
    198 Create Massive Social Reach and Have Fun Doing It with iJustine

    enJuly 06, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying true to oneself and allowing creativity leads to a large audienceAuthenticity and creativity are essential for building a large and engaged online audience. Justine, a successful YouTube personality, achieved this by staying true to herself and expressing herself creatively.

      Authenticity and creativity are key to building a large and engaged audience. I Justine, a YouTube personality, producer, actress, host, and technology expert, has built a massive following by staying true to herself and allowing herself to be goofy, silly, and creative. Her authentic expression and unapologetic attitude have earned her numerous awards and recognitions, including nominations for Teen Choice and Streamy Awards, and the People's Voice Webby Award for Best Web Personality Host. She has been named one of the Hollywood Reporter's 50 Most Powerful Digital Players, Fast Company's Most Influential Person Online, and ranked number six on the Daily Beast 2012 Digital Power Index. Her memoir, "I, Justine," shares her life story and is a must-read for anyone looking to unlock their inner greatness and build a successful online presence.

    • Discovering Creativity from Loneliness and AngerImagination and creativity can emerge from negative emotions and lead to new passions and self-expression through technology.

      Imagination and creativity can emerge from feelings of loneliness and anger. In childhood, the speaker found solace in creating imaginary friends and later turned to technology to express himself through coding and website creation. One pivotal moment came when he made a website to cope with being bullied, leading him to discover a passion for designing and sharing content online. This early experience with website creation predates popular platforms like Daily Booth and Instagram, but it instilled a love for technology and self-expression that has stayed with him. The speaker's story highlights the transformative power of imagination and creativity in overcoming challenges and discovering new passions.

    • The internet can be deceiving in terms of perceived personal connectionOnline interactions can be perceived as more personal than they actually are, and once content is posted online, it can reach a larger audience than intended.

      The internet can be deceiving in terms of perceived personal connection. While someone like the speaker may have downloaded an app or engaged with content due to a celebrity endorsement, others may perceive that interaction as more personal than it actually is. Additionally, the unpredictability of social media platforms like YouTube, with their ever-changing algorithms, keeps content creators engaged and interested, even when their intended audience may not be the one ultimately viewing their content. It's essential to remember that once content is posted online, it can be seen by a much larger audience than intended, potentially leading to embarrassing or unwanted outcomes. Despite these potential drawbacks, the speaker remains committed to using YouTube due to the platform's unpredictability and potential for viral success.

    • Catering to diverse audiences and validating gaming as a legitimate form of entertainmentContent creators produce work for specific audiences, acknowledge gaming as a legitimate form of entertainment, and attend e-sports events to appreciate the dedication and skill of professional gamers.

      Content creators, like the person in this conversation, produce work with specific audiences in mind. They understand that not everyone will connect with every piece of content and strive to create channels or platforms for various types of content. The person in this conversation, for instance, has a main channel, a gaming channel, and an additional channel for extra content. They cater to their audiences' interests and share content accordingly. Moreover, the person in this conversation is passionate about video games and considers them a legitimate form of entertainment and competition. They attend e-sports events, where gamers compete at a professional level, and acknowledge the immense dedication and skill required to excel in gaming. The financial rewards for top gamers can be substantial, further highlighting the legitimacy of gaming as a career path. Lastly, the person in this conversation emphasizes the importance of sharing content with others, even if it's not for everyone. They believe that the story behind the content and the intentions behind its creation should be recognized and appreciated.

    • Finding community and building careers onlineThe internet offers opportunities for introverts and those feeling isolated to build careers and form meaningful connections, enabling personal growth through community and new experiences.

      The internet and online communities have provided opportunities for individuals to build careers and form meaningful connections, even for those who are introverted or feel isolated in their offline lives. The speaker, for example, found a large community of like-minded individuals online and was able to turn her passion for video games into a career. She moved to Los Angeles to pursue this newfound lifestyle and has since hosted events, built a following, and made lasting friendships. Although she keeps old social networking sites as a piece of history, she acknowledges that letting go of the past may be necessary for personal growth. Ultimately, the internet has provided a platform for people to find community, build careers, and form meaningful connections despite personal introversion or geographical isolation.

