
    Podcast Summary

    • Guns in America and their connection to Mexican cartelsJournalist Mariana Van Zeller's series 'Traffic' reveals the interconnected illegal gun markets worldwide and how untraceable 'ghost guns' in America fuel violence and immigration.

      The illegal markets around the world, including the black market for guns in America, are more interconnected than many people realize. Journalist Mariana Van Zeller, in her series "Traffic" on National Geographic, exposes how easy it is to buy guns in America and how they end up in the hands of Mexican cartels, contributing to cycles of violence and immigration. The ease of obtaining untraceable "ghost guns" is a particular concern. Despite the controversy surrounding gun stories, Van Zeller's goal as a journalist is to shed light on these issues and spark important conversations.

    • Exploring Untraceable Ghost GunsGhost guns can be made from various materials and methods, and many people involved in their creation are relatable and redeemable, despite their criminal activities.

      A ghost gun is not necessarily a 3D-printed gun, but rather an untraceable one. These guns can be made from various materials, including polymer and metal, using 3D printing technology or traditional methods. Companies like Defense Distributed sell 80% kits, which contain all the parts to build a gun except for the receiver. Ghost guns can also be fully automatic, and some teenagers are even making them. The surprising discovery during the filming of the show was that many people involved in illegal activities are relatable and redeemable, often due to a lack of opportunities. However, there are exceptions, such as white supremacists who advocate for violence and hate. The show's exploration of these edges of society has given the interviewer an optimistic view, as he has found people who are still relatable and redeemable despite their criminal activities.

    • The internet's power to manipulate and the human need to belongThe internet's accessibility and the human psychological need to belong can lead individuals into harmful groups, challenging our understanding of their motivations and requiring empathy and effective communication.

      The internet can be a dangerous place where people, often lost and seeking a sense of community, can be easily manipulated and drawn into harmful groups. This is a result of both the accessibility of the internet and the human psychological need to belong. W. Kamau Bell's interactions with members of hate groups illustrate this phenomenon. On a different note, the production of psychedelic drugs, like LSD, is often driven by a deep belief in the transformative power of these substances, rather than financial gain. A chemist who spent years of his life making LSD shared this perspective, describing how the drug had changed him and how he wanted to provide others with the same experience. This interview challenged my preconceived notions about the motivations of those involved in the production of drugs. Ultimately, the importance of understanding the complex motivations behind people's actions, whether it be the desire for community or the belief in the power of a substance, is crucial for empathy and effective communication.

    • Promising therapeutic benefits of psychedelics for PTSDPsychedelics like LSD and mushrooms can offer relief for PTSD, but careful use and guidance are crucial due to potential risks and negative effects.

      Psychedelic substances like LSD and psilocybin mushrooms have shown promising therapeutic benefits for individuals suffering from PTSD, as shared in a personal story of a bomb disposal expert who found relief after trying these substances under medical supervision. However, these substances can also have risks and potential negative effects, as highlighted by concerns about their abuse and the possibility of triggering mental health issues. It's important to approach their use with caution, proper guidance, and an understanding of individual responses. Additionally, microdosing with psychedelics, such as mushrooms, can provide relaxation and a new perspective on life, but it's essential to consider personal preferences and potential risks. Ultimately, these substances can serve as tools for personal growth and healing, but they require careful consideration and responsible use.

    • The Ineffectiveness of the War on Prescription PillsResources should be redirected towards counseling and legalizing substances like marijuana to combat addiction's root causes, rather than focusing on the war on drugs which has proven ineffective.

      The war on drugs, specifically the war on prescription pills, has not been effective, and instead, resources should be dedicated to counseling and legalizing substances like marijuana while addressing the root causes of addiction. The speakers also discussed their experiences investigating the prescription pill crisis, including encountering threats from those involved in the illegal trade. They emphasized the importance of journalistic integrity and the power of investigative reporting in bringing attention to such issues and driving policy change.

    • The Opioid Crisis: Brothers Behind a Pill Mill ClinicTwo brothers ran a pill mill clinic, American Pain, distributing millions of prescription pills, while few pharmaceutical executives faced consequences despite devastating impact on communities and lives.

