
    Podcast Summary

    • Unforgettable Performance and Shared Sentiment at an Austin ClubDiscovering the power of manifesting ideas and seeing them come to fruition, while recognizing the historical and significant essence of a venue.

      The experience of performing at the club in Austin was a highlight for Theo Von. He felt the pressure and excitement of being a surprise guest on the show and received a standing ovation from the audience. Joe Rogan reminisced about how the club has evolved since Theo Von first visited, and they both agreed that it feels like the club has always been there, as if it was meant to exist in that location. Despite Joe Rogan's daughter believing the club is haunted, Theo Von also felt a sense of history and significance associated with the venue. This experience inspired both Joe Rogan and Theo Von to see the power of manifesting ideas into reality and making things happen.

    • Age and Gender Double Standard in RelationshipsSociety needs to address the double standard that allows older women to be involved with younger men while heavily criticizing older men with younger girls. Furthermore, the leniency in the legal system concerning older women engaging in relationships with underage boys calls for greater awareness and accountability to protect young individuals and ensure equal justice.

      There is a double standard when it comes to age and gender in relationships. It is seen as more acceptable for older women to be involved with younger men, while older men with younger girls are heavily criticized. This discrepancy is often overlooked and not given much attention. Additionally, the conversation points out the leniency in the legal system when it comes to certain offenses, particularly involving older women engaging in relationships with underage boys. This highlights the need for greater awareness and accountability in society to protect young individuals and ensure that justice is served equally regardless of gender.

    • The unique scent of baby deer helps their mothers identify them and keep them safe from predators.Baby deer have a distinctive scent that their mothers use to locate them, emphasizing the importance of scent in the animal kingdom for communication and survival.

      Baby deer have a unique scent that their mothers use to identify them. Contrary to the initial belief that baby deer have no scent, it has been found that their mothers urinate on their tarsal glands daily, even when they are just a few days old. This distinctive scent helps the mother deer locate her baby if it gets lost or if there is a predator nearby. The conversation also delves into the peculiar behavior of elk getting horny and flopping their dicks while urinating on themselves. Additionally, the discussion highlights the dangers of taking risky selfies and the reckless behavior some individuals engage in for the sake of social media validation.

    • Whales Teaching Each Other to Attack RuddersOrcas off the Iberian coast have learned to target rudders as a means of asserting dominance and responding to human-related issues, raising questions about the impacts of human interference on marine ecosystems.

      Orcas in the Iberian coast have been taught by other whales to attack and destroy rudders. This phenomenon seems to be specific to the region and is a response to the problems the orcas have had with people. It is a way for them to assert dominance and take action. Additionally, the conversation touches on the prevalence of canned tuna and how it has become a staple in our diets, while other fish like salmon are less commonly canned. The conversation also highlights the tendency for individuals to make impulsive and sometimes questionable choices when they have newfound freedom and wealth.

    • Pit Bulls: Loyalty, Affection, and StrengthPit bulls are loving and loyal companions, but they need proper training and care to ensure their affection and protective nature shines through.

      Pit bulls are known for their loyalty, affection, and strength. Both Theo Von and Joe Rogan express their admiration for these dogs and how they provide love and companionship. They discuss the unique qualities of pit bulls, such as their tenacity and playfulness. Joe Rogan shares his experiences with his own pit bull, expressing how happy and excited his dog is to see him. Additionally, they talk about the importance of training and raising pit bulls properly to ensure their loyalty and affection towards their owners. It is acknowledged that pit bulls can be intimidating due to their power, but when treated well, they become loving and protective pets.

    • Unpredictable and Determined: The Nature of DogsDogs are determined creatures with a strong desire for exploration and interaction. Responsible dog ownership and proper training are crucial to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

      Dogs can be unpredictable and determined creatures. Joe Rogan shares a story about a dog that relentlessly tries to escape his fenced-in yard, even slamming his head into the metal bars to get to other dogs. Pain doesn't deter these dogs, and they have a strong desire to explore and interact with their surroundings. This highlights the importance of having secure perimeters and properly training dogs. Additionally, the conversation touches on the different types of dogs and their behaviors, such as a wild boxer and a well-behaved indoor golden retriever. It reminds us that dogs can vary greatly in temperament and upbringing, emphasizing the need for responsible dog ownership and socialization.

