
    Podcast Summary

    • The sentimental value and unique stories behind jewelry.Jewelry holds sentimental value and can tell unique stories, showcasing personal attachments and creative possibilities while also promoting sustainability and practicality.

      Jewelry can hold sentimental value and tell unique stories. Cameron Hanes shared the story of his solid gold necklace, made from a mold of his first brown he killed. The gold used was reclaimed, preventing harm to the planet. The necklace also features rubies and black diamonds, giving it a distinct and striking appearance. This conversation also touched on the significance and meaning behind different types of wedding rings. While some opt for traditional metal rings, others choose silicone rings for practicality and safety during physical activities. Additionally, the story of a melted jewelry blob turned into a morphed glass necklace highlights the creative possibilities and emotional attachments people have to their jewelry.

    • Exploring Unexpected Histories Through Casual ConversationsStay open-minded in conversations as they can lead to intriguing historical discoveries about everyday objects, reminding us to embrace curiosity and unexpected connections.

      Our conversations can lead to unexpected and fascinating topics. From a casual discussion about jewelry and dental work, we ended up learning about the strange history of George Washington's teeth and the use of human bones in medical procedures. It's interesting to think about the stories behind these everyday objects and how they connect to our history. It also highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and allowing conversations to flow naturally, as we never know where they might lead. So, next time you engage in a casual chat, be prepared for surprising and thought-provoking discoveries!

    • Contrasting Knee Surgeries: Patel Tendon Graft vs. Cad Graft.Individual factors like body acceptance of grafts should be considered, while dietary and lifestyle factors beyond meat alone contribute to health issues.

      Joe Rogan's experience with knee surgeries highlights the stark contrast between a patel tendon graft and a cad graft. While the former caused intense pain and a long recovery period, the latter was much easier and allowed him to resume normal activities soon after the operation. Rogan explains the complex process involved in the patel tendon graft, which required taking a strip of his patel tendon, a chunk of his knee cap, and a chunk of his shin. He emphasizes the importance of considering individual factors, such as one's own body accepting the graft, rather than relying solely on broad correlations. Furthermore, Rogan criticizes the oversimplification of blaming meat alone for health issues, pointing out the significance of other dietary and lifestyle factors, such as processed foods and environmental influences.

    • The Bias and Complexity of Dietary InformationIt is crucial to critically evaluate dietary information and consider the complexity of our food choices, as personal beliefs and preferences can lead to biased interpretations of scientific studies. The idea that only eating vegetables is ethically superior may not be entirely accurate.

      People often choose dietary information that aligns with their existing beliefs or preferences. This can lead to a bias in interpreting scientific studies and can make it difficult to objectively evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of different diets. Additionally, the idea that only eating vegetables is more ethical because it reduces harm to animals is not entirely accurate. Industrial mono crop agriculture kills numerous animals during the planting and harvesting process. Furthermore, emerging evidence suggests that plants themselves have intelligence and communicate with each other, challenging the notion that a plant-based diet completely eliminates harm. It's important to critically examine dietary information and consider the complex implications of our food choices.

    • The Complex Relationship Between Humans and Nature ExploredOur interactions with nature require thoughtful consideration and understanding, as our choices have real consequences on ecosystems and the delicate balance of life.

      There is a complex ethical and emotional relationship between humans and nature. The conversation between Joe Rogan, Steven Rinella, and Cameron Hanes highlights the different perspectives and limits individuals have when it comes to harming or appreciating natural resources. While Rinella admits to being able to hunt animals without hesitation, he cannot bring himself to harm ancient trees. This reveals the personal boundaries people set when it comes to conservation efforts. Furthermore, the discussion raises questions about the value we place on different forms of life. Ultimately, it emphasizes the need for thoughtful consideration and understanding in our interactions with nature, as our choices have real consequences on ecosystems and the delicate balance of life.

    • The Spiritual Connection of HuntingHunting offers a profound connection to nature, making us appreciate the meat obtained, but also requires dedication and guidance.