      The opioid crisis in America was fueled by two brothers who ran a pill mill clinic in South Florida, named American Pain, which dispensed millions of prescription pills annually. They were eventually caught and sent to prison, but before that, they were interviewed for a film about their operation. Although what they were doing was not legal, few pharmaceutical executives faced prison time, despite the devastating impact on communities and countless lives lost or ruined due to addiction. The brothers spoke openly in the film about their motivations and the deception involved in the industry's claims that opiates were not addictive. The ease with which doctors prescribed opiates, even for minor procedures or when patients refused them, highlights the systemic issue that allowed the crisis to thrive.

    • Pharmaceutical Industry's Role in Opioid CrisisThe pharmaceutical industry's influence on doctors through bribes led to over-prescription of addictive painkillers, contributing to the opioid crisis. Regulations and databases have made it harder for such practices to continue, but the issue remains.

      The pharmaceutical industry's influence on doctors through bribes, kickbacks, and luxurious incentives led to over-prescription of addictive painkillers like OxyContin and Fentanyl. This resulted in a progression of addiction from prescription drugs to heroin, and eventually, to fentanyl-laced heroin, causing mass overdoses. The CEO of one such company is now in prison. The creation of a database and regulations in Florida, such as not allowing prescribing and dispensing at the same location, have made it harder for such practices to continue. However, the issue is still prevalent, and the therapeutic potential of drugs like MDMA is being explored. It's important to remember that not everyone reacts to these substances in the same way, and excessive use can lead to negative consequences.

    • MDMA as a 'Love Drug' and its DangersMDMA, or ecstasy, can produce feelings of heightened love and connection but is linked to organized crime and dangerous consequences. Decriminalization may be a more effective solution, but challenges remain.

      The use of MDMA, or ecstasy, can lead to feelings of heightened love and connection, but its production and distribution are linked to organized crime and dangerous consequences. The speaker shares personal experiences of the euphoric effects of MDMA, describing it as a "love drug" that removes inhibitions and fills users with dopamine and serotonin. However, they also acknowledge the potential dangers, including the illegal production and distribution of the drug, which can lead to organized crime and even death. The speaker shares stories of violence and crime related to MDMA production in the Netherlands and the failure of prohibition-style policies in the United States to effectively address the issue. They suggest that decriminalization, as seen in Portugal, may be a more effective solution, but acknowledge the challenges of implementing such a policy in the face of powerful organized crime networks.

    • Black markets driven by poverty and inequalityPoverty and inequality fuel black markets, incentivizing criminal activities. Those at the bottom risk their lives for little pay, while those at the top reap significant rewards, leading to further criminal enterprises like money laundering.

      Black markets, such as the illegal weed industry, are driven by poverty and inequality, which incentivize people to engage in criminal activities. These markets are often run with impressive entrepreneurship and hard work, but the people at the top profit the most, while those at the bottom risk their lives for little pay. The illegal drug trade, as seen in the example of a million-dollar weed business in downtown LA, thrives on supply and demand, with those willing to take risks reaping significant rewards. However, the proceeds from these illegal activities must be laundered, leading to further criminal enterprises. The crypto market provides another example of this, with scammers making millions through rug pulls, only to launder their ill-gotten gains. The sad reality is that poverty and inequality continue to fuel these black markets, perpetuating a vicious cycle.

    • Crypto Market Unpredictability and Animal Trafficking DiscussedThe crypto market can be unpredictable and risky, as shown by recent scandals. Animal trafficking, including the illegal trade of apes, was also discussed, raising ethical concerns over private collections of exotic animals.

      The crypto market and related industries can be unpredictable and risky, as illustrated by the FTX scandal involving Sam Bankman-Fried and the lack of proper safeguards for investors. Elsewhere in the discussion, there was a focus on the issue of animal trafficking, particularly the illegal trade of apes and the keeping of exotic animals in private collections, such as tigers. It was noted that there are more tigers in captivity in Texas than in the wild, and the ownership of such animals raises ethical concerns. The conversation also touched upon the intersection of money, power, and unusual desires, as seen in the case of individuals who invest in exotic animals or engage in illegal activities like ape trafficking. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and potential dangers of various aspects of our modern world.

    • Monetizing wildlife conservationEffective conservation requires giving animals value through regulated hunting or eco-tourism, but it's crucial to support local communities and provide alternative income sources to prevent poaching.

