
    176: How to Close 100+ Deals In Your First 18 Months with Tom Krol

    enMay 26, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Taking a BreakTaking a break from work can lead to personal rejuvenation and professional success. Absence from work doesn't hinder deals and can result in new opportunities upon return.

      Taking a break from work can lead to personal rejuvenation and professional success. Josh Dorkin, the host of the Bigger Pockets Podcast, shared his experience of taking a long-awaited vacation after nine years of non-stop work. Surprisingly, the week he was away was also the week he had the best real estate week of his life. His absence from work did not hinder deals from being made. Instead, he returned feeling refreshed and excited about new opportunities. Additionally, a new feature on the BiggerPockets Rental Property Calculator allows users to input the sales percentage when selling a rental property, which now displays the overall return or total return, incorporating the idea that property value may increase and loans are paid down over time.

    • Investing in Turnkey Rentals with No Money DownLeverage Rent to Retirement for discounted, financed turnkey rentals. Use DealMachine for lead gen and RentReady for property management software.

      There are opportunities to invest in brand new construction turnkey rental properties with no money down through Rent to Retirement. They offer discounted prices and low-interest investor loans with minimal down payment requirements. DealMachine provides unlimited access to contact information for lead generation, and RentReady offers comprehensive property management software with tenant screening and proof of income verification. These tools can help investors streamline their investment process. Additionally, the BiggerPockets podcast offers valuable insights and inspiration from experienced real estate investors.

    • From failure to success in real estateDespite initial setbacks and doubts, determination and learning from mistakes led to success in real estate with the right support system

      Even when faced with challenges and setbacks, determination and the right guidance can lead to success. The guest speaker shared his experience of starting in real estate after hitting rock bottom and being a failure in sales. He was encouraged by his brother, who pulled him through despite his initial resistance and doubts. However, his first mailing campaign failed due to a mistake, but he learned from it and built a cash buyer list. Eventually, he sold his golf cart to fund his next investment, which led to his first successful deal. This story highlights the importance of persistence, learning from mistakes, and having the right support system.

    • Lessons learned from first real estate dealMaking mistakes is natural in real estate investing, but maintaining a progress-not-perfection attitude can lead to valuable lessons and successful deals. Stay focused, network, and take imperfect action to achieve your goals.

      Starting out in real estate investing, making mistakes is inevitable, but with the right attitude and persistence, those mistakes can lead to valuable lessons and successful deals. The speaker shared his experience of making numerous mistakes during his first deal, including attending the closing instead of assigning the contract, and even befriending an agent who later became a buyer. Despite these mishaps, he managed to make a profit and was encouraged to continue. He emphasized the importance of having an attitude of progress not perfection, which allowed him to learn from his mistakes and keep moving forward. In his first 18 months, he closed over 100 wholesale deals, a feat achieved by staying focused, networking, and taking imperfect action.

    • Master one marketing channel for real estate dealsCommit to one marketing strategy, understand seller needs, and build a solid list to increase chances of profitable deals.

      Focusing on one marketing channel and mastering it is key to finding real estate deals effectively. The speaker, who has had success with direct mail, emphasizes the importance of avoiding distractions and shiny object syndrome by fully committing to one strategy. He also highlights the importance of understanding the seller's needs and providing valuable services to them, which is crucial in starting with a good deal. Beginners may not understand the concept of a list in real estate, but it refers to a targeted group of potential sellers or buyers for a specific marketing campaign. The speaker advises starting with a solid list and consistently executing a marketing strategy on that channel to increase chances of finding profitable deals.

    • Targeting motivated sellers without agentsReal estate investors can increase their chances of success by focusing on motivated sellers with significant equity, found on accurate lists from reliable sources, such as ListSource.