      Hunting can have a profound spiritual aspect that connects humans to the natural world in a unique way. Joe Rogan reflects on his experience of hunting and how it made him feel deeply connected to the animals he hunted. He was amazed by the difficulty and the fleetingness of the animal's life, which made him appreciate the meat he obtained from hunting much more than store-bought meat. The three men in the conversation also discuss their passion for hunting and how it becomes a central part of their lives. However, they acknowledge that hunting requires time, discipline, and guidance, making it challenging for some individuals to take up the activity.

    • Mastering Mental Discipline for Success in High-Pressure SituationsPracticing physical skills alone is insufficient; maintaining mental discipline, including a pre-shot routine and self-talk, is crucial for accurate and successful performance in challenging situations.

      Being successful in high-pressure situations, such as bow hunting, requires mental discipline and a closed-loop system. Simply practicing and having the physical skills is not enough. It's crucial to have a pre-shot routine and consciously talk to yourself during the process to maintain control. By constantly reminding yourself to keep the pin on the target, you can avoid unnecessary movement and ensure accurate shots. Many people only realize the importance of this discipline after making mistakes or experiencing failures. It's essential to invest time and effort in mastering the mental process to increase your chances of success in challenging situations.

    • Maintaining Composure and Perfecting Technique Under PressureConsistency in technique, practice, and experience are vital for success and composure when dealing with high-pressure situations like shooting with a bow or a rifle.

      Maintaining a conscious state and talking oneself through high-pressure situations is crucial. Steven Rinella and Joe Rogan discuss the difference between shooting with a rifle and shooting with a bow. With a rifle, people may blow a shot and insist they did everything right, while with a bow, they often feel uncertain about what went wrong. They talk about the importance of remembering certain techniques, such as keeping the pin and elbow in the right position, to ensure a successful shot. Joe Rogan also mentions that the brain has the ability to grow and become more adept at handling uncomfortable situations through practice and pushing oneself. Ultimately, experience and practice are key factors in maintaining composure and performing well under pressure.

    • Navigating Overwhelming Moments: Lessons from Hunting and LifeStay prepared, remain calm during intense situations, and make ethical and legal choices that align with our values and rules.

      Intense and unexpected moments can be overwhelming, whether it's in the world of hunting or in other aspects of life. Just like Joe Rogan's experience with elk hunting or Cameron Hanes' first encounter with a bull, these situations can leave us in a state of panic or awe. Similarly, Steven Rinella's story about a man poaching a buck highlights the consequences of acting impulsively without considering the legality or ethicality of our actions. It's important to be prepared for the unexpected, to stay calm in high-pressure situations, and to make decisions that align with our values and the rules that govern our activities.

    • Preparation, Skill Development, and Proper Gear Selection: The Key to Successful Hunting AdventuresProficiency, experience, and a strong foundation of basic skills, along with proper gear selection and preparation, are crucial for success in hunting high-pressure situations and taking down large game.

      Proficiency and experience are key when it comes to handling high-pressure situations in hunting. Both Cameron Hanes and Joe Rogan share their experiences of not being fully prepared for taking down large game and missing their shots. They discuss the importance of building a strong foundation of basic skills before progressing to advanced techniques. Joel Turner's expertise in archery shooting form is highlighted as a valuable resource for seasoned hunters. Additionally, the conversation touches on the significance of having a well-organized packing process and using equipment that suits the specific hunting scenario. Overall, the key takeaway is that preparation, skill development, and proper gear selection are crucial for success in hunting adventures.

    • Unintended Consequences and the Importance of Ecosystem BalanceIntroducing non-native species, like carp, can lead to the destruction of ecosystems and the decline of desirable fish species. Understanding and respecting the delicate balance of ecosystems is crucial for long-term environmental sustainability.

      The introduction of carp into certain lakes has had unintended negative consequences. While some may have thought they were doing a favor by reducing vegetation for boating purposes, the result has been the destruction of ecosystems and the decline of desirable fish species. Lakes that were once abundant with bass and vegetation have now become barren and devoid of life. This mismanagement and intentional introduction of non-native species serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding and respecting the delicate balance of ecosystems. It also highlights the need for better planning and consideration of the long-term effects of human actions on the environment.

