
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the effects of psychoactive substances like dermorphinThe use of psychoactive substances, such as dermorphin from the Fila Medusa Bicolor frog, has intrigued people throughout history with claims of enhanced energy and abilities. However, theories linking autism to endogenous dermorphin production lack scientific evidence.

      Psychoactive substances, such as dermorphin, can have intriguing effects on people and have been the subject of various theories and beliefs throughout history. During a podcast interview, Hamilton Morris shared his experience with the Myaruna Indians and their use of the Fila Medusa Bicolor frog's venom, which contains dermorphin. This opioid was believed to give the Indians everlasting energy and the ability to hunt for days without sleep. However, the theory that autism is an opioid-mediated pathology due to the endogenous production of dermorphin has not been proven. The discussion also touched on the detection of psychoactive substances in the urine of people with mental illnesses and the extraction of five-MEO-DMT from certain toads by extracting their venom glands. The conversation highlights the fascination and ongoing exploration of the effects of psychoactive substances on the human body and mind.

    • Exploring the scientific aspects of psychedelicsHamilton Morris shares his academic background and interest in the scientific exploration of psychedelics, highlighting the shift in attitudes towards these substances from a focus on experiences to a more scientific understanding.

      While some people may view the use of psychedelic substances like 5MEO DMT as a recreational activity, others approach it from a more scientific and informed perspective. The legality and uncertainty surrounding the source of these substances can make the experience risky, and the short-lived nature of their effects may not warrant the potential risks. However, some argue that any way of using psychedelics, as long as it is consensual and doesn't harm others, is valid. Hamilton Morris, a psychoactive substance expert, shares his academic background and interest in the scientific aspects of these substances, and how he began sharing his knowledge through writing and videos. The shift in attitudes towards psychedelics in media, from a focus on the experiential to a more scientific exploration, has allowed for a deeper understanding of these substances and their potential benefits.

    • Exploring the therapeutic benefits of sensory deprivation tanksSensory deprivation tanks offer relaxation and potential therapeutic benefits, with a history rooted in psychedelic research and therapeutic practices. Regular use could enhance relaxation and wellbeing, while additional benefits like massage or rocking can deepen the experience. Clear communication is essential to avoid misunderstandings.

      Sensory deprivation tanks, or floatation tanks, have a rich history in psychedelic research due to their ability to isolate subjects from their environment. Matt, the camera guy, shares his fascination with these tanks, comparing the experience to a massage and the affectionate touch of a masseuse. He also mentions the history of these tanks being used for therapeutic purposes and in the early days of psychedelic research. Despite only having experienced it once, Matt believes that regular use could bring great relaxation and benefits. The conversation also touches on the idea of extending the experience with additional affectionate touches, like a massage or being rocked in a chair. However, it's important to ensure clear communication between the provider and the client to avoid misunderstandings. The discussion also touches on the recent internet blackout incident involving Hamilton Morris and the potential implications of such control over online information.

    • The internet's decentralized nature makes control impossibleAttempts to limit internet access fuel resistance and create underground networks, while the internet's potential for good outweighs the bad.

      Attempts to control or limit access to information on the internet are futile. The internet's decentralized nature makes it difficult for any single entity to exert complete control. People are increasingly relying on the internet for information, and limiting their access would only fuel resistance and create an underground network. The internet's potential for good and bad is vast, and while there are certainly issues with misinformation and piracy, the best approach is to let the internet sort it out rather than trying to control it through government intervention. The internet is a powerful resource, and its open nature allows for collaboration, innovation, and the free exchange of ideas. While there are challenges, the benefits far outweigh the costs.

    • Memorable movie experiences and controversial foodsPersonal experiences, whether watching a scary movie or eating questionable foods, can evoke strong emotions and create lasting memories.