      Effective wildlife conservation often involves giving animals a monetary value, whether through regulated hunting or eco-tourism. This incentivizes people to protect animal populations and habitats, as seen in areas with regulated hunting and protected parks. However, this approach can also lead to challenges, such as the displacement of local communities who rely on hunting for their livelihoods. For instance, in places like the Congo and Rwanda, where gorillas are endangered, efforts to protect them have led some locals to hunt illegally. To mitigate this, it's essential to provide alternative sources of income and support for these communities, allowing them to benefit from the conservation efforts rather than being pushed further into poaching. Overall, the success of wildlife conservation initiatives depends on finding a balance between protecting animals and respecting the rights and livelihoods of local communities.

    • Threats to Gorillas and Chimpanzees from Poaching and Illegal TradeGorillas and chimpanzees face threats from poaching and illegal trade, with babies hunted for pets or entertainment, leading to family deaths and population endangerment.

      Gorillas and chimpanzees, despite their massive size, can pose a threat to humans due to poaching and illegal trading. These primates, especially chimpanzees, are often hunted for their babies to be sold as pets or for entertainment, leading to the death of entire families. The demand for these animals is high, particularly in the UAE, where private zoos exist for the wealthy. The Bondo apes, a subspecies of chimpanzees, are particularly large and have been documented by wildlife photographers. Despite their endangered status, these animals continue to be hunted and exploited. The trade of these primates not only endangers their populations but also perpetuates cruel practices.

    • Black market for great apes: A lucrative trade in endangered primatesThe black market for great apes, including chimpanzees and bonobos, is a lucrative business driven by demand from wealthy collectors, contributing to their suffering and exploitation. Awareness and action are needed to protect these intelligent and social animals.

      There exists a lucrative black market for great apes, including chimpanzees and bonobos, in spite of their endangered status. These primates, which are our closest relatives, face numerous threats from poaching and illegal trade driven by demand from wealthy collectors. Bonobos, in particular, are known for their peaceful and sexual behavior, making them highly sought after. The existence of this market is disturbing, as it contributes to the suffering and exploitation of these intelligent and social animals. Furthermore, the demand for exotic pets, fueled in part by social media, only exacerbates the problem. It is essential to raise awareness and take action to protect these great apes and put an end to this illegal trade.

    • Challenges and Criticism in JournalismJournalists like Amanda Ripley face opposition and threats while investigating controversial topics, but they remain committed to uncovering the truth and bringing important stories to light.

      Gaining access to unique stories and investigating controversial topics often comes with challenges and criticism. Journalist Amanda Ripley shared her experiences of facing opposition and even fame while reporting on various stories, including gun ownership and conspiracy theories. She revealed that some individuals and groups dislike her work and even threaten her, while others want to be featured on her show. Ripley also highlighted the existence of people who distrust the government and resist new laws, comparing them to those who opposed regulations in the past. Despite the challenges, Ripley remains committed to her work and continues to investigate subjects that require access and dedication.

    • Gaining Access to Controversial Topics for 'Vice' TV ShowSecuring access to secretive organizations or countries is crucial for producing impactful and informative content for 'Vice' TV show despite facing resistance and challenges.

      The production of the "Vice" TV show involves extensive investigations into various controversial topics, such as LSD production and dirty bombs. These investigations often take months, if not years, and require gaining access to secretive organizations or countries. One episode focused on motorcycle gangs, specifically the 1%ers, and the difficulty of obtaining access to them was significant. The show's team encountered resistance in gaining access to the Sons of Silence camp during the COVID-19 pandemic, as they were not following health and safety protocols. Despite the challenges, the show's team was able to produce compelling episodes, shedding light on topics that are often shrouded in secrecy. The importance of access cannot be overstated in creating impactful and informative content for the show.

    • Motorcycle clubs like the Hells Angels originated from veterans seeking identity and community, but some engage in illegal activities.Veterans formed motorcycle clubs as a sense of belonging, but some members have been involved in criminal activities like drug trafficking.

      The Hells Angels and other motorcycle clubs, like the Sons of Anarchy, originated from veterans of the Vietnam War who felt a loss of identity and community upon returning home. They formed these groups, labeling themselves the 1%ers, as they believed the rest were above the law. Some members have been known to engage in illegal activities, including drug trafficking, to make money. An ATF agent went undercover to infiltrate these groups, even passing polygraph tests and earning patches, but the line between reality and fiction can be blurred in such stories, as seen in Hunter S. Thompson's book "Hell's Angels." Another episode this season covered surrogacy in Ukraine, where it's legal but cost-prohibitive in the US, leading many to travel there for the service. However, the ongoing war in Ukraine has left American babies stranded in Ukrainian surrogacy clinics, creating a complex situation for all involved.

