
    2/14/22: Ukraine Escalation, Trucker Convoy, Clinton Spying, Trump's Toilet, CNN Derangement, Obama's Delusion, Afghanistan Crisis, & More!

    enFebruary 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring diverse topics and perspectives through popular podcastsPopular podcasts like Rachel Zoe's Climbing in Heels, Tamika D. Mallory and My Son in General's TMI, Tiffany Cross' Across Generations, and Krystal and Sagar's Breaking Points offer a wide range of topics and perspectives, including women's stories, social and civil rights issues, intergenerational conversations, and political accountability.

      Several popular podcasts, including Rachel Zoe's Climbing in Heels, Tamika D. Mallory and My Son in General's TMI, Tiffany Cross' Across Generations, and Krystal and Sagar's Breaking Points, are providing listeners with a wide range of topics and perspectives. Rachel Zoe's podcast focuses on celebrating the stories of extraordinary women, Tamika D. Mallory and My Son in General's podcast covers social and civil rights issues, pop culture, and politics, Tiffany Cross' podcast gathers women of different generations for intergenerational conversations, and Breaking Points aims to reduce political polarization and hold the ruling class accountable. Additionally, there are geopolitical tensions, with the US warning of an imminent invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and ongoing investigations into allegations of mishandling of classified documents by former President Trump.

    • US allegations of Russian invasion met with skepticismDespite US warnings of Russian invasion, skepticism persists due to lack of concrete evidence and historical mistrust, emphasizing the significance of transparency and evidence in diplomacy.

      During the Ukraine crisis, there have been allegations made by US officials that Russia could invade at any moment, but these claims have been met with skepticism from both the Ukrainian government and US allies. Jake Sullivan, the US National Security Advisor, has defended these claims, stating that they are intended to prevent a war rather than start one, and that they align with Russia's past actions. However, the lack of concrete evidence presented by the US has led some to question the validity of these claims, with some European officials expressing skepticism and even dismissing them outright. The situation is complicated by historical distrust and the ongoing impact of past misinformation campaigns, such as Russiagate, which have made it difficult for some to distinguish fact from fiction. Ultimately, the situation highlights the importance of transparency and evidence in international diplomacy, and the potential consequences of making unsubstantiated claims.

    • Historical tensions and perceived threats to Russian sovereigntyThe current crisis between Russia and Ukraine is rooted in historical tensions and perceived threats to Russian sovereignty. NATO expansion and encroachment on Russia's sphere of influence have fueled tensions, leading to a dangerous game of brinkmanship.

      The current crisis between Russia and Ukraine, and the subsequent military buildup by NATO, can be understood as a result of historical tensions and perceived threats to Russian sovereignty. While Putin's actions are undeniably provocative, it's important to consider the context of NATO expansion and encroachment on what Russia perceives as its sphere of influence. The situation is reminiscent of historical conflicts, where smaller nations facing perceived threats have appealed to larger allies for protection. However, in this case, it's the larger powers that are driving the escalation. The deployment of thousands of troops to Eastern Europe as a deterrent could be seen as a legitimate threat by Russia, leading to a dangerous game of brinkmanship. The past shows us that miscommunications or misunderstandings can lead to disastrous consequences. It's crucial that all parties involved exercise caution and diplomacy to prevent a potential catastrophe.

    • Geopolitical tussle over Ukraine: Information ecosystem manipulatedThe ongoing conflict between Russia and the US over Ukraine involves manipulation of the information ecosystem by various actors, including governments and intelligence agencies. The media plays a crucial role but must question sources and motivations. Diplomacy is the best hope for avoiding a conflict.

      The information ecosystem is being manipulated by various actors, including the government and intelligence agencies, in the ongoing geopolitical tussle between Russia and the United States over Ukraine. Skepticism is warranted, as there have been instances of misinformation and lies in the past. The media plays a crucial role in disseminating information, but it's essential to question the sources and motivations behind the reports. The deep state's influence on the media is evident, as seen in the repeated reporting of imminent Russian attacks without concrete evidence. The Biden administration's stance on Ukraine's potential NATO membership is a significant point of contention, and a clear statement from the US could potentially de-escalate the situation. However, the ongoing propaganda war and potential for misinformation make a peaceful resolution uncertain. Ultimately, the consequences of a war in Ukraine would be devastating, both in terms of human lives and global economic instability. Diplomacy is the best hope for avoiding a conflict.

