
    Podcast Summary

    • The captivating world of professional poolPlaying pool professionally requires more than just skill. It demands dedication, stamina, strategic thinking, and the ability to bounce back from losses.

      Pool is a game that can grab hold of you and become a passion. Both Jeremy Jones and Joe Rogan discuss how they were initially unaware of the level of skill and dedication involved in playing pool professionally. They were drawn in by the culture of gambling and the camaraderie that comes with it. Pool is not just a game, but a lifestyle that requires long hours, stamina, and strategic thinking. The ability to bounce back from losses and keep playing is a testament to the players' determination and love for the sport. It is a fascinating way of life that is not guaranteed and demands constant effort to succeed.

    • The Evolution and Excitement of PoolPool has evolved into a highly competitive sport with skilled players from around the world, emphasizing the importance of charisma and fundamental skills, while offering excitement and mental and physical challenges.

      Pool has evolved significantly over the years, with a larger number of talented players from all over the world now competing at a high level. The conversation emphasizes the importance of genuine charisma and fundamental skills in the game. It is mentioned that the advancements in equipment and training have contributed to the development of players' skills. The conversation also highlights the differences between playing styles in different forms of the game, such as snooker and nine-ball. Despite being a non-contact sport, pool can be mentally and physically intense, as evident from players' elevated heart rates during matches. Overall, the conversation underscores the excitement and engagement that pool offers, making it a highly enjoyable and challenging game.

    • Finding Opportunities in Unexpected CircumstancesEmbrace unexpected events as they can lead to new opportunities, but stay cautious and mindful of deceptive situations that may arise.

      Sometimes unexpected events can lead to opportunities. Jeremy Jones mentions that his parents' split allowed him to pursue his passion for pool playing, which his father would have otherwise prohibited. This shows that even in difficult circumstances, there can be silver linings. Furthermore, Jeremy's road trip with his high school friend allowed him to gain experience and learn from other skilled pool players. However, he also highlights the importance of caution and being aware of gaff games, where opponents create deceptive situations that are difficult to win. This conversation emphasizes the significance of seizing opportunities that arise from unexpected circumstances, while also reminding us to stay cautious and mindful in various situations.

    • Styles, techniques, and gambling in professional pool playingProfessional pool playing involves unique styles, techniques, and a gambling scene, showcasing the intricacies and challenges of the sport.

      Watching professional pool players requires an understanding of their unique styles and techniques. They mentioned players like Coeping Chung and Coeping Yi, who have a smooth and controlled way of playing, always hitting the ball at different places on the ball. One player, who is tall compared to the others, is still developing his coordination. It's fascinating to see how players use cues of different weights to apply the right amount of pressure for proper ball control. Joe Rogan and Jeremy Jones also discussed the gambling scene in different parts of the country, highlighting how the South is known for its gambling opportunities and events like Calcuttas. Overall, this conversation unveils the intricacies and challenges of professional pool playing.

    • The Challenges and Adventures of a Pool HustlerPool hustling requires adaptability, street smarts, and the ability to quickly evaluate a room. It is a wild and adventurous lifestyle that defies traditional 9 to 5 jobs. Success depends on skill, intelligence, and adaptability.

      Being a pool hustler requires adaptability and street smarts. Jeremy Jones shares his experiences of navigating various pool rooms and encountering different types of hustlers. He emphasizes the importance of quickly evaluating a room and being cautious of those who may try to take advantage. Jones also reflects on the wild and adventurous lifestyle of a young free man traveling the country, gambling on pool. Both Joe Rogan and Jones recognize the romanticism and culture surrounding pool hustlers, who often defy traditional 9 to 5 jobs. Ultimately, this conversation highlights the challenges and unpredictable nature of the hustling world, where skill, intelligence, and adaptability can determine success.

    • Skilled players and the allure of the pool scene in New YorkThe pool scene in New York is filled with smart and experienced players who are passionate about winning, showcasing the competitive nature of the game.

      The pool scene, particularly in New York, is filled with skilled players who are focused on winning and getting an edge. While there may be a lot of talk and bravado, the players in New York are smart and experienced, making them formidable opponents. The conversation also highlights the allure and romance of making a living through pool and gambling. It emphasizes the skill and elegance of players like Kid Delicious and Paul Portier, who could effortlessly move the ball around the table and captivate audiences with their talent. Overall, the conversation showcases the competitive and passionate nature of the pool world, where players are constantly striving for success.

