
    #1848 - Francis Foster & Konstantin Kisin

    en-usJuly 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussions on sensitive topics and their global impact on The Joe Rogan Experience podcastThe Joe Rogan Experience podcast tackles sensitive topics and brings attention to important issues, despite potential legal risks, showcasing its influence and impact globally.

      The Joe Rogan Experience podcast has become a popular platform for intelligent and reasonable conversations, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when traditional media ratings were collapsing. The impact of American culture, including its issues, is felt globally, and the podcast allows for unfiltered discussions on various topics. One notable issue discussed was the issue of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, with the Vatican City's previous low age of consent being a shocking revelation. The podcast's ability to tackle sensitive topics and bring attention to important issues, despite potential legal risks, is a testament to its influence and impact.

    • Decades of Covering Up Child Abuse in the UKDecades of child abuse went unchecked due to sensitivities around race and identity politics, allowing perpetrators to continue targeting vulnerable girls and preventing victims from receiving help.

      For decades, there have been cases of young girls being abused in the UK, primarily by individuals from South Asian backgrounds, and these cases were covered up due to sensitivities around race. Thousands of potential victims were affected, and those who came forward were often met with disbelief or dismissal by authorities. The situation was compounded by politicians and others in positions of power who were afraid of being labeled racist. This allowed the abuse to continue, and in some cases, victims were even silenced. The issue became taboo, making it difficult for people to discuss openly. Ed West, a guest on the show, emphasized that if we're not willing to discuss uncomfortable subjects honestly, we'll never find solutions to the problems. The situation has been ongoing since the 1990s, and perpetrators often targeted vulnerable girls, using alcohol and drugs to manipulate them. Some families who tried to intervene were even arrested. This situation highlights the dangers of identity politics, which can lead us to stop treating people as individuals and instead judge them based on their race or ethnicity. This approach can prevent us from addressing criminal behavior and protecting victims.

    • Judging People Based on Character, Not Immutable TraitsStrive for individual judgment, avoiding mass generalizations based on race, gender or other immutable traits. Derogatory labels are inaccurate, harmful and divisive.

      We should strive to judge people based on the content of their character rather than making mass generalizations based on immutable traits like race or gender. This idea, as Martin Luther King Jr. advocated, is a dream that may never be fully realized due to human imperfections. However, it's important to keep trying and to avoid ignoring reality for the sake of a narrative. The use of derogatory labels, such as "old white man," to dismiss individuals is not only inaccurate but also harmful and divisive. It's essential to remember that people should be seen as individuals, not as part of a group or stereotype. The aspiration of individual judgment is a unique and beautiful aspect of the Western world, and it should be prioritized in any ideology.

    • Understanding People Beyond StereotypesJudge people based on their individual merits and character, not preconceived notions or stereotypes. Open-mindedness, empathy, and understanding towards individuals are crucial.

      It's important to judge people based on their individual merits, character, and personality rather than dismissing them based on preconceived notions or stereotypes. The hosts of Chicken Nometry, who are first-generation immigrants and remainers, started their podcast to understand people with different opinions, debunking the narrative that only right-wing people voted for Brexit. They emphasized that nuance and complexity are often overlooked in favor of convenience and team loyalty. The hosts also shared their personal experiences of facing discrimination and low expectations, highlighting the importance of education and challenging stereotypes. Overall, the conversation underscores the need for open-mindedness, empathy, and understanding towards individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or political affiliations.

    • Lowering expectations for boys in educationValuing and investing in teachers can unlock every student's potential, regardless of their background.

      Lowering expectations for students, particularly boys, in education is not only infuriating but also detrimental. According to the speaker, boys bring a unique energy and response to challenges in the classroom. However, some teachers may lower expectations due to the complexity of managing diverse student needs. The speaker argues that teachers are underappreciated and underpaid for their crucial role in shaping the future generation. Instead of dismissing teaching as a low-expectation occupation, societies should value and invest in it, allowing teachers to inspire and unlock the potential in every student. The speaker's personal experience shows that a dedicated teacher can change a student's life, regardless of their background.

    • Effective teachers have a deep understanding and experience in their subjectGreat teachers are skilled practitioners who can effectively explain complex concepts through their mastery and passion for the subject

      The best teachers are those who have a deep understanding and experience in the subject they are teaching. This was emphasized through the discussion of martial arts instructors, who were found to be great martial artists as well as effective teachers. The process of teaching refines one's understanding of a subject, and the ability to explain complex concepts requires a thorough grasp of the material. Additionally, teaching fosters discipline and the importance of consistent effort. As the quote goes, "Think about this: how many people wanna be in that position?" (referring to taking a penalty kick to win a game). The experience of teaching deepens one's appreciation for the subject and the journey of learning.

    • Mindset: A Crucial Role in Achieving SuccessShift your perspective to view challenges as opportunities and others as motivation, embrace a positive attitude, and work hard to turn potential setbacks into growth.

      Mindset plays a crucial role in achieving success. Confidence, hard work, and a positive perspective are essential, but often overlooked, skills for individuals, especially young people. The way we frame challenges and view others' success can significantly impact our own progress. Instead of seeing others as competition, we should view them as motivation and be part of a supportive community. This shift in mindset can lead to a more productive and fulfilling journey towards creating things and achieving goals. Remember, hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard, and a positive attitude can turn potential setbacks into opportunities for growth.

    • Embrace every opportunity to improve as a comedianComedians must constantly grow and reinvent, learn from mistakes, and embrace past performances for personal growth and resilience.