    • The Impact of Conflicts on Contracts and Salary NegotiationsClear communication, transparency, and authenticity are essential in resolving conflicts and ensuring fair compensation in contractual agreements, highlighting the importance of kindness and genuine behavior.

      Conflicts over contracts and salary negotiations can significantly impact individuals and their careers. The examples discussed, such as the situations with the Caller Daddy podcast and the TV show involving John Ritter, highlight the influence of agents and the complexities of contractual agreements. It is evident that misunderstandings can arise when it comes to determining fair compensation, leading to tensions between parties involved. Communication and transparency are crucial in such situations to avoid potential resentment and disappointment. Additionally, this conversation emphasizes the importance of genuine kindness and authenticity, as some individuals may present themselves differently on television compared to their real-life personas.

    • Nostalgic memories and random tangents in an intriguing conversation.Exploring unexpected connections and the peculiarities of various topics can lead to fascinating insights and memorable conversations.

      The man from Atlantis was a memorable figure in Joe Rogan's childhood, especially his unique swimming style. Despite the show's short run, it left a lasting impression on him and his friends. The conversation also veers into discussions about mittens, wiener length, and even duck anatomy. Through these random tangents, we learn about the bizarre world of duck mating and the complexities of their reproductive system. Joe Rogan also shares a story about a man who tried to help a baby bison but inadvertently caused its rejection by the herd due to human scent. Overall, this conversation highlights the quirks of various topics and the surprising connections between them.

    • The Challenges of an Exceptionally Large PenisHaving a large penis can lead to discomfort in certain situations and may pose difficulties in relationships, but it also sparks curiosity and fascination among people. Awareness of medical conditions related to genitalia is emphasized.

      The discussion revolves around the topic of penis size and the challenges that come with having an exceptionally large penis. The conversation highlights the potential drawbacks and inconveniences of having a long and sizable penis, such as discomfort in cold weather, difficulty maneuvering, and potential difficulties in intimate relationships. It also touches upon the curiosity and fascination people have with extreme cases of penis size, discussing a specific individual with a large penis. The conversation eventually shifts to discussing medical conditions related to genitalia, such as scrotal lymphedema. Overall, the conversation highlights the various perspectives and considerations surrounding penis size and the impact it can have on an individual's life.

    • Society's obsession with size and its impact on self-perception and well-being.Prioritize your overall well-being and don't let societal expectations or personal insecurities define your worth.

      The speakers discuss various topics ranging from drugs to body issues, but the underlying theme is the fascination with size. They joke about the advantages and disadvantages of having a big penis and large breasts, highlighting how society often values certain physical attributes. Additionally, they touch upon health concerns, reminding us of the importance of taking care of our bodies. By using humor and anecdotes, they shed light on how societal expectations and personal insecurities can affect our self-perception. Ultimately, this conversation serves as a reminder to prioritize our overall well-being and not let external appearances define our worth.

    • Nepotism and Networking Influence Hollywood's Entertainment IndustrySuccess in acting requires connections and appearances, often leading to individuals being fake and altering their beliefs to align with influential casting agents and executives. However, exceptions like Taylor Sheraton and Benicio Del Toro exist.

      The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, is heavily influenced by nepotism and networking. Success in acting is not solely dependent on talent, but also on connections and appearances. Many individuals in the industry go to great lengths to network and please casting agents in order to secure roles. This often involves being fake and excessively complimentary, which can be exhausting and distasteful. Furthermore, political beliefs within Hollywood tend to be left-leaning, and individuals may alter their opinions and behavior to align with those of influential casting people and executives. However, there are exceptions to this trend, as seen in actors like Taylor Sheraton and Benicio Del Toro.

    • Joe Rogan and Theo Von discuss Swamp Thing and interviewing guests on their podcasts, emphasizing the importance of natural conversation and making guests feel at ease.Genuine conversation and creating a comfortable environment for guests are vital elements in successful interviews.

