Additionally, it's important to consider the motivations behind individuals' engagement with harmful content, as many people may be seeking distractions or comfort due to unhappiness in their personal lives. The increasing trend of technological automation and unemployment further complicates the situation, as it may lead to even more discontent and a larger underclass of disengaged individuals.

    • The metaverse and its risks to real-world connectionsThe integration of technology into our lives through the metaverse poses risks to our real-world connections and well-being, including potential disengagement from the physical world and a monopoly of attention in new technologies.

      The integration of technology, particularly the metaverse, into our daily lives poses significant risks to our real-world connections and well-being. The competition for attention in the digital world has led to an increasing virtualization of our experiences, which can potentially disengage us from the physical world and its fundamental capacities. The potential for a monopoly of attention in new technologies like AR and VR is a cause for concern, as it could lead to even more immersive and engaging virtual worlds that may overshadow our offline relationships and responsibilities. The metaverse, as it stands today, may be a trap that lures us into neglecting our real lives for the sake of virtual excitement. It's crucial to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect and nurture both our real and virtual relationships.

    • Maintaining Human Integrity in the MetaverseCompanies must prioritize human relationships and individual well-being in the metaverse while avoiding accusations of monopolistic control.

      The metaverse, while an extension of current technology, must not compromise the integrity of human relationships or individual well-being. Companies have the power to align their business models with these foundational aspects of human life, as Apple has done with its focus on hardware control and user privacy. However, such a move could be met with skepticism, and it's essential to consider potential consequences, such as accusations of monopolistic control. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that technology should enhance, not debase, our most fundamental values.

    • Balancing concerns and potential positive outcomes of social media regulationApple's privacy protection and digital literacy education efforts are positive steps towards addressing social media's negative impacts, but public support and collective effort are necessary for effective change.

      The current situation involving social media regulation and the actions of tech companies like Apple require a balanced perspective. While there are valid concerns about ulterior motives, such as financial gain or control, it's essential to consider the potential positive outcomes. For instance, Apple's move to protect user privacy and invest in digital literacy education could be a significant step towards addressing the social dilemma. However, for such initiatives to be effective, there needs to be a public will and support base. The issue is complex and requires collective effort to navigate through it. Additionally, personal experiences with the negative effects of social media highlight the importance of making conscious choices about online engagement. By avoiding toxic online environments and focusing on positive content, individuals can improve their well-being and contribute to a healthier digital ecosystem.

    • Social Media Impacts Thanksgiving Dinner InteractionsLimit social media use during family gatherings to foster meaningful conversations and avoid skewed perceptions of others' beliefs.

      The excessive use of social media during Thanksgiving dinner can lead to shorter, less interactive dinners due to the polarizing effects of media advertising and confirmation bias. This issue is compounded by the fact that extreme voices on social media are more likely to participate and share their views, creating a skewed perception of others' beliefs. To improve family interactions during holidays, individuals can make a conscious effort to limit their social media engagement and focus on meaningful conversations. However, recognizing the challenges of completely removing oneself from social media, it's essential to understand the pitfalls and take steps to mitigate their impact on relationships and personal health. Additionally, it's crucial to acknowledge the distorted perspective that can result from the skewed representation of beliefs on social media and strive for a more accurate understanding of the diverse range of viewpoints.

    • Social media's role in societal polarizationTo counteract social media's contribution to societal polarization, we need collective action to build healthier, more understanding communities and systems. Taiwan's peaceful protest and civic engagement platform offer a potential solution, where technology is used to facilitate productive dialogue and consensus-building.

      The current state of social media, with its algorithms amplifying extreme voices, contributes to the polarization and fragmentation of society. This issue goes beyond individual participation and requires collective action to build healthier, more understanding communities and systems. The example of Taiwan's peaceful protest and creation of a civic engagement platform offers a potential solution, where technology is used to facilitate productive dialogue and consensus-building. We need to move beyond the current two-sided political divide and strive for a more nuanced, pluralistic society where the "better angels of our nature" are appealed to. This will require individuals to disengage from toxic online environments, engage in meaningful dialogue, and collaborate to create new platforms and systems that foster understanding and compromise.

    • Federal agents as agent provocateurs during Capitol riotsAllegations suggest federal agents instigated Capitol riots, infiltrated peacefully protesting crowds, and faced minimal consequences despite severe penalties for others involved.

      There are allegations of federal agents acting as agent provocateurs during the January 6th Capitol riots. This means that these agents may have instigated the violence and entered the Capitol before others, leading to confusion and raising questions about the legality and motivation behind their actions. This tactic of using agent provocateurs to infiltrate and escalate peaceful protests into violent ones has been used by governments historically to quell dissent. The case of Ray Epps, a man seen urging others to enter the Capitol, has gained attention due to his apparent lack of legal consequences despite the severe penalties faced by others involved. The true nature of Epps' involvement and motivation remains unclear, but the implications of potential government involvement in instigating the riots are significant and concerning.