    • Embracing Versatility: Adapting to Different Pool Games and StylesBeing adaptable and open-minded to various playing styles in pool can improve skills and open up more opportunities for players in the sport.

      When traveling as a pool player, it's important to be adaptable and play different variations of the game. Jeremy Jones shares his experiences of encountering various playing styles and preferences, such as playing bank pool in Kentucky and one pocket in Cleveland. This highlights the importance of being well-rounded and versatile as a player. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the popularity of certain games like 3 cushion billiards and the increasing opportunities for pool players in Korea. Overall, the key takeaway is that being open-minded and adaptable to different playing styles can enhance one's skills and opportunities in the world of pool.

    • The Internet's Impact on Pool and Billiards: From Streaming to Increased Popularity and ParticipationThe internet, especially streaming platforms, has sparked a renewed interest in pool and billiards, leading to a surge in popularity, sales of pool tables, and more individuals getting involved in the sport.

      The internet has played a significant role in the resurgence of interest in pool and billiards. With the availability of streaming platforms, more people have been able to watch and enjoy professional pool events, leading to increased popularity and participation. The conversation highlights how the pandemic further fueled this trend, with pool table sales skyrocketing and more individuals getting involved in the sport. The speakers also discuss the transition from gambling to professional tournament play, emphasizing the different pressures and nervousness involved. Despite the nerves, players are able to battle through and showcase their skills, with impressive moments like consecutive break and runs in tournaments standing out as displays of perfect precision and control.

    • Harnessing the Power of Sensory Deprivation and Isolation for Mental PerformanceEliminating distractions and practicing in isolation can lead to improved focus, concentration, and performance, while also emphasizing the importance of fair and legal gambling practices.

      Shutting out the world and eliminating sensory input can enhance focus, clarity, and mental performance. Joe Rogan describes the benefits of sensory deprivation tanks, where individuals float in salt water in complete darkness and silence, allowing their brains to become supercharged. This state of sensory deprivation allows for improved concentration and thinking. The conversation also highlights the importance of practicing in isolation and without distractions, as seen in the dedication of professional pool player Shane. Additionally, the conversation touches on the illegal aspect of gambling in the pool and poker world, emphasizing the need for compromise and the freedom to bet on friends in a fair and legal manner.

    • The Power of a Hidden Identity in GamblingMaintaining a secret identity and creating a fictional backstory can provide a competitive advantage in gambling, but it also carries the risk of exposure and potential impact on future opportunities.

      Jeremy Jones used a different name to hide his identity while gambling. He would introduce himself as Tyler to avoid being recognized by people who might have heard of his gambling skills and reputation. This allowed him to take advantage of unsuspecting opponents and win bets. Jones even went to the extent of creating a fictional backstory to support his new identity. This strategy helped him maintain a lower profile and gain a competitive advantage during gambling sessions. However, this conversation also highlights the risks and fears associated with entering professional tournaments, as his true identity became known to the public, potentially impacting his gambling opportunities.

    • The Fascinating World of Pool Gambling and its Colorful CharactersPool gambling attracts wealthy and adventurous individuals who are willing to bet large sums of money, showcasing the extravagant nature and unique culture of American pool.

      Gambling on pool and being a "stake horse" is a unique and intriguing part of American pool culture. It involves wild and wealthy individuals who are willing to bet large sums of money on pool matches. The conversation highlights the experiences of Jeremy Jones, who has been both paid and buried in money as a result of pool gambling. It also mentions the curious case of a man named Frank, who considered a dug-up bush worth $30,000 as a minor inconvenience. These anecdotes illustrate the extravagant nature of these individuals and the lengths they sometimes go to with their money. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the fascinating world of pool gambling and the colorful characters within it.

    • Addictive and Lively: Inside Pool Rooms and Gambling EstablishmentsPool rooms and gambling establishments create an addictive and lively atmosphere, attracting skilled players and allowing for some harmless trash talk.

      Pool rooms and gambling establishments can be highly addictive and captivating environments. They are often filled with eccentric individuals and provide constant action. The owners of these establishments play a crucial role in creating an atmosphere conducive to gambling and attracting skilled players. Additionally, the conversation highlights the allure of hitting the ball well and the satisfaction it brings. The conversation also touches upon the idea that gambling is prevalent in the south and riverboat gambling is associated with wild, carefree individuals. The gambling culture in the south may be influenced by the fast pace of life and the desire to play well under pressure. Furthermore, the conversation acknowledges the ability to talk some "harmless" trash talk in these establishments. Overall, the key takeaway emphasizes the addictive and lively nature of pool rooms and gambling establishments.

