
    Podcast Summary

    • A Family Legacy of Paranormal EncountersThe speaker's family history is steeped in spirituality and the paranormal, with stories passed down from grandmothers to mothers and experiences of possession and ritual magic.

      The speaker's family history and experiences have shaped their strong connection to the paranormal and spiritual world. The speaker's grandmother, who was very sensitive to the paranormal and religious, passed down stories of her own encounters to the speaker's mother. The speaker's mother was involved in the new age movement until the speaker was nine years old. Additionally, the speaker's family history includes a magician who was part of a group called the Demons Club, which suggests a deeper involvement with ritual magic. Later in life, the speaker experienced demonic possession while transitioning from the new age movement back to Christianity, and their husband performed an exorcism. This history of spiritual sensitivity and encounters with the paranormal runs deep in the speaker's family and has significantly influenced their life.

    • Childhood experiences with psychics and potential encounters with spiritsThe speaker's childhood visits to psychic fairs and encounters with mediums may have sparked their interest in the spiritual world and potentially influenced their beliefs.

      The speaker's mother took them to psychic fairs and mediums when they were young, and at one point, a psychic identified the speaker as having gifts or powers. The speaker may have been communicating with spirits, possibly including their deceased grandmother, at a young age. The word "cordon," which means a line or circle of guards preventing access to an area, was used by the speaker when they were 2 years old, and they later learned that their grandmother had died in a car accident around that time. The speaker's mother dismissed these experiences as the speaker being sensitive like her own mother, but the speaker later realized that the experiences could have spiritual significance. The speaker also shared a story about their grandmother appearing to them in a doorway of light and beckoning them to come, but the speaker did not believe it was truly their grandmother. Overall, the speaker's experiences with the psychic and potential encounters with spirits in their childhood may have influenced their beliefs and understanding of the spiritual world.

    • Childhood encounters with shadow figures and religious conversionThe speaker's childhood experiences with shadow figures left her feeling scared and watched, leading her to explore the paranormal. Later, her mother's conversion to Christianity and her own acceptance of Jesus at age 9 influenced her spiritual journey, but she later questioned her faith after realizing that some experiences were not divine.

      The speaker experienced encounters with shadow figures since childhood, including one instance where a shadow figure prayed in front of her bed. These experiences left her feeling scared and watched, leading her to develop an interest in the paranormal. However, when her mother converted to Christianity and encouraged the family to follow suit, the speaker accepted Jesus into her heart at the age of 9. She believed she heard God's voice, but later realized it was not God, leading her to feel that God was always displeased with her. Additionally, the speaker and her brother encountered three shadow beings they called "the farmers," who were larger and wore overalls and straw hats despite being shadow figures. These experiences shaped the speaker's perception of the paranormal and her spiritual journey.

    • Siblings share nightmares of three farmersAs children, siblings had recurring nightmares of three farmers. These dreams felt real and seemed to occur simultaneously. They shared a belief in a supernatural presence in their childhood home, which continued into adulthood with shared experiences.

      The speakers, siblings throughout their childhood, shared a common experience of nightmares involving three farmers. These nightmares felt real, and they seemed to occur simultaneously. The speakers did not discuss these experiences until they were older, around 15, when they lived in South Carolina and had a waking experience involving the farmers. This experience was so vivid that both siblings saw the farmers in their rooms. Although they did not discuss the cause of these experiences, they shared the belief that something supernatural was present in their childhood home. Later in life, one of the speakers' husband also reported seeing the farmers in the same house. These shared experiences, which continued into adulthood, suggest a deep and lasting connection between the siblings and a mysterious presence in their past.

    • Childhood and adult experiences with paranormal occurrencesThe speaker's life was filled with unexplained paranormal occurrences, from childhood to adulthood, including seeing apparitions, hearing strange noises, and witnessing demonic faces. Despite the fear, these experiences became normal for them.