    • Transparency and rule of law in modern democraciesMaintaining transparency and rule of law in large-scale democracies is challenging due to national security concerns and social media's ability to amplify extremism. Root causes of disenfranchisement must be addressed to prevent individuals from joining extremist groups.

      Transparency and rule of law are crucial components of a modern liberal democracy, ensuring markets operate ethically while preventing harm to society. However, maintaining these principles becomes challenging as the scale of governance increases, and issues of national security limit transparency. The potential danger lies in an autocratic government that controls all aspects of society, suppressing transparency and accountability. The January 6th Capitol incident serves as an example of how social media can amplify radicalization and distort reality, leading people to seek meaning and purpose in destructive causes. Ultimately, it's essential to address the root causes of disenfranchisement and provide individuals with a sense of belonging and purpose to prevent them from being drawn into extremist groups.

    • Social media as a source of meaning, purpose, and identityFacebook and other social media platforms contribute to the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation, particularly among those feeling alienated and lonely. To promote a functional democracy, social media could be used to personalize education and civic virtue, helping people understand issues better and fostering a shared reality.

      Social media platforms like Facebook have become a source of meaning, purpose, and identity for many people, leading to the spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation. This is particularly true for those experiencing feelings of alienation and loneliness. The issue is not just about providing facts or information, but about understanding the deeper narrative and sense of belonging that people are seeking. The founding fathers believed that a well-informed population was essential for democracy to function, and they saw education and a free press as key institutions to achieve this. However, social media, particularly Facebook, has made it easier for people to be exposed to different realities and identify their fellow countrymen as enemies. To rectify this, social media could be used to personalize education and civic virtue, helping people understand issues better and fostering a shared reality. This could potentially lead to a more functional democracy at scale. The challenge lies in incentivizing tech companies like Facebook to use their platforms in this way.

    • Misunderstandings in online conversations due to assumptions about shared realityAssumptions about shared reality in online conversations often lead to misunderstandings. To bridge these gaps, social media could facilitate long-form, earnest debates between experts with conflicting views, and institutions could adopt more transparent processes for addressing complex issues.

      Our brains are wired to assume others perceive reality similarly to us based on shared visual experiences. However, with the increasing use of social media, our estimations of others' beliefs become increasingly inaccurate. This misalignment often leads to misunderstandings and broken conversations. In a more humane technological future, social media could be used to bridge these gaps by facilitating long-form, earnest debates between experts with conflicting views, focusing on finding shared knowledge and understanding. Institutions could also adopt more transparent processes for addressing complex issues, such as climate change or COVID, through facilitated debates between experts. Organizations like Braver Angels and Search for Common Ground are already working on these issues, and the Social Cohesion and Technology Council aims to bring them together with technology designers to apply their conflict mediation techniques to technology design. This approach could lead to more effective bridge building and increased trust in institutions.

    • Addressing the root causes of anger and disconnectionFocusing on connection, meaning, and purpose can help mitigate negative effects of technology and create a healthier society. Prioritize human connection, creativity, and meaning over addiction.

      Addressing the root causes of anger and disconnection in society is crucial before attempting to solve issues on a social media level. Human nature includes a desire for conflict, but focusing on connection, meaning, and purpose can help mitigate the negative effects of hypernormal stimuli from technology. The emergence of the metaverse and other digital platforms presents an opportunity to facilitate deeper human connections and address work inequality and relationship issues. A healthy society values human connection, creativity, and meaning over addiction, and companies like Apple have the potential to lead the way by prioritizing technology that supports deeper choices in the real world. Ultimately, increasing access to human connection, creativity, and meaning can make individuals less susceptible to hypernormal stimuli and create a healthier society overall.

    • Exploring the potential of psychedelic compounds for self-improvement and societal changePsychedelic compounds offer a path to introspection and societal progress, but require caution and ethical use due to their illegal status.

      Psychedelic compounds, although currently illegal, hold great potential for introspective self-improvement and societal change. These substances, such as MDMA and psilocybin, have been shown to provide transcendent experiences and promote understanding and empathy. However, their use must be approached with caution and ethics to prevent reinforcement of negative behaviors. The illegal status of these compounds presents a significant barrier to their implementation in addressing issues like PTSD and societal division. Companies like Apple, which prioritize user privacy and ethical practices, can serve as role models for societal progress, challenging the dominator culture and promoting advancement for the greater good.

    • Shifting focus from digital to physical connectionsApple could promote health and community engagement, simplify app stores, and make it easier to book public spaces for events to foster long-term connections.

