
    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Rogan's Decision to Embrace His Graying Beard and the Inspiration from Older MenJoe Rogan discussed the hassle and potential health risks of using hair dye and shared his experience with stem cell therapy in Tijuana, emphasizing the importance of focusing on health and strength as we age.

      Joe Rogan, during a podcast recording, discussed his decision to stop dying his beard gray and let it embrace its natural aging process. He mentioned the hassle and potential health risks associated with using hair dye, and how he was inspired by older men who let their grays grow out. Rogan also shared his experience of getting stem cell therapy in Tijuana, Mexico, at a facility run by Ed Clay and Scottie Nelson, which evolved from a cancer hospital to a center combining various cancer treatments. He admired Clay's dedication to providing the best treatments and healing people with herbs and plants. Although the details of Clay's personal motivation are unclear, Rogan emphasized the importance of focusing on staying healthy and strong as we age, rather than trying to hide it with cosmetic enhancements.

    • Stem Cell Therapy in Tijuana: Aid for Athletes' InjuriesStem cell therapy in Tijuana aids athletes in recovering from injuries, offering an alternative to multiple surgeries. The team provides a comprehensive package including accommodation and transportation.

      Ed Clay and his team in Tijuana, Mexico, have developed a successful method using stem cell therapy to help athletes, including jiu jitsu and MMA fighters, recover from injuries. The speaker, who had shoulder surgery and was struggling to heal, went to Tijuana for the treatment and experienced significant improvement. The process was painful but effective, and the speaker was able to fully recover. This therapy could be an alternative option for athletes facing the prospect of multiple surgeries. The team in Tijuana has refined the process and offers a comprehensive package including accommodation in San Diego and transportation to and from Tijuana.

    • Tijuana's Medical Tourism: Advanced Treatments in a Safe EnvironmentTijuana, Mexico provides advanced medical treatments including NAD IVs, hyperbaric chambers, and alternative therapies like Gerson therapy, which has reportedly helped individuals overcome cancer and injuries. The area is safe and developed around medical facilities.

      Tijuana, Mexico, offers advanced medical treatments, particularly for injuries and cancer, through the use of NAD IVs, hyperbaric chambers, and alternative therapies like Gerson therapy. This area, despite cartel violence in certain parts, has developed a reputation for effective and intensive treatments. The Gerson therapy, which involves juicing and coffee enemas, is a key component of the treatment and has reportedly helped individuals like Javier Vasquez overcome colon cancer. Patients undergo multiple treatments daily, and the process can be quite intense, with some reporting noticeable effects and improved health outcomes. The area around the medical facilities is reportedly safe and developed, making it an attractive destination for those seeking these treatments.

    • The body's ability to heal is remarkable but requires patience and understandingInjuries take time to heal and may require specific actions or interventions. Patience, understanding, and sometimes help from therapies like stem cell therapy can lead to full functionality and even surpassing previous fitness levels.

      The body has an innate ability to heal itself, but sometimes it may require specific actions or interventions to heal in a certain way. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of injuring his shoulder during jiu-jitsu and how he waited for it to heal before attempting to return to the sport. However, when he tried to lift weights to build strength back up, he aggravated the injury and had to focus on core exercises to heal his lower back instead. The use of stem cell therapy played a significant role in the healing process of both his shoulder and lower back injuries, allowing him to regain full functionality and even surpass his previous level of fitness. Overall, the body's ability to heal is remarkable, but it requires patience, understanding, and sometimes a little help to get back to optimal health.

    • Importance of Exercise and Yoga for AgingFocus on exercises that engage glutes, hamstrings, and core to prevent body deterioration. Prioritize physical activity and consider practicing yoga for muscle activation and flexibility.

      Maintaining a healthy body through regular exercise and yoga is essential for preventing atrophy and deterioration as we age. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on exercises that engage the glutes, hamstrings, and core, such as back extensions, sit-ups on a Glute Ham Developer machine, and knee raises. They also highlight the benefits of yoga for reminding the body not to shut down certain angles and keeping muscles active. The speaker warns that if we don't prioritize physical activity, our bodies will deteriorate over time. They also criticize the influence of social media filters that can give a false impression of appearance.

    • Social media algorithms create a distorted realityAlgorithms prioritize content based on user interests, creating a filtered, idealized online world that can lead to unrealistic expectations, particularly for women, and potentially intrusive and unwanted content.

      Social media algorithms can lead to a distorted representation of reality, as users are often shown content that caters to their interests and engagements, which can result in a constant stream of filtered, idealized images and videos. This can create unrealistic expectations, particularly for women, who may feel pressured to conform to these standards. The speaker expresses frustration with the prevalence of suggestive content and the seemingly endless stream of recommended reels, which can be intrusive and unwanted. The speaker also raises the question of whether the benefits of an algorithmic feed outweigh the potential drawbacks, such as the loss of organic content and the potential for users to game the system. Ultimately, the speaker sees social media as a massive experiment in human culture, with unintended consequences that are still being explored.

    • Social Media and Climate Change: Misinformation and Fear-MongeringSocial media can be a source of misinformation and fear-mongering, particularly on climate change. Seek out reliable sources and engage in informed conversations.