      Joe Rogan and Theo Von discuss the movie Swamp Thing and their experiences with interviewing guests on their podcasts. They talk about how Swamp Thing was a beloved character in Louisiana and how it was exciting for them to see a movie based on it. They also touch on the different approaches they take when interviewing people, with Joe Rogan emphasizing the importance of having a natural conversation and making guests feel at ease. They acknowledge that some people may struggle with being themselves in front of a large audience, but they believe it is possible to stay authentic regardless of the situation. Overall, the key takeaway is the value of genuine conversation and the importance of putting guests at ease during interviews.

    • Cultivating and Protecting a High Frequency for Well-beingOur energy and frequency significantly impact our well-being. Being aware of our energy levels and taking intentional steps to cultivate a higher frequency can improve our overall well-being.

      Our overall energy and frequency can greatly impact our well-being and ability to thrive. Joe Rogan shares his revelation while on mushrooms, realizing that when he's healthy and everything is going well, he attains a specific frequency that he should strive for. He also learns that certain habits, like drinking alcohol, can dull that frequency and hinder his overall energy. Theo Von expresses his curiosity about measuring and quantifying this frequency in the future. They discuss their own routines and practices that help them maintain a positive frequency, such as prayer, meditation, and journaling. The conversation highlights the importance of being aware of our energy levels and taking intentional steps to cultivate and protect a higher frequency for better overall well-being.

    • The Power of Routine and MindfulnessEstablishing a daily routine and incorporating mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help create a focused mindset and provide a clear path forward, while finding enjoyment in activities can bring excitement and positive impact.

      Having a set routine or ritual, like meditation in the morning, can help provide a clear path forward for the day and set the right mindset. Kobe Bryant implemented this practice and believed in the power of having a focused mindset. Additionally, having something to look forward to, like Theo Von's meditation time, can also be beneficial. Living in a noisy environment can be challenging, but it seems that both Theo Von and Joe Rogan have found ways to adapt. The conversation also highlights the excitement and energy that comes from watching talented comedians perform, like Joey Diaz, and the impact they have on others.

    • Unpredictable Moments: Drug Use, Laughter, and Unexpected IncidentsDrug experiences can be a mix of scary and exciting, with unexpected moments that highlight the risks involved. Addiction and the euphoria of reintroducing substances are also discussed.

      Drug experiences can be both scary and exciting, especially when you're young and don't know what to expect. The individuals in the conversation recall a time when they were on LSD and visited a Waffle House while under the influence. They found humor in their altered state and laughed uncontrollably, causing a waiter to mistakenly perform the Heimlich maneuver on one of them. They reminisce about the unpredictable nature of drug use and the thrill it brought, despite the risks involved. They also discuss their addiction to caffeine and how taking a break from it can lead to a euphoric feeling upon reintroducing it. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and varied experiences associated with drugs and addiction.

    • The Potential Risks of Vaping and Related PracticesVaping can lead to diminishing effects over time and difficulty in quitting, with concerns about the potential health risks of additives. Moderation and proper dosage in consuming substances are essential for minimizing risks.

      Vaping, while initially providing a relaxing and euphoric feeling, can have negative consequences. Both Joe Rogan and Theo Von admit to experiencing the diminishing effects of vaping over time and the difficulty in quitting. They express concerns about the potential health risks of the additives found in vape liquids. While certain sources claim that propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin, two common ingredients in vaping products, are safe to use, there is evidence suggesting that they can lead to lung inflammation. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of moderation and proper dosage in consuming substances like Kava and Kratum drinks. Overall, this conversation underscores the need for critical examination of the potential risks involved in vaping and other related practices.

    • The dangers of excessive consumption and the importance of informed choicesIt is vital to be aware of recommended serving sizes, ingredient transparency, and potential addictive substances in energy and wellness drinks to maintain good health.

      Consuming excessive amounts of certain energy drinks or wellness drinks can have serious health consequences. It is important to be aware of the recommended serving sizes and guidelines provided by the manufacturers. In this conversation, it was mentioned that one individual became addicted and suffered negative effects from consuming 10 "feel free Cava drinks" a day, which contained an addictive substance called Kratum. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the need for transparency in product labeling and accurate information regarding ingredients. It is crucial to make informed choices and be cautious of excessive consumption, as it can lead to harmful outcomes. Ultimately, understanding and following the recommended serving sizes and being aware of potentially addictive substances is essential for maintaining one's health and well-being.

