
    Podcast Summary

    • Joe Rogan discusses new product, audience interaction, and one world governmentJoe Rogan shares his thoughts on a new product, engages with audience via Twitter and website, ponders over the possibility of a one world government, and discusses concerns over information control and risks of online voting.

      Joe Rogan, during his live streaming show, discussed various topics including a new product that functions as both a jacket and a mask, the use of Twitter and his website for audience interaction, and the possibility of a one world government. Rogan also touched on the topic of information control, mentioning Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen, and expressed his discomfort with the camera setup. He also shared his thoughts on the challenges of implementing a one world government and the potential risks of online voting. Throughout the discussion, Rogan's use of strong language and casual tone conveyed a raw and unfiltered perspective.

    • Joe Rogan's technical difficulties and Star Wars merchandiseThe speakers discussed hacking codes, security systems, and their personal experiences, with Joe Rogan expressing skepticism towards the government and one-world theory. They also shared their love for Star Wars merchandise and upcoming plans.

      The speakers in this discussion touched on various topics, including hacking codes, Avatar, underwear bomber, and their personal experiences. Joe Rogan mentioned that he's not making Listerine extract himself anymore and that he's not able to read chat messages during his stream due to technical difficulties. They also discussed their opinions on the underwear bomber incident and the fragility of security systems. Rogan expressed his skepticism towards the government and the one-world government theory. Additionally, they talked about their love for Star Wars merchandise and their upcoming plans, such as Rogan's comedy shows in Ireland. Overall, the conversation was light-hearted and covered a range of topics, with the speakers sharing their thoughts and experiences.

    • Hacking and the Threat to PrivacyAdvancements in technology and hacking capabilities pose a significant threat to privacy, with individuals accessing private information and potential for societal benefits but individual protection necessary.

      We are moving towards a future where privacy is increasingly difficult to maintain due to advancements in technology and hacking capabilities. The speaker shares stories of individuals who have hacked systems and accessed private information, and expresses concern that this trend will only continue. He mentions the recent hack of a 21-year-old code that can scramble phone calls, and the potential for hackers to access personal information through social media and other digital platforms. The speaker believes that eventually, there will be no secrets and that technology will make lying impossible. While some may view this as a breach of privacy, the speaker argues that it could ultimately be beneficial for society as a whole. However, it is important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect their personal information.

    • From animals to instant messaging: Technology's advancementConsider the impact of technology on humans and the environment, balancing progress and preservation.

      Technology has made incredible strides in the transference of information, and what we consider advanced today will likely seem primitive in the future. The speaker compares the advancements in transportation and information technology to the leap from riding animals to instant messaging. However, as technology continues to advance, concerns about its impact on human beings and the environment arise. The speaker shares an anecdote about bees communicating with each other and how technology may interfere with their ability to do so. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the potential consequences of new technologies and strive for a balance between progress and preservation.

    • The Impact of Parents' Experiences and Genetics on OffspringOur offspring may not only be influenced by our individual genes but also our learned behaviors and experiences, as well as those of our parents. New theories suggest that ancient learned behaviors could be ingrained in our genetics and a child's potential could be influenced by their parents' mental and emotional states during conception.

      Our experiences and learned behaviors may not only be shaped by our individual lives but could also be influenced by our parents' experiences and genetics. During a past encounter, the speaker witnessed a strange phenomenon of a swarm of bees communicating in the air, raising questions about the potential impact of technology on bee behavior. The conversation then shifted to the topic of autism and the possible link between older parents and the condition. The speaker suggested that older parents might pass on weaker genetics, but also questioned if learned experiences and memories could be inherited. The idea that experiences could be transferred through DNA is a relatively new concept, and the speaker mentioned Rupert Sheldrake's theory that ancient learned behaviors could be ingrained in our genetics. The speaker also pondered the possibility that a child's potential could be influenced by their parents' mental and emotional states during conception. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity of genetics and the potential influence of parents' experiences on their offspring.

    • Exploring the mysteries of the human brainThe human brain's full potential is still unknown, and individuals vary in intelligence, making research and discovery an ongoing process.

