
    Podcast Summary

    • Awakening to societal issues in the 1960sThe 1960s brought disillusionment and a call to action for human justice and rights, fueled by cultural shifts like rock and roll, drugs, and technology.

      The 1960s represented a pivotal time in American history, marked by significant cultural shifts and disillusionment with the status quo. The speaker, who grew up during this era, recalls a sense of awakening to the realities of societal issues, such as segregation and government hypocrisy, which were not in line with the idealized American values they had been taught. This disillusionment led to a generation deeply committed to human justice, human rights, and making the world a better place. The emergence of rock and roll, drugs, and technology during this time further fueled this cultural shift and served as a call to action for young people. The speaker's personal experiences with psychedelics deepened their connection to the world and inspired them to spread this message through Rolling Stone magazine. Overall, the 1960s marked a transformative period in history, characterized by a rejection of the past and a desire for change and progress.

    • Connecting the younger generation through musicRolling Stone magazine played a crucial role in uniting the younger generation during the late 1960s and early 1970s by covering the cultural revolution and providing a platform for artists to connect with their audience, shaping American values and identity.

      During the late 1960s and early 1970s, Rolling Stone magazine played a crucial role in connecting and communicating with the younger generation through music. At a time when mass media looked down on rock and roll and young people's values, Rolling Stone served as a tribal telegraph, uniting the generation and providing a platform for artists to connect with their audience. Founder Jann Wenner had no grandiose expectations for the magazine's success but was driven by his passion for music. The magazine's coverage of the cultural revolution, which was largely ignored by mainstream media, had a profound impact on American society, shaping its values and identity in significant ways. Rolling Stone's unique voice and perspective filled a void in the media landscape and remains an important part of music and cultural history.

    • Hunter Thompson's Unconventional Campaign for Aspen SheriffThompson's unconventional ideas and charisma sparked moral panic but also formed a strong bond with Rolling Stone editor Tom Wolfe, leading to iconic pieces and influencing the magazine's DNA.

      Hunter Thompson, a controversial figure running for sheriff in Aspen, Colorado, sparked moral panic and attracted significant attention, including from Rolling Stone magazine. Thompson's unconventional ideas, such as renaming the city, unarmed police, and a parking lot for residents only, challenged the status quo in the wealthy resort town. Despite the controversy, Thompson and Rolling Stone editor Tom Wolfe quickly formed a strong bond, with Thompson's spirit, thinking, and sense of adventure becoming the DNA of the magazine. Their partnership led to Thompson's iconic piece, "Freak Power in the Rockies," and his influence on the magazine continued until his passing. Thompson's charisma and wild spirit made him a beloved figure, and being around him meant experiencing more fun and adventure than ever before. Despite the risks, Thompson's antics kept everyone on their toes and added to the excitement of their adventures together.

    • Exploring the counterculture era through Thompson's writingsThompson's writings captured the essence of the rebellious 1970s, inspiring readers with his unique style and exploration of human condition, friendship with Carter, and shared love for Dylan.

      Hunter S. Thompson was a unique and innovative writer whose works, such as "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas," ignited an appetite for chaos and rebellion against societal norms during the pivotal 1970s. Thompson's writing style was marked by its humor, vivid imagery, and exploration of the human condition. His works resonated with the spirit of the times, which saw a rebellion against the established order and the legalization of psychedelic drugs. Thompson's friendship with President Jimmy Carter and shared love for Bob Dylan added to his legend. However, with the end of the 1970s and the rise of Reagan, the mood and values of society shifted, marking a departure from the free-spirited era Thompson embodied.

    • Revolutionizing political journalism for young peopleThompson's coverage of the 1972 McGovern campaign revolutionized political journalism by speaking directly to young people and resonating with them through a unique blend of fact and fiction.

      Hunter S. Thompson's coverage of the 1972 presidential campaign for Rolling Stone magazine revolutionized political journalism by speaking directly to young people and resonating with them on a deeper level. The McGovern campaign, marked by its human connection and unconventional nature, was the perfect backdrop for Thompson's unique style, which combined fact and fiction in a way that captivated readers. The year also marked the first time 18-year-olds were allowed to vote and the ongoing Vietnam War added to the campaign's significance. Despite McGovern's eventual defeat, Thompson's coverage became an essential part of the campaign narrative, showcasing the energy and mood of the time. His writing, filled with humor and vivid descriptions, provided a voice for young people and set a new standard for political journalism.

