
    Podcast Summary

    • Friendship and Personal Growth in PodcastingThe hosts share their personal experiences and opinions, not professional advice, and emphasize the importance of seeking professional help when needed.

      The hosts of the podcast, Alex and John, are not licensed therapists or professionals, and their advice should not be taken as a substitute for seeking professional help. They acknowledge that there are areas in their own lives where they could benefit from therapy and encourage listeners to do the same if they have serious concerns. The conversation also touched on their friendship, with John expressing frustration over Alex's perceived annoyance and disorganization during their recordings. They discussed their different approaches to dealing with various situations and how their weekend plans didn't go as expected due to a lack of knowledge about certain activities in their city. Ultimately, they emphasized that they are just sharing their opinions and experiences, not providing professional advice.

    • Comparing Pet Care to Parenting and Social LifePeople can unintentionally prioritize their pets over social activities and work, leading to feelings of guilt. This behavior mirrors how some parents use their children as an excuse for avoiding commitments.

      People, including the speaker, can unintentionally overindulge in caring for their pets, using them as an excuse for not engaging in social activities or work commitments. The speaker believes that her dog, Kobe, can hold his pee for extended periods, but she feels guilty for leaving him alone for too long. This behavior mirrors how some people use their children as an excuse for not attending events or meetings. During a conversation, the speaker shares her recent sickness and compares it to the discomfort of aging. She also describes her recent trip to visit friends in Florida, where they engaged in more relaxed activities compared to their younger years. Despite the speaker's concerns about a potential collision with a yacht while kayaking, there was no actual danger. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of guilt, aging, and the comparison between caring for pets and raising children.

    • Misaligned Expectations Lead to DisappointmentEffective communication and clear storytelling are crucial for engaging an audience. Misaligned expectations can lead to disappointment and boredom.

      Effective communication and clear storytelling are essential for engaging an audience. The conversation between the speakers reveals that they had different expectations for a story, leading to disappointment and boredom. The story about a swimmer's experience in the water could have been more impactful if it had a clearer focus and a more satisfying conclusion. The speakers also discussed the importance of staying informed about local events and the potential benefits of traveling to new places. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of effective communication and clear storytelling to keep an audience engaged.

    • Valentine's Day without gifts, but filled with understandingThoughtfulness and understanding are more important than exchanging gifts in a relationship. Personal gestures and effective communication foster deep connections.

      Despite not exchanging gifts during their Valentine's Day celebration, the speaker and her partner, Alex, value thoughtfulness and understanding in their relationship. The speaker felt guilty for not getting Alex a gift, but she made up for it by buying expensive roses during their reunion. They both share a dislike for cards and prefer more personal gestures. The speaker missed Alex's presence and warmth in bed while she was away, and they jokingly compared themselves to Batman and Robin, with the speaker taking on the role of the sidekick. The speaker also expressed that she is content being alone at 39 years old and has no desire for a partner living with her. Overall, their conversation showcases the importance of communication, understanding, and personal connections in a relationship.

    • Being alone doesn't mean unhappy, find what's right for you and your financesConfidence, independence, and open communication are essential for relationships. Finances can be managed separately or jointly, depending on trust and individual circumstances.

      Being alone doesn't necessarily mean being unhappy. It's important to be confident and independent, and only introduce someone new into your life when it feels right and natural. Regarding finances in a marriage, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Some couples prefer keeping their finances separate, while others prefer having joint accounts. Ultimately, it depends on individual circumstances, trust, and communication between partners. It's essential to have open and honest conversations about boundaries and what works best for both parties. Finances can be a significant source of stress and conflict in relationships, so it's crucial to find a solution that promotes financial stability and security for both partners.

    • Communication and self-confidence in long-term relationshipsFocus on unique qualities and strengths in self and partner, avoid comparison, and build trust and communication for a successful and fulfilling long-term relationship.

      Open and honest communication is crucial in any long-term relationship, especially when it comes to discussing important topics such as finances, goals, and values. Comparison, whether real or perceived, can be a source of insecurity and unhappiness. It's essential to remember that everyone has unique strengths and qualities, and focusing on these can lead to greater self-confidence and happiness in the relationship. Comparing oneself to others, whether it's in terms of physical appearance or other aspects, can be a futile exercise and can detract from the joy and fulfillment of the relationship. Instead, focusing on the unique qualities and strengths of oneself and one's partner can lead to a deeper and more meaningful connection. Additionally, being educated about the realities of maintaining certain physical appearances or lifestyles can help put things into perspective and reduce feelings of inadequacy. Ultimately, building a strong foundation of trust, communication, and self-confidence is key to a successful and fulfilling long-term relationship.

    • Embrace Your UniquenessFocus on self-worth, ignore societal pressures, and remember your unique qualities make you valuable and loved.