      The speaker experienced numerous paranormal occurrences throughout their life, starting from childhood. They described seeing apparitions, hearing strange noises, and even witnessing demonic faces manifest on people's faces. One incident involved seeing a solid apparition of a figure with a black cape and boots, who walked across a hallway in their childhood home. Despite the fear and strangeness of these experiences, they became normal for the speaker over time. Even as an adult, they continued to encounter paranormal activity, such as seeing apparitions in their own home. The speaker's experiences suggest that they may have a spiritual gift for discerning spirits or encountering the paranormal. Overall, their story highlights the unexplained and often inexplicable nature of paranormal phenomena.

    • Two Unusual Encounters with ApparitionsThe speaker's experiences showcase the unpredictable and inexplicable nature of paranormal encounters and their potential effect on families

      The speaker had two encounters with apparitions in her life - one in her own yard and another in her home involving her children. The first apparition was a man with glowing blue eyes who disappeared in an unusual way, leading the speaker to believe it was an apparition and not a man with night vision goggles. The second encounter involved her children's toys moving on their own, and she spoke to the entity, only to have her oldest son become terrified. The speaker expressed her frustration with these experiences, wishing to protect her children from the paranormal activity she had faced in her own childhood. The key takeaway is that the speaker's experiences highlight the unexpected and unexplainable nature of paranormal encounters and the potential impact they can have on individuals and their families.

    • Family encounters paranormal entity causing unexplained eventsA family experienced distressing paranormal encounters, including seeing a rainbow spiral and 'ghost boy', hearing their cat growl, and seeing a face outside their window. Seeking help from a Christian psychic revealed the entity was evil and trying to attach itself to their son, causing further fear and uncertainty.

      This individual and her family experienced a series of unexplained events that they believed involved paranormal entities. The first encounter involved their son seeing a rainbow spiral and a "ghost boy" in old-fashioned clothes who wanted to be a part of their lives. The family also reported hearing their cat growl and seeing a face outside their window, which they believed was the same entity trying to scare them. They sought help from a Christian psychic, who warned them that the entity was evil and trying to attach itself to their son. Despite the warning, the entity continued to make contact, causing the family significant distress. The experiences left the family feeling fearful and uncertain, and they took steps to protect themselves, including seeking spiritual guidance and avoiding looking out the windows at night.

    • Unexplained experiences lead family to question faithUnexplained phenomena in children's lives challenged a family's faith, prompting them to explore alternative beliefs.

      This individual's life took an unexpected turn as their children began experiencing unexplained phenomena, leading them away from their Christian faith towards alternative philosophies. Their oldest son had dreams and downloads of binary code, reminiscent of a UFO incident in the UK. Their daughter shared stories of past lives, and their youngest son, who was speech-delayed, revealed information about a different father. These experiences left the individual seeking answers and ultimately leading them to question their faith and explore new beliefs. The lack of explanation or understanding from their religious community further fueled their curiosity and exploration.

    • A child's vivid account of past life memoriesA child's past life memories can include deeply emotional experiences and challenge one's beliefs, affecting their present life.

      The speaker shared a deeply emotional and vivid account of a child's past life memories, which included a house fire, a locket, and a mean father. The child, who rarely spoke, began talking about another family and a past life, describing a log cabin, a daddy with a Darth Vader mask, and even a man in his classroom who was angry because he was alive and the man wasn't. The child's memories also included the animals hating them because they hunted and put animals in cages. The speaker tried to make sense of these memories and began researching past life memories, leading her down a path that challenged her Christian beliefs and even resulted in unwanted spiritual experiences. Overall, the speaker's account highlights the complexity and depth of children's past life memories and the potential impact they can have on their present lives.

    • Exploring spiritual practices can lead to profound experiences and challengesApproach spiritual practices with an open mind, prepare for the unexpected, and maintain healthy relationships while respecting others' beliefs.

      Exploring the unknown and delving deep into various spiritual practices can lead to profound experiences and insights, but it can also come with challenges and unexpected encounters. The speaker shares her experience of communicating with entities during a hypnosis technique called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), which involved regressing people to past lives and connecting with their higher selves or extraterrestrial beings. While she found success in healing past traumas and clearing negative attachments, she also encountered entities that made predictions and shared information about the world. However, her practice of QHHT led her to become more withdrawn from her family and hold strong beliefs different from theirs, causing tension. It's essential to approach spiritual practices with an open mind and be prepared for the unexpected while maintaining healthy relationships and respecting others' beliefs.

    • A spiritual journey and societal pressureThrough personal pain and synchronicities, a woman learns to follow her own path, believing in love and light, and accepting all walks of life.

      The speaker's spiritual journey led her to believe in the concept of love and light, where everything returns to neutral and all walks of life are accepted. However, her personal experiences of pain and unhappiness in her marriage led her to leave her husband despite societal pressure to keep the family together. During this time, she felt that something supernatural was attached to her pain. Her husband, in response, rededicated himself to his faith and became a better father for their children. The speaker's belief system emphasized synchronicities and following the flow of the universe, which guided her decision to leave her marriage. Ultimately, her spiritual journey and personal experiences shaped her perspective on love, light, and the importance of following one's own path.

    • Exploring new beliefs through dialogue with GodOpen-minded dialogue with God can lead to personal growth and transformation, even if it means challenging deeply held beliefs.

      Challenging one's beliefs and engaging in open-minded dialogue with God can lead to profound personal growth and transformation. The speaker shares her experience of having a secular view of God and Christians, but after being confronted with synchronicities and a thought-provoking book, she began to question her beliefs. She realized that the new age community she was part of lacked the compassion and support she could find in Christianity. Ultimately, she came to understand that God was speaking to her and guiding her towards a deeper faith, using her own philosophies to help her make the connection. This experience underscores the importance of remaining open to new ideas and perspectives, even when they challenge our deeply held beliefs.

    • A former blogger's spiritual transformation leads him to follow JesusA blogger's profound transformation led him to give up wealth and follow Jesus, inspiring others to reconsider their beliefs.

      Steven Bankar, a former blogger known for his interest in metaphysics and ancient aliens, had a profound spiritual transformation that led him to give up his wealth and follow Jesus Christ. This transformation was so significant that he shut down his successful blog and walked away from his income. Despite their shared interests, the speaker had not known the full extent of Bankar's story until they were encouraged to watch his testimony years later. The testimony moved the speaker deeply and led them to reconsider their understanding of Jesus Christ. In the context of the discussion, the speaker also mentioned Pretty Litter, a convenient and odorless cat litter that is delivered to your door. However, the main focus of the takeaway is the powerful impact of Bankar's spiritual transformation and the importance of being open to new perspectives.

    • The concept of Christ consciousness as self-deification and self-serving enlightenment can be seen as a form of Luciferianism.The new age movement's emphasis on personal growth and spiritual exploration can be alluring, but it's crucial to examine its underlying beliefs carefully, including the concept of Christ consciousness as a form of self-deification, which challenges traditional Christian beliefs.

      The concept of Christ consciousness, as popularized by figures like Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle, can be seen as a form of Luciferianism due to its emphasis on individuals becoming their own gods and creators, rather than adhering to traditional religious beliefs and the role of Jesus Christ as a savior. This perspective challenges the traditional Christian belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the need for faith in a higher power. It's essential to understand that this interpretation is not about the evil connotations of Satanism but rather the idea of self-deification and self-serving enlightenment. The new age movement, with its emphasis on personal growth and spiritual exploration, can be deceptively alluring, and it's crucial to examine its underlying beliefs carefully.

    • Spiritual guides turning against individualsBelief in spiritual guides can lead to distress if they turn against individuals, emphasizing the importance of seeking support and protection during spiritual challenges.

      Spiritual guides or beings, which some people believe provide love, guidance, and protection, can instead turn against individuals and cause mental, emotional, and psychological distress. This experience, known as "guides turning on you," is common among those who have been involved in the new age movement and later converted to Christianity. The torment can be so intense that it may seem like a spiritual warfare, with voices and accusations clamoring in one's mind. This was the speaker's personal experience, and she emphasizes that without the protection of her husband, the situation could have been much worse. The speaker's story underscores the importance of seeking support and protection when facing spiritual challenges.

    • A Test of Faith: Confronting Darkness Alone or With Help?During spiritual struggles, it's crucial to seek support and not face darkness alone, as illustrated by a woman's encounter with a dark being demanding a blood sacrifice and her subsequent realization of the importance of calling for help.

