
    2/22/22: Putin Escalation, Media Insanity, Truth Social, PGA Turmoil, CNN's Demise, Facial Recognition, & Identity Politics!

    enFebruary 22, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Save money on wireless, batteries, and mediaConsumers can save on wireless services with companies like Consumer Cellular, recycle batteries at AutoZone, and stay informed with independent media outlets like Breaking Points.

      Consumers have the power to save money on wireless services without compromising on coverage. Consumer Cellular offers fast and reliable coverage at up to half the cost of leading carriers like T-Mobile and Verizon. Elsewhere, AutoZone provides free battery testing and charging, and even offers recycling services for old batteries. In the tech world, AT&T's In Car Wi-Fi allows passengers to turn their vehicles into high-speed data hotspots, covering more roads than any other carrier. Meanwhile, independent media outlets like Breaking Points continue to provide critical analysis on major global stories, from the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia to the media's coverage of it, and the launch of Trump's social media platform, True Social. Additionally, there are ongoing issues in the golfing world regarding criticism of human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia. Overall, it's a reminder that consumers have choices, and can save money, recycle, and stay informed in various aspects of their lives.

    • Putin recognizes independence of Donetsk and Luhansk Republics in UkrainePutin's recognition of Donetsk and Luhansk Republics' independence could lead to increased military involvement from Russia, as Putin orders peacekeeping operations. Corruption remains a major issue in Ukraine, with Putin accusing it of being a US puppet state.

      Russian President Vladimir Putin has recognized the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic and Luhansk People's Republic in eastern Ukraine. This decision was made amidst ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with Putin believing that the fall of the Soviet Union was a tragic event and expressing a desire to restore the Russian Empire to its former glory. The recognition of these republics could lead to increased military involvement from Russia, as Putin has issued a military decree ordering peacekeeping operations in the region. Despite efforts to increase efficiency in fighting corruption in Ukraine, the issue remains prevalent, and Putin has accused Ukraine of being a puppet state controlled by the US. The situation remains uncertain, with the potential for direct military confrontation between Ukrainian and Russian forces.

    • Russia's actions in Eastern Ukraine creating a complicated situationRussia's recognition of separatist republics and deployment of troops in Ukraine under the guise of peacekeeping has created a complex situation with potential for further escalation, despite US and allies' targeted sanctions. Long-term tensions include NATO expansion and US involvement, but Putin's actions are ultimately responsible.

      Russia's recognition of separatist republics in Eastern Ukraine and subsequent deployment of troops under the guise of a peacekeeping mission has created a complicated situation. This move gives Russia a legal pretext to escalate the conflict if desired, potentially leading to a larger war. The US and its allies are responding with targeted sanctions against these regions, but the possibility of further escalation remains. The long-term factors contributing to the tension include NATO expansion and US involvement in Ukraine, but Putin is ultimately responsible for the crisis. The US is unlikely to send troops directly to Ukraine, but will continue to support them with weapons and potential covert operations. The current policy aims to deter further Russian aggression without provoking a full-scale war. It's important to note that the situation is fluid, and the ultimate outcome is uncertain.

    • Putin's justification for Ukraine actions lacks legitimacyGermany halts Nord Stream 2 pipeline certification, a significant blow to Russia's economy, signaling a united front against Putin's actions, with US preserving escalation ability

      Russian President Putin's justification for his actions towards Ukraine lacks legitimacy due to his insistence on rewriting history and demanding full support for Russian revanchism. The international community, including Europe and the US, has responded with sanctions, with the most significant being Germany's decision to halt the certification process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. This is a significant blow to the Russian economy and shows a united front against Putin's actions. The Biden administration is preserving its ability to escalate sanctions depending on Russia's actions, signaling that there is a chain of escalation. Putin's arrogance and lack of checks have led him to reveal his true intentions, further isolating Russia on the global stage.

    • Putin's revanchist ambitions and Europe's vulnerabilityEurope's dependence on Russian energy, particularly natural gas, leaves it vulnerable to economic and political instability from Putin's revanchist actions, increasing the risk of dangerous conflicts with a nuclear power.

      Russian President Vladimir Putin's ambitions to restore the former Soviet empire's glory, despite Russia's economic and demographic decline, have made Europe vulnerable to potential dangerous conflicts. Putin's reliance on selling oil and gas to other countries, particularly Europe, leaves him in a vulnerable position in the global markets. His recent actions, such as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, have sparked concerns that go beyond Ukraine's potential membership in NATO, suggesting revanchist ambitions that could lead to wider conflicts. Europe's reliance on Russian natural gas, which accounts for nearly 27% of Germany's energy consumption, makes it particularly vulnerable to economic and political instability. Putin's speech, which laid out the full breadth of Soviet history, expanded concerns beyond Ukraine and raised the specter of revanchist ambitions that go beyond what the West can satisfy. The potential for conflict with a nuclear power is extraordinarily dangerous, making it crucial for Europe to wake up to the new geopolitical reality and reduce its reliance on Russian energy.