      It's essential to focus on self-worth and uniqueness instead of comparing oneself to others, especially on social media. The speaker emphasizes that everyone has unique qualities that make them valuable and loved, regardless of age or physical appearance. She also shares that having kids is a personal decision, and it's essential to be true to oneself and not feel pressured to conform to societal norms. The speaker encourages focusing on the joys of not having children and the freedom it brings. Additionally, she suggests ignoring negative comments from others and remembering one's worth. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-acceptance and self-love in the face of societal pressures and comparisons.

    • Is having a child a significant decision?Make a fully committed decision to have a child or not, considering personal circumstances and the life-changing impact it will have.

      Having a child is a significant decision that requires full commitment and consideration. It's not a decision to be made lightly or half-heartedly. As one person put it, it's a "fuck yes or a fuck no" decision. People should be 100 percent sure before bringing a child into the world. It's important to remember that having a child changes your life in many ways and is not an accessory. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and considering your personal circumstances are crucial factors in making this decision. Ultimately, it's a personal choice, and others' opinions should not influence it. For those who are unsure or confused, taking time to reflect and consider the implications is essential. If you want children, having them is a beautiful thing. But for those who aren't sure yet, it's essential to keep practicing self-reflection and waiting for the day when you feel ready.

    • Effective communication crucial in resolving relationship conflictsClear communication about feelings and intentions towards marriage early on in a relationship can prevent misunderstandings and potential resentment

      Effective communication is crucial in resolving relationship conflicts. The discussion revolves around a couple who have been together for 10 years and have two children, but one partner doesn't want to get married. The other partner is hurt and confused by this, leading to conflict. The conversation between the couple reveals a lack of clear communication about their feelings and intentions towards marriage. While it's important to respect each other's decisions, open and honest communication can help prevent misunderstandings and potential resentment. It's essential to have conversations about important topics like marriage early on in a relationship and to listen actively to each other's perspectives. If the couple in question had communicated more effectively, they might have been able to come to a mutual understanding or find a compromise that works for both parties.

    • Communication is crucial in relationships, especially when dealing with sensitive topicsApproach sensitive topics with care, have open and honest conversations, and prioritize mental and emotional well-being over physical changes in relationships.

      Communication is key in relationships. When dealing with sensitive topics, it's essential to approach them with care and consideration for the other person's feelings. In the first situation, it seemed that one person expected marriage while the other did not, and having an open and honest conversation was necessary. In the second situation, a partner wanted to suggest a workout regimen to their girlfriend due to a change in her appearance, but it's crucial to approach such conversations with sensitivity and not make the other person feel criticized or judged. Instead, focusing on mental and emotional well-being before physical changes is a healthier approach. Overall, communication and understanding are vital in maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships.

    • Respect each other's happiness and autonomyFocus on leading by example, communicate openly, and approach difficult conversations with sensitivity and respect.

      It's important to respect each other's happiness and autonomy in a relationship. If you're unhappy with your own life, don't bring down your partner. Instead, focus on leading by example and checking in to see if there's an underlying issue. It's not about muffling feelings or being shallow, but rather understanding that people are attracted to different things and priorities can shift over time. If you're no longer attracted to your partner, it's a difficult conversation to have, but it's important to approach it with sensitivity and respect for each other's feelings. Ultimately, the value of a relationship goes beyond physical appearance and should be based on deeper connections and mutual respect.

    • Beyond Physical AttractionExplore deeper connections and values in a relationship beyond physical appearance and attraction.

      While attraction is important in a relationship, it's not the only factor. People are multidimensional, and there are likely other issues at play if someone's weight or appearance is the sole source of dissatisfaction. It's crucial to ensure your partner is happy and content, and to examine your own motivations for being in the relationship. Sexual compatibility is also a significant aspect of a healthy relationship, and dishonesty can be damaging. Ultimately, it's essential to look beyond physical attributes and focus on the deeper connections and values that bring meaning to a relationship.

    • Discovering husband's infidelityAddress underlying issues, prioritize self-care, and consider leaving the marriage if necessary to protect emotional health and well-being.

      The situation described in the conversation involves repeated communication and sexual involvement between the husband and another woman, which raises serious concerns about the future of the marriage. The woman in question reached out to the husband for sex, and he had previously been caught masturbating to her Facebook profile picture. The husband's behavior suggests a pattern of infidelity, and it's unlikely that this is the first time they have communicated. The speaker's focus should be on addressing the underlying issues and considering the possibility of leaving the marriage rather than trying to make the sex life better. The husband's actions have caused significant emotional harm, and the speaker's priority should be to prioritize her own well-being and that of any children involved.

    • Seeking clarification in a suspicious relationshipWhen faced with suspicion, gather more info, communicate openly, and consider counseling to address trust issues.