      The speaker experienced a disturbing dream involving a dark being demanding a blood sacrifice and feeling the presence of evil. Despite her faith in Jesus, she felt scared and alone, unable to feel his presence or the Holy Spirit's comfort. She came to understand that the experience was a test of her faith and that she couldn't face it alone. The being in her dream was described as having a humanoid shape with a large, bulbous head, huge eyes, and jagged teeth. The speaker was advised by Jesus to call for help and not face the darkness on her own. This experience underscores the importance of seeking support and relying on faith during times of spiritual struggle.

    • A woman's spiritual crisis and her husband's help at churchDuring a spiritual crisis, seeking help from faith and loved ones can lead to a transformative experience, even when faced with intense resistance

      During a spiritual crisis, a woman sought help from her husband after experiencing disturbing encounters with an unknown entity. Her husband, who had also seen the entity during a prayer session, took her to church to seek help. In the sanctuary, they encountered intense resistance, with the woman being choked and the husband being hit by an object. The husband read from the Bible and prayed, urging the woman to profess Jesus as Lord. Despite her cognitive dissonance, she did so, and a loud, agonizing scream ensued. Her mouth reportedly opened abnormally wide as the entity left her. The woman had a vision during this moment, and her eyes were closed. This experience underscores the power of faith and the importance of seeking help during spiritual struggles.

    • Encountering Otherworldly Beings and the Battle for MarriageA spiritual experience led the speaker to encounter various beings, resulting in a deep-rooted hatred towards her husband, catatonia, and months of prayer and deliverance. The Holy Spirit played a crucial role in restoring their marriage, but the speaker continues to feel unsafe without her husband.

      The speaker encountered a vision of countless different types of beings during a spiritual experience, which she believed served the God of this world if they were not angels of the Lord. After the vision, she was left with a deep-rooted hatred towards her husband that she knew wasn't hers. She became catatonic for several weeks and turned off her phone to disengage from the world. With her husband, they prayed for deliverance and expelled various entities, some with known demonic names, over several months. The Holy Spirit played a significant role in restoring their family and resurrecting their marriage, but the speaker still feels unsafe when away from her husband. Overall, the speaker's experience underscores the complexity and persistence of spiritual warfare and the importance of faith and prayer in overcoming it.

    • Sharing Paranormal Experiences Brings People TogetherPersonal experiences with the paranormal can connect individuals despite differences, and creating a support group can provide a safe space for sharing and finding understanding.

      Personal experiences with the paranormal can bring people together despite their different backgrounds and beliefs. The speaker shared her story of encountering an entity with jagged teeth and the impact it had on her life, which resonated with others who had similar experiences. The speaker also expressed the need for a support group for those dealing with paranormal experiences. The group could provide a safe space for individuals to share their stories and find understanding and support. The speaker suggested creating a private email group as a starting point for such a support group. Additionally, she expressed a desire to create a website to help connect people dealing with paranormal experiences with resources and support. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of sharing personal experiences and providing support for those dealing with the unknown.

    • Churches prioritizing growth over supernatural teachingsChurches should balance growth with supernatural teachings for proper spiritual guidance, and experts can help fill the knowledge gap.

      Many Christian churches in America have prioritized growing their congregations and paying bills over delving deeply into the supernatural teachings of the Bible, leading to a lack of understanding and resources for those dealing with supernatural attachments. The speaker expresses frustration with this trend and encourages pastors to reconsider their priorities, acknowledging that discussing the supernatural can be challenging but necessary for providing proper spiritual guidance and support to their congregations. Additionally, the speaker suggests that individuals like themselves, who have expertise in the supernatural, can help fill the gap in knowledge and understanding within the church.

    • Every believer has a role in helping those dealing with spiritual strugglesBelievers should support each other in spiritual battles, pastors should address these issues, and spiritual warfare is a reality for all Christians.

      Every believer has a role to play in helping those dealing with spiritual struggles, and pastors should not self-censor when addressing these issues. The spiritual world is a reality, and focusing on Jesus does not make one immune to spiritual battles. The enemy of God is always present, and every person is valuable to him. Deliverance or casting out demons was a significant part of Jesus' ministry and should not be overlooked. The division among Christian denominations is unbiblical and hinders the effectiveness of the body of Christ. It's essential to understand that being a Christian involves spiritual warfare, and being equipped with knowledge and resources can help believers navigate these battles.

    • The Power of Open DialogueEngaging in open and authentic conversations can lead to unexpected connections, personal growth, and touching the lives of others.

      Open and authentic conversations can lead to unexpected connections and personal growth. The guest on the show, Lauren, shared her experiences and perspectives, which resonated deeply with the host, Sony. While some parts of the conversation stirred strong emotions in Sony, he ultimately appreciated the opportunity to engage in a meaningful discussion. Sony emphasized that he did not come on the show with the intention of promoting himself, but rather to share his story and potentially help others. The conversation between Sony and Lauren demonstrated the power of open dialogue and the potential for it to touch the lives of listeners. Sony expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to share and encouraged listeners to engage in similar conversations with others.

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    enJuly 03, 2024

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    Nathan Reynolds:
    YouTube: @NathanReynolds
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    Joel Thomas - Adios
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    enJuly 02, 2024

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    enJuly 01, 2024

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    Chad Riley: Skinwalkers & Stranger Things Of The Unseen Realm

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    Joel Thomas - Missing
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    The Confessionals
    enJune 25, 2024

    RELOADED | 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia

    RELOADED | 502: Lost Treasure and Secret Petroglyphs of Virginia
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    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 24, 2024

    Introducing: Free The Rabbits

    Introducing: Free The Rabbits
    How deep down the rabbit hole have you gone? Do you currently reside there? If so, it's time to touch grass and get your tail out of the hole!

    “Free The Rabbits” is a new podcast by Joel Thomas that explores the conspiratorial world without getting lost in the proverbial rabbit hole. It's easy to attribute negative causes and effects to events that don't make sense around us. While sometimes there might be a valid case for such machinations, there's just as likely a simple explanation. Joel Thomas doesn’t shy away from the weird, supernatural, and paranormal, but he offers a unique perspective on conspiracies. He acknowledges that theories are just that—possibilities, not provable facts.

    Subscribe to Free The Rabbits:
    Apple: bit.ly/3KU8YvG
    Spotify: bit.ly/3VBkPna
    YouTube: youtube.com/@FreeTheRabbits
    Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-6304269
    Instagram: instagram.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    X: x.com/FTR_Podcast_
    Facebook: facebook.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    The Confessionals
    enJune 21, 2024

    Members Preview | 662: Field Of Fear

    Members Preview | 662: Field Of Fear
    In episode 662: Field Of Fear, Eugene shares his many experiences with the paranormal that have spanned many years. He begins his story with eerie backyard phenomena, including strange vocalizations and a glowing orbs, that he and his wife had seen together. Eugene then shares his harrowing experience of coon hunting, where he and others encountered unexplained metallic slams, red eyes, and a mysterious creature with large ears and long fingers, emitting a foul smell. It terrified him so much at the time, that he is still shaken up by it to this day.

    He then recounts his family's eerie encounters with supernatural entities, his stepson's dark magic, and his own mysterious sightings. He talks about his fascination with magic, paganism, portals, Kentucky giants, UFOs, and strange lights, concluding with a dive into genealogy and family history, including his involvement in the Free Masons. 

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 20, 2024

    Free The Rabbits

    Free The Rabbits
    In this bonus episode, Joel Thomas joins Tony Merkel on this special edition of The Confessionals for an in-depth preview of the newest Merkel Media podcast, Free The Rabbits. Joel shares his introspective journey, navigating the complex conspiratorial world and his mission to find his place amidst the turmoil. He offers a positive perspective, illuminating the potential for a brighter future in what may seem like a world on the edge. He takes us on a transformative journey, unveiling the path he's trodden to reach this point and the exciting possibilities for future growth.