    • Russia-Ukraine Tensions: Causes and ConsequencesPutin's territorial expansion drives Russia's actions in Ukraine, causing global instability and potential economic downturn. Diplomacy and de-escalation are key to avoiding wider conflict.

      The ongoing tension between Russia and Ukraine, and the potential for wider conflict, is causing significant concern for global stability and economic impact. The speaker believes that Putin's actions are driven by a desire for territorial expansion, and that his justifications for intervention are misleading. The media, particularly cable news, is contributing to the escalation of tensions with alarmist coverage and calls for military action. The potential consequences, including higher energy prices and a global economic downturn, are significant. It's important for all parties to prioritize diplomacy and de-escalation to avoid a wider conflict.

    • Media hysteria over Russia's actions in Ukraine puts pressure on Biden adminMedia's extreme hawkishness towards Russia in Ukraine risks unnecessary tension escalation, hindering objective analysis, and potentially influencing Biden admin's decisions.

      The media's consistent call for extreme hawkishness towards Russia's actions in Ukraine, despite the complexities of the situation, puts immense pressure on the Biden administration and risks escalating tensions unnecessarily. This hysteria, fueled in part by the aftermath of Russiagate, can be dangerous and hinders objective analysis. The administration's more reasonable approach, acknowledging the nuances of the conflict, is under attack, and it's unclear if this pressure may have contributed to the current escalation. The repeating pattern of hysteria and calls for aggressive policies in response to geopolitical events has been a concerning trend in recent American history.

    • Perception of Geopolitical Situations and Media NarrativesMedia narratives and political discourse can significantly influence how we perceive and respond to geopolitical situations. Simplified narratives and caricatured portrayals of political adversaries can lead to dangerous consequences. Strive for a balanced understanding of complex issues.

      The way we perceive and respond to geopolitical situations can be heavily influenced by the narrative presented to us through media and political discourse. The discussion highlights the shift in attitudes towards Russia and Ukraine, with Obama's previous acknowledgement of Russia's interests in Ukraine being considered treasonous now. This demonstrates how hysteria and caricatured portrayals of political adversaries can lead to dangerous and costly consequences. The ongoing allegations of the "Havana Syndrome" serve as a reminder of the potential for misinformation and its impact on public opinion. It's crucial to strive for a balanced understanding of complex issues and avoid being swayed by simplified narratives.

    • Havana Syndrome: Debunking the Mysterious Brainwave Machine TheoryDespite some claims of a mysterious brainwave machine causing Havana Syndrome, most reported cases have been debunked as having environmental or medical causes. The investigation process should be thorough to avoid oversights and ensure factual information.

      The reported Havana Syndrome cases, which some believe to be caused by a mysterious brainwave machine, have been largely debunked. The CIA has concluded that most cases have environmental or medical causes. However, the government continues to investigate unexplained incidents. The recent 60 Minutes report featured a sound associated with Havana Syndrome, which some officials claimed was a focused, continuous sound. But, it was later revealed that the sound was likely that of local crickets. This oversight raises questions about the thoroughness of the investigation. Despite the majority of reported cases being undiagnosed medical conditions or stress, some diplomats have been convinced they were victims of a brainwave attack. The stressful conditions of serving in diplomatic posts may contribute to this belief. The media, CIA, and government have been criticized for taking these claims seriously and providing support to those allegedly affected. It's important to remember that correlation does not always imply causation, and further investigation is needed to separate fact from fiction.

    • Unusual occurrences and health symptomsApproach extraordinary claims with solid evidence and be cautious about jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

      The connection between unusual occurrences and physical symptoms in humans is not always straightforward. The discussion highlights an instance where the presence of crickets was claimed as evidence of microwave brainwave machines injuring government employees. However, the lack of substantial evidence casts doubt on the validity of this claim. Furthermore, the launch of Trump's Truth Social platform faced numerous issues, including sign-up problems and a lengthy waitlist, raising questions about its readiness and potential security vulnerabilities. Overall, it's crucial to approach extraordinary claims with solid evidence and be cautious about jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

    • Truth Social's Legitimacy as a Competitor QuestionedDespite gaining attention, Truth Social's financing, potential censorship, narrow user base, and limited branding raise concerns about its ability to challenge established social media platforms.