    • Canadian Trucker Protests Disrupt US-Canada Trade, Biden Urges Swift ActionUS-Canada trade disrupted by trucker protests, Biden calls for swift action, inconsistent response to protests, economic and political implications

      The recent trucker convoy protests in Canada, which led to the closure of several border crossings including the Ambassador Bridge, caused significant disruptions to trade between the US and Canada. The situation prompted a call from US President Joe Biden to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to take swift action to reopen the borders and resume commerce. However, the response to the protests and calls for law enforcement intervention have been inconsistent, with some media outlets criticizing Trudeau for not using military force, while others have defended the protests as a matter of freedom of expression. The situation highlights the complexities and potential hypocrisy surrounding the use of military force during protests, as well as the economic and political implications of such protests.

    • Canadian government freezes funds for trucker convoy protestsThe Canadian govt seized over $2M in funds for the trucker convoy protests from GoFundMe and GiveSendGo, sparking controversy over freedom of speech and foreign interference.

      The Canadian government, at the request of the US government, has taken aggressive measures against funding sources for the trucker convoy protests. This includes freezing funds from GoFundMe and GiveSendGo, totaling over $2 million. The hacking of GiveSendGo's servers and potential release of donor information adds to the controversy. The government's actions have been justified as preventing foreign interference, but critics argue it infringes on citizens' right to support causes they believe in. The trucker convoy, which has gained significant domestic and international support, has inspired similar protests around the world, leading to allegations of foreign influence in these protests as well. Despite not being directly involved in the cause, many are envious of the effective organization and tactics used by the truckers.

    • Protests putting pressure on those in powerEffective protests can bring change, but open dialogue is crucial to address concerns, and monitoring power of fundraising platforms is necessary.

      Effective economic protests, such as disrupting supply chains, can put pressure on those in power and bring about change. The ongoing protests in Canada against vaccine mandates have garnered international attention and support, as people are fed up with living under restrictive measures. While the debate around vaccine mandates is a contentious issue, it's essential to keep the conversation open and not dismiss the concerns of those involved as beyond the pale. The attempt to silence or push people out of the public square is damaging to democracy. Additionally, the power given to fundraising platforms to pull funds or be pressured by governments to do so is a troubling trend that should be closely monitored. It's crucial to remember that these platforms already hold significant power and should not be given even more.

    • Canadian protests serve as democratic check, reveal societal cleavagesProtests against vaccine mandates and pandemic restrictions in Canada have challenged government actions, exposed societal divisions, and inspired similar movements globally. The Durham investigation in the US revealed a lawyer's deceitful involvement in the Russiagate probe, highlighting the significance of truth and transparency in politics.

      The ongoing protests in Canada against vaccine mandates and other pandemic restrictions have served as a democratic check on potential future actions by governments. The protests, which have been a major embarrassment for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau both domestically and internationally, have revealed cleavages within Canadian society and inspired similar movements in other parts of the world. The Durham investigation in the United States, which is looking into the origins of the Russiagate investigations, has recently revealed that a lawyer working for the Clinton campaign, Michael Sussman, lied to the FBI about his involvement in the matter. Sussman had presented the FBI with allegations of a connection between the Trump campaign and a Russian bank, but he was actually being paid by the Clinton campaign to do so. The tech executive involved in the case had access to non-public DNS information of both Trump Tower and the White House in order to compile a narrative of a connection between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. This serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and truth in political discourse.