      When faced with suspicion or infidelity in a relationship, it's important to trust your instincts and seek out more information before making any hasty decisions. In the discussed scenario, the wife's husband's behavior raised suspicions, and the wife was advised to get more details by reaching out to the other woman or seeking couples counseling. The husband's behavior of masturbating to a known person and then disclosing it to his wife was seen as unusual and potentially hiding something more significant. The importance of communication and clear expectations in a relationship was also emphasized, as a misunderstanding about giving rides to the airport led to hurt feelings and confusion. Overall, the advice was to gather more information, communicate openly, and consider professional help to address any underlying trust issues.

    • Misunderstandings due to lack of clear communicationEffective communication is crucial in a relationship. Clarify assumptions and expectations to avoid misinterpretations and respect individual needs and boundaries.

      Effective communication is crucial in a relationship. In the discussion, both partners assumed certain responsibilities based on their past experiences and misunderstood each other's intentions. The failure to communicate clearly led to frustration and misunderstandings. It's important to clarify assumptions and expectations to avoid misinterpretations and ensure both partners are on the same page. Additionally, understanding and respecting each other's individual needs and boundaries is essential for a healthy relationship. In this case, one partner valued clear communication and expected it in return, while the other prioritized independence and personal space during vacations. By acknowledging and addressing these differences, couples can build a stronger foundation for their relationship.

    • Understanding Individual Differences in Kitchen CleanlinessRespect individual differences in kitchen cleanliness and communication is key to maintaining a clean and harmonious shared living space.

      Cleanliness and organization in the kitchen vary greatly between individuals. While one person might prioritize a spotless kitchen and multiple dishes for an aesthetically pleasing dining experience, another might prefer a more casual approach with minimal cleanup. The discussion highlights the contrasting habits of two individuals, with one expressing concern for cleaning and the other expressing indifference. The conversation also touches upon the importance of communication and teamwork in maintaining a clean kitchen. Despite their differences, both individuals express love and care for each other. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting individual differences in maintaining a shared living space.

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    My guest today is the awesome Elizabeth Day. Elizabeth is a very dear friend and a person who has affected my life incredibly positively. If it wasn't for her you wouldn't know about me. Back in 2019, she hosted me on her podcast 'How To Fail" which now has more than 35 million downloads. Elizabeth is an amazing soul who has found a way to use her vulnerability to dig deep inside to tell us about what we all feel but don't say or address. She now has a new book out called 'Friendaholic' it's a beautiful approach to understanding that friendship is not always better when there is more of it. Anyway I just used that as an excuse to meet my wonderful friend

    Elizabeth Day is an award-winning author and broadcaster. Her chart-topping podcast, How To Fail With Elizabeth Day, is a celebration of all of the things that haven’t gone right. Every week, in a one-on-one interview, a guest discusses what they have learned from failure. Elizabeth has written two books off the back of the podcast: How To Fail: Everything I’ve Ever Learned From Things Going Wrong, is part-memoir, part-manifesto. It is also a Sunday Times top 5 bestseller. Failosophy: A Handbook For When Things Go Wrong was described by Alain de Botton as ‘beautiful, timely and humane.’ Elizabeth is currently developing her first screenplay - a fictionalised adaptation of How To Fail. Two of her novels have also been optioned for screen. https://www.elizabethday.org/

    Listen as we discuss:

    • 04:00 - Friendaholics
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    • 17:00 - Social media friends
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    • 34:00 - Love trumps everything
    • 36:00 - The break-up
    • 40:00 - The Friendship contract
    • 44:00 - Social conditioning
    • 47:00 - Guilt is a stupid feeling
    • 50:00 - Revisiting 1’s and 0’s
    • 52:00 - Justin
    • 56:00 - Connecting with others
    • 60:00- Quiet
    • 01:02:30 - Scales of connection
    • 01:04:00 - Why human connection is at risk
    • 01:10:00 - Thank you Alexa!
    • 01:12:30 - Game over

    Connect with Elizabeth Day on Instagram @elizabday and find out more about her work here.

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    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

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    (Rewind): If You’re Thinking About Other People In A Relationship, Listen To This…

    Back in ye olden times, the fear that a partner might be cheating was enough to keep someone up at night. But in recent years, we’ve added a new layer of anxiety to the mix: “micro-cheating,” a.k.a. “back burner relationships.”
    In fact, when Psychology Today recently polled people who are in a relationship, 56% revealed they had a back burner person: someone they’re in contact with who could be an option if their current relationship doesn’t go the distance.
    That’s not to say that everyone realizes what they’re doing. Many feel it’s harmless—that they’re just being friendly and keeping in touch with a friend.

    Today’s clip will give you a simple test to figure out if you’re in a back burner relationship, and provide you with the mindset you need to give your current one its best shot.


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    Help My Neighbour's Got A Big Package

    Help My Neighbour's Got A Big Package
    What would you do if your neighbour's delivery came through your front door already opened and it happened to be some… rather rude? Well, William and Jordan are on hand to answer that specific problem for you!

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