
    #1854 - Rick Strassman

    en-usAugust 10, 2022
    What sparked Rick Strassman's interest in psychedelics?
    How did the UDV and Santo Daime gain legal exemptions?
    What challenges are associated with psychedelic legalization in Oregon?
    What are the emotional impacts of negative news exposure?
    How can fear influence people's behavior according to the text?

    Podcast Summary

    • First human research on psychedelics in 20 yearsRick Strassman's groundbreaking book rekindled scientific interest in psychedelics after a long hiatus, leading to new research and studies.

      Rick Strassman's book, which was the first to conduct new human research on psychedelic drugs after a 20-year hiatus, was groundbreaking. The conversation between Rick and the interviewer revealed how they first connected through a mutual interest in psychedelics, sparked by Joe Rogan mentioning Rick's book. Rick's fascination with altered states began with his first psychedelic experience at 18 years old, which led him to study chemistry and eventually conduct research on Schedule 1 drugs. The interview also touched on the various methods of creating hash, with a focus on the ingenuity and resourcefulness of traditional methods. The conversation highlighted the strength and significance of Rick's research, which opened the door for new studies on psychedelics.

    • Exploring the risks and complexities of psychedelic useDespite potential benefits, psychedelics carry risks and require careful consideration due to genetic and emotional vulnerabilities. Research is needed to better understand their impact on mental health.

      The use of psychedelics can lead to profound experiences and chemical changes in the brain, but it also comes with risks, particularly for those who are genetically or emotionally vulnerable. The illegalization of psychedelics in the 1970s led to a decrease in research and understanding of these substances, but with their potential resurgence, it's important to consider the potential risks and the complex interplay between genetics, environment, and drug use in the development of mental illness. The speaker's personal experience and observations highlight the need for careful consideration and screening when making psychedelics more accessible. The brain's unique workings and the varied experiences of mental illness continue to fascinate the speaker, who became a psychiatrist to better understand the mind.

    • Schizophrenia and psychedelic experiences: A connection through altered perception and realityThe speaker's psychedelic experiences gave him empathy and understanding towards schizophrenic patients, suggesting a potential link between the two through altered perception and reality. Advanced technology could be used to explore these phenomena further.

      Schizophrenia and psychedelic experiences share some similarities in the way they alter perception and reality. Schizophrenic patients, despite their hallucinations and delusions, are still normal people with varying degrees of severity. Psychotic patients may experience mild symptoms or full-blown hallucinations, while some may even go into a catatonic state. The speaker found it easy to connect with psychotic patients due to his own psychedelic experiences, which gave him a level of empathy and understanding. The speaker's belief is that these experiences open a portal to other realms, which may not be fully understood through current scientific models. The speaker also suggests that advanced physics and technology, such as virtual reality, could be used to explore these phenomena further.

    • VR technology induces transcendent states like psychedelicsA study found that responses to a VR experience were similar to those who took medium doses of psychedelics, opening up new possibilities for understanding the role of DMT in the brain and using VR to explore transcendent states

      Virtual reality (VR) technology is showing promising results in helping people reach transcendent states, similar to those experienced with psychedelics like LSD or magic mushrooms. A study found that responses to a VR experience were indistinguishable from those who took medium doses of these substances. This could be a significant development, as some artists and scientists are using VR to recreate transcendent experiences, including those inspired by near-death experiences. The potential implications of this are vast, as the brain produces DMT, a psychedelic substance, in significant quantities, particularly in the visual cortex after death. The pineal gland, long believed to be the source of DMT, was found to produce it in rodents in 2013. However, a more recent study could not find pineal DMT after death, suggesting that the DMT may be produced elsewhere in the brain. The functions of the pineal gland include regulating circadian rhythms and light sensitivity. This research opens up new possibilities for understanding the role of DMT in the brain and the potential for using VR technology to explore transcendent states.

    • The pineal gland: A historical and biological enigmaThe pineal gland, a gland with spiritual significance, is linked to prion diseases from consuming contaminated brain tissue. Despite this, some cultures eat lamb's brains and thymus glands for their taste.

      The pineal gland, an unpaired organ located in the middle of the brain, has been revered throughout history for its role in regulating rhythms and functions in the body. Its unique location and association with spiritual experiences may have contributed to its mystical significance. However, consuming brain tissue, including that of sheep, has been linked to prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and mad cow disease. Despite the potential risks, some cultures have considered eating brains, including lamb's brains, as a normal part of their diet. The thymus gland, also known as sweetbreads, is another organ sometimes consumed for its rich texture. Ultimately, the pineal gland's role in the body and its historical significance continue to intrigue scientists and the public alike.