      The full potential of the human brain is still a mystery to us. Despite common beliefs, humans may not be using only a small percentage of their brains. The discussion also touched upon the existence of various types of humans, ranging from highly intelligent to less intelligent individuals. The exploration of the human brain and its functions is ongoing, and there are still many unknowns to be discovered. Additionally, the conversation included references to various movies, including "Scanner Darkly," "Antichrist," "Roadhouse," and "Showgirls," which were discussed in relation to their perceived intelligence or lack thereof. Overall, the conversation emphasized the complexity and intrigue of the human brain and the ongoing quest to understand it.

    • The Limits of Our PerceptionOur perception is limited, and we may not be able to detect all dimensions of reality. Keep an open mind and question the unknown.

      Our perception limits our understanding of the world around us. Just as we cannot detect certain smells, there may be other invisible things or energies that we are unable to perceive. The idea that we might not be able to perceive all dimensions of reality is intriguing and highlights the importance of an open mind. Additionally, our reaction to smells, such as our own farts versus others, is a reminder of the unique experiences and perspectives we each have. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the vastness of the unknown and the importance of questioning and exploring the world around us.

    • The Trend of Less Secrets and Convergence of Human ConsciousnessAs technology advances, we will have full access to each other's thoughts and information, leading to a merging of human consciousness and potential unity among all human beings.

      The access to information and technology is leading to a trend of less secrets and eventual convergence of human consciousness. The discussion touched upon various topics including the seemingly mirrored experiences of celebrities and the general population, the AIDS controversy, and the impact of scandals on endorsements. Ultimately, it was suggested that as technology advances, we will have full access to each other's thoughts and information, leading to a merging of human consciousness. This idea is not far-fetched, as technology already allows us to send information instantly through the internet and communicate with people from all over the world. This convergence could bring about a new era of understanding and unity among all human beings.

    • Exploring the Future of Technological AdvancementsFrom wearable devices to implants and airborne technologies, the future holds exciting potential for technological advancements. However, it's crucial to approach claims with skepticism and critical thinking, appreciating the significance of current medical achievements.

      The future holds great potential for technological advancements that could connect human beings in unprecedented ways. These innovations could range from wearable devices to implants or even airborne technologies. The possibilities are vast and exciting, including the potential for organ transplants and even the ability to pass on psychic abilities. However, it's important to approach such claims with a critical mind and not be swayed by misinformation or conspiracy theories. The advancements in medical technology, such as organ transplants, are already remarkable and life-changing for many people. It's essential to appreciate the significance of these achievements while also acknowledging the importance of skepticism and critical thinking. Ultimately, the future holds great promise, but it's up to us to navigate it with reason and understanding.

    • Exploring Free Will and ExperiencesSome believe in individual choice, while others suggest experiences and circumstances shape our lives, possibly as part of a larger mathematical equation guiding human evolution. Jim Norton's resistance to bullying behavior was also discussed, along with meditation's potential impact on the brain and marijuana's legality.

      According to the discussion, the speakers explore the concepts of free will and the role of experiences in shaping our lives. While some believe in the power of individual choice, others suggest that our experiences and circumstances may be predetermined, forming part of a larger mathematical equation guiding human evolution. Jim Norton's resistance to bullying behavior was also highlighted. Additionally, the speakers touched on meditation, its potential impact on the brain, and the legality of marijuana use. Overall, the conversation delved into philosophical and thought-provoking topics, questioning the extent of personal control and the interconnectedness of life.

    • A symbiotic relationship with technology and healthy bacteriaTechnology and healthy bacteria share a symbiotic relationship, offering benefits but requiring careful consideration for potential negative consequences.

      Our relationship with technology is similar to the symbiotic relationship we have with healthy bacteria in our bodies. We rely on technology to keep us alive and functioning in modern society, just as we rely on healthy bacteria to fight off harmful bacteria. Our constant pursuit of newer and better technology drives innovation and progress, much like how our bodies evolve with the presence of these beneficial bacteria. However, like with any relationship, it's important to consider whether the benefits of this technology outweigh the potential negative consequences. Similarly, the use of psychedelic substances like DMT can provide unique insights and experiences, but it's essential to consider how these experiences can be applied to our ordinary reality and enhance our lives. Ultimately, both technology and psychedelics can offer valuable perspectives and advancements, but it's crucial to approach them with thoughtfulness and intention.

