
    203 | 4+ Hours of Creepypasta Stories for Halloween!

    enOctober 13, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Protecting Small BusinessesInsuring a business goes beyond revenue, it's about safeguarding hard work and team members. State Farm offers personalized policies to help small business owners secure their businesses.

      Small business owners often overlook the importance of insurance for their businesses. The discussion emphasizes that protecting a business goes beyond revenue and includes hard work and team members. State Farm offers personalized policies to help small business owners secure their businesses, just as they insure homes, health, and cars. Meanwhile, Shopify is a reliable partner for businesses at any growth stage. The story shared in the podcast revolves around a childhood memory of discovering a deer corpse and a mysterious cave while exploring the woods near a new rural farmhouse. The traumatic experience left a lasting impression on the narrator, highlighting the importance of being cautious and aware of potential dangers, especially when exploring unfamiliar environments.

    • Facing childhood fears and discovering new thingsFacing our fears and exploring the unknown can lead to new discoveries and a deeper understanding of our world.

      The speaker's childhood experience of losing a shoe during an adventure in the woods and the strange noises beneath his bed led him to face his fears and learn new things about his home. The memory of their quiet pet, Rascal, and their shared experiences, like playing games and telling stories, brought the speaker and his brother closer together. However, the unexplained noises beneath his bed continued to bother him, leading him to discover a crawl space and confront his fear of the unknown. Despite the initial fear, the speaker learned that the noises were coming from the house's plumbing and that there was nothing to be afraid of. This experience taught him to face his fears and learn about the world around him.

    • The power of fear in childhoodFear can have a profound impact on children, leading them to behave in certain ways and shaping their emotions. Mothers will go to great lengths to protect their children from fear, but sometimes the source of the fear is unknown.

      The fear of the unknown can be overwhelming and terrifying for children. The author's experience of hearing strange noises and being forced to go outside at night despite her fear resulted in a deeply distressing experience. The fear was amplified by the darkness and the unknown presence lurking outside. The incident left a lasting impact on the author and her family, leading them to stay inside and avoid going outside unsupervised until the source of the noise was gone. The experience highlights the protective instincts of a mother and the lengths she would go to ensure her children's safety. It also underscores the power of fear and how it can affect children's behavior and emotions.

    • Encounters with the Unpredictable and Dangerous WildernessThe wilderness can be a beautiful yet dangerous place, filled with unexpected encounters and unexplained phenomena.

      The wilderness can be unpredictable and dangerous. Ethan's encounter with a starving wolf in his crawl space served as a chilling reminder of this. Years of hunting had driven the wolf to desperation, leading it to target Ethan. Later, Ethan's experience in the Canadian wilderness as a researcher introduced him to unexplained phenomena in the surrounding woods. Despite the risks, Ethan and his team members embraced the unknown, each having their own strange encounter. Sarah's story, the most docile of the bunch, involved an encounter with a mysterious entity during a hike. The wilderness, full of beauty and danger, challenged the team's understanding of reality. Ethan's and his team's experiences serve as a reminder that the natural world can be both breathtaking and terrifying.

    • Deviating from the norm leads to unexpected experiencesTrusting instincts and being open to the unknown can lead to meaningful encounters and discoveries

      Sometimes, deviating from protocol can lead to unexpected discoveries and experiences. In the given situation, sticking together due to safety concerns led the team to encounter various inefficiencies. However, when they split up, the protagonist had a unique encounter with an unexplainable creature that whistled her made-up song back to her. This experience showcased the importance of trusting one's instincts and being open to the unknown. Despite the initial uneasiness, the protagonist was not harmed and was left with a sense of wonder and curiosity. This unexpected encounter served as a reminder that deviating from the norm can lead to unexpected and meaningful experiences.

    • The bond of childhood friendship and its heartacheCherish moments with loved ones, friendships have profound impact on our lives, but loss can leave deep sadness.

      The bond of childhood friendship can lead two boys to explore the wonders of the world around them, but can also cause heart-wrenching heartache when one goes missing. Anthony and Jonathan's adventures at their special tree, the "looking tree," brought them joy and excitement as they gazed at the horizon through binoculars. But when Anthony disappeared, Jonathan was left with only memories and the emptiness of the looking tree. Despite his efforts to find him, Anthony was never found, leaving Jonathan to grieve and come to terms with the loss of his friend. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing the moments we have with those we care about and the profound impact that friendships can have on our lives.

