
    Her One Thing

    Welcome to the Her One Thing podcast, where single moms come to plunge into all of the most pressing questions about mindfulness, meditation and creating your dream life with intention. Every week, host Kristin Zeier delivers fresh content on the mindset, energy & strategies needed to take you from daydreaming to intentionally creating results. Along with sharing her best goal hacking tips, she interviews other single moms who have achieved that one thing they’ve always dreamed of.
    en-usKristin Zeier38 Episodes

    Episodes (38)

    38. If You're Seeking Intuitive Guidance, Do This

    38. If You're Seeking Intuitive Guidance, Do This

    In January of 2022, I set out with the word abundance at the forefront of my mind. I didn't know exactly how this word would shape the year, but I patiently kept my eyes open for clues.

    Well, it has been a wild ride and that is the full story I'm revealing into today's episode. By focusing on and embodying the word abundance, a series of synchronicities and events unfolded that shifted my life in ways I could not have predicted 12 months ago.

    Along with the full story, you will discover my 5 best tips for choosing and incorporating your very own word into 2023. By following these tips, you will shift into living from a place of energetic alignment. The synchronicities that will occur will give you chills and you will know you are on an exciting new path. 

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    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    Email: kristin@itsthatonething.com


    37. The Book Ends of Your Day

    37. The Book Ends of Your Day

    You’ve probably heard all of the advice from personal development gurus who preach about waking up early and following a strict morning routine that will set the tone for a successful day. 

    While this isn’t wrong, it is incomplete advice. There is no denying that starting your day with intention creates better outcomes during your day. This is so important. 

    However, this advice only works for a subset of the population. There are certain people who are designed to thrive under this type of rigid routine. Many people do not because they are not designed to thrive in that way. 

    Instead of having a rigid routine, think of your morning book end as beginning your day with intention. Instead of repeating the same things day in and day out, have an entire toolbox of things you can pull out based on what feels aligned for you on that day.

    Key Takeaways:

    -Why routine works for some people and not for others

    -Reframing routines into intentional activities aka book ends

    -The importance of choosing things that light you up in your own unique way

    -Following through on your commitments to yourself


    Click Here to Sign Up for the FREE 4 Class Meditation Training

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    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    36. 9 Things to Remember When Sh*t Hits the Fan

    36. 9 Things to Remember When Sh*t Hits the Fan

    Have you ever had a moment in your life where everything seems to crumble around you? Maybe a relationship abruptly ends or you lose your job. Maybe that goal you’ve been working so hard towards isn’t going to work out.

    Maybe it’s that you’ve been running on empty as a single mom, trying to do it all, without filling your own cup, that you break down in defeat. 

    These moments can be earth shattering. 

    When you’re in the middle of a storm, fear, uncertainty, and doubt can take over. When this happens, remember these 9 things. 

    Remember, storms don’t last forever. This is a temporary experience that is bringing you into a new chapter. While you might feel uncertain, take comfort in knowing there are infinite possibilities for you and your future. You’re doing an amazing job.

    Click Here to Sign Up for the FREE 4 Class Meditation Training

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    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    35. Massive Action vs. Aligned Action

    35. Massive Action vs. Aligned Action

    Key Takeaways:

    • What is massive action?
    • What is aligned action?
    • How do massive action & aligned action differ?
    • Why you need both for a purpose driven life
    • The Law of Least Effort
    • The meditation effect on aligned action

    Click Here to Sign Up for the FREE 4 Class Meditation Training

    Follow on Instagram

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    Her One Thing @heronething

    34. Even the Hard Days Will Become the Good Ole Days

    34. Even the Hard Days Will Become the Good Ole Days

    In this episode, I share the emotional experience I had leading up to my son's 17th birthday a few weeks ago. It was as if the past 17 years of our lives together flashed before my eyes. 

    In this moment, I had an epiphany. I realized that even though I am focused on creating my dream life and constantly bringing things to the next level for him and I, the days and years are passing quickly. At the end of the day, what matters most is being present and loving.

    This episode serves as a nugget of insight for all ambitious single moms who are focused on those goals to also slow down and be present. For the days are long but the years are short. 


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    33. This One Surprising & Effortless Practice Will Change Everything

    33. This One Surprising & Effortless Practice Will Change Everything

    You are rocking being a single mom, yet some days, you feel like you are failing. You feel like you are behind.

    You feel like you are not enough and that you just can’t do it all. You have such a great vision for the future but you can’t see a path to make it work. Some days you are on fire, but other days, you struggle to make it through the day before your head hits the sheets at night. 

    You crave rest and relaxation but you feel like you have to keep going or else you’ll fall even further behind. 
    Does this sound familiar? As single moms, we definitely experience a wide array of emotions and energy levels. 

    First, stop and acknowledge the fact that you are doing the job of two people solo. Forgive yourself for any imperfections you’ve had on your journey. Give yourself grace. Appreciate all that you do on a day to day basis to create the best life possible for yourself and your child(ren) – even if it isn’t perfect (lets face it, no one’s life is perfect regardless of the parental circumstances). 

    Next, I want you to really absorb what I’m going to share with you. When you are feeling busy, overwhelmed and stressed out, you need to stop everything you’re doing and find stillness.

    Practicing being in stillness every day will do more for your well-being, your energy output and the results you create in your life than anything else. 


    Key Takeaways:

    -What is stillness

    -How you will benefit from practicing stillness

    -Ways to incorporate stillness into your life effortlessly and easily



    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    32. Can Single Moms Really Live Abundantly?

    32. Can Single Moms Really Live Abundantly?

    You feel like you’re doing all the right things to get ahead but at the end of the day, it feels like you’re spinning on a never ending wheel. You’re always in motion but don’t seem to be going anywhere. 

    It begs the question, “Is it possible for me to create a life of abundance as a single mom?”

    If this resonates with you, then you’ll want to stick around for today’s episode. Today, we are diving into the question of whether single moms can really create and live life abundantly. 