    • The transformative power of social mediaSocial media can bring joy and validation, but also evoke painful memories. The speaker's journey highlights the emotional complexities of online connections.

      Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become digital repositories of our memories, but they can also evoke painful memories of past relationships and lost loved ones. The speaker shared how she joined Twitter in 2006 and became an early adopter, even facing skepticism from her family and peers. She remembered trying to reach milestones on the platform and being discovered by MTV as their Twitter host, which validated her efforts. However, she also acknowledged the bittersweet aspect of social media, where reminders of past relationships and loved ones who have passed away can resurface unexpectedly. Despite this, she cherishes the memories and the connections she has made online. The speaker's journey illustrates the transformative power of social media, both in terms of personal growth and the validation of new ideas, but also the emotional complexities that come with it.

    • Creating content for enjoyment, not just incomeEmbrace projects with passion and let creativity flow, rather than focusing solely on income and rigid goals.

      Creating content on platforms like YouTube can evolve from a hobby into a full-time income, but the focus should remain on enjoyment rather than fixating on numbers or goals. The speaker, who started monetizing content around 2008-2009 when platforms like Revver.com began offering revenue shares, emphasizes the importance of having fun and discovering new opportunities as they come along. They shared their experiences of producing a web series idea and a reality show, expressing that setting rigid goals can limit creativity and exploration. Instead, they encourage embracing various projects and letting the passion guide the way.

    • Maintaining authenticity in online presenceStay true to oneself, integrate brand opportunities organically, and make decisions based on resonance with audience and self.

      Staying true to oneself and maintaining authenticity is crucial in building and sustaining a successful online presence. The speaker shared an experience of being pressured into participating in a reality show against her will, but she managed to keep her audience engaged by being open about her feelings and experiences. She also emphasized the importance of integrating brand opportunities organically and making decisions based on what resonates with both herself and her audience. The speaker's personal brand and decisions are still her own, even with the help of an agent, and she values the trust and authenticity she has built with her audience.

    • Creating content consistently can be emotionally and physically draining, but also leads to personal growth and new opportunities.Consistently creating content can be challenging, but it allows for personal growth and the chance to explore new roles and characters.

      Creating content consistently, whether it be videos or acting, can be emotionally and physically draining. Despite the desire to make more each year, there are times when the creator may not feel up to filming or acting, which can impact the authenticity and quality of the content. This can lead to stress and exhaustion, but also opportunities for personal growth and exploring new characters. The creator's upcoming movie project, where they will be producing, directing, starring, and financing, is an exciting but challenging endeavor as they are not an actress. They have acted before, but this project will push them out of their comfort zone and allow them to showcase different aspects of themselves to their audience. The creator also enjoys creating various characters for their videos, with Libby being a recent favorite, and finds that fully embracing the character can lead to unexpected experiences and reactions from friends and family.

    • Creating Consistent Content: Balancing Quality and QuantityMaintain consistency in content creation by balancing quality and quantity while adapting to audience preferences and avoiding burnout.

      Creating content consistently, whether it's for a YouTube channel or a movie, can be challenging but also rewarding. Memorization and focusing on audience preferences are key concerns for content creators. The process of creating content, from pre-production to distribution, can take time and require flexibility. While there's no definitive answer on whether there's too much content to consume, it's essential to prioritize and cater to the audience. Schedules can help maintain consistency but shouldn't be too rigid to avoid burnout. Ultimately, the most successful creators find a balance between quality and quantity, and remain adaptable to their audience's evolving preferences.

    • Success in YouTube gaming goes beyond skillsAuthenticity, entertainment value, and audience connection are crucial for YouTube gaming success. Share personal experiences and be nice.

      The success of YouTube gaming content creators goes beyond just their gaming skills. Personality, entertainment value, and audience connection play significant roles. These creators often build a following by having conversational videos, sharing their experiences, and engaging with their viewers. Some creators may not even be professional gamers but excel in creating content consistently. The key to success lies in surrounding oneself with people who complement one's weaknesses and being authentic. If all content was erased, and one video was allowed, I'd suggest a video where the creator shares three truths from their experiences. These truths could be: nothing is as big a deal as it seems, nobody cares as much as we think, and have fun and be nice. Being nice, even if it's a challenge, is essential. The number of relationships since starting YouTube is not mentioned in the conversation.