    • The woods hold deep, unresolved memoriesThe natural world, even in its beauty, can shape and influence our lives in profound ways through unresolved memories and experiences

      The woods can hold deep, unresolved memories that may surface unexpectedly. In the story shared, Jonathan's childhood friend Michael and the narrator had experiences in the forest that left lasting impacts on their lives. The woods, though seemingly idyllic, held secrets and mysteries that only came to light as they grew older. The woods, while beautiful, can also be a place of fear and uncertainty, as seen in the narrator's encounter with the unknown noise in the cabin. These experiences highlight the power of the natural world to shape and influence our lives in profound ways.

    • A Childhood Home Haunted by an IntruderDespite attempts to communicate and make an intruder leave, some people may continue to experience unwanted presence, causing fear and helplessness.

      The speaker experienced a terrifying intrusion in her childhood home, which continued long after her family left. Despite her attempts to communicate with the intruder and make him leave, he persisted in coming to her room every night, leaving her feeling trapped and afraid. The intruder's intentions were clearly sinister, and the speaker's fear escalated as he began to come into her room and interact with her belongings. The speaker's efforts to communicate and make him leave were unsuccessful, leaving her feeling helpless and vulnerable. The intruder's presence continued to haunt her, causing her to live in fear and uncertainty.

    • The Mind's Limits and Tragic ConsequencesMental health is crucial, pushing the mind beyond its limits can lead to irrational actions and severe consequences, and communication and understanding are essential in relationships.

      The human mind can be pushed to its limits, leading to irrational and violent actions. In the text, a woman, driven by fear and the belief that she was protecting herself, murdered her husband. She was later institutionalized and lost touch with reality, unable to understand the consequences of her actions. The doctor tried to help her understand, but she couldn't comprehend the truth. This tragic event highlights the importance of mental health and the potential for extreme situations to arise when the mind is pushed beyond its limits. It also serves as a reminder to always consider the full context of a situation before jumping to conclusions. The text also subtly touches upon the theme of fear and the power it holds over us, as well as the importance of communication and understanding in relationships.

    • Sibling bonds: moments of playfulness, fear, and deep emotional connectionsSibling relationships are complex, filled with moments of playfulness, fear, and deep emotional connections. Facing fears and supporting each other are key components of these bonds.

      Sibling relationships can be complex and filled with moments of playfulness, fear, and deep emotional connections. In the text, the author recalls an experience with her brother Noah, where they faced challenges and fears together, revealing his deep-rooted fear of being alone and her protective instincts. Despite their differences and Noah's occasional teasing, the bond between them is clear. Another unexpected moment came when Noah asked the author what she wanted to be when she grew up, and her response of wanting to be an astronaut contrasted with Noah's aspiration to be a drawer for games. The text also highlights the importance of facing fears and supporting each other, as demonstrated when the author helps Noah cross a flooded stream. Overall, this text showcases the depth and complexity of sibling relationships, filled with moments of playfulness, fear, and deep emotional connections.

    • Haunted by the PastThe weight of past guilt can influence present actions and perceptions, even for private investigators.

      The past can haunt us, and the weight of guilt can be heavy. The speaker lost her brother due to her distraction and has carried the guilt and memory of the event for years. She has since become a private investigator, but her past continues to influence her present. In a recent case, she took on the search for a missing father, which led her to an old factory with a troubled history. During her investigation, she was attacked, and in the mirror, she saw a burned man. Despite her rational explanations, the encounter left her shaken and questioning what she had seen. The memory of her brother's loss and the guilt she feels continue to haunt her, and she cannot help but wonder if the past is trying to tell her something.

    • A terrifying discovery in a factory's circular stairwayFollowing instincts and taking alternative routes can lead to unexpected discoveries, but also danger.

      Sometimes, the unexpected can lead us to discover something shocking. In this story, the protagonist and Colin stumbled upon a circular stairway in a factory and found Colin's father's body at the bottom, along with the burned man from the previous night. Although they were initially hesitant, they ventured down the stairs and discovered a gruesome scene. The experience left them both in disbelief and in danger as the burned man pursued them. Despite the initial fear, they managed to escape and call the police. The story also highlights the importance of following instincts and taking alternative routes, as the protagonist's decision to avoid traffic led them to a terrifying discovery. The experience left a lasting impact on the protagonist and underscores the importance of being open to the unknown while staying cautious and alert.