    • Navigating fishing etiquette and preserving the pleasure of the sport.Respect boundaries, ask for permission, maintain good relationships, embrace imperfections, and appreciate the character of well-used fishing gear and boats to enhance the fishing experience.

      When it comes to fishing near docks or other private areas, it's important to respect boundaries and practice good etiquette. While it may be tempting to fish in certain spots with shade or where the fish congregate, it's crucial to consider the property owner's perspective and ask for permission if necessary. Maintaining a good relationship with other anglers and property owners is key to preserving the enjoyment of fishing for everyone. Additionally, it's important to recognize that boats and fishing gear are bound to experience some wear and tear, and it's part of the natural process of using and enjoying these items. Embracing imperfections and appreciating the character that comes with a well-used boat or fishing gear can enhance the overall fishing experience.

    • The Importance of Stability in ArcheryFinding the right balance between stability and comfort is crucial in archery, as it varies for each individual. Joe Rogan prioritizes stability by locking out his front elbow, while others may prefer a slight bend for added strength.

      Stability is key in archery. Joe Rogan explains the importance of locking out the front elbow for stability and reducing movement while shooting. He compares it to leaning against a wall and wanting to be completely rigid. While others may prefer to have a slight bend for strength, Rogan focuses on stability over strength. Cameron Hanes mentions that many premier archers have the same form with slightly bent front elbows, but Rogan feels more comfortable and steady when his arm is locked out. Ultimately, what works for each individual may vary, and Rogan emphasizes that it's important to find what works best for you in terms of both stability and comfort.

    • Exploring Different Hunting Releases and TechniquesChoosing the right hunting equipment and perfecting your shooting technique are essential for hunting success, as discussed by Joe Rogan and his guests.

      When it comes to hunting equipment, it's important to find what works best for you. Each person has their own preferences and techniques that suit their shooting style and environment. Joe Rogan and his guests discuss the different types of releases they use and how they have found success with them. From handheld releases to triggers and hinges, they each have their advantages and drawbacks in different situations. They also touch on the importance of surprise shots and controlling the trigger, especially in windy conditions. Ultimately, finding the right equipment and mastering your shooting technique is crucial for success in hunting.

    • The Impact of Technology on Hunting: Range Finders and RegulationsBalancing innovation and tradition in hunting requires careful regulation of emerging technologies to uphold fairness and avoid unintended consequences within the hunting community.

      Technology is shaping the hunting landscape. Joe Rogan and his friends discuss the use of range finders and how they have become more advanced and efficient. While some states have made certain technologies illegal, such as the use of range finders with specific features, there is still a debate about the integrity of archery with the inclusion of these tools. The conversation also highlights the importance of regulating technology in hunting to maintain a level playing field and avoid resistance from the hunting community. Additionally, the discussion touches on how regulations can evolve as new technologies emerge, sometimes leading to unexpected consequences. Ultimately, finding the right balance between innovation and preserving the authenticity of hunting remains a challenge.

    • Debates and Perspectives on Hunting RegulationsThe conversation explores the complexities of hunting regulations, including the influence of agendas, the need to protect traditional methods, and the potential impact of technology on harvest rates and opportunities.

      Hunting regulations can sometimes be influenced by different agendas and perspectives. The conversation between Joe Rogan, Steven Rinella, and Cameron Hanes highlights the debates surrounding certain hunting practices and technologies. They discuss the gradual correction of regulations, such as hunting deer with dogs and hunting mountain lions with dogs, which can stem from different agendas. They also touch on the use of lighted nocks and electronic arrow technology, which some find unnecessary and others see as a way to make more ethical shots. The conversation sheds light on the complexities of hunting regulations, the desire to protect traditional methods, and the potential impact of technology on harvest rates and opportunity.

    • Advancements in Long-Range Rifle TechnologyLong-range rifle technology has revolutionized hunting, allowing hunters to shoot targets over incredible distances. The regulations on hunting gear, however, have not caught up with this technology yet.