    • Substance Abuse, Mental Health, and the Risks of Alternative RealitiesSubstance abuse and mental health issues can lead individuals to live in alternative realities, highlighting the importance of awareness and informed choices about substances we consume.

      Some individuals live in alternative realities, often due to substance abuse or mental health issues. These people may disappear for extended periods, engage in dangerous behaviors, and struggle to piece together what happened to them. The discussion also touches on the topic of kava, a substance that can provide a pleasant feeling and anxiety relief but may have negative effects on the liver if consumed in high doses. Joe Rogan and Theo Von express curiosity about visiting kava bars and the potential risks involved. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being aware of substance abuse and mental health issues, as well as making informed choices about substances we consume.

    • Protecting Personal Spaces and Advocating for Fair TreatmentStay vigilant, trust your instincts, and seek help when needed. Additionally, advocate for fair treatment and protection in all industries to prevent exploitation.

      Sneaky individuals can pose a threat and invade personal spaces even in shared living situations. It's important to be aware of the people around us and take necessary precautions for our safety. Victims may initially doubt themselves and hesitate to seek help, but it's crucial to trust our instincts and seek assistance when something feels off. The conversation also highlights the documentary about American Gladiators, exposing the unfair treatment of the gladiators who were severely injured yet received little to no payment for their performances. This serves as a reminder that exploitation can occur in various industries, and it's important to advocate for fair treatment and protection of workers.

    • Joe Rogan's insights on the benefits of a carnivore diet and the importance of individualized nutrition choices.Joe Rogan advocates for the carnivore diet as it improves brain function, increases energy, and reduces fatigue. He emphasizes the significance of individual differences in choosing a diet for optimal well-being.

      Joe Rogan believes that following a carnivore diet can have significant benefits for one's overall well-being and cognitive function. Rogan noticed that when he strictly adhered to the carnivore diet, his brain functioned better, he had more energy, and he experienced less fatigue throughout the day. He believes that this is due to the fact that clean, unprocessed foods like meat and eggs require less effort for the body to process compared to foods with preservatives and additives. Additionally, Rogan mentions the importance of ketosis and how consuming excessive protein can interfere with achieving and maintaining this state. Overall, he emphasizes the importance of individual differences and finding a diet that works best for one's own body and health goals.

    • The Importance of Exercise for Physical and Mental Well-beingExercise is crucial for overall well-being and mental health, and getting back in shape can be difficult. Alternative therapies like exercise can be more effective than SSRIs in managing depression.

      Maintaining fitness is crucial for overall well-being. Joe Rogan emphasizes that maintaining a high level of fitness for his age is key and that getting back in shape after falling out of it can be difficult. He believes that exercise is essential for his mental health and helps him be the best version of himself. Theo Von agrees, stating that exercise makes him feel better and even more energetic. They also discuss the use of SSRIs for managing depression, with Theo mentioning that exercise is more effective for him personally. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of exercise for physical and mental well-being and the potential benefits of alternative therapies like Ayahuasca.

    • The complex interplay between genetics and behavior in anxietyAnxiety is influenced by both genetics and learned behaviors, but it is not solely a result of personal strength or effort. Understanding and empathy are vital in addressing mental health challenges.

      Anxiety can be influenced by both genetics and behavior. Research shows that there is a clear genetic connection to anxiety, with individuals having close relatives with anxiety being more likely to develop it themselves. However, environmental factors and learned behaviors, such as having anxious parents or experiencing constant stress, can also contribute to the development of anxiety. It is important to understand that mental illness, including anxiety, is not simply a matter of being "tough enough" or "doing enough." It requires a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and individual efforts to manage and mitigate symptoms. Additionally, the conversation highlights the unique perspectives of different individuals and emphasizes the importance of seeking understanding and empathy towards mental health issues.

    • Gratitude and Joy in Stand-Up Comedy CareersTheo Von and Joe Rogan express their gratitude for their stand-up comedy careers and highlight the joy of performing at Joe Rogan's club, emphasizing the positive impact it has on the comedy community.