      Despite the former president's new social media platform, Truth Social, gaining significant attention and downloads, its legitimacy and potential as a serious competitor to established platforms like Twitter is questionable. The company's shady financing through a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) and potential censorship regime raise concerns, and the narrow user base may limit the breadth of conversation. Successful alternatives, like Substack, have served genuine needs and expanded the market. Additionally, having a politician run a supposedly free speech site while harboring potential political ambitions raises doubts. The branding of "Truth Social" also seems limiting and boomer-targeted, which may hinder its ability to reach a global audience. Overall, while it's interesting to observe, it's unclear if Truth Social can truly challenge the dominance of established social media platforms.

    • Moral and Financial Dilemmas for Golfers and OrganizationsThe Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund's investment in a new golf league presents golfers and organizations with moral and financial dilemmas, as some are lured by large sums of money while others criticize the league's human rights violations and potential business partnerships with controversial regimes.

      The golf community is currently divided due to the Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund's $400 billion investment in a new golf league, the Super Golf League. This new league is attempting to lure top golfers with large sums of money and more rights, causing a moral dilemma for some players. Phil Mickelson, one of the top boosters of the league, has received criticism for his comments praising the league despite Saudi Arabia's human rights violations, including the killing of Jamal Khashoggi. Mickelson's comments were seen as a money grab, as he is already a wealthy man, and some players, such as Rory McIlroy, have criticized his comments as naive, selfish, and ignorant. The PGA Tour, which most top golfers have chosen to stay with, has a different business model compared to other pro sports leagues, with independent contractors rather than employees, resulting in fewer labor protections and benefits for the players. Trump Properties is also in talks to host lucrative Saudi golf events at Trump's golf courses, potentially creating a business partnership with the regime. The situation highlights the moral and financial dilemmas that some athletes and organizations face when dealing with controversial regimes and their financial incentives.

    • Saudi Arabia's PIF and Golf: Ethical Concerns and Potential Conflicts of InterestThe Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund's (PIF) involvement in golf, particularly the Saudi International, raises ethical concerns and potential conflicts of interest for American golfers and organizations. The merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery may lead to significant cuts at CNN, leaving its future uncertain.

      The Saudi Arabian Public Investment Fund's (PIF) involvement in golf, specifically the Saudi International, raises ethical concerns and potential conflicts of interest for American golfers and organizations. Trump, a businessman with ties to the Saudis, has been cozy with the regime despite the Khashoggi killing and the PGA's decision to pull events from his properties. The PIF's investment in golf is seen as an attempt to increase cultural influence in the US, with some arguing that it's unfair to the PGA and its players. The top golfers, including Rory McIlroy, have spoken out against the Saudi-backed league, while others like Phil Mickelson have been criticized for their involvement. The merger of WarnerMedia and Discovery could lead to significant cuts at CNN, where the current leadership, including the recently fired Jeff Zucker, had been hopeful for job security due to their close relationships with the new CEO, David Zaslav. However, the financial strain of the merged company may force significant layoffs, leaving the future of CNN uncertain.

    • The uncertain future of CNNCNN faces potential layoffs, new ownership, and financial warfare, casting doubt on its future and raising concerns about media independence and government intervention.

      The future of CNN is uncertain and under threat. With the recent merger, the network is facing potential layoffs and new ownership that may not value its current programming. The departure of longtime leader Zucker and the potential disfavor of one of the new entity's masterminds, John Malone, adds to the instability. Furthermore, CNN's own streaming effort, CNN+, is facing skepticism and doubts about its appeal. Amidst all this, there's also the concern that the new owners may try to eliminate competition. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, there are worrying signs of financial warfare against dissidents in Canada, raising questions about the potential for similar actions in the US. These events highlight the precarious state of media and the potential for government intervention in people's financial lives.

    • Government use of data collection and facial recognition technology for tax servicesDespite concerns over privacy and potential misuse, governments justify the use of data collection and facial recognition technology to combat tax fraud. However, the impact on individual privacy and potential future misuse of personal data should be carefully considered.

      The use of data collection and facial recognition technology by high authorities, such as the IRS, raises serious concerns about privacy and potential misuse of personal information. The justification for these measures, often cited as combating tax fraud, may not outweigh the cost of living in a free society. The IRS's recent requirement for facial recognition or live interviews for online tax services is just one example of this trend towards a more intrusive financial system. While tax fraud is an issue, it's important to consider the broader context of who is primarily affected by these regulations and the potential for future misuse of personal data. Instead of accepting these tools, we should push for more transparency and accountability from our government and financial institutions.