    • Endogenous DMT and Everyday ConsciousnessEndogenous DMT in the brain may regulate our interaction with reality, making everyday experiences feel real, and its effects can be studied through drugs that modify its function.

      Endogenous DMT, a neurotransmitter found in the brain, may play a crucial role in regulating our interaction with reality. This theory suggests that DMT could be responsible for making everyday experiences feel real, and its effects, which can be more vivid and intense than reality itself, could be studied through drugs that modify its function. The idea that DMT is not only connected to near-death experiences and vivid dreams but also plays a role in everyday consciousness is a new perspective that challenges previous assumptions. The discovery of high levels of endogenous DMT in the brain and its potential regulation of reality opens up intriguing possibilities for further research.

    • Encounters with DMT entities and their connection to realityDMT experiences involve encounters with entities that offer valuable insights, but their reality is unclear and emotional impact significant

      The nature of DMT experiences and their connection to reality is a complex and subjective topic. The speaker describes his experiences with DMT as encounters with entities that provide valuable insights and information, but acknowledges the possibility that these experiences might be a result of neurochemical processes in the brain. He emphasizes that the distinction between what is real and what is not during these experiences is unclear, and suggests that the value of the advice received cannot be easily judged. The speaker also highlights the emotional impact of these experiences, which can include feelings of love and connection, and the synchronicity between vocalizations and heartbeats. Ultimately, he encourages an open-minded exploration of these experiences, even if they challenge conventional understandings of reality.

    • Exploring the Brain as an Antenna for WisdomDennis McKenna suggests psychedelics can open a portal to profound experiences, enhancing language, compassion, and tribal connections. View brain as an antenna, use with discipline, creativity, and open mind.

      Our brains may act as antennas, allowing us to tap into wisdom, love, and other profound experiences from the world around us. Dennis McKenna, a renowned expert on psychedelics, believes that these substances can facilitate the development of language, compassion, and tribal connections by opening up a portal to this information. Some people refer to this as a divine or God-given experience, but it's essential to remember that the term "God" can be subjective and loaded. Instead, it might be more helpful to view the brain as an antenna that can receive these insights with discipline, creativity, and an open mind. The effective use of psychedelics requires open discussion and understanding of both their benefits and potential risks. If we can create a safe and supportive environment for exploring these substances, we may be able to unlock new insights and perspectives that can enrich our lives.

    • Exploring the Future of Psychedelic ResearchFrom developing a DMT vaccine to inter-species communication, psychedelic research offers vast possibilities for future advancements in consciousness, communication, and mental health.

      Psychedelic research holds great potential for the future, with possibilities ranging from developing a vaccine against endogenous DMT as an antipsychotic, to the ability to manipulate emotions through neural links, and even the possibility of inter-species communication among organisms that produce DMT. The speaker's personal journey, starting from his first experience with psychedelics at a young age, led him to dedicate his career to this field, despite initial challenges and skepticism. The potential applications of this research are vast and could revolutionize our understanding of consciousness, communication, and mental health.

    • The value of simplicity and connection to the environmentDespite technological advancements, the importance of appreciating simplicity and connection to one's immediate environment remains. Jamie's career in clinical research and his attachment to his flip phone, as well as the story of the Navajo Code Talkers and the community of Gallup, illustrate this idea.

      Technology has significantly evolved since the days of flip phones and melatonin studies, but the value of simplicity and connection to one's immediate environment remains. Jamie's experiences in clinical research and his anecdote about his flip phone highlight this idea. The melatonin study he conducted at UNM didn't yield psychoactive results, but it helped him establish his career as a clinical researcher. Fast forward to the present day, and Jamie's attachment to his flip phone, despite its limitations, demonstrates his appreciation for a simpler way of life. This appreciation is further emphasized by the story of the Navajo Code Talkers, who played a crucial role in American history using their unique language that was difficult for enemies to decipher. The quiet town of Gallup, New Mexico, where Jamie resides, is another example of the value of connection and simplicity, with its focus on community events and traditions. Overall, this conversation underscores the importance of finding balance in a world that's increasingly interconnected and technologically advanced.

    • Negative news and events can harm mental and emotional well-beingExposure to negative news and diseases like monkeypox can cause unnecessary anxiety and anger, but most people are good and trying to live their lives.