      The use of social media platforms like Twitter has evolved significantly over the years. It started as a casual space for sharing mundane moments, but later transformed into a battleground for arguments and fear-mongering, particularly on topics like climate change. The speaker expresses frustration with the amount of misinformation and outrage on the platform, and shares the perspective of a physicist who argues that the effects of human impact on the environment have been exaggerated through fear mongering. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having informed conversations and encourages people to seek out reliable sources of information.

    • Belief that global warming predictions are exaggeratedSome individuals suspect global warming predictions are exaggerated and financial institutions continue investing in coastal areas, fueling theories of a one-world government agenda

      According to the discussion, there is a belief that global warming predictions, specifically the rising sea levels, are being exaggerated, and that financial institutions continue to invest in coastal areas despite these predictions. Some individuals suspect that this is part of a larger agenda to implement a one-world government and control mechanisms like digital currency and social credit systems. These suspicions are fueled by the perceived inconsistency between the warnings of impending environmental disasters and the actions of those in positions of power and wealth. However, it's important to note that these are unproven allegations and that the scientific consensus supports the need for action to mitigate the effects of climate change.

    • Growing concerns over government control and regulationSome see potential for increased gov't control in pandemics, climate change, and extraterrestrial threats, sparking debates about personal freedom and privacy

      According to the discussion, there are concerns about the potential for increased government control and regulation in various areas, including pandemics, climate change, and potential extraterrestrial threats. Klaus Schwab's book, "The Great Reset," is mentioned as a possible indicator of this trend towards greater government control. Some individuals express skepticism and fear about this development, viewing it as a potential threat to personal freedom and privacy. The discussion also touches on the idea that governments and powerful organizations may use fear and manipulation to control populations and push for a one-world government. It's important to critically evaluate information and consider multiple perspectives when interpreting these types of discussions.

    • Discussion on food access and government/corporate prioritiesThe need for a more equitable food system was emphasized, with concerns raised about government and corporate priorities, including the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which grants pharmaceutical companies immunity from vaccine injury lawsuits.

      While there are philanthropists like Mister Beast who prioritize feeding the needy, systemic issues prevent widespread access to healthy food. The cost of providing free meals to everyone is a valid question, especially considering the vast resources spent on causes we don't agree with. However, the conversation took a turn towards criticizing the government and corporations, with allegations of prioritizing profits over people's health and safety. A notable point made was the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which granted pharmaceutical companies immunity from vaccine injury lawsuits, raising concerns about accountability and transparency. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the need for a more equitable food system and a reevaluation of corporate and governmental priorities.

    • Complex relationship between pharma and governmentHistorical conflicts of interest in pharma-govt relationship may lead to lack of transparency, potential for hidden negative data, and media reliance on pharma ads complicates matters. Future implications uncertain, ranging from 'great awakening' to 'great reset'.

      The pharmaceutical industry and government have a complex relationship, with potential conflicts of interest leading to a lack of transparency and accountability. This was highlighted in the discussion regarding the production and distribution of the Moderna vaccine, where the government owns a stake, and the peer-reviewed data is controlled by the pharmaceutical companies. Historically, there have been instances of pharmaceutical companies hiding negative study results and downplaying risks, such as with Vioxx and opiates. The media's heavy reliance on pharmaceutical advertising in the US further complicates the situation. The future implications of this relationship are uncertain, with potential outcomes ranging from a "great awakening" to a more authoritarian "great reset." The public's compliance during the pandemic serves as a reminder of the potential for widespread acceptance of questionable measures, and the potential for manipulation and control if a more serious threat emerges.

    • PCR tests with high cycle thresholds might have caused numerous false positivesExperts suggest lowering cycle threshold for PCR tests to reduce false positives and improve accuracy, potentially impacting reported case numbers and contact tracing efforts

      The PCR tests used for COVID-19 detection, which have been run at high cycles since the beginning of the pandemic, may have resulted in a significant number of false positives. According to experts, a test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive, and a more reasonable cutoff would be between 30 to 35 cycles. This means that a large percentage of people testing positive, especially those with low viral loads, might not actually be contagious or in need of isolation and contact tracing. The New York Times reported that up to 90% of positive cases in Massachusetts and New York in July could have been deemed negative with a lower cycle threshold. This information came to light in January 2021, almost a year into the pandemic, and raises questions about the accuracy of the reported case numbers and the effectiveness of contact tracing efforts. The controversy surrounding this issue is further fueled by the fact that the inventor of the PCR test, Carey Mullis, had expressed concerns about its misuse and criticized Dr. Fauci for his handling of the pandemic.

    • Discovering PCR under the influence of LSD and COVID-19 origins debatePCR test, developed before COVID-19, is a subject of controversy due to potential false positives and debate over its role in pandemic response, with some suggesting manipulation for profit and others attributing outbreak to industry research

      Kary Mullis, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist, discovered the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test while under the influence of LSD. The debate continues on whether the COVID-19 virus was naturally occurring or man-made, with some believing it originated from a laboratory. The PCR test, used to diagnose COVID-19, was developed before the outbreak and has been a subject of controversy due to its sensitivity and potential for false positives. Some argue that the test was manipulated to capitalize on fear and anxiety, while others suggest that funding and research into viruses created an industry that may have inadvertently led to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ultimately, the origins of the virus remain a topic of debate, but the role of the PCR test in the response to the pandemic is clear.