    • The Thrilling World of Competitive Pool: Excitement, Ups and Downs, and Endless OpportunitiesPool games offer thrill and unpredictable outcomes, allowing players to go from broke to winning big in a short time. The lack of a specific season or restrictions adds to the allure of the sport. Sharing these fascinating stories helps preserve the pool world's thrilling experiences.

      The world of competitive pool is filled with constant excitement, ups and downs, and endless opportunities for competition. Joe Rogan and Jeremy Jones discuss the allure of pool games and the unpredictable nature of the sport, where wild things can happen and people can go from broke to winning thousands of dollars in just a short time. They highlight the lack of a specific season or restrictions in pool, unlike other sports like basketball. Additionally, they briefly touch on the idea of capturing and sharing these fascinating stories, whether through writing or recording, to preserve and share the thrilling experiences they have encountered in the pool world.

    • The Risks and Consequences of Excessive GamblingExcessive gambling, regardless of the amount of money involved, can lead to serious financial problems, addiction, and strain on relationships. Responsible gambling is crucial to avoid these detrimental effects.

      Gambling, particularly in sports and other forms of gambling, can lead to serious financial problems and addiction. While the conversation focuses on pool gambling, it highlights the risks that come with excessive gambling and the detrimental effects it can have on individuals and their relationships. The discussion also mentions individuals getting addicted to gambling despite having large sums of money, emphasizing that the amount of money doesn't necessarily determine the outcome. This cautionary tale highlights the importance of responsible gambling and the need for individuals to be aware of the potential consequences before engaging in excessive gambling activities.

    • The High Stakes of Gambling and its AllureWhile gambling can be thrilling, it carries risks of financial loss. Regular gamblers have a mutual understanding of wins and losses, creating a unique gambling culture. Filipino players have made a notable impact in the gambling world.

      Gambling can be a risky and exhilarating activity, especially when played at high stakes. The conversation between Jeremy Jones and Joe Rogan highlights the ups and downs of gambling, with Dana White's experience of losing and winning a significant amount of money in blackjack. They discuss the allure of high-stakes gambling and the excitement that comes with it. However, they also acknowledge the risk of going broke if not careful. Despite the dangers, they note that gambling among regular gamblers often involves a mutual understanding of wins and losses, with no hard feelings. The conversation provides insights into the gambling culture in different cities and how Filipino players have made a significant impact in the world of gambling.

    • The Importance of Mental State and Betting Strategies in High-Stakes Pool MatchesUnderstanding the players' emotions, personal lives, and recent performances, as well as making informed bets based on their skills and circumstances, can greatly improve one's success in high-stakes pool matches.

      In high-stakes pool matches, understanding the mental and emotional state of the players is crucial. Factors like personal life issues, mood, and recent successes or failures can greatly impact a player's performance. It is also important to recognize the odds and make informed bets based on the players' skills and circumstances. While elite players like Bustamante and Archer have legendary moments, sometimes it is the lesser-known players who engage in the most high-stakes matches. Additionally, the conversation highlights the significance of the feedback and feel of a cue in a player's hand, with some preferring the traditional wood shaft despite the availability of new technologies like carbon fiber shafts. Ultimately, understanding these nuances can greatly enhance one's chances of success in the game of pool.

    • The Pros and Cons of Carbon Fiber and Wooden CuesCarbon fiber cues offer improved performance and ease of use, while wooden cues provide more aesthetic appeal and craftsmanship. Each cue type offers a unique experience for players to consider.

      Carbon fiber cues offer certain advantages in terms of performance and ease of use compared to wooden cues. Carbon fiber cues allow players to generate more spin on the ball and achieve a higher spin rate. They also allow for a more subtle and comfortable swing, resulting in better control and accuracy. However, it is acknowledged that carbon fiber cues may lack the aesthetic appeal and craftsmanship of custom wooden cues. The conversation also touches on the addictive nature of video games and how they differ from the mental clarity and satisfaction that playing pool can bring. Overall, the conversation highlights the pros and cons of different cues and the unique experiences they offer.

    • The Evolution and Impact of the Gaming IndustryThe gaming industry has transformed into a profitable field, with individuals earning money through playing, developing, and testing games. The captivating graphics and immersive experience make it difficult for kids to resist, while gaming clubs provide social spaces for enthusiasts.