      Both Theo Von and Joe Rogan feel incredibly grateful and fortunate to have their careers in stand-up comedy. They express their excitement and satisfaction about being able to do what they love as their job. They particularly highlight the joy of performing at Joe Rogan's club and the positive impact it has on the stand-up comedy community. They also touch on the importance of having legends like Ron White around, who bring a unique and valuable perspective to the stage. The conversation shows that both Theo and Joe value and appreciate the support they receive from their audiences and the thriving comedy scene in Austin.

    • Unveiling the Pharmaceutical Industry: Lack of Transparency and AccountabilityDemand honesty and reliability in healthcare information; scrutinize the pharmaceutical industry, and hold responsible parties accountable for their actions.

      There is a need for transparency and accountability in the pharmaceutical industry. Joe Rogan and Theo Von discuss various instances where the industry has misled the public, resulting in detrimental consequences. From the misleading claims about the efficacy and safety of vaccines to the opioid crisis caused by pharmaceutical companies like the Sackler family, it is evident that profit has often taken precedence over public health. Both speakers express their frustration and call for the responsible parties to be held accountable for their actions. This conversation highlights the importance of scrutinizing the information presented to us and demanding honest and reliable data when it comes to our health and well-being.

    • The Impact of Pharmaceutical Advertising on Public Health and TrustExcessive drug advertising can distort perspectives on health, prioritize profit, and raise concerns about impartiality. Individuals must critically analyze information and push for transparent healthcare practices.

      Advertising for pharmaceutical drugs, especially on television and social media, has a significant influence on people's perceptions and choices regarding their health. It is concerning that the United States allows such advertising, while it is illegal in most other countries. The massive amounts of money invested in drug advertisements lead to a distorted view of health and wellness, often prioritizing profit over the well-being of individuals. Additionally, the conversation highlights the revolving door between regulatory bodies and pharmaceutical companies, which raises concerns about the impartiality and trustworthiness of the information provided to the public. It is crucial for individuals to critically analyze the information they receive and advocate for more transparent and unbiased healthcare practices.

    • Raising Questions on Vaccine Safety and EffectivenessBy critically evaluating information and considering other factors like hygiene, it is important to be cautious about potential side effects before administering vaccines to a large population.

      There are varying perspectives on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, particularly in terms of their side effects. The discussion highlights the potential negative consequences of vaccines, specifically mentioning the correlation between DDT exposure and polio-like symptoms. It also raises questions about the overall narrative surrounding vaccines and the importance of considering other factors, such as hygiene, in disease prevention. The conversation emphasizes the need to critically evaluate information and not blindly accept the general consensus. It serves as a reminder to be aware of potential side effects and to exercise caution when administering vaccines to a large population.

    • Criticizing COVID Information and Media InfluenceThe conversation between Joe Rogan and Theo Von sheds light on frustration with COVID information, media propaganda, limited treatment availability, vaccine efficacy claims, biased reporting, censorship, and timing of video removals.

      There is frustration and skepticism surrounding the dissemination of COVID information by news organizations and social media platforms. Joe Rogan and Theo Von discuss their personal experiences with COVID and the subsequent treatments they received. Joe Rogan criticizes the media for spreading propaganda and limiting the availability of effective treatments such as monoclonal antibodies. They also question the transparency and honesty of vaccine efficacy claims made by pharmaceutical companies and government officials. The conversation highlights the influence that pharmaceutical companies have on news organizations and their advertising revenue, which may lead to biased reporting. Additionally, they discuss the removal of certain videos from YouTube that were deemed as spreading misinformation, raising concerns about censorship and the timing of the removal.

    • Unexpected Conversation Highlights Consequences of Addiction and COVID-19's Impact on RecoveryAddressing addiction and maintaining support systems for recovery is crucial, regardless of external circumstances such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

      The discussion initially revolves around the algorithm on social media platforms, but quickly shifts to a more bizarre and lighthearted talk about unconventional ways of jerking off. However, amidst the humor, an important point is made about the number of deaths caused by addiction and substance abuse compared to COVID-19. The conversation highlights the impact of the pandemic on sobriety rooms and recovery programs, resulting in a higher number of deaths. Although the discussion takes an unexpected turn, it serves as a reminder of the serious consequences of addiction and the need for support systems to be maintained even during challenging times.  Overall, the key takeaway is about the importance of addressing addiction and providing resources for recovery, irrespective of external circumstances.