    • Contrasts in the World of Black Markets: Love and Exploitation in Surrogacy, Oil and TerrorismBlack markets offer surprising contrasts, from hopeful beginnings in surrogacy to exploitative realities and the financing of terrorism through oil production in regions like Kenya and the Niger Delta.

      The world of black markets, as explored in the show, can present surprising contrasts. While the episode began with a heartwarming moment of hope and love through surrogacy, it soon delved into the dangerous and exploitative realities of the practice in Kenya. The gray area surrounding surrogacy in Kenya leads to shady dealings and the exploitation of women. Meanwhile, in the episode's exploration of oil production, the connection between oil and terrorism was revealed through the financing of groups like Hezbollah. The Niger Delta, a major oil-producing region, is filled with poverty and corruption, leading to widespread oil theft. These instances showcase the complex and often contradictory nature of black markets and their impact on individuals and global issues.

    • Impacts of Global Oil Trade on Local Communities and Terrorist GroupsThe global oil trade can lead to dangerous working conditions, extreme poverty, and funding for terrorist organizations through illegal activities like bunkering.

      The global oil trade can have devastating consequences for local communities and can be a significant source of funding for powerful organizations, including terrorist groups. The speaker described witnessing oil refining operations in Nigeria, where workers, many of them women, were exposed to dangerous conditions and faced extreme poverty. In Lebanon, they encountered Hezbollah obtaining oil from Iran, defying US sanctions and using it as a source of income and power. In Nigeria, a significant portion of the oil was stolen and ended up with Boko Haram, a terrorist organization. The oil was stolen through "bunkering," or tapping into the legitimate pipelines, and was then refined and sold. This complex web of oil trade highlights the far-reaching impacts of the global oil industry and the challenges in regulating it.

    • Addressing inequality and lack of opportunities can reduce black marketsUnderstanding the connection between our consumption habits and exploitative conditions can motivate efforts to address underlying issues and prevent black markets from thriving

      The root cause of black markets and illegal activities, such as oil smuggling, drug trafficking, and cobalt mining, is inequality and lack of opportunities for people. These individuals are driven to join these organizations due to a lack of alternatives and motivations. By addressing the underlying issues and providing jobs, we can potentially prevent these black markets from thriving. Moreover, journalism plays a crucial role in raising awareness about these realities and the sources of materials used in our daily lives, such as cobalt and gold, which often come from exploitative conditions. It's essential to acknowledge and understand the connection between our consumption habits and the human cost behind them.

    • Contrast between high-tech electronics and primitive fight clubsFrom advanced electronics requiring precious metals to primitive fight clubs showcasing raw competition, the world offers diverse forms of human entertainment and survival.

      The world of human entertainment and survival can be chaotic and complex, as seen in the contrasting examples of high-tech electronics and primitive fight clubs. While gold, silver, and copper may be commonly used for their excellent conductivity in electronics, someone in the Congo endures harsh conditions to mine a mineral that could potentially surpass their conductivity. The episode discussed the existence of real-life fight clubs, such as BKFC, where rules are minimal and the focus is on raw competition. The speaker's fascination with martial arts, particularly MMA, was sparked by the Ultimate Fighting Championship, which started as an underground phenomenon and grew into a global phenomenon. The episode explored this evolution and the extreme nature of underground fighting scenes in Thailand.

    • Bare knuckle fighting: A more authentic form of combat?Bare knuckle fighting, illegal in many areas, attracts fighters with substantial offers from organizations. It allows use of body parts for striking but increases risk of injuries, particularly lacerations, and raises concerns for long-term health.

      Bare knuckle fighting, although illegal in many parts of the US, attracts fighters from various backgrounds, including those who have gained popularity from underground fighting scenes. These fighters are often recruited by organizations like BKFC, which offer them substantial sums of money. The appeal lies in the freedom to use various body parts to strike, unlike traditional boxing where only fists are allowed. However, the lack of hand protection increases the risk of injuries, particularly lacerations, and raises concerns about the long-term impact on fighters' health. Despite this, some argue that bare knuckle fighting provides a more authentic and honest form of combat. Ultimately, the legality and safety of bare knuckle fighting remain contentious issues.