      The process of creating and performing stand-up comedy involves constant growth and reinvention. The excitement of seeing a friend get a new car can serve as inspiration for those who are just starting out and feeling uncertain about their comedic future. The fear of abandoning old material and starting from scratch can be daunting, but it's a necessary part of the craft. Comedians must be prepared to bomb on stage with new material and learn from the experience. Embracing the past, even with cringe-worthy early performances, is important for personal growth and developing resilience. So, whether you're just starting out or a seasoned performer, remember that every joke is an opportunity to become a beginner and improve. Don't be afraid to take risks and learn from the mistakes.

    • Natural talent isn't enough for success in football or comedySuccess in football or comedy requires natural ability, hard work, and a willingness to learn and adapt.

      Natural talent alone is not enough to achieve success in any field, including football and comedy. Ravel Morrison, a former Manchester United prodigy, is a prime example of this. Despite being hailed as the most talented player of his generation, his lack of discipline and focus led him to fall from grace and now play for a bottom-tier club. Similarly, in comedy, there are no renowned teachers or institutions to learn the craft. Comics often learn from each other through informal means like conversations and observing each other's processes. When it comes to teaching comedy, having a formal education and experience as a teacher can be beneficial in creating effective lesson plans and teaching techniques. For instance, using improv games, analyzing joke structure, and identifying pivot words can help students understand the nuances of joke writing. Ultimately, success requires a combination of natural ability and hard work, as well as the willingness to learn and adapt.

    • The art of unexpected twists in joke writingEffective joke writing involves creating unexpected twists, analyzing what doesn't work, and collaborating to make it better. Storytelling and sharing personal experiences are essential for connecting with audiences.

      Great joke writing involves creating unexpected twists that make sense within the context of the joke, rather than relying on predictable punchlines. This approach keeps the audience engaged and hooked into the story. The art of joke writing was taught through a consistent process of analyzing what didn't work and collaboratively finding ways to make it work. The importance of storytelling and sharing personal experiences was emphasized to help comedians connect with their audience and be authentic. The course included both theory and on-stage practice, with feedback provided to help comedians refine their performances. Many of the participants went on to succeed in comedy competitions and continue performing on the circuit.

    • Finding Success in Comedy: Balancing Writing and TeachingDespite challenges in the industry, staying true to your unique voice and perspective can lead to success in comedy.

      The comedian's experience of writing comedy and teaching it to others was rewarding, but he eventually had to choose between the two due to time constraints and the limitations he faced in the comedy world. He found inspiration for his material in personal experiences and honest reflections, and the authenticity of his jokes resonated with audiences. However, the comedian faced challenges in the industry, including pressure to conform to certain ideologies and gatekeepers limiting opportunities for new talent. Despite these challenges, he continued to pursue comedy and found success by staying true to his unique voice and perspective.

    • Censorship in comedy: Pushing out creators and limiting perspectivesThe entertainment industry, particularly comedy, faces growing censorship leading to self-censorship, excluding creators and limiting diverse perspectives. Open dialogue and challenging censorship are crucial for fostering creativity and inclusivity.

      The entertainment industry, specifically comedy, has faced increasing censorship and self-censorship driven by societal pressures and gatekeepers. This was highlighted in a conversation between two individuals, one of whom used to be part of the comedy scene but now focuses on producing a show called Trigonometry. They shared their experiences of being pushed out of the industry due to changing norms and the fear of being labeled as non-inclusive or offensive. The woman who runs the Edinburgh Festival, a key player in the industry, expressed her anticipation for "woke" comedians to decide what is and isn't acceptable. This conversation underscores the importance of open dialogue and the need to challenge censorship, both externally and internally, in order to foster creativity and diverse perspectives in the entertainment world.

    • Financial burdens in comedy industry impact authenticityComedians face high costs and societal pressure, leading to self-censorship and lack of authenticity in their performances.

      The comedy industry, like many creative fields, comes with significant financial burdens for artists. From venue rentals and PR costs to accommodation fees and production expenses, these expenses often leave artists struggling to make a profit, despite selling a high volume of tickets. The Edinburgh Festival, for instance, is notorious for its exorbitant costs. Furthermore, the societal pressure to conform to certain norms and avoid controversial topics can lead to self-censorship and a lack of authenticity in comedy, ultimately impacting the art form as a whole. The viral news story about a comedian turning down an unpaid gig served as a wake-up call, revealing the widespread concern among people who feel they can't express their true thoughts and opinions in various aspects of their lives. Thus, it's crucial to address these issues and find ways to support artists while preserving the essence of comedy as a platform for free expression.

    • Cultural contexts shape comedy creativityLong-standing US comedy history allows more creative freedom, while UK's variety shows impose restrictions, potentially stifling diversity and unique voices.

      The cultural and historical contexts significantly shape the development and creative freedom in the comedy scene. The American stand-up comedy, as an art form originated in the US, is respected more due to its long-standing history, allowing comedians to push boundaries and be playful with contentious issues. In contrast, the UK comedy scene, rooted in variety shows, has imposed more restrictions, limiting creativity and fostering an echo chamber of similar voices. This lack of creative freedom can lead to bad content and a lack of diversity in thought, as comedians fear crossing imaginary red lines and being ostracized from the industry. Additionally, the implementation of diversity quotas can unintentionally stifle genuine diversity by encouraging sameness and silencing unique voices. It's essential to foster an inclusive environment that respects and values the creative process and individuality, allowing comedians to express themselves authentically and contribute to a vibrant and diverse comedy scene.

    • Exploring the Boundaries of ComedyEmbrace challenges and opposition in comedy and life, learn from historical figures like Lenny Bruce, and prioritize critical thinking and awareness to push societal norms forward.

      Pushing boundaries in comedy, as well as in life, comes with challenges and opposition. The speaker shares his experiences performing in a comedy night with no self-censorship, where the audience was engaged and receptive to more political content. He also reflects on the struggles of comedy legends like Lenny Bruce, who faced intense backlash for addressing social issues on stage. The speaker encourages resilience and optimism, likening the current pushback against censorship to historical movements against societal norms. He warns against forgetting the past and the actions of those in power, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and awareness.

    • Fear of mortality leads to control and power strugglesThe COVID-19 pandemic has sparked debates over control and power, with some preferring perceived freedoms to perceived restrictions, reflecting the human condition

      The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted our mortality and fragility as human beings, leading some people to seek control and power over their own lives and the lives of others. This fear and desire for control has resulted in controversial measures such as vaccine mandates and mask requirements, even among those who are not medical experts. The discussion also touched upon the idea that some individuals, when faced with the realization of their mortality, may prefer the perceived freedoms and pleasures of "hell" over the perceived restrictions of "heaven." Ultimately, these complex emotions and reactions to the pandemic reflect the human condition and the ongoing struggle for power and control.

    • The American spirit fuels creativity and collaborationIn America, people are more open to new ideas, willing to work together, and supportive of individual success

      The American spirit of freedom and openness creates an environment conducive to creativity, achievement, and collaboration, as evidenced by the success of American comedians like Bill Hicks and Sam Kinison. However, this freedom also comes with its own set of challenges and negatives. The speaker compares the American mindset to that of the UK, where there's a stronger class system and a tendency to limit one's ability to express themselves. The speaker has found that in America, people are more open to new ideas, more willing to work together, and more supportive of individual success. This has been a major inspiration for the speaker and his friends, who have built something they're proud of and want to keep growing. The speaker values this opportunity to build amazing things and the sense of community and camaraderie that comes with it.

    • Unique environment for comedians to innovate in AmericaAmerica's comedy scene offers a platform for individuality, innovation, and determination, inspiring comedians to grow and thrive despite challenges

      America's comedy scene, while challenging and pushing boundaries, provides a unique environment for comedians to thrive and innovate. Unlike other countries where comedians may imitate or seek approval from the established elite, America offers a platform for individuals to create their own opportunities and move the art form forward. Shows like "Kill Tony" in Austin, Texas, are prime examples of this, providing a space for comedians to focus on their craft and be rewarded for their humor, regardless of background or identity. This American spirit of self-creation and determination is inspiring for comedians and artists alike, as they navigate the complex and ever-evolving landscape of comedy. However, it's important to remember that opportunities come with challenges, and the internet, while offering incredible opportunities, also presents its own set of dangers and criticisms. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that the American comedy scene, with its emphasis on individuality, innovation, and determination, provides a unique and inspiring environment for comedians to grow and thrive.

    • Staying true to yourself and connecting with others leads to successExpress gratitude, focus on what you're grateful for, persistently work towards goals, and surround yourself with supportive people to find unexpected opportunities and achieve success

      The rules for success are changing, and it's no longer about pleasing gatekeepers or conforming to mainstream expectations. Instead, it's about connecting with your audience and staying true to yourself. The struggle and rejection experienced along the way can actually be motivating and lead to innovation. It's important to express gratitude for the challenges faced and the people who have made a difference in our lives, as this positive mindset can be contagious and inspire growth. For those going through tough times, focusing on what they're grateful for and persistently working towards their goals can lead to unexpected opportunities and success. Surrounding yourself with like-minded, supportive people is also crucial for survival and thriving in life. Ultimately, success is not a solo endeavor, and staying true to yourself and connecting with others can lead to great achievements.

    • Navigating Controversial Topics through Open DialogueOpen dialogue and respectful engagement can lead to successful outcomes, even when tackling controversial topics that challenge our beliefs.

      Effective collaboration between individuals, even when faced with controversy and adversity, can lead to success. The speakers in this discussion, two comedians, experienced this firsthand when they interviewed a controversial figure who challenged their beliefs. Despite their initial fear and discomfort, they remained open-minded and engaged in a respectful dialogue. This episode, which tackled the controversial topic of transgender identity, received significant backlash and was removed from YouTube due to allegations of hate speech. However, the speakers' willingness to engage in difficult conversations ultimately led to a successful outcome, as the episode gained a large viewership and sparked important dialogue. The speakers emphasized that the trans issue is a third rail topic due to its challenge to basic biology and potential impact on children. Overall, their experience underscores the importance of open-mindedness and respectful dialogue in navigating controversial topics.

    • The push to deny basic biology and suppress free speech in children is a form of child abuseSome ideologies support denying children's understanding of consequences and pushing them to take life-altering hormones, which is considered child abuse. This desire for constant progress and influence of technology goes against the human condition.

      Children, due to their lack of understanding of consequences, are incapable of making life-altering decisions such as taking hormone blockers that could leave them sterile for life. This is considered child abuse by some. The acceptance of this practice within certain ideologies is driven by the progressive desire for constant progress and the influence of technology. However, this push to deny basic biology and suppress free speech goes against the human condition and is reminiscent of past societal pressures to conform to party lines. Ultimately, humans cannot be perfected, and the complexity of human nature is what makes literature like Shakespeare timeless.

    • The pursuit of utopian ideologies can lead to authoritarianism and suppression of individual freedomsUtopian ideologies can result in conformity through fear of consequences, leading to a culture of 'soft tyranny' where individual freedoms are suppressed.