      Experiences, whether it's watching a movie alone in a theater or enjoying a delicious but potentially harmful food, can create strong memories and emotions. The speaker shared a memorable experience of watching "The Blair Witch Project" alone in a movie theater, which made the movie more terrifying and enjoyable. He also discussed the controversy surrounding the potential health risks of consuming foods like French fries, which contain chemicals produced during the browning process. The speaker's passion for veganism and the reactions he receives from others were also touched upon, leading to a reflection on the distinction between what is considered acceptable to consume and what is not. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexity and nuance of personal experiences and the emotions they evoke.

    • Exploring Ethical Dilemmas of Meat ConsumptionThe speaker advocates for ethical meat consumption, acknowledges the complexities of managing animal populations, and balances personal values with practical considerations.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the treatment of animals in factory farming and prefers to consume meat from sources they believe treat the animals humanely. They acknowledge that regular farming, while natural, can raise ethical questions, but ultimately believe that humans have a right to consume animals for food. The speaker also expresses admiration for wildlife and acknowledges the complexities and challenges of managing animal populations. They identify as a vegetarian but occasionally consume meat, viewing it as a choice that encourages consciousness about their food consumption and leads to healthier eating habits. The speaker also shares personal experiences with wildlife encounters and the potential dangers they pose.

    • Our complex attitudes towards tigers and psychedelicsDespite societal stigma and legal restrictions, research suggests psychedelics could have therapeutic benefits, particularly for mental health conditions.

      Our societal attitudes towards certain animals, like tigers, and substances, like psychedelics, are complex and often contradictory. While it's generally accepted that it's wrong to hunt and eat endangered animals like tigers, there's a fascination with the idea of trying new and potentially mind-altering substances. The interview with Alexander Shulgin, a chemist known for his work with MDMA, highlights the challenges of conducting research on such substances due to societal stigma and legal restrictions. However, there's a growing body of evidence suggesting that psychedelics could have therapeutic benefits, particularly for mental health conditions like PTSD. Ultimately, our attitudes towards these animals and substances need to be based on facts and scientific evidence, rather than fear or prejudice.

    • The internet's impact on information access and community connectionsThe internet has changed how we access information and connect, but traditional sources like libraries still have value, and the experience of reading physical books cannot be fully replicated digitally. Debates over theories continue, with researchers exploring altered states of consciousness in religious texts.

      The internet has significantly changed the way people access information and connect with communities, leading to faster evolution and development, even in areas that were once considered quieter or slower. This shift has made traditional information sources like libraries less necessary, but not obsolete. Additionally, the experience of reading physical books, including the tactile sensations and the ability to hold and carry them, cannot be replicated by digital formats like Kindle. The debate over the authenticity of certain theories, such as the role of mushrooms in religious texts, continues, with researchers like Rick Strassman exploring the possibility of altered states of consciousness in the Old Testament.

    • Theories suggesting spiritual or psychedelic experiences as explanations for biblical storiesSome scholars propose unproven theories about biblical stories involving psychoactive substances, but these ideas lack concrete evidence and are not widely accepted.

      Throughout history, there have been various theories suggesting spiritual or psychedelic experiences as possible explanations for biblical stories. For instance, a scholar proposed that Moses' encounter with the burning bush might have been a reference to the Kesha Bush, which is known for its high DMT content. Another theory suggests that the Ark of the Covenant could have been a meth lab. These theories, though intriguing, are not widely accepted and often lack concrete evidence. Graham Hancock's interest in alternative history was sparked by the search for the Ark of the Covenant, which is believed to be located in Ethiopia, where it is guarded by monks. Another topic that came up was the supposed theft of the Eagle logo by Budweiser from the oldest brewery in America, Yinling, located in Pennsylvania. Despite the lack of evidence, many people remain fascinated by these theories and the mysteries they present.

    • Enhance learning and focus with sensory deprivation tanksSensory deprivation tanks reduce external distractions, allowing for deep concentration and accelerated learning. They can be customized with immersive auditory and visual experiences for an engaging learning environment.

      Sensory deprivation tanks, which create an environment of minimal external stimuli, can enhance learning and focus by allowing the brain to fully concentrate on internal processes. These tanks can be set up with immersive auditory and visual experiences, such as underwater speakers playing music, which can make the experience trippy and engaging. Long-term use of these tanks can lead to a comfortable and non-distracting environment for learning new skills, such as languages, and even experiencing alternative realities through holograms. The potential for accelerated learning and entertainment in such an environment is fascinating and worth further exploration.