    • Bare knuckle boxing vs. boxing with gloves: Debating safetyUnderstanding the risks and ensuring informed decisions and proper regulations are crucial in both bare knuckle boxing and boxing with gloves to minimize risks and long-term consequences.

      While bare knuckle boxing, such as in BKFC, may result in more visible damage like lacerations compared to boxing with gloves, the nature of the sport is understood by the participants. The debate over safety lies not only in the fights themselves but also in the training leading up to them. Sub-concussive blows from training can contribute significantly to brain damage, and it's essential to consider the long-term consequences. The key is to ensure informed decisions and proper regulations to minimize risks, especially after sustaining injuries. Ultimately, the choice between different combat sports comes down to personal preference and understanding the associated risks.

    • Long-term effects of concussions in contact sportsContact sports like MMA and bullfighting can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and neurological issues due to multiple concussions. Fighters may continue competing due to identity, confidence, and lack of awareness, while coaches and commissions also play a role. Acknowledgment and addressing mental and physical health challenges are crucial.

      The long-term effects of concussions, particularly in contact sports like MMA and bullfighting, can be devastating and understudied, especially in women. Fighters, especially those without proper support or training, are at risk of sustaining multiple concussions, which can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and other neurological issues. Despite the risks, many fighters feel compelled to continue competing due to their identity, extreme confidence, and lack of awareness about the potential dangers. Coaches and commissions also play a role in allowing fighters to continue competing despite clear signs of neurological damage. The consequences of these injuries can be irreversible and life-altering, yet many fighters face significant challenges in acknowledging and addressing their mental and physical health. It's crucial to raise awareness about the risks of concussions and the importance of proper training, support, and retirement options for athletes in contact sports.

    • The Hidden Dangers of Combat Sports for Fighters' BrainsCombat sports can cause irreversible brain damage, even for successful fighters, which may not show up until years later. It's crucial to recognize signs of damage and encourage retirement to prevent further harm.

      Participating in combat sports, such as UFC or boxing, can lead to significant and potentially irreversible brain damage, even if the fighter has a successful career. This damage may not show up until years after the injury. The case of Meldrick Taylor, a former Olympic gold medalist and elite boxer, serves as a cautionary tale. After a brutal fight with Julio Cesar Chavez, Taylor was never the same. He continued to get knocked out and eventually suffered from severe brain damage, which was evident in his later interviews where he struggled to form sentences. It's important for friends, trainers, and loved ones to encourage fighters to retire when they show signs of damage, even if the fighter is reluctant. Brain damage is a serious concern for all combat athletes, and it's essential to acknowledge and address the risks.

    • Fighters' struggle to leave their careers despite age and health risksDespite risks and declining abilities, some fighters find it hard to retire due to identity, fame, and financial incentives. Underground fighting scenes offer alternatives, but starting a successful promotion is tough.

      The dedication and identity tied to being a professional fighter can make it difficult for athletes to abandon their careers, even when their abilities decline or they face health risks. This was evident in the case of a boxer discussed in the conversation, who despite his advanced age and declining abilities, still expressed a desire to continue fighting. The allure of fame and excitement that comes with being a top fighter is a powerful incentive, and it can be challenging to find alternatives when one's identity and livelihood are so intertwined with the sport. Additionally, the underground fighting scene, such as the one depicted in Fight Club Thailand, can offer incentives for fighters to participate, even if they have already established careers in more regulated fighting leagues like the UFC. Bare-knuckle fighting leagues, like BKFC, are attracting elite talent by offering them significant financial incentives. However, creating a successful fighting promotion is a complex and challenging task, requiring deep pockets and the ability to attract and retain top talent.

    • The allure of bare knuckle fighting lies in its raw image and underground sceneBare knuckle promotions must incentivize fighters while ensuring their safety to balance the underground appeal and fan expectations

      The appeal of bare knuckle fighting lies in its raw, hardcore image and the allure of the underground. These fighters may not have the same recognition or financial rewards as those in mainstream MMA organizations, but they offer a different kind of excitement for fans. The challenge for bare knuckle promotions is to incentivize these fighters while ensuring their safety, as many of them are already engaging in unsanctioned fights. It's important to note that many established fighting leagues, including the UFC, have roots in the underground scene. However, the UFC's success is due to its consistent pay-per-view events and the development of a legitimate and regulated platform for fighters. The question remains whether bare knuckle promotions can strike a balance between the underground allure and the safety and fairness that fans and fighters deserve.