      The gaming industry has evolved significantly and has become a lucrative field. People are now making money by playing video games, developing them, and even testing them. The graphics and overall experience of video games have become so captivating that it is difficult for kids to put them down. Some kids choose to stay inside and play games because they find it more exciting and an escape from potential issues at school. Parents also play a role in allowing their kids to spend excessive time playing video games. On the other hand, gaming clubs have emerged as social spaces where people can come and play games, similar to automated pool rooms. The advancement of technology has significantly impacted the gaming industry and its culture.

    • Exploring the World of Professional Billiards and Game VariationsUsing specific cues and equipment tailored to each game is crucial in professional billiards, highlighting the diverse and specialized nature of the sport.

      The conversation centers around the world of professional billiards and the different types of games and equipment used. Jeremy Jones, a commentator and former player, discusses his experiences and matches with other players, including a wealthy player who creates a lot of action and takes on various opponents. They also talk about English APO, a variation of pool with different colored balls and rounded pockets. The conversation highlights the importance of using specific cues and equipment for different games, such as snooker cues for English APO due to deflection on the felt. Overall, it provides insights into the world of professional billiards and the unique aspects of various games.

    • One Pocket: The Fair and Exciting Game for All Skill LevelsOne pocket is a popular game in the pool world that offers fair matches, accommodates different skill levels, and provides various ways to match up and place bets, making it a favorite among gamblers.

      One pocket is a popular game in the pool world due to its ability to create fair matches and accommodate different skill levels. Unlike 9 ball, which often requires handicaps, one pocket allows players to spot each other balls, making it easier to create a balanced game. This aspect of one pocket makes it a favorite among gamblers, as it offers various ways to match up and place bets. Additionally, the use of a cube, similar to backgammon, adds an exciting element to the game, allowing players to double the stakes or start a new game. While not as fast-paced or widely watched as other forms of pool, one pocket has a dedicated fan base in the pool community.

    • The Key to Becoming a Successful Pool Player: Dedicated Practice and a Tournament MindsetSuccess in pool comes from practicing with purpose, setting up shots, and simulating tournament conditions. Quality practice is more important than quantity, while consistency and staying true to one's style are essential in intense competition.

      Becoming a successful pool player requires dedicated practice and a tournament mindset. Jeremy Jones emphasizes the importance of practicing with purpose, setting up shots, and simulating tournament conditions. He highlights the difference between quantity and quality practice, advising players to focus on quality shots rather than simply hitting a large number of balls. Joe Rogan relates this approach to fighting, emphasizing the need for consistency and staying true to one's style in intense competition. Both speakers recognize the challenges and sacrifices involved in pursuing a career in pool, acknowledging the hard work and dedication it requires. Finally, Jeremy Jones attributes his articulate commentary skills to his passion for and knowledge of commentators in his childhood.

    • The Strategic Side of Pool: Insights from Skilled Player Jeremy JonesUnderstanding strategy, recognizing mistakes, and adapting to different environments are essential for success in pool. Genuine passion and authenticity bring a unique charm to the game.

      Jeremy Jones, a skilled pool player, emphasizes the importance of understanding the strategic aspects of the game. He mentions his ability to analyze and capitalize on the nuances in sports like baseball and tennis, which translated into his success in pool. Jeremy notes the significance of recognizing common mistakes in players and the value of visualizing the table after the break. He highlights that being able to adapt to both the competitive tournament atmosphere and the pool hall gambling scene requires intelligence and versatility. Additionally, Jeremy discusses the difference in personality and showmanship between older and current pool players, suggesting that genuine passion and authenticity bring a unique charm to the game.

    • Hot spots for pool players and the allure of the Derby City classic.The world of pool is filled with renowned locations, prestigious tournaments, and thrilling high-stakes games, making it an exciting sport that deserves more recognition.

      Pool players often have favorite places to perform and these areas become hot spots for the sport. These hot spot areas are typically characterized by having great pool rooms and steak houses. Additionally, events like the Derby City classic, which takes place over 10 days in the middle of winter, attract pool players from all over the world, including big names from the poker world. This event not only features tournaments but also high-stakes action games. The conversation also highlights the potential for a documentary or sitcom to reignite excitement in pool and introduce people to the behind-the-scenes world of the sport.