    It can feel like abundance is out of reach for you. You’re juggling the world in your arms between your child(ren), financially supporting your family, spending time with your family and practicing self-care or finding time for yourself. 

    You might have accepted that this is the way it has to be. You might feel like you’re often paralyzed in a state of stress, worry, overwhelm and hopelessness. 

    You might feel like there will never be enough of the things you need to do your job as a single mom. In this episode, we are going to bust through that belief.


    Key Takeaways:

    -Abundance is available and accessible to you at all times

    -How abundance is a mindset and why it's your birthright 

    -Ways to tap into abundance regardless of your external circumstances



    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier

    31. 7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

    31. 7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

    As a single mom, it seems there is always something coming out of left field to throw a wrench in the day. Becoming immersed in overwhelm, stress, worry & scarcity based thinking can often be the results. 

    When we are constantly in a state of reaction, we don’t stop to observe the patterns in our moods, thoughts and actions.

    Left unchecked, this can lead to months, years or even decades of repeated cycles of behavior that ultimately, don’t produce the desired results in life. It can leave you scratching your head and wondering where the years have gone.

    In this episode, I am share with you seven of the most effective mindfulness practices that I’ve incorporated into my life over the past 5 years. My hope is that no matter where you are on your journey as a single mom, you can curate a more blissful, fulfilled and intentional experience.

    Not only for yourself, but your child(ren) as well. Your state of being will influence your child(ren)’s mindset, actions and outcomes for years to come.


    Key Takeaways:

    -What is mindfulness?

    -How mindfulness techniques can improve your life

    -7 Ways to practice mindfulness as a single mom


    Free Resource:

    18 Journal Prompts for Single Moms


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier


    30. Do This One Thing To Increase Your Confidence

    30. Do This One Thing To Increase Your Confidence

    Do you ever find yourself wishing you could enter into any situation without fear and show up as an authentic and magnet woman who radiates confidence? 

    Maybe it feels like this is something that is out of reach for you. Perhaps, you feel like confidence is something that some people are born with and some are not. 

    If there is an area of your life that you want to become more confident in, then you’ll want to stick around for this episode.

    Key Takeaways:

    -The secret to confidence

    -One thing you can do to increase your confidence now

    -Why you shouldn't "fake it til you make it"

    -How to project confidence as a beginner at anything

    Free Resource:

    The Ultimate Goal Setting Guide for Solo Moms


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier


    29. 9 Habits High Achieving Single Moms Cultivate

    29. 9 Habits High Achieving Single Moms Cultivate

    Have you ever heard the quote, “You must believe it in order to see it”? 

    The idea here is that so often, we focus on external results without doing the inner work first. Then, if we do see external progress, we still feel the overwhelm, burnout, mom guilt, worry and scarcity based thinking. 

    When you focus on the internal work first, the external results will follow. 

    What’s the point of this?

    The point is that it’s the habits you cultivate and practice regularly that will drive you to be a high achieving solo mom. 

    I encourage you to embrace & embody the connection between personal development, high achievement and creating the best life for yourself and your child(ren). 

    I believe that every single mom has the ability to be a high achiever in her own way. It doesn’t matter how old you are right now, what has happened in your past or how many times you might have failed. 

    You are worthy. 

    Tune in to discover what the 9 habits are to practice to set you in motion. 

    Free Resources for Single Moms:

    18 Journal Prompts for Solo Moms 

    The Ultimate Goal Setting Guide for Solo Moms


    Her One Thing @heronething

    Kristin Zeier @kristinzeier


    28. 7 Steps to Create Your Future by Design Now

    28. 7 Steps to Create Your Future by Design Now

    Have you ever had a moment of intense clarity where you suddenly realize that your current life is exactly what you once envisioned as your ideal life? 

    The catch here is that oftentimes, we become so wrapped up in our next big life goal or future vision, that we haven’t stopped to appreciate, or even acknowledge, that we’re currently living our past self’s dream life.  

    When a realization like this happens, it can be one of the most deeply gratifying experiences. This kind of moment can shift everything. 

    While it's important to stop and recognize the progress you've made, it's equally as important to plan for your future. Even if you're not sure how you've ended up on your current life path, know that you can create impactful change at any time.

    In this episode, I break down key components to focus on while designing your future while also sharing 7 actionable steps that you can take today to build your dream life. 

    For full show notes, visit https://itsthatonething.com/

    Follow Her One Thing on Instagram @heronething

    27. Isolation & Loneliness

    27. Isolation & Loneliness

    Loneliness is when you have no one to celebrate your success with and no one to share your pains with. As an ambitious solo mom working toward massive life goals, does this resonate with you?

    It's important to note that loneliness and solitude are not to be confused. The two are very different. Just because you are alone does not mean you are lonely. In fact, solitude is one of the most beautiful and rewarding things. 

    There are also many different ways that you can intentionally cultivate community & connection in your life. This is incredibly important on your journey as an ambitious solo mom. In this episode, I share 9 of my best tips for creating community and relationships that will nourish your soul while also learning to savor your solitude.

    Although you can take steps to create more meaningful connections with yourself and with others, you may often still feel lonely in your journey as an ambitious single mom. That is ok. It's ok to allow yourself to fully feel those emotions and let them pass. 

    Know that you are not alone. There are so many other amazing single moms, working toward their goals, just like you. 

    26. Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset for Solo Moms

    26. Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset for Solo Moms

    How many times per day do you have the thought there isn’t enough? 

    As a solo mom, this can be all too familiar. In a world that has limitless options and resources, it’s tempting to get caught up in a cycle of never-enougness. Further, we spend so much time peeking into the lives of other people via social media, we compare ourselves to the highlight reel of others. 

    On today’s episode, I’m sharing insight around scarcity vs abundance mindset with you. This is some of the most life changing work that a single mom can learn. 

    Let’s face it, as single moms, we are often faced with greater barriers and limitations than others. We often do have to make more work with less, at least in the beginning. 