      Successful real estate investors understand the importance of targeting motivated sellers who don't necessarily want to use a real estate agent. These sellers can be found on lists based on specific criteria such as age, equity, and property type. Contrary to popular belief, owner-occupied homes can also yield profitable deals. The most effective lists are those that have a high conversion rate, meaning the investment made in mailing the list yields a significant return. ListSource is considered to be an accurate source for this type of data. The first list to mail is typically an equity list, which targets homeowners with a significant amount of equity in their homes. Other criteria may include the age of the homeowner, the last market sale date, and property type. By focusing on these motivated sellers and using accurate data from reliable sources, real estate investors can increase their chances of success.

    • Effective Lists for Real Estate InvestingFocusing on closed code violation lists and tax delinquent lists can lead to high conversion rates and motivated sellers, while monitoring garage sales can uncover hidden opportunities.

      Utilizing specific lists for real estate investing can significantly increase deal flow and potential profits. Two effective lists mentioned were closed code violations and tax delinquent lists. For closed code violations, focusing on closed rather than open violations can lead to better conversion rates, possibly due to the fact that the property owners have already addressed the issues. Tax delinquent lists, which are often overlooked, can yield highly motivated sellers who are behind on their property taxes for at least two years. These sellers are often desperate to sell and can provide excellent opportunities for investors. Another lesser-known list is the garage sale list. By monitoring local garage sales and targeting those with different mailing addresses from the property address, investors can potentially find motivated sellers who are in the process of moving out and selling their belongings. Overall, these lists can provide a wealth of opportunities for real estate investors and should not be overlooked.

    • Finding Cost-Effective Real Estate Investments with Virtual AssistantsUtilize virtual assistants for data entry tasks, check garage sale lists for absentee owners, outsource data entry work on Upwork, use inheritance lists for potential leads, and simplify transactions with mobile notaries.

      Investing in real estate can be a cost-effective endeavor even on a tight budget, and utilizing virtual assistants for data entry tasks can lead to consistency and efficiency. One strategy for finding potential landlord leads is by checking garage sale lists for absentee owners, and outsourcing data entry work to virtual assistants through platforms like Upwork can save entrepreneurs time and energy. The inheritance list from US Lead List is also a valuable resource for investors, as it provides access to individuals who have recently inherited properties and are ready to sell. However, it's important to note that deals involving inherited properties may involve multiple siblings, requiring the use of mobile notaries to simplify the transaction process. Overall, implementing systems, outsourcing tasks, and utilizing reliable resources can lead to successful real estate investments.

    • Remote notarization for real estate transactionsUnderstanding probate and pre-probate processes leads to valuable deals. Remote notarization enables transactions with remote participants. Motivated sellers can be found through various methods, including subscription sites and arrest records.

      Technology now allows for remote notarization, enabling real estate transactions with participants in different locations. This method, while not widely known, has proven successful for investors. Another key takeaway is the importance of understanding the probate and pre-probate process. Probate refers to the process where a home goes into a state of probate after someone passes away, giving creditors time to make claims against the estate. Pre-probate is the stage right before probate, where the home is about to go into probate. Both lists are valuable for investors, as they can lead to deals. It's essential to know the basics of probate and pre-probate to effectively communicate with sellers and help them find solutions to their problems. Additionally, finding motivated sellers through various methods, such as subscription sites or arrest records, can lead to successful deals. However, it's crucial to remember that the specifics of obtaining arrest records vary from place to place and may not always be easily accessible online.

    • Effective follow-up and a strong database are essential for real estate successDirect mail can be an effective marketing tool, thorough tenant screening is crucial, large portion of deals come from older leads, partner with a trusted company for investments, and streamline business processes with online platforms

      Effective follow-up and a strong database are crucial elements for real estate success. Direct mail, although often overlooked, can be an effective marketing tool in today's challenging MLS environment. The goal is to convert every lead into a yes or no, ensuring a manageable follow-up process. A large portion of deals are now coming from older leads, highlighting the importance of consistent follow-up. Additionally, thorough tenant screening is essential for successful property management. RentReady's new feature, proof of income verification, simplifies the screening process, allowing landlords to make informed decisions. Lastly, when investing capital, partnering with a trusted company with a proven track record is vital. BAM Capital, with its impressive history of delivering high returns and consistent distributions, is an attractive option for accredited investors. Furthermore, opening a business bank account for a property can be streamlined with online platforms like Relay, saving time and hassle.