      The pursuit of utopian ideologies, such as communism or extreme forms of equality, often leads to authoritarianism and the suppression of individual freedoms. This can result in millions of deaths and a society where people hold opposing views in private but conform to the dominant ideology in public to avoid consequences. The fear of losing jobs, reputations, or opportunities drives this conformity, creating a culture of "soft tyranny" where the gatekeepers of industries and institutions enforce these ideologies. This trend started in colleges and has since spread to other sectors, with corporations and even law enforcement agencies enforcing these ideologies to avoid backlash. It takes courage from both individuals and corporations to challenge this trend and protect freedom of speech and thought.

    • A cancerous growth in extreme left-wing ideologiesAddressing inequality and supporting individual potential can prevent societal decline caused by extreme ideologies, while winning over the middle majority is crucial for effective change.

      The current societal and political climate can be compared to a cancerous growth within organizations and ideologies. This cancer, as described, is a parasitic entity that corrupts and weakens its host, eventually rendering it unfit for its original purpose. In this context, it refers to the extreme left-wing ideologies that have infiltrated various institutions, leading to their decline and loss of effectiveness. The solution, according to the speaker, is to accept human inequality and create a society that supports individual talents and potential. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of winning over the middle majority and encouraging them to speak their minds, rather than focusing on the extremists on both sides. The consequences of not addressing this issue could lead to a shift in global power away from the Western world, with potentially devastating consequences for everyone involved.

    • Avoiding Extreme Reactions and Finding Common GroundFocus on individual characteristics, avoid identity politics, and promote open dialogue to build understanding and find common ground.

      It's important to avoid extreme reactions and ideologies, and instead focus on finding common ground and treating individuals based on their unique characteristics. The speaker warns against the dangers of identity politics and the capture of institutions by ideology, which can make it difficult to reverse damaging policies. He believes that capitalism will ultimately prevail, as people and businesses cannot sustain losses indefinitely. However, he expresses concern about the direction of travel in the West, where divisive narratives and simplistic solutions to complex problems are becoming more prevalent. He emphasizes the importance of open and reasonable dialogue, and the need to push back against extremists and protect the values that have built Western civilization, such as freedom and scientific progress.

    • The Power of Ideologies to Influence Harmful ActionsIdeologies, whether positive or negative, can manipulate individuals to harm others. Societal pressures and fear can prevent open dialogue, leading to dangerous advantages for harmful regimes. Strive for respectful communication and understanding instead.

      Ideologies, whether good or evil, have the power to influence people's actions and beliefs, sometimes leading them to harm others. Unfortunately, there will always be individuals who use ideologies to justify causing harm. In some parts of the world, people live in fear and whisper their thoughts due to societal pressures or fear of reprisals. This is not a sign of a free society. Moreover, history shows us that even the most heinous regimes, like the Soviet Union, have been able to gain dangerous advantages through the ideological beliefs of individuals. It's crucial to remember that promoting ideologies that attack or harm others makes one a "useful idiot" and not a good person. Instead, we should strive for open dialogue, understanding, and respect for one another.

    • The danger of silencing opposing views in the name of kindnessThe manipulation of language and fear of losing acceptance can lead to a dangerous culture of tyranny, where common sense and reality are threatened.

      The ideology of silencing and canceling people under the guise of kindness and creating safe spaces is actually a dangerous form of tyranny. This was highlighted in a conversation about a friend who hid his beliefs due to fear of losing friends and acceptance. The friend was admired by Francis for his honesty, but he couldn't express his true opinions openly. This ideology manipulates language and creates an insidious culture where people are manipulated into believing things that make no sense, such as the concept of gender identity. The people who believe in it may genuinely feel a sense of not belonging, but the ideas that trail behind it are a threat to common sense and reality. It's important to challenge these ideas and not let fear silence us. The documentary mentioned in the conversation further illustrates the terrifying consequences of this ideology.

    • Understanding gender differences in specific contextsRecognizing gender differences is crucial in certain contexts, but it should not be used to oppress or deny rights. The societal climate encourages more rational commentary, but censorship is a concerning trend. Be aware of the complexities behind societal issues and the potential consequences of simplistic solutions.

      While recognizing the differences between men and women is not a priority in all situations, it becomes crucial in certain contexts, such as prisons, UFC, and children's sports. However, this understanding should not be used to oppress or deny rights. The current societal climate, where individuals with significant online influence can express their opinions freely, is encouraging more rational and objective commentary. Yet, the narrowing Overton window for discussion and debate due to increasing censorship is a concerning trend. The redefinition of safety as the suppression of certain opinions is dangerous, and the arrogant claim that one is on the "right side of history" can shut down conversations and dismiss opposing viewpoints. It's essential to be aware of the complexities behind societal issues and the potential consequences of simplistic solutions.

    • Identity politics: Focusing on ethnicity, sexuality, and gender over classIdentity politics can lead to harmful consequences such as defunding the police and increased crime rates. Instead, open and inclusive debates based on facts and evidence are encouraged.

      The ideology of identity politics, like Marxism, is based on the concept of privileged and non-privileged groups. However, unlike traditional Marxism which focused on class, modern identity politics focuses on ethnicity, sexuality, and gender. This ideology, as discussed, can lead to harmful consequences such as defunding the police resulting in increased crime rates. The speakers expressed their concerns about the destructive effects of identity politics on Western societies, which they believe are already weakened from within. They also highlighted how other countries, like Russia and China, are capitalizing on this weakness. The speakers urged against implementing extreme ideas and instead emphasized the importance of open and inclusive debates based on facts and evidence. They also emphasized the power of language and the importance of understanding the true meanings of words. In essence, they encouraged a rational and inclusive approach to addressing societal issues rather than a divisive and exclusionary one.