    • Exploring the Future of Alternate RealitiesTechnology may soon allow us to create and experience alternate realities, but it's important to approach such claims with skepticism and remember that the impossible becomes possible with time.

      Technology is constantly evolving and we may soon be able to create and experience alternate realities, much like advanced video games. This could involve projecting graphics directly into our minds, potentially even locking our consciousness onto these alternate realities. Though this may seem far-fetched, it's important to remember that just 200 years ago, taking a photograph was a lengthy and complicated process. As technology advances, we may be able to create and experience alternate realities in ways we can't yet imagine. However, it's also important to approach claims of the supernatural with skepticism, as many supposed paranormal phenomena can be explained by natural causes.

    • Natural Elements and Perceived Health HazardsRadon gas and some psychoactive substances may be perceived as health hazards due to sensationalist stories and societal norms, while additives in cigarettes are a proven contributor to their addictiveness and negative health effects.

      Radon gas, a naturally occurring radioactive element, was once a health concern due to its potential to accumulate in basements and cause respiratory issues. However, its popularity as a health hazard may have been overhyped, with sensationalist stories and rare instances leading to its perception as a significant threat. Similarly, many psychoactive substances, some of which were discussed, are illegal despite their natural origins or limited popularity. The additives in cigarettes, on the other hand, are a significant contributor to their addictiveness and negative health effects. Overall, the conversation touched on the complex relationship between natural elements, their perceived dangers, and societal perceptions.

    • Exploring the Tobacco Industry's Use of Addictive ChemicalsThe tobacco industry uses hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes, some enhancing addiction and others making cigarettes burn easier, with potential health consequences.

      The tobacco industry goes to great lengths to make cigarettes more addictive, using hundreds of different chemicals, some of which have unpleasant smells but may serve to make the cigarettes more appealing. The movie "The Russell Chrome City Symphony" explores the industry's deep research into addicting people with these chemicals. While the majority of these chemicals are likely benign, some may have malevolent functions. Nicotine itself is addictive, but other chemicals may enhance the addiction or make the cigarettes burn more easily. The documentary "Wonderful Whites of West Virginia" provides an example of how cigarettes can negatively impact a person's health, as seen in the voice of one woman in the documentary. Overall, the tobacco industry's use of a vast array of chemicals in cigarettes is a complex and concerning issue.

    • Mitt Romney and the Marijuana PatientPolitical leaders must show empathy towards individuals' personal health needs, even during campaigns, and consider the complexities of drug policy debates.

      During a presidential campaign, Mitt Romney was confronted by a marijuana patient in a wheelchair who pleaded for medical marijuana as his only relief. Despite the man's desperate situation, Romney dismissed his plea and suggested synthetic alternatives, leaving the man feeling ignored and frustrated. This interaction highlights the importance of empathy and understanding in political leadership, especially when it comes to matters of personal health and well-being. It also underscores the complex and often contentious nature of drug policy debates, where a small number of influential voices can significantly impact policy outcomes.

    • The Controversial Legal Status of Psychedelic SubstancesDespite potential benefits for mental health, the legal status of psychedelic substances remains controversial due to stigma and lack of research. Controlled use in therapeutic settings could lead to mental health improvements, but scientific proof is challenging due to the slippery nature of 'mystical experiences'.

      The legal status of psychedelic substances like magic mushrooms remains controversial, despite potential benefits for mental health and personal growth. The stigma surrounding these substances, fueled by sensationalized news stories and a lack of scientific research in the past, has hindered efforts to establish safe and regulated access. For instance, the case of a girl who supposedly died from mushroom overdose in the Netherlands may not have involved psychedelics at all, yet it contributed to the ongoing ban. Advocates argue that controlled use of these substances in therapeutic settings could lead to significant improvements in mental health, but the scientific community faces challenges in proving their benefits due to the lack of definitive research and the slippery nature of terms like "mystical experience." Meanwhile, some researchers explore non-psychoactive uses of related substances, like CBD from cannabis, which shows promise in treating various conditions. Ultimately, the ongoing debate highlights the need for more open-minded scientific exploration and public education to separate fact from fiction and help people make informed choices.