    • The Early Days of Rolling Stone: Thompson and Leibovitz's Groundbreaking ReportingHunter S. Thompson's wild antics and distinctive writing style defined the early days of Rolling Stone. Despite his strained relationship with the founder, he produced two of his best pieces in the 1990s.

      The early days of Rolling Stone magazine were defined by the unconventional and groundbreaking reporting of journalists like Hunter S. Thompson and Annie Leibovitz. Thompson, known for his wild antics and distinctive writing style, served as a spiritual ringleader for the magazine's mission to cover important and meaningful stories. However, his substance abuse and decreasing productivity led to a strained working relationship with Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner. Despite this, Thompson produced two of his best pieces for the magazine in the 1990s, "Fear and Loathing in Elko" and a piece about Roxanne Pulitzer and the high life in Palm Beach. These works showcased his unique perspective and dark humor, reminding readers of his enduring impact on journalism.

    • Thompson's addiction impacted his life and careerThompson's addiction led to fame but also diminished his talent through public perception and exploitation

      Hunter S. Thompson's addiction to drugs and alcohol significantly impacted his life and career, leading to both admiration and exploitation. Thompson's friend, a journalist, tried to help him get into rehab but respected his autonomy as a drug addict. However, the cultural icon status Thompson gained made it difficult for him to escape the public's perception, leading to diminishment of his talent through appropriation of his intellectual property. The Gary Trudeau Dunesbury cartoon strip was a surprise and a source of frustration for Thompson, as it portrayed him as a cartoon character rather than a serious writer. The fame and constant attention he received due to his addiction and counterculture image ultimately contributed to his downward spiral. Despite these challenges, Thompson remained true to himself and maintained lifelong friendships. The counterculture comic strip, Dunesbury, played a significant role in bringing the counter-culture movement to a wider audience but also contributed to Thompson's public image as a goofball rather than a serious writer.

    • The dangerous combination of fame and drug useFame can fuel drug use and lead to destructive consequences, while the physical and psychological addictive nature of stimulants is bizarre and destructive. Decriminalize marijuana and LSD, but beware of cocaine and speed.

      Fame and drug use can be a dangerous combination. Hunter S. Thompson, a cultural icon and prominent figure, felt obligated to fulfill the expectations of his fans and audience, leading him to experiment with drugs. These expectations reinforced his ego and fueled his drug use, which eventually became destructive. Drugs like cocaine and speed were seen as a waste of time and opportunities for Thompson, leading him to regret his past use. The physical and psychological addictive nature of stimulants was described as bizarre and creepy by the speaker, who was fortunate enough to have witnessed the negative effects of drug use in his youth and vowed to never partake in it. The speaker also advocated for the decriminalization of marijuana and the legalization of LSD, but warned against the destructive nature of cocaine and speed.

    • Drugs' Impact on 60s & 70s Music IndustryDrugs influenced music creatively but also led to destructive addictions, with varying effects on artists like Fleetwood Mac, Rolling Stones, Ike Turner, and Brian Wilson.

      The use of drugs like marijuana, LSD, cocaine, and alcohol during the 1960s and 1970s had a significant impact on the music industry, leading to both creativity and destruction. While some artists, like Fleetwood Mac and the Rolling Stones, found inspiration in these substances, others, such as Ike Turner and Brian Wilson, were negatively affected. The vulnerability and connection brought about by marijuana and psychedelics contrasted with the confidence-reinforcing and addictive nature of cocaine and alcohol. However, managing an addiction to drugs is a complex issue, and there's no clear blueprint for how to use them responsibly. While some drugs like marijuana are non-toxic, others, like alcohol, have a well-documented risk of causing health issues, including cirrhosis of the liver. It's essential to be honest about the role of drugs in shaping the music and culture of that era, acknowledging both their positive and negative impacts.

    • Criticisms of the War on Drugs: Ineffective, Fear-Mongering, and Disproportionately TargetingThe war on drugs has been criticized for its ineffective tactics, fear-mongering ads, and disproportionate impact on black and poor communities, leading to mass incarceration.

      The war on drugs has been criticized for being ineffective and misguided, with campaigns using fear-mongering tactics and false information to scare the public. For instance, there were ads that portrayed drug use as glamorous and fun, while others falsely claimed that buying drugs supports terrorism. The war on drugs has also been criticized for disproportionately targeting and criminalizing black and poor communities, leading to longer sentences and mass incarceration. The history of Rolling Stone magazine provides a cultural perspective on these issues, showcasing how attitudes towards drugs, race, and social justice have evolved over the years. Ultimately, the war on drugs has been seen as a failure, and there is a growing consensus that a more humane and evidence-based approach is needed.

