
    About this Episode

    Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you needed to move on and walk away yet you felt conflicted and confused about the best course of action?

    This could have been a job, a relationship, a sport or hobby, a habit or a lifestyle. 

    Do you remember how that felt? On one hand, it’s comfortable to stay with what is familiar. Yet, you know you need to make a change when that subtle voice inside is nudging you day after day. 

    What did you do? How did you handle it?

    In episode 20 of the Her One Thing podcast, host Kristin Zeier dives into the topic of knowing when to walk away. She shares a recent experience she had with this with a job change she had in spring of 2021. 

    She also shares that this is not a unique dilemma for her. So many women struggle with knowing when to walk away.

    This quote by Andrew Tew sums it up perfectly, "Respect yourself enough to walk away anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy."

    When you are faced with something that you aren't sure whether to walk away from, consider these 5 questions:

    1.Does it serve me?

    2.Does it help me grow?

    3.Does it make me happy?

    4.Does it align with my vision for the future?

    5.What is my intuition or inner knowing telling me?

    Kristin goes on to share that through intentional silence or meditation, the answer will come to you if you are patient and consistent. 

    You deserve to live the life of your dreams. Even if you're not grappling with walking away from an external circumstance currently (such as a job or relationship), there is likely a thought pattern or habit that is no longer serving you, growing you or making you happy.

    The best way to live out your aligned purpose and dream life  is to continuously improve, evolve and grow. Kristin encourages you to identify one thing that you can walk away from that will bring you one step closer to that life you dream of creating. 

    Connect on Instagram: @heronething

    Website: https://www.itsthatonething.com

    Recent Episodes from Her One Thing

    38. If You're Seeking Intuitive Guidance, Do This

    38. If You're Seeking Intuitive Guidance, Do This

    In January of 2022, I set out with the word abundance at the forefront of my mind. I didn't know exactly how this word would shape the year, but I patiently kept my eyes open for clues.

    Well, it has been a wild ride and that is the full story I'm revealing into today's episode. By focusing on and embodying the word abundance, a series of synchronicities and events unfolded that shifted my life in ways I could not have predicted 12 months ago.

    Along with the full story, you will discover my 5 best tips for choosing and incorporating your very own word into 2023. By following these tips, you will shift into living from a place of energetic alignment. The synchronicities that will occur will give you chills and you will know you are on an exciting new path. 

    Follow on Instagram

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    Email: kristin@itsthatonething.com


    37. The Book Ends of Your Day

    37. The Book Ends of Your Day

    You’ve probably heard all of the advice from personal development gurus who preach about waking up early and following a strict morning routine that will set the tone for a successful day. 

    While this isn’t wrong, it is incomplete advice. There is no denying that starting your day with intention creates better outcomes during your day. This is so important. 

    However, this advice only works for a subset of the population. There are certain people who are designed to thrive under this type of rigid routine. Many people do not because they are not designed to thrive in that way. 

    Instead of having a rigid routine, think of your morning book end as beginning your day with intention. Instead of repeating the same things day in and day out, have an entire toolbox of things you can pull out based on what feels aligned for you on that day.

    Key Takeaways:

    -Why routine works for some people and not for others

    -Reframing routines into intentional activities aka book ends

    -The importance of choosing things that light you up in your own unique way

    -Following through on your commitments to yourself


    Click Here to Sign Up for the FREE 4 Class Meditation Training

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    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    36. 9 Things to Remember When Sh*t Hits the Fan

    36. 9 Things to Remember When Sh*t Hits the Fan

    Have you ever had a moment in your life where everything seems to crumble around you? Maybe a relationship abruptly ends or you lose your job. Maybe that goal you’ve been working so hard towards isn’t going to work out.

    Maybe it’s that you’ve been running on empty as a single mom, trying to do it all, without filling your own cup, that you break down in defeat. 

    These moments can be earth shattering. 

    When you’re in the middle of a storm, fear, uncertainty, and doubt can take over. When this happens, remember these 9 things. 

    Remember, storms don’t last forever. This is a temporary experience that is bringing you into a new chapter. While you might feel uncertain, take comfort in knowing there are infinite possibilities for you and your future. You’re doing an amazing job.

    Click Here to Sign Up for the FREE 4 Class Meditation Training

    Follow on Instagram

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    35. Massive Action vs. Aligned Action

    35. Massive Action vs. Aligned Action

    Key Takeaways:

    • What is massive action?
    • What is aligned action?
    • How do massive action & aligned action differ?
    • Why you need both for a purpose driven life
    • The Law of Least Effort
    • The meditation effect on aligned action

    Click Here to Sign Up for the FREE 4 Class Meditation Training

    Follow on Instagram

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    34. Even the Hard Days Will Become the Good Ole Days

    34. Even the Hard Days Will Become the Good Ole Days

    In this episode, I share the emotional experience I had leading up to my son's 17th birthday a few weeks ago. It was as if the past 17 years of our lives together flashed before my eyes. 

    In this moment, I had an epiphany. I realized that even though I am focused on creating my dream life and constantly bringing things to the next level for him and I, the days and years are passing quickly. At the end of the day, what matters most is being present and loving.

    This episode serves as a nugget of insight for all ambitious single moms who are focused on those goals to also slow down and be present. For the days are long but the years are short. 