    • Misunderstanding a CDC document fuels debate on SARS-CoV-2 isolationDespite a common belief that SARS-CoV-2 hasn't been isolated due to a CDC document, it's a misunderstanding. The virus has been isolated multiple times and it's crucial to rely on credible sources to avoid spreading misinformation. COVID-19 and the flu have significant differences, affecting different age groups, and are not the same disease.

      There has been a debate about whether or not the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19, has been isolated. Some people claim that it has not been isolated based on a CDC document, but this is not accurate. The document in question refers to the process used to determine the lowest limit of detection for PCR tests, and it does not mean that the virus has never been isolated. Numerous reports exist of SARS-CoV-2 being isolated by teams around the world. The misconception arises because some people have misunderstood the meaning of the document and have used it to fuel conspiracy theories. It's important to rely on credible sources of information and to avoid spreading misinformation. Furthermore, it's important to note that COVID-19 and the flu have significant differences, such as the average age of death and the impact on children. COVID-19 is much more dangerous for older adults, while the flu is more dangerous for young children. This is not consistent with the idea that COVID-19 is just a swapped-out or hijacked flu. In summary, the debate about whether or not SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated is based on a misunderstanding of a CDC document. The virus has been isolated many times, and it's important to rely on credible sources of information to avoid spreading misinformation. COVID-19 and the flu are also distinct diseases with different impacts on different age groups.

    • CDC's lack of evidence for SARS-CoV-2 isolationDespite the CDC's claim of deadly and contagious virus, no deaths have been reported in the jujitsu community, and high-level athletes continue to train and compete while infected, questioning the severity and isolation of SARS-CoV-2.

      There is ongoing debate regarding the isolation and purification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Freedom of Information Act requests have been made to the CDC seeking evidence of viral isolation, but the CDC has stated they do not have any records to support this claim. Some argue that if the virus were as deadly and contagious as claimed, activities like jujitsu, which involve close contact and lack of social distancing, would have led to widespread infection and deaths. The fact that no deaths have been reported in the jujitsu community, despite its opposing nature to social distancing, is used as evidence against the severity of the virus. Additionally, some argue that the virus behaves similarly to the flu, and high-level athletes have continued to train and compete while infected. The debate continues as experts and individuals question the validity of the virus's isolation and the severity of the disease it causes.

    • Challenges to Consistency in Jujitsu TrainingMaintaining consistency in jujitsu training is difficult due to student absences and the pandemic's impact on communication. Emphasis on hygiene practices is necessary, but not always followed.

      Consistency in jujitsu training can be a challenge due to the frequent absences of students, which was a common issue for the instructor even before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with the pandemic, communication about absences became more widespread, leading to an increase in awareness of each other's health statuses. Despite the risks involved in jujitsu training, the students were less diligent about maintaining hygiene practices, such as hand washing, which was emphasized before the pandemic. The instructor shared an extreme example of a person's home being filled with hand sanitizer, which he found unsettling. Additionally, there have been concerns about releasing violent criminals from prison due to the pandemic, and some high-profile figures have chosen to leave areas with high crime rates or mass shootings. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of consistency in training, maintaining good hygiene practices, and being aware of the challenges and risks involved in jujitsu.

    • Conspiracy theories about UFO cover-upsWhile some believe in UFO cover-ups, others see manipulation, and the historical context adds complexity. Evaluate evidence and motivations for a balanced perspective.

      Conspiracy theories surrounding government cover-ups of extraterrestrial life and events, such as the alleged Roswell UFO crash, have been a topic of debate for decades. Some believe these theories are orchestrated to manipulate public belief, while others maintain that there may be some truth to them. The historical context, involving the timeline of UFO sightings, Nazi involvement, and government denials, adds complexity to the issue. Regarding specific incidents, opinions vary on whether they represent genuine encounters or deliberate misinformation. Ultimately, it is essential to approach such topics with a critical and open-minded perspective, considering all available evidence and potential motivations.

    • Discovering an alien body and population declineThe discovery of an alien body could exacerbate population decline due to potential diseases, while urbanization and environmental factors contribute to population decrease in developed areas. Elon Musk's view of overpopulation as a myth persists, but concerns about reproductive health and logistical challenges remain.

      The discovery of an alien body could lead to the spread of unknown diseases, potentially causing mass depopulation, while population decline is occurring in developed areas due to lifestyle choices and environmental factors. Elon Musk's perspective on overpopulation being a myth is supported by this trend, particularly in urban settings where people prioritize careers over starting families. However, concerns about the impact of chemicals on human reproductive systems, such as phthalates, add another layer to the population discussion. Despite the ability to physically accommodate the entire world population in a small area, the logistical challenges of relocating and sustaining such a large population remain significant obstacles.

    • Myth of Overpopulation and Climate ChangeFocusing on overpopulation as the main cause of climate change might be misguided. Instead, consider targeted solutions like regenerative farming and reducing resource consumption for feeding large populations.