    • Maximizing Direct Mail for Real Estate DealsConsistently investing in direct mail, focusing on equity lists, and maintaining a regular mailing schedule can lead to a steady stream of real estate deals.

      Consistent and frequent use of various lists for direct mail marketing can lead to a steady flow of real estate deals. The speaker, who is a successful real estate investor, emphasizes the importance of investing a significant amount in direct mail, spending what you make on one deal per month, and maintaining a consistent mailing schedule. The largest and most consistent deals come from the equity list, but the majority of deals come from owner-occupied properties. The speaker sends around 15,000 to 20,000 pieces of mail per month in a small market and sees an average of 2 weeks to 2 months between mailings. The use of different types of mail, such as postcards and letters, can also yield different types of leads. The speaker suggests a mailing schedule of once every 2 months as a good rule of thumb.

    • Persistence and motivation key to real estate successResponse rates for direct mail campaigns range from 1-3%, focus on one marketing channel for beginners, each deal leads to new opportunities, believe in deal availability and take consistent action

      Finding success in real estate investing requires persistence and motivation. According to the expert, response rates for direct mail campaigns can range from 1 to 3 percent, with potential returns varying greatly. The business can be affected by various factors such as seasonality, demographics, and market conditions. For beginners struggling to find deals, the expert suggests adopting a motivated mindset and focusing on one marketing channel to maximize results. Even if starting small, each deal leads to new opportunities and growth in the industry. Remember, the key to success is believing in the availability of deals and taking consistent action towards finding and closing them.

    • Choose one marketing channel and master it legallyFocusing on one real estate marketing channel and mastering it legally can lead to successful deals, while avoiding negative impacts on industry image through illegal practices.

      Focusing on one thing and doing it legally and with determination can lead to successful real estate deals. Josh emphasized the importance of choosing a marketing channel and mastering it, while also adhering to the laws and regulations. He cautioned against the negative impact of illegal or excessive use of bandit signs on the real estate industry's image. The One Thing philosophy was also mentioned, encouraging investors to focus on the deal and the very first step towards getting it, rather than getting bogged down in unnecessary details or distractions. Long-term, Josh plans to continue buying rental properties and aims to reach the financial freedom number.

    • Successfully Wholesaling with a Minimal WorkloadFind off-market deals directly with sellers, network for affordable deals, ensure land ownership, and contact a title company for closing process

      Tom, a successful real estate investor, has built a business with a minimal weekly workload of 5 hours through focusing on wholesaling and automating processes with the help of a few team members. He emphasizes the importance of finding off-market deals directly with sellers rather than relying on MLS listings. For beginners, he suggests looking for affordable deals through networking and ensuring the mobile home owner actually owns the land the home is on. Lastly, he advises contacting a title company once a property is under contract and a cash buyer is found to initiate the closing process.

    • Build strong relationships with real estate expertsApproach professionals with humility, involve title company early, rely on them for unexpected liens, and read 'The 4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity' and 'Traction' for success

      In the world of real estate investing, it's important to build a strong network of experts to help guide you through the process. This includes agents, property managers, title companies, and brokers. Instead of trying to be a slick car salesman, approach these professionals with humility and a willingness to learn. By positioning yourself as a servant and an underdog, you'll find that people are more likely to root for you and offer their expertise. Additionally, it's crucial to involve a title company early in the process to help ensure a smooth transaction. They can provide valuable insights and save you from potential issues down the line. As for dealing with unexpected liens on properties, it's best to rely on the title company to conduct a thorough search. By building strong relationships with these key players in the industry, you'll increase your chances of success in real estate investing. Furthermore, the speaker recommended two books - "The 4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity" for real estate and "Traction" for business. Both were described as game changers that brought supernatural power to their respective fields.

    • Mistakes are opportunities to learn and growSuccessful real estate investors don't let fear of mistakes hinder their progress. Instead, they view mistakes as learning experiences and continue to take imperfect action.