    • Rolling Stone: Voice of the CountercultureRolling Stone captured the essence of the civil rights era and counterculture movement, providing a unique perspective and allowing free expression, shaping young people's idealism and inspiring progress.

      Rolling Stone played a significant role in capturing and documenting the cultural history of the civil rights era and the counterculture movement of the 1960s and 1970s. The magazine provided a unique perspective, serving as a voice for musicians, the musical community, and young people, who saw music as an essential part of their lives. Rolling Stone accurately reported on social issues and allowed writers to express their ideas freely, capturing the chaos and idealism of the times in an honest way. The magazine's influence and impact are still felt today, as young people continue to be idealistic and strive for progress, learning from the lessons of the past. Despite some excesses and misunderstandings, the essence of these movements remains valuable and meaningful.

    • Republican Party's Priorities: Wealthy Over Poor, Ignoring Climate ScienceThe Republican Party's policies disproportionately benefit the wealthy, disregard climate science, and threaten progress on economic opportunities and environmental sustainability.

      The Republican Party's policies, as described, prioritize the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the poor and disregard the scientific consensus on climate change. The speaker expresses concern over the party's retrograde, mean-spirited stance on various issues, including economic policies, reproductive rights, and environmental concerns. They argue that investing in green technologies and infrastructure projects presents significant economic opportunities and is necessary to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change. The speaker's conviction is rooted in the visible evidence of climate change's impact on the planet and the potential consequences for future generations.

    • The Role of Politics in Addressing Climate ChangePolitics influences how we address climate change, with the Democratic Party generally more focused on environmental issues and less corrupt, but both parties can be swayed by money and fear of losing jobs. Nuclear energy could be part of the solution, but public perception is distorted by past accidents.

      The world is facing the reality of climate change, which may make certain parts of the Earth uninhabitable. The poles may become the only habitable areas, and the desert is expanding. Nuclear energy could be part of the solution, but public perception of its safety is distorted due to past accidents. The Democratic Party is less "fucked up" than the Republican Party regarding environmental issues, but both are influenced by money and fear of losing their jobs. Moral issues such as climate change, abortion, and equal rights are more aligned with the Democratic Party. While there have been scandals involving both parties, recent allegations against Joe Biden and his son Hunter regarding their dealings in Ukraine lack concrete evidence.

    • Money in politics hinders progressive policiesProgressive policies face challenges due to political influence from money and reluctance from major parties to enact change, but progressives remain motivated to expand rights and opportunities for all.

      While there are compelling arguments for progressive policies, the implementation of these policies has been hindered by the influence of money in politics and the unwillingness of certain political parties to enact meaningful change. The speaker expresses admiration for journalists like Matt Taibbi, who have exposed issues of inequality and corruption, but also acknowledges their potential biases. The speaker believes that progressives, despite being captured by money at the highest levels, are generally motivated by a desire to expand rights and give people more opportunity. However, the speaker criticizes both Democrats and Republicans for prioritizing special interests over the needs of the working class and the poor. The speaker calls for fundamental fairness, including the elimination of tax loopholes for the wealthy and the legalization of marijuana. The speaker also expresses frustration with the lack of progress on these issues and sees the Republican Party as a major roadblock to a compassionate, progressive America.

    • Student Loan Debt Relief: Legal Challenges and ControversiesThe Biden administration's student loan debt relief plan faces legal challenges from Republicans, with privately held federal student loans excluded from the relief. Eligible borrowers can still receive relief, but the plan's constitutionality is being debated in courts.

      The debate surrounding student loan debt relief in America continues to be contentious, with the Biden administration's plan facing legal challenges from Republicans. The discussion centered around the exclusion of borrowers with privately held federal student loans from the relief program. The Education Department initially advised these borrowers to consolidate their loans into federal direct loans to qualify for relief, but later changed the guidance, stating that they cannot obtain relief by consolidating. The administration passed the relief bill under the Post-9/11 Heroes Act, but it is being challenged in courts for constitutionality. The administration has pulled back on certain aspects of the plan to weaken the challenge in court. While not all borrowers are eligible for relief, a significant number still are. The issue of student loan debt and access to education remains a pressing concern in America, with many advocating for comprehensive debt relief and affordable education for all.