      There is a need for a shift in focus from digital platforms that prioritize instant gratification to those that foster long-term connections and community engagement in the physical world. Apple, for instance, could reorient its business model towards promoting health and wellbeing, while also making it easier for people to connect in person. This could involve simplifying app stores and promoting apps that bring people together, as well as making it easier to book public spaces for community events. However, creating a functional civilization requires a holistic approach that addresses various aspects, including culture, collective efforts, technology, and markets. It's essential to consider the complex ecosystem of solutions that can collectively address the challenges, rather than relying on single solutions that may fail. The ongoing competition between tech companies to control digital platforms underscores the importance of this shift towards prioritizing long-term connections and community engagement.

    • Facebook's leader and his focus on innovationZuckerberg's control over Facebook and focus on innovation may not align with societal needs for sustainability and social fabric strengthening. Concerns include his fiduciary duty to shareholders, potential for a ruthless CEO, and the implications of artificial general intelligence.

      Mark Zuckerberg's control over Facebook, coupled with his desire to be seen as an innovator, has put him in a unique position with immense power and influence. However, his focus on innovation may be misaligned with the world's needs for sustainability and social fabric strengthening. Zuckerberg's fiduciary duty to shareholders and the potential for a ruthless CEO to take over Facebook and prioritize profits over societal impact are concerns. Furthermore, the inevitability of artificial general intelligence and its potential to concentrate all capital into one entity raises alarming implications for the future. Ultimately, these interconnected issues highlight the importance of ethical considerations and the potential consequences of prioritizing profits over societal well-being.

    • Preventing a dystopian future with technologyFocus on creating emergent order to prevent catastrophic outcomes by enhancing democracy, market integrity, and improving quality of life. Work together to identify negative impacts and propose solutions.

      We are currently racing towards a dystopian future with the advancement of technology, and it's crucial that we focus on creating emergent order to prevent catastrophic outcomes. This means ensuring that technology enhances democracy, market integrity, and improves quality of life. We need more people, especially those at institutions like MIT, Stanford, and the State Department, to work on these issues and propose solutions. The challenges we face are complex, but we must remain committed to finding answers, just as we did during the Manhattan Project. It's essential to remind ourselves of the potential negative impacts of technology and work together to steer ourselves in the right direction. While many people are aware of the issues, it's crucial to ensure that this awareness translates into action and that we're not operating in an echo chamber. The social dilemma and other revelations have shown that tech can be problematic, but it's up to us to identify what we don't want and work towards what we do.

    • Technology disconnected from human nature and positive social systemsWe need to recognize the disconnect between technology and human nature, and work towards reflecting positive actions back into society to create a humane future.

      Our technological advancements, while impressive, have become disconnected from human nature and positive social systems. The complex technological power we possess lacks the necessary incentives and motivations to reflect the better angels of our nature. Instead, we are rewarded for negative behaviors through social media algorithms. To create a humane future, we must recognize this issue and work towards reflecting positive actions back into society. The powerful 1984 Apple advertisement serves as an example of standing against dystopian fiction and creating a future where technology serves humanity. Conversations around these issues, such as the one we've had, are crucial steps towards addressing the challenges posed by technology and ensuring a positive future.

    • Social media's impact on attention and perspective-seekingSocial media can lead to polarization, lack of empathy, and skewed perception of reality. To counteract, incentivize kindness, longer-form content, and attention control.

      Technology, particularly social media, has a significant impact on our attention spans, memory, and perspective-seeking abilities. The current incentive structure of social media platforms, which prioritize engaging content over nuanced and thoughtful discourse, can lead to polarization, a lack of empathy, and a skewed perception of reality. To counteract these negative effects, we need to incentivize kindness, longer-form content, and attention control. By doing so, we can encourage more perspective-seeking and critical thinking, ultimately leading to a healthier and more informed society. It's crucial to be aware of the potential negative effects of social media and make conscious choices to mitigate them. Additionally, it's important to remember that social media does not accurately represent the world as a whole and can lead to a skewed perception of reality if we're not careful.

    • Recognizing and addressing the dangerous consequences of polarizationUnderstanding the interconnected nature of crises like systemic injustice, climate change, economics, and AI, and fostering dialogue and collective intelligence are key to finding innovative solutions and moving towards a more sustainable future.

      Earnest people can be deeply divided, but it's crucial to recognize and address the dangerous consequences of polarization, particularly in the context of online discourse and the influence of troll farms. The interconnectedness of issues like systemic injustice, climate change, economics, and AI necessitates a global perspective and innovative solutions. By fostering dialogue and collective intelligence, we can begin to tackle these complex challenges and move towards a more sustainable future. In essence, it's essential to recognize the interconnected nature of these crises and work together to find solutions. Let's keep the conversation going and stay hopeful for a better future.

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