    • Language manipulation impacts societal structuresChanging word meanings without laws alters societal norms, leading to division and shame. Embrace open debate, freedom of speech, and equality, treating people based on character.

      Language matters and its manipulation can significantly impact societal norms and laws. The discussion emphasizes how changing the meaning of words without passing new legislation is a tactic used to alter societal structures, as seen in the Soviet Union and currently in various parts of the world. The speakers warn against this dangerous trend, which is leading to division and shame within societies. They encourage embracing the unique Western values of open debate, freedom of speech, and equality, and to treat people based on their character rather than their appearance or beliefs. The comedian perspective highlights the chilling effect of this ideological shift, where once-acceptable jokes become taboo, and people become fearful of expressing their thoughts. The speakers call for unity, progress, and a return to the core values that make the Western world a beacon of tolerance and equality.

    • Living in Fear of Being Labeled: A Detrimental Way to LiveFear of being labeled can hinder personal growth and societal progress, but open dialogue and respectful challenges are essential for progress. Hold those in power accountable and ensure a level playing field for all voices.

      Living in fear of being labeled as problematic based on our opinions or beliefs is a detrimental way to live. This constant fear of being accused of racism, sexism, or other harmful labels can prevent us from engaging in meaningful conversations and challenging each other's views. This can hinder personal growth and societal progress. However, it's essential to remember that most people are decent and fragile human beings. We need to encourage open dialogue and challenge each other's opinions respectfully to move forward. Sadly, echo chambers and censorship on the internet and in traditional media are making it increasingly difficult to have these conversations. The manipulation of information and the electoral process by powerful entities can be devastating to our democracy. It's crucial to hold those in power accountable and ensure a level playing field for all voices.

    • The power shift from politicians to tech industry leadersTech platforms hold disproportionate influence, can manipulate democratic structures, and exhibit a left-leaning bias, potentially suppressing diverse viewpoints and narrowing the Overton window. It's crucial to stand up for free speech to prevent a dangerous slide towards censorship and intolerance.

      The power dynamics between politicians and tech industry leaders have shifted, with the latter holding significant influence over our democracy and public discourse. My friend's experience working at Downing Street shed light on the backgrounds of politicians, many of whom followed a similar path of attending prestigious schools and climbing the political ladder. However, he emphasized that the power of Big Tech is disproportionate, and these platforms can manipulate democratic structures. Furthermore, the left-leaning bias of tech platforms is concerning, as it can lead to the suppression of diverse viewpoints and the narrowing of the Overton window. It's crucial to understand these issues and stand up for free speech to prevent a dangerous slide towards censorship and intolerance. The weapons used against others will eventually be turned against those who wield them, and we must remember this as we navigate the complexities of this issue.

    • The Harmful Effects of Cancel CultureCancel culture can negatively impact individuals and society by punishing perceived wrongdoings, leading to hurtful labels, and hindering open conversations and free speech. Emphasize humanity, skills, and merit over beliefs and backgrounds for a more inclusive and respectful workplace.

      Cancel culture, which aims to punish individuals for perceived wrongdoings, can be detrimental to individuals and society as a whole. This was emphasized in a conversation where the speaker shared an experience of meeting a woman with whom they had previously clashed during a TV debate. She later admitted that she realized the negative implications of cancel culture when she saw it affecting her friends. The speaker also highlighted the importance of recognizing people's humanity and avoiding labeling them based on their beliefs or backgrounds. In a workplace setting, the speaker shared that they prioritize hiring individuals based on their skills and merit, regardless of their political or religious beliefs. The speaker also emphasized the importance of open conversations and the value of free speech. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of empathy, understanding, and respect for individual differences.

    • Embracing Diversity in Political OpinionsEngage in meaningful conversations, respect differing opinions, and recognize the value of multifaceted human connections.

      Despite our differences in opinions and beliefs, it's important to maintain open and respectful conversations with others. The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding that everyone's experiences shape their perspectives, leading to diverse political opinions. She also shares her experiences of forming friendships with individuals holding contrasting views, and the value of celebrating this diversity instead of trying to impose uniformity. The speaker also acknowledges the unique opportunity presented by the internet to expose ourselves to diverse viewpoints, even if it comes with its challenges. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to engage in meaningful conversations, respect differing opinions, and recognize the value of multifaceted human connections.

    • Exploring Complex Beliefs and Fostering UnderstandingEngaging in open dialogue can lead to shared ground and perspective changes despite opposing views. Fear of ostracism can hinder honest expression, but courage to listen and engage fosters deeper understanding. Challenging beliefs through experiences like substance use and introspective practices can encourage empathy and connection.

      Even within groups with seemingly opposing viewpoints, individuals hold complex beliefs. When we engage in open and respectful dialogue, we can discover shared ground and even change each other's perspectives. People often adopt opinions out of convenience or comfort, and fear of being ostracized can prevent honest expression. Cowardice is a prevalent issue, but having the courage to listen and engage can lead to deeper understanding. The prohibition of substances like weed or the exploration of psychedelics can challenge our rigid beliefs and encourage introspection. Through practices like hypnosis and deep transidentification, we can gain insights into the perspectives of others and foster empathy and connection.

    • Exploring the profound human connectionThe speaker, an agnostic, believes in a deep human connection that transcends race, language, and culture, and that this connection can be experienced and fostered in our increasingly secular and technologically advanced world.

      Despite our differences and the complexities of existence, we as humans are connected in some profound way. This connection transcends race, language, and culture. It's something that unites us all, and it's a concept that has been explored through various belief systems, including religion. However, not all interpretations of religious texts are accurate, as they often reflect the cultural contexts and times in which they were written. The speaker, who identifies as agnostic, believes that there is something greater than us, but it's not a deity in the traditional sense. Instead, it's the deep connection we all share as human beings. This connection can be experienced even with people from vastly different backgrounds. The current era, marked by advancements in technology and increasing secularism, offers unique opportunities to explore this connection further and to foster greater understanding and kindness among people.