    • Clinton Campaign Allegedly Used Confidential Info to Fuel Russia NarrativeThe Clinton campaign reportedly misused confidential info from a tech exec to create a narrative of secret Trump-Russia communications, influencing media and public opinion

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, the Clinton campaign allegedly used a tech executive's access to non-public data from Trump Tower and the White House to create a narrative of secret communications between the Trump campaign and Russia. This executive, along with researchers from a US university, mined this confidential information to present to the FBI and the media. The media then spread these stories, leading to significant careers for some journalists involved. This is a significant abuse of power and an example of how the Clinton campaign used questionable methods to influence the public narrative against Donald Trump. The tech executive's identity remains unknown, but the allegations highlight the potential consequences of misusing confidential information.

    • Allegations of Trump campaign spying and calls for accountabilityThe Trump campaign spying allegations and calls for accountability remain a contentious issue, with some arguing for criminal prosecutions and reparations, while others believe the focus should be on current challenges like COVID-19 and the economy.

      The discussion revolves around the allegation that the Trump campaign was spied on by operatives linked to the Hillary Clinton campaign, which is being presented as a scandal greater than Watergate. Those involved should face criminal prosecution, and reparations should be made to those affected. However, some argue that focusing on this issue is pointless given the current challenges the country faces, such as COVID-19 and an economy in crisis. The media's role in the Russiagate scandal and their handling of new developments were also criticized for spreading misinformation and not holding themselves accountable. Another topic touched upon was Trump's handling of potentially sensitive information, which is worthy of attention given the scrutiny given to Hillary Clinton's email situation. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of the situation and the need for transparency and accountability.

    • Trump's Alleged Careless Handling of Classified DocumentsDuring his presidency, Trump reportedly flushed sensitive documents down the toilet and brought classified documents to Mar-a-Lago without proper handling, raising questions about accountability for elites handling classified info

      During his presidency, Donald Trump was reportedly in the habit of flushing documents, some of which may have been sensitive or classified, down the toilet in the White House residence. This information comes from Maggie Haberman, a reputable journalist who covered Trump extensively during his presidency. Trump has denied the allegations, but Haberman's sources claim that wads of printed paper were frequently found clogging the toilets. Additionally, Trump is said to have brought a large number of documents, some marked as top secret, to Mar-a-Lago instead of handing them over to the National Archives. The legality of this action is questionable, but the high bar for criminal charges makes it a challenging case. Edward Snowden, a former NSA contractor, weighed in on the situation, pointing out that handling classified information carelessly has historically resulted in prosecution. However, elites often feel exempt from such rules, and accountability for their actions can be elusive.

    • Political Elite's Handling of Classified Info and Media's RolePerceptions of Clinton's email scandal and Trump's handling of classified info were shaped by public anger towards political elites. Media focus on these scandals distracted from larger issues of corruption and elitism in politics, and profiting from these scandals was criticized.

      The mishandling of classified information by political figures, such as Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, was perceived differently by the public due to perceptions of corruption and elitism within the political elite. Hillary Clinton's email scandal was seen as a symbol of the ruling class getting away with things that regular people would not, while Trump was able to tap into this anger and use it to his political advantage. The media's handling of these scandals, particularly the persistent focus on the email scandal in the case of Hillary Clinton, was criticized for not addressing the larger issues of corruption and elitism in politics. The use of merchandise related to these scandals, such as the Galentine's Day hat, was seen as profiting from a lack of understanding of these complex issues. The persistent focus on these scandals, particularly by CNN, was criticized for distracting from more pressing issues and contributing to political polarization. The Joe Rogan controversy, while seemingly unrelated, is another example of the media's perceived weaponization of issues against specific individuals or entities.

    • Comparing Joe Rogan's use of the n-word to January 6th insurrection is a distortionThe comparison of Joe Rogan's past use of the n-word to the January 6th Capitol insurrection is an overreach and a distraction from larger societal issues, used to further agendas and avoid real discussions.

      The comparison of Joe Rogan's past use of the n-word to the January 6th Capitol insurrection is an overreach and a distortion of the issues at hand. The author argues that this comparison is being used as a pretext by some in elite liberal public opinion to distract from larger societal problems and to further their own agendas. The author also points out the absurdity of suggesting that Rogan's use of the n-word could lead to genocide, and criticizes the media outlet that published such an idea for its desperation and lack of focus on real issues. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of avoiding oversimplifications and distortions in public discourse and the need to focus on the real issues facing society.

    • Cancel culture debate: Accountability or silencing?Cancel culture is being used to hold individuals accountable, but also as a weapon to silence heterodox opinions and cover up for institutional failures. This trend poses a threat to independent media and free speech, and could have serious consequences for individuals and their careers.

      The ongoing debate around cancel culture and its impact on individuals and society was a major topic discussed in the conversation. The speakers argued that cancellation, as a means of holding people accountable for their actions, has been used extensively in the past, from high-profile cases like Roseanne Barr and Netflix executives, to more recent instances involving Joe Rogan and CNN. They also suggested that cancellation is being weaponized as a pretext to silence heterodox opinions and cover up for institutional failures and lack of trust. The speakers expressed concern that this trend poses an existential threat to independent media and free speech, and could have serious consequences for individuals and their careers. They also noted that CNN, in particular, has a financial interest in tearing apart Rogan and other independent voices. Despite these challenges, the speakers believed that Rogan's intellectual risk-taking and success make him a formidable opponent, and could ultimately make him stronger in the long run. However, they cautioned against the potential negative impact on his show and his relationships with guests. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of protecting free speech and independent media in the face of increasing efforts to silence dissenting voices.

    • Democratic Party's midterm election strategy causing controversyObama advises focusing on achievements, some push for Trump focus; Both strategies face criticism for lack of ambition and potential to deliver for voters

      The Democratic Party is facing a challenging midterm election season, and their strategy to win back voters is causing controversy. Former President Barack Obama has advised Democrats to focus less on their campaign promises and more on what they have achieved, even as some influential figures within the party are pushing for a renewed focus on Trump and the January 6th Capitol insurrection. Obama's advice, while well-intentioned, has been criticized for its lack of ambition and potential to deliver little for voters. Meanwhile, the push to focus on Trump risks alienating voters who are looking for solutions to current issues rather than reliving past controversies. These conflicting strategies highlight the challenges the Democratic Party faces in winning back the trust and support of voters in the midterm elections.

    • Democrats' Attack Strategy Against Republicans May Not WorkFocusing on attacking Republicans as Trump-like may not win votes. Democrats should prioritize delivering material benefits to voters and addressing their concerns to maintain support.

      The Democratic Party's focus on attacking Republicans as being like Donald Trump may not be an effective campaign strategy. The loss of Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, despite Trump losing the state by nearly 10 points, serves as a reminder. Instead, the party should focus on delivering material benefits to voters and addressing their concerns. The recent expiration of the child tax credit, which helped reduce childhood poverty and bolstered household finances, resulted in significant political losses for Democrats among those who had benefited from it. The party's failure to deliver on an agenda that materially benefits the public may lead to continued voter disengagement. While the culture war may be a significant factor, material politics can still sway voters, as demonstrated by the impact of the child tax credit's expiration. However, delivering for people can be challenging and may conflict with donor interests. Ultimately, the direction the party takes may depend on which approach is more profitable for those pushing it. Despite the challenges, it's crucial for Democrats to focus on delivering for voters to maintain support.

    • NATO expansion and Russian insecuritiesThe US extension of military guarantees to Eastern Europe after the Soviet Union's fall fueled Russian insecurities, contributing to the current crisis. Policymakers should learn from history to avoid repeating mistakes.

      The expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe after the fall of the Soviet Union, despite the lack of a clear threat, fueled Russian insecurities and led to the current crisis. The US, driven by idealistic views and hubris, extended military guarantees without considering the potential consequences for Russian sensitivities regarding its historic territory. This history sheds light on the complexity of the current situation and the importance of understanding the perspectives of all parties involved. It's crucial for policymakers to learn from the past and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

    • Seizing Afghan Central Bank assets causes humanitarian crisisThe Biden administration's decision to seize $7 billion of Afghanistan's central bank assets has resulted in a devastating humanitarian crisis, leaving millions without access to basic necessities due to a cash shortage and banking collapse.

      The Biden administration's decision to seize $7 billion of the Afghan Central Bank's assets, including gold and other valuables, is causing a devastating humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. This money belonged to the people of Afghanistan and should have been used to support their banking system and provide basic necessities. Instead, the assets were sent to the US Federal Reserve due to fears of corruption and potential Taliban misuse. The result is an enormous cash shortage, leaving millions struggling to pay for rent, groceries, school fees, and other essentials. The sanctions preventing the money from being returned to Afghanistan are exacerbating the crisis, causing a banking collapse and leaving people without access to their savings.

    • The humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan worsens due to foreign aid withdrawalThe withdrawal of foreign aid in Afghanistan is leaving people without access to basic necessities, pushing them into poverty, and perpetuating a sense of injustice and anger, especially for those with personal connections to the country.

      The humanitarian situation in Afghanistan is worsening due to the withdrawal of foreign aid, leaving people without access to basic necessities and pushing those who were relatively stable into poverty. This is a result of the Afghan economy never being set up for self-sufficiency. Additionally, the average Afghan had no involvement in the 9/11 attacks, and the country has suffered from the consequences of the U.S. response since then. The lack of understanding and connection between the Afghan people and the events of 9/11 creates a sense of injustice and anger. The situation is particularly poignant for those who grew up in the U.S. but have personal connections to Afghanistan, as they have witnessed the impact of foreign intervention on their home country.

    • US withdrawal from Afghanistan lacked a sustainable planThe hasty US withdrawal from Afghanistan led to chaos and instability, resulting in the Taliban takeover, decimation of Afghan media, and displacement of skilled individuals.

      The withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan in 2021 was not accompanied by a sustainable plan for the country's future, leading to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and the Taliban takeover. This was not a surprise to the US, as their intelligence had been warning of the imminent fall of cities and provinces for weeks. The lack of a proper plan and the dismissive attitude towards Afghanistan from US leaders, including Biden, contributed to the chaos and instability that followed. The consequences of this hasty withdrawal are significant, including the decimation of the Afghan media and the displacement of tens of thousands of educated and skilled individuals. The US's handling of the situation in Afghanistan highlights the importance of responsible and thoughtful leadership in international affairs.

    • Losing Control of Digital Platforms and the Importance of AdaptabilityUnforeseen events can lead to loss of control over digital platforms. Adaptability and having alternative means of reaching an audience are crucial for creators and consumers.

      Control over digital platforms can be easily taken away, leaving creators and consumers at the mercy of those in charge. Tamika D. Mallory of "The Breakdown with Tamika D. Mallory and Tamika G" experienced this firsthand when their YouTube account was suddenly disabled without explanation. This incident served as a reminder of the importance of having alternative means of reaching an audience, such as their premium subscription model. Rachel Zoe, host of "Climbing in Heels," echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the value of resilience and adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges. Additionally, the discussion touched on the significance of California avocados and the care taken by local farmers to ensure their quality. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being prepared for uncertainties, valuing the power of community, and appreciating the efforts of those who provide essential goods.

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    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

    6/29/24: Dave Smith VS Vaush: Did NATO Expansion Push Ukraine Invasion?

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    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Hey Night Shift Alumni,

    Wow! This episode was a blast to record and a headache to edit!

    Ibuprofen por favor!

    But it was great to have a nice sit down discussion with an old friend who is about as complex of a being as one could imagine. He's not only a history teacher and a minister. . .he's also a huge horror movie buff!

    Today's show is a hodgepodge of all of those topics with a good bit of the interview surrounding the UC- Berkeley/Milo Yiannopolous issue as well as the dynamic of Left vs. Right sentiment and the importance of being civil in our disagreements.

    Enjoy the show!

    Check Rob out on YouTube here and you can also catch him frequently calling into the "22 Shots of Moodz and Horror Podcast"  as well. Give both channels a watch if horror is your thing but fair warning, some of it may not be the for the faint of heart.

    God bless y'all,



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