      Successful real estate investors are not afraid of making mistakes. According to Tom Kroll, mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow in the industry. Kroll, a wholesaling expert, emphasized the importance of taking imperfect action and not waiting for perfect planning. He shared his own experience of being kicked out of college for having a child too early and turning his life around to become a successful real estate investor. Kroll also encouraged listeners to check out his podcast, Wholesaling Inc., and website, wholesalinginc.com, for resources on crushing wholesaling. Overall, the key takeaway is to not let fear of mistakes hold you back from pursuing real estate investing. Embrace the learning process and keep moving forward.

    • Find the right real estate agent for your investment goalsEasily connect with local market experts through BiggerPockets Agent Finder to navigate real estate market complexities and make informed investment decisions

      Finding the right investor-friendly real estate agent can significantly help you navigate the complexities of the real estate market and move closer to financial freedom. With BiggerPockets Agent Finder, you can easily connect with local market experts who understand your investment goals and can provide valuable insights to help you make informed decisions. Remember, the best investors focus on time in the market rather than trying to time the market. So, if you're looking to get started in real estate investing or expand your portfolio, head to biggerpockets.com/deals and enter your investment preferences to find an agent who fits your needs. This free resource is a valuable tool to help you make confident investment decisions and build long-term wealth.

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    989: Seeing Greene: Investing with High DTI, When to Refi, & Getting Out of Debt

    989: Seeing Greene: Investing with High DTI, When to Refi, & Getting Out of Debt
    Life happens, and you’ve accumulated some debt. You’re wondering how to buy real estate EVEN with a high DTI (debt-to-income) ratio. Whether it’s good debt, like rental property mortgages, or bad debt, like credit card debt, holding you back, David and Rob have some ideas to help YOU grow your real estate portfolio faster, make more passive income, and get yourself out of the red! In this Seeing Greene, we’re talking about good, bad, and ugly debt. First, a house hacker hits hurdles when trying to buy his next property due to his current mortgage. Thankfully, there’s a way to get around this using the “sneaky rental” strategy. An investor with a growing portfolio struggles to find a bookkeeper who can keep his finances together WITHOUT costing him an arm and a leg; David and Rob give two very different pieces of advice. Got bad debt? We give an investor options on what he should do to consolidate his $40,000 credit card balance. Wondering when to refinance your mortgage? A repeat caller asks whether a cash-out refinance on one of his properties is worth the rate increase and closing costs. Finally, what would you do with two houses on one lot? Renovate them and sell one? Keep them both as rentals? And how would you fund the renovation? David and Rob give their takes and a HUGE red flag that everyone trying to “subdivide” land should know about. In This Episode We Cover How to scale your real estate portfolio FAST with the “sneaky rental” strategy (even if you have debt!) When to refinance your mortgage and whether a higher rate is worth cash in the bank  Bookkeeping for real estate investing beginners and how to not lose yourself in spreadsheets  How to consolidate debt so you can continue to buy rental properties Where David and Rob are investing next, plus a BIG move one of them is making  Subdividing lots and the one thing you MUST do before you even think about it And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:03) Scaling with “Sneaky Rentals” (08:02) Can't Keep Up with Bookkeeping!  (14:29) How to Consolidate Debt  (19:31) Where We're Investing  (24:12) When to Refinance? (30:38) How to Fund a BIG Renovation  Links from the Show Ask Your Question and Network with Investors on the BiggerPockets Forums Join BiggerPockets for FREE Property Manager Finder See David and Rob at BPCON2024 in Cancun! Real Estate Podcast 675 – Seeing Greene: When Does It Make Sense to Refi with High Interest Rates? Grab David’s Book on the BRRRR Method Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-989 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    988: How to Start Making Millions from These Overlooked RV Park Investments w/Heather Blankenship