    • Exploring the Importance of ConnectionRespect individual differences and unique ways of finding meaning and connection, whether through belief in a higher power or embracing the present moment.

      Connection is a fundamental human need, and during times of isolation, it becomes even more apparent. The discussion touched upon various perspectives, from the importance of religion for fostering connection to the acceptance of atheism and the appreciation of life as it is. Ultimately, it's essential to respect individual differences and the unique ways people find meaning and connection in their lives. Whether it's through belief in a higher power or embracing the present moment, the importance lies in being fully present and engaged in our experiences.

    • Embrace the journey of continuous growth and changeHumans and technology are always evolving, fear of change is misguided, and advancements in tech like AI, VR, and haptic feedback should be embraced

      Change is inevitable and the human journey involves constant striving towards progress, even if we never fully reach our goals. The idea that we have reached the pinnacle of evolution or technology is misguided, as humans and technology have always evolved and will continue to do so. Fear of change, such as the development of artificial intelligence, is unfounded as it is likely to enhance our capabilities rather than replace us. Furthermore, the advancements in technology, including virtual reality and haptic feedback, have the potential to revolutionize our experiences and should be embraced rather than feared. Ultimately, the human experience is one of continuous growth and adaptation, and we should approach change with curiosity and excitement rather than fear.

    • The potential and risks of AI in creating immersive experiencesAI holds immense potential for creating immersive experiences but also poses a significant risk of destruction if not used responsibly. Humanity must ensure technological advancements are used for society's betterment, not destruction.

      The advancement of technology, particularly in the realm of artificial intelligence, holds immense potential for creating immersive experiences, but also poses a significant risk of destruction if not used responsibly. The speaker discusses his experiences with video games, which offer a glimpse into the future of interactive entertainment. However, he also acknowledges the danger of creating advanced weapons using artificial intelligence before achieving general artificial intelligence. The conversation touches upon the increasing complexity of the world and the potential for catastrophic consequences as technology advances. The speakers express their concerns about the potential misuse of nuclear weapons and the role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future. Ultimately, they agree that the responsibility lies with humanity to ensure that technological advancements are used for the betterment of society and not for destruction.

    • Geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine causing anxiety and potential for global conflictThe complex and unpredictable situation between Russia and Ukraine, fueled by geopolitical tensions, raises concerns about the potential for escalation into a larger conflict and the role of government narratives in shaping beliefs and actions.

      The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the wider geopolitical tensions, have created a significant source of anxiety due to the potential for escalation into a global conflict. The idea that the narrative and information people receive from their governments can shape their beliefs and actions is a major concern. The situation is complex and unpredictable, with both sides losing ground and the potential for intervention from other powers. The funding of the war by Western powers, while supporting a country defending itself, raises questions about when and if that constitutes being at war. From the Russian perspective, they already feel they are at war with the West, leading to a potential for misunderstandings and escalation. The potential for blowback from any country where significant military or financial support is provided is a concern. Ultimately, the situation is volatile and unpredictable, with the potential for serious consequences if miscalculations are made.

    • The belief in a world without war is unrealisticUnderstanding human behavior through a realistic lens and recognizing the potential for conflict are crucial in navigating international relations

      The current global situation serves as a stark reminder that despite the advancements and perceived safety in the Western world, war and conflict are inherent aspects of human nature and international relations. The belief in a world without war, as seen in the Soviet Union's vision of creating a new type of human being, is an unrealistic and unconstrained perspective. The free flow of information and understanding human behavior through a realistic, or constrained, lens are crucial in navigating international conflicts. Additionally, people's actions are not always driven by rational self-interest but by various irrational reasons. The belief that countries with strong corporate ties or the presence of Western institutions like McDonald's would never go to war is a misconception. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize and prepare for the inherent potential for conflict in international relations.

    • Blurred lines between religious and public figures, impact of time and resourcesThe response to religious figures' indiscretions depends on the era and available resources, illustrated by the contrasting cases of Jerry Falwell and Sam Kinison. Understanding context and complexities behind public figures' actions is crucial.

      The line between religious figures and public figures can blur, and when personal indiscretions come to light, the response can vary greatly depending on the time period and available resources. The example of Jerry Falwell, a former fire and brimstone preacher, illustrates this. His indiscretions became public knowledge before the era of social media, leaving him no choice but to publicly apologize on television. In contrast, a modern-day figure like Sam Kinison, a comedian who lived a debaucherous life while maintaining his belief in God, could use platforms like YouTube to showcase his religious sermons alongside his comedy, allowing him to maintain a complex public persona. Another key point is the impact of trauma on individuals, as seen in the cases of Kinison and Roseanne Barr, who both experienced significant life changes after traumatic incidents. These discussions highlight the importance of understanding the context and complexities behind public figures' actions and beliefs.

    • The entertainment industry's approach to forgiveness and hiring canceled individualsThe entertainment industry weighs the risk of hiring canceled individuals against potential backlash and criticism, and mental health complications can further impact their professional lives.

