
    Podcast Summary

    • Hoarding is a coping mechanism for deeply traumatic experiencesHoarding is not about physical stuff but rather the mental struggle to find self-worth, it's a coping mechanism for deeply traumatic experiences and should be approached with empathy and an open mind.

      Hoarding is often a coping mechanism for deeply traumatic experiences. Hoarders like Matt Paxton, who has seen the extreme end of human hoarding on shows like Hoarders, have a unique perspective on human beings. Paxton, who is a recovering addict himself, understands that people are not "crazy" but rather, they've been through something intense that changed their perception of reality. Hoarding is a way to hold onto that reality, no matter how unconventional it may be. Paxton emphasizes that hoarding is not about the physical stuff but rather the mental struggle to find self-worth. He's seen judges, lawyers, and doctors hoard, and despite the public scrutiny, they continue to hold onto their possessions as a way to hold onto their identity. The hoarding process is complex and deeply rooted in mental health, and understanding it requires empathy and an open mind.

    • The band's unique sound and work ethic have deeply impacted the speakerThe band's authenticity, dedication, and refusal to compromise inspire the speaker to follow his passions.

      The band in question has significantly impacted the speaker's life with their unique sound and work ethic. They have been compared to musical legends like the Beatles and Led Zeppelin, and have recently gained recognition from industry heavyweights like Rick Rubin. The speaker admires their dedication to their craft and their ability to produce a large volume of music. He also appreciates their authenticity and down-to-earth personalities. Despite their success, they seem to maintain a strong connection to their roots and their music. The speaker's deep connection to their music and his ability to fully engage with it is a testament to their ability to create something truly original and captivating. The band's unapologetic commitment to their art and their refusal to be limited by external rules or expectations serves as an inspiration to the speaker and a reminder of the importance of following one's curiosity and passions.

    • Embracing second chances and helping othersFocusing on discipline, healthy lifestyles, and providing opportunities for ex-cons can lead to positive outcomes. Everyone deserves a chance to turn their lives around.

      Despite having a past filled with rule-breaking and hardships, it's important to keep moving forward and helping others. The speaker, who has employed ex-cons and worked with hoarders, understands the value of second chances and the importance of trusting in the potential for change. Prisons, which can be difficult environments, often fail to provide the necessary tools for rehabilitation, leading to high recidivism rates. Instead, focusing on discipline, healthy lifestyles, and providing opportunities for ex-cons can lead to positive outcomes. It's essential to remember that everyone deserves a chance to turn their lives around, and the speaker's empathetic approach is a powerful reminder of that.

    • Current criminal justice system fails to effectively rehabilitateProvide meaningful rehabilitation programs for individuals to reduce recidivism and create opportunities for economic growth

      Our current criminal justice system fails to effectively rehabilitate individuals, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many people, especially those of color, are left to fend for themselves in harsh environments that often lead them to criminal activities as a means of survival. The system, as it stands, offers little opportunity for education or personal growth, with limited resources and funding for prisoners. A more effective approach would be to provide meaningful rehabilitation programs, such as entrepreneurial training and business education, to help individuals build a better future upon release. This not only benefits the individuals, but also society as a whole by reducing recidivism rates and creating opportunities for economic growth.

    • Exploring new ways to channel corporate energy for goodCompanies like Halliburton have vast resources and energy, which can be harnessed for community rebuilding and social projects instead of destructive pursuits. Personal experiences of making a difference can be addictive and fulfilling, even for those with negative drives.

      We need to explore new ways to harness the energy and resources of companies like Halliburton for community rebuilding and social projects, rather than letting it go to waste or towards destructive pursuits. The speaker's personal experience with making a difference in people's lives, even in small ways, has become addictive and fulfilling for him. He suggests that even those with a strong drive towards negative actions, like child molesters, could potentially be channeled into positive endeavors. The speaker's own transformation from a struggling individual to a successful one, driven by his desire to help others, is a powerful reminder of the potential for personal growth and positive impact.

