
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected adventures during Joe Rogan's podcast recordingsJoe Rogan's podcast and train journeys lead to unpredictable experiences, including heavy drinking, sleeping in a van, and encounters with fighter jets.

      The Joe Rogan Experience, whether it's through his podcast by night or his train journey by day, can lead to unexpected and memorable experiences. During one particular podcast recording, Joe had a night of heavy drinking and woke up the next day unsure of what had transpired. He even slept in his van in the parking lot after the show. Although some may have been concerned about his drinking habits, Joe saw it as a fun and unique experience. He also shared stories of his adventures in the desert, including an encounter with a US fighter jet. The discussion also touched upon the intense physical demands of flying fighter jets and the importance of staying conscious during high G-forces. Overall, the Joe Rogan Experience offers a platform for unfiltered conversations and unexpected adventures.

    • New experiences and inspirations fuel personal growthFlying helicopters during military tours served as a wake-up call and source of inspiration for the speaker, leading him to pursue his dreams and start a talk show. Gratitude for early influences, like Joe Rogan and Tom Green, also played a role in his journey.

      Experiencing extreme activities, like flying a plane or helicopter, can serve as a wake-up call and source of inspiration. The speaker shared his experiences of flying in helicopters during military tours and how it made him realize the power and force behind such machines. He also mentioned how these experiences inspired him to pursue his dreams, such as starting a talk show. The speaker also expressed gratitude for the early influences in his career, including Joe Rogan and Tom Green, and how their shows inspired him to figure out how to make a living from content creation. Overall, the discussion highlights the impact of new experiences and inspirations on personal growth and pursuing one's passions.

    • Discovering New Interests Through Word of Mouth and MediaWord of mouth and media played a crucial role in discovering new interests and experiences before the internet era. Unique personalities like Norm Macdonald captivated audiences with their unpredictable behavior.

      Before the internet era, people discovered new music, comedy, and experiences through word of mouth and media like magazines, rap music, and comedy clubs. The speaker's interest in rap music and comedy was sparked through friends and media, leading him to attend comedy shows and become a fan of comedians like Norm Macdonald. The comedy scene was different back then, with fewer comedians and a more structured approach. Norm Macdonald's unique style was a curveball and captivated audiences. The speaker had the opportunity to meet and interact with Norm on two separate occasions, which he found surprising and exciting. Norm's unpredictable behavior, such as quitting smoking during a conversation about quitting and then buying a pack right after, added to his intrigue. The speaker also shared stories of Norm's gambling addiction, which he found both fascinating and concerning. Overall, the speaker's experiences illustrate how word of mouth and media played a significant role in discovering new interests and experiences before the internet era.

    • The Overreliance on Technology Can Lead to Unintended ConsequencesWhile technology offers convenience, it's crucial to maintain essential skills and not let it replace important experiences and self-awareness.

      Technology and societal changes have made it easier for us to avoid learning certain skills, such as mathematics, and instead rely on tools like calculators and smartphones. However, this reliance on technology can lead to unintended consequences, such as a loss of concentration and memory skills, and even addiction. For example, the speaker mentions how he used to have to memorize phone numbers and navigate the world without GPS, but now, with the convenience of technology, these skills are no longer necessary. While technology has its benefits, it's important to strike a balance and not let it completely replace essential skills and experiences. Additionally, the speaker expresses his discomfort with gambling due to his dislike for math and his cheapness, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses.

    • Discovering hidden gems before technologyThe joy of finding new creative passions and the sense of adventure in seeking them out, even before technology made it easier.

      The world before technology made discovering new things more challenging and exciting. The speakers shared stories of their experiences finding rap music and Norm Macdonald's comedy acts before they became mainstream. They reminisced about the sense of creativity and adventure that came with seeking out these discoveries, often in unconventional places. The speakers also discussed their appreciation for the present day, acknowledging the many opportunities and experiences they've had since then. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the unique bond between the speakers and their shared love for comedy and the unexpected presence of Charlie, a rescue dog, during their performances.

    • Adapting to new environments and discovering unexpected joysEmbrace change and discover new skills, even in unfamiliar environments. Mules, with their strength, resilience, and intelligence, can be valuable companions in unexpected places.

      Life can take unexpected turns, leading to new experiences and discoveries. The speaker, who has moved frequently and adopted animals along the way, emphasizes the importance of adapting to new environments and learning new skills. For instance, she now lives on a farm in Canada, where she discovered the benefits of owning a mule and building a podcast studio in an unheated barn. Mules, which are a cross between a donkey and a horse, have a rich history in North America, having been used for farming, harvesting crops, and even in war. Their strength, resilience, and intelligence make them valuable companions. The speaker's new lifestyle, filled with farm life and podcasting, has brought her a sense of peace and contentment. Despite the challenges, such as freezing temperatures, she has embraced the change and found joy in the simple pleasures of rural living.