      The entertainment industry's approach to forgiveness and hiring individuals who have been "canceled" involves a significant risk assessment. While some brilliant artists have objectively transgressed, their talent and art can still resonate with audiences. However, networks and studios face potential backlash for hiring such individuals, and the risk of public criticism often outweighs the potential reward. This conversation also touched upon the complexities of mental health and the impact it can have on individuals' personal and professional lives. The comedian discussed in the conversation, despite her brilliant comedic abilities, faced the consequences of her actions and was ultimately let go from her sitcom. While she may find success in other platforms like podcasts or stand-up comedy, the industry may not be forgiving, and she may choose to distance herself from it altogether. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities of forgiveness, talent, and the entertainment industry.

    • Michael Jackson's Unique Talents: Shaped by Unproven Allegations?Unproven allegations of Michael Jackson's castration may have fueled his drive to stand out in the Jackson 5, leading him to master diverse styles and create a unique performance fusion.

      The extraordinary talents of Michael Jackson, particularly his unique voice, may have been shaped by unethical means, as suggested by allegations that he was castrated as a boy. This theory, while unproven, sheds light on the intense pressure and competition Michael faced as the youngest and most gifted member of the Jackson 5, who were all professional entertainers. To stand out, Michael absorbed influences from various artists, mastering diverse styles and creating a fusion of perfect performance. His life before fame was marked by hardship, and his adoption by a mentor figure allowed him to flourish and strive for recognition. The parallels between Michael's journey and that of Mike Tyson, who was also taken under a mentor's wing and dedicated to greatness, further illustrate the immense sacrifices and dedication required to become legends in their respective fields.

    • Michael Sykes' Impact on BoxingDespite criticisms and debates, Michael Sykes' electrifying performances and impressive record solidified his place as a dominant figure in boxing history. The speaker acknowledged disagreements with guests but emphasized Tyson's greatness and the excitement his fights brought to fans. The speaker also advocated for fair payment structures in combat sports.

      Michael Sykes, also known as Mike Tyson, was an exceptional boxer who made a significant impact on the sport during his prime. Despite facing challenges as the youngest and often overshadowed by other performers, Tyson became hyper-focused on performing at his best. The debate surrounding his fights and opponents' perceived lack of willingness to engage with him is a complex issue, with opinions varying on the authenticity of these claims. However, what is undeniable is Tyson's impressive record and dominance in the heavyweight division. His electrifying performances and knockout victories captured the hearts of fans and left a lasting impact on the sport. As a fellow podcaster, the speaker acknowledged the challenge of handling disagreements with respected guests. In this instance, when Teddy Atlas criticized Tyson's opponents, the speaker allowed Atlas to express his perspective, recognizing his expertise in boxing. Despite not agreeing with Atlas' assessment, the speaker emphasized Tyson's greatness and the excitement his performances brought to fans. Regarding the UFC and incentive structures, the speaker expressed his disapproval of win bonuses, believing they could potentially result in unfair financial consequences for fighters. Instead, he advocated for a flat rate payment for each fight, ensuring that fighters are motivated to win without the added pressure of potential financial loss.

    • Adapting to opponents' strengthsFighters must adjust strategies to overcome opponents' strengths, even if it means less exciting fights.

      Fighters need to adapt to their opponents' strengths and fight accordingly, even if it means not putting on the most exciting show. Israel Adesanya's fight against Jared Cannonier was criticized for being boring, but Cannonier's size, power, and win streak necessitated a cautious approach. Adesanya's striking skills allowed him to control the pace and avoid taking unnecessary risks. Fans and fighters may have differing opinions on what makes a fight exciting, but ultimately, a fighter's ability to adapt and impose their will in the octagon is key to success. Additionally, the discussion touched on the idea that a fighter's physical attributes, such as size or reach, should not diminish their greatness. Instead, their ability to use those attributes effectively should be celebrated.

    • Muhammad Ali's controversial comeback after being knocked downMuhammad Ali, a legendary boxer, was known for his resilience and iconic left hook. Despite a controversial incident where his corner allegedly tampered with his gloves after being knocked down, Ali came back to win the fight, showcasing the intensity and unpredictability of boxing in the past.

      Floyd Mayweather is considered the greatest fighter of all time not only for his exceptional talent but also for his business acumen and ability to avoid getting hit. A notable example of a great fighter from the past is Muhammad Ali, who was known for his legendary left hook and resilience. However, due to the limited availability of footage from his early career, it's difficult to compare his knockdowns directly to Mayweather's. One famous instance of Ali being dropped was by Henry Cooper, who landed a powerful left hook that left Ali badly hurt. The fight was stopped, but Ali's corner allegedly tampered with his gloves to give him extra time to recover, allowing him to come back and win the fight. Despite the controversy, this incident highlights the intensity and unpredictability of boxing matches from that era. Overall, the evolution of boxing and the refinement of techniques make the sport as exciting as ever, with the UFC being a growing and changing force in the world of combat sports.

    • Risks of CTE in Contact SportsContact sports carry the risk of CTE, a potentially debilitating brain condition, but individuals should make informed decisions based on potential risks and rewards.

      Contact sports like rugby, football, and mixed martial arts carry the risk of causing CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), a potentially debilitating brain condition. This risk is a part of these sports, and many athletes have suffered from its long-term effects. However, it's essential to note that people should be aware of these risks and make informed decisions about participating in such activities. As more information about CTE becomes available, there's a possibility that legal arguments could be made against sports organizations for failing to ensure a safe working environment. Ultimately, the decision to engage in contact sports is a personal one, and individuals should consider the potential risks and rewards before making a choice. The excitement and glory of competing at the highest level can be worth it for some, but the potential consequences should not be overlooked.

    • UFC's Popularity vs Long-Term Health RisksThe UFC's control over matches sets it apart from other combat sports, but long-term health risks like CTE raise complex questions about personal responsibility and safety.