    • Embracing solitud and self-reflection for personal growth.Taking time for oneself and disconnecting from everyday demands can be rejuvenating. Nature, especially the beach, provides a sense of magic and connection. Self-care and self-reflection are essential for personal growth and well-being.

      Taking time for oneself and embracing solitude can be a valuable and rejuvenating experience. Theo Von shares his experience of going on vacation alone and highlights the importance of disconnecting from the demands of everyday life. He explains how being in nature, specifically at the beach, can provide a sense of magic and connection with Mother Nature. Joe Rogan questions Theo about his decision to go on vacation solo, to which he expresses the desire to have nothing to do and simply enjoy the freedom of being alone. This conversation reminds us that self-care and self-reflection are essential for personal growth and well-being.

    • Commitments, island living, and ocean dangers: A conversation with Theo Von and Joe RoganFollow through on commitments, embrace a warm and accepting nature, enjoy life, but always be cautious and aware of potential risks.

      It is important to follow through on our commitments and not build up false narratives in our minds. Theo Von expresses the need to do what he says he will, in order to avoid creating a negative story about himself. Additionally, the conversation highlights the warm and accepting nature of Filipinos, which brings joy and happiness to individuals like Theo Von. Joe Rogan adds that island people, such as Hawaiians, know how to live and enjoy life. However, the conversation takes a turn towards the dangers of the ocean, specifically tiger sharks, reminding us of the importance of being cautious and aware of potential risks.

    • Choosing Comfort Over Long-Term Well-BeingPrioritizing long-term health and happiness is important, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zones and resisting the temptation of instant gratification.

      People often choose what is comfortable and easy over what is best for their long-term well-being. This is evident in the discussion about the over-prescription of painkillers and the tendency to rely on substances to check out from reality. The diffusion of responsibility is also mentioned, highlighting how individuals may feel less compelled to take action when they are part of something bigger or surrounded by others. The conversation suggests that society's acclimation to technology and instant gratification has contributed to this mindset. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that we should strive to prioritize long-term health and happiness over short-term comfort and convenience.

    • Frustration with Biased Media: Seeking Transparency and AccountabilityCritical thinking and seeking reliable information are essential in order to avoid being manipulated by biased media and hidden agendas.

      There is a growing concern about the integrity of the government and the media's role in shaping public opinion. Joe Rogan and Theo Von discuss various topics such as pornography, Joe Biden, and corporate activism. They highlight the need for transparency and accountability in politics and business. They express frustration with the biased media coverage, particularly in favor of left-leaning politicians. Additionally, they discuss the power of consumer action and how it can impact companies and their bottom lines. Overall, they emphasize the importance of critical thinking, questioning official narratives, and seeking reliable information in order to avoid being manipulated by hidden agendas.

    • Increasing Purchasing Consciousness Through TransparencyAn app showcasing company spending allows consumers to make informed choices that align with their beliefs, supporting their local economy and shaping society as a whole.

      Having an app where consumers can see what a company supports with their money can make it easier for people to align their purchases with their beliefs. By offering transparency, individuals can make more conscious decisions about where their money goes and support companies that align with their values. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of American-made products and the need for an app that showcases companies that support America. This can empower consumers to choose products that contribute to their local economy. Ultimately, being aware of where our money is going and supporting companies that align with our values can have a significant impact on shaping our society.

    • The Importance of Controlling Wild Pig Populations and Understanding Meat QualityControlling wild pigs is essential to protect crops and the environment, while understanding the differences in meat quality is crucial for proper cooking and avoiding potential health risks.

      Pigs are an invasive species that need to be controlled. They can quickly transform from domesticated pigs to wild pigs within six weeks of being released into the wild. Wild pigs are essentially the same as domesticated pigs, just in a different state. Joe Rogan explains that hunting pigs is important because they cause damage to crops and the environment. However, not all pigs are suitable for producing bacon, as the wild ones are leaner and have different diets. It is crucial to cook pork, especially wild pork, to high temperatures to avoid potential parasites like trichinosis. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of controlling the population of wild pigs and the differences in meat quality between wild and domesticated pigs.