      Constant exposure to negative news and events, while addictive, can be detrimental to mental and emotional well-being for the average person. Corruption and chaos, while concerning, are not the only attractions in the news. Monkeypox, a disease primarily affecting those with unprotected sexual contact, is one example of a disease spreading in the news. While it's not fatal, it can be uncomfortable and painful. Despite the existence of some vaccines and treatments, the fear and discomfort it causes can lead to unnecessary anxiety and anger. It's important to remember that most people are good and are not trying to control people or ruin the earth for profit. However, it's also important to recognize that people can be easily swayed by fear and anxiety, leading them to look for someone or something to be angry at. The impact of these negative events and emotions can be significant and represents the worst of human behavior, including genocide and unnecessary wars. Yet, it's essential to remember that most people are good and are just trying to live their lives.

    • Discussing compassionate solutions for heinous crimes and the persistence of hatredDespite complex situations and societal stigma, compassionate solutions and scientific progress can prevail through persistence and repentance.

      Even in the face of complex and difficult situations, there are solutions that prioritize compassion, repentance, and restitution. For instance, the discussion revolved around an elderly man who had committed a heinous crime and was facing the possibility of imprisonment. The question was raised about whether he should be released due to his age and remorse. The consensus seemed to be that he should make amends through repentance and restitution, but the challenge was determining what form that could take for someone who had caused harm to thousands of people. Another theme that emerged from the conversation was the historical persistence of hatred and intolerance, such as anti-Semitism, despite the advancement of civilization. This was illustrated through the discussion of the long and arduous journey of researching psychedelics, which had been largely abandoned for decades due to societal stigma and fear. Despite these challenges, individuals continued to push for scientific understanding and progress, eventually leading to a resurgence of research and funding. This underscores the importance of persistence and the potential for positive change, even in the face of adversity.

    • Brazilian religious sects secure US exemptions for psychedelic useBrazilian Christian sects UDV and Santo Daime successfully obtained religious exemptions for using ayahuasca in the US, overcoming challenges and stigma, paving the way for potential domestic cultivation and certification in states like Oregon.

      The use of psychedelics like DMT for religious purposes has a complex history, with funding coming from unexpected sources and religious exemptions being granted through legal battles. The UDV and Santo Daime, two Christian sects from Brazil, were able to secure religious exemptions for using ayahuasca, a DMT-containing substance, in the United States. This was achieved through a combination of following regulations and seeking permissions, as well as taking the risk of being discovered and taking the issue to court. The process was not without challenges, including the potential for being robbed due to the large amounts of cash involved, as well as the stigma associated with the use of these substances. The ongoing legalization of psychedelics in places like Oregon presents new opportunities and challenges, including the potential for growing the necessary plants domestically and setting up certified psilocybin sitters and centers. However, the process is complex and fraught with potential issues, including the risk of federal intervention and the potential for negative consequences for those who may already be struggling.

    • Exploring the Profound and Challenging Effects of PsychedelicsPsychedelic experiences can be transformative but also challenging and potentially traumatic. Seek education and support for potential risks, be cautious, and respect the unknown outcomes.

      Psychedelic experiences, particularly those involving DMT, can be profound and transformative, but they can also be challenging and potentially traumatic. It's important for individuals to be educated about the potential risks and to seek support if they have had a bad trip. Some people may become addicted to the experience and try to recreate it excessively, leading to negative consequences. The nature of consciousness and the existence of entities during these experiences is still a subject of debate. It's crucial to approach psychedelic use with caution and respect for the potential outcomes.

    • Using psychedelics can increase risk of psychotic breaks for those prone to mental health conditionsApproach use of psychedelics with caution, consider individual risk factors, and seek professional guidance for adverse reactions.

      The use of certain psychedelic substances, such as marijuana and 5MEO, can increase the risk of psychotic breaks for individuals who are already prone to mental health conditions like schizophrenia. These experiences can be unsettling and long-lasting, even if the actual trip itself was not necessarily "bad." It's important to approach the use of psychedelics with caution and consideration for individual risk factors, and seeking the guidance of a mental health professional can be beneficial in processing any adverse reactions. Additionally, the experiences described suggest that the effects of different psychedelic compounds may not be uniform, and further research is needed to understand the variations and potential risks associated with different substances.

    • Exploring hidden realms with psychedelics like DMTGovernment-funded research on DMT aimed to understand its public health implications and brain effects, utilizing intravenous administration for safety and control.

      The use of psychedelics like DMT for research purposes involves exploring the ability to perceive otherwise invisible entities or realms. Rick Strassman, a researcher in this field, compared it to changing one's perception rather than entering a new world. Strassman's groundbreaking study on DMT was funded by the war on drugs, presenting an unexpected collaboration between psychedelic research and the government. To ensure safety and consistency, Strassman and his team administered DMT intravenously, which extended the experience and allowed for more precise control of the dosage. The primary focus of these studies was to understand the potential public health implications and the effects on the brain, rather than spiritual or therapeutic benefits.