    • Staying Prepared for Unexpected SituationsCarrying essential supplies, staying alert, and being resourceful can help navigate unexpected situations, but caution and avoiding unnecessary attention is also important

      Being prepared for unexpected situations can make all the difference. In the story, the travelers encountered a car crash with no signal and a dead battery, leaving them stranded. They were able to find help by remembering a house they had passed earlier and discovering jumper cables in its garage. However, their encounter with the abandoned house and a strange creature in the woods added an element of danger and uncertainty. The experience highlights the importance of carrying essential supplies, staying alert, and being resourceful in unexpected situations. Additionally, the message "they can't see you if you don't make noise" could be interpreted as a reminder to be cautious and avoid drawing unnecessary attention to oneself in unfamiliar or potentially dangerous situations.

    • The unexpected can lead to profound realizations and challengesUnexpected events can upend our plans and force us to confront new realities, highlighting the importance of trust and communication in difficult situations

      Unexpected events can lead to profound realizations and challenges. In the first story, a man encounters a dangerous situation and must act quickly to save himself and his friend, only to discover later that his friend had been hesitant due to local legends. In the second story, a teenager's life is unexpectedly changed when she discovers she is pregnant, leading to a difficult situation for both her and her family. These stories illustrate how the unexpected can upend our plans and force us to confront new realities. Additionally, they highlight the importance of trust and communication in difficult situations.

    • Supporting a pregnant sister in a judgmental environmentDespite challenges, staying loyal and kind to a loved one can lead to unexpected blessings.

      The experience of supporting a pregnant teenager, Ellen, in a judgmental and restrictive environment led to a deeper bond between the speaker and her sister. Despite the challenges, including rumors, food restriction, and a lack of medical help during labor, the speaker stood by Ellen and ultimately saved her from an abusive father. The situation also brought an unexpected visitor, a mysterious figure who provided relief and support, leaving behind gold coins and a promise that Ellen's child would carry a part of his name. The experience taught the speaker the importance of kindness and loyalty in the face of adversity.

    • The drops on the narrator's shoulder were not what they seemedUnexplained phenomena in our lives may be more than they seem, requiring deeper investigation.

      The narrator's strange experience of feeling drops on her shoulder, which she had assumed was a harmless side effect of stress, was actually a supernatural occurrence. This was revealed when the doctor, during an appointment to address the increasing frequency of the drops, exhibited strange behavior and accused the narrator of being the cause. The doctor's bizarre behavior and the fact that it was raining outside when they left the office, but not a drop was on them, suggested that the drops were not caused by any physical condition. The narrator's mother's lullaby about the Lobo, a wolf that gets children who stay awake, added to the supernatural explanation. The takeaway is that sometimes unexplained phenomena in our lives may be more than what they seem and require a deeper investigation.

    • A chilling reminder of life's unpredictabilityLife's unpredictability can bring about unimaginable experiences, stay vigilant and be prepared for the unexpected.

      The unpredictable nature of life can bring about unimaginable experiences. Maria Aveda's story is a chilling reminder of this, as she recounts her encounter with the ancient being, Lobo. Despite her best efforts to escape, she was left traumatized and in a coma for months. Meanwhile, in a seemingly unrelated context, retired psychology professor Coyle shares his experience with an exceptional student, Calvin Dowler. Though Calvin's academic performance was impeccable, he exhibited strange behavior in the classroom that went unnoticed by Professor Coyle. The two stories may seem unrelated, but they serve as a reminder that the world is full of mysteries and dangers that can lurk in the most unexpected places. It's essential to stay vigilant and be prepared for the unexpected.

    • Students' appearances can be misleadingEducators should be observant and open-minded towards students' personal lives and experiences to better understand their academic performance and interactions with peers.

      Appearances can be deceiving in the classroom setting. The professor in this story had a great student named Calvin who seemed happy and engaged, but as the semester progressed, his friends distanced themselves from him and he submitted a disturbing essay. When the professor asked about it, she was met with vague responses and unease from Calvin's former friend Adeline. The professor was left wondering if Calvin was going through a phase or if there was something more sinister at play. In the end, Calvin's true nature remained a mystery, but the incident served as a reminder that students' exterior personas may not always align with their inner selves. It's essential for educators to remain observant and open-minded, as students' personal lives and experiences can significantly impact their academic performance and interactions with their peers.

    • Unexpected discovery of an au pair led to new experiencesBe open-minded and adaptable to unexpected circumstances, wealth and appearances can be deceiving

      Sometimes, taking on an unexpected job can lead to unexpected discoveries. The speaker, in this case, had initially sought out a babysitting position for the income and reasonable hours. However, she found herself in a wealthy household with an au pair she hadn't been informed about. At first, she felt uneasy, but soon realized that Ava would be out of her way most of the time. The experience taught the speaker to be open-minded and adaptable, even when circumstances didn't turn out exactly as planned. Additionally, she learned that wealth and appearances can be deceiving, as the family she worked for were kind and welcoming, despite their affluence. Overall, the unexpected discovery of the au pair added an unexpected layer of complexity to the speaker's job, but ultimately enriched her experience.