    Learning how to master your mindset and your thoughts will bring you peace, increased energy, more patience with your child(ren), a greater sense of presence, less stress and will take so much further than you could have ever imagined. 

    First, let’s examine what the differences are in a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset and how these differ as a single mom. It’s important to note that your mindset is based around the thoughts that you’re thinking. Did you know that on average, we humans think roughly 60,000 thoughts per day?

    Do you have an awareness of the thoughts you’re thinking? Many people are living their lives on autopilot without any true awareness. It’s important to remember that the thoughts we think are a choice. 

    It’s also important to remember that many of the thoughts that are running on autopilot within your mind weren’t even created by you in the first place. Many of these thoughts were adopted and recycled from your family environment as a very young child. Oftentimes, if we haven’t done this inner work, we are carrying around the thoughts and beliefs of our parents or other relatives, and we don’t even realize it. 

    Scarcity Mindset

    A scarcity mindset is one that is based in lack, or, not enough. When in a scarcity based mindset, resources are limited. You are competing for resources with other people, yourself, or forces that are seemingly beyond your control (such as time and energy). 

    When you are thinking in a scarcity based mindset, it doesn’t feel good. You feel anxious, stressed, worried, exhausted and hopeless. 

    When you’re thinking in a scarcity based mindset, it doesn’t matter how much sleep you got the night before, how authentically you connected with your child(ren) or how much money you’re making. It will never be enough. 

    Your brain will be scanning for the next thing on the horizon that indicates another void. 

    Abundance Mindset

    An abundance mindset is the opposite of a scarcity mindset. When your mindset and thoughts are based in abundance, you trust that there always has been and always will be enough. You trust that you don’t need to compete with others because there is enough for everyone. You trust that everything you have right now is enough. You trust that there is always more on the way. 

    For example, if you feel like you don’t have enough, or your ideal amount of money right now, you trust that you have enough for today. You have enough to meet all of your needs and the needs of your children. You also trust that there is a limitless supply of money for you to access. 

    Another example is with time. Many solo moms feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to do all of the things they need and want to do. This is super understandable right? Well, when your mindset is based in abundance, you approach time differently. You understand that you have the exact same amount of time in the day as everyone else in the world. You know that you have enough time for everything you want to do. You might need to be a little more strategic about it, but there is enough.

    Thinking in an abundance mindset feels amazing. Did you notice that I used the word, “trust”, numerous times when describing an abundance mindset? This is because when you’re in this state, you learn to trust whatever you believe in. Whether it’s religious, spiritual, or downright practical you trust that the perfect amount of resources are available to you at all times. You learn to surrender. You let go of the stress, worry and overwhelm.

    When you learn to trust and surrender and let go of the stress, worry and overwhelm, you create space for abundance. Abundance always feels good. It’s energetic, it’s bright and clean, and it’s full of hope and optimism. 

    Think about the energy difference behind what I described in scarcity thinking versus mindset. Do you feel that shift?

    One of the key things to note here is that your external circumstances don’t need change to completely take on this new perspective. You can shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset in a matter of seconds or minutes.

    Now that you have an understanding of the difference between a scarcity and abundance mindset, think about the environment you grew up in? Did you grow up in a household where a scarcity mindset was prevalent or an abundance mindset? 

    If you haven’t done inner work to intentionally create your mindset, you’re likely still carrying around those same beliefs and thoughts that were ingrained within you as a young child.

    Tips for Shifting from a Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mindset

    Ok, so let’s talk about what you can do to shift from being in a scarcity based mindset to an abundance based mindset. 

    1. The first step with any mindset related work is to first take stock of where you are today. It’s time to get introspective. I encourage you to spend some time journaling or riffing on a voice memo within the next two days. Write down or talk about your thoughts as they relate to the following areas:

    1. Money
    2. Time
    3. Energy
    4. Relationships
    5. Resources
    6. Parenting capabilities 

    Be natural and speak from the heart as you are today. After you’re done, review what you’ve written or recorded. Identify whether your thoughts and beliefs are based in scarcity or abundance. They might be different for different areas of your life. 

    It should be easy to determine whether you're in a scarcity versus abundance mindset based on the way you feel. A scarcity mindset feels like resistance and an abundance mindset feels like a flow state. 

    2. Next, choose one area that you would like to actively create an abundance mindset around. Let’s say that it’s money. I choose money because it’s a common one that people feel scarce around, especially as a single mom. 

    Once you have chosen your topic, I want you to create 3 new intentional thoughts to practice. Here are three examples:

    -I take comfort in knowing that I have enough money for everything I need today. 

    -I have enough money, and I allow what I already have enough of to flow to me. (DWD)

    -Money is a renewable resource that is available to everyone. My children and I always have had and always will have enough. 

    Once you choose your 3 new abundance based beliefs, write them down and read them every day. Incorporate them into your daily routine so that they become fully ingrained. When you feel scarcity based thoughts coming back up, pause and close your eyes. Remember your new abundance based thoughts. 

    Don’t just think your new thoughts, but allow yourself to truly feel them. Allow yourself the space throughout the day to truly embody these new thoughts. Don’t just go through the motions and think them with a sarcastic undertone. These thoughts are going to become your new beliefs and you must approach this with true authenticity. 

    3. Incorporate meditation (or intentional silence) into your daily routine. I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again and I’ll definitely say it in the future. Meditation is one of the most beneficial things you can do to improve your life and the lives of your children. 

    Since the best way to determine whether you’re in a scarcity of abundance based mindset is to notice what you’re thinking and how you feel, meditation is the perfect accompaniment to practice on this journey. 

    When you meditate, your world of never ending to-do lists slows down. The stress, worry and overwhelm comes to a halt. You become aligned with the present moment and this is where the magic happens. You truly begin to become attuned to how you are feeling and what you’re thinking.

    Use this as an opportunity to feel the abundance around you. Even if you cannot see it in your life yet, allow yourself to acknowledge, feel and appreciate all of the abundance in your life now. Appreciate the endless things you do have and notice that abundance is already all around you.

    This is transformational work that can be done in a matter of minutes. When you open your eyes, you’ll feel more connected to your child(ren) and the stress, worry, anxiety and overwhelm will have subsided - even if it’s just for a moment!

    It’s important to note that meditation is a practice. It’s like working out for your mind. It needs to be continuously done and some days will be better than others. Be patient and consistent with yourself. 

    4. When you observe a thought or belief that is based in scarcity coming up, stop and write it down. Examine it. Where did it come from? Why do you believe this? Is this thought or belief serving you?

    Chances are, this thought or belief is not serving you and it’s time to transform it into its abundance based counterpart. Re-write the thought or belief with an abundance based energy behind it. Practice intentionally thinking this new thought or belief. 

    5. Practice gratitude. The concept of practicing gratitude has been thrown around in personal development and spirituality communities for a long time. It may be tempting to brush this off but please don’t. 

    When you’re in a low energy state of scarcity and you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, take a few minutes to express gratitude for three things. This can be any three things, it doesn’t matter what. 

    When you’re expressing gratitude, make sure that you are truly feeling it in your body. Allow it to consume you. It’s impossible to feel like you’re in scarcity when your entire body is immersed in a feeling of gratitude.

    Also, remember that like attracts like. You don’t get what you want, you get what you are. That is one of my favorite quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Your energy, whether it’s based in scarcity or abundance, is going to attract more of the same. This is why practicing gratitude is so powerful. 

    Another way you can shift your energy quickly is when you’re feeling the low energy of a scarcity mindset, stop and acknowledge what you’re feeling. Notice that you are thinking thoughts that are based on lack. 

    Now, think of 3 things that are based in gratitude or abundance on that topic. For example, if you are feeling frustrated with your partner based on things they are not doing, stop to acknowledge and appreciate 3 things they are doing. You will be amazed at how quickly your energy elevates to abundance. 

    Honestly, I wonder what my life would have been like if I would have learned about scarcity and abundance mindsets ten or fifteen years ago. My son is almost 16. I didn’t learn about this and begin applying it to my own life until 3 years ago. If I would have learned about it 16 years ago, the experience of being a solo mom would have been radically different. 

    However, I don’t like to dwell on what could have been. The fact of the matter is that that was not my reality or my experience. I am grateful that I have since learned this transformational mindset work and can share it with you. 

    Before I learned how to shift my mindset from being based in scarcity to being based in abundance, I would go down rabbit holes of stress, worry, anxiety and overwhelm. Honestly, I probably worried myself sick at points.

    There was often a disconnect between my son and I. My energy was often feeling low. I felt like a failure because I felt like there wasn’t enough.

    Once I began to practice the 5 tips I shared with you today, things improved so much. My son and I share a much deeper and aligned connection. I’m more patient with him. I trust that as a solo mom, I am enough. I trust that things happened this way because they were meant to. I trust that this is our story and it’s unfolding perfectly. 

    When feelings of money scarcity come up, and they still do, I practice the steps I shared with you today. I have the self-awareness to recognize it’s happening. Instead of spiraling out into worry, stress and anxiety, I flip the script. 

    I create a new empowering thought or belief. I surrender. I trust. I practice gratitude for all of the abundance in my life today. I shift my energy because I remember that like attracts like. 

    When feelings of time scarcity, money scarcity or any other types of scarcity come up, I do the same. I can tell you, it’s made my life experience a hell of a lot better. 

    As solo moms, we often feel like our resources are finite. We often feel like the cards are stacked against us. This is not true. Although we may have a few more things to strategically manage, all of the abundance is available to us at all times. 

    Remember, that at any given moment, you can choose a new thought or new belief. You can choose empowerment. You can choose alignment. You can choose happiness and peace. Empowerment and abundance is always just one thought away. 

    25. Healing, Self-Acceptance and Empowerment from the Inside Out with Justine Moore Sloan

    25. Healing, Self-Acceptance and Empowerment from the Inside Out with Justine Moore Sloan

    Justine Moore Sloan is a Transformational Coach, author, and the Co-Founder of Boss Ladies MKE.

    After healing from disordered eating, crippling anxiety, and low self-worth, Justine is on a mission to help others heal and thrive as well. 

    Through her journey and her work with hundreds of clients, she developed the Empowered Eating Method, a unique approach that helps women break free from food guilt and dieting, so they can fully love and trust their bodies.

    Justine is a personal growth junkie, and is obsessed with books. Her first book, “Someone I Love Lives Here,” comes out this October!

    Justine loves to travel, but her home base is Milwaukee, where she lives with her husband and soulmate, Scott.

    Connect with Justine:

    Website: Justinesloan.com

    On her website, you will find links to her blog, YouTube channel, Facebook and Twitter.

    Instagram: @thejustinesloan

    Facebook Group: Self Love Club

    Books Mentioned in Today's Episode:

    In The Flo by Alissa Vitti

    The War of Art by Steven Pressfield


    24. Developing Goal Integrity

    24. Developing Goal Integrity

    Have you ever looked back on the past year and thought, “Wow. I had such big elaborate goals. Where has the time gone? I thought that I’d be in a different place by now.” 

    If so, you’re not alone. This happens to so many of us. More so if you’re a solo mom. I mean, it’s not like you don’t have a lot going on.

    It’s not like you aren’t putting in all of the work daily. Let’s be honest, you’re crushing it. 

    Yet, when you look around, it’s not exactly what you planned for this year. The time seems to pass so fast. 

    Today, I want to share with you the one thing that moved from a dabbler to a consistent action taker. It’s not time management, it’s not planning and it’s not some type of goal setting strategy.

    What changed everything for me in 2020 and beyond is what I am referring to as goal integrity.

    What is the definition of integrity? You probably know, I mean you learned this growing up right?

    Well, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, there are two meanings that are relatable here:

    1.The quality of being honest and fair

    2.The state of being complete or whole

    When you set a vision, intentions or goals for your life, it’s up to you to see them through. No one else is responsible for your success. Therefore, you need to be honest and fair with yourself. 

    If your goals are tied to what you truly desire from a deep soul level, then you must honor yourself enough to make those goals a reality. That is what contributes to your state of being complete or whole.

    Taking these definitions of integrity and applying them to your goals means that you must be honest and fair with yourself in your approach. You must honor your desires to align with your complete or whole self.

    This is what I have come to call goal integrity. To have goal integrity is to stay true to your commitments to yourself when no one is watching. 

    This means that when you could curl up in a blanket, drink wine and watch Netflix, or work on your goal, you choose your goal (if that is what you originally planned during that time slot). 

    If you promised yourself you’d wake up extra early to put in work on your goal, you follow through on that. You don’t continuously hit the snooze button and ignore your goal. 

    The concept of goal integrity is truly one of a relationship with self. When you set goals for your life, it is your job and your job only, to follow through on them. 

    So often, this does not happen. At the end of the day, this is due to a disconnect in the relationship you have with yourself. 

    You must respect yourself enough to follow through on your commitments to yourself. Would you break a promise that you made to your partner? What about your child? How about your best friend?

    Chances are, you would not. So, why is it that we break these promises to ourselves so often?

    You can set all the goals in the world but if you don’t have goal integrity, you likely won’t make much progress.

    Now, don’t beat yourself up over not having goal integrity. Don’t shame yourself. How would you know this information if it was never taught to you?

    Unfortunately, these things aren’t taught to us and we must either seek this information out from other people through personal development, or learn it on our own.

    It’s so much quicker to learn from someone else than to wait for your own life experience to be the teacher, by the way. You want to learn as much as you can from the experience of others because it will take you where you want to go much faster and with less effort. 

    Another reason why you shouldn’t shame yourself for not following through on your commitments to yourself is because you’ve been so busy following through on your commitments to other people.

    You know, that little person who calls you, “mom”? You know, that role of “mom” that is the most selfless, giving and challenging mom in the world?

    It’s always important to remember that you are one hundred percent worthy now - whether you’re actively making progress on your goals or intentions. 

    However, I know you want to reach that next level of your life. Maybe you want to buy that house for your family, pay off that debt, take your child(ren) on that vacation, quit that soul sucking job and start your own business or finally drop that baby weight and get fit and healthy. 

    Maybe you simply want to be more present with your child(ren). That is an amazing goal by the way. I know first hand how hyper-focused you can become on managing the day to day life as a single mom that you overlook being present and connecting. 

    You’ve got your goal and now it’s time to operate from a place of goal integrity. 

    Ok, so you understand what goal integrity is and how it provides you with the foundation of intentionally creating your future. 

    Now, let’s talk about the steps you can take to nurture your relationship with self enough to create goal integrity. 

    1.Identify your why. 

    You “why” is one of the most impactful things that will motivate you to take action day in and day out, even when it gets tough. In fact, you may have more than one “why”. It’s really important to connect emotionally to your “why”. Human beings are driven by emotion and when we can tie deep emotions to our “why”, it will drive you so much more.

    2. Write out what you have to lose by not following through on your goal

    Next, spend some time writing out what you have to lose if you don’t make this goal a reality. What will your life look like? How will this impact your child(ren)? How will this impact your legacy (if that is important to you)? Where will you be in five years? How about ten years? How will your life veer if this doesn’t happen?

    Write these out in a journal and continuously explore this. This is going to light a fire under you when you just don’t feel like doing the thing that will move the needle on your goal. 

    3.Next, write out what you have to gain by following through on your goal. 

    So, now that you know what you have to lose, it’s time to identify what you have to gain. If (when) you make this goal a reality, how will your life change? How will things improve? What will that set in motion so that you can continue to build on that?

    Will your child(ren) be proud? Will you elevate them and their own future as a result? Will you be happier, more fulfilled and proud? 

    Will you leave a legacy? Will this set in motion an amazing example for your child(ren) to learn from? Setting an example of being a goal crusher is honestly one of the best gifts you can give your child(ren), in my opinion. 

    Just as you want to become very familiar with what you stand to lose, you also want to know the ins and outs of what you stand to gain. This is so important. 

    4. Don’t tell anyone what your goal is. Make this a true pact with yourself and yourself only. 

    As I mentioned earlier, goal integrity is all about your relationship with self. It honestly has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else. Other people’s opinions don’t matter. In fact, other people’s opinions will only begin to cloud your judgement. You will begin to focus on what others think about your vision, your progress and your results (or lack thereof). This will be a massive distraction and energy suck. 

    Now, if you are a part of an uplifting community that supports one another in big goals, then that is a different story. Tell them. 

    But, for the most part, keep it to yourself. Focus on nourishing your relationship with self. 

    5. Celebrate the little wins along the way.

    When you have big goals and ambitions, it can be easy to get caught in a pattern of never thinking you’re as far along as you “should” be. You are exactly where you are supposed to be - remember that. Make sure you’re acknowledging the progress you’re making along the way. Each little step that the needle moves, no matter how far, is a small victory. Acknowledge it. Allow yourself to feel good and proud. This will continuously nourish that relationship with self. As a bonus, it will also increase your confidence which in turn, will cause you to continue to take more action. This is what Tony Robbins calls the, “

    Revisit your why, your wins and your losses often. Keep them front and center. Journal and meditate on them. Get to know them inside and out so that they are so deeply ingrained within your mind. 

    OK, so I want you to know that these are minor shifts but they are massively impactful. Before I developed goal integrity, I procrastinated. Tomorrow turned to next week, which turned to next month, which turned to next year and so on. 

    That procrastination is a vicious cycle. Are you a fellow recovering procrastinator like me? Procrastination is a dream killer. People will procrastinate their whole life away, which is really sad. But not me, and not you either. 

    Now, I sit down and do the work even in the face of fear and resistance. I do the work because I value the importance of following through on my commitments to myself. I honor myself and my dreams. I remember my why. I know what I stand to lose and what I stand to gain. 

    That drives me. 

    If you put these steps into practice, it will drive you too.

    Connect with Me

    Instagram: @heronething

    Website: https://www.itsthatonething.com

    Email: Kristin@isthatonething

    23. It's Time to Promote Yourself

    23. It's Time to Promote Yourself

    By now, you’ve gotten the role of day to day operator of your life as a career woman & solo mom down pat. But do you ever feel like you’re running on a hamster wheel? Do you have this inner nudge telling you that there’s more? 

    I mean, you’re doing all the “right” things. You’re taking care of your child(ren), you’re crushing it at work or school & you’re managing the household - for the most part. I mean we are all human so don’t even feel bad for leaving those dirty dishes in the sink tonight. Seriously. 

    You know you’re running things and you’re doing a damn good job. Things are not perfect, and truth be told, you feel a level of exhaustion more than you’d like to admit, but you’re handling it. 

    Ask yourself this: If you continue to do things exactly as you are currently, where will you be in five years? Where will your finances be? Where will your relationships be? Where will your health be? Where will your energy and vitality be? Where will your fulfillment be? Where will your career/business be? 

    Will you be happy?

    You see, what I’m getting at here is that it’s easy to get stuck in the role of the day to day operator of your life. It’s not a bad place to be. Things are functional. The child(ren) are taken care of. You’re doing well. 

    Yet, you’re not really moving the needle on those big strategic goals. 

    There’s a big difference between being the day to day operator and the strategic executive. I’m not talking about business. I’m talking about your life. Your role within your own life. You are calling the shots for yourself and your child(ren). 

    In 2015, I got my business degree and went out into the corporate world. I was really proud of this! I mean, this is something that I’d worked so hard for. Going to school and getting your degree is not an easy task as a single mom. However, I worked so hard and the day came where I graduated and went out into the working world. 

    Before i went back to school, I was in my early 20s. I was barely getting by running things day to day as I did not have a career path and was not bringing in much money. However, I had it down. Things were ok. I was going to work, taking my son to daycare, coming home and taking care of him. Wash rinse and repeat. I was doing a good job as a day to day operator right?

    Yet, I knew this was not a long term viable solution. I knew I had to step up and create a strategic plan to move the needle to uplevel. I chose college and a lot of personal development. When all was said and done, it was a major uplevel. 

    So back to 2015, I’m in my brand spankin' new shiny corporate job, right? Healthcare business analytics. I went to work, sometimes I went to happy hour, I came home and cooked dinner and spent time with my son and did the mom duties, and I was still waitressing one day per week.

    I’m telling you, it took maybe...9 months before I got really bored. Not just with the job, but with the way of life. I mean, I was rocking the hell out of the day to day operator role. Yet, there was no long-term strategy to take me to the next level.

    And then I was OK. It’s time to reassess. What do I want? What do I want to do with my life? How am I going to create the next level future? It was time to put my strategy cap on.

    Alas, this is what brought me to developing the Her One Thing brand, coming to the realization that my mission is to empower women (especially solo moms) and to do something extraordinary. 

    The thing is, being the day to day manager or operator of your life is not traditionally looked at as a bad thing. It’s really doing those cookie cutter things that you’re supposed to do.

    Yet, when you start to see things through the lens of the strategic executor of your life, everything changes. Priorities shift. You choose things that move the needle over those dirty dishes in the sink. 

    So what are the key differences between the day to day manager and the strategic executive?

    Day to Day Manager

    • Focuses on putting out “fires”
    • Reactive to things that come up
    • Going through the day to day motions - cooking, cleaning, paying bills, working a normal job
    • Makes sure the appointments are remembered and that the lunches are made
    • Puts the needs of everyone else before her own

    Strategic Executive

    • Sets goals and implements strategic timeline
    • Identifies needle movers and prioritizes those tasks over mundane less important tasks
    • Takes a proactive approach to things
    • Prioritizes personal development and self-care
    • Takes risks and embraces failure
    • Creates a 3-5 year plan, and acts and adjusts accordingly
    • Understands that by creating her future strategically, she is modeling a priceless example to her child(ren) of what is possible - the most rewarding thing of all
    • Invests in outsourcing the mundane day to day tasks (if possible), OR implements time saving techniques so she can focus on the needle movers

    Think about these roles as roles in a company. You are the executor of your own life, yet so many times we don’t act that way. People get caught up in the day to day. They become distracted. They don’t learn how to properly set goals and develop the strategies and mindset to make them a reality. 

    And guess what? Society will support you in that. So many people just live day to day, week by week without any real direction. 

    Now, as a solo mom, you’re busy. You have a million things going on.

    You also have a more compelling "why" to become the strategic executive of your life than anyone else. You are modeling what is possible for your children. You are shaping their mindsets (no pressure).

    I challenge you to stop putting so much stock in the day to day, and start becoming aligned with a future where anything is possible. 

    So, how do you do this? 

    1. First, you’ve gotta get still and really do some soul searching. It’s time to dig deep. It’s time to decide what you truly want. What is your ideal future? Maybe you know and maybe you don’t. You don’t need to decide on something massive right now, that’s not the point. Think about the major life categories: career and business; finances and wealth; friends and family; fun, recreation and entertainment; health and fitness; love life; personal & spiritual development; and physical environment. Start by choosing one of these, and then identify how you can strategically move the needle.

    2. Make a list of the day to day things you do. Now, decide what are absolutely musts and what are optional. Example, making dinner for the child(ren) is a must. Vacuuming is optional. 

    OK, I am not saying you should live in filth. I am saying that you can get really caught up in some of these day to day mundane tasks and that is what will keep you from moving the needle in the long run. Side note, when I was a full-time student, waitressing and raising my son, I had to let go of housework sometimes because I also had so much homework to do! Obviously I always cooked the meals for my son but often times, the dishes had to wait. This is just for a season of life sometimes, too. Maybe in the future, you have a cleaner that can help you. Or if your kid is old enough, put them to work to help.

    3.Prioritize the needle movers.

    4. Daily personal development. This is really important. Sometimes I just assume everybody does this but they don’t! Audiobooks are like a godsend for solo moms because you can listen to them while you’re doing those mundane tasks. It’s really a great way to be a strategic executive and day to day operator at the same time. You’re handling those tasks and upleveling your mindset.

    5. Get comfortable saying “no”. This is one of the hardest things but it’s so important. You have to learn how to say “no” strategically to things that will steal your focus, time and attention. Say “no” to those unnecessary things. You don’t have to be rude about it but you do need to be strategic. There are a million things fighting for your time daily. This can be family, friends, bosses, social media, tv, happy hour, or whatever. The only thing you should try not to say no to is your kids spending time with you. Be there for them for sure! That is definitely a strategic move. :)

    Before I learned how to identify my ideal future, set short-term and long-term goals, focus on needle movers, upgrade my mindset DAILY and say no to distractions, I was running on that hamster wheel. I was just living for the next day. ’m not gonna lie, sometimes it’s easier because you’re staying in your comfort zone. Comfortable is easy.

    But what’s not easy? I always say this. Looking back on your life when you’re 75 or older and saying, “I wish I would have…” I believe that would just be the most tragic thing in this life. 

    Don’t let society tell you that “normal” day to day living is the only way to be. If that’s what you want, fine. You do you. But if you’re here, that’s not what you want.

    You want more. You want to raise those humans to be the best they can possibly be, AND crush your goals AND live out your dreams. 

    Let me tell you, I am the day to day operator right now. I always will be. However, more than that, I am the strategic executor. When I just want to zone out and watch Netflix, the majority of the time, I choose the needle movers instead. 

    What will you choose? Will you be happy 5 years from now if your life looks like it does today?

    22. Other People's Opinions

    22. Other People's Opinions

    Picture this: You’ve recently become energized, excited, and inspired by a new dream or goal. You’re enthralled with it. OBSESSED. The energy is buzzing around in your head and so many ideas are coming to you that you can hardly keep up.

    Then, it happens. It hits you like a ton of bricks. You start to wonder what your family will think. You wonder what your current co-workers and bosses will think. You may wonder what your significant other and friends may think.

    Suddenly, you start to shrink. You get a pit in your stomach. Self-doubt creeps in and you wonder, “who am I to do this thing, anyway? What will people think?”

    How many times have you backed down on an endeavor or dream because of what people might think?

    How many times have you played small because of what other people might think?

    Guess what? Other people’s opinions do not pay your bills. Other people’s opinions do not fulfill your soul and your dreams. And as the great Dr. Wayne Dyer always said, “Other people’s opinions are none of my business”. 

    Your mom’s opinion of your soul’s path does not matter. Your boss’ opinion doesn’t matter. Neither does your friend, your neighbor’s or your aunt’s. This is all you, sister. This is yours to claim. 

    So, how do you overcome this urge to shrink to make other people feel more comfortable? 

    There are a couple of things at play here:


    Confidence is a huge factor. You have to be the biggest supporter of your goals and dreams. Trust me, if you aren’t, no one is going to do this for you. Did you know that the most important factor in achieving your goal is the belief that it’s possible? Think about that. If you don’t even have belief that you can achieve something, then you won’t do it. Period! 

    2.Trust in yourself & your intuition 

    At some point, the inner knowing to follow your heart will become so strong that you will have no choice but to take action. Trust that everything is working out in your favor.

    3.How are you spending your time and who are you spending it with? 

    We all know that we become most like the people we spend our time with. Being aware and strategic about how much time and energy we invest into people will massively impact your own energy levels. This is one of the most important things. We can’t always control this (like my office-mate example) but to the level that we allow other people’s energy to influence our own IS a choice. It’s important to be very aware of this. 

    4 Steps You Can Stop Internalizing Other People's Opinions

    1. First of all, embody this idea that other people’s opinions do not pave the way to your dreams. Write it down. Remember this thought and use it when you are feeling fearful to show up in your life in the most authentic and aligned way. 

    2. Build your confidence by focusing on just ONE goal. Just pick one. Go back and listen to episode 1 of this podcast because I talk about this strategy in depth. The idea is to build your goal setting & management confidence by choosing one goal, going all in on that one goal, and taking steps day by day, little by little, and gradually building your confidence. Trust me. This works. 

    While we are at it, don’t tell anyone about this goal. Nothing kills your goal confidence like telling someone about it and then worrying about what they think. This is natural to do but don't do it. Don't tell people your plans, show them your results. This is really important and effective. 

    3. Trust yourself. I always talk about the importance of mindfulness and some type of daily activity to become aligned and develop your relationship with self and that inner knowing. 

    Book Recommendation - "The Knowing" by Serena and Saje Dyer

    4. Audit who you spend your time with and how much time you’re spending with them. How are these people impacting your energy, your confidence and your self-belief? Look, at the end of the day, you choose how you will let other people influence you. However, if someone is not matching your energetic vibration, yes, vibration, seriously limit your time with them. You’re serious about your one thing or your goal right? Then, don’t allow negative energy that doesn’t match yours to take up too much space in your life. 

    Grab your free e-book: 18 Empowering Journal Prompts for Solo Moms Free E-book

    Connect on Instagram: @heronething

    21. Whats Stopping You From Taking Action

    21. Whats Stopping You From Taking Action

    After washing the dinner dishes one night, I laid on the couch for a rest and started to scroll on my phone. You know, how most people do. 

    However, on this night, restlessness was creeping up hard and the inner voice inside of me became so loud and impossible to ignore. It was telling her that despite having just cooked dinner for my son and I, cleaning up, and after working all day at my 9 to 5, despite all of that, it was TIME to get to work on my dreams and goals. 

    That inner voice used to be a whisper. It was easy to push down, to ignore. I could pour a glass of wine, watch Netflix, and even do productive night time things. As time passed though, that inner voice became louder and louder. Then, one day this thought popped in my head: “I don’t want to be the woman that quits.”

    "I don’t want to be that woman who quits." That resonated within my mind. 

    Not only do I not want to be that woman who quits, but I don't want to be the one who quits for… a nap? A glass of wine? A tv show? When I'm 70, I will not look back and think, "well, I could have lived that life of my dreams, but I was tired. I really wanted a glass of wine and to watch Netflix. So, I quit."


    So, I rolled up my sleeves, sat down and I faced my work. Not the laundry, or the 9-5. No, I sat down and got to work on my passion. My dreams. My big goals. I took the next step. I continue to do this week after week. 

    You have a dream. We all do. Whether you are ready to admit or not, you have one. How many times have you taken a step or two, stopped and quit? 

    How frustrating is this? Ever person has faced this. This is a universal experience. You can relax and give yourself grace. Let go of the guilt for quitting in the past. 

    You quit because of fear and resistance.

    How can you persevere, and make progress on your goals and dreams, and create that intentional life in the face of resistance?

    At the end of the day, what you need to do is to be very strategic about the input you allow into your mind. What books are you listening to? What are you reading? What media are you consuming? Who are you interacting with? How are you evolving?

    When I first noticed that inner voice inside nudging me to go after something bigger, it was a whisper. It was easy to silence through the endless distractions of every day life. However, I knew I yearned for something more. 

    So, I thought, "how can I train my mind to stay focused?" I began to take walks and listen to audiobooks. Daily. I also read books after work or on breaks throughout the day. I was spending tons of time reading and listening, maybe 1-2 hours per day. 

    This made a massive difference because I became so self-aware of my own thoughts, mindset and development. I truly began to become the observer of my own thoughts. 

    4 Steps to Take to Move Past Fear & Resistance and Take Consistent Action

    1. Immediately unfollow all accounts on social media that do not spark joy. These can be people, businesses, brands, news sites, etc. Unfollow them all. 

    2. Start listening to audiobooks if you don’t already. Listen to them while you do other things, such as driving, cooking, cleaning, walking etc. 

    3. Read The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

    4. Incorporate a daily mindset practice such as journaling or meditation to become more aware of your thoughts. Bonus if you do both. Truly understand that all of the temptations and distractions that you have to do something other than what your heart TRULY years and desires, to create your dream life, are all forms of resistance and fear. It is your job to understand this, recognize this when it’s happening, and move through it. Do your work anyway.

    You have to! What is the alternative? Netflix and wine and a needle that hasn’t moved in 30 years?

    Download the free e-book: 18 Empowering Journal Prompts for Solo Moms

    Follow Her One Thing on Instagram

    20. Knowing When To Walk Away

    20. Knowing When To Walk Away

    Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you needed to move on and walk away yet you felt conflicted and confused about the best course of action?

    This could have been a job, a relationship, a sport or hobby, a habit or a lifestyle. 

    Do you remember how that felt? On one hand, it’s comfortable to stay with what is familiar. Yet, you know you need to make a change when that subtle voice inside is nudging you day after day. 

    What did you do? How did you handle it?

    In episode 20 of the Her One Thing podcast, host Kristin Zeier dives into the topic of knowing when to walk away. She shares a recent experience she had with this with a job change she had in spring of 2021. 

    She also shares that this is not a unique dilemma for her. So many women struggle with knowing when to walk away.

    This quote by Andrew Tew sums it up perfectly, "Respect yourself enough to walk away anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy."

    When you are faced with something that you aren't sure whether to walk away from, consider these 5 questions:

    1.Does it serve me?

    2.Does it help me grow?

    3.Does it make me happy?

    4.Does it align with my vision for the future?

    5.What is my intuition or inner knowing telling me?

    Kristin goes on to share that through intentional silence or meditation, the answer will come to you if you are patient and consistent. 

    You deserve to live the life of your dreams. Even if you're not grappling with walking away from an external circumstance currently (such as a job or relationship), there is likely a thought pattern or habit that is no longer serving you, growing you or making you happy.

    The best way to live out your aligned purpose and dream life  is to continuously improve, evolve and grow. Kristin encourages you to identify one thing that you can walk away from that will bring you one step closer to that life you dream of creating. 

    Connect on Instagram: @heronething

    Website: https://www.itsthatonething.com

    19. Personal Growth + Aligned Romantic Relationships for Solo Moms

    19. Personal Growth + Aligned Romantic Relationships for Solo Moms

    In episode 19, host Kristin Zeier shares that she has made the decision to exclusively serve single moms with the Her One Thing brand. The focus of the podcast is now to empower solo moms to crush goals without overwhelm through mindset mastery. It will still be all things goal setting, goal management, mindset, energy and creating your dream life. 

    Kristin has been a solo mom for 15 years and she wants to harness the experiences, growth and insights she has to help other single moms live their best lives. 

    In this episode, she dives into the topic of finding love. Many solo moms desire to find love again and wonder if it will ever happen. Kristin shares her experience of love and relationships throughout her own journey.

    She goes on to share her best relationship advice: focus on committing to self-love, growth, building your dream life and raising kind humans. With that type of elevated energy and drive, you will inevitably attract someone who matches your caliber. 

    On the contrary, think of someone who wallows in self-pity, binges on Netflix every night, complains to their friends about how single they are, and goes out trying desperately to meet someone. That kind of energy will likely repel people away. Worse yet, it might attract someone who is also operating on a very low energetic frequency. Kristin reminds listeners that the energy you put out into the world will be reflected back to you.

    Key Takeaway: Write this affirmation down and place it somewhere you will see it often:

    I am committed to self-love, growth, building my dream life & raising kind humans. 

    Practice developing yourself in each of these categories. Become so focused on this that you're beaming with contagiously abundant energy.