    • From smoking to IV administration: The evolution of DMT useHistorically, humans have used various methods to consume DMT, but its intense effects and challenges in obtaining an effective dose have led to the exploration of IV administration. Theories suggest that psychedelics may have played a significant role in human evolution by stimulating neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.

      The use of psychedelic substances like DMT has evolved from smoking to intravenous (IV) administration due to the challenges of getting an effective dose through smoking and concerns about exposing users to harmful chemicals. While some psychedelic substances can be snorted in their water-soluble form, the practice is less common for DMT. The Amazonian psychedelic snuffs, which contain DMT, are known for their intense and often unpleasant effects. Researchers like Graham Hancock have shed light on the historical use and potential significance of psychedelics across various cultures and civilizations. Theories suggest that humans may have once achieved a high level of sophistication, but were nearly wiped out and had to rebuild with limited knowledge and resources. Julian James' theory of the bicameral mind proposes that people used to hear a spoken voice for information, which could have been interpreted as communication from God. Terence and Dennis McKenna's theory about monkeys discovering psilocybin suggests that psychedelics may have played a role in the evolution of human intelligence by stimulating neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.

    • The role of psilocybin in human consciousness evolutionPsilocybin, a psychedelic found in mushrooms, may have contributed to human brain development through neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, potentially explaining our rapid intelligence growth

      The use of psilocybin, a psychedelic found in certain mushrooms, could have played a role in the evolution of human consciousness. This theory suggests that the neuroplasticity and neurogenesis caused by psilocybin could have been passed down through generations, leading to the rapid development of the human brain. This idea, which touches on the concept of Lamarckian transmission or epigenetics, could explain how humans evolved to become more intelligent and perceptive beings. The profound effects of psilocybin should not be dismissed, as they may have played a significant role in our ancient past.

    • The Significance of Psilocybin in Human EvolutionPsilocybin, a psychedelic substance in certain mushrooms, contributed to early human tribe formation, creativity, and civilization development. Its use was suppressed by religious institutions and competitors, but scientific evidence supports its benefits. Balancing potential benefits and risks will determine its future.

      The use of psilocybin, a psychedelic substance found in certain mushrooms, has played a significant role in human evolution and development. It helped early humans form tribes, think more creatively, and potentially even increase civilization. However, the use of these mushrooms was stamped out by major religious institutions and competing groups, leading to their disappearance from common use. Today, there is a growing body of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of psilocybin, yet it remains illegal in many places. Some argue that making it widely available could lead to a more compassionate and connected society, but others caution against the risks and potential negative consequences. Ultimately, the future of psilocybin use will depend on how we balance the potential benefits and risks, and ensure that people are properly educated about its effects.

    • Exploring the therapeutic potential of psychedelicsPsychedelics like psilocybin and MDMA have shown potential in treating disorders such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, and addiction. Their effectiveness may be due to increased suggestibility and hypnotizability. Researchers and therapists must ensure responsible and compassionate guidance to mitigate potential risks.

      Instead of focusing on criminalizing the use of psychedelics and arresting individuals, a more productive approach would be to educate people and provide safe, controlled environments for those who wish to explore their potential benefits. Psychedelics, such as psilocybin and MDMA, have shown promising results in treating various psychological disorders, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Research suggests that they can even help individuals quit addictive behaviors like smoking and gambling. The reason for their effectiveness may be due to increased suggestibility and hypnotizability on psychedelics, making it crucial to ensure individuals are guided by responsible and compassionate therapists or researchers. While there are potential side effects and risks, the intensity of these substances' pharmacological effects is a natural part of pharmacology, and every medication has its advantages and disadvantages. Overall, further research is necessary to fully understand the potential of psychedelics as therapeutic tools and to ensure their safe and effective use.

    • MK Ultra: CIA's Mind Control ExperimentsThe MK Ultra program involved secretive experiments on unwilling subjects using psychedelic drugs, highlighting the importance of informed consent in their use

      The history of MK Ultra, a CIA program, involves experiments on unwilling subjects, including the use of psychedelic drugs like LSD. These experiments were carried out in various settings, including prisons and clinics, and involved dosing individuals without their consent. One notable case is that of Charles Manson, who is believed by some to have been a part of these experiments. The implications of this history are significant, as it highlights the importance of informed consent in the use of psychedelics and serves as a cautionary tale. The book "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties" by Tom O'Neill provides a thorough exploration of this topic.

    • Exploring the effects of psychedelics on the human mindSelecting experienced subjects, ensuring safety, using appropriate dosages, and ethical considerations are crucial in psychedelic research. Unexpected overdoses can lead to distressing experiences. Potential for enhanced telepathy during psychedelic experiences is intriguing.

      The use of psychedelics for research purposes, particularly in studying the effects on the human mind, requires careful consideration and planning. The author of the study discussed the importance of selecting subjects with prior psychedelic experience, ensuring safety, and using appropriate dosages. One unexpected finding was an instance of overdosing two subjects with DMT, resulting in distressing experiences. The author also expressed interest in exploring the potential for enhanced telepathy during psychedelic experiences, as some researchers have suggested. Overall, the study underscores the need for rigorous research methods and ethical considerations when working with psychedelics.

    • Exploring the Future of Mind-Reading and Universal CommunicationUniversal communication through mind-reading technology holds promise for a more connected world, but raises concerns about privacy, potential misuse, and information overload. The future direction depends on those in control prioritizing access or privacy.

      As technology advances, particularly in the realm of mind-reading and universal communication, there are both exciting possibilities and potential dangers. On the positive side, instantaneous, universal communication could lead to a more connected world and a greater exchange of ideas. However, there are also concerns about privacy, potential misuse, and the possibility of being overwhelmed by information. The competition between different states of consciousness, much like the competition between products and ideas, could become a battleground for corporations and interests. Ultimately, the direction technology takes depends on those who control it and whether they prioritize access to information or individual privacy and autonomy. The use of psychedelics as an alternative means of altering consciousness and improving mental states is another potential option, but its widespread adoption would depend on careful guidance and regulation.

    • Mindset and Environment Impact Psychedelic ExperiencesProper guidance, supportive environment, and respect for risks enhance psychedelic experiences while minimizing negative outcomes.

      The effectiveness and safety of psychedelic experiences largely depend on the individual's mindset (set) and environment (setting). A positive experience can be enhanced by being in nature or having a supportive and experienced guide. However, there are risks involved, especially with powerful psychedelics like DMT, which can lead to negative outcomes if not used responsibly. Therefore, it's crucial to have proper guidance and supervision when using psychedelics, especially as they become more accessible. The future of psychedelics looks promising, with various applications in therapy, spirituality, and brain science. However, it's essential to approach them with caution and respect for their potential risks and benefits.

    • The use of psychedelics in religious contexts leads to positive outcomesReligious use of psychedelics, like in UTV churches, can improve mental health, promote altruism, and enhance community. Regular ceremonies provide a structured environment for personal growth and spiritual exploration.

      The use of psychedelics in religious contexts, such as the UTV churches, can lead to positive outcomes for individuals and society. These churches, which combine traditional religious practices with the use of ayahuasca, emphasize personal growth, altruism, and community. Members report improved mental health, including less drug abuse, alcoholism, and depression. The ceremonies, which take place regularly, provide a structured environment for these experiences, enhancing their positive impact. The emphasis on spiritual growth and bettering oneself and society aligns with the best aspects of many religions. While more research is needed, the initial findings suggest that the combination of psychedelics and religion can lead to a harmonious and fulfilling way of life.

    • Navigating the complexities of psychedelic useAs psychedelics gain popularity, careful consideration is needed for dosage, screening, and regulation to ensure safety and education in potential legal settings.

      The use of psychedelics, particularly in ceremonial settings, raises complex issues around dosage, screening, and regulation. While the experience can be transformative, the decision of how much to give and to whom is often intuitive and subjective. If legitimate psychedelic centers were to emerge in America, careful consideration would be needed to ensure safety and education. However, concerns around control and potential biases in screening processes exist. Despite the challenges, the interest in psychedelics is growing as the stigma around their use lessens. The journey to legalization for both medical and recreational use is likely to be a gradual, state-by-state process.

    • Comparing the Legal Status of Cannabis, Psychedelics, and AlcoholDespite potential benefits, psychedelics face federal illegality, contrasting their historical use and alcohol's societal acceptance. Some advocate for education and use over government involvement, but complexities and potential risks persist.

      While some towns consider making cannabis and psychedelics legal, their federal illegality poses a significant challenge. Alcohol, which is socially accepted and ubiquitous, serves as an interesting comparison. Its lack of scheduling contrasts with the strict regulations on psychedelics, despite their historical use and potential benefits. Some argue for a more societal approach to education and use, rather than government involvement and prescription. However, the complexities of changing drug laws and the potential for government overregulation or exploitation pose significant hurdles. Ketamine, a psychedelic with increasing medical use, highlights the nuanced nature of these substances and the need for careful consideration.

    • Exploring the mind through float tanks and substancesExploring the mind through float tanks and certain substances like ketamine and marijuana can lead to profound experiences and new perspectives, but it's important to use them responsibly and in the right setting.