      The idea of overpopulation being a major issue contributing to climate change may be a myth. The speaker argues that if the entire world population could fit in densely populated areas like Los Angeles, there would be enough room for everyone, leaving the majority of the world's land "empty." However, the problem isn't just the number of people, but the resources required to feed them. Regarding methane emissions from livestock, the speaker believes the focus should be on the burps rather than the farts and suggests regenerative farming as a potential solution. The speaker also criticizes factory farming for its contribution to methane emissions and the negative impact it has on communities. Overall, the speaker challenges the notion that overpopulation is the primary cause of climate change and suggests focusing on more targeted solutions.

    • Modern conveniences come with unintended consequencesRecognize the complexities of modern technologies and strive for advancements that minimize negative impacts while providing benefits

      Our enjoyment of modern conveniences and technologies, such as electricity and electric cars, often comes with unintended negative consequences, like pollution and reliance on non-renewable resources. For instance, the shift to electric cars might seem like a step towards sustainability, but many of these cars are still powered by coal-fired power plants. Furthermore, history shows that we have addressed similar issues before, such as the removal of lead from gasoline after discovering its harmful effects on human health. It's essential to recognize these complexities and continue striving for technological advancements that minimize negative impacts while providing the benefits we desire.

    • Classic Muscle Car Restorations by Fusion MotorsportsFusion Motorsports restores and sells classic muscle cars, offering high-quality restorations, unique sound and feel, investment value, and a connection to American history and popular culture.

      Fusion Motorsports specializes in restoring and selling classic muscle cars, particularly hot rods and late-model American muscle cars. The speaker, who is passionate about these vehicles, has had personal experiences with their high-quality restorations and the unique sound and feel of these cars. He appreciates the investment value and the ability to drive and enjoy these cars, despite their age and potential high value. The speaker also mentions the nostalgia and connection to American history and popular culture during the time when these cars were produced. The market for these cars is strong, with some rare and well-documented models worth millions.

    • The durability of goods from the pastManufacturers in the past focused on creating high-quality, long-lasting goods, resulting in surprisingly robust and long-lived items like cars from the 1970s and 1980s, and structures like bricks that conduct and store electricity.

      The quality and durability of goods produced in the past were significantly better than what we have today. This was particularly evident in the discussion about cars from the 1970s and 1980s, which, despite being considered "shitty" at the time, have proven to be surprisingly robust and long-lasting. This was due in part to the fact that manufacturers in the past did not practice planned obsolescence, instead focusing on creating products that would last for decades. The same can be said for certain structures and even materials like bricks, which have been found to conduct and store electricity. The speaker expressed fascination with the theories that some of these structures may have been in place before humans arrived on the scene. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of creating high-quality, long-lasting goods and structures, and the potential benefits of rediscovering and learning from the past.

    • Rediscovering forgotten knowledgeThroughout history, significant discoveries and innovations have been forgotten or suppressed, leading to a sense of reset and the need to rediscover old knowledge. From Nikola Tesla's work to ancient structures, much of what we've been told may be false, and the pursuit of truth is essential.

      Throughout history, humans have made significant discoveries and innovations, only for them to be forgotten or suppressed, leading to a sense of reset and the need to rediscover old knowledge. For instance, Nikola Tesla's work was overshadowed by Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse, and free energy was allegedly suppressed during the 1800s. Additionally, some theories suggest that civilization underwent a great reset around 12,000 years ago due to asteroid impacts, forcing humans to start anew. Furthermore, there are structures and cities with unknown origins and construction methods that challenge mainstream history. Ultimately, the fascination with uncovering these secrets stems from the fact that much of what we've been told may be false, and the pursuit of truth is essential.

    • Mysterious Origins of Old Structures in North AmericaOld structures in North America with unknown origins have been repurposed into institutions, some built astonishingly fast, raising questions about labor conditions and motivations. Fear of heights influenced those who maintained these structures at great heights.

      There exist numerous old structures in North America, some of which were built before recorded history, and their origins remain a mystery. These structures have been discovered in various places, such as San Francisco, and have been repurposed into institutions like insane asylums. The speed at which these buildings were constructed raises questions about the rules and regulations in place during that time. Some structures, like the Empire State Building, were built astonishingly fast, leading to speculation about the working conditions and motivations of the laborers. The fear of heights, a natural survival mechanism, comes into play when considering the jobs of those who had to maintain these structures, often at great heights and under dangerous conditions. The discussion also touched upon the possibility of staged photographs and the impact of media and stories on shaping perceptions.

    • The Complexities of Our Fears and Attractions: JuJitsu as Mental TherapyMark Zuckerberg's daily JuJitsu practice demonstrates how intense physical activities can serve as mental therapy and stress relief, despite the contrasting nature of Hollywood's portrayal of violence and wealthy individuals' actions.