    • The thrill of gambling and the pursuit of excellence come together at the Derby City tournament, showcasing the unique and exciting world of professional pool.The Derby City tournament combines the excitement of gambling with the importance of skill and focus, demonstrating the dedication required to excel in professional pool.

      The Derby City tournament brings together a diverse group of players who are passionate about gambling and pool. While there may be concerns about the legality of gambling, it seems that the tournament has been able to operate without any major issues in recent years. The atmosphere at Derby City is electric, with players scrambling to find their preferred side bets and constantly seeking an adrenaline rush. However, amidst the gambling and high stakes, there is also a recognition that skill and focus are crucial in becoming the best in the world. Shane Van Boening, as a five-time US Open winner, exemplifies the importance of obsessive practice and unwavering focus. Overall, the conversation highlights the unique and exciting nature of the Derby City tournament and the dedication it takes to excel in the world of professional pool.

    • The Impact of Crowd Energy on the Moscone Cup and High-Stakes Pool Games.The lively atmosphere created by passionate crowds enhances the excitement of pool tournaments, and introducing similar cheering cultures can increase engagement and enjoyment for spectators.

      The Moscone Cup, a pool tournament, is unique because it encourages cheering from the crowd. Joe Rogan and Jeremy Jones discuss how the atmosphere and energy of the audience make the tournament more exciting. They note that the crowds in countries like Europe are particularly passionate and enthusiastic. Joe Rogan suggests that introducing a similar cheering culture to high-stakes pool games could increase engagement and make it more enjoyable for spectators. Jeremy Jones agrees that fans are becoming more involved, especially in the big tournaments, and that players are starting to engage with them as well. They discuss the growing popularity of pool and the increasing number of tournaments, which is beneficial for the game overall. Both Joe Rogan and Jeremy Jones express a desire for pool to become even more popular, attracting more people to play and watch.

    • Nostalgia and passion for the game of poolPool halls have had a significant cultural impact throughout history, with movies playing a role in sparking interest and resurgence in the game.

      Both Joe Rogan and Jeremy Jones reminisce about the days of playing pool and how certain activities, like bowling, darts, and curls, can affect their performance. They also discuss the popularity and decline of pool halls throughout history. Joe Rogan mentions a statistic about New York having 900 pool halls at the turn of the century, which is later corrected to 117 pool halls. They also mention the impact of movies like "The Color of Money" and "The Hustler" in sparking interest and resurgence in the game of pool. Overall, this conversation highlights the nostalgia and passion both individuals have for the sport and its cultural significance.

    • The timeless appeal and authenticity of "The Hustler" and "The Color of Money" in portraying the world of pool hustling.The performances and portrayal of pool hustling in "The Hustler" and "The Color of Money" are highly regarded, potentially inspiring people to become pool hustlers themselves.

      The movie "The Hustler" and its sequel "The Color of Money" were both highly regarded films. Joe Rogan and Jeremy Jones discussed the performances of actors such as Paul Newman, Jackie Gleeson, and Jonathan Torres, and expressed their admiration for their characters and their ability to capture the essence of pool halls and hustling. They mentioned that these movies had a lasting impact, potentially inspiring people to become pool hustlers themselves. "The Hustler" was particularly successful, winning several awards and recognition, including Best Art Direction and Best Cinematography. Overall, the conversation highlights the timeless appeal and authenticity of these films in portraying the world of pool hustling.

    • Attention to Detail and Authenticity in FilmmakingThe importance of realistic settings and a love for the game in creating an immersive movie experience and the potential for pool to thrive in the future.

      The art direction and cinematography were crucial elements in the movie they discussed. They mentioned how important it was for the movie to have a realistic and authentic portrayal of pool halls. They also talked about the real-life locations where the movie was filmed, confirming that they were defunct pool halls. The conversation highlighted the significance of these real settings in creating an immersive experience for viewers. Additionally, they expressed their love for the game of pool and their hopes for its continued popularity and resurgence. Overall, this conversation emphasized the importance of attention to detail and authenticity in filmmaking and the potential for pool to thrive in the future.

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    Yet, life is writing a different chapter, so you think. Why can't you get what you want when you want it?

    For obvious reasons. Right? 

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    Do you think that would impact your results?

    Your fears that stimulate your insecurities have to fall faster, or your failure will be greater. 

    Choose to get into the game of life. 

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    Be willing to fail or succeed in all actions, because each will lead you closer to what you're going after (dreams, goals, etc.).

    Let's ready yourself to learn from the B.U.R.N.!