    • The Republican Party's refusal to address educational scams and allocate resources effectively during the Trump administration under Betsy DeVosThe lack of funding for education due to the current tax system and Republican Party policies is hindering societal progress. A progressive tax system could help, but transparency and fair allocation of funds are crucial to prevent misuse.

      The lack of sufficient funding for education, which is crucial for societal progress, can be attributed to the refusal of the Republican Party, specifically during the Trump administration under Betsy DeVos, to address educational scams and allocate resources effectively. This issue is further compounded by the current tax system that disproportionately benefits the wealthy, leaving insufficient funds for public education and other societal needs. To address this, a progressive tax system could be implemented, where those with higher incomes pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes. However, ensuring the transparency and fair allocation of these funds is a significant challenge, requiring vigilant oversight to prevent fraud and misuse. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure that wealth is used productively to improve education, healthcare, and other essential services for the benefit of society as a whole.

    • Addressing Wealth Disparity: A Serious ConversationA democratically elected government should oversee the distribution of resources to ensure fairness and transparency, addressing the wealth disparity issue and promoting a more equitable society for all.

      The current wealth disparity is a cause for concern, with some attributing it to greed and the fear of wealth reallocation. Those with vast fortunes have been criticized for pilfering the system through various means, and there's a worry that letting them manage charitable contributions could lead to mismanagement. The solution, according to the speaker, is a democratically elected government to oversee the distribution of resources, ensuring fairness and transparency. The history-making wealth disparity demands a serious conversation about how to address this issue and ensure a more equitable society. The speaker emphasizes that everyone, regardless of wealth, deserves a voice in how resources are allocated for the betterment of society as a whole.

    • Strive for balance and gradual changeFocus on compassion, love, and gradual change in politics and society. Legalize psychedelics for perspective shift and community building. Address economic disparities and promote a better-regulated capitalist economy.

      While there may be imperfections in political leaders and the system, it's important to focus on the balance of good and to strive for gradual change. Compassion and love should be the guiding principles, rather than greed or perfect solutions. The legalization of psychedelics could potentially help shift perspectives and foster a sense of community. Ultimately, the goal is to create fewer "losers" by providing more opportunities and addressing economic disparities. A better-regulated capitalist economy may help harness the human spirit for ambition and accomplishment without letting greed become the driving force.

    • Focusing on making the world better for allStrive for happiness, kindness, and empathy, not just wealth accumulation. FOMO is unimportant, focus on present moment peace.

      Life is a brief experience, and focusing solely on accumulating wealth for oneself doesn't enhance it or make the world a better place. Instead, striving to make the world safer, happier, and healthier for everyone, especially those historically disenfranchised, is the best way forward. Psychedelics can offer a unique perspective on this, helping individuals understand their place in the larger pattern of things. Kindness, understanding, and empathy are essential for personal happiness and overall well-being. The story of the two duty-free shop founders illustrates this, as the one who gave away his wealth may have been happier than the one who kept it. FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a common feeling, but it's essential to remember that not being at every glamorous event or backstage doesn't detract from the richness of life's experiences. Ultimately, it's about finding peace and contentment in the present moment.

    • Unexpected Encounters with Famous FiguresAppreciate the present and recognize the value of experiences, even if their significance is not immediately clear.

      Even when we find ourselves in extraordinary circumstances or meet influential people, we often don't fully appreciate the significance of the moment while it's happening. It's only in retrospect that we realize how fortunate and special those experiences were. The speaker shares stories of unexpected encounters with famous figures like Michael Jackson, Madonna, and presidents, and how they seemed normal at the time but now stand out as remarkable. These moments, though initially unextraordinary, became part of an extraordinary life. The speaker's reflections remind us to cherish the present and recognize the value of our experiences, even if we don't fully understand their significance until later.

    • Michael Jackson's Unusual Interview ConditionMichael Jackson's fear and guarded nature prevented an interview from happening during his peak fame, despite potential intriguing topics based on his background as a child star.

      Michael Jackson, despite his public image and fame, was a complex individual who could be guarded and difficult to interview. He insisted on an unusual interview condition - in the dark - which was eventually canceled. The interview was postponed due to his fear, and it took place during a time when allegations against him were just rumors. Despite his nice and curious demeanor, Michael Jackson had a dark side that he carefully concealed. He had a history of being a child star with a controlling father, which could have made for intriguing interview topics, but he was unlikely to open up about his personal experiences. The interview ultimately didn't happen, but the encounter provided a glimpse into the unusual world of Michael Jackson during his peak fame.

    • Michael Jackson's childhood and vocal development: Truth or Controversy?Despite ongoing speculation, the details of Michael Jackson's childhood and vocal development remain uncertain, with claims of child abuse and castration lacking substantial evidence.

      The relationship between Michael Jackson and the stories surrounding his childhood and vocal development has been the subject of much speculation and controversy. Diana Ross, who was previously believed to have discovered and mentored Michael, clarified that she had minimal involvement with him. Allegations of child abuse and chemical castration have been made, but their validity remains uncertain. Michael Jackson's unique voice, which contributed significantly to his success, has been attributed to various causes, including castration and vocal training as a Castrato. However, the veracity of these claims is debatable. Ultimately, the true story of Michael Jackson's childhood and vocal development may never be fully known, but his music continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

    • The Risks and Consequences of Revealing Innermost SecretsFame can lead to a loss of privacy and the need to hide one's true self, but revealing innermost secrets can have significant risks and consequences.

      Fame can be a double-edged sword, leading to a loss of privacy and the inability to express one's true self. This was evident in the cases of John Lennon and Michael Jackson, both of whom felt trapped by their fame and sought to break free in different ways. John Lennon, after the Beatles' breakup, gave a raw and revealing interview, baring his soul and sharing his opinions on politics and peace. Michael Jackson, on the other hand, posed naked on the cover of Rolling Stone to escape the constraints of his teen idol image and the suffocating fame that came with it. However, the risks of revealing one's innermost secrets were significant, as both men ultimately faced the consequences of their actions, with Lennon's career continuing but his personal life suffering, and Jackson's career coming to an end due to allegations and scandals.

    • Maintaining Authenticity in FameStay grounded through physical exercise, be true to yourself, and make work challenging to mitigate the effects of fame.

      Handling fame requires self-awareness and deliberate efforts to maintain authenticity. Joe Rogan, who has been famous for a long time, shared his experience of not letting fame get to him by being true to himself, staying grounded through physical exercise, and making his work challenging. He emphasized that performers and public figures often wear masks to cope with the pressures of fame, but he's fortunate enough not to have that issue. He also mentioned that psychedelics have helped him connect with people without a mask. Ultimately, Rogan's advice is to be conscious of the effects of fame and take steps to mitigate them while staying true to who you are.

    • Mick Jagger and Bruce Springsteen's contrasting approaches to their personal livesMick Jagger keeps his personal life private and expresses himself through art, while Bruce Springsteen is open on stage but values privacy off stage.

      Performers like Mick Jagger and Bruce Springsteen, despite their public personas and extraordinary talents on stage, have different ways of expressing themselves and handling their personal lives. Mick Jagger, a British performer known for his mysterious image and reserved personality, prefers to keep his personal life private and reveals himself through his art. Bruce Springsteen, on the other hand, is an open and expressive person who pours his heart out on stage but values his privacy off stage. Both artists have unique approaches to their craft and personal lives, demonstrating that everyone has a complex inner world that may not always align with their public image.

    • Obama's focus on unity left Democratic Party weakenedObama's reluctance to engage in politics hindered his ability to govern effectively and left a power vacuum for opposition parties to exploit.

      President Obama's approach to his presidency, marked by a desire to avoid politics and focus on unity, ultimately left his party in a weakened state and missed an opportunity to hold accountable those responsible for the Iraq War. His reluctance to engage in the political process and cultivate relationships with donors and party leaders hindered his ability to effectively govern and left a power vacuum for opposition parties to exploit. Despite his historic and transformational presidency, this misstep is a reminder of the importance of political savvy and engagement in achieving policy goals and maintaining a strong political base.

    • Navigating the complexities of power and politicsPoliticians, even during campaigns, are guarded in interviews, but asking open-ended questions can help reveal their feelings, plans, and purposes. Commitment to scheduled interviews remains even in unexpected circumstances.

      Being in a position of power, like the presidency, can be a complex and nuanced experience. Joe Biden, an idealistic visionary, had to navigate the political landscape to get things done. Interviews with politicians, especially during campaigns, are carefully managed to avoid revealing sensitive information or upsetting industries. As an interviewer, my goal is to understand the person behind the politician, asking open-ended questions about their feelings, plans, and purposes. Even in unexpected circumstances, like Obama's election loss, politicians remain committed to their scheduled interviews.