      Our fears and attractions, whether it's fear of heights or love for martial arts like jujitsu, can be deeply rooted and complex. Mark Zuckerberg's love for jujitsu, which he practices almost every day, is an example of how such activities can serve as a form of mental therapy and stress relief. The intense physical exertion and focus required in jujitsu can lead to a peaceful and aggression-free mind. The discussion also touched upon the contrasting nature of Hollywood, which is both highly critical of guns and yet heavily promotes them in movies. The hypocrisy of wealthy individuals flying private jets to talk about climate change was also pointed out. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intricacies and paradoxes of human behavior and preferences.

    • Equality of Outcome vs Meritocracy in SportsForcing equality of outcome in sports or any field decreases quality, potentially leads to violence, and is unrealistic. Meritocracy, where the best excel, is essential for high-quality outcomes.

      The implementation of equality of outcome in sports or any other field would result in a decrease in quality and potentially lead to violence. The speakers believe that meritocracy, where the best players or individuals excel, is essential for producing high-quality outcomes. They argue that trying to enforce equality of outcome would be unrealistic and could lead to fan dissatisfaction and poor performance. The idea of redistributing wealth equally, as proposed in some political ideologies, is also discussed, and it's noted that the only way to enforce such a system would be through violence. Ultimately, the speakers believe that focusing on equality of opportunity, rather than equality of outcome, is a more productive and fair approach.

    • Socialist vs Capitalist Policies: Balancing Productivity and Progress with Ethics and TransparencySocialist policies may lack incentives for productivity and progress due to a lack of personal earnings, while capitalism may breed corruption but offers incentives for success. A balanced approach with transparency and oversight is crucial to address issues in both systems.

      While socialist policies such as redistributing wealth and providing free education and medical services may sound appealing, the only way to enforce them is through a dictatorship that takes people's earnings. This lack of incentive can lead to a lack of productivity and progress. Capitalism, on the other hand, may breed corruption and negative aspects, but it provides incentives for people to work hard and be successful, and there is potential for ethical forms of capitalism where companies contribute to the community. However, the issue lies in the lack of transparency and accountability in government, particularly in how tax money is used. This can lead to corruption and misuse of funds. A balanced approach, with proper oversight and transparency, may be necessary to address the issues in both systems.

    • The debate over U.S.-Mexico border wallsThe construction of borders and walls between countries, such as the U.S. and Mexico, sparks intense debate over security, human rights, and equality. The Trump administration's attempt to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border further polarized the issue, while the border between Canada and the U.S. remains relatively open.

      The construction of borders and walls, especially between the United States and Mexico, has been a contentious political issue. While some argue for the need for security and control, others see it as a matter of human rights and equality. The conversation around walls and borders became particularly heated during the Trump administration, with the attempt to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border sparking intense debate. However, it's worth noting that the Biden administration has also continued construction on the wall, raising questions about the political motivations behind the issue. Meanwhile, the border between Canada and the United States, which also has significant differences in quality of life, remains largely open with few barriers, highlighting the complexities and nuances of border control.

    • Allegations of human trafficking and organ harvesting by cartels involving childrenConcerns over border security, media influence, and the harm caused by criminal activities were discussed. Speakers emphasized the importance of critical thinking and common sense in addressing complex issues.

      There have been allegations of human trafficking and organ harvesting by cartels, involving children. These claims were made by a cartel whistleblower whose identity and authenticity remain uncertain. The issue of border security and the potential influence of politicians and the media in shaping public opinion were also discussed. The conversation touched upon the power of the media to shape narratives and the impact of these narratives on public perception. The speakers expressed concern about the potential harm caused by such criminal activities and the challenges in addressing them. They also highlighted the importance of common sense and critical thinking in navigating complex issues.

    • Frustration with Democratic Party and Considering AlternativesSpeaker questions Democratic Party's responsiveness to people's concerns, considers alternative options like voting for Republicans or independent figures, and expresses disillusionment with some celebrities and musicians.

      The speaker expresses frustration with both major political parties in the United States, but has come to question the actions and motivations of the Democratic Party. He feels that they have been infiltrated or have become unresponsive to the concerns of the people, leading him to consider alternative options, such as voting for Republicans or prominent figures like Elon Musk and Jimmy Dore who criticize the Democratic Party. The speaker also mentions his disillusionment with certain celebrities and musicians who have become "woke" and expresses appreciation for those who remain critical of the current political climate. He concludes by sharing his observation that while mask mandates have been lifted in some places, they are still enforced in others, and that enforcement is inconsistent.

    • Mask mandate inconsistency at LAXLAX mask mandate confusing, inconsistent, and normalizing mask usage, raising questions about mask effectiveness and impact on children's development

      Despite the mask mandate at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), not everyone is complying, and there seems to be a lack of enforcement. Travelers are required to wear masks until they board their planes, but once on the plane, masks are optional. The speaker expresses confusion and frustration over the inconsistency and the normalization of public mask usage, which brings up larger questions about the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of viruses and the potential impact on social development for children. The speaker also mentions a Chinese medical advisor's recent claim that masks may have slowed her son's development. Overall, the speaker is expressing a sense of unease and uncertainty regarding the mask mandate and its implementation.

    • Early pandemic responses lacked transparency and truthMisinformation and prioritization of power over health led to harmful decisions during the pandemic response, potentially endangering lives and economies.

      The early responses to the pandemic were not based on solid scientific information and those in power often prioritized control and fear over transparency and truth. At the beginning, masks were not mandatory and some public figures, like Elon Musk, wore bandanas instead of effective masks. Dr. Fauci initially advised against mask-wearing, later admitting it was due to a shortage. This normalization of misinformation could have led to many people not wearing masks and potentially getting sick. The pandemic response was not solely about health but also about power and control. Those in charge made decisions that harmed economies and individual lives, and when mistakes were made, they were often covered up rather than admitted. This pattern of denying fault and maintaining control is common in societies and can lead to a lack of trust and instability.

    • Media Manipulation and MisinformationBe wary of media sources, especially those funded by pharmaceutical companies, and critically evaluate information presented for potential biases and agendas.

      The mainstream media is not to be trusted blindly as they manipulate information and have agendas that go beyond serving the public truthfully. The speaker expresses concern over the increasing control of the media and the prevalence of misinformation, particularly in relation to medical topics. They believe that many news sources are funded by pharmaceutical companies and present a scripted, Orwellian version of reality. The speaker also criticizes the way politicians, such as President Biden, are portrayed in the media and the editing techniques used to present them in a favorable light. Overall, the speaker encourages a critical and discerning approach to media consumption.

    • Manipulating Visual Elements in News ReportingNews teams can manipulate visuals, like making it seem someone is coming out of their basement for the first time when it's not, or using holograms that are actually green screens. These manipulations can harm trust and credibility in news reporting.

      The news industry is capable of staging and manipulating visual elements, even something as simple as a person coming out of their basement or using holograms, which can mislead audiences. During the discussion, it was mentioned that Chris Cuomo was filmed coming up from his basement and the news team made it seem like his first time, while in reality, he had an argument with someone earlier. Furthermore, during the 90s, CNN used a hologram technology during their coverage, but it was actually a green screen and overlay images, misrepresenting it as a real hologram. The use of such manipulations can undermine trust and credibility in news reporting. Additionally, the production of real holograms is expensive and complex, requiring specialized equipment and technology. Despite the advances in technology, it is essential to maintain transparency and accuracy in news reporting to uphold the trust and confidence of the audience.

    • Holographic Entertainment: Bringing Back Deceased MusiciansHologram technology raises ethical questions about exploiting deceased artists' likeness and intellectual property for entertainment purposes, and the role of record labels in shaping artists' legacies.

      Hologram technology, as discussed in the context of the patent and the Black Mirror episode, involves projecting an image onto an invisible screen. This method, while not a true hologram, could potentially be used for entertainment purposes, such as bringing back deceased musicians for concert tours. The potential appeal lies in preserving the legendary status of artists and avoiding the commercialization that can come with their continued careers. The use of this technology raises questions about the ethics of exploiting the likeness and intellectual property of deceased individuals, as well as the role of record labels in shaping artists' legacies. The discussion also touched upon the film "Ford Fairlane" and Andrew Dice Clay's controversial comedy album, "The Day the Laughter Died," which further emphasized the theme of artists' control over their image and legacy.

    • Comedian Dice Clay's Unique Style Transcends Time and VenuesComedian Dice Clay's unique style of comedy, including nursery rhymes and humor, transcended time and venues, from small clubs to arenas. His impact on comedy was significant, and comedians like Sebastian Maniscalco continue to carry on this tradition of delivering hilarious, clean comedy to wide audiences.

      Comedian Dice Clay, despite facing challenges like Bell's palsy, continued to perform and connect with audiences through his unique style of comedy. His ability to make people laugh with his nursery rhymes and humor transcended time and venues, from small clubs to arenas. Even during his struggles, his impact on comedy was significant, as he was one of the first comedians to perform in large arenas. Today, comedians like Sebastian Maniscalco continue to carry on this tradition of effortlessly delivering hilarious, clean comedy that appeals to a wide audience. Despite the evolving landscape of comedy, the ability to connect with an audience and make them laugh remains a timeless skill.

    • The power of audience connection in comedySuccessful comedians engage their audiences, build rapport, and refine their material for optimal performance.

      Successful comedy performances depend on a positive audience connection. Comedians like Brent Ernst and Eddie Bravo were praised for their recent performances, which were particularly effective due to the enthusiastic response from their audiences. Bravo shared an experience where a controversial joke flopped because the audience was not receptive, emphasizing the importance of audience engagement. Joey Diaz provided valuable advice, suggesting comedians should "play with their pussy a little bit" before delivering a strong punchline, meaning they should build rapport with the audience first. Additionally, editing and refining material, as well as exploring new premises during crowd work, can lead to even more successful performances.

    • Exploring new experiences despite anxietyEmbrace new possibilities, write down ideas, and stay open to change for unexpected enjoyable experiences and growth.

      Pushing boundaries and trying new things, even if it means going against the norm, can lead to unexpected and enjoyable experiences. The speaker shares his experience of performing stand-up comedy high, which initially filled him with anxiety but ultimately resulted in a great performance. He emphasizes the importance of staying open to new possibilities and not getting stuck in old ways. The entertainment industry, specifically movies, has seen a significant shift towards streaming due to the pandemic, which has kept people at home and potentially benefited those pushing the one-world government narrative. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of writing down new ideas and continuously creating new content to avoid getting stuck in the same routine.