    • Mules: Intelligent Hybrids with Unique CharacteristicsMules, the intelligent hybrids of horses and donkeys, exhibit self-preservation behaviors and are easier to train due to their sterility, making them a fascinating example of nature's way of preventing unwanted hybridization.

      Mules, which are a hybrid of a horse and a donkey, are extremely intelligent animals that exhibit self-preservation behaviors. They are larger and stronger than regular donkeys and are easier to train than horses due to their sterility. The inability of mules to breed is a result of their unique chromosome composition, which makes them a fascinating example of nature's way of preventing unwanted hybridization. While the discussion also touched upon various other animals and their hybridization possibilities, the key takeaway remains the unique characteristics and behaviors of mules.

    • Animals can exhibit unexpected aggression as they ageEven with human-like training, animals can become violent and dangerous as they age due to their natural instincts and needs.

      Animals, even those that have been raised and trained to behave like humans, can unexpectedly exhibit violent and aggressive behaviors as they age. This was exemplified by the case of a chimpanzee named Humancy, who lived with a family and had human-like features, but ultimately became violent and dangerous. Animals, including chimpanzees and macaws, have an internal clock that triggers a change in behavior around puberty. Despite our best intentions and efforts to provide them with a good life, their natural instincts and needs can lead to unpredictable outcomes. It's important to remember the power and potential danger that animals possess, especially as they grow older.

    • Mule Fanny tested the speaker's uncertaintyAnimals sense fear and uncertainty, impacting their behavior towards humans. Confidence and consistency are crucial when dealing with animals.

      Animals, even those as large and seemingly docile as a mule, can sense uncertainty and test boundaries. The speaker shares his experience with a mule named Fanny, who, after sensing his uncertainty, began testing him during the riding process. Fanny, who is a smart animal, figured out that the speaker was unsure and started leading him instead of the other way around. This loss of respect from the mule made it difficult for the speaker to be the leader, and he had to undergo a psychological retraining process to regain control. This experience highlights the importance of confidence and consistency when dealing with animals, especially large ones. Additionally, animals can sense fear and uncertainty, which can impact their behavior towards their human counterparts.

    • Communicating with a mule goes beyond physical actionsEffectively communicating with a mule requires understanding their intelligence and emotional responses, respecting their space, and using positive body language and mindset.

      Communicating with a mule goes beyond physical actions and requires an understanding of their intelligence and emotional responses. The mule senses the rider's intent and body language, creating a trust and hierarchy. If a rider lets the mule get in their space, they lose respect. Thinking positively and confidently, even in non-verbal ways, is essential for leading a mule. Mules, known for their intelligence, respond to subtle cues and understand human emotions. This unique bond is why they have been used in various roles, including war and Grand Canyon trail riding. Remember, the key to successfully leading a mule is to respect their intelligence and communicate effectively through body language and mindset.

    • Mules as Livestock Protection Against WolvesMules are effective in deterring wolves due to their aggressive behavior, while wolves typically avoid larger prey like elk and moose. Coywolves, a hybrid of coyotes and wolves, exist and can breed in the wild.

      Mules are effective livestock protection animals against wolves due to their aggressive behavior. While wolves are a threat to smaller animals like deer, they generally avoid larger prey such as elk and moose. The discussion also touched upon the existence of coywolves, which are a hybrid of coyotes and wolves, and their ability to breed and thrive in the wild. The speaker shared his personal experience of studying wolves in the wild and the process of identifying them through trail cameras and DNA samples. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of understanding wildlife behavior and the role of animals like mules in protecting livestock.

    • Division between conservatives and liberals worsening than issuesCanadian speaker emphasizes unity over division, sharing personal experience of appreciating traditional Canadian values and hoping for a future of prioritizing unity

      Despite political differences and the constant arguing over important issues, the division between conservatives and liberals in both the US and Canada is worse than the issues themselves. The speaker, a Canadian, emphasizes that most people want good things for themselves and their families. He shares a personal experience of appreciating the hard work and tradition behind Canadian maple syrup, made by friends in a family-run business, as an example of unity and good things. The speaker also acknowledges the division's negative impact and hopes for a future where people realize and prioritize the importance of unity over division.

    • Farming and Animals: Different Dietary NeedsFarmers face challenges in providing food for their animals while humans may consume large quantities for energy. Animals, like donkeys, have different digestive systems and require constant food. Humans and animals have distinct body structures and dietary needs, and comparing the two is not valid.