    • The speaker shares his opinions on various topics and peopleThe speaker expresses admiration for Kevin Smith, disregard for Ben Stein's accusations against Ron Paul, skepticism towards organized religion, and fascination with Ron Paul's challenge to the status quo, while also discussing his experience with e-readers and free online books.

      The speaker holds strong opinions about people and events, but is not overly concerned with certain controversies or allegations. He expresses his admiration for Kevin Smith and disregard for Ben Stein's accusations against Ron Paul. The speaker also shares his skepticism towards organized religion and its origins, believing that following it as it's practiced today is ridiculous. He expresses his fascination with the idea of Ron Paul challenging the status quo and making significant changes in the world, despite the challenges that come with it. Additionally, the speaker discusses his experience with e-readers and the availability of free books online, expressing frustration with the limitations of certain devices in accessing specific titles. Overall, the speaker's perspective is a mix of strong opinions, skepticism, and practicality.

    • Discussing Bot Detection, Martial Arts, and Personal PreferencesA board member discussed using a bot detection program and shared thoughts on martial arts, circumcision, and privacy concerns

      John Carlos Alvarado, a member of a poker site's board, discussed the use of a bot detection program that identifies unusual pixel clicking patterns. Alvarado also shared his thoughts on Taekwondo, mentioning its effectiveness but needing additional martial arts styles for completeness. The conversation then shifted to circumcision, with Alvarado expressing his intention to let his future son go uncircumcised. Alvarado also shared his disdain for dirty dicks and the unnecessary nature of circumcision. The conversation ended with speculation about potential microchipping and privacy concerns. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from technology and martial arts to personal preferences and privacy.

    • The End of Oil and Alternative Energy SourcesDespite society's heavy reliance on oil as a primary energy source, its end won't lead to societal collapse. Instead, we'll find alternatives like agriculture and hydrogen. Electric cars have limitations, but they're not less efficient or eco-friendly than gasoline cars. Condoms don't fit all men equally, with many Indian men unable to use standard sizes.

      Society's reliance on oil as a primary energy source may come to an end, but it's unlikely to lead to societal collapse. Instead, we'll likely find alternatives, such as agriculture and hydrogen. Regarding electric cars, while they may have limitations in certain conditions, they're not necessarily less efficient or environmentally friendly than gasoline-powered cars. And, contrary to popular belief, condoms may not fit all men equally well, with a significant percentage of Indian men reportedly unable to use standard-sized condoms. These are just a few of the topics discussed, which also included reflections on societal norms and historical practices.

    • Possible cause of mass hysteria: Fungus ergotMass hysteria can be caused by fungus ergot, leading to harmful and irrational behaviors. Be aware and approach situations rationally.

      Throughout history, there have been instances of mass hysteria leading to harmful and irrational behaviors, such as the old-school witch trials and more recent events like the use of dangerous drugs for social media content. In the case of witch trials, it is believed that a fungus called ergot, which grows on wheat after a late frost and is chemically similar to LSD, may have caused the hallucinations that led people to accuse others of witchcraft. This theory is more plausible than the common belief that men were threatened by the power of women. It's important to be aware of the potential for mass hysteria and to approach situations with a rational and informed perspective.

    • The unpredictability and fragility of natureBe aware and prepared for potential threats, whether they come from space or other sources.

      The natural world, both beautiful phenomena like the northern lights and potentially destructive events like asteroid impacts, serve as reminders of the unpredictability and fragility of life. While we may be in awe of the wonders of nature, we must also be mindful of the potential dangers and take steps to prepare and protect ourselves. The vastness of space and the vastness of time make it clear that even the most stable and seemingly permanent things can be disrupted or destroyed in an instant. The importance of being aware and prepared for potential threats, whether they come from space or other sources, cannot be overstated.

    • Belief as a powerful tool for empowermentBelieving in something, regardless of its existence, can lead to better performance, confidence, and a sense of purpose. Negative thoughts and resistance hinder personal growth.