    • Impact of streaming services on movie industryThe shift from DVD sales to streaming services has made it harder for filmmakers to produce certain types of films due to decreased revenue and increased marketing and theater costs.

      The shift from DVD sales to streaming services has significantly changed the movie industry, making it more challenging for filmmakers to make certain types of films due to the lack of revenue from DVD sales and the high costs associated with marketing and exhibiting movies in theaters. Matt Damon explains that movies like "Behind the Candelabra," which he produced, would have been riskier to make in the current climate compared to the 1990s when DVD sales provided a secondary revenue stream. Additionally, the obsolescence of DVD players and the rise of streaming services like Netflix have further altered the entertainment landscape, allowing viewers to be constantly entertained and blurring the lines between traditional time slots.

    • Exploring the intrigue of House of the DragonViewers find the presence of dragons and unique dynamic compelling, excited for answers and continuation of Game of Thrones universe

      Despite some initial reservations and confusion, the viewer found the first episode of "House of the Dragon" intriguing and exciting. The presence of dragons and the unique dynamic of a group of people able to control them was seen as a compelling concept. While some aspects, like the origin of the Targaryens' dragon-controlling abilities, were left unexplained, it was believed that the show would provide answers in due time. The viewer expressed excitement for the continuation of the Game of Thrones universe, particularly the rumored Jon Snow sequel. Overall, the show offered a captivating blend of fantasy and historical elements, providing a nice escape from reality.

    • Ancient Spartan Military Training and PederastyThe Spartans' military training included pederasty, a practice of older males mentoring younger boys, which is debated for its accuracy and intention in historical records.

      The ancient Spartan culture, as depicted in historical records, included mandatory homosexual relationships between older male warriors and younger boys as part of their military training and educational system. This practice, known as pederasty, was not necessarily solely sexual in nature but also served as a mentoring and role model relationship. However, the accuracy and intention of these historical accounts are subject to debate, as some argue it may be propagandistic or an attempt to normalize or understand a foreign and seemingly bizarre culture. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize the historical context and potential biases when interpreting these accounts.

    • Understanding Historical Practices: A Cautionary TaleBe wary of making assumptions based on limited information about historical practices and cultures. Critical thinking and a nuanced understanding are crucial.

      Historical norms and cultural practices can be difficult to understand from a modern perspective, and it's essential to be cautious about making assumptions based on limited information. The speaker's discussion about ancient Spartans and a tribe in Papua New Guinea highlighted the complexities of interpreting historical practices and the potential for misunderstandings. The conversation then shifted to monkeypox, with the speaker expressing confusion about the disease's transmission and expressing conspiracy theories about its origins. The speaker's skepticism of mainstream media and past experiences with deceit led them to question the information presented about monkeypox. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of critical thinking and a nuanced understanding of historical and cultural contexts.

    • Approaching New Information with Skepticism and Critical ThinkingStay informed and fact-check before forming opinions on health-related topics. Be aware of potential biases and stigma, and prioritize accurate information to combat misunderstanding and fear.

      It's important to approach new information with a healthy dose of skepticism, especially when dealing with potentially sensitive or controversial topics. The speaker in this conversation expresses a nonchalant attitude towards monkeypox, dismissing it as unimportant due to its low fatality rate and availability of a vaccine. However, she also acknowledges the potential for misinformation and the importance of fact-checking before forming an opinion. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about the history of naming diseases and the stigma surrounding certain conditions, particularly in the context of the gay community. The speaker reflects on the fear and misunderstanding surrounding HIV/AIDS in the past and the importance of accurate information and education in combating stigma and misconceptions. Ultimately, the conversation underscores the importance of being informed and critical consumers of information, particularly when it comes to health-related topics.

    • From Wigs to Syphilis: Uncovering History's SecretsDespite their historical significance and association with wealth and status, wigs were often obviously fake. The belief that syphilis was brought back to Europe by Christopher Columbus highlights the importance of questioning historical facts.

      During a conversation about the coolness of wigs and their historical significance, the topic shifted to the prevalence of syphilis in history and the belief that it may have been brought back to Europe by Christopher Columbus and his crew. The discussion also touched on the acceptance of wigs during certain historical periods and how they were a sign of wealth and status, despite being obviously fake. The speaker expressed a fascination with history and a skepticism towards its authenticity, often questioning if certain images or facts were real or not. The conversation ended with a reflection on the resilience of humanity and their desire to connect, even in the face of diseases like syphilis.

    • The UFC introduced the speaker to a new level of martial arts effectivenessThe UFC revolutionized the speaker's perspective on martial arts and fighting, leading him to become a jiu-jitsu practitioner and write a book about his journey.

      The speaker's introduction to mixed martial arts through UFC was a revolutionary experience that challenged his preconceived notions about martial arts and fighting. He had practiced martial arts before, but the UFC showed him a new level of effectiveness and efficiency in combat. The speaker's friend, James Watson, played a significant role in his introduction to the UFC and the world of martial arts, leading him to become a jiu-jitsu practitioner. The speaker emphasizes the importance of this experience and how it changed his perspective, leading him to write a book, "Mastering the Metal," about his journey. The book is available for preorder on Amazon and the speaker has a new podcast on Rockfin where he can express his thoughts freely.