      Both the float tank experience and the use of certain substances like ketamine and marijuana can provide unique ways to explore the mind, relax the body, and enhance creativity. John Lilly, a pioneer in this field, advocated for these methods and found them to be beneficial even in his older years. The sensory deprivation and weightlessness of the float tank, combined with the detachment and increased flow of ideas brought on by substances, can lead to profound experiences and new perspectives. However, it's important to use these tools responsibly and in the right setting to maximize their potential benefits. Rupert Sheldrake and the speaker both agree that being in a certain state of mind, whether sober or stoned, can greatly influence the creative process. Ultimately, it's about finding what works best for each individual and embracing the unique experiences that come with exploring the mind.

    • Exploring the history and societal impact of psychedelicsPsychedelics have been used throughout history for personal growth and societal reflection, questioning societal issues like resource allocation and societal structures.

      Writer's block may stem from self-criticism and a desire to escape, as people often struggle to enjoy themselves and view themselves negatively. Drugs, including psychedelics, are sometimes used as an escape. Psychedelics can make us question societal issues, such as the lack of resources dedicated to fixing social problems versus military spending. The history of DMT use is believed to be ancient, with some evidence suggesting the existence of psychedelic societies in the past. These societies may have used psychedelics to run their society, and the survivors of smallpox ravages may have been the ones who preserved this knowledge. Overall, the use of psychedelics has a long history and can provide valuable insights into societal issues and human history.

    • Ancient civilizations and psychedelics: Enhancing sociability and architecture?Ancient civilizations like the Mayans and Aztecs used psychedelics, potentially for social bonding and architectural inspiration, but also practiced human sacrifices, believing it brought benefits.

      Ancient civilizations, such as the Mayans and the Aztecs, were known for building incredible structures, including pyramids, and were believed to have used psychedelics as part of their society. Some theories suggest that these substances may have enhanced sociability, empathy, and compassion, or even influenced their architectural designs. However, these societies also practiced human sacrifices, believing that doing so would bring about benefits like rain or good crops. The extent of psychedelic use and its impact on these cultures is still a subject of debate among historians and archaeologists. Despite the controversies surrounding the numbers, it is widely accepted that large-scale sacrifices were indeed a part of these ancient practices.

    • Psychedelics and Early Religious BeliefsPsychedelics may have influenced early religious beliefs by inducing new ideas or magnifying pre-existing ones, leading to the development of philosophies and societal structures.

      Psychedelic substances, such as those found in ancient wine vessels, may have played a significant role in shaping early religious beliefs, including Christianity. These substances could have either induced new ideas or magnified pre-existing beliefs, leading to the development of philosophies and societal structures like democracy. The use of psychedelics in religious practices is not a new concept, as evidenced by the theories connecting the burning bush and DMT, or the suggestion of cannabis in incense. Some individuals have also reported experiencing visions through practices like Kundalini yoga or holotropic breathing, which can induce altered states without the use of external substances. The endogenous production of DMT adds another layer to this phenomenon, as it suggests that visionary experiences are not limited to the use of exogenous substances. However, more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between these substances and the origins of religious beliefs.

    • Exploring altered states of consciousness through holotropic breathworkHolotropic breathwork, a deep and rapid breathing technique, can induce altered states of consciousness, but its mechanism and origins are not fully understood and it comes with risks.

      The use of holotropic breathwork, a technique involving deep and rapid breathing, can induce altered states of consciousness, similar to those produced by psychedelic substances like DMT or MDMA. This technique was developed by Stan Groff, inspired by his work with psychedelics and later refined after the prohibition of such substances. The experience can vary greatly from person to person, with some reporting euphoria while others experience discomfort. The mechanism behind this sensation is not fully understood, but it may be related to the body's stress response and the release of certain chemicals. The practice is not without risks, and overdosing or breathing too deeply for extended periods can be dangerous. The origins of this technique are unclear, but it's believed that ancient cultures may have discovered similar methods through experimentation with plants and their MAO inhibitors. Animals, too, may possess similar abilities to detect and respond to changes in their environment, suggesting a deeper connection to the natural world.

    • Exploring the History of Psychoactive SubstancesThroughout history, humans have discovered and explored various psychoactive substances, leading to both beneficial and harmful outcomes. From traditional uses to modern drugs, these substances have shaped human culture and society, and continue to be studied for their effects and potential uses.

      Throughout history, various plants and substances have been discovered to have psychoactive effects on animals and humans. From elephants getting intoxicated by fermented fruit, to cats being stimulated by catnip, to humans using cotton as a stimulant and extracting active ingredients like cathanone, the exploration of these substances has led to both beneficial and harmful outcomes. For instance, traditional societies in the Middle East have used substances like catha (which contains cathanone) for decision-making, while in modern times, drugs like bath salts (which contain synthetic versions of cathinone) have led to dangerous and violent behavior. Similarly, the exploration of THC and CBD has led to the legalization of certain forms of marijuana, while the production of synthetic versions of drugs like LSD and DMT continues. The study of these substances has also led to advancements in understanding their effects and potential uses, such as the development of infusion models to maintain the psychoactive state for longer periods. Overall, the history of humans' exploration of psychoactive substances is a complex one, filled with both discoveries and dangers.

    • DMT Therapy: A Promising Approach to Healing TraumaDMT therapy offers potential relief for PTSD and trauma through repeated dosing, addressing issues as they arise, prioritizing safety and consent, and considering the heart and mind-body connection.

      DMT therapy, under the right conditions, can provide significant relief for individuals suffering from PTSD and other traumas. The therapeutic process involves repeated dosing with DMT, allowing individuals to address and resolve issues as they arise. However, it's essential to prioritize safety and individual consent, as some individuals may experience distressing experiences. The potential benefits of this approach are significant, as it could offer relief to veterans and others dealing with trauma. The use of DMT therapy is not a left or right issue but a human issue, and there is growing support for its implementation. However, it's important to remember that the process is not just about the brain but also the heart and the mind-body connection. The philosophical implications of consciousness transfer and the implications for human identity are intriguing but require further exploration. Ultimately, the goal is to provide safe and effective therapy to help individuals heal from traumatic experiences.

    • Virtual Reality and Brain Implants: The Future of Immersive ExperiencesThe future may bring immersive virtual experiences with touch and haptic feedback, but concerns over detachment and ethical use remain. Potential first adopters could be communities seeking alternatives to reality, and societal impact is uncertain.

      We are heading towards a future where virtual reality and brain implants could become a reality, offering immersive experiences that replicate reality down to every moment, including touch and haptic feedback. However, there are concerns that such technologies could detach us from the real world and potentially be used unethically. The adoption of these technologies might first be seen in communities where people are seeking alternatives to their current reality, such as Native American reservations. Ultimately, it's inevitable that some people will choose to live in virtual worlds, but it remains to be seen how this will impact society as a whole. The discussion also touched on the potential for brain implants to enhance memory and pleasure, but raised questions about trust and the potential for these technologies to be used unethically or abandoned by their creators.

    • Exploring the Differences between U-D-V and Santo Dime Psychedelic PracticesU-D-V and Santo Dime offer unique psychedelic experiences with distinct approaches and atmospheres. U-D-V is structured and formal, while Santo Dime is free-form and inclusive of various substances. Continued research on both practices can deepen our understanding of psychedelics as a whole and uncover new knowledge.

      The U-D-V and Santo Dime practices, though rooted in similar psychedelic experiences, differ significantly in their approach and atmosphere. The U-D-V is more structured and formal, while the Santo Dime is more free-form and inclusive of various substances like tea and ayahuasca, leading to a more immersive and celebratory experience. Despite their differences, it would be intriguing to study both groups and compare their practices to gain a deeper understanding of the psychedelic experience as a whole. Additionally, there is a wealth of literature available on the U-D-V, but less so on the Santo Dime, making it an exciting area for further exploration. Overall, the discussion highlights the diverse ways in which psychedelic practices can be approached and the importance of continued research in this field.

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    Joe is joined by mixed martial artists John Rallo, Matt Serra, and Din Thomas. John owns Shogun Fights and also serves as the owner and head coach at Ground Control Mixed Martial Arts Academy. Matt is the host of the "UFC Unfiltered" podcast with Jim Norton and is the owner and lead instructor at Serra BJJ. Din is a host on "SiriusXM Fight Nation," "Josh Cohen & the Home Team" on ESPN West Palm, and "Fight Court." www.groundcontrolbaltimore.com www.serrabjj.com www.ufc.com/athlete/din-thomas Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 12, 2024

    #2201 - Robert Epstein

    #2201 - Robert Epstein
    Robert Epstein is an author, editor, and psychology researcher. He is a former editor-in-chief of "Psychology Today" and currently serves as Senior Research Psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. He also founded the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. www.drrobertepstein.com  www.americasdigitalshield.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 11, 2024

    #2200 - Kat Timpf

    #2200 - Kat Timpf
    Kat Timpf is an author, comedian, and political commentator. She’s currently the co-host of "Gutfeld!" on Fox News and is a Fox News analyst. Her latest book is "I Used to Like You Until... (How Binary Thinking Divides Us)." Look for it on September 10. www.therealkattimpf.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 10, 2024

    #2199 - Chris Harris

    #2199 - Chris Harris
    Chris Harris is an automotive journalist, racing driver, and television presenter. He's also the author of "Variable Valve Timings: Memoirs of a Car Tragic."  www.youtube.com/c/chrisharrisoncars Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 05, 2024

    #2198 - Bret Weinstein

    #2198 - Bret Weinstein
    Dr. Bret Weinstein is an evolutionary biologist, podcaster, and author. He co-wrote "A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life" with his wife, Dr. Heather Heying, who is also a biologist. They both host the podcast "The DarkHorse Podcast." Rescue the Republic is a non-ideological, post-partisan gathering of the The Unity Movement where we will declare our commitment to defend the West and the values that form the foundation of a free and open society. http://www.jointheresistance.org/ www.bretweinstein.net Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enSeptember 04, 2024

    #2197 - Mike Baker

    #2197 - Mike Baker
    Mike Baker is a former CIA covert operations officer and current CEO of Portman Square Group, a global intelligence and security firm. He’s also the host of the "President’s Daily Brief" podcast: a twice daily news report on critical events happening around the globe available on all podcast platforms.  www.portmansquaregroup.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 29, 2024

    #2196 - Greg Fitzsimmons

    #2196 - Greg Fitzsimmons
    Greg Fitzsimmons is a comedian, actor, and writer. He hosts the “Fitzdog Radio” podcast and co-hosts “Sunday Papers” and “Childish.” His new special, “You Know Me,” premieres on YouTube on 8/27. https://gregfitzsimmons.com/  "You Know Me" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvUqkWh_x4U Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 28, 2024

    #2195 - Andrew Huberman

    #2195 - Andrew Huberman
    Andrew Huberman, PhD, is a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. Andrew is also the host of the Huberman Lab podcast, which aims to help viewers and listeners improve their health with science and science-based tools. New episodes air every Monday on YouTube and all podcast platforms.  www.hubermanlab.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 27, 2024

    #2194 - Luis Elizondo

    #2194 - Luis Elizondo
    Luis "Lue" Elizondo is the former head of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated UFOs, now referred to as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). A veteran of the U.S. Army, he has worked in counterintelligence and counterterrorism worldwide. His new book, "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs," is available now. https://luiselizondo-official.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Joe Rogan Experience
    enAugust 23, 2024

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    Dr. Rick Strassman is the author of The Psychedelic Handbook. His book “DMT: The Spirit Molecule,” an account of his DMT and psilocybin studies, has sold a quarter-million copies as of mid-2021, and been translated into over a dozen languages, including Mandarin. He co-produced an independent documentary by the same name, which was the most-streamed independent drug documentary on Netflix. He also is the author of “DMT and the Soul of Prophecy,” “Joseph Levy Escapes Death,” and a co-author of “Inner Paths to Outer Space.”

    He has published over 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers and has served as a reviewer for 20 psychiatric research journals. He has been a consultant to the US Food and Drug Administration, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Veteran’s Administration Hospitals, Social Security Administration, and other state and local agencies. He has provided consultation to many of the psychedelic startups that began appearing in 2020, including Atai, MindMed, and The Noetic Fund. He is on the Scientific Advisory Boards for Alexander Shulgin Research Institute and Ninnion Therapeutics.

    He currently is Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and lives in Gallup, New Mexico. 

    You can reach out and get Dr. Rick Strassman's books on his website: https://www.rickstrassman.com/


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    EP114: Psychedelics and Healing

    EP114: Psychedelics and Healing

    Chris and Amy talk about the re-emergence of pscyhedelic drugs in the mental health care field. It's a fascinating topic, but what's even more fascinating is how the state of mind, and effects of letting go of mental constructs has so many parallels to the teachings of A Course In Miracles. What does this say about universality of it all? Is there One Truth?? Listen in to find out!

    Chris Atley Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisatley

    Amy Yates Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/connectivesoul

    One Simple Truth Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/onesimpletruth

    For coaching resources with Chris & Amy: https://decisionsbydesigncoaching.com/findacoach

    More podcasts at WAVE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/artist/wave-podcast-network/1437831426

    #2002 - Amanda Feilding

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    Amanda is an award-winning psychedelics researcher, policy advocate, and artist;  advancing psychedelic research for over 50 years.  Founder & Director of the Beckley Foundation, a UK-based think-tank and NGO, aiming to further our understanding of consciousness and how changes in cerebral circulation and neuronal activity underlie the effects of various psychoactive substances. Amanda’s work lies at the cutting edge of psychedelic scientific research, she initiated the study which generated the world’s first images of the brain on LSD.