    1. B - Be BRAVE enough to be bad at something new. You can't learn from the burn if you don't fail. Success comes with failures. Instead of talking yourself out of something, try talking yourself into something. This is where you have to be brave enough to be bad at something new. The adventure awaits. 
    2. U - UTILIZE your strengths and weaknesses. Don't be one who tolerates the status quo or mediocrity. Stir the pot within yourself. "Gauge what's possible by doing the impossible." ~ Kristianne Wargo
    3. R - REFINE your actions and words to create your desired outcomes. You're already in motion to create a commotion. So all you need to do is make some minor shifts. As Dan Miller says, "Everything is an experiment." As with any experiment, you make tweaks along the way. This is how you refine your actions and words to create your desired outcomes.
    4. N - NAVIGATE the process by taking the next step.  You can sit back and make all the excuses you want. Or accept the challenge to do more; to reach for those goals, to soar higher.

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness." ~ Kristianne Wargo

    This is a beautiful journey you're on. And the only way you control the outcome is by controlling your mind, body, and spirit. It's YOU!!!

    You have got to get out of your own way. Do more than you complain. Do more than you compare. Do more so you can soar.

    Create your now!

    CHALLENGE: Where are your insecurities slowing you down? Where are they holding you back?

    CAUTION: Don't be so quick to count yourself out. Choose wisely. Walk with the wise to become wise. (Proverbs 13:20) Who are you hanging out with? What are you reading?

    CELEBRATE: Please don't disregard the little wins. The little things matter. 

    This week, look at where you are, honestly. Be realistic about the season you're in. Set your personal expectations that will enhance your goals, not encourage your fouls.

    You are created on purpose for a purpose.

    "Master today to impact tomorrow!" ~ Kristanne Wargo

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #MindsetMonday #CreateYourNow #PersonalDevelopment

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Subscribe to Create Your Now TV on YouTube.

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


    ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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    The Create Your Now Archives are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and https://bit.ly/CYNarchive7

    Contact me at YourBestSelfie@CreateYourNow.com


    @Kristianne Wargo






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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







    DOMESTIC BEAUTIES (Announcements)

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    10. NEW Website! Please check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.createyournow.com

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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    Palo Alto Networks CEO Nikesh Arora on cybersecurity in the age of AI | E1806

    Palo Alto Networks CEO Nikesh Arora on cybersecurity in the age of AI | E1806

    This Week in Startups is brought to you by…

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    Today’s show:

    Palo Alto Networks CEO Nikesh Arora joins Jason to discuss his time as head of Google Europe (2:26), strategies learned from Larry Page (15:23), precision AI’s role in cybersecurity (43:14), and much more!


    Time stamps:

    (0:00) Palo Alto Networks CEO Nikesh Arora joins Jason

    (2:26) Becoming head of Google Europe and meeting Eric Schmidt, Larry Page and Sergey Brin

    (10:15) OpenPhone - Get 20% off your first six months at https://openphone.com/twist

    (11:46) Maintaining Google’s culture in Europe and the hiring process

    (15:23) Applying strategies learned from Larry Page to Palo Alto Networks

    (17:59) Sub-categories of EQ manifested in the workplace

    (22:12) Embroker - Use code TWIST to get an extra 10% off insurance at https://Embroker.com/twist

    (23:41) What led Nikesh to be CEO of one of the top Cybersecurity firms

    (30:24) Cybersecurity against artificial intelligence

    (35:31) The SEC’s mandate on breach reporting

    (38:35) LinkSquares - The go-to for all your legal needs, learn more at https://linksquares.com/twist

    (39:51) The SEC’s mandate on breach reporting continued

    (45:54) Gains from AI and what it means for organizations

    (43:14) Precision AI’s role in security

    (53:14) The future of AI technology and the battle of the chatbots

    (57:41) Nikesh’s time at SoftBank working directly with Masayoshi Son


    FOLLOW Nikesh: https://twitter.com/nikesharora


    Read LAUNCH Fund 4 Deal Memo: https://www.launch.co/four

    Apply for Funding: https://www.launch.co/apply

    Buy ANGEL: https://www.angelthebook.com

    Great recent interviews: Steve Huffman, Brian Chesky, Aaron Levie, Sophia Amoruso, Reid Hoffman, Frank Slootman, Billy McFarland, PrayingForExits, Jenny Lefcourt

    Check out Jason’s suite of newsletters: https://substack.com/@calacanis


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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasoncalacanis


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