    • Social media platforms can limit reach and influenceSocial media platforms have the power to restrict user growth and visibility through methods like shadow banning and account deletion.

      Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram have the power to significantly limit a user's reach and influence through methods like shadow banning and account deletion. The speaker in this conversation, who had a large following on Instagram but is now struggling to maintain it, expressed frustration over being unable to add new followers, having his content deleted, and being shadow banned, making it difficult for people to find him. This experience highlights the potential risks and limitations of relying on social media platforms for reach and engagement.

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    Episode 17: Mover and Shaker

    This week, Sam Dub’s friend Max Vasapoli stops by the studio and increases our knowledge with big words and real talk. This multi-talented dancer, teacher, mentor, adjudicator and activist is dancing his way to the top. Max shares his knowledge of the dance world with us and we kiki about his appearance on the reality TV show “Dance Moms”, Black theatre in Philly and Broadway reopening!

    Max Vasapoli, M.Ed. is a graduate and former staff member of the Brind School of Theater Arts at The University of the Arts. He currently serves as an Academic Advisor for High School Programs at The University of Pennsylvania. He is an experienced dance educator and adjudicator, having judged dancers across the US and Canada. Vasapoli adjudicated the Season 8 Finale of Lifetime’s Dance Moms and he is currently on the roster of Impact Dance Adjudicators, contributing regularly to their blog and podcast. Vasapoli has been profiled as an Emerging Arts Leader by the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance and named a Connector and Keeper by LEADERSHIP Philadelphia.

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    Ep. 61 Cliff Byerly - Hill Country Combatives - Building a community through Combatives

    Ep. 61 Cliff Byerly - Hill Country Combatives - Building a community through Combatives

    This show Eric and Aaron sit down with Cliff Byerly of Hill Country Combatives; we talk extensively about Cliffs flagship classes placing clients in some unique pressure testing environments such as enclosed spaces, starting with a hood on against 2 possible opponents, combatives with rifles and much more.   

    Cliff also invites Eric and Aaron to his Complete Combatant Training class in AL March 5-6 2022.  If you want to meet us and train with Cliff get on and sign up quick, we hope to see you there.  

    Don't forget to check out our sponsors at the end of the show notes.  

    For More on Cliff please go to his website: Proven skills & tactics needed to control and arrest violent criminals. (hillcountrycombatives.com)

    On Instagram @hillcountrycombatives and on Facebook @ Hill Country Combatives 

    As a Marine for over 20 years (12 active duty), the majority of his military career has been serving as a reconnaissance team leader. Cliff has done several deployments including both Desert Shield and Desert Storm in 1990 & 1991. In 1992, Cliff again deployed, this time to Somalia. Cliff finished his active duty in San Diego as a drill instructor.

    In 1996, Cliff left active duty to spend more time with his family and joined the LAPD. During his time as a police officer, Cliff has worked patrol, gangs and narcotics. In 2003, Cliff took a break from police work to deploy to Iraq for OIF 1. In Iraq, Cliff was a team leader with 4th Force Reconnaissance.

    As a Marine and police officer, Cliff has trained hundreds of Marines and fellow officers in firearms and tactics. Besides being knowledgeable in firearms and tactics, Cliff also has a martial arts background in Tang Soo Do, Kung Fu San Soo, wrestling and BJJ.


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    Origin/Jocko Fuel – Bringing back American manufacturing, producing the best Jiu-Jitsu Gis on the market, Jeans, rash guards, and world class supplements to help you on the path.  Use EvoSec10 at checkout for 10% off, this helps us greatly. 


    Tenicor – www.tenicor.com they are educators, and innovators in the holster market.  They are firearms instructors themselves, pressure testing their gear in multiple force on force events every year.  We support those who do the work.  Use our NEW code EVO2021 at checkout for 10% off.  Again patronizing our sponsors helps us greatly. 

    Keepers Concealment

    Original authority on Appendix Holsters, Appendix Training 

    Offer high-Performance Handgun Training - specializing in Concealed Carry Performance. 

    Keepers Concealment also - proud affiliate CCWSAFE, the truly proven legal service membership company - offering dedicated legal defense heaven forbid you’re forced to use lethal force.  

    Use code: KC10OFF and check them out at CCWSAFE.com/Keepers

    To buy a holster, sign up for a class, inquire about hosting a course or join CCWsafe, you'll find it all at Keepersconcealment.com

    Evolution Security is Eric Davis, Aaron Davis and Brian Schilt; specializing in self-protection education, defensive pistol and carbine, consulting, and weapons based grappling.  Their mission is to help those serious about protecting themselves and their loved ones, become more capable though filtered information, recommended study, and highlighting their mentors who are the best in the field.   In addition, Eric and Aaron (twins) are musicians keeping with Musashi’s adage that martial artist should focus on art outside of the martial (bumper music recorded by the brothers).