    • Marijuana and Mushrooms: Beyond Psychoactive PropertiesMarijuana has versatile uses including paper, clothes, biofuel, and building materials, while offering health benefits and nutritional value. Mushrooms can break down toxins like nerve gases and radioactive waste, but come with challenges in long-term radioactivity.

      Both marijuana and mushrooms offer numerous benefits beyond their psychoactive properties. Marijuana, with its renewable and versatile nature, can be used for various purposes such as making paper, clothes, biofuel, and even building materials. It also has health benefits and nutritional value. Mushrooms, on the other hand, have been explored for their potential in bio-remediation, specifically in breaking down toxins like nerve gases and radioactive waste. These organisms have the ability to extract essential nutrients from their substrate and synthesize new chemicals, making them valuable tools for various applications. However, the use of mushrooms for radioactive waste cleanup comes with challenges, such as the long-term radioactivity of the mushrooms themselves. Overall, both plants and fungi have immense potential beyond their recreational uses and could significantly contribute to various industries and environmental solutions.

    • Historical patterns of intelligent speciesEvery observed organism takes advantage of weaker ones, including humans. We should prepare for the possibility that aliens might exploit or destroy humanity.

      When considering the potential interactions between humans and hypothetical alien civilizations, it's important to consider the historical patterns of behavior among intelligent species. The speaker argues that every observed organism takes advantage of weaker ones, and humans are no exception. Given this, it's pessimistic to assume that aliens would behave differently, and we should prepare for the possibility that they might exploit or even destroy humanity. This perspective contrasts with the optimistic view held by some, like Daniel Pinchback, who believe that aliens would be friendly and cooperative. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of the potential risks and being prepared for various outcomes.

    • Exploring the unknown: life, aliens, and consciousnessKeep an open mind and continue exploring the unknown, as our current knowledge is limited and there's vast potential for undiscovered phenomena, from alien life to psychoactive substances.

      Our understanding of life and the universe is limited and continually evolving. The discussion touched upon the naivety of portrayals of aliens in media, the discovery of bacteria producing DNA with arsenic instead of phosphorus, and the vast potential for undiscovered psychoactive substances. The speaker emphasized the importance of keeping an open mind and continuing to explore the unknown, as our current knowledge is only a fraction of what's possible. The conversation also highlighted the fascination with consciousness, whether it be in extraterrestrial beings or non-living entities like planets. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of curiosity, exploration, and a willingness to challenge our preconceived notions.

    • The Complexities of Scientific Discoveries and Human ExperiencesFrom the discovery of Ritalin to personal travels, this conversation explores the intricacies of scientific advancements and their impact on diverse communities, revealing the ongoing debates and discoveries in neurochemistry and pharmacology.

      The world is full of contrasts and complexities, as illustrated in the conversation about the discovery of Ritalin and the experiences of people in different parts of the world. The speaker expresses a deep reverence for the history of scientific discovery and the unique methods of the past, while acknowledging the controversy surrounding the use of drugs like Ritalin for children. The conversation also touches on the surprising intersection of technology and traditional ways of life, and the speaker's personal experiences with travel and discomfort. Overall, the conversation highlights the richness and complexity of human experiences and the ongoing debates and discoveries in the field of neurochemistry and pharmacology.

    • Obesity: A Modern ConcernObesity rates have risen due to easy access to unhealthy foods and diet drugs, leading to potential health risks and societal concern.

      Society has seen a significant increase in obesity over the years, with people becoming much heavier than they were even a century ago. This issue is concerning, as seen in extreme cases where individuals have become so large that they had to be extracted from their homes. The causes include easy access to unhealthy foods, particularly those high in corn and corn syrup, and the availability of stimulant-based diet drugs. The normalization of excess weight, even during hard times, is a worrying trend. The speaker expresses concern for friends who are overweight, acknowledging the potential health risks and the difficulty of helping them make positive changes. The conversation touched on the paradox of a successful society where people are still struggling with obesity.