    988: How to Start Making Millions from These Overlooked RV Park Investments w/Heather Blankenship
    Heather Blankenship has made $10,000,000 alone from just one RV park investment. She got into it with no money and zero experience. While pregnant with her first child, Heather answered the phones, paid the bills, laid mulch, and slept on the office floor, working long days and longer nights to do anything she could to keep the campground running. Over a decade later, she has a $30,000,000 portfolio, with her first campground worth almost half that amount. How did she do it, and can you repeat her same investing strategy? In her new book, Real Estate Campgrounds, Heather dives into the almost unbelievable streams of income you can create from just one campground or RV park investment. In today’s show, she shares the different ways you can make money (and cash flow!) from your first campground investment, what to know before you buy, and how rental property owners can transition from single-family or multifamily rentals to campground investments. We also bust some myths that have probably stopped you from investing in this lucrative asset class before. Do you need a ton of money? Nope. Do you need a HUGE campground? Not really. Should you have hospitality experience? Maybe. Heather started with ZERO real estate investing experience and now is a campground multimillionaire! Want to follow in her footsteps? Don’t miss this episode!  In This Episode We Cover How Heather’s campgrounds create over ten income streams (BIG cash flow!) Making millions by buying overlooked RV parks and campgrounds  The biggest expense of running campgrounds and why you CAN’T get this wrong What you should know BEFORE you buy a campground to ensure you make money Transitioning from rental properties to campgrounds and why it may be easier than you think The common campground investing myths that stop most investors from creating massive wealth with this asset class  And So Much More! Links from the Show Join BiggerPockets for FREE Property Manager Finder Find Investor-Friendly Lenders See Dave and Henry at BPCON2024 in Cancun! Glamping, Campsites, and The Insane RV Park Revenue No One is Talking About w/Heather Blankenship Pre-Order Heather’s New Book, “Real Estate Campgrounds” (00:00) Intro (02:17) Campground Investing 101 (07:36) 10 Streams of Income! (09:37) Making $10M on ONE Park? (13:21) Know BEFORE You Buy  (19:00) From Rentals to Campgrounds  (23:17) Campground Investing Myths  (33:51) Regulations and Local Laws (35:38) Common Campground Pitfalls  (39:42) Grab Heather’s New Book! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-988 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    987: BiggerNews: Rate Cut Chances Increase as New "Affordable" Markets Emerge

    987: BiggerNews: Rate Cut Chances Increase as New "Affordable" Markets Emerge
    Will the new jobs report finally prompt the Fed to cut rates, leading to you scoring a lower mortgage rate? With multifamily rents still falling, should we fear a nosediving rent trend in the near future? And why are all these traditionally overlooked investing markets becoming the new rental property hot spots? You asked, and on this episode of BiggerNews, we’re answering. We’ve taken top questions from the BiggerPockets forums and are answering them on today’s show! It wouldn’t be a BiggerNews episode without talking about the Federal Reserve. With the latest job numbers pointing in the right direction, is this the final signal the Fed needs before they start cutting rates? Or is there a specific unemployment rate we must hit for the Fed to give us some interest rate relief? Next, we’re talking about the continuously “softening” rents around the country. One sector is actually seeing rents grow, but if you’re not seeing that with your rentals, how do you ensure your tenants stay put and keep paying you rent? We’re giving our expert tips on mitigating falling (or stagnating) rents. Next, we’re highlighting the “affordable” investing hotspots popping up throughout the country as the cost of living increases. Are these markets actually worth investing in, or are the big cities going to have better returns once they bounce back? Finally, should you wait to save up emergency reserves and risk home prices rising OR buy your first property now? We share exactly what we did in the same position when we first started investing.  In This Episode We Cover Fed rate cut updates and how close we could be to mortgage rates finally falling The “softening” rent trend and what you can do NOW to ensure your rent prices stay put  Why the oversupply of multifamily rentals could actually reverse soon  The new “affordable” investing areas that are emerging across the US (and whether we’d buy there) Emergency reserves 101 and whether you should buy now or keep saving  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:54) Rate Cuts Coming? (11:24) Rents Are “Softening”  (19:09) How to Mitigate Falling Rents  (21:36) New Affordable Markets Emerge  (28:20) Emergency Reserves 101  (33:05) Ask Your Question! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-987 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    A Bible Salesman makes it BIG in Commercial Real Estate

    A Bible Salesman makes it BIG in Commercial Real Estate

    In this episode, Vinney Chopra 👔 traces his journey from mechanical engineer 👷‍♂️ to real estate mogul 🏢, unleashed through syndication.