    • Breach of trust and unease from snoopingRespecting others' privacy is crucial for healthy relationships. Invading it can lead to a breach of trust, causing unease and potential consequences.

      Privacy and trust are essential in maintaining healthy relationships. The discovery of Ava's disturbing past through snooping on her computer led to a breach of trust and a profound sense of unease. The images of violence and abuse were shocking and left the protagonist with a heavy burden of knowledge that could not be undone. This experience highlights the importance of respecting others' privacy and the potential consequences of violating it. Additionally, the text sheds light on the challenges faced by single parents and the coping mechanisms they may employ when dealing with stress and exhaustion. It's a reminder that everyone has their struggles and that we should strive to understand and support each other rather than invade each other's personal space.

    • The Power of Late-Night Infomercial JinglesInfomercial jingles can evoke strong emotions and keep viewers up at night, demonstrating the significant influence of marketing and advertising on our minds.

      The repetition of a catchy jingle in late-night infomercials can have an unexpectedly powerful effect on a person's emotions and behavior. The speaker describes being drawn in by the jingle for a product called "Splino," despite the bizarre and sometimes disturbing content of the commercials. The speaker's fascination with the jingle led her to stay up for multiple nights in a row, unable to sleep until she saw the commercial play out. The commercials featured individuals with various problems, such as bad eyelashes or teeth, which were magically solved by the product. Despite the strange nature of the content, the speaker felt a sense of relief and fascination when watching the commercials, and even began to doubt her own reality when they stopped airing. The power of the jingle to evoke strong emotions and keep the speaker up at night serves as a reminder of the impact that marketing and advertising can have on our minds.

    • Finding Relief and Happiness Through Personal ActionsPersonal actions like addressing chronic pain or letting go of distressing elements can lead to relief and happiness

      The power to alleviate pain and find happiness lies within our own hands. In the text, the old woman's amputation brought her relief from her chronic pain, and the man's desire for silence led him to get rid of his barking dog. These actions allowed them to find peace and contentment in their lives. Additionally, the text highlights the importance of holding on to what brings us joy and letting go of what causes distress. Whether it's through a mask on Halloween or an infomercial, the simple pleasure of finding relief from worries can bring immense happiness.

    • Urban Explorer's Thrill of Discovering Abandoned PlacesUrban explorers derive excitement from discovering abandoned places, using technology and improvisation, and are driven by a thrill-seeking personality and love for the unknown.

      The speaker, an urban explorer and graffiti artist, derives excitement from discovering abandoned places, often breaking into them at night. He collects masks from his encounters with trick-or-treaters who come alone to his door. He uses technology like Google Earth to locate potential sites, but also relies on improvisation and risk-taking. The exploration is driven by a thrill-seeking personality and a love for the unknown, with no intention of causing harm to others. The speaker's journey to an abandoned industrial facility involved breaking into it, and he was surprised to find it already explored, rather than being the first to discover it.

    • A curious exploration leads to unexpected dangersCuriosity can lead to exciting discoveries, but should be balanced with caution to avoid dangerous situations

      Curiosity can lead to dangerous situations. The exploration of an old, abandoned factory revealed a mysterious pump room with a foul odor and unusual temperature changes. Despite the risks, the narrator's curiosity led him to climb the pump, leave his mark, and further explore the factory. He discovered a furnace that was inexplicably active and surrounded by an iron cage. The narrator's anxiety turned to fear and panic when he couldn't escape, leading him to squeeze through a narrow hole and roll in the disgusting sludge to make it out alive. The unexpected discoveries and close call serve as a reminder that curiosity should be balanced with caution.

    • Transported through time in a terrifying facilityThe protagonist uncovers a time-traveling room in a mysterious facility, encountering both horrors and discoveries.

      The protagonist found himself in a mysterious and terrifying facility where he encountered various obstacles and discoveries. He was initially met with darkness and confusion, but eventually found a door leading to a new area with functioning power and intricate scripture on the walls. Upon touching a glyph, he was transported back in time to the room's construction and then back to the present, where he discovered a room filled with hanging corpses. Despite the horrifying sight, he continued to explore and evade the facility, determined to survive and escape. The experience left him feeling both terrified and in awe of the strange occurrences he encountered.