    • Personalities with bold and unfiltered nature can lead to extreme behaviorsBeing aware of potential risks associated with extreme behaviors, but ultimately individuals must make informed decisions about their lifestyle choices.

      Certain personalities, often characterized by their bold and unfiltered nature, can lead to wild and extreme behaviors, such as excessive eating or substance use. These individuals may be prone to doing things that others find funny or shocking, but their actions can also have negative consequences. For example, consuming large amounts of fat-soluble substances can lead to longer-lasting effects in the body, potentially causing harm. It's important to be aware of the potential risks associated with these behaviors, but ultimately, it's up to each individual to make informed decisions about their lifestyle choices. Additionally, some practices, like Kundalini yoga, have been touted as providing psychedelic experiences, but the evidence for this is not conclusive.

    • Exploring psychedelic experiences: Profound but riskyPsychedelic experiences offer transformative benefits, but come with risks and uncertainties. Prepare, approach with caution, and remember no two experiences are the same.

      Psychedelic experiences, whether obtained through yoga practices or the use of substances like DMT or 5-MeO-ALT, can be profound and transformative, but they also come with risks and uncertainties. Some people may have pleasant experiences, while others may encounter distressing or even dangerous reactions. The effects of these substances can vary greatly from person to person and even from one experience to the next. It's important to approach these experiences with caution, respect, and preparation, and to be aware of the potential risks involved. Additionally, it's essential to remember that no two experiences are exactly alike, and it may take multiple attempts to fully understand and appreciate the nature of these phenomena.

    • The complex world of psychedelics and conflicting informationDespite differences in duration, DMT and ayahuasca can provide similar clarity and understanding. Caution is advised when interpreting conflicting stories about psychedelic use and historical instances of government involvement.

      The world of psychedelic substances and their associated stories is complex and filled with conflicting information. For instance, the experiences of DMT and ayahuasca differ in duration but not necessarily in clarity or understanding. Stories like the one about Crystal Cole and the big-time LSD manufacturer are filled with conflicting information and should be approached with caution. Additionally, there have been historical instances of government involvement in the production and distribution of psychedelic substances for various purposes, such as crowd control or weaponization. These examples demonstrate the intricacy and uncertainty surrounding the use and understanding of psychedelics.

    • Exploring Psychedelics as Weapons or Mind Control Tools during the Cold WarResearchers pursued using LSD and other psychedelics for military purposes like truth serums, intelligence enhancement, and mind manipulation, but their instability and limitations hindered their effectiveness.

      During the Cold War era, various governments explored the potential of psychedelic drugs, particularly LSD, as weapons or tools for mind control through projects like MKUltra. However, the instability and limitations of these substances made them difficult to use effectively. For instance, LSD's instability made it hard to aerosolize and maintain its potency on surfaces. Despite these challenges, researchers persisted in their trials, investigating various applications, including truth serums, intelligence enhancement, and mind manipulation. The unstable nature of LSD and other psychedelics led to the exploration of alternative, more stable psychedelics for potential military or mind control purposes. While there is evidence suggesting the use of LSD in covert operations, such as the alleged dosing of a French town's bread supply, the validity of these claims remains debated. Overall, the pursuit of harnessing the power of psychedelics for military purposes was a complex and intriguing chapter in history, marked by trial and error and the exploration of both positive and negative potentials.

    • Historical use of psychoactive substances in research without consentGovernments and institutions have used psychoactive substances for research without consent, leading to ethical concerns and potential harm to individuals.

      Throughout history, various governments and scientific institutions have explored the use of psychoactive substances for research and potential medical applications, sometimes involving unsuspecting individuals. For instance, Operation Midnight Climax, a CIA project in the 1950s, involved dosing people with LSD without their consent in brothels. Similarly, there have been theories suggesting that ergot, a psychoactive fungus, may have played a role in the Salem witch trials. These instances underscore the importance of ethical considerations in scientific research and the potential consequences of uninformed use of psychoactive substances.