    • New York City Mayor Eric Adams pushes for criminal justice reforms but faces resistance and criticismMayor Eric Adams faces resistance in his efforts to reform New York's bail laws and criminal justice system. He has been criticized for his hiring of politicians with anti-gay views and his use of identity politics to deflect criticism.

      New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been pushing for changes to the state's bail laws and criminal justice reforms to address rising crime rates. However, his efforts have been met with resistance from the state legislature. In response, Adams criticized the media for allegedly negative coverage of his trip to Albany, which he described as racist. Despite the lack of evidence for this claim, Adams has a history of using his identity as a shield from criticism. So far, opposition to Adams has come in the form of controversy over his hiring of politicians with anti-gay views. The left is still figuring out how to approach Adams, who is popular, good at politics, and skilled at performing, but lacks a clear policy agenda. Adams' use of identity politics to deflect criticism is not new, but the stage has changed, and he is now the mayor of New York City. The press, which is largely left-leaning and predominantly white, has been accused of being biased against Adams, but the extent to which his identity politics will be effective in deflecting tough coverage remains to be seen.

    • Press corps' response to accusations of racismThe press corps' guilt and vulnerability over racism allegations could influence reporting on NYC Mayor Eric Adams, whose political aspirations and lack of clear agenda raise concerns.

      The press corps may feel guilt and vulnerability when faced with accusations of racism, which could potentially impact their reporting on figures like New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Adams, who grew up in a working-class milieu but is now a landlord with significant wealth, has the potential for ambitious political aspirations, including a possible future presidential bid. The national pundit class seems to favor Adams more than they did Bill de Blasio, who openly pursued higher office. However, Adams' lack of a clear policy agenda and focus on playing a role in the Democratic party could limit his ability to accomplish significant goals in the city. The press corps' response to accusations of racism and the potential impact on their reporting is a significant concern, as is Adams' potential ambitions and ability to perform on a larger political stage.

    • Partnerships for valuable products and experiencesCompanies form partnerships to offer rich and trustworthy content, promote causes, and enhance daily life.

      Companies are focusing on building meaningful partnerships to provide rich and trustworthy content, even if they don't always agree with the partners' views. US Cellular, for instance, encourages us to put down our phones for five minutes to reconnect with people and the world around us. Leesa and West Elm, on the other hand, have collaborated to create a natural hybrid mattress made from sustainable materials to promote better sleep and support charitable causes. These partnerships aim to offer valuable products and experiences, encouraging us to explore new possibilities and improve our daily lives. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-points-with-krystal-and-saagar/id1570045623 

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Kbsy61zJSzPxNZZ3PKbXl 

    Merch: https://breaking-points.myshopify.com/

    Murtaza Hussain: https://theintercept.com/staff/murtaza-hussain/ 

    Yemen: https://theintercept.com/2022/03/16/yemen-war-biden-us-support-saudi-arabia/ 

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    Russian losses 'pass 300,000' claims Kyiv & assessing the end of Ukraine's counter-offensive

    Russian losses 'pass 300,000' claims Kyiv & assessing the end of Ukraine's counter-offensive

    Day 613. Today, we bring you the latest updates from Ukraine, discuss Joe Barnes’ interview with Ukrainian Minister for Digital Transformation Mikhailo Federov & we welcome Kyiv Independent Reporter Francis Farrell back to the podcast to talk about the Russian assault on Avdiivka and the Ukrainian counter-offensive.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter

    With thanks to Francis Farrell (Reporter,  The Kyiv Independent). @francisjfarrell on Twitter.

    Find out more: 

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    2/3/22: Ukraine Crisis, Jeff Zucker, Corporate Greed, Bezos Superyacht, Whoopi Goldberg, Surveillance Capitalism, Obesity Epidemic & The Case Against College For All

    2/3/22: Ukraine Crisis, Jeff Zucker, Corporate Greed, Bezos Superyacht, Whoopi Goldberg, Surveillance Capitalism, Obesity Epidemic & The Case Against College For All

    Krystal and Saagar cover the placement of troops on Ukraine's border, Jeff Zucker's resignation as the boss of CNN, corporate profiteering off inflation, Jeff Bezos's destructive superyacht, Whoopi Goldberg's comments on the holocaust, billionaires selling suicide hotline data, America's silent obesity crisis, and the left & right case against college for all.

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    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-points-with-krystal-and-saagar/id1570045623 

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Kbsy61zJSzPxNZZ3PKbXl 

    Merch: https://breaking-points.myshopify.com/

    Oren Cass: https://americancompass.org/a-guide-to-college-for-all/ 


    Freddie Deboer: https://freddiedeboer.substack.com/ 


    National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

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