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    It’s Brutal Out Here | Reading Reddit Stories

    It’s Brutal Out Here | Reading Reddit Stories
    Go to http://factormeals.com/pitreddit50 and use code pitreddit50 to get 50% off. Ian and Anthony are back on the couch to talk about these friendships and relationships on Reddit! 0:00-0:44 Intro 0:45-7:25 I dressed up for a date and my friend didn't like it https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/16h5dt6/first_time_i_dressed_up_for_a_double_date_and_my/ 7:26-17:29 I sang a song at my friend's wedding https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/169qxbo/sang_a_song_about_gay_sex/ 17:30-28:02 I deleted my friend's 100-hour game save https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/162mtpp/aita_for_deleting_my_roommates_100hour_game_save/ 28:03-36:31 I told my wife to stop crying at Home Depot https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/16ie32r/stop_crying_at_home_depot/ 36:32-37:42 Sponsors! 37:43-54:31 Did my daughter catch my husband cheating? https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1646d3o/concerned_my_daughter_may_have_caught_my_husband/ 54:32-1:02:04 I kept "weight loss" prize money https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/1693xub/give_it_back_you_weirdo/ 1:02:05-1:11:35 My guy friend doesn't understand women's safety https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/166gavt/do_guys_really_just_not_get_it/ 1:11:36-1:22:38 Critiquing my coworker's food https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/167mb4j/im_one_of_the_good_white_people/ WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Ian Hecox // https://www.instagram.com/ianhecox/ Anthony Padilla // https://www.instagram.com/anthonypadilla/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Kiana Parker Editor: Vida Robbins Director of Programming, Smosh Pit: Kiana Parker Associate Producer, Smosh Pit: Kimmy Jimenez Assistant Director: Jacqi Jones Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar Art PA: Oliver Wehlander Audio Mixer: Greg Jones Director Of Photography: Brennan Iketani Camera Operator: Vida Robbins Camera Operator: Cameron Dunbar Director, Design: Brittany Hobbs Director, Marketing: Rachel Evans DIT/AE: Matt Duran Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Production Manager: Jacqi Jones Production Coordinator: Heidi Ha Production Assistant: Marcus Munguia Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh SmoshCast: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh Twitter: https://twitter.com/smosh

    352: The Return Of Charlie (Members Trailer)

    352: The Return Of Charlie (Members Trailer)
    In Episode 352: The Return Of Charlie we have the return of Charlie! Episode 122: Secret Military Enochian Technology was The Confessionals number one episode of all time. Charlie told us about his mind-bending experience while serving in the U.S. military and when that episode aired, Charlie was paid a visit. It started with a knock on his door one night with federal officers requesting his presence in a sit-down. After getting a lawyer Charlie had that meeting and then tells us about how someone seems to have been planted into his life since then. But we first start out our conversation with Charlie sharing some experiences he had as a child that might have contributed to his experiences as an adult. 

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    Show Intro INSTRUMENTAL: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyub39AXxUw
    Show Intro FREE DOWNLOAD: https://bit.ly/2HxNcw3

    Today I turned 42 (Taylor's Version)

    Today I turned 42 (Taylor's Version)

    Today is my birthday and I'm forcing myself to post short podcasts every week for a year like I used to do 12 years ago when I was 30.  Bare with me as i find a groove and get back into it. I'll be a bumpy start.  I'll be Riffing, Joking, talking about things I learned, and as Olivia Rodrigo says "Blah Blah Blah."  Today I talk about the start of my year, turning 42, rabies, cocaine, ketamine, fentanyl, taylor swift's new tortured poets department, and tacos.  Thanks for listening to any of this. 

    The Untold Story of Theo Von & Caleb Presley - CNU 91

    The Untold Story of Theo Von & Caleb Presley - CNU 91

    Episode 91 of the Comedy WRLD Update. This week we take a look at the comedic duo of Theo Von and Caleb Presley after their recent weekend together in Iowa. We also run down the list of podcast guest appearances from the prior week as well as any new comedy specials.

    Watch This Full Episode Here: https://youtu.be/Elmq_ZjibgM

    Shop Joke WRLD Merch: https://jokewrldmerch.com/