      Belief in anything, including God or religion, can serve as a powerful psychological tool for empowerment. It's not about the existence or non-existence of a higher power, but rather the positive state of mind and energy that comes from believing. This belief can lead to better performance, confidence, and a sense of purpose. Negative thoughts and resistance can hinder personal growth and happiness. Ultimately, the key is to tune in to the correct frequency of the universe with the least amount of resistance for optimal personal growth and fulfillment.

    • A conversation about religions, women, drugs, and technologyBrian and Joe discussed their differing religious beliefs, joked about various topics, and shared their excitement for technology

      During a conversation, Brian and Joe discussed various topics including religions, women, drugs, and technology. Brian expressed his dedication to Scientology, which made Joe nervous due to its controversial reputation. They also joked about the ease of sleeping with women in Scientology and the stereotypes of hippies. Joe mentioned his preference for Buddhism but disliked the phoniness of its followers. They also discussed DMT, aliens, and favorite places for stand-up comedy. Brian mentioned his excitement for the upcoming Apple tablet, and they joked about watching watches on Twitter. Throughout the conversation, they answered questions from viewers and discussed various topics in a lighthearted and humorous manner.

    • An Unusual Toilet Tree ExperienceThe speaker shared his frustration with technology while trying to share an unusual plant growth in his toilet and discussed personal habits, including wiping direction and disdain for flushable wipes.

      The speaker had an unusual experience when a plant grew in his toilet. He struggled to find and share the picture of the incident with his audience, expressing frustration with technology and the process. Another topic discussed was personal habits, specifically regarding wiping and peeing. The speaker shared his opinion on wiping direction and standing versus sitting, as well as his disdain for flushable wipes. The conversation also touched on the speaker's Twitter presence and his suggestion for the audience to search for the infamous "toilet tree" image online.

    • Upgrading internet for better content creation and sharingJoe Rogan plans to upgrade his internet to facilitate separate camera angles and display desktop content during his podcast, and discusses potential business opportunities and new shows

      Upgrading internet connections can lead to more efficient and interactive content creation and sharing. Joe Rogan expressed his plan to upgrade his internet to facilitate separate camera angles and the ability to display desktop content during his podcast. He also discussed the business potential of tiny URLs and the possibility of creating new shows, including one about interviewing comedians about their creative process. Additionally, Rogan shared his past experiences living in Colorado and the challenges of balancing family life there due to high altitude and his wife's discomfort with the snow and driving conditions.

    • Exploring Colorado and Pipe TomahawksDespite the speaker's frequent travel, Colorado is his preferred home. Historically, not all tomahawks had pipes. The speaker views time as subjective and personal, rather than an illusion.

      Colorado is a great place to live, but the speaker's frequent travel makes it difficult for him to stay there with his family. Regarding the topic of pipe tomahawks, it seems that historically, not all tomahawks had pipes integrated into them. The discussion also touched upon the idea of time being an illusion, with differing opinions on the matter. The speaker believes that time is not an illusion, but rather a concept that varies depending on the individual's state and frequency. The conversation covered various topics, ranging from personal experiences to historical inquiries, and the speakers entertained audience questions through Twitter. Overall, the discussion showcased a lively exchange of ideas and perspectives.

    • Exploring the complexities of time and human evolutionEmbrace the unpredictability of time and push towards new discoveries and innovations, while staying curious and open-minded about the potential for human evolution and technological advancements.

      Time and human evolution are complex and intriguing concepts that challenge our understanding. The speakers in this discussion touched on various topics, including the inconsistency of daylight savings time, the potential for human evolution, and the impact of technology. They expressed frustration with the unpredictability of time and the challenges of adapting to changes, while also expressing excitement about the possibilities of future technological advancements. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of embracing the complexities of existence and pushing towards new discoveries and innovations. Additionally, there were some humorous moments, such as the discussion about comedians and the possibility of machines getting pregnant. Overall, the conversation highlighted the need to stay curious and open-minded in the face of the unknown.

    • Discussions on creating artificial meat and beingsAdvancements in technology raise ethical concerns about creating artificial beings with emotions and consciousness, leading to potential societal issues and identity crises.