      While some people may consume large quantities of food like pancakes and maple syrup for energy boosts, others, like farmers, have to deal with the physical demands of farming and the need to provide constant food for their animals. The speaker shared his experience of farming hay for his animals and the challenges of handling large quantities of hay. He also discussed the differences between the digestive systems of humans and animals, and the importance of providing variation in an animal's diet while avoiding overindulgence in one type of food. The speaker also touched upon the idea that animals, like donkeys, have to eat constantly due to their digestive systems and the lack of protein in their food sources. He emphasized that humans and animals have different body structures and dietary needs, and that comparing the two is not valid. The speaker also pondered the question of how animals in the wild would handle an abundance of food like apples, and suggested that they might self-regulate. He also mentioned the possibility of providing frozen watermelons as a treat for his animals.

    • Bears and Frozen Watermelons: A Dangerous TreatBringing food into the tent and lack of protection can lead to dangerous encounters with bears, even though frozen watermelons are a popular treat for them.

      Grizzly and black bears have a preference for frozen watermelons as a treat, but their presence can be dangerous, especially for those who bring food into their tents. Grizzlies are known for their strength and ability to easily consume large, frozen fruits. While statistically, black bear attacks on humans are relatively rare, they can be fatal as they attack to eat. Common mistakes include bringing food into the tent and not carrying bear spray or a weapon for protection. Hunting is a common activity in rural areas, requiring proper licensing and safety training. The excitement of being in nature comes with the unpredictability and potential danger of encountering bears. Always be prepared and aware of your surroundings.

    • New firearms restrictions in Canada: Handgun ban vs hunting rifles and shotgunsCanada's handgun ban sparks controversy, dividing opinions among hunters and competitive shooters, while some feel infringed upon, others support the measure for public safety.

      Canada has implemented new firearms restrictions, banning handguns but allowing hunting rifles and shotguns. This change, driven by the government, has sparked controversy and divided opinions. While hunting culture is more prevalent in Canada, some individuals feel infringed upon by the ban, especially those who compete in Olympic or Paralympic handgun shooting disciplines. The trucker rally in Ottawa, which involved the seizure of bank accounts of those involved, added to the ongoing discussion about individual freedoms in Canada. Despite these differences, the speaker expressed their love for both Canada and the United States.

    • Protests in Canada and the US differ in circumstances, motivations, and outcomesThe Capitol riot and trucker protest, while both expressions of dissent, have distinct differences in context, causes, and consequences

      The trucker protest in Canada and the Capitol riot in the United States are not directly comparable. While both involve large groups of people expressing dissent against their governments, the circumstances, motivations, and outcomes are significantly different. The Capitol riot involved people entering and damaging government property, with potential instigation from within and outside the crowd. In contrast, the trucker protest was a peaceful demonstration against vaccine mandates and government overreach. The FOIA issue regarding vaccine data release adds to the distrust in government transparency, fueling the protest's intensity. The vibes, subjects, and reactions to these events vary greatly, with the trucker protest having broader support and less violent nature.

    • The ongoing debate about political leadershipRegular elections and term limits lead to a lack of continuity and progress, but also prevent too much power for any one group or individual in democratic governance.

      The political landscape, whether in the US or Canada, is characterized by a constant back-and-forth between different parties and leaders. Some people argue that this system, which includes regular elections and term limits, may not be ideal, as it often results in a lack of continuity and progress. Others believe that it's essential for preventing any one group or individual from having too much power. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexities and challenges of democratic governance, and the ongoing debate about whether long-term leadership or regular turnover is the better approach. Regardless of the answer, it's clear that the political process will continue to evolve, with new leaders and ideas emerging every few years.

    • Political Divisions and Concerns in CanadaSpeakers discussed eroding rights, divisive social media, and government regulations in Canada, encouraging Americans to consider Canadian politics for authentic leadership and escaping divisive US discourse.

      The political divisions and concerns about individual rights and freedoms in Canada mirror those in the United States. The speakers expressed concerns over eroding rights, divisive social media discourse, and government regulations on speech and the internet. While Canada has a charter of rights and freedoms, there are also hate speech laws and attempts to regulate the internet and podcasts. Despite these similarities, the speakers encouraged Americans to consider the possibility of running for political office in Canada, as they believe their fanbase would support them. The conversation also touched on the issue of politicians using inclusive language and gaslighting to maintain power. Overall, the discussion highlighted the need for authentic leadership and the influence of money and power in politics.

    • The entertainment industry: a culture of anxiety and conformityThe entertainment industry can offer opportunities but also presents challenges, including a culture of anxiety and conformity that can lead to a 'crazed cult' mentality and exclusion of those who don't fit in.

      The entertainment industry, particularly in places like Hollywood, can be a frustrating and insular world where money and adherence to a certain ideology hold significant power. This can create a culture of anxiety and conformity, with those who don't fit in being excluded and marginalized. The pressure to conform and the desire for fame can lead to a "crazed cult" mentality, where people are desperate to be chosen and accepted. The speaker's experience as a stand-up comedian and moving to Los Angeles illustrates this phenomenon, as they went from rebelling against the mainstream to being co-opted by it. Ultimately, the entertainment industry can be a double-edged sword, offering opportunities but also presenting significant challenges to those who seek to make it.