    • Underground Fights: A Necessity or a Detriment?The debate around underground fights continues, with some viewing them as a necessary stepping stone for aspiring fighters and others as a detriment due to potential risks and negative perception, including gambling scandals.

      While many MMA fighters in major leagues like the UFC and Bellator come from legitimate gyms and amateur organizations, there are still fighters who emerge from the underground, such as in the case of BKFC. These fighters may not have the same level of medical support and training opportunities as their counterparts in major leagues. While some argue that these underground fights can be entertaining, others worry about the potential risks and negative perception they can bring to the sport. A notable issue is the involvement of gambling, which can lead to ethical concerns and potential scandals. The UFC recently banned gambling among its fighters due to a scandal involving an injured fighter and bets placed on his opponent. Overall, the debate around the legitimacy and risks of underground fighting continues, with some seeing it as a necessary stepping stone for aspiring fighters and others as a detriment to the sport.

    • UFC's Ban on Gambling to Prevent Insider Information MisuseThe UFC banned all gambling within the organization to prevent insider information from being used to manipulate odds against injured athletes and maintain fair play.

      In the world of professional sports betting, insider information can lead to significant financial gains. However, when this information is used to manipulate odds against an injured athlete, it crosses the line into cheating. This was the case in the UFC, where a coach informed people to bet against a fighter who was injured, leading to a large amount of money being bet against him. The UFC, as a response, banned all gambling within the organization to prevent such incidents from occurring. It's important to note that while betting on oneself is an exciting prospect, it's now forbidden in the UFC. The UFC's unique structure as a primary organization controlling all its fighters sets it apart from sports like boxing, where multiple promoters make it harder to regulate gambling. The UFC's ban on gambling is a reminder of the importance of fair play and the potential consequences of using insider information to gain an unfair advantage.

    • The Unnoticed Rise of Anderson Silva in UFC and the Surge of Illegal Gambling during PandemicAnderson Silva rose to fame in UFC despite being unnoticed earlier. Pandemic led to a surge in illegal gambling, offering thrill but often rigged and addictive, with some even selling drugs to keep players engaged.

      There are individuals who excel in their fields and go unnoticed until they make their debut, much like Anderson Silva did in the UFC. Meanwhile, the pandemic has led to an increase in illegal gambling, with people turning to underground casitas and poker games. These operations, while offering the thrill of gambling, are often rigged and can lead to addiction, with some even selling drugs like meth to keep players engaged for longer periods. It's important to be aware of these risks and the potential dangers associated with illegal activities.

    • Pandemic fueled black markets in gambling, sex trafficking, and gun salesThe pandemic led to the growth of illegal activities such as gambling, sex trafficking, and gun sales due to factors like casino closures, fear of government action, boredom, and easy access to information.

      The pandemic led to a surge in various black markets, including gambling, sex trafficking, and gun sales. The reasons for this are multifaceted. In the case of gambling, the closure of casinos and the desire for VIP experiences led to the growth of underground poker games offering luxury amenities. For sex trafficking and guns, factors such as fear of government action, boredom, and easy access to information played a role. The discussion also highlighted the ease with which online ID theft scams can occur, allowing criminals to make significant profits. Overall, the pandemic created unique conditions that allowed these illegal activities to flourish.

    • Online Gambling Surges During PandemicThe pandemic led to a rise in online gambling, both legal and illegal, as people sought new ways to spend money. Gambling addiction is a serious concern, especially for teens, and can lead to devastating consequences.

      The pandemic led to an increase in illegal activities, including online gambling, as people sought new ways to spend disposable money. Some prefer the convenience and secrecy of local gambling dens over traveling to casinos. Gambling addiction is a serious issue, particularly among teens, and can lead to suicide. Online gambling, both legal and illegal, is easily accessible and can be addictive. The history of online gambling includes instances of scams and pyramid schemes, such as those perpetrated by Kevin Trudeau, who was arrested and jailed for deceiving consumers with promises of secret cures. At the time of this conversation, Trudeau was still in jail, having been unable to refund millions of dollars owed to victims of his scams. The illegal gambling market thrived during the pandemic, but with casinos reopening, it remains to be seen how much business these underground operations will lose.