      The UFC, despite its controversial past and potential dangers, has gained widespread popularity due to the control athletes have over their matches compared to other combat sports like football or rugby. However, the long-term health consequences, such as CTE, cannot be ignored, leaving us to grapple with the question of whether the risks are worth it. Many athletes may not fully understand the dangers when they start their careers, and the conversation around personal responsibility, liberty, and safety raises complex issues that go beyond the realm of sports.

    • Finding Success and Self-Improvement through Martial Arts and FightingWhile martial arts and professional fighting can offer opportunities for success and self-improvement, potential long-term brain health risks should be carefully considered before making a career out of it.

      Martial arts and professional fighting can offer individuals, especially those from challenging backgrounds, a way out and a means to achieve success and self-improvement. However, it's crucial to understand that the risks involved, particularly the potential long-term effects on brain health, can be significant and may not affect everyone equally. The decision to pursue a career in fighting should be made with full awareness of the potential consequences and the individual's unique susceptibility to those risks. Ultimately, it's a personal choice, and the allure of the visceral thrill and the potential rewards can make it a compelling one for some.

    • Imagining a formidable opponent for motivationVisualizing a challenging adversary can boost motivation and push you to work harder, but remember to prioritize safety and self-care.

      Sometimes finding motivation to push through exhaustion can be as simple as imagining facing a formidable opponent. The speaker shares his experience of watching Arthur Bitterbeef, an undefeated and terrifyingly skilled boxer, while working out on his exercise bike. Bitterbeef's relentless and tireless fighting style serves as a powerful motivator for the speaker, reminding him that he must be in peak condition to face such an adversary. The speaker also shares stories of other fighters who suffered serious injuries or even death in the ring, emphasizing the importance of taking proper care of one's health and safety.

    • The Risks and Rewards of Combat Sports for Athletes and Their FamiliesCombat sports present significant risks, including injury and even death, but some athletes, like Khabib Nurmagomedov, are able to retire financially secure and cognitively healthy. The talents of generational athletes set them apart, but their health is a growing concern, particularly the risk of CTE.

      Combat sports like MMA and boxing come with inherent risks, including the possibility of serious injury or even death. The impact of these risks extends beyond the athletes themselves, affecting their families and loved ones. Despite this, many fighters, like Khabib Nurmagomedov, are able to retire on their own terms, ensuring their financial security and cognitive health. The unique talents of generational athletes, such as Khabib and Roger Federer, set them apart from their peers and make their dominance in their respective sports all the more impressive. However, even the greatest athletes, like Federer, have faced defeats throughout their careers. The conversation around the long-term effects of combat sports on athletes' health, particularly the risk of CTE, is a significant concern.

    • Undefeated Athletes and Their Lasting ImpactSome athletes retire undefeated, leaving a lasting impact on their sport, while others continue to compete despite risks to their health.

      In sports like tennis, a player's losses are not as heavily emphasized as in combat sports like boxing and MMA. However, there are exceptional cases where athletes, such as Andre Ward and Andre Agassi in tennis, or Rocky Marciano and Floyd Mayweather in boxing, have retired undefeated, leaving a lasting impact on their respective sports. Some athletes, like Tyson Fury, continue to seek attention and challenge themselves in the ring despite their success and the potential risks to their health. Meanwhile, others, like Anthony Ruiz, have struggled with maintaining their fitness and faced setbacks, but still possess remarkable skills and the ability to surprise their opponents. Ultimately, the drive and determination of these athletes, whether it's to continue competing or to retire undefeated, is a testament to their passion and dedication to their sport.

    • Fighters' Differences: Knockout Power vs Technical SkillsBoxing's excitement comes from knockout artists and their devastating punches, as well as from fighters with technical skills and endurance.

      Boxing's entertainment value comes from various sources, with some fighters known for their explosive knockout power and others for their technical skills and endurance. Ricky Hatton, Tommy Hearns, and Prince Naseem Hamed are examples of knockout artists who made boxing exciting with their devastating punches. On the other hand, fighters like Joe Calzaghe, with their impressive work ethic and unbeaten records, showed the importance of technical prowess and endurance. However, the respect and recognition given to each type of fighter differ, with knockout artists often receiving more attention due to their entertaining nature. Despite their differences, both types of fighters contribute significantly to the rich history and excitement of boxing.

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    Bad Magic Productions Monthly Patreon Donation:  In honor of the passing of Jeff Burton from the Rizzuto Show aka the Rizz Show on 105.7 FM in St Louis, we are donating $16,640 to Jeff's charity of choice - Kids Rock Cancer. Through the proven healing power of music therapy, Kids Rock Cancer helps children combat feelings of anxiety, depression, uncertainty, and helplessness.  To find out more, go to KidsRockCancer.org  We also are donating $1850 to our scholarship fund! 

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    Parental Advisory

    Parental Advisory

    The limited series finale is here!! In this 6th episode, Bosse Posse discusses their thoughts on music censorship for their children and the kids in their lives. The group gets into how music and media have influenced their own lives and how that plays into their approaches as parents and bonus parents.  

    Do we let our kids listen to everything we listen to?  Do we let our kids listen to what we listened to at their age? What about sex, violence, and cursing in books and on TV?  Have our views changed over time?  Find out by listening to this very entertaining episode of Bosse Posse and as always, in between the laughs, the discussion gets deep and it always stays REAL! 

    This episode is sponsored by Felz So Good Entertainment founded and owned by Bosse Posse co-host @felzsogood. Find out more about Fez So Good Entertainment and available services at https://felzsogood.com/ (all audio services can be performed remotely!)

    Connect: @opalellyse @_afrasmith @felzsogood @wineteeth98 @valeahrae @jkendallrn



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