    • Deliberately pushing boundaries can have unintended consequencesBe mindful of how others perceive our actions and balance creativity with professionalism to avoid negative repercussions. Stay true to ourselves, even in the face of adversity.

      Sometimes, in pursuit of creativity and pushing boundaries, individuals may find themselves in situations that lead to unintended consequences. The speaker, Tom Green, shares an experience where he deliberately got drunk before appearing on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno as a gag, but the audience and Hollywood misunderstood his intentions, leading to negative repercussions. This incident made him realize the importance of understanding how others perceive our actions and the need to balance creativity with professionalism. Additionally, the experience inspired him to leave the Hollywood scene and return to his roots, where he could be true to himself. Overall, this anecdote highlights the importance of considering the potential impact of our actions and staying true to ourselves, even in the face of adversity.

    • Creating Your Own Organic NetworkTraditional career structures are no longer necessary. Build your own network through social media and collaborations, view competition as inspiration, and leverage digital platforms to connect and build audiences.

      The traditional system of relying on established structures and networks to build a career may no longer be necessary. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling unfulfilled in Los Angeles, constantly working within the system, but eventually realizing that he could create his own organic network through social media and collaborations with other comedians. He emphasizes that competition among artists should be seen as inspiration, not a hindrance. The shift towards digital platforms and the ability to work from anywhere has opened up new opportunities for creatives to connect and build audiences. The speaker's experience at the mothership, where he felt a supportive and inspiring energy among comedians, underscores the importance of community and collaboration in the creative process.

    • Exploring the Creative Balance in Stand-Up ComedyComedians' focus and energy inspire writing, capturing ideas post-performance is crucial, and personal choices like quitting drinking can enhance performance.

      The creative process for stand-up comedy involves a unique balance between on-stage experimentation and off-stage writing. The speaker shared his admiration for the focus and energy comedians exhibit before and after performances, which inspires him to write and refine his material. He also discussed the importance of capturing ideas immediately after a performance, as the comedic mindset and energy can be difficult to recapture later. Additionally, the speaker mentioned his personal decision to quit drinking in order to improve his performance quality and consistency.

    • Avoiding alcohol improves comedy performanceAbstaining from alcohol before performing comedy can enhance memory and understanding of material, leading to improved performances.

      Abstaining from alcohol before performing comedy can lead to clearer thinking and better recall of material during and after shows. Comedian Louie C.K. shared this insight with the speaker, explaining that having even a small amount of alcohol in one's system can impair memory and understanding of new material. The speaker found this strategy effective during a recent comedy gig, where they intentionally avoided drinking beforehand and felt a noticeable improvement in their performance and ability to remember their material. Additionally, the speaker recommends IV drips as a solution for those experiencing hangovers, allowing them to recover more quickly and continue their partying without feeling impaired.

    • Severe Burns and the Human ExperienceSevere burns can result in loss of nerve sensation, requiring extensive treatment and long recovery. Advanced medical techniques, like skin grafts, can help restore mobility and minimize scarring.

      The speaker experienced severe third-degree burns on both feet, which resulted in the complete loss of nerve sensation. Despite the lack of pain, the burns required extensive treatment, including skin grafts from his leg. The recovery process was long and humbling, with the speaker needing assistance with basic needs like going to the bathroom. The experience left a lasting impression on him, reminding him of his human vulnerability. The advanced skin grafting technique, which was developed during World War II, allowed the speaker to regain mobility with minimal scarring.

    • Recognizing Gratitude in AdversityDespite initial fear and trauma, one can learn to appreciate the present moment and find gratitude in challenging experiences.

      Life can throw unexpected challenges at us, and in the face of adversity, it's natural to feel traumatized and angry. However, as time passes, a sense of gratitude and appreciation for what we still have can emerge. This was the experience of an individual who endured a severe injury in Costa Rica, requiring multiple surgeries and months of recovery. Despite the initial shock and fear of losing his foot, he eventually came to recognize the importance of being thankful for his health and the ability to heal. This shift in perspective is not necessarily an innate response, but rather a learned skill that can be cultivated through challenging experiences. It serves as a reminder to appreciate the present moment and the gifts that life offers, even in the face of hardships.

    • Finding Appreciation Through DiscomfortExperiencing discomfort can help us appreciate the normal aspects of life and reduce stress by making daily struggles seem less daunting. Seek voluntary discomfort through activities like cold plunges or hard workouts to prepare for life's challenges.

      Experiencing hardships and discomfort can help us appreciate the normal aspects of life and reduce stress in our daily routine