    Free The Rabbits
    YouTube: youtube.com/@FreeTheRabbits
    Rumble: rumble.com/c/c-6304269
    Instagram: instagram.com/freetherabbitspodcast
    X: x.com/FTR_Podcast_
    Facebook: facebook.com/freetherabbitspodcast

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 19, 2024

    661: Clash of the Celestial Powers

    661: Clash of the Celestial Powers
    In episode 661: Clash of Celestial Powers, Julie Lopez, a former witch, unveils her generational ties to witchcraft and her escape from its clutches. Julie delves into her family's dark past, her early initiation into rituals like the ring of fire ceremony and demons speaking in tongues, and her chilling encounters with demons and angels. She explores the fear of demonic forces, the thin veil between worlds, and the secrets of astral projection and the demonic hierarchy. Discover the gripping importance of spiritual protection in this captivating conversation.

    Julie Lopez
    Website: https://www.julie-lopez.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yuyi_23
    YouTube: https://bit.ly/3whoNJ5

    Sasquatch and The Missing Man: merkelfilms.com
    Merkel Media Apparel: merkmerch.com

    The Confessionals Members App:
    Apple Store: https://apple.co/3UxhPrh
    Google Play: https://bit.ly/43mk8kZ

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Prepare with Valley Food Storage:
    Get your Nephilim Blaster 2000:
    Bluecosmo Satellite phones:
    See Bigfoot with Sionyx night vision:
    Emergency medical with My Medic:
    Black Beard Fire Starters:
    EcoFlow Power Generators:
    GoDark Faraday Bags: https://alnk.to/5jke3rk
    EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase!

    SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/the-newsletter

    Merkel Media
    257 N. Calderwood St., #301
    Alcoa, TN 37701

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/theconfessionals/
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel
    Produced by: @jack_theproducer

    Joel Thomas - Missing
    YouTube | Apple Music | Spotify
    The Confessionals
    enJune 18, 2024

    Related Episodes

    RELOADED | 70: The Dark Mass

    RELOADED | 70: The Dark Mass
    On Episode 70: The Dark Mass, guest Timothy comes on to share some of these paranormal occurrences that have been happening since he was four years old! Timothy’s stories show us that sometimes people just can't escape the horrors of life - no matter how far they run or how many things they change, there remains a constant paranormal environment around them. 

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    Come Meet Tony:
    1. Smoky Mountain Bigfoot Conference
    2. LIVE SHOW in Gatlinburg, TN!

    Watch Expedition Dogman: https://bit.ly/3CE6Kg0

    Tony's Studio Equipment: linktr.ee/mystudiogear

    GET EMP Shield:
    empshield.com Coupon Code: "tony" for $50 off every item you purchase! Listen to this episode for more information! Link: bit.ly/3YaMD1N
    GET SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals
    GET Hello Fresh: hellofresh.com/confessionals60 Promo Code: "confessionals60" for 60% off plus free shipping!!!
    Get Emergency Food Supplies: www.preparewiththeconfessionals.com

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: contact@theconfessionalspodcast.com
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    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Discord: https://discord.gg/KDn4D2uw7h
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Are you a military veteran struggling with thoughts of suicide?
    Contact Watchman Readiness Corps for REAL help. A veteran-run organization that is designed to help through hands-on survival training.
    Website: wrc.vet
    Email: watchmanreadiness@gmail.com
    (214) 912-8714
    Instagram: wrc_survival
    Facebook: colbywrcvet

    276: When Angels Sing

    276: When Angels Sing
    On Episode 276: When Angels Sing, we talk with guest Michelle about some amazing stories she wants to share. Her experiences range from seeing apparitions; hearing and feeling things she could not see or explain; nightmares; and sleep paralysis. While talking with her, something comes through on the audio that sounds like an explosion of power in a loudspeaker. Michelle and I both hear the noise and it stops us in our tracks! She also describes an occasion when she was in a worship service and heard an angelic voice singing along with the music. Her experience reminds me of a recording of musician Jason Upton performing in concert - during his performance, an angel was seen on stage, and its voice was recorded singing along with him - so I play that angelic audio on today's show!