    He shares how he:


    - Came to the US for an MBA and became a salesman 🎓🚪

    - Spent summers selling books/encyclopedias door-to-door to pay tuition 📚👨‍🎓

    - Started buying single-family homes and became intrigued by real estate 🏠

    - Realized he needed to scale up and tap into syndication 📈


    16 years ago, Vinney had an “aha moment” that syndication allowed everyday investors to buy into bigger, commercial deals.

    His tenacity and drive to learn the ropes of real estate, combined with leveraging others’ capital, put him on the path to success. 💸

    Vinney’s story offers inspiration that you can chart a new course at any stage of life. With the right mindset shift and skills, your potential is limitless. 🚀

    #syndication #financialfreedom #realestateinvesting #inspiration 


    podcast tags: 

    syndication, financial freedom, real estate investing, inspiration, career change, MBA, door-to-door sales, buy real estate, scale up, commercial real estate, aha moment, learn ropes of real estate, limitless potential, Vinney Chopra


    If you want to meet Vinney Smile Chopra:





    🌐 Website: https://vinneychopra.com/


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    👥 Mentorship Application: https://vinneychopra.com/mentorship/


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    🙋‍♂️ IF YOU ARE AN ACCREDITED INVESTOR - for investing or learning from Vinney, click here: https://vinneyscalendar.com/vinneysyoutube


    🎥 Vinney’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VinneyChopra/videos/?sub_confirmation=1


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    🎵 Vinney's TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinney.chopra


    📌 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/vkchopra/


    Feel free to connect with Vinney on these platforms! 📱💼👍


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    Interested in building giant wealth through multifamily real estate investing? Well, on today’s show, we interview someone who already has. Michael Becker is an experienced multifamily investor who’s mastered the genre and simplified the process for being successful! Michael shares what every new investor needs to know about avoiding the biggest mistakes in multifamily, how to invest no matter the market or how hot it is, four problems to watch out for that led to the last recession, and a lot more! You DO NOT want to miss the deep dive where Michael shares how he and his partners made $10M in profit using a combination of BRRRR, syndication techniques, private money, and prudent decision-making. If you’ve ever thought about moving into multifamily investing at some point, don’t miss this show! In This Episode We Cover: How Michael got into real estate The value of partnerships and networking Tips for buying 16 multifamily units What a cap rate is His thoughts on a crash and timing the market How he raises money for a deal Relationship-building and how it helps in any business Advice for using webinars to pitch Tips for raising capital Why you want to keep presentations simple Unique advantages of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans Single family rentals vs. multifamily And SO much more! Links from the Show BiggerPockets Forums Brandon’s Twitter Profile Brandon’s Instagram BiggerPockets Podcast 170: The Journey From Flipping Houses to Owning 1,470 Units with Andrew Cushman BiggerPockets Podcast 279: How to Find Overlooked Opportunities in a Hot Market with Andrew Cushman Books Mentioned in this Show The Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller The ABCs of Real Estate Investing by Ken McElroy The Advanced Guide to Real Estate Investing by Ken McElroy Am I Being Too Subtle by Sam Zell Fire Round Questions Should we have an inspector walk through every unit? How do I do my first multi family syndication with no money down? Would you purchase all three together and secure one commercial loan for the properties or do I have to get three separate loans? Tweetable Topics: “It’s much better to be the borrower than the lender when it comes to investing.” (Tweet This!) “All you really have to do is to close a deal or two.” (Tweet This!) “The world is full of capital.” (Tweet This!) “You don’t need to have everything. You just need to have access to it.” (Tweet This!) Connect with Michael Michael’s Company Website Michael’s Podcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices