
    #182 - Dr Jack Lewis - The Neuroscience Of The 7 Deadly Sins

    enJune 11, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Essential Instincts Behind the 7 Deadly SinsNeuroscientist Dr. Jack Lewis encourages a modern, scientific approach to understanding the wisdom in ancient religious texts, rather than discarding them entirely. The 7 deadly sins represent essential instincts for human functioning, but become antisocial when they go to excess.

      The 7 deadly sins, despite being defined for over a century, continue to be a part of human behavior due to our instinctual drives. Neuroscientist Dr. Jack Lewis explains in his book "Science of Sin" that these instincts, covered by the 7 deadly sins, are essential for human functioning, but become antisocial when they go to excess. Dr. Lewis, who is not religious himself, encourages a modern, scientific approach to understanding the wisdom in ancient religious texts, rather than discarding them entirely. He believes that there is value in learning from these texts, even for those who don't believe in the supernatural. As Donald Kingsbury once said, "Tradition is a set of solutions for which we have forgotten the problems."

    • Overlooking the value of the pastAncient knowledge can provide answers to modern research questions. Avoid superficial knowledge on social media and focus on understanding complex topics thoroughly. Be aware of influences on decision making and strive for balance.

      Our obsession with new information and technology can sometimes lead us to overlook the value of the past. This was exemplified by a friend's discovery that ancient Greek knowledge could have answered her modern research questions. Additionally, our rapid consumption of information on social media often results in superficial knowledge and a lack of focus on understanding complex topics thoroughly. Furthermore, our behavior is influenced by various factors, including the 7 deadly sins or capital vices, and finding the right balance in life requires making decisions based on both short-term and long-term benefits. Instincts that were once essential for survival, such as the urge to overeat during times of food abundance, can now lead to negative consequences in the context of modern food availability and marketing. It's important to be aware of these influences and strive for a balanced approach to decision making.

    • Understanding the impact of the seven deadly sins on our relationshipsRecognizing the negative effects of the seven deadly sins on our behavior can help us maintain healthy relationships and improve overall well-being by fostering moderation and building stronger, more resilient connections.

      The seven deadly sins, which are natural human urges, can cause absolute havoc in social relations when taken to extremes. These urges, including gluttony, greed, lust, and others, can lead to isolation and negative health consequences, such as depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and even earlier death. The ancient wisdom about the deadly sins still holds true in modern times, and understanding their impact on our behavior can help us maintain healthy relationships and improve our overall well-being. It's important to recognize that we are not islands, and having a few reliable friends or companions is essential for our emotional and psychological health. The magnified friction between individuals can make even common behaviors problematic, so being aware of these tendencies and striving for moderation can help us build stronger, more resilient relationships.

    • Diversity in network helps prevent confirmation biasA diverse network challenges our beliefs and provides new perspectives, preventing confirmation bias and leading to valuable wisdom

      Having a diverse network of people in your life is essential for evaluating your thoughts and beliefs. It helps prevent confirmation bias and provides different perspectives, making it easier to separate the valuable wisdom from the outdated or incorrect beliefs. Pride, a natural human emotion, is beneficial in moderation but can lead to narcissism when taken to excess. Ancient wisdom, while valuable, should be evaluated through the lens of modern science to separate truth from fiction. Ultimately, it's important to find the virtuous mean and not be overly disciplined or overly indulgent. The concept of striving for perfection, especially in the context of the afterlife, may be unrealistic and unhealthy. Instead, focus on making the most of life on Earth.

    • Ancient Pride and Modern NarcissismNarcissism, rooted in pride, is marked by self-centeredness, excessive vanity, and a need for validation. Neglectful or overly attentive upbringing can contribute to its development. It can lead to unhealthy relationships and isolation.

      The ancient concept of pride, as viewed negatively by religious thinkers, closely resembles modern understandings of narcissism. Narcissistic individuals exhibit traits such as self-sufficiency, excessive vanity, and a belief in their superiority, often stemming from neglectful or overly attentive upbringing. Despite their self-centered behavior, they crave validation and positive feedback from others. Narcissism, considered the "queen of all deadly sins," can lead to isolation and unhealthy relationships, as narcissists often seek out yes-men or women to reinforce their egos. Saint Gregory the Great, who introduced the concept of the seven deadly sins, likely identified pride as the queen due to its potential to lead individuals into other vices. Neuroscience research reveals that narcissistic individuals respond more strongly to social rejection in a brain area associated with pain perception, highlighting the psychological pain they experience when not receiving validation.

    • Heightened sensitivity to social rejection in narcissistic individuals due to corpus callosumRecognize and empathize with narcissistic individuals' inner turmoil and suffering, promoting compassion and understanding to create a harmonious social environment.

      The corpus callosum, a patch of brain tissue above and in front of the DACC, plays a role in intensifying the feelings of social rejection experienced by narcissistic individuals. This heightened sensitivity may explain their touchy and easily offended behavior. Neuroscience research suggests that this brain area is involved in generating psychological anguish for several deadly sins, including envy, wrath, and pride. Instead of reacting with aggression or revenge, it's recommended to practice compassion and understanding for these individuals, recognizing their inner turmoil and suffering. By being more mindful and empathetic, we can create a more harmonious social environment. This knowledge can guide us in dealing with people who exhibit extreme behaviors related to the seven deadly sins, as shown in the author's personal experience at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park.

    • The value of expressing yourself and understanding othersExpressing anger unnecessarily can harm relationships. Compassion and understanding are essential for effective communication.

      Expressing yourself, even if you're wrong, can be liberating, but it's important to approach conversations with compassion and understanding. The speaker shared an experience where he engaged in a debate about science and religion, and although he learned from some parts of the discussion, he became frustrated with the arguing and expressed his anger towards a homeless man who disrupted his talk. He later regretted his actions and sought to make amends, which led to a surprising outcome. The experience taught him the value of compassion and the importance of understanding people's perspectives, even if they differ from our own. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of breaking the fourth wall in conversations to better understand people's motivations and responses.

    • Surround yourself with positivityReflect on past experiences, seek professional help when necessary, and surround yourself with supportive people to promote personal growth and improve relationships.

      It's important to surround yourself with people who support and encourage your growth, rather than bringing you down with negativity or unwarranted criticism. The speaker shared a personal story about an encounter with a train conductor that left him feeling enraged and humiliated, and how he later reflected on the experience to understand why he reacted so strongly. He emphasized the value of self-reflection and the opportunity to learn from past experiences, rather than being overly critical of oneself or others. The speaker also acknowledged the importance of seeking professional help when necessary, as understanding the root causes of negative behaviors can lead to personal growth and improved relationships with others. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, self-awareness, and the pursuit of personal growth.

    • The importance of personal therapy for counselorsEffective counselors need personal therapy to overcome biases and improve objectivity, benefiting both themselves and their clients. Five years of consistent sessions recommended.

      Effective counselors must undergo personal therapy themselves to avoid unconscious biases interfering with their ability to help others. This concept was emphasized by Charlotte Fox Webber, the head of psychotherapy for the School of Life in London, who shared that psychotherapists need at least five years of consistent sessions. Our neuroses and set piece behaviors can hinder our objectivity and prevent us from truly helping others. The importance of self-therapy is especially relevant in today's world where we face an abundance of food, leading to gluttony and negative health consequences. Research shows that obesity can age the brain by 10 years, affecting cognitive capacities. Therefore, addressing our personal struggles and biases is crucial for making the most of our lives and helping others effectively.

    • Maintaining overall health involves more than just physical activityRegular exercise, mindful eating, and moderation in alcohol consumption contribute to overall health and well-being

      Maintaining a healthy body and mind involves more than just physical activity. While regular exercise is important, paying attention to what and when we eat, as well as abstaining from excessive consumption of alcohol, plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. The quality of our thoughts and, consequently, the quality of our lives are closely linked. We have no conscious control over our sexual desires, but we do have control over whether or not we act upon them. The consequences of obesity, including poor brain health, can be serious. Remember, everything we put in our bodies, whether it's food or drink, contributes to our overall health. It's essential to be mindful of the hidden sugars in alcoholic beverages and to practice moderation. The easiest way to avoid breaking your diet is to keep unhealthy foods out of your home. Ultimately, taking care of ourselves involves a holistic approach that includes both physical activity and mindful eating and drinking habits.

    • Original Christian teachings label sexual activities outside of procreation as sodomyThough we may not control our desires completely, we have control over our actions. The complex relationship between brain function and sexual urges was highlighted through the Burns and Swerdlow tumor study.

      According to original Christian teachings, any sexual activity outside of procreation is considered sodomy. This includes practices like masturbation, the withdrawal method, and even sex between married couples for pleasure. The discussion also touched upon the fascinating case of the Burns and Swerdlow tumor study, where a man's pedophilic tendencies were linked to a brain tumor. Despite having the tumor removed and his urges disappearing, they returned once the tumor grew back. The study highlights the complex relationship between brain function and sexual urges, emphasizing that while we may not have conscious control over our desires, we do have control over our actions. The conversation also explored the societal implications of pedophilia and the importance of compassion and understanding rather than vilification.

    • Society's attitude towards pedophiles worsens the problemOpen conversations and effective interventions are needed to help individuals with pedophilic tendencies, rather than driving them further into the shadows

      Society's attitude towards pedophiles, which is often one of disgust and vilification, pushes them into hiding and makes it difficult for them to seek help. This can lead to the problem worsening and potentially contributing to the circulation and underground distribution of child sexual abuse material. The lack of resources and support for those with pedophilic tendencies leaves many feeling isolated and without options, which can be detrimental to their own well-being and that of others. The inability to discuss and address this issue effectively leaves many questions unanswered, such as when and how to hold individuals accountable for their thoughts, especially when those thoughts are not consciously controllable. Technological advancements, like plastysmography, can provide objective measures of sexual arousal, shedding light on the biological aspect of pedophilia and potentially leading to more effective interventions and treatments. It's crucial to have open and honest conversations about this complex issue in order to create a society that supports and helps individuals, rather than driving them further into the shadows.

    • Distinguishing Pedophiles from Non-Pedophiles and Understanding Human SexualityStudies reveal some individuals are sexually aroused only by children, raising ethical concerns. Female orgasm plays a role in reproduction, while male foreskin functions to direct semen towards the vagina. Historical norms of early marriage and monogamy are complex, and lust can lead to excessive and harmful behaviors.

      Researchers have made efforts to distinguish between individuals with pedophilic and non-pedophilic sexual preferences, recognizing the importance of comparing like groups. A surprising finding from their studies is that some individuals are incapable of becoming sexually aroused by anything other than children, a condition that raises ethical concerns. Additionally, the female orgasm plays a role in reproduction, with the cilia in the female reproductive system guiding sperm towards the egg. On the other hand, the male foreskin functions as a sort of helmet that collects semen and directs it towards the vagina. The discussion also touched upon the historical norm of early marriage and pregnancy, as well as the concept of monogamy in humans, which is not as straightforward as it may seem. Furthermore, the extreme example of Fidel Castro's sexual exploits illustrates the potential for lust to manifest in excessive and harmful ways, intertwined with other emotions such as pride, envy, and wrath. Overall, the conversation provided insights into various aspects of human sexuality, shedding light on the complexities and nuances of our desires and behaviors.

    • The Complexity of Envy and the Unofficial Status of Sex AddictionEnvy, a complex emotion, can motivate us to improve or harm others, while sex addiction, an unofficial condition, may gain recognition as a mental health disorder.

      While some people label themselves as sex addicts, this condition is not yet officially recognized by the psychiatric world. Envy, on the other hand, is a complex emotion that can be both beneficial and harmful. It arises from a sense of injustice and can motivate us to compete, but it can also lead to malicious behaviors. Envy is linked to the brain area involved in pain, and feeling envy can lead to inner turmoil and unpleasant behaviors. Envy can be benign when it motivates us to learn from others and improve ourselves, but it can also be malicious when we try to bring others down to even the playing field. Depression was once considered the same way, but it is now recognized as a mental health disorder. If sufficient evidence is presented, sex addiction may also gain recognition in the future.

    • Neuroscience studies on porn consumption and social media use need contextConsider the context of neuroscientific studies, as potential confounding factors can impact results. The DACC's association with porn consumption might be due to conflict or comparison-making, not just porn itself. Social media can exacerbate envy, but appearances may be deceiving, and we can't pick and choose aspects of others' lives.

      Our brains respond to various stimuli in complex ways, and it's essential to consider the context and potential confounding factors when interpreting the results of neuroscientific studies. For instance, the Discriminative Amglicate Cortex (DACC) is often associated with porn consumption in fMRI studies, but it's also involved in dealing with conflict. The challenge of not being able to touch oneself during the study might have contributed to the activation in the ACC, rather than the porn itself. Moreover, our comparison-making mechanism, or envy, can be exacerbated in the age of social media, leading us to believe that others' seemingly perfect lives are attainable. However, behind the scenes, things might not be as rosy as they appear. It's crucial to remember that we can't pick and choose aspects of someone's life; it's all or nothing. Finally, the experiences of public figures, like reality TV stars, can serve as a reminder of the importance of recognizing the complexity of human experiences and the potential costs of success. We cannot assume that what we see on the surface is the whole story.

    • Evaluate the worthiness of those we envyEnvy can signal dominance or lead to short-term gains, but it's important to find balance and not let it consume us. Be aware of social media manipulation and focus on our own path in life.

      Envy is a natural emotion, but it's important to evaluate whether the person we envy is worthy of our admiration. Envy can be used as a signaling technique to reaffirm one's position in the dominance hierarchy, but it can also lead to short-term nasty behavior for long-term gains. However, not playing the game and trying to be overly virtuous can also have consequences, such as missing out on opportunities and not reaching one's full potential. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance and not let envy consume us while also recognizing that everyone has their own path in life. The discussion also touched upon the use of social media and how it can be used to manipulate envy or hide the truth. It's crucial to be aware of these tactics and not compare our lives to others based on superficial appearances.

    • Engaging with audience leads to meaningful connectionsDirect interaction between creators and consumers fosters meaningful connections and intrinsic rewards.

      Engaging with your audience and acknowledging their feedback can lead to meaningful connections and a sense of fulfillment for both parties. The speaker shared an experience of receiving messages from fans who had noticed small details in his content, leading to engaging conversations and a sense of appreciation. He also emphasized the importance of recognizing and appreciating the silent listeners, and making an effort to reach out and support friends and content creators. The speaker believes that this direct interaction between creators and consumers is a unique aspect of social media and content creation platforms, providing creators with the freedom to express themselves without external influence. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the intrinsic rewards that come from creating and sharing content that resonates with others.

    • Finding joy in hobbies without worrying about successEmbrace hobbies for personal fulfillment, not just success, and enjoy the learning process along the way.

      Pursuing hobbies for the sheer enjoyment of them, without worrying about success or external validation, can significantly promote personal well-being. The speaker shared his experience of running a YouTube channel, despite having very few viewers, and how he found joy and fulfillment in the process. He emphasized that hobbies never end, as one can always move on to the next project or learning experience. The speaker also shared how his perspective shifted after a period of focusing solely on commercial gain and success, leading him to appreciate the joy and curiosity that comes from pursuing hobbies for their own sake. He encouraged listeners to embrace their hobbies and not be concerned with external validation or competition. The speaker's unexpected realization from participating in Love Island was a turning point for him, leading him to a greater sense of mental well-being and fulfillment.

    • Greed and its negative consequencesGreed can lead to isolation, competition, psychological issues, and lack of true happiness. Beyond a certain point, more money doesn't lead to lasting happiness. Finding contentment with what we have is essential for well-being.

      While greed, as a natural human desire for resources, can seem appealing in modern capitalist society, it often leads to negative consequences. As individuals accumulate wealth, they may become isolated and competitive, focusing more on protecting their possessions than building meaningful relationships. This can result in psychological issues and a lack of true happiness. Elon Musk's recent decision to sell his possessions is an extreme example of this concern with greed, but the pitfalls of excess wealth are well-documented. Money can create tension in relationships and even cause families to fall out over inheritance. Research shows that beyond a certain point, the pursuit of more money does not lead to lasting happiness. Instead, finding contentment and satisfaction in what we have is essential for true well-being.

    • Money doesn't guarantee happiness and overworking can lead to ill healthMoney can't buy happiness, and overworking can lead to health issues. Allow for rest and relaxation to maintain mental and physical well-being.

      Money brings responsibility and anxiety, and beyond a certain point, it doesn't guarantee happiness. As Morgan Housel, a finance expert, explains, wealth is the ability to do what you want with who you want for as long as you want, without anyone telling you otherwise. Anything beyond that is just more problems. A little bit of laziness each day and week is useful for mental clarity and physical rest. Overdoing it can lead to burnout and ill health. It's essential to give yourself downtime daily and yearly for deep cleaning and maintenance of your mind and body. The extreme of sloth, where you never pull your weight, is not acceptable in adulthood. It's crucial to understand that everyone has different needs and rhythms, and it's essential to find a balance between work and rest. In summary, money can't buy happiness, and overworking yourself can lead to ill health. Take care of yourself by allowing for rest and relaxation.

    • Promoting optimal brain development for teenagersEncourage adequate sleep, self-care, and measured responses for personal growth and positive interactions.

      Ensuring adequate sleep for teenagers and practicing self-care, including allowing for downtime, are essential for optimal brain development and productivity. The benefits of these practices extend beyond the individual, as they enable better support for others. While a moderate level of anger or wrath is natural and justified in response to harm or injustice, it's crucial to respond proportionately and avoid letting aggression run free. Sleep, self-care, and measured responses are key components for personal growth and positive interactions with those around us.

    • Brain area linked to desire for revengeThe DACC in the brain is linked to the desire for revenge, particularly when individuals experience pain or inner turmoil, but aggression is not solely biologically rooted and influenced by socialization and various brain areas.

      The dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (DACC) in the brain plays a role in driving the desire for revenge, particularly when individuals experience pain or inner turmoil. This study was demonstrated through a tit for tat exchange of electric shocks in an MRI scanner, where the DACC activity was positively correlated to the level of pain inflicted. This desire for revenge can escalate to harmful or even deadly actions, driven by feelings of inner turmoil and a desire to punish perceived wrongdoing. However, it's important to note that aggression is not solely biologically rooted but also influenced by socialization and the interplay between various brain areas. Testosterone, while involved in aggression, is not a clear-cut explanation, as other brain areas can rein in aggressive drives. Regarding the 7 deadly sins, there's ongoing debate on whether there's an 8th antisocial force missing. Some argue that it could be a lack of empathy or compassion, which can manifest as a disregard for others' feelings and well-being. However, it's a complex issue, and further research is needed to fully understand the nuances of human behavior and social forces.

    • The Negative Effects of Excessive Technology UseExcessive technology use can lead to decreased empathy, forgetfulness, and harm to mental well-being. Reflect on whether tech enhances or detracts from life, and make time for quiet reflection.

      While technology provides numerous benefits, such as access to vast amounts of information and enabling communication across great distances, excessive use can lead to negative consequences. These consequences include a decrease in empathy due to a lack of face-to-face interaction, forgetfulness due to the ease of looking up information, and potential harm to mental well-being from constant consumption and comparison to others on social media. It's essential to ask oneself if technology use is enhancing or detracting from one's life and to make an effort to quiet the mind and allow for boredom to foster creativity and original thoughts.

    • Explore Different Digital Platforms for Learning and Growth with Dr. Jack LewisNeuroscientist Dr. Jack Lewis invites audiences to engage with his work through his website, Twitter, YouTube channel, and virtual reality experiences like 'COVID Slasher', incorporating cognitive improvements into fun games.

      Dr. Jack Lewis, the neuroscientist and author of "The Science of Sin," encourages his audience to explore various platforms to engage with his work. These include his website (www.doctorjack.co.uk), Twitter (@DoctorJackLewis), and his YouTube channel ("Brainman VR"). He also expresses his enthusiasm for virtual reality, particularly high-end systems like the HTC Vive, which he believes have enormous untapped potential. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he even created a VR game called "COVID Slasher" as a cathartic outlet. He plans to develop more VR content, secretly incorporating cognitive capability improvements into fun games. Dr. Lewis also mentioned Paul Stamets' work with microdosing and tracking progress through a quantified self app. Overall, Dr. Jack Lewis invites listeners to join him in exploring these various digital avenues for learning and growth.

    • Exploring psychedelic experiences through technologyTechnology is being used to create safer, virtual psychedelic experiences, offering new perspectives and improved well-being without drug risks.

      Technology is being explored as a means to simulate psychedelic experiences and their potential benefits, such as new perspectives and improved well-being, without the risks associated with actual drug use. A man in Canada has spent six years creating a VR experience called a "technodelic," which aims to do just that by using light and sound to simulate trippy experiences. This development in technology could provide a safer alternative for those interested in the positive effects of psychedelic experiences. It's an exciting new frontier in the intersection of technology and mental health. Additionally, the conversation touched on the fun and less serious side of microdosing and VR, with the hosts discussing their own experiences and excitement about the latest developments in these areas. The hosts also shared their appreciation for each other's work and encouraged listeners to check out their respective channels and podcasts. Overall, the discussion highlighted the potential of technology to enhance and explore various aspects of human experience.

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    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 20, 2024

    #798 - Dr Layne Norton - Nutrition Scientist’s Diet Advice For Lean Muscle & Longevity

    #798 - Dr Layne Norton - Nutrition Scientist’s Diet Advice For Lean Muscle & Longevity
    Layne Norton is a Doctor of Nutritional Science, a powerlifter and an author. Choosing the right diet and training plan for health can be complicated. Science offers one view, while your trainer suggests another. Fortunately, Layne provides all the expertise you need to find the best diets, foods, and lifestyle for you to build the healthiest and best version of yourself. Expect to learn why people keep failing at their diets, if there is a best diet for overall health and wellness, Laynes thoughts on the new Ozempic craze, if the Carnivore diet is actually healthy for you, the top health foods you should be eating more of, how bad soy is for your health or if the hype is overblown, and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get a 10% discount on Marek Health’s comprehensive blood panels at https://marekhealth.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get a 20% discount on your first order from Maui Nui Venison by going to https://www.mauinuivenison.com/modernwisdom (use code MODERNWISDOM) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 17, 2024

    #797 - Mike Solana - TikTok Ban, Media War & The Corruption Of College

    #797 - Mike Solana - TikTok Ban, Media War & The Corruption Of College
    Mike Solana is a writer, Vice President at Founders Fund, Editor-in-Chief at Pirate Wires and a podcaster. To no one’s surprise, the future of American media and politics is upside down. A pervasive lack of trust leaves everyone uncertain about the rest of the year. So what does the future have in store, and what facts can we be certain about in a time of turmoil and confusion? Expect to learn why the new app Fly Me Out is a fantastic inditement of modern dating culture, why the tide is turning against independent and mainstream media, whether the left vs right debate is officially dead, what the future of news and media will look like, whether American colleges are really a lost cause, how taboo subjects affect science and censorship in academia, Mike’s prediction for the first Trump vs. Biden debate and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get a Free Sample Pack of all LMNT Flavours with your first box at https://www.drinklmnt.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 15, 2024

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality
    Rob Kurzban is a psychologist and an author. What is morality? Why did it come about? Have humans always had it? Is it universal or temporary? Does it exist as a truth independent of humanity or is it entirely contingent on our culture? Expect to learn the evolutionary psychology of abortion policy, where the evolution of morality came from, the best examples of modern moral rules you might not think about, the biggest issues with being a moral hypocrite, the role that reputation plays in judging someone’s morality, how wisdom can help us overcome our biological hardware and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://www.shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get $150 discount on Plunge’s amazing sauna or cold plunge at https://plunge.com (use code MW150) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 13, 2024

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life

    #795 - Ryan Holiday - 11 Harsh Stoic Truths To Improve Your Life
    Ryan Holiday is a podcaster, marketer and an author. Stoicism is like the hot new girl in school. A popular, perfect blend of ancient philosophy which is applicable to modern challenges. Given that Ryan is probably the world's most famous Stoicism expert, what are the most important insights he's learned about how to apply this wisdom to daily life? Expect to learn why Ryan doesn’t talk about the projects he’s working on before finishing them, why Ryan thinks that competition is for losers, how self belief is overrated, what Ryan’s morning routine and typical day looks like, why Broicism has found a new lease of life, the importance of taking responsibility for yourself instead of other people and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 10, 2024

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy

    #794 - Scott Galloway - The 4 Secrets To Get Rich In A Broken Economy
    Scott Galloway is a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, a public speaker, entrepreneur and an author. The modern economy is a confusing mess. Inflation, interest rates, wage stagnation, property prices. It's all complex and may feel like you're swimming up stream. Thankfully Scott has broken down his entire wealth strategy into an algorithm of 4 steps which anyone can follow. Expect to learn why wealth is a whole-person project, what all financially successful people have in common, how to forgive yourself when you fall short, why following your passion is often a bad idea, the importance of physical fitness for financial wealth and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Get a 35% discount on all Cozy Earth products at http://www.cozyearth.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get a 20% discount on Nomatic’s amazing luggage at https://nomatic.com/modernwisdom (use code MW20) Get up to 20% discount on the best supplements from Momentous at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 08, 2024

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    Sponsor:Is there something interfering with your happiness or is preventing you from achieving your goals? https://betterhelp.com/leo and enjoy 10% off your first month and start talking to mental health professional today!! 

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    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


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