    • Overcoming Hardships: Finding Growth and SuccessPersonal tragedies and hardships can lead to significant growth and positive changes in life. Confidence and honesty are essential traits that can help one overcome challenges and find success.

      Personal tragedy and hardship can lead to significant growth and positive change. The speaker shares his experience of struggling with gambling addiction and financial instability, which was exacerbated by his father's death when he was young. He describes how he turned his life around by volunteering at a camp for children who had lost their fathers and discovering a new passion for helping others. Through this experience, he met his wife and started a new business. The speaker emphasizes the importance of confidence and honesty, which he learned from his father and George Roman, a confident friend with Tourette's. He also reflects on his father's advice that confidence is the most valuable trait, as it helped him overcome his challenges and ultimately find success.

    • From rock bottom to recoverySeeking help and making tough decisions can lead to turning points in one's life, even after hitting rock bottom.

      Hitting rock bottom can be a turning point in one's life. The speaker shares his personal story of being a young gambler with a significant debt, who after losing his last dollar, was picked up by a cab driver who advised him to quit gambling. Despite initially judging the cab driver, the speaker eventually realized the cab driver's wisdom and heeded his advice. However, the speaker's problems continued, leading him to make desperate decisions, including considering becoming a prostitute. Eventually, he found a job and paid off his debt, vowing to never gamble again. The speaker still faces temptations, but with eight years of sobriety, he has learned to manage them. The experience taught him the importance of seeking help and making difficult decisions to turn one's life around. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the NCAA tournament, which used to be a major trigger for his gambling urges, but now he avoids it by deleting emails and focusing on his family and other responsibilities. Overall, the speaker's story highlights the importance of self-reflection, seeking help, and making tough decisions to overcome challenges and improve one's life.

    • Understanding Human Motivations and AddictionsPeople's motivations and addictions can stem from various sources, including a search for self-worth and a desire to rebel against societal norms. The speaker's personal experiences with gambling and helping people on Hoarders illustrate the complexity and diversity of human behaviors.

      People's motivations and addictions can stem from various sources, including a search for self-worth and a desire to rebel against societal norms. The speaker in this conversation shares his struggle with gambling and how it has been a part of his life, which he sees as a way to assert his self-worth. He also reflects on his experiences on the show "Hoarders," where he helps people declutter their homes, and shares how his past mistakes have allowed him to connect with them and earn their trust. The speaker also mentions his fascination with unusual addictions and how they can be related to each other in unexpected ways. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and diversity of human motivations and behaviors.

    • The Challenges of Letting Go of Personal ItemsEncountering a hoarding situation made the speaker realize the difficulty of letting go of personal items and the emotional weight behind it, while also highlighting his own hoarding tendencies and the unpredictability of his job

      The first decision to let go of something, especially something personal, can be the hardest. This was exemplified in a hoarding situation the speaker encountered, where a woman had been throwing her diapers in a corner for years. The speaker tried to understand her thought process, but their conversation was interrupted by an earthquake. The experience left the speaker feeling guilty for his reaction, but also reminded him of the unpredictability and intensity of his job. Another insight gained from the conversation was the speaker's own hoarding tendencies, as he struggles to let go of cables and instruction manuals for his tech gadgets. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and emotional weight behind letting go of possessions.

    • Exploring unconventional methods for therapy and healingNot all traditional therapy methods work for everyone, consider exploring new approaches like light therapy, homeopathy, and acupuncture to find what resonates with individuals

      While some traditional methods may not work for everyone, especially in extreme cases like hoarding, it's essential to explore different approaches to therapy and healing. The speaker mentioned that for his clients, traditional therapy only worked for about 60% of them, and for the rest, they required new and unconventional methods. He mentioned the use of light therapy for PTSD and homeopathic treatments, which some may find hard to believe, but if it works for someone, the speaker is open-minded and supportive. The speaker also shared his own experience with acupuncture, which didn't work for him but might for others. Ultimately, it's crucial to remain open to various healing modalities and find what resonates with each individual.

    • Encountering manipulative charismatic individualsBe cautious and discerning when encountering charismatic individuals, evaluate their actions and intentions

      Not all charismatic individuals are trustworthy. The speaker encountered a man who used questionable tactics, such as holding him during conversation and making him uncomfortable, to distract and manipulate. This behavior, while not necessarily malicious, left the speaker questioning the man's intentions and authenticity. The speaker, being experienced in reading people, quickly identified these tactics as manipulative and potentially part of a larger scheme. The experience made the speaker reflect on the importance of trust and the potential for friends to be involved in questionable activities. The speaker also shared his past experiences with friends involved in pyramid schemes and how it affected his perception of their friendship. In essence, the encounter served as a reminder to be cautious and discerning when encountering charismatic individuals and to evaluate the actions and intentions of those around us.

    • Understanding Hoarding: Beyond DisorganizationHoarding is a mental disorder affecting individuals' ability to let go of items, causing overwhelming tasks and emotional distress. Cats can provide comfort but also pose dangers if left unchecked.

      Hoarding is a complex mental disorder that goes beyond just being "crazy" or "disorganized." Hoarders face significant mental challenges, including the inability to let go of items and the constant pressure of an overwhelming number of tasks. Some hoarders may even hide deceased loved ones out of denial or a belief that they will eventually deal with the situation. Cats, in particular, can be a source of comfort and companionship for hoarders, but they can also pose a danger if left unchecked. Ultimately, hoarding is a serious issue that requires understanding, empathy, and professional help. It's essential to recognize that hoarders are not "crazy" but rather individuals struggling with a mental disorder.

    • Discovering joy through listening to elderly storiesEmpathy and listening to others' stories can lead to unique experiences and a successful business.

      Having a kind and compassionate nature can lead to unique and fascinating experiences. The speaker shares his experience of transitioning from a violent encounter to starting a business centered around listening to and helping elderly individuals share their stories. He found joy and meaning in their experiences, particularly those who had lived through historical events. This encounter taught him the importance of truly listening to others and appreciating their stories. Despite initial challenges, he turned his business focus towards a niche that his competitors didn't serve, leading to success. Ultimately, the speaker's empathetic nature and willingness to listen led him to a rewarding and meaningful career.

    • Importance of Confidence and Self-WorthConfidence and self-worth come from within, not from physical appearance or external validation. Self-awareness and recognizing manipulation are crucial, and inner strength and calling out situations can bring greater satisfaction than winning.

      Confidence and self-worth are more important than physical appearance or external validation. The speaker shares his experiences of being attracted to people based on their personalities and confidence, rather than their looks. He also emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and being able to identify when someone is trying to manipulate or hustle you. The speaker believes that getting credit for recognizing a situation and calling it out is a greater high than winning or beating someone. He also discusses his past experiences with addictions and the importance of being aware of one's limitations and avoiding potential traps. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of inner strength, self-awareness, and confidence in building self-worth and relationships.

    • Values of personal liberty and respecting others' decisionsRespect personal liberties and resolve conflicts peacefully, drawing on unique perspectives from personal experiences.

      Personal liberty and the right to make decisions for oneself, even in controversial areas like gun ownership or quitting a job, are important values. Human conflicts can be resolved amicably without resorting to physical violence or arguments. Personal experiences and anecdotes, like the discussion about gun control and a parrot hoarding incident, can provide unique perspectives on various issues. It's essential to respect personal liberties as long as they don't harm others or the environment. The conversation also touched on the importance of maintaining a balance between self-worth and avoiding unnecessary arguments, even if one might be right. The discussion was filled with interesting stories and viewpoints, demonstrating the complexity and diversity of human experiences.

    • A heart-wrenching look into the emotional pain behind hoarding casesBehind hoarding lies trauma, often including abuse and mental health issues. The Hoarders TV show respects subjects' pain and aims to raise awareness on societal issues.

      Behind every hoarding case, there's a deep-rooted emotional pain that often includes physical and sexual abuse, mental health issues, and complex relationships. The Hoarders TV show crew encountered a particularly heart-wrenching story of a woman who had built a wall around herself due to her abusive husband. They decided to leave her house messy as a sign of respect for her trauma and to avoid triggering any potential violence. The show's creators acknowledge the controversy surrounding their depiction of human waste and the emotional struggles of their subjects. They are not subject to FCC regulations as they are a cable network, and they edit out some content for sensitivity. However, they aim to bring awareness to the prevalence of abuse and trauma in society and the importance of addressing it. The hosts' honesty and dedication to helping people, even in uncomfortable situations, make their show a compelling and thought-provoking watch.

    • Lessons from past experiencesUnderstand the importance of open-mindedness, accepting past experiences, and focusing on relationship quality, not superficial factors.

      Everyone has faced difficult situations or made questionable decisions in their past, and these experiences shape who we are today. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience from his past about considering sex work, and while his wife may not appreciate the story, it's an important lesson for others. He also discussed the complexity of gender and sexuality, noting that people should focus on the quality of sexual experiences rather than the gender of their partner. Additionally, the conversation touched on societal stereotypes and assumptions about certain groups, emphasizing the importance of understanding that individuals cannot be defined by broad generalizations. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being open-minded, accepting our past experiences, and focusing on the quality of our relationships rather than superficial factors.

    • Howie Mandel's Unusual Obsession with CleanlinessHowie Mandel's OCD and hoarding tendencies led him to fill his house with hand sanitizers and dedicate a closet to them. His unique behavior, influenced by his comedy, was respected and not forced to change.

      Howie Mandel, a well-known comedian and actor, has a severe obsession with cleanliness due to his OCD and hoarding tendencies. This was revealed during a conversation where a friend discovered Mandel's house was filled with hand sanitizers and a closet dedicated to them. Despite his unusual behavior, it was emphasized that he should be left to live his life as he chooses and not be forced to change. The friend also shared how Mandel's comedy had influenced him to pursue a career in comedy. Another notable mention was the friend's experience working with Mandel on the radio show "NewsRadio" in the 1990s. Overall, the conversation highlighted Mandel's unique personality and the impact he had on the friend's life.

    • Unexpected sources of creativity and humorPersevere through criticism and find unique angles in creative projects. Unexpected experiences and feedback can lead to successful outcomes.

      Creativity and humor can come from unexpected places and experiences. The speaker shared a story about a comedy bit he performed, which was initially met with criticism but ultimately became successful due to its honesty and relatability. The speaker also discussed his approach to pitching ideas, sharing that sometimes he would pitch outrageous ideas just to provoke a reaction or waste an executive's time. Overall, the speaker's experiences demonstrate the importance of perseverance and finding unique angles in creative endeavors. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the role of feedback and criticism in shaping and refining ideas.

    • Lessons from a Failed PilotRespect collaborators, bring only those who truly contribute. Stay grounded, life can change drastically with decisions.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable and devastating, especially for those who put their heart and soul into a project only to see it fall apart. The speaker shared his personal experience of having a pilot not get picked up, leaving him feeling emotionally drained and upset. He learned that it's important to respect creative collaborators and only bring those who truly contribute to the project. The speaker also mentioned the importance of staying grounded and being aware that our lives can change drastically with just a few decisions. Despite the challenges, he continues to work and find success in his career.

    • Personal Stories of Digestive Mishaps and Body AcceptanceEmbrace the uniqueness of our bodies, prioritize self-care and health, and respect individual preferences and differences.

      Our bodies can be unpredictable and sometimes embarrassing, especially when it comes to digestion and elimination. The speaker shared two personal experiences of accidentally spilling a drink on himself and having an unexpected bowel movement. He also discussed his fascination with healthy eating and the importance of maintaining a good digestive system. The speaker also mentioned his preference for larger women, finding them more attractive and desirable. It's important to remember that everyone has unique bodies and experiences, and it's essential to prioritize self-care and health. Additionally, people have various preferences and fetishes, and it's important to respect and accept those differences.

    • Impact of personal preferences on intense experiencesPreferences and values shape decisions during emotional experiences like childbirth, with natural birth versus circumcision being a contentious issue. Respect individual choices.

      Personal preferences and values can significantly impact decisions, even during intense and emotional experiences like childbirth. The discussion revolved around the topic of natural birth versus circumcision, with the group revealing that some women prefer uncircumcised partners for sexual reasons. The debate also highlighted differing beliefs and experiences, with some advocating for the health benefits of circumcision while others viewed it as an unnecessary and outdated tradition. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of respecting individual choices and values, even when they differ from our own.

    • The Debate Over Circumcision: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Personal ChoicesCircumcision is a contentious issue with various benefits, such as reducing inflammation and UTIs, and drawbacks, including invasiveness and potential complications. Personal beliefs, health considerations, and cultural practices influence individual decisions.

      Circumcision, a common surgical procedure for males, has various benefits and drawbacks, according to different perspectives. Some argue that it leads to fewer problems with inflammation, urinary tract infections, and erectile dysfunction, especially during puberty. Others claim that it increases sensitivity and reduces the risk of certain sexual transmitted diseases, such as HIV, HPV, and genital herpes. However, there are also concerns about the invasive nature of the procedure, potential complications, and the cultural and religious significance of the practice. Ultimately, the decision to undergo circumcision is a personal one, based on individual beliefs, health considerations, and preferences. Furthermore, the discussion touched upon the history and customs of circumcision, including the use of sucking or milking the penis after the procedure, as described in Jewish tradition. The debate over the necessity and effectiveness of this practice continues, with some arguing for the potential health benefits and others finding it unnecessary or even harmful. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and diversity of opinions surrounding circumcision, and the importance of considering multiple perspectives when making informed decisions about one's body and health.

    • Questioning Traditions: Reevaluating Old PracticesTraditions should be questioned and reevaluated for potential harm, especially when human lives are at stake. Family support plays a crucial role in the healing process.

      Traditions, no matter how old or deeply rooted, should not be followed blindly without question or regard for potential harm. The discussion revolves around a controversial circumcision ritual performed by a rabbi who transmitted herpes to a baby, resulting in the infant's death. This tragic event underscores the importance of questioning and reevaluating traditions, especially when they involve potential risks to human life. The conversation also touches upon the concept of recovery and the role of family support in the healing process. Additionally, the discussion introduces Ibogaine, a psychedelic drug used for curing addictions, as an alternative approach to overcoming compulsive behaviors.

    • From hoarding to finding joy in simple thingsRecognize when material possessions are taking precedence over relationships and personal growth. Be honest with yourself and embrace the present to find joy and make a positive impact.

      Our obsession or collection of things, be it cats or hoarding, becomes a problem when it takes precedence over our relationships, family, and job. Hoarding, like addiction, is not about the stuff itself but rather the self-worth and desire to achieve or win. The speaker's journey from failure to success is a testament to recognizing and stopping self-deception. It's essential to be honest with ourselves and not let our desires consume us. The speaker's story, filled with challenges and triumphs, serves as a reminder to embrace the present and find joy in simple things. It's never too late to turn our lives around and make a positive impact on ourselves and others.

    • Dealing with Extreme Hoarding: Unique Challenges and CharactersManaging hoarding situations involves overcoming various obstacles, from discovering unusual finds to understanding complex motivations, all while dealing with the emotional toll on individuals and communities.

      The discussion revolves around various experiences of dealing with extreme hoarding situations and the challenges encountered in managing and disposing of the accumulated items. The speakers share stories of discovering flat cats, skunks, and countless cats in hoarders' homes, as well as the difficulties in getting rid of items like buses filled with valuable copper. Hoarders' motivations and beliefs are also explored, with some expressing a belief that life revolves around sex and that everything they do is to get laid. Despite the challenges, there's a sense of admiration for the unique characters encountered in these situations.

    • Personal growth through new experiencesEmbracing new experiences can lead to personal growth and transformative insights, allowing us to see life from a fresh perspective.

      Experiencing new things and stepping out of comfort zones can lead to personal growth and opening up to life's wonders. This was exemplified by the speaker's personal story of moving to Maui after his father's death and discovering a new perspective on life. The desire for sexual gratification was mentioned, but the deeper significance was the transformation that came from the experience. The speaker also touched upon the importance of being true to oneself and not conforming to societal expectations. The discussion also included mentions of famous figures like Willy Nelson and BJ Penn, adding interesting anecdotes to the conversation.

    • The Challenges of Weight Cutting in MMAMMA fighters face health risks during weight cutting, but pros like Georges St. Pierre and Anderson Silva do it safely. The UFC's business success has made MMA more popular than ever, offering a complete fighting experience compared to boxing.

      Cutting weight is a crucial yet challenging aspect of mixed martial arts (MMA) competition. Fighters like Conor McGregor, who weigh around 150 pounds with 20 pounds of water, have to cut down to their fighting weight of 145 or 155 pounds. This percentage of body weight is significant, and the process can be dangerous if not done properly. Some fighters have experienced blackouts or other health issues during weight cutting. However, professionals like Georges St. Pierre and Anderson Silva handle weight cutting healthily and with precision. The UFC's business side is also fascinating, with early financial struggles and the influx of wealthy investors turning it into a global phenomenon. MMA is now more popular than ever, with live events airing on major networks like FX. The CEO of the UFC is highly regarded for his passion and expertise in the sport. Overall, MMA offers a more complete and exciting fighting experience compared to boxing, which only focuses on punching.

    • Appreciating Skill and Artistry in Boxing and ButcheringRecognizing the passion and expertise of individuals in various fields, like boxing and butchering, is important as both require immense skill, dedication, and respect for the craft.

      Appreciation for skill and artistry transcends across various fields, be it boxing or butchering. The speaker fondly recalls the excitement of watching iconic boxing matches, specifically admiring the intelligence and defensive prowess of Floyd Mayweather. Similarly, he expresses admiration for the raw talent and passion of skilled butchers, who transform a whole animal into edible parts in a matter of minutes. Both boxing and butchering require immense skill, dedication, and respect for the rules or the craft. The speaker's fascination with these art forms underscores the importance of recognizing and appreciating the passion and expertise of individuals in their chosen fields.

    • Confidence and passion in workEmbrace your craft, focus on mastering a skill, and share your experiences for personal growth and success.

      Confidence and passion in one's craft can be incredibly inspiring and captivating. The speaker admires a butcher who exudes confidence in his work and sets a high standard for others. Passion and focus on a single skill or craft, even if it means neglecting other areas of life, can lead to great success and personal growth. The speaker's own experience of becoming a successful comedian after being completely devoted to martial arts demonstrates this idea. Even in the face of personal struggles and rock bottom moments, embracing one's experiences and sharing them with others can lead to positive outcomes. The speaker's father's death ultimately motivated him to get his life together and find success in comedy.

    • The subjectivity of perceptionsDespite finding child pornography in a hoarder's house, he asked for help to clean again, emphasizing the importance of respecting individual differences and the unpredictability of life.

      Everyone perceives the world differently, and what may seem shocking or disturbing to one person might be normal or insignificant to another. The discussion revolves around an experience of cleaning a hoarder's house, where they found an extensive collection of physical pornography, including some involving children. The finders were taken aback and called the police, leading to the arrest of the hoarder. However, they were surprised when he called them back to clean his house again, despite his conviction for child pornography. The experience highlights the subjectivity of our perceptions and the importance of respecting individual differences, even when they challenge our own values. It also serves as a reminder that the world is not always as it appears and that we should be prepared for unexpected twists and turns.

    • The Power of Mental Strength and DeterminationDespite challenges and setbacks, including personal struggles like addiction, we can draw inspiration from those who have overcome greater obstacles and keep pushing forward with resilience and perseverance.

      No matter what challenges or setbacks we face in life, there's always someone who has overcome greater obstacles. This was vividly illustrated in the story of the runner who was passed by a man with an artificial leg during a marathon. The experience served as a powerful reminder that mental strength and determination can help us get through even the toughest situations. The speaker emphasized that everyone faces adversity, but it's up to us to decide whether we quit or keep pushing forward. He also shared his personal experience with addiction, acknowledging that it's a disease that never truly goes away but can be managed with the right choices and mindset. Overall, the message was one of resilience, perseverance, and the importance of staying committed to our goals, even when the odds seem stacked against us.

    • Overcoming Addictions: Setting Realistic Expectations and Making a PlanSetting realistic goals, making a plan for improvement, and acknowledging imperfections can help individuals struggling with addictions lead better lives, even with occasional challenges.

      Setting realistic expectations and making a plan for improvement, even if life may not be perfect, can lead to a better life for those struggling with addictions. The speaker, Matt, shared his personal experiences and emphasized the importance of understanding the challenges others face, especially in his line of work. He acknowledged the imperfections in his own life, including dealing with viruses and occasional indulgences, but emphasized the importance of balance and love for his family. Despite the occasional difficulties, Matt expressed gratitude for his experiences and appreciated the opportunity to share his insights.

    • Joe Rogan and fellow comedians going on tour, filming DVDs in AtlantaJoe Rogan and comedians Joey Diaz, Duncan Trussell, and Brian Redban are touring and filming DVDs in Atlanta. Tickets are on sale, and performances will be released online for a low price.

      Joe Rogan, a popular figure known for his podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience" and his comedy shows, is going on tour with fellow comedians Joey Diaz, Duncan Trussell, and Brian Redban. They will be performing live in various locations including Atlanta, where they will be filming DVDs. Tickets for the Atlanta shows are on sale, and Rogan plans to release the performances online in the Louis CK style for a low price. Rogan expressed his gratitude towards his audience and encouraged them to attend the shows. He also mentioned upcoming performances at the Comedy and Magic Club, Louisville Improv, and the Ice House in Pasadena. Overall, Rogan and his fellow comedians are looking forward to engaging with their fans and putting on great shows.

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    E188: Richard Osman: The Untold Story Of A TV Legend's Addiction

    E188: Richard Osman: The Untold Story Of A TV Legend's Addiction
    Richard Osman is a television host, former creative director of a world-leading production company, and the author behind the biggest literary sensation since Harry Potter., the Thursday Murder Club series. In this one-of-a-kind conversation, Richard reveals for the first time what has motored him from a working class, single parent household to the top of the television and literary worlds. There’s more to Richard than meets the eye. He’s had to battle through self-doubt, addiction, imposter syndrome to have one of the most remarkable, multi-faceted and varied careers we’ve ever featured. We’ll let Richard take it from here. Topics: Early years Knowing the impact not to see your dad would you act differently now? Being shaped more by your mum Watching the TV when you were younger Your disability Being too tall The 'Storm' in your 20s - your addiction Unlocking ideas from your therapist Why were you successful? What is creativity to you? How intentional is success Groups making creatives ideas vs individuals You wrote this book without showing anyone Tell me about your doubts What clouds did you connect to create this book How has it affected your happiness? What is happiness to you? Family Monogamy What is this book doing for people? The last guest question Richard: Twitter - https://bit.ly/3eG2bcD Instagram - https://bit.ly/3TBB5C0 Richards book: https://amzn.to/3EUM4lR Wait list for The Diary - Add your name here: https://bit.ly/3fUcF8q Watch the episodes on Youtube: https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb Follow us on Telegram: https://g2ul0.app.link/E5re0ADNKsb Sponsors: Huel - https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsb Mercedes-Benz - https://bit.ly/3yXTQI1 Amex - https://bit.ly/3TATNKc  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Chuck Wisner - Conscious Conversations: The Key to Deepening Relationships & Fostering Understanding | STM Podcast #168

    Chuck Wisner - Conscious Conversations: The Key to Deepening Relationships & Fostering Understanding | STM Podcast #168

    On episode 168, we welcome Chuck Wisner to discuss the importance of conscious conversations in building deeper connections and understanding between people, the role of active listening in conscious conversations, how it can transform our relationships and interactions, strategies for cultivating empathy and compassion during conversations, why these qualities are essential for effective communication, how ego and internal storytelling disrupt relationships, how practicing mindfulness can improve our ability to communicate with others, the ways in which conscious conversations can be used to address difficult topics, examples of conscious conversations in action, creativity from collaboration and why it shouldn’t matter who gets credit, practical tips and exercises for developing the skills and habits needed for conscious conversations, how readers can apply these strategies in their daily lives, and what Chuck learned from meeting the Dalai Lama.

    Chuck Wisner is president of Wisner Consulting. His client list includes companies such as Google, Rivian, Apple, Tesla, Harvard Business School, Ford, and Chrysler. Wisner was a senior affiliated mediator with the Harvard Mediation Program and was among the first to be certified through the Mastering the Art of Professional Coaching program at the Newfield Institute. He was also a specialist in organizational learning and leadership as an affiliate with MIT’s Center for Organizational Learning. His new book, available now, is called The Art of Conscious Conversations: Transforming How We Talk, Listen, and Interact.


    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

    ► Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/chuck_wisner

    ► Twitter | https://twitter.com/chuck_wisner

    ► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/chuckwisnerconsulting

    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/company/chuckwisner

    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


    Where you can find us:

    | Seize The Moment Podcast |

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    Breaking Boundaries with Chris Boutté: Addiction, Comedy, Censorship, Podcasting & Gaming | STM #161

    Breaking Boundaries with Chris Boutté: Addiction, Comedy, Censorship, Podcasting & Gaming | STM #161

    On episode 161, we welcome Chris Boutté to discuss the helpful aspects of his addiction treatment, his passion for reading and educating lay-people about critical thinking, Leon’s history of addiction and Alen’s family history of it, connection and purpose as balms for depression and anxiety, how gaming helped Chris with his struggles, the Moneyball strategy of successful podcasting, the significance of comedy for managing self-importance and sorrow, learning to be disliked and the uselessness of perfectionism, and how reading helped Chris better understand and sympathize with others.

    Chris Boutté is an author, influencer and youtuber. You can find him on Substack at the Rewired Soul. He is the author of CANCELED: Inside YouTube Cancel Culture, multiple mental health books, and he often contributes to wellness publications such as Thrive Global and Tiny Buddha. Chris reads hundreds of non-fiction books each year and has spoken with authors on a diverse range of subjects at the popular, The Rewired Soul Podcast. You can also find his expert quotes in publications such as VOX, INSIDER, and VICE. 


    | Chris Boutté |

    ► Twitter 1 | https://twitter.com/bootmanmstz

    ► Twitter 2 | https://twitter.com/realchrisboutte

    ► Substack | https://therewiredsoul.substack.com/

    ► CANCELED: Inside YouTube Cancel Culture | https://amzn.to/415OyXo


    Where you can find us:

    | Seize The Moment Podcast |

    ► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/SeizeTheMoment

    ► Twitter | https://twitter.com/seize_podcast

    ► Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/seizethemoment

    ► TikTok | https://www.tiktok.com/@seizethemomentpodcast

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