    • Exploring the biochemical basis of experiencesIntense experiences, including those from psychedelics, can be explained through complex chemical reactions in the brain, leading to personal growth and profound insights.

      Everything we experience, including consciousness and seemingly supernatural phenomena, can be explained through chemical interactions. While it's intriguing to consider alternative interpretations, a more complex and worthwhile question is understanding the biochemical basis of these experiences. Some believe that intense psychedelic experiences open up access to other dimensions or frequencies of consciousness, but it's more likely that these experiences are the result of intricate chemical reactions within the brain. These reactions can lead to profound insights and personal growth, but they don't require an otherworldly explanation to be meaningful or spiritual. The complexity of the chemical interactions involved makes it an ongoing and fascinating area of study.

    • The Capacities of Human MemoryUnexpected cues can trigger memories, extraordinary memory abilities exist, synesthesia may aid memory, and theories contribute to understanding human memory despite controversy

      Our brains may hold more information than we realize, and we might not always be able to access it easily. This idea, while popularized by Scientology, has some merit. Memories can be triggered by unexpected cues, and some people, like Mary Lou Henner, possess extraordinary memory abilities. The ability to recall information through multiple senses, known as synesthesia, may also aid in memory retention. While some theories, like the stoned ape theory, may be controversial or lacking in concrete evidence, they contribute to the ongoing exploration of human memory and cognition. Ultimately, the size of our heads and our normalcy as individuals do not limit our potential for remarkable memory feats.

    • Exploring the Unique Properties of Psychedelics like Psilocybin and SalviaPsychedelics like psilocybin and salvia produce profound experiences, unlikely for mundane uses; Salvia's origin may be extraterrestrial; Psychedelics may facilitate communication with otherworldly beings, but evidence is lacking.

      The discussion revolved around the unique properties of certain psychedelic substances, particularly psilocybin in magic mushrooms and salvia divinorum. It was noted that the effects of these substances are not subtle and typically result in a profound experience, making it unlikely that people would take small doses for mundane purposes like hunting or improving vision. The history of salvia's discovery and characterization was discussed, with a mention of its distinctive appearance and the theory that it may have originated from outer space via asteroidal impacts. The conversation also touched on the idea that certain psychedelics might serve as gateways to communicate with otherworldly beings, suggesting that these entities only exist in the altered states of consciousness induced by these substances. Ultimately, the group acknowledged that while intriguing, there is not enough evidence to definitively prove or disprove the existence of extraterrestrial life, physical or otherwise.

    • The Akashic Records: A Collective Pool of KnowledgeBelief in the Akashic Records posits that creativity comes from accessing a collective pool of knowledge, challenging the notion of individual imagination and life experiences as the sole sources.

      Some people believe in the existence of an interconnected web of knowledge and information, often referred to as the Akashic Records, which can be accessed through altered states of consciousness, such as deep psychedelic experiences. This belief posits that creativity comes from tapping into this collective pool of knowledge, rather than being a product of individual imagination and life experiences. It's an intriguing concept that raises questions about the nature of consciousness, creativity, and the role of the individual in shaping their reality. However, some find this idea disempowering, as it suggests that humans are not the sole creators of their ideas, but rather receivers of pre-existing knowledge. Ultimately, the debate continues as to how much of our reality is shaped by our thoughts, actions, and imagination, versus external influences or predetermined patterns.

    • Personal experiences shape understandingApproach psychedelic experiences with caution, consciousness, and a willingness to learn from both positive and negative outcomes. Personal growth comes from influencing thoughts, environment, and communities.

      Personal experiences, including those induced by psychedelics, play a significant role in shaping our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. However, not everyone can handle such experimentation, and the line between self-control and external influences can be blurry. The use of psychedelics can lead to profound insights, but also carries risks, including the potential for terror and physical harm. Ultimately, it's important to approach such experiences with caution, consciousness, and a willingness to learn from both the positive and negative outcomes. The idea that we are completely in control of our destiny may be an oversimplification, but having some influence over our thoughts, environment, and the communities we build can lead to meaningful personal growth.

    • Exploring the Subjectivity of PerceptionOur perceptions of the world are influenced by various factors and can be altered by substances like psychedelics. Embrace the unique ways we experience the world, as our interpretations of colors and sensory experiences may not be universally defined.

      Our perception of the world around us is subjective and influenced by various factors, including our experiences and even the substances we consume. The discussion touched upon the effects of psychedelic drugs like Molly and shrooms, where the users noticed enhanced vision and questioned if certain visual phenomena are always present but go unnoticed in our normal state of consciousness. The conversation also explored the idea that our interpretation of colors and other sensory experiences may not be universally defined, as demonstrated by linguistic and cultural differences. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of embracing the subjectivity of our perceptions and the beauty that can be found in the unique ways we experience the world.

    • Navigating Complex Topics in Personal RelationshipsStaying true to oneself and being prepared are crucial in complex conversations, even if it means standing out. Be informed and engaged in social issues to maintain personal freedoms.

      Finding a partner who shares the same level of interest and understanding in complex scientific conversations can be challenging, especially for young adults. The speaker expresses frustration with the lack of interest from potential partners and suggests that they may be perceived as a "stoner hero" due to their online presence. However, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being prepared and staying true to oneself, even if that means standing out from the crowd. Another topic touched upon is the ongoing debate surrounding internet freedom and the potential consequences of legislation like SOPA. The speaker expresses concern over the potential for censorship and infringement on personal freedoms. Overall, the conversation highlights the challenges of navigating complex topics in personal relationships and the importance of staying informed and engaged in social issues.

    • The Importance of Investing in Self-Care, Like a Good Quality FlashlightInvest in maintaining your physical and mental well-being, just as you would invest in a high-quality flashlight for personal use.

      Joe Rogan, during his podcast, mentioned the importance of self-care and maintenance, using the example of a flashlight. He encouraged listeners to invest in a good quality flashlight for personal use, just as one would invest in maintaining their physical and mental well-being. Rogan also promoted various products and services throughout the podcast, including a sex toy, Alpha Brain supplements, and upcoming comedy shows. He also encouraged listeners to follow Hamilton Morris on Twitter and mentioned upcoming events. Despite the podcast being described as awkward, Rogan expressed appreciation for Morris's knowledge and expertise, and the conversation covered topics ranging from psychedelics to self-care and comedy.

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    Retreat Microdose

    LEGAL & HEALTH WARNING: in most jurisdictions, psychedelic drugs are illegal. Even when legal, they should be treated and used with care, ideally only under the supervision of trusted healthcare professionals. The views of the guest and host of this podcast are theirs alone and should not be taken as health or medical advice. 

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    29| Beyond Psychedelic Therapy and the Amanita Mushroom with Kevin Feeney, PhD

    Kevin Feeney, PhD, joins me for a conversation

    He is a cultural anthropologist and lawyer currently working as a Program Director and Senior Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Studies – Social Sciences at Central Washington University. His primary research interests include examining legal and regulatory issues surrounding the religious and cultural use of psychoactive substances, with an emphasis on peyote and ayahuasca, and exploring modern and traditional uses of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom, with a specific focus on medicinal use and preparation practices. 

    His research has been published in many journals such as the International Journal of Drug Policy, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs and many more. He is a member of Chacruna’s Council for the Protection of Sacred Plants, and recently joined the Board of Advisors for Psyched Wellness, a Canadian health supplements company emphasizing medicinal mushrooms.

    This episode is largely around Amanita Muscaria. Topics like Microdosing, interesting medical history, potential in helping those with autism due to ibotenic acid being somewhat an analog to glutamate in the brain, and so more more. We chat about cultural uses a bit, though in the shownotes there’s a link to another podcast with Kevin that does a great dive more on the cultural history and use of Amanita around the world.

    We also talk about both the excitement of the mainstreaming of psychedelic therapy and our worries and hopes for the future.