    • The Pressure of Presidency and AuthenticityPresidents face immense pressure to maintain a public persona, potentially hindering their ability to express themselves fully and progress. Authenticity is important, but challenging to achieve in the presidency.

      Presidents, especially during and after an election, face immense pressure to maintain a public persona and adhere to a narrative, often inhibiting their ability to express themselves fully and potentially hindering progress. During a conversation with Obama after his election loss, the speaker expressed frustration with the constraints of the presidency and the importance of authenticity, comparing it to the challenges artists face in revealing too much of themselves. Despite the complexities, the speaker values the importance of trying to get presidents to express themselves honestly, even if it may not always be possible.

    • The importance of sincerity and honesty in politicsPoliticians' sincerity and honesty resonate with the public, but the current political climate makes it risky for them to openly express opinions due to harsh criticism and orchestrated attacks. Balancing free expression and regulation is crucial for promoting healthy political discourse.

      The sincerity and honesty of political figures, especially during times of conflict and debate, resonates with the public. George McGovern, for instance, was known for his honesty and passion during the Vietnam War era. However, the current political climate, influenced by the internet and social media, makes it risky for politicians to openly express their opinions and debate the stakes, as they may face harsh criticism and orchestrated attacks. The internet, while a powerful tool for democratizing communication and expressing opinions, requires regulation to prevent malicious intent, reckless disregard for truth, and orchestrated narratives. Unfortunately, the government, which could potentially regulate the internet, has its own biases and limitations. Therefore, finding a balance between free expression and regulation is crucial for promoting healthy political discourse.

    • Government's Role in Regulating the InternetThe government, despite its imperfections, is best-positioned to regulate the internet to ensure privacy, safety, and truth in information, but it requires effective politicians and a commitment to the public good.

      While the government may be the most viable option for regulating the internet, there are concerns about its ability to do so in the best interests of the public, rather than corporate interests. The internet, as a disruptive technology, poses unique challenges and opportunities, and its integration into human life raises important ethical questions. The metaverse and the full integration of technology into human beings' lives bring both convenience and potential risks, and it's crucial to establish regulations to ensure privacy, safety, and truth in information. The government, despite its imperfections, is the best-positioned entity to tackle these issues, but it requires better politicians and a commitment to the public good. The history of regulation in other industries, such as food and pharmaceuticals, offers lessons on the importance of effective regulation and the potential consequences of inadequate oversight.

    • Role of Government: Power, Complexity, and ParticipationThe government, with its power and complexity, requires checks and balances to prevent misuse. Individuals must engage in the political process to ensure proper representation and progress.

      The role of government is complex and multifaceted. It has the power to accomplish great things, but also the potential for mistakes. The importance of checks and balances among the three branches helps prevent things from getting out of control. Throughout history, we've seen the government lead us to victory in times of war and face challenges that left us reeling. However, it's essential for individuals to engage in the political process by running for office, voting, and advocating for representation. The impact of media, like Rolling Stone, in giving voice to the unheard and shaping narratives cannot be understated. Overall, the government is a vital part of our society, and active participation in it is crucial for positive change.

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    Unravel the CIA's LSD "research" that fueled and depleted 60s counterculture, discredited dissenters, and shattered communities to quell anti-war activism!💥
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    This story was written by: @hacker3798415. Learn more about this writer by checking @hacker3798415's about page, and for more stories, please visit hackernoon.com.

    The CIA released LSD to disrupt dissent. Unwitting pawn Ken Kesey spread LSD, fueling counterculturetouting it as liberating, as it devastated anti-war protests. Manipulation masked as freedom, the hippie ethos was corrupted. Psychedelic escapism distracted from activism. Once clean-cut students, anti-war protesters were discredited as "dirty, ignorant, communist...degenerates." Introduced to sow chaos, LSD catalyzed cultural shifts undermining freedom. Except for the CIA assassins.

    8. Strange Land

    8. Strange Land
    Just as Papa Harper dies of alcoholism, Dad gets promoted and moves his reluctant family to the east coast. Billy and Diana and I go to college, seeking sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, while the younger three are miserable in their new home.Just as Papa Harper dies of alcoholism, Dad gets promoted and moves his reluctant family to the east coast. Billy and Diana and I go to college, seeking sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll, while the younger three are miserable in their new home.