    BECOME A MEMBER AND GET ADDITIONAL SHOWS: https://www.theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

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    Get Emergency Food Supplies: http://www.preparewiththeconfessionals.com

    Get Beard Oil: https://bit.ly/2FbOhN5

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI

    Email: theconfessionalspodcast@gmail.com

    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw

    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Show Art: Alika Spahn Naihe (www.hauoliart.com)

    Member Preview | 497: Black Eyed Kid UFO Abduction

    Member Preview | 497: Black Eyed Kid UFO Abduction
    In Episode 497: Black Eyed Kid UFO Abduction, we are going to be speaking with Brandie. Her story involves not only her own abductions, but also the experiences of her father and her children. It started when she was a newborn baby and an entity visited her while she slept in her parents’ room. During this visitation, her mother witnessed the whole event but could not move because she was suddenly paralyzed and could only watch the interaction take place. Later in childhood, Brandie was coaxed outside her home by a little girl with black eyes. Once she began having exchanges with the little girl, she started to realizer something was off. But at that point, it was too late - Brandie was put on a craft after begging to be left alone. Her story is one that makes you question things like, "What are the black-eyed kids?", "What really are UFOs?", and "Could UFOs and these encounters with beings be something more nefarious than previously thought?"

    Become a member for AD FREE listening and EXTRA shows: theconfessionalspodcast.com/join

    WATCH Expedition Dogman: https://amzn.to/3OVyUs6

    GET ExpressVPN:
    GET SIMPLISAFE TODAY: simplisafe.com/confessionals
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    Get Emergency Food Supplies: www.preparewiththeconfessionals.com
    Get Beard Oil: bit.ly/2FbOhN5

    Website: www.theconfessionalspodcast.com
    Email: theconfessionals@theconfessionalspodcast.com
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    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheConfessionalsPodcas
    Twitter: @TConfessionals
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel

    Are you a military veteran struggling with thoughts of suicide?
    Contact Watchman Readiness Corps for REAL help. A veteran-run organization that is designed to help through hands-on survival training.
    Website: wrc.vet
    Email: watchmanreadiness@gmail.com
    (214) 912-8714
    Instagram: wrc_survival
    Facebook: colbywrcvet

    321 | Disturbing Swamp Stories, Alone in the Woods Encounters, and More

    321 | Disturbing Swamp Stories, Alone in the Woods Encounters, and More
    Get 10% off your first month with Betterhelp using this link! http://betterhelp.com/dpp Throw on your swamp boots, it's about to get real boggy and muddy in here. Enjoy these Swamp Stories, Alone in the Woods Encounters and more! Subscribe to the Darkness Prevails Podcast and Leave us a Review on iTunes! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Subscribe to Freaky Folklore and Leave us a Review on iTunes! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0uiX155WEJnN7QVRfo3aQY iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/idhttps-podcasts-apple-com-us-podcast-freaky-folklore/id1550361184 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Music used in the Darkness Prevails Podcast has or may have been provided/created by:  CO.AG: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA Myuu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiSKnkKCKAQVxMUWpZQobuQ Jinglepunks: https://jinglepunks.com/ Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Kevin MacLeod: http://incompetech.com/ Dark Music: https://soundcloud.com/darknessprevailspodcast MrBlackPasta: https://twitter.com/MrBlackPasta Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Member Preview | 461: The Neighborhood Exorcist

    Member Preview | 461: The Neighborhood Exorcist
    In Episode 461: The Neighborhood Exorcist we are talking with Murray. He has an interesting story as his paranormal encounters didn't start with him but rather with his wife. She started having things happen to her and he just brushed it off mostly until it started affecting his son. That's when Murray started reading books about these phenomena and then decided to put what he was learning into action. After a while he found himself exorcising demons pretty regularly but when complete strangers started coming to his house to ask for him to help them with their demons, Murray knew he was being set apart for something special. Now, he still is actively casting demons out of anyone that comes to him for help and he is recording these demons' names in his notebook. 

    Get your tickets to the 1st Annual Dogman/Cryptid Conference: https://bit.ly/3MXCnnu

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    Watch Expedition Dogman: https://bit.ly/36z3B4s

    GET Cerebral: getcerebral.com/tony
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    Email: theconfessionals@theconfessionalspodcast.com

    Subscribe to our YouTube: https://bit.ly/2TlREaI
    Show Instagram: theconfessionalspodcast
    Tony's Instagram: tonymerkelofficial
    Tony's Twitter: @tony_merkel