    • The Illegal Gambling Empire of Bo-Dog FightsBo-Dog fights, an illegal online gambling platform, attracted big-name fighters and thrived during the pandemic, offering a dangerous and addictive thrill to participants

      The world of online gambling, as exemplified by the Bo-Dog fights, is a complex and shady industry with deep-rooted connections to elite fighters and exotic locations. Calvin Ayers, the head of Bo-Dog fights, was a wealthy playboy who built an illegal gambling empire, attracting big-name fighters like Fedor and Milianenko. Despite its illegality, Bo-Dog fights thrived during the pandemic, with events held in exotic locations like Costa Rica. The gambling industry, including legal casinos, can be exclusive and cutthroat, with big players like Dana White of the UFC being banned from casinos for winning too much money. The allure of gambling, whether in a casino or online, can be addictive and destructive for some, leading them to risk large sums of money in pursuit of the thrill. Despite the controversies and risks, many people continue to support and participate in the gambling industry, both legally and illegally.

    • The Risks and Negative Consequences of Legalizing Certain ActivitiesLegalizing activities like gambling and fighting comes with risks, including the creation of black markets, potential harm to individuals, and ethical concerns.

      While the legalization of certain activities, such as gambling or fighting, can bring benefits, it also comes with risks and potential negative consequences. For instance, legalizing gambling can lead to the creation of a black market with no rules or regulations. Casinos, despite being legal businesses, can still ban patrons who are winning too much. Additionally, the ease of access to online gambling can further incentivize and normalize problematic behaviors. Similarly, the UFC's relationship with gambling and online betting organizations raises ethical concerns. While fans may enjoy the added excitement of betting on fights, it's important to acknowledge the potential harm it can cause for some individuals. Moreover, the discussion on Oregon's drug trafficking episode highlighted the horrific realities of the illegal drug trade. Interviews with people involved in the trade revealed the extreme violence and exploitation that occurs behind the scenes. These findings underscore the importance of addressing the root causes of illegal activities and ensuring that laws and regulations are effective in preventing harm to individuals and communities.

    • Black market organ trade: A complex issue driven by desperation and cartelsThe illegal organ trade is a global issue involving vulnerable migrants, cartels, and those in desperate need of organs due to long waitlists in developed countries.

      The black market organ trade is a complex and horrific issue, with victims often being vulnerable migrants who fall prey to cartels in dangerous regions like the Darien Gap. The desperation of those in need of organs due to long waitlists in developed countries like the US drives this illegal trade. Doctors and patients involved in the trade were interviewed, shedding light on the process and the ethical dilemma it presents. The trade is not limited to the US, with some organs staying in countries like Mexico for those who can pay more. The journey of a patient named Garrett Rowe, who received a kidney through the black market after years of waiting, highlights the gravity of the situation and the difficult choices some are forced to make.

    • Exploring the complexities of black markets for organs and illegal activitiesUnderstanding the motivations behind those involved in black markets can foster empathy and prevent their existence, promoting a more compassionate and inclusive world.

      Understanding the complexities and motivations behind people involved in the black market for organs and other illegal activities can help bridge the divide in our society. The human connection and common ground are essential, especially during this divisive era. The show "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" offers a unique perspective on these issues, encouraging empathy and introspection about our own actions and circumstances. Despite the dark topics discussed, the underlying message is the importance of understanding and preventing the existence of these black markets. By recognizing our own opportunities and considering the challenges faced by others, we can foster a more compassionate and inclusive world.

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    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

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    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    For more Congo exploration coming soon, find & follow/subscribe to Mongabay Explores via the podcast provider of your choice, or locate all episodes of the Mongabay Explores podcast on our podcast homepage here.

    Please also enjoy the first three seasons of Explores, where we dove into the huge biodiversity and conservation challenges in Sumatra, New Guinea, and more. 

    Episode Artwork: Kahuzi-Biega National Park rangers standing in formation in the park in October 2016, by Thomas Nicolon for Mongabay.

    Sounds heard during the intro and outro: The call of a putty-nosed monkey (Cercopithecus nictitans). This soundscape was recorded in Ivindo National Park in Gabon by Zuzana Burivalova, Walter Mbamy, Tatiana Satchivi, and Serge Ekazama.

    Please invite your friends to subscribe to Mongabay Explores wherever they get podcasts.  If you enjoy our podcast content, please visit www.patreon.com/mongabay to pledge a dollar or more to keep the show growing, Mongabay is a nonprofit media outlet and all support helps! 

    See all our latest news from nature's frontline at Mongabay's homepage: news.mongabay.com or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok by searching for Mongabay.

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