      The advancements in long-range rifle technology have changed the game of hunting. In the past, shooting distances of 300 yards were considered impressive, but now hunters can confidently shoot targets at distances of 990 yards or more. The availability of shooting sticks, Mh pods, and other stabilizing equipment has also contributed to improved accuracy. While some may question the fairness or ethics of long-range hunting, it is important to note that regulations on hunting gear can be very specific and restrictive in other aspects, such as muzzleloader seasons. However, so far, there hasn't been a comprehensive regulation of long-range rifle equipment. As the technology continues to advance, it will be interesting to see how authorities approach this challenge.

    • The Distortion of Hunting on Social MediaSocial media creates a false perception of hunting success and practices, leading to misconceptions. Understanding the realities of hunting is crucial for informed decision making.

      Social media has distorted our perception of hunting. The prevalence of hunting-related content on platforms like Instagram may give the impression that everyone is successful and constantly killing big game, but this is far from the truth. The success rate of hunting, particularly with a bow, is still only around 10 percent. Additionally, social media has fueled misconceptions about hunting practices, such as the false notion of trophy hunting, which is not even legal in many cases. It is important to recognize that hunting is a complex activity with a rich history, and knee-jerk reactions based on misinformation can hinder efforts to responsibly manage wildlife populations. Understanding the realities of hunting is crucial in order to have productive conversations and make informed decisions.

    • The Clash Between Wildlife Conservation and HuntingUnderstanding and respect for hunters' perspectives are necessary to strike a balance between wildlife conservation and the livelihoods dependent on hunting, while also considering the benefits of allowing natural wildlife population recovery.

      There is a conflict between those who advocate for wildlife conservation and those who rely on hunting and ranching for their livelihood. The debate revolves around issues such as trophy hunting and the reintroduction of wolves into certain areas. There seems to be a lack of understanding and disinterest in hunters' perspectives, as some view them as a threat to animal welfare and seek to eliminate hunting altogether. However, hunters argue that they play a vital role in managing natural resources and that their activities should be respected. There is also a discussion about the impact of government actions and the potential benefits of allowing wildlife populations to recover naturally.

    • The importance of wildlife population managementWildlife population management through hunting quotas and careful consideration of carrying capacity helps maintain sustainable populations and preserve the delicate balance of nature.

      Wildlife population management, such as the quota system for hunting, plays a crucial role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem. This means that hunters have specific limits on the number of animals they can harvest, ensuring that the population remains sustainable. Additionally, the example of wolf hunting shows that wildlife biologists carefully consider the carrying capacity of the land and the resources available before opening a hunting season. Despite misconceptions, the reality is that these professionals have extensively researched these numbers, making it more than just a guessing game. While there are occasional lawsuits and controversies surrounding hunting quotas, the goal is to maintain stable populations of various animals and prevent overharvesting. Ultimately, managing wildlife populations is essential for preserving the delicate balance of nature.

    • Balancing wolf conservation and sustainable wildlife managementThe reintroduction of wolves can have complex effects on prey populations and local communities, highlighting the need to find a balance between conservation and sustainable wildlife management.

      The reintroduction of wolves to certain areas can have significant effects on the prey animal populations, such as elk. This has led to concerns among hunters who rely on these populations for sustenance and livelihood. Some conservationists argue for unregulated wolf populations and even envision a future where hunting is eliminated altogether. However, this approach fails to consider the impact on local communities and their traditional way of life. Moreover, there is a contradictory narrative surrounding the effects of wolves on prey animal populations, with some claiming they do not cause significant declines while simultaneously acknowledging their potential for controlling wildlife diseases. This lack of consistency in arguments frustrates many people. Ultimately, finding a balance between wolf conservation and sustainable wildlife management is key.

    • Differences in Valuing Animal Parts and TastesOur preferences for animal parts and diets can vary, but responsible management is essential for maintaining a balance in wildlife and sustaining ecosystems.

      The value we place on different parts of an animal can vary greatly. Steven Rinella shares his experience of not keeping the hide of a deer but retaining the meat, while doing the opposite on a wolf. He mentions how some people do eat wolf meat, although it is not widely practiced. This leads to a discussion on the taste of various wild animals, with some surprising comparisons made, such as a bear tasting like smoked salmon. The conversation also touches on the importance of managing animal populations, particularly predators like coyotes, to maintain a balance in wildlife recruitment. Overall, the key takeaway is that our preferences and practices regarding animal parts and diets can differ greatly, but responsible management plays a crucial role in sustaining ecosystems.

    • Controversies and Considerations in Hunting Contests and the Use of DogsHunting contests targeting predators and the use of dogs are topics of debate, with concerns about the disruption of pack dynamics and uncontrolled hunting, but also the potential for population control and maintaining a healthy prey-predator balance. Wildlife management and conservation efforts should carefully evaluate the impact on ecosystem dynamics and the effectiveness of hunting methods.

      Hunting contests, specifically targeting predators like coyotes and mountain lions, can be a controversial issue. While some argue that these contests disrupt pack dynamics and can lead to an increase in coyote numbers, others believe it can help control the population and maintain a healthy balance between prey and predator. The use of dogs in hunting is also a contentious topic, with some arguing that it allows hunters to identify and target specific animals, while others believe it leads to uncontrolled hunting. Ultimately, wildlife management and conservation efforts must consider various factors, including the impact on ecosystem dynamics and the effectiveness of different hunting methods.

    • Reconnecting with Animals and Resources in Modern SocietyThe Covid pandemic and George Floyd riots have made people recognize their vulnerability and the need for self-defense, leading to a reevaluation of our relationship with animals and resources.

      Our society has become detached from the idea of animals and the wilderness as a resource for sustenance. During times of crisis, such as the Covid pandemic, people started realizing their vulnerability and turned to hunting as a means of procuring food. Additionally, the George Floyd riots led to a surge in demand for firearms, highlighting the importance of self-defense and personal security. It's interesting to note the stark contrast in gun laws between states like Texas, where gun ownership and transfers are relatively lenient, and California, where strict regulations and paperwork are required. These events shed light on the disconnect between our dependence on the natural world and our modern lifestyle, prompting us to reconsider our relationship with animals and resources.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Firearms Ownership and Hunting RegulationsThe regulations and loopholes around firearms ownership and hunting can be confusing, with differing rules between states and conflicting restrictions. Navigating these complexities can be a challenge.

      There are several regulations and loopholes surrounding firearms ownership and transfers that can be confusing and even contradictory. For example, felons are not allowed to purchase guns, but they can receive firearms as gifts from others. Additionally, gun shows and certain states have different rules and regulations, making it easier to obtain firearms without proper background checks or restrictions. On the other hand, there are also restrictions in place in some states that limit magazine capacity and types of guns that can be purchased. The conversation also highlights the divide among hunters, with some pointing out that fellow hunters can cause division and in-fighting, while anti-hunters remain aligned and have stronger political support. Overall, navigating the complexities and biases surrounding firearms and hunting can be challenging.

    • Changing perspective on jealousy and competition for personal growth and success.Jealousy can either poison or fuel success. Embrace competition in a healthy way, recognize others' success, and let it inspire and motivate you to work harder for personal growth and improvement.

      Jealousy and competition can be viewed differently depending on your mindset. Joe Rogan and his guests discuss how jealousy can be a negative force that poisons the person carrying it, leading to bitterness and resentment. However, they also highlight that jealousy can be used as fuel for success if managed properly. Instead of tearing others down, it's important to recognize their success and let it inspire and motivate you to work harder. Surrounding yourself with talented individuals and seeing them as competitors can push you to reach your full potential. Competition, when embraced in a healthy way, can lead to personal growth and improvement. It's about changing your perspective and using jealousy as a catalyst for success rather than a destructive emotion.

    • Embracing self-improvement and collaboration for success in comedy and hunting.Continuous self-improvement, open sharing, and personal growth are essential for success in any field, including comedy and hunting. Talent and skill outweigh external factors.

      Success in any field, whether it's comedy or hunting, requires continuous self-improvement and the ability to learn from others. Joe Rogan emphasizes the importance of not holding onto trade secrets but instead openly sharing techniques and strategies with fellow comedians. He encourages constant self-reflection and the willingness to put in extra work to succeed. Jealousy and criticism of successful individuals only reveals one's own insecurities and failures. Instead, one should use that feeling to drive personal growth and strive to work harder and smarter. Comedy, like hunting, is a merit-based field where talent and skill are what truly matter, not external factors like looks or gender.

    • Talent and Hard Work Over Appearance and GenderSuccess in comedy is not determined by looks or gender, but by talent, hard work, and the ability to make people laugh. Women in comedy face unfair expectations and stereotypes, but their ability to overcome these challenges is admirable and deserving of respect.

      Effectiveness and talent are what truly matter, regardless of appearance or gender. Joe Rogan and Cameron Hanes discuss how being physically attractive may initially garner attention, but it doesn't guarantee success or respect. They highlight the need for substance and skill in any field, particularly in comedy where being funny is paramount. They acknowledge the unfair expectations placed on women in comedy and how stereotypes can hinder their success. However, they also emphasize the admiration and respect they have for women who navigate and overcome these challenges. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that talent, hard work, and the ability to make people laugh are what truly make a comedian successful and respected, regardless of their looks or gender.

    • Competition and Motivation in HuntingUnderstanding and respecting the different motivations and preferences of hunters is crucial, as competition in hunting can vary and individuals may have different goals and approaches.

      Competition among hunters can vary and take different forms. Stand-up comedians compete with each other for audience attention, but they don't hinder each other's performances. On the other hand, hunters compete for limited resources, such as specific hunting tags or rare animals. This competition becomes intensified when it involves big game hunting, where hunters strive to take down the biggest and most exceptional animals. However, not all hunters are motivated by the numbers game or the size of the trophy. Some hunters simply enjoy the act of hunting and appreciate the overall experience rather than obsessing over measurements and scores. It's important for hunters to respect each other's motivations and preferences, as everyone approaches hunting differently.

    • Enhancing Hunting Experiences: Allocating Resources and Putting in EffortImproving hunting experiences requires allocating resources and working hard, while also considering ethical considerations and valuing the unique experience of hunting in truly wild environments.

      The quality of hunting experiences can vary greatly depending on the resources available to hunters. Steven Rinella and Cameron Hanes discuss how they started with limited opportunities in less ideal hunting spots, but as they gained more resources and worked harder, they were able to access better hunting areas. They emphasize the importance of allocating resources and putting in the effort to improve the hunting experience. However, they also acknowledge the ethical considerations when it comes to high fence properties and heavily pressured animals on public land. They highlight the value of hunting in truly wild environments, where animals can behave naturally and without constant interference from human hunters.

    • The Thrill of Hunting in Remote WildernessHunting in untamed areas offers a challenging and genuine experience, with fair chase opportunities and physical demands that debunk the misconception of it being an easy or guaranteed activity.

      Hunting in remote, wild places offers the most authentic and challenging experience. Joe Rogan, Cameron Hanes, and Steven Rinella emphasize the importance of hunting in untamed areas where animals roam freely. They discuss how hunting in unfenced habitats provides fair chase opportunities, with the presence of predators like lions and bears adding to the thrill. They debunk the misconception that hunting is easy or guaranteed, highlighting that even in great hunting areas, success is not guaranteed for every hunter. The discussion also emphasizes the physical demands and miles covered in hunting, debunking the notion that it is an easy or unfair activity. Ultimately, hunting in wild, remote areas provides an unparalleled and genuine hunting experience.

    • Exploring the Diverse World of Hunting ExperiencesHunting is an individualized sport that offers a range of challenges and rewards, emphasizing the importance of respecting different perspectives and appreciating the unique connections hunters form with their sport.

      Hunting experiences can vary greatly depending on the circumstances and methods used. Steven Rinella and his friends discuss their encounters with different animals while hunting, highlighting the challenges and rewards that come with each situation. They touch on the pride and satisfaction that comes from successfully hunting on public land or with a bow and arrow. Additionally, they recognize the different perspectives and respect given to hunters who achieve certain goals, such as shooting a mature animal or using a specific type of weapon. Overall, their stories emphasize the unique and personal connections that hunters develop with their sport and the importance of appreciating the diverse experiences that hunting can offer.

    • The Power and Joy of Guiding New HuntersExperienced hunters can enhance the hunting experience by guiding and mentoring newcomers, helping them overcome barriers and find fulfillment in connecting with nature and sharing success.

      Hunting can be a deeply rewarding experience when shared with others and when focused on the joy of witnessing someone else's success. The conversation between Joe Rogan, Steven Rinella, and Cameron Hanes highlights the significance of guiding and mentoring new hunters, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the sport and learn from their own experiences. The barrier to entry in hunting may seem daunting, as it requires time, effort, and a willingness to learn through trial and error. However, by providing guidance and support, experienced hunters can help newcomers overcome this barrier and discover the fulfillment that comes from connecting with nature, experiencing success, and sharing these experiences with others.

    • The Importance of Expertise and Experience in Hunting and Outdoor ActivitiesSuccess in hunting and outdoor pursuits requires years of practice, adapting to different environments, and openness to learning new methods and techniques. Physical fitness is also important for ethical practices.

      Expertise and experience are crucial in hunting and other outdoor activities. The process of learning and growing in these activities cannot be easily shortcutted, and it often requires years of practice and exposure. While there are some schools and programs that can teach the necessary skills, these opportunities are limited and it can be challenging to screen applicants to ensure their suitability. Additionally, it is important to recognize that different environments and game species require different approaches and tools. Success in one area does not guarantee success in another. Adapting and being open to learning new methods and techniques is essential. Ultimately, hunting and outdoor pursuits require a high level of expertise and physical fitness to maximize success and ensure ethical practices.

    • Hunting regulations and controversies: a patchwork of rules and opinionsHunting practices are regulated differently around the world, but these regulations do not have a significant impact on game population levels or hunting opportunities. Exploiting hunting on social media can be seen negatively.

      The regulation of hunting practices, such as the use of thermal equipment, varies greatly from state to state and even among countries. Some states and countries have strict regulations in place, while others have little to no mention of it. The conversation also touches on the banning of drones with thermal technology for game recovery and the controversy surrounding spear hunting. Despite differing opinions on these practices, it is highlighted that these regulations and controversies do not necessarily have a significant impact on game population levels or decrease hunting opportunities. Additionally, the conversation raises the issue of exploiting hunting on social media and how it can be perceived negatively by some people.

    • The Impact of Social Media on Hunting PerceptionHunters need to be mindful of how they present their hunting activities on social media to ensure a more accurate representation of the sport.

      The way hunting is portrayed on social media, such as Instagram, has a significant impact on how people perceive it. In the past, hunters would share their experiences and successes at local sporting stores, where only hunters would see and understand. But now, with social media platforms, everyone can access and view hunting content, whether they understand it or not. This means that hunters need to be mindful of how they present their hunting activities online. Some hunters, like Cameron Hanes, have adopted a protocol of sharing the entire journey, from the preparation to the harvest, while others choose to selectively share certain aspects. The condensed format of hunting TV shows also contributes to a skewed perception of hunting, as only the most exciting parts are shown. Overall, hunters should carefully consider the message they convey when sharing their hunting experiences on social media to ensure a more accurate representation of the sport.

    • YouTube's restrictions on hunting videos and the need for realistic depictions.Joe Rogan believes that YouTube should allow hunting videos with graphic content, as long as they are properly labeled and viewers have the choice to watch them or not.

      YouTube's restrictions on hunting videos can be quite limiting. The primary concern for YouTube is avoiding graphic and gory content, which can result in demonetization or age restrictions. Some creators have successfully appealed these restrictions with the help of organizations like the Sportsman's Alliance. However, the overall consensus is that YouTube is not excessively restrictive compared to other distribution platforms. Joe Rogan argues that realistic depictions of hunting, including showing the moment of kill and blood, are essential for hunters and their audience to gauge the success of a hunt. He believes that YouTube should allow such videos as long as they are labeled appropriately and viewers have the choice to watch them or not.

    • Bringing hunting to life through cookingBy incorporating cooking segments into his shows, Steven Rinella not only educated viewers about preparing and enjoying wild game, but also bridged the gap between hunters and non-hunters, changing the narrative around hunting.

      Early hunting shows and videos often avoided showing the process of cooking and consuming the meat. There was a lack of emphasis on the full experience of hunting, which left a gap in understanding for non-hunters. Steven Rinella addressed this by incorporating cooking segments into his shows, showcasing the delicious results of hunting. This addition not only educated viewers about the proper preparation and consumption of wild game, but also made hunting more relatable and enjoyable. It was a brilliant move to bridge the gap between hunters and non-hunters, giving a more complete picture of what hunting is truly about. These cooking segments have become a valuable addition to the depiction of hunting and have helped change the narrative around the sport.

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    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Ep. 208: Director of Missouri State Parks: David Kelly
    Brandon Butler and Nathan "Shags" McLeod interview David Kelly, Director of Missouri State Parks.

    David Kelly was named Director of the department's Missouri State Parks, effective Sept. 1, 2021.David began his career with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources over 33 years ago, as the Special Events Coordinator for state parks in May 1988. Most recently, he served as Deputy Director of Operations for state parks. During his career with state parks, he has also served as the Director of the Facility and Visitor Services program and Chief of the Marketing and Special Events section.

    Topics Discussed: Parks, Soil, and Water Sales Tax, park improvement process, exciting current and future developments, the economic impact of parks on rural communities and overall quality of life, diversification efforts, special hunts in State Parks, mystery bait bucket and more.

    For more info:
    Missouri State Parks

    Connect with Driftwood Outdoors:

    Special thanks to:
    Living The Dream Properties
    Hunting Works For Missouri
    Smithfly Rafts
    Scenic Rivers Taxidermy


    Michael Engelmeyer’s Great Outdoors Studios EP–329

    Michael Engelmeyer’s Great Outdoors Studios  EP–329

    Browse any Bass Pro catalog or website and its guaranteed you’ll see Michael Engelmeyer’s work. Owner of Great Outdoors Studios, Michael has taken his love and knowledge of the angling and hunting worlds and translated it into one of the best-known multi-media companies around.

    Hear him retell tales of pranks Mark & Terry Drury played on him back in the early days and his take on the current state of outdoor media!

    Follow him on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/greatoutdoorstudios/

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    Shootin' the Bull with Mike Herne

    Shootin' the Bull with Mike Herne

    This week we catch up with Mike Herne, an active duty soldier with a passion for chasing critters in the woods. Mike's a fellow upstate NY'er, so we learn about how he got started hunting elk out west and what he has done to find success 2 out of his first 3 years elk hunting. If you don't know Mike, you will hear some entertaining stories as well. Make sure to follow him on IG and FB as he puts out some great content. 


    Ep. 190: Walleye Fishing on Stockton Lake with Kris Nelson

    Ep. 190: Walleye Fishing on Stockton Lake with Kris Nelson
    Brandon Butler and Nathan “Shags” McLeod interview the special third-time-guest Kris Nelson, owner of Tandem Fly Outfitters while Walleye fishing on Stockton Lake.

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    For more info:
    Tandem Fly Outfitters

    Special thanks to:
    To Living The Dream Properties
    Hunting Works For Missouri
    Smithfly Rafts
    To Scenic Rivers Taxidermy

    Connect with Driftwood Outdoors:


    It’s 100% NOT Jeopardy! EP–328

    It’s 100% NOT Jeopardy! EP–328

    Enjoy this special gameshow edition of the podcast!

    Welcome to the only game show where everyone’s a loser! It’s 100% Not Jeopardy with your host Cat Fury. This week’s contestants are Kevin Fartling and Turd Ferguson, both answering hunting questions, vying for that winner’s title and a grand prize of… absolutely nothing. 

    Want to be on the show? Submit your audition video, here!

    Leave us a Question of the Day by clicking here and you could win a DeerCast hat!

    Join the Rack Pack private Facebook group!  

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    Watch every episode of the podcast on DeerCast and subscribe to the audio version of the show on the platform of your choice:

