
    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the reality and future of tech predictions for 2020Stay updated on tech trends and be prepared for future developments, such as CSS subgrid and position sticky, while some predictions like CSS Houdini are still in progress. The importance of newer CSS features continues to grow, with the demise of Internet Explorer.

      While some of the tech predictions for 2020, such as CSS subgrid, became a reality, others, like CSS Houdini, are still in development. The podcast hosts discussed their hopes and expectations for these technologies, as well as their experiences using them. They also noted the demise of Internet Explorer and the increasing importance of newer CSS features like position sticky. Throughout the discussion, they highlighted the importance of staying updated on technology trends and being prepared for future developments. The podcast was sponsored by LogRocket and FreshBooks, which offer tools for JavaScript session replay and cloud accounting, respectively. Overall, the hosts reflected on the year 2020, acknowledging its unexpected challenges and looking forward to the possibilities of the future.

    • Embracing Newer Technologies, Challenges with NPMThe industry is shifting from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge and newer installers, enabling faster adoption of new features. However, there are limitations, like the inability to use JSON 5 in package.json with Node.js, which NPM is addressing through community engagement and feature requests.

      The industry is moving away from supporting Internet Explorer (IE) and embracing newer technologies like Microsoft Edge and modern installers like Skypack or the one where you can install directly from URLs. This shift allows for faster adoption of new features and improvements, reducing the wait time for developers. However, there are still limitations, such as the inability to use JSON 5 in package.json due to compatibility issues with Node.js and other tools that consume package.json. NPM, in particular, has been making strides in addressing community concerns by opening up new GitHub repos for feature requests and being more responsive. The community is excited about the progress and looking forward to what the future holds for NPM and the JavaScript ecosystem. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the potential of running NPM dev instead of NPM run dev, but it's unclear if this feature will be implemented. Overall, the conversation highlighted the ongoing evolution of the JavaScript ecosystem and the importance of community engagement and collaboration in driving innovation.

    • The importance of clear conventions in simplifying the development processLack of standardized script names in NPM causes choice paralysis, while Yarn's approach of checking for script names can help. However, Yarn's release of version 2 caused controversy and confusion for some users.

      Having consistent conventions in project scripts can simplify the development process. The speaker expressed frustration with the lack of a clear convention in NPM for running custom scripts, as opposed to Yarn's approach of checking for a script with that name before falling back to a native command. The speaker believes that having standardized script names would alleviate the choice paralysis that comes with the abundance of options in the JavaScript ecosystem. Despite the desire for this feature, NPM currently does not have a built-in check for script names or fallbacks to native commands. The speaker also discussed the controversy surrounding Yarn's release of version 2, which caused many users to switch back to NPM or continue using Yarn 1 due to breaking changes. However, the speaker noted that Yarn still has some advantages, such as its package updater and resolutions feature, which can be beneficial for managing complex dependency trees. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of clear conventions in simplifying the development process and reducing confusion.

    • New tools and technologies for efficient JavaScript developmentResolutions in package.json for dependency management, ES modules with Snowpack and Deno, and Node.js adoption contribute to streamlined JavaScript development, but challenges like learning new systems and dealing with early-stage packages remain.

      The JavaScript ecosystem is continuously evolving, with new tools and technologies emerging to make development more efficient and streamlined. One such development is the use of resolutions in package.json files to specify dependencies and force specific versions, which can help resolve dependency conflicts. Another significant shift is the increasing adoption of ES modules, with tools like Snowpack and Deno leading the way. Deno, in particular, is gaining popularity for its modern approach and the phasing out of CommonJS. Additionally, Node.js has finally adopted ES Modules, contributing to the trend. However, while these advancements offer exciting possibilities, there are still challenges to overcome, such as dealing with early-stage packages and learning new systems. Overall, the JavaScript community is continuously innovating to make development easier and more effective.

    • Understanding TypeScript with native support in DenoNative TypeScript support in Deno enables direct loading of files, eliminating compilation and fostering a deeper understanding of packages. However, lack of first-party support for running TypeScript in Node.js remains a challenge.

      The ability to load TypeScript files directly from URLs in frameworks like Deno has significantly increased the ease of access to source code and fostered a deeper understanding of the packages being used. This native TypeScript support eliminates the need for compilation, allowing for faster development and a more seamless experience. However, the lack of first-party support for running TypeScript in Node.js is a hindrance, as developers are often left examining compiled sources instead of the original authored code. The speaker expresses a strong belief that compiler-less modules are the future due to their simplicity and elimination of build steps. The adoption of suspense for data loading in React has not been as swift as anticipated, with the feature still under development and not yet widely adopted.

    • Learning from Unexpected IssuesProper research, testing, and debugging tools can help developers identify and resolve unexpected issues more efficiently.

      Using unfamiliar features in a project without proper research can lead to unexpected issues and site breakdowns. Wes's experience with an unpaid affiliate account on LevelUpTutorials.com is a prime example. The site's error was not immediately apparent, but with the help of LogRocket, the developers were able to see the network request returning a GraphQL error. This allowed them to identify and fix the issue. Another topic discussed was the status of Meteor, which has seen new ownership and development, leading to improvements and the release of version 2. Svelte also had a significant year, gaining popularity and the announcement of SvelteKit. These examples illustrate the importance of understanding the capabilities and limitations of the tools and frameworks used in a project. Proper research, testing, and the use of debugging tools can help developers identify and resolve issues more efficiently.

    • Updates and improvements in Vue, Apollo, and JavaScript in 2021Vue 3 introduced Vue Hooks and is highly anticipated, Apollo 3 offers fine-grained cache control and new dev tools, JavaScript saw the release of Next.js 10 and a focus on internationalization, but still lacks nested routing

      2021 was a year of significant updates and improvements for various JavaScript frameworks and libraries, including Vue and Apollo. Vue 3, which came out a few months ago, has been praised for its awesome features, such as Vue Hooks, and the upcoming Vue 3 show is highly anticipated. Apollo 3, released a couple of months ago, offers fine-grained control over the cache and has new dev tools on the way. JavaScript had a big year, with the release of Next.js 10 and a focus on internationalization. However, there are still missing features, such as nested routing, which is a pain point for developers. Overall, these updates demonstrate the continuous evolution and improvement of these tools, making them even more powerful for building apps and websites.

    • Advancements in Gatsby and Serverless Technologies in 2020 and BeyondGatsby's new features include on-demand image generation, file system-based routing, and improved CMS integrations. Serverless functions have become more accessible and easier to use with simplified deployment processes, making them a more attractive option for handling tasks requiring longer processing times.

      Both Gatsby and serverless technologies have seen significant advancements in 2020 and are expected to continue growing in 2021. Gatsby, a popular static site generator, has released new features like on-demand image generation, file system-based routing, and improved CMS integrations. Serverless functions, on the other hand, have become more accessible and easier to use, with platforms like Netlify and Begin offering background functions and simplified deployment processes. These advancements make it easier for developers to write and deploy small backend functions, making serverless a more attractive option for handling tasks that require longer processing times. Overall, both Gatsby and serverless technologies are showing great promise and are worth keeping an eye on for web development projects in the coming year. The headless CMS space, particularly Sanity, has also continued to grow as a paid service.

    • New developments in CMS and testing toolsWordPress introduced WP GraphQL, Keystone integrated with Next.js, Cypress added Firefox and Edge support, and new headless CMSs like Strapi emerged. Users value WordPress' plugin ecosystem.

      There have been notable developments in the CMS and testing tool landscapes, with WordPress releasing WP GraphQL and new headless CMSs like Keystone and Strapi gaining popularity. Keystone, in particular, stands out for its integration with Next.js and user-friendly UI. In the testing world, Cypress saw significant progress with the addition of Firefox and Edge support and a growing ecosystem of plugins. While these advancements offer promising alternatives to traditional CMSs and testing tools, the plugin ecosystem unique to WordPress remains a significant draw for many users. Other mentions include the ongoing development of Redwood and Blitz, as well as the Cypress-compatible testing library and the still-in-beta design and code mixing tool, Modules. Overall, these updates represent exciting progress in their respective fields, offering more options and improvements for developers and businesses alike.

    • Figma's 2020 Features Benefited Web DevelopersFigma added features like auto layout tools, flexible options, and button variance, allowing designers to create components with different variants instead of numerous components, improving productivity and innovation in design.

      Figma, a design application, had a productive year in 2020 by consistently adding features that web developers appreciate. These features include auto layout tools with flex containers, more flexible options like hug content and fill container, and button variance. These tools allow designers to create components with different variants instead of making numerous components. Figma's constant innovation aligns with the development process, making it an exciting tool for designers. Although Figma requires good internet to function optimally, a new 3D design tool called Spline.design is emerging, which could potentially offer a GUI for creating 3D assets for the web. This tool is expected to export production-ready web assets, and it may fill the gap between coding and using a graphical user interface for 3D design.

    • Significant progress in JavaScript tooling and technologies in 2020ES modules gained popularity, new bundlers like Snowpack and Vite emerged, TypeScript is preferred for extensive tooling, and GraphQL is easier to use with improved tooling, leading to more efficient and productive JavaScript development

      That the year 2020 marked significant progress in the world of JavaScript tooling and technologies. ES modules, which can be used in both the browser and Node.js, gained popularity and are expected to become more widely adopted in the future. The bundler world saw a major leap with the emergence of new tools like Snowpack and Vite, making it easier for developers to build and ship projects. TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, has become the preferred choice among developers due to its extensive tooling and community support. Additionally, GraphQL, a query language for APIs, has become easier to use with improved tooling. These advancements are making JavaScript development more efficient and productive.

    • TypeScript and WebAssembly: Improving web performance and capabilitiesTypeScript and WebAssembly are revolutionizing web development by offering faster and more efficient code execution, even for non-JavaScript languages, and enabling high-performance, versatile web applications

      TypeScript and WebAssembly (WASM) are gaining popularity due to their performance benefits and real-world applications. TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript, is becoming increasingly popular for its improved tooling and development experience. WASM, on the other hand, allows the use of assembly code in the web, enabling faster and more performant code execution, even for languages other than JavaScript. For instance, the MongoDB Compass app uses Rust code compiled into WASM for specific functionalities, resulting in faster computation. There are also numerous languages, including PHP, that can be run in the browser using WASM. One well-known example is FFmpeg, a popular video compilation and rendering application, which can now run in the browser. Figma, a design tool, also uses WebAssembly and C++, reducing its load time by 3x. These advancements challenge the notion that web technologies are inherently slower and less capable than native applications. Instead, they demonstrate the potential for high-performance, efficient, and versatile web development.

    • Using Wasm for complex libraries and simplifying work tasksImporting complex libraries like FFmpeg via Wasm brings powerful functionality to the browser, while tools like FreshBooks streamline invoicing and expenses for freelancers and small businesses. Reliable internet connections and good webcams are essential for remote work, making it crucial for companies to be prepared.

      The ability to use WebAssembly (Wasm) to import and use complex libraries like FFmpeg directly in the browser is a game-changer for web development. This allows for more powerful functionality without the need for C or C++ coding. Additionally, tools like FreshBooks simplify the process of managing invoices and expenses for freelancers and small businesses. With the sudden shift to remote work due to the pandemic, having reliable internet connections, such as Starlink, and good quality webcams have become essential. Overall, ensuring your company is prepared for remote work is crucial, especially in the tech industry where it is more feasible compared to others.

    • Tools for remote collaboration and productivityCompanies adapt to remote work by using tools like Discord, Versus Code, Tuple, React Query, and Alpine JS for team meetings, debugging, coding, simplifying HTTP requests, and adding interactivity to apps, respectively. These tools have improved the remote work experience and opened opportunities for SaaS companies.

      The shift to remote work has led to a surge in demand for tools that facilitate collaboration and productivity. Companies are adapting to this new normal by utilizing platforms like Discord for team meetings and communication, and remote pair programming tools like Versus Code and Tuple for debugging and coding. Another tool, React Query, has gained popularity for simplifying HTTP requests and caching data, while Alpine JS has filled a need for adding interactivity to existing JavaScript applications without the need for a full single-page app. These tools have significantly improved the remote work experience and opened up opportunities for various SaaS companies. Additionally, pair programming, which was already popular, has seen a resurgence due to the need for debugging and collaborative problem-solving. Overall, the remote work landscape has evolved rapidly, and these tools have been instrumental in making remote teams more effective.

    • Appreciation and Excitement for New Tools in 2020Speakers shared their gratitude for listener support and discussed new tools like Stencil for seamless integration of React and Vue, as well as cost-effective alternatives like inner bulbs for Philips Hue to boost productivity and enjoyment.

      The speakers expressed their appreciation for the listeners' support throughout the challenging year of 2020, despite the numerous upheavals and distractions. They also shared their excitement about discovering new tools, such as Stencil, which allows for seamless integration of different web component frameworks like React and Vue. Additionally, they discussed the importance of finding cost-effective alternatives, like the inner bulbs that work with Philips Hue, to enhance productivity and enjoyment in one's workspace. Overall, the speakers emphasized the importance of staying optimistic, adapting to change, and continuing to explore new technologies, even in the face of adversity.

    • Exploring the Benefits of Weighted Blankets for SleepThe speaker shares his personal experience using a heavy blanket for improved sleep quality and encourages listeners to consider investing in one for their own sleep setup. He also mentions his courses on web development with Deno and encourages listeners to check out the full Syntax.fm archive.

      The speaker and his wife both enjoy using heavy, weighted blankets for a sense of calm and improved sleep quality. The speaker had been considering getting one for a long time and was inspired by his wife's use of a 25-pound blanket for their daughter. The experience of using the heavy blanket is described as feeling like a lead vest or an overwhelming sense of calm. The speaker also mentions that he has a 20-pound weighted blanket from Costco that he loves and has used for some time. The speaker is a fan of investing in good sleep setup and encourages listeners to check out his courses on LevelUp Tutorials for learning web development with Deno, which includes a lesson on using a weighted blanket for optimal learning environment. The speaker ends the discussion by encouraging listeners to check out the full archive of Syntax.fm shows and to subscribe or leave a review if they enjoy the show.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
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    We spun off from our pop-up co-living and it was amazing!


    Follow Jessica on Instagram @traveltransformationcoach and check out her website at https://www.traveltransformationcoach.com  

    Get your free Travel Transformation Guide at https://traveltransformationcoach.com/freeguide 

    Join the Flip The Script Travel Transformation Academy at https://traveltransformationcoach.com/academy

    Check out Jessica’s books at https://traveltransformationcoach.com/books

    Email Jessica at info@traveltransformationcoach.com

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    The Definitive Guide to Building a Remote Team with Simple Tiger's Jeremiah Smith - #53

    The Definitive Guide to Building a Remote Team with Simple Tiger's Jeremiah Smith - #53

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    Jeremiah started working on his own project on the side where he could control his work environment. After leaving his previous job, he was able to double his income and cut his work time in half. His company is called SimpleTiger. 

    Today we will be diving into exactly how you can manage and a build a fully remote team successfully. 

    On this episode, we discuss:

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    -       How Jeremiah got to where he is today

    -       Results Only Work Environments

    -       The Pomodoro Technique

    -       Things to consider when working remotely

    -       Where to get started when looking to put together a team

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    -       Challenging assumptions with logic

    -       Differences between in person and remote environments


    “Whatever work you have will stretch the amount of time that you give it.”


    “Find a way to not be alone, find a way to start creating a team.”


    “I don’t think ROWE or remote is for everyone.”


    “Communication is really key in a remote work environment.” 



    Resources Mentioned

    The 4 Hour Work Week








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    So erstellst du sinnvolle Remote Work Richtlinien | #RemoteWork 🏠

    So erstellst du sinnvolle Remote Work Richtlinien | #RemoteWork 🏠
    EXPERTENGESPRÄCH | Remote Work, Homeoffice, flexible work… Ortsungebundenes Arbeiten hat viele Namen. Wichtig ist aber bei allen Formen: Es muss im Unternehmen entsprechende Richtlinien geben, damit die Arbeit von unterwegs oder von Zuhause aus für beide Seiten bestmöglich funktioniert. In dieser Folge gibt Angelina einen Überblick, wie man diese Richtlinien und Regeln am besten umsetzt. Was sind die typischen Stolperfallen? Wie sieht es mit der ortsunabhängigen Arbeit rein rechtlich aus? Viele Tipps zeigen euch, was es zu beachten gibt.   Schaut euch auch eine visuelle Zusammenfassung, Übersicht und Links zu allen Ressourcen an. Du erfährst... ...warum es wichtig ist, in den einzelnen Teams Absprachen zu treffen ...wie man sich bei mobilem Arbeiten rechtlich absichern kann ...warum Richtlinien auf den Unternehmenswerten aufbauen sollen ...welche Anforderungen es an Team und Mitarbeiter:innen gibt ...was für Fragen es für ortsunabhängiges Arbeiten zu beantworten gilt ...welche Unterschiede es bei den Vereinbarungen gibt ...warum es auf die richtige Formulierung ankommt ...wie die Dos & Don’ts für den Inhalt einer Richtlinie aussehen Diese Episode dreht sich schwerpunktmäßig um Remote Work: Wobei wir ja alle Wissen, dass Remote Work nicht einfach Home Office ist. Deshalb hat Joel regelmäßig die Expertin Angelina Ebeling (Acework) zu Gast, die uns aufzeigt, wie Remote Work wirklich funktioniert. Du bekommst in diesen Episoden viele Handlungstipps – auch von weiteren Expert:innen – denn besonders in Zeiten von Corona möchten wir gerade digital unerfahrene Firmen mit konkretem Praxiswissen unterstützen. __________________________ ||||| PERSONEN ||||| 👤 Angelina Ebeling, __________________________ ||||| SPONSOREN ||||| 🔥 [Übersicht](https://www.digitalkompakt.de/sponsoren/) aller Sponsoren __________________________ ||||| KAPITEL ||||| (00:00:00) Vorstellung und Einführung ins Thema (00:04:03) Grundlagen für eine klare Richtlinie (00:08:24) Dos & Don‘ts des Inhalts einer Richtlinie (00:14:45) Abstufungen der Flexibilität __________________________ ||||| WIR ||||| 💛 [Mehr](https://lnk.to/dkompakt) tolle Sachen von uns  👥 Wir von digital kompakt bemühen uns um die Verwendung einer geschlechtsneutralen Sprache. In Fällen, in denen dies nicht gelingt, gelten sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen für alle Geschlechter.