    • Balancing personal relationships and YouTube stardomMaintaining healthy relationships inspires growth, but sharing online can lead to unwanted scrutiny and negativity, affecting mental health. Balance is key.

      Maintaining personal relationships while being a public figure on YouTube can be challenging. Some relationships remained private to avoid the YouTube world, while others brought unwanted attention and negativity. The speaker emphasized the importance of being in a relationship that inspires personal growth and mutual support. However, sharing personal life events online can lead to unwanted scrutiny and public reactions, which can be heartbreaking and affect the individual's mental health. Ultimately, the speaker highlighted the need to balance personal relationships and public persona while maintaining privacy and avoiding unnecessary drama.

    • Managing emotions and privacy in content creationContent creators face challenges managing emotions and privacy during personal life events or breakups. Prioritize self-care and supportive relationships, create content in advance, and find a balance between sharing and protecting privacy.

      Managing emotions and maintaining privacy are significant challenges for content creators, especially during personal life events or breakups. Cyberbullying and negative online interactions can be distressing and potentially harmful, making it essential to prioritize self-care and supportive relationships. Creating content in advance can help manage the public's expectations and minimize negative reactions. However, disconnecting entirely from digital platforms can be challenging, as they serve as primary sources of information and communication for many people. Ultimately, finding a balance between sharing personal experiences and protecting privacy is crucial for content creators' emotional well-being and online safety.

    • Using Technology for Connection and CommunicationTechnology can bring joy through connection and communication, especially during important moments. Instagram is a favorite social network for its personal and visual nature. Finding balance and setting boundaries is crucial to avoid exhaustion. Periscope and Snapchat are potential game-changers for businesses due to their live and ephemeral nature.

      While technology like phones and social media can be seen as unnecessary, they can also serve as valuable tools for connection and communication, especially during important moments. The speaker shares how receiving texts and calls, even from old friends, can bring joy and remind them of meaningful relationships. Instagram, in particular, is mentioned as a favorite social network due to its personal and visual nature. However, it's important to note that finding balance and setting boundaries with technology use is crucial to avoid exhaustion. The future of social media for businesses and entrepreneurs is also discussed, with Periscope and Snapchat being potential game-changers due to their live and ephemeral nature. Ultimately, technology and social media can be used to build and strengthen connections, but it's essential to use them mindfully and intentionally.

    • Interviewee values meaningful connections despite being active on social mediaDespite a busy life and active social media presence, the interviewee prioritizes meaningful relationships with family and friends and finds joy in using Instagram and Twitter for personal and professional purposes. He's excited about starting a podcast with his sister and values the support of his network.

      The interviewee, despite having a busy life and being active on multiple social media platforms, values meaningful connections with family and friends above all. He finds joy in using Instagram and Twitter for personal and professional purposes, respectively. The interviewee also expressed his excitement about starting a podcast with his sister and the importance of having a supportive network of friends. He is most grateful for the love and support from his friends and the surreal experiences he has had during book tours. The ease of use and availability of equipment are crucial factors in his decision to start a podcast.

    • Finding joy and making a differenceAuthenticity and positively impacting others are essential for greatness. Stay true to yourself, even in tough times, and find joy in what you love to make a difference.

      Authenticity and making a positive impact on people's lives are key components of greatness, according to Justine. She shared stories about her experiences, including being in a commercial for her favorite video game and traveling to Iceland, which were surreal and inspiring. Justine also emphasized the importance of being true to oneself, even in the face of criticism or bullying, and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to touch people's lives through her work. Overall, Justine's journey has been about finding joy and fulfillment in what she loves and making a difference in the world.

    • Engage with creators for meaningful connectionsEngaging with creators through comments and shares can lead to deeper understanding and connections. Consider leaving comments on their social media platforms and reading their books for more insights.