    • Encounter with a Bloodthirsty SpiderDiscovered a giant spider keeping captives and feeding on their blood, freed a girl, and barely escaped with our lives

      I encountered a monstrous spider in a factory cavern, which was the source of the mysterious disappearances. The spider kept its victims captive and fed on their blood through tubes. I managed to free a young girl from its clutches, but the spider became enraged and tried to kill us. We barely escaped by the skin of our teeth, leaving behind a scene of destruction and chaos. The spider was unlike any other I had ever seen, with massive size, thick webs, and a terrifying appearance. The experience left me traumatized and grateful for my narrow escape.

    • Using wits to survive the unknownStaying calm and focused, the protagonist used quick thinking and problem-solving skills to escape a terrifying situation, ultimately bringing the girl he saved back to safety.

      In the face of the unknown and terrifying, quick thinking and resourcefulness can be crucial for survival. The protagonist, despite being overwhelmed by a monstrous creature, managed to escape by recreating a glyph on the wall, which led to the appearance of more monsters but ultimately allowed him to return to our world. Throughout the ordeal, he displayed determination and problem-solving skills, using whatever resources were available to him to overcome the situation. Additionally, the protagonist's instincts and memory played a significant role in his survival, as he remembered the location of the glyph and was able to recreate it accurately. The experience left him traumatized, but he was able to bring the girl he had saved back to safety. The event underscores the importance of staying calm and focused in the face of danger and using one's wits to find a solution.

    • Strange occurrences in the woodsAn encounter with a mysterious backpack led the author to uncover plans for unknown purposes, raising concerns about potential dangers in the woods

      The author, George, had an encounter with strange occurrences in the woods near his home. He was led there by his dog, Max, who found a small backpack containing miniaturized tools and a notebook filled with plans. George became increasingly concerned when he realized the tools were not for a child's play area, but for something more sinister. He spent days deciphering the language in the notebook and discovered it contained plans for unknown purposes. The author felt a responsibility to share this information and warn others, despite the potential risks to himself. This experience left him feeling uneasy and determined to leave the area. The events that transpired that night raised questions about the unknown dangers lurking in the woods and the intentions behind the strange occurrences.

    • Encountering an Unknown Creature in the WoodsDespite human efforts to understand and defeat unknown creatures, their power and abilities can surpass our understanding, leaving us in a state of fear and uncertainty.

      The hunter's experience in the woods introduced him to a mysterious and dangerous creature, which he was unable to fully understand or defeat. Despite his attempts to secure food for himself, he encountered various challenges, including the creature's ability to escape and the loss of his dogs. The hunter's situation became increasingly perilous, as the creature continued to demand its "taily bow" and threatened him in his cabin. The hunter's only means of survival was to call for his dogs and send them after the creature, but even they were unable to fully subdue it. The hunter was left in a state of fear and uncertainty, with the creature's demands continuing to haunt him even after he had lost his dogs. The experience served as a reminder of the unknown dangers that lurked in the woods and the limitations of human power in the face of the unknown.

    • Unexpected discoveries lead to deeper understandingLooking beyond the surface can reveal hidden depth and complexity in people and situations

      The unexpected can be found even in the most mundane situations. In the text, a man's fear of a creature turns out to be something much more complex and unexpected. Similarly, a middle school history teacher's assumption about a student's project leads to a profound and moving interview with her great uncle. Both experiences remind us that looking beyond the surface can lead to deeper understanding and connection. The man's encounter with the creature in the woods reveals a more complex and less threatening being, while Olivia's interview with her great uncle reveals a hidden past filled with sadness and regret. These unexpected discoveries serve as reminders to appreciate the depth and complexity of the world around us.

    • Finding solace in unexpected placesEven in the face of great loss and despair, we can find purpose and meaning in the simplest things and continue to live with hope and resilience.

      Even in the face of unimaginable loss and despair, the human spirit can find a way to endure and find purpose. Great Uncle Steven's letter revealed a man who had experienced unspeakable tragedy, yet he continued to live and find meaning in the most unexpected places. Despite his feelings of helplessness and isolation, he found solace in the simple things, like his radio and the knowledge that life existed beyond his violent city. He returned to work, not out of obligation, but because it gave him a sense of purpose and belonging. The school, which had once been a source of joy, became his sanctuary and the students, his silent companions. Through it all, he held on to the belief that life was worth living, no matter how difficult the journey might be.

    • The Power of Memories and the Importance of Cherishing JoyThe story illustrates the power of memories and the importance of cherishing joyful moments, as well as the resilience of the human spirit and the value of preserving personal histories.

      The radio was more than just an inanimate object for Stanislav; it was a source of comfort and connection to his past, his wife and child. The silence of the dead radio was a trigger for his deepest sorrows and despair, pushing him to the brink of taking his own life. The story highlights the power of memories and the importance of cherishing the things that bring us joy and help us cope with pain. Stanislav's dedication to cleaning and rebuilding the school, even in the face of unimaginable loss, serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit. The discovery of the second disc and Olivia's determination to share her uncle's story underscores the value of preserving personal histories, no matter how sad or insignificant they may seem to others.

    • Finding comfort in memories during traumatic experiencesTraumatic experiences can leave a lasting impact, but cherishing memories and keepsakes can bring comfort and joy.

      Traumatic experiences, such as the loss of loved ones, can leave a lasting impact on a person's life. The speaker recalls the day his parents died and the profound effect it had on him. He was close to his parents and their deaths took a part of him with them. During the process of going through their belongings, the speaker found comfort in memories and keepsakes, including a box of Pokemon cards that brought him joy as a child. The experience of searching through the boxes and discovering the cards reminded him of the importance of holding onto memories and cherishing the past. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there can be moments of light and joy to be found.

    • Discovering Family Secrets Brings Siblings CloserSiblings found solace in each other while uncovering their family's hidden past, despite encountering disturbing secrets, their bond grew stronger.

      The bond between siblings was explored through the discovery of hidden treasures and a disturbing video. The brother and sister found solace in each other as they reminisced about old memories and unearthed long-forgotten items. However, their bond was tested when they stumbled upon a mysterious and disturbing video. Despite their initial fear and confusion, they chose to watch it together, ultimately discovering that their parents had collected strange and unexplained items. The siblings were left with more questions than answers, but their shared experience brought them closer together. The discovery of the hidden past not only revealed the depth of their parents' secrets but also strengthened the bond between the siblings.

    • Coincidences between real life and the VHS tapesUnexplained events on VHS tapes might not be fictional, as similarities between Joe's scar and a child's mark and other eerie coincidences suggest a possible connection to the narrator's childhood memories and their current experiences in the old house.

      The unexplained events Joe and the narrator witnessed on the VHS tapes might not be fictional as they initially assumed. The similarity between a scar on Joe's face and a mark on a child's face in the video, along with other eerie coincidences, suggests a possible connection. The narrator's childhood memories of feeling unexplained sensations in her grandparents' house also seem to intersect with the disturbing content on the tapes. The old house and its surroundings, which once brought her a sense of peace and safety, now appear to harbor hidden dangers. The discovery of more videos and the emergence of strange noises from the basement add to their growing fear and uncertainty.

    • A haunting presence in childhood homeDespite various owners, an unseen entity in a childhood home persisted, causing fear and distress. It was later identified as a previous occupant who had abused children in his sleep.

      The speaker's childhood home was inhabited by an unseen presence, which caused him great fear and distress. Despite the various owners of the house throughout the years, the entity never left. The speaker's first encounter with the presence occurred when he was a child, and he tried to protect himself using a slingshot. His grandfather reassured him that the presence would go away if he ignored it and focused on sleeping. However, one night, the entity's touch became more deliberate, and the speaker was unable to ignore it. The incident resulted in a traumatic experience for the speaker and his family, with long-lasting consequences for his grandmother. The entity was later identified as Steven, a previous occupant of the house, who had been abusing children in his sleep. The experience left a deep impact on the speaker, who is now older and reflecting on the events that occurred in his childhood.

    • People's appearances can be misleadingPast traumas can have long-lasting impacts on people's lives, despite seeming to live simple or uneventful lives

      Appearances can be deceiving and past traumas can significantly impact people's lives. The speaker's grandmother, who once had a virtuous smile and seemed to have a good relationship with the speaker's grandfather, turned out to have been hiding a dark secret. This secret led to years of guilt and misunderstanding for the speaker. Similarly, Melanie Carver, who seemed to live a simple and uneventful life, had her own fears and insecurities, including the fear of a serial killer on the loose. These experiences serve as reminders that people may not always reveal their true selves or experiences, and that past traumas can have long-lasting effects.

    • Fear drives us to take actionFear can make us feel helpless, but it also motivates us to plan and act to protect ourselves or achieve our goals.

      Fear can make us feel helpless and vulnerable, pushing us to make plans and take action to protect ourselves. Melanie, in the text, was terrified that a serial killer was at her door, and despite her attempts to deny the reality, she had to formulate a plan to save herself. Similarly, the speaker in the second part of the text, an avid hunter, cherished the peace and serenity of his rural lifestyle but was eagerly anticipating deer season, preparing himself both mentally and physically for the hunt. In both cases, fear and anticipation drove them to take action and make plans to ensure their safety or success.