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    33. This One Surprising & Effortless Practice Will Change Everything

    33. This One Surprising & Effortless Practice Will Change Everything

    You are rocking being a single mom, yet some days, you feel like you are failing. You feel like you are behind.

    You feel like you are not enough and that you just can’t do it all. You have such a great vision for the future but you can’t see a path to make it work. Some days you are on fire, but other days, you struggle to make it through the day before your head hits the sheets at night. 

    You crave rest and relaxation but you feel like you have to keep going or else you’ll fall even further behind. 
    Does this sound familiar? As single moms, we definitely experience a wide array of emotions and energy levels. 

    First, stop and acknowledge the fact that you are doing the job of two people solo. Forgive yourself for any imperfections you’ve had on your journey. Give yourself grace. Appreciate all that you do on a day to day basis to create the best life possible for yourself and your child(ren) – even if it isn’t perfect (lets face it, no one’s life is perfect regardless of the parental circumstances). 

    Next, I want you to really absorb what I’m going to share with you. When you are feeling busy, overwhelmed and stressed out, you need to stop everything you’re doing and find stillness.

    Practicing being in stillness every day will do more for your well-being, your energy output and the results you create in your life than anything else. 


    Key Takeaways:

    -What is stillness

    -How you will benefit from practicing stillness

    -Ways to incorporate stillness into your life effortlessly and easily



    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    32. Can Single Moms Really Live Abundantly?

    32. Can Single Moms Really Live Abundantly?

    You feel like you’re doing all the right things to get ahead but at the end of the day, it feels like you’re spinning on a never ending wheel. You’re always in motion but don’t seem to be going anywhere. 

    It begs the question, “Is it possible for me to create a life of abundance as a single mom?”

    If this resonates with you, then you’ll want to stick around for today’s episode. Today, we are diving into the question of whether single moms can really create and live life abundantly. 

    It can feel like abundance is out of reach for you. You’re juggling the world in your arms between your child(ren), financially supporting your family, spending time with your family and practicing self-care or finding time for yourself. 

    You might have accepted that this is the way it has to be. You might feel like you’re often paralyzed in a state of stress, worry, overwhelm and hopelessness. 

    You might feel like there will never be enough of the things you need to do your job as a single mom. In this episode, we are going to bust through that belief.


    Key Takeaways:

    -Abundance is available and accessible to you at all times

    -How abundance is a mindset and why it's your birthright 

    -Ways to tap into abundance regardless of your external circumstances



    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    31. 7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

    31. 7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

    As a single mom, it seems there is always something coming out of left field to throw a wrench in the day. Becoming immersed in overwhelm, stress, worry & scarcity based thinking can often be the results. 

    When we are constantly in a state of reaction, we don’t stop to observe the patterns in our moods, thoughts and actions.

    Left unchecked, this can lead to months, years or even decades of repeated cycles of behavior that ultimately, don’t produce the desired results in life. It can leave you scratching your head and wondering where the years have gone.

    In this episode, I am share with you seven of the most effective mindfulness practices that I’ve incorporated into my life over the past 5 years. My hope is that no matter where you are on your journey as a single mom, you can curate a more blissful, fulfilled and intentional experience.

    Not only for yourself, but your child(ren) as well. Your state of being will influence your child(ren)’s mindset, actions and outcomes for years to come.


    Key Takeaways:

    -What is mindfulness?

    -How mindfulness techniques can improve your life

    -7 Ways to practice mindfulness as a single mom


    Free Resource:

    18 Journal Prompts for Single Moms


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier


    30. Do This One Thing To Increase Your Confidence

    30. Do This One Thing To Increase Your Confidence

    Do you ever find yourself wishing you could enter into any situation without fear and show up as an authentic and magnet woman who radiates confidence? 

    Maybe it feels like this is something that is out of reach for you. Perhaps, you feel like confidence is something that some people are born with and some are not. 

    If there is an area of your life that you want to become more confident in, then you’ll want to stick around for this episode.

    Key Takeaways:

    -The secret to confidence

    -One thing you can do to increase your confidence now

    -Why you shouldn't "fake it til you make it"

    -How to project confidence as a beginner at anything

    Free Resource:

    The Ultimate Goal Setting Guide for Solo Moms


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier


    29. 9 Habits High Achieving Single Moms Cultivate

    29. 9 Habits High Achieving Single Moms Cultivate

    Have you ever heard the quote, “You must believe it in order to see it”? 

    The idea here is that so often, we focus on external results without doing the inner work first. Then, if we do see external progress, we still feel the overwhelm, burnout, mom guilt, worry and scarcity based thinking. 

    When you focus on the internal work first, the external results will follow. 

    What’s the point of this?

    The point is that it’s the habits you cultivate and practice regularly that will drive you to be a high achieving solo mom. 

    I encourage you to embrace & embody the connection between personal development, high achievement and creating the best life for yourself and your child(ren). 

    I believe that every single mom has the ability to be a high achiever in her own way. It doesn’t matter how old you are right now, what has happened in your past or how many times you might have failed. 

    You are worthy. 

    Tune in to discover what the 9 habits are to practice to set you in motion. 

    Free Resources for Single Moms:

    18 Journal Prompts for Solo Moms 

    The Ultimate Goal Setting Guide for Solo Moms


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier