
    184. How to be a Real Man

    en-usApril 12, 2021
    What does becoming a 'real man' involve according to the speaker?
    How did the speaker heal from his childhood trauma?
    What mindset does the speaker suggest for healthy relationships?
    How does the speaker view his identity during setbacks?
    What importance does the speaker place on therapy and communication?

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Authenticity: The Journey to Becoming a 'Real Man'In your forties, let go of drama, validation seeking, and external circumstances to become a 'real man' - authentic, content, and at peace with yourself

      Becoming a "real man" involves figuring out who you are and being comfortable in your own skin. This means letting go of drama, validation seeking, and giving fewer fucks about external circumstances. It's a process of evolution that typically happens in a man's forties. The speaker, who is in his forties, shares his own experience of gaining confidence and peace of mind despite business setbacks. He emphasizes that life comes in phases and seasons, and being a "real man" is about being authentic and content with oneself. Ladies, take note, as this mindset can lead to healthy relationships and fulfilling lives.

    • Finding peace in identity beyond material possessionsAuthenticity and vulnerability are key to building a strong identity. Embrace emotions and seek help when needed, rather than suppressing them to fit societal norms.

      Our identity should not be defined by material possessions or external achievements, but rather by the person we are and the reputation we build. The speaker shares his experience of accepting the potential loss of his businesses and possessions during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how he found peace knowing that his identity was not tied to these things. He emphasizes the importance of being authentic and vulnerable, and encourages men to avoid suppressing emotions and seeking help when needed. The speaker also challenges the notion of being a "real man" as portrayed in society, which involves hiding emotions and avoiding deep conversations, and instead encourages men to embrace their emotions and work on personal growth.

    • Healing from past traumasMen can overcome quiet desperation and live fulfilling lives by acknowledging and addressing past traumas, doing self-work, and being vulnerable.

      Many men suppress traumatic experiences and emotions, leading to quiet desperation and unhealthy coping mechanisms. Real men, however, are encouraged to be vulnerable, do self-work, and heal from past traumas. These unexplored wounds can resurface unexpectedly, causing anxiety, depression, and self-sabotage. For instance, a seemingly strong and confident man might struggle with making eye contact or expressing himself openly due to past hurts. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, men can break free from the cycle of quiet desperation and live more fulfilling lives.

    • Naval SEAL training as a tool for emotional healingThe Navy SEAL training depicted in videos is only a small part of a larger project aimed at helping men heal emotionally. The real work involves deep conversations and journaling to identify and destroy toxic negative beliefs.

      The Navy SEAL training shown in videos is just a part of a larger project aimed at helping men heal emotionally. While the physical challenges are prominent, the real work involves deep dives into emotional healing through conversations and journaling. The project's founder, who has personally experienced anxiety and the numbing effects of medication, created it to help men become more vulnerable and open up without fear. The process includes identifying and destroying toxic negative beliefs and conversations. The founder's personal journey led him to seek help when his business growth and stress caused anxiety attacks, which were then treated with medication that numbed his creativity and drive. Ultimately, he decided to stop taking the drugs and instead work with a therapist to address the root causes of his anxiety. The project's goal is to help men overcome their emotional challenges and contribute positively to society.

    • Healing from Childhood TraumaFinding a trusted therapist and opening up about past traumas is crucial for healing and overcoming emotional and mental barriers. Self-help alone may not be enough.

      Healing from past traumas is a crucial step towards personal growth and living a fulfilling life. The speaker shares his own experience of being molested as a child and the emotional and mental scars it left him with. He felt broken, unlovable, and undeserving, which affected his relationships, parenting, and professional pursuits. However, after finding a trusted therapist and opening up about his past, he was able to heal over 12 months. His story resonated with many men who had similar experiences and felt encouraged to seek help. Books or self-help alone may not be enough; therapy and open communication are essential for healing and overcoming emotional and mental barriers.

    • Healing past wounds for self-worthAcknowledging and healing past traumas is essential for embracing self-worth and living a fulfilling life.

      Everyone deserves love and self-worth, but past experiences and negative narratives can hinder us from recognizing this truth. The story of the man who grew up feeling unworthy due to his father's harsh treatment during horse shows illustrates this concept. His father's anger and punishment led him to believe he was never good enough, which manifested in various areas of his life. However, through the process of introspection and healing, he uncovered the root cause of his self-punishment and was able to start the journey towards self-love and worthiness. This journey required vulnerability and the willingness to confront and address past traumas. Ultimately, the man realized that he was deserving of love, success, happiness, and fulfillment. This story highlights the importance of acknowledging and healing past wounds to embrace self-worth and live a fulfilling life.

    • Authenticity and vulnerability are key aspects of being a real manReal men embrace vulnerability and deep conversations, healing past hurts to connect authentically with others.

      Being a real man is about having a strong sense of self and living authentically, rather than conforming to societal expectations or living in a state of passive aggression. It's okay to be vulnerable and have deep, meaningful conversations with others. Avoiding these conversations and focusing on superficial topics can be a sign of emotional scars and a lack of confidence. To truly connect and make an impact, it's important to heal from past hurts and be open to emotional expression. Real men are not defined by their ability to be aggressive or dominant, but by their ability to be authentic and vulnerable.

    • Healing from past traumas for true masculinityOne in four have experienced sexual abuse, one in three have experienced physical or mental abuse, seeking therapy or attending workshops can help address limiting factors and heal, leading to peace of mind, happiness, and a sense of purpose.

      True masculinity and personal growth require healing from past traumas. The speaker shares his personal experience of seeking therapy for stress and anxiety, which led him to confront deep-rooted issues that held him back. He emphasizes that one in four people have experienced sexual abuse, and one in three have experienced physical or mental abuse. These experiences activate the fight or flight response, hindering peace, happiness, and a sense of fulfillment. The speaker encourages doing the deep work, such as therapy or attending the project mentioned, to address limiting factors and heal. He believes that this effort leads to increased comfort in one's skin, peace of mind, happiness, and a sense of significance and purpose. He urges listeners to share this message and leave positive reviews, and ends with a reminder to tell one's mother that they have peace.

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    Bedros Keuilian Podcast Show
    en-usSeptember 03, 2024

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    Bedros Keuilian Podcast Show
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    BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    092. Do YOU Have What it Takes To Be An Entrepreneur? (What the 1% know)

    There is always a price to pay to accomplish anything. But few are willing to pay, and that's why true success is hard for many to achieve. In this episode of the Bedros Keuilian Show, I share what price you need to pay to be an entrepreneur. And what it takes to overcome the hardship in your entrepreneurial journey. BEDROS KEUILIAN LIVE 2024 | September 13-14, 2024 in Scottsdale, AZ https://live.bedroskeuilian.com/bk-live-2024 REGISTER FOR THE LEGACY TRIBE Get the Life, Money, Meaning & Impact You Deserve https://bedroskeuilian.com/legacytribe JOIN MY FREE 6-WEEK CHALLENGE: Transform into a Purpose-Driven Man https://bedroskeuilian.com/challenge TruLean Supplements | https://www.trulean.com/pages/bedros Get 50% Off Trulean Subscribe & Save Bundle Use Code: BEDROS Few Will Hunt Apparel | https://fewwillhunt.com/ Get 20% Off Your Entire Order Use Code: BEDROS OPEN A FIT BODY LOCATION A High-Profit, Scalable Gym Franchise Opportunity Driven By Impact https://sales.fbbcfranchise.com/get-started?utm_source=bedros BECOME A MODERN DAY KNIGHT: Join the MDK Project https://www.themdkproject.com/ PODCAST EPISODES: https://bedroskeuilian.com/podcast/ STAY CONNECTED: Website | https://bedroskeuilian.com/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/bedroskeuilian/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/bedroskeuilian Twitter | https://twitter.com/bedroskeuilian

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    Authenticity Through Art

    Today’s guest is Kelly Darke. Kelly is a Michigan based art therapist who has been using art as a portal to joyful living since she was a child. Lately she’s been collaborating with the organization Stand with Trans to lead art therapy groups for transgender kids. Creating a safe, creative space for these kids and their families has allowed her to learn from their wisdom and increase her understanding of the unique concerns the transgender community. Her authenticity shines through and I loved talking to her, not only about the work she does but also because of her powerful reminder that unconditional love is the key to raising healthy children. If you have an interest in adding more art or creativity into your own life you’ll love this episode. I can’t wait to share Kelly’s amazing perspective on art, parenting and personal growth and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    After the interview Kelly sent me a sample of her Daily Visual Journaling program. I already had art supplies but went ahead and picked up journals for myself and my kids. Having the structure and techniques demonstrated in short videos is so cool! It’s like having a mini art workshop at your fingertips and it’s such a powerful way to practice mindfulness in an expansive and creative way. Like Kelly says, it can be hard to implement a habit even if we know it’s good for us. If you are looking for a mindfulness practice that includes a bit of creativity I highly recommend you check this out.  I have to say that just this morning I had to pull one of my kids away from her visual journal. I’m loving it too! I will share some of our journal pages on the Joy Factor Facebook Page page and I hope you’ll join me there and share your own. The really cool news I want to share now is that Kelly has generously offered a discount on her year long Daily Visual Journal program. She’s offering 100 listeners 40% off the price of this course! Make that 99 listeners because I grabbed mine already! Use the code JOYFactor. Make sure the word JOY is in all caps and join me! I really do consider it an investment in me but it’s also going to be a great activity to do with my kids. If you’re not sure if you want to invest in the whole program, do yourself a favor and check out her free sample. Like I said before that’s what drew me in and I think you’ll love it too.

    More about Kelly

    Kelly Darke, ATR, M.Ed., BFA is an art therapist, certified art teacher, and professional artist. Darke works from her private practice studio, Mindful Art Center, in Livonia Michigan where she provides individual art therapy sessions, group workshops, and creates online self-care workshops. 

    Darke graduated from Wayne State University with a Masters in Education for art therapy and has worked with adults with traumatic brain injuries, children and adolescents with developmental and emotional disorders, and transgender youth and their parents. In 2013, Darke had the honor of presenting with colleagues at the Expressive Art Therapies Summit on the topic of digital art therapy




    Daily Visual Journal Course There's a nice free preview of the class. When you invest in the full year program take advantage of a sweet 40% deal by adding the coupon code JOYFactor when you register. This is for the first 100 listeners only (make that 99 because I'm grabbing the deal too!). 

    Daily Visual Journal Supplies Here are the journals we're using along with a few different art supplies (water colors, pens, markers etc.) to get you started. 

    To learn more about organizations helping the transgender community...

    Stand with Trans

    "The mission of Stand with Trans is to provide the tools needed by transgender youth so they will be empowered, supported and validated as they transition to their authentic life."

    Human Rights Campaign

    Trans Youth Family Allies

    For fun....

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    If you would like to work with me, go check out my website: https://willmatsumoto.com

    You can also reach out to me at:

    Instagram: @will_matsumoto

    Email: info@willmatsumoto.com

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