    • Encountering the Unexpected in the WildernessEven the most prepared hunter can't predict the uncertainties of nature, leaving them feeling uneasy and questioning their perception of reality.

      Nature can be unpredictable and even the most experienced hunter can encounter the unexpected. The author's description of his hunt reveals the tension and fear that comes with being in the wilderness and the uncertainty of the unknown. Despite his preparation and anticipation, he encounters strange and inexplicable sounds that leave him feeling uneasy and on edge. The experience challenges his courage and forces him to question his own perception of reality. Ultimately, the hunt ends with a sense of relief but also a lingering sense of unease and a newfound appreciation for the mysteries of nature.

    • Unintended Consequences of TechnologyTechnology can capture unexpected images, leading to privacy invasions and emotional distress. Secure devices and be aware of their capabilities to prevent potential risks.

      Technology, even when used for seemingly harmless purposes like wildlife photography, can capture unexpected and disturbing images. In the given text, a man discovers photographs of himself sleeping in his own bed taken by his deer cam, which he had forgotten bringing home. The realization of this intrusion left him traumatized and paranoid, leading him to abandon his house. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential risks and consequences of relying too heavily on technology and the importance of being aware of its capabilities and limitations. It also highlights the importance of securing personal belongings and ensuring privacy. Despite moving, the man continues to hear strange noises and sees the hand reaching out from his past, underscoring the long-lasting impact of the experience.

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    Unexplained Encounters
    enJuly 03, 2024

    474 | 7 UNEXPLAINED Creature Attacks!

    474 | 7 UNEXPLAINED Creature Attacks!
    These eye-witness accounts portray people who have allegedly been attacked or pursued by aggressive and unexplained monsters or spirits! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Shadow Creature in my Closet from Unidentified Creature 9:13 A Third Stinker Story from RD in Hull 18:00 I Am Truly Scared from NG_lovesspooky 27:18 Shadow Creature from Chira 39:13 The Thing in the Fog from TheDruid 45:04 Something in the Woods of Pennsylvania from WildmanTim 49:19 Not So Skeptical Anymore from Druid_Folk Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 26, 2024


    MP3 DOWNLOAD (click triple-dots, download/save as): https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/95538/traffic.megaphone.fm/ADL9065475753.mp3?updated=1715548529 Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak When was the last time we had a massive 12 hour compilation of skinwalker stories? Um, never! Let's go! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 19, 2024

    472 | 11 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Fishing Trips

    472 | 11 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Fishing Trips
    Fishers of men are what they call these monsters and demons that haunt rivers, lakes and the ocean! Enjoy these 11 HORRIFYING Things Seen on Fishing Trips! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:53 If You See Anything, Say NOTHING from Petrichor 12:06 It Changed Us Forever from Mryeetusfeys 17:14 Out of Place from Redscarecrow99 20:31 Tree Stalker from Wesley G. 23:40 Hellhound from Lillyrunawaystar 30:25 Fire on the Mountain from Anonymous 33:00 Umbagog Occurrence from Larrence 37:43 A Cajun’s Encounter from backwoods_fisher 43:22 The Umpqua Thing from 3_GAR_3 48:16 The Man by the River from JayneJ89 53:41 Attacked at Quetico Provincial Park from Rapsconion Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 12, 2024

    471 | DO NOT APPROACH THE WELL IN THE WOODS - 6 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    471 | DO NOT APPROACH THE WELL IN THE WOODS - 6 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    The well with the chain in the woods is worse than any horror film you've ever seen. Enjoy these 6 new true scary stories of the unexplained! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:56 Rude Awakening from Spookyguy556 12:33 Invisible Assault from Victree 20:09 Ghosts of the Past from Laura V. 27:17 The Well from TheRibbedOne 36:17 Too Much Energy from Mryeetusfeys 42:13 The Chicken and the Devil from JustAnotherCreeeepppppp Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    Unexplained Encounters
    enJune 05, 2024

    470 | Beware the CRAWLER of West Virginia | 8 True Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    470 | Beware the CRAWLER of West Virginia | 8 True Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Don't let that rifle make you think you're safe, Mr. Hunter... Enjoy these True scary stories of the unexplained! Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 INTRO 0:51 What’s Wrong with Grandpa? From Loremaster93 11:08 Boy in the Deer Stand from Gamecock711 19:43 The Odd One Out from Peanut Butta Thugga 27:10 My Encounter with a Moehau Man from ash 35:07 Skinwalker in West Palm Beach from Angela T. 38:30 West Virginia Crawler from Appetite_4_Fight 44:39 While We Were Alone from Shady_german 52:54 Am I Haunted from Bethie555 Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories

    469 | 8 TRUE In the Woods HORROR Stories
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak What happens in the woods, stays in the woods. Especially if it kills you. Enjoy these allegedly true horror stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:05 Adirondacks Mystery Monster from Anonymous 6:11 Possible Cryptid in the Woods from Lori 911 10:23 Seeing is Believing from K_Bar the Donkey 18:54 Lynda from PumpkinMama2022 23:43 Letchworth State Park from TJB 26:16 I Don’t Believe it, Why Should You? From CoffeeQueen 37:55 Encounter on the Hill from The Dark Knight 44:50 A Presence from a stranger Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)

    468 | 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To (COMPILATION)
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak Do you believe in ghosts? You might after this compilation of 34 Real GHOST Stories to Fall Asleep To! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS: Intro 0:43 The Cat Saw It Too from TheWoo 1:40 I Call Him Jerry from Josh 10:12 It Came with the Fog from Double D 16:44 Yellow Eyes from Zax 27:13 The Basement from Martin 43:10 Faint Bernard and the Warbling Man from X99X 51:24 The Drench from mariscully 57:54 Just Getting Started from N00N3 1:03:34 The Skwentna AK Happenings from Quillback 1:09:11 Quiet Nights from TeaFox 1:23:59 Terror in the Chapel from Jack 9053 1:31:24 Late Night at the Park from 1314RECON 1:35:09 The Other Girl in the Room from Mavie Wavy 1:41:35 Hospital Terror from Lady Blue 1:47:33 It Got Inside My House from Anonymous 1:57:41 Never Sleep with the Closet Door Open from Crystal_hawley22 2:02:23 The Ghost in my Basement from Papigallo22 2:05:42 Creature Near the Old Oak from HotChocolate 2:13:26 The Mounds from bekka 2:19:18 Sleeping with the Ghost from Auntie TT 2:27:50 Shadow Island Drive from EvansFiance 2:31:43 My Haunted Doll from Smileyalby 2:34:25 The Many Voices in my Ears from Darkvoice 2:41:33 My Friend's Experiences As A Police Officer 2:46:17 Demon Pretending to be a Skinwalker or Wendigo from CountryMama87 2:52:50 Haunted Old Brothel Above Restaurant from April 3:04:44 Shadows Plague from Celestial 3:11:01 My Weird Childhood Poltergeist from JollyJello 3:16:43 The Haunting on the Roof from paranormal.pk 3:21:19 Ya I’m Here from Laurie Means Me 3:26:50 Shape from Casket 3:34:59 My Terrifying Home Alone Experience from OhNoItsAGhost52 3:42:01 I Felt like the Ghost's Plaything from PennyB2203 3:47:34 Specter Brume from WhiteChapel 3:54:07 Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    467 | "Why I'll NEVER Go Caving Again" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak NaturesTemper joins me today in telling some very SCARY stories of the unexplained! Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:03 Jeremy from Wanderlust Jojo 8:05 The Gargoyle Man of the Graveyard Shift from Nyxolotl 18:22 I Think a Skinwalker is Stalking Me from Scout 22:35 Two Sets of Eyes from B.W. Newman read by NaturesTemper 33:43 The Locked Doll from Mnm_974 37:29 Creature in the Cave from Mr. Instrument and Sensor read by NaturesTemper 48:55 The Shadow with Teeth from thatgirlzed Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained

    466 | "Something Found Me While Lost in the Woods" | 7 TRUE Scary Stories of the Unexplained
    Pre-order the Freaky Folklore Compendium! https://eeriecast.com/freak If you get lost in the woods, don't worry - something will find you. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/3YVN4twrD8 Follow the Unexplained Encounters podcast! https://pod.link/1152248491 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! (Will still contain some host-read sponsorships) https://www.eeriecast.com/plus SCARY STORIES TIMESTAMPS 0:00 INTRO 1:36 Not All Monsters are Monsters from Very Mean Jelly Beans 14:55 The Dogman Talked to my Dog from Wolfenstein572 20:20 Wendigo Encounter While Zoinked from Shnitzel 29:55 It Followed Me from spartan_thorn9 35:27 Never Alone from Meg 43:09 What Was In The House from Robert117 50:17 What’s in my House? From Sleepless Nights  Get some creepy merch at https://eeriecast.store/ Follow and review Tales from the Break Room on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! https://pod.link/1621075170 Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491 Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Looking to connect with our guest:

    Sara Czepczynski - @saramaeski

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