      Advancements in technology have led to discussions about the potential creation of artificial meat and artificial beings. While the production of lab-grown meat is a current reality, creating artificial beings with emotions and consciousness raises ethical concerns. The creation of artificial people could lead to various societal issues, including potential misuse and abuse. The speaker also touches upon the idea of artificial intelligence being considered the same as human life and the implications that would have on laws and morality. The speaker also ponders the possibility of creating artificial beings that resemble individuals, leading to potential identity crises and ethical dilemmas. Additionally, the speaker brings up the current limitations in technology, such as the need for signatures and the inability to perfectly replicate voices, and wonders why these advancements have not been made yet.

    • Frustration with illegible handwriting and legal implicationsSpeaker shares concerns about the legality of illegible handwriting and personal experiences of signing false statements

      The speaker expresses frustration with illegible handwriting and the potential legal implications of it. He shares a story about signing a document with a false statement written in his own hand, pondering if it would hold up in court. The conversation then shifts to robots and a movie, before touching on a UFC fight prediction. The speaker also defends the use of fanny packs, arguing that they offer practicality and a "I don't give a fuck" attitude. He believes women have unfairly stigmatized the accessory, and that men should wear what makes them comfortable.

    • Joe Rogan's Opinions on Jersey Shore and SpiritualityJoe Rogan shared his dislike for 'Jersey Shore', speculated it might be fake, and preferred Indian attire for spiritual connections. He also joked about AIDS and spending a year in someone else's body.

      Joe Rogan expressed his opinions on various topics during a Q&A session, including his dislike for the reality TV show "Jersey Shore," his theory that it may be fake, and his preference for Indian attire when connecting with the spirit world. He also joked about preferring full-blown AIDS over spending a year in someone else's body. Rogan's humor often involves irreverent and off-the-wall topics, making for an entertaining and unpredictable listening experience. Despite some lame questions and technical difficulties, Rogan remained engaged and interactive with his audience.

    • Managing Biology and Thoughts for Emotional Control and CreativityTreat our bodies like a bank account, avoid overdrafting and store excess energy for emotional control. Financial struggles can fuel creativity, but success doesn't hinder it.

      Managing our biology and thoughts is crucial for maintaining emotional control and creativity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of treating our bodies like a bank account, ensuring we don't overdraft ourselves and store excess energy that could lead to unexpected outbursts. He also suggests that financial struggles can sometimes fuel creativity, but success doesn't necessarily hinder it. The conversation touched on various topics, including the possibility of creating a clone robot, dealing with annoyances in life, and the importance of managing emotions and biology.

    • Focus on the art and audience for true rewardArtists should prioritize their love for creating over financial success or recognition to maintain motivation and enthusiasm.

      The genuine passion and love for creating art can sustain an artist's motivation and enthusiasm, even with financial success. Conversely, if the primary motivation is recognition or money, the artist may lose enthusiasm once those goals are achieved. The speaker emphasizes the importance of focusing on the art itself and the enjoyment it brings to the audience as the true reward. Additionally, the speaker expresses skepticism towards predictions of significant events on specific dates, such as December 21, 2012. Instead, they plan to commit to a Ustream event on that day as a way to engage with their audience.

    • Finding Balance and Enjoying LifeDespite challenges and uncertainties, find balance and enjoy life through humor, self-reflection, and living in the present moment.

      The speaker experienced significant stress following the events of 9-11 and dealt with it through various means, including humor and self-reflection. They also discussed the importance of balance in life and avoiding obsession, whether it be with work, hobbies, or information. The speaker also shared their thoughts on the concept of resolutions and the importance of enjoying life in the present moment. Additionally, they touched on the topic of solar flares and the uncertainty of the future. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, but the underlying theme was the importance of finding balance and enjoying life despite the challenges and uncertainties that come our way.

    • The Significance of December 21st, 2012The speaker explores the idea that December 21st, 2012, marked the beginning of a new era, possibly due to the convergence of various cultural and scientific theories including the Mayan calendar, Hindu cycles, and Terence McKenna's time wave zero novelty theory.

      The speaker believes that December 21st, 2012, holds significant historical importance, comparable to or even surpassing that of Columbus Day. He suggests that this date marked the beginning of a new era, possibly due to the convergence of various cultural and scientific theories. These theories include the Mayan calendar's end of an age, the Hindu concept of cycles, and Terence McKenna's time wave zero novelty theory. The speaker is unsure if these theories are accurate but finds the idea intriguing. He plans to continue exploring this topic and invites others to join him in his investigation. The speaker also mentions his intention to make this a more regular event, likely occurring on Wednesdays in the late afternoon Pacific Time.

    • Brian Wilson's New Year's Day Show at House of BluesBrian Wilson's New Year's Eve show at MGM Grand is sold out, but tickets for his New Year's Day performance at House of Blues at Mandalay Bay are still available. Attendees may hope for a better experience than potential New Year's Day hangover and remnants in Vegas.

      Brian Wilson's concert on New Year's Eve at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas is sold out, but there are still tickets available for his performance at the House of Blues at Mandalay Bay on New Year's Day. The lineup for this show includes Joey Diaz and Irish Fear. If Wilson decides not to perform, attendees can only hope for a better experience than the potential hangover and remnants of dried puke that may be present in Vegas on New Year's Day. The podcast hosts apologize for any inconvenience and encourage listeners to attend the House of Blues show if they will be in Vegas on January 1st. The podcast will continue to provide updates and information on upcoming events each week.

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    Whether you know a little or a lot about human rights or artificial intelligence, you will gain something from listening to our conversation about the most extensive consultation into AI and Human Rights anywhere in the world. Ed explains exactly what human rights are and why they should be protected, how technology is both enhancing and detracting from human rights and the best approach to take in regulating emerging technology in the future.

    We talked about protecting the rights of the most marginalized people, automated decision making and how to combat bias and something I found particularly fascinating, the tension between the universality of human rights, ubiquitous technology and how differing cultural contexts and historical experiences are shaping the principles that will guide both the development and application of technology.

    Ed Santow has been Human Rights Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission since August 2016 and leads the Commission’s work on technology and human rights; refugees and migration; human rights issues affecting LGBTI people; counter-terrorism and national security; freedom of expression; freedom of religion; and implementing the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT).

    Andrea Perry-Petersen – LinkedIn - Twitter @winkiepp – andreaperrypetersen.com.au

    Twitter - @ReimaginingJ

    Facebook – Reimagining Justice group

    EP17 | 科技拉近你我的距離 我可以怎麼提醒孩子網路交友的注意事項? feat. 陳茵嵐老師

    EP17 | 科技拉近你我的距離 我可以怎麼提醒孩子網路交友的注意事項? feat. 陳茵嵐老師
    【本集重點】 Q1. 科技拉近你我的距離 網路為我們的生活帶來許多美好的事物,比如我們可以透過網路瀏覽很多即時、新穎又有趣的資訊;可以與同學或親戚聯繫、分享生活,情感交流;也可以認識很多新的人事物,讓人際關係變得更多元、快速增加情感、沒有時間空間的距離。 心智成熟或交友經驗較多的大人可能會較謹慎、知道「保持距離」,但對孩子而言,他們可能會把網路上的朋友或當做真的朋友,或親密朋友,尤其網路或3C產品的即時性與定位功能,很容易讓人其實不是很了解對方、但卻以為自己很了解對方,即時見面,而加速人際關係的親密期(人際關係的發展階段大致可分:接觸期、涉入期 involvement stage/測試期、親密期、惡化期) Q2. 我可以怎麼提醒孩子網路交友的注意事項 網路交友「停看聽」 停 1. 思考與理解網路的特性 2. 不輕易透露個人資料 3. 避免收受禮物與金錢往來 4. 避免單獨或立即赴約 5. 避免與網友分享個人私密照片(你是有自己身體的自主權的) 看 1. 多搜尋相關資訊 2. 多了解網路安全的設定 3. 學習批判性思考 聽 1. 隨時可以找人聊聊 2. 多吸收相關新知 【本集來賓】 陳茵嵐講師/國立臺灣藝術大學通識中心 📢 想瞭解更多資訊素養與倫理相關內容嗎? 歡迎來 eTeacher 官網找我們唷! 👉 eTeacher 傳送門 https://linktr.ee/funsurfing