      Engaging with creators and sharing your thoughts can lead to meaningful connections. During this episode, the host encouraged listeners to engage with Justine Ezarik, also known as iJustine, by leaving comments on her social media platforms after listening to the podcast about her and her husband's home. The host also recommended her book, "I Justine," for those interested in learning more about her story and success in building an online empire. The episode ended with a call to action for new listeners to subscribe, leave a review, and share the episode with others. Overall, the message emphasized the importance of community and engagement in learning and growing.

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    We Get Real AF Podcast Credits:

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    Artist: Rachel K. Collier

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    Cover Artwork Photo Credit: Alice Moore 


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    Bryce Hall: The New Superstar Kid in Town | TikTok, Gen Z, Sway House, and Social Media

    Bryce Hall: The New Superstar Kid in Town | TikTok, Gen Z, Sway House, and Social Media

    Bryce Hall is the star that Justin.tv (and later Twitch) had hoped to create. At 21 years old, he is a social media phenom with 25M+ followers across platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. Bryce's rise to superstardom started with a yearning for connection: he started live-streaming after being bullied in high school, and in 6 years took over all the headlines and now lives 24/7 in his haters' head, rent-free. 

    I knew Bryce from appearing on his podcast, Capital University. I loved his determination and hustle, and invited him to come on The Quest. We talked about making viral content, building a fanbase through the demise of Vine and YouNow, founding Sway House and Ani Energy, and finding TikTok hacks. Bryce is our youngest guest on The Quest, and this was a great crash course on Gen Z for me.


    🎥 Watch this episode with video: https://youtu.be/OViNnS2r-20

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    140: Scott Graham

    140: Scott Graham

    What made the internet angry this week?

    This Week we are joined Scott Graham (https://www.youtube.com/c/wflbc). Scott is giving up on most social media and after watching “The Social Dilemma” he won’t be alone. Cancel culture should have a path to redemption. Trump is all over everything this week. The presidential debate was a new low for American Politics. Trump and a bunch of republicans test positive or COVID and people think it’s fake and the guys weigh in on if they think he has it and his likely hood of surviving if he does. Trump’s dumb taxes. Trump tweets that he kept his hair from eating MacDonald’s fries. Tampa Bay Lightning win the Stanley cup in the bubble and immediately upon their arrival in Florida try their hardest to spread COVID. A UK zoo has to take 5 parrots off of display because they were swearing at the public.

    Rapid Fire:

    The Milania tapes

    Man in France cannot teach Kindergarten because he has a tattooed face and tongue. (https://cnn.it/3d5MyFZ)

    Chrissy Teigen had a miscarriage and people are insensitive dickheads.

    Check out our redbubble swag https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/49661850

    Episode 105: The Life of a Chef in the Internet Age

    Episode 105: The Life of a Chef in the Internet Age

    When he was 9 years old, Jeremy Salamon told his parents that he would be a chef when he grew up. He started a food blog to connect with other teens at 13, and took the reins at The Eddy in New York's East Village at 23. Join Harry as he and Jeremy talk about that trajectory, cooking from family ancestry and taking on the restaurant business in NY.

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    144: Halloween, Joe Rogan, and the trouble with lockdowns

    144: Halloween, Joe Rogan, and the trouble with lockdowns

    What made the internet angry this week?

    In this Halloween episode of the podcast it’s just Dale and Derek without a guest for the first time in almost 30 episodes. A problematic Halloween display in Maple ridge had a dummy being hung in their yard and people got upset. People are not going to put drugs in your kids candy, maybe razorblades but never drugs. Joe Rogan had Alex Jones on his podcast and Derek thinks it was a bad thing because Jones doesn’t deserve a platform and Dale likes it because Jones is entertaining and gets some things right. Joe Biden tweeted he wasn’t going to do a lockdown if he won. The guys agree we should not have another lockdown because it would be devastating to the economy. We can’t not talk about the election this close to November 3rd. Mitchell Miller was drafted by the Arizona Coyotes and was then let go because of his conviction for bullying when he was 14 years old. Kids are gluing vampire fangs to their teeth on tik tok. Elias Pettersson was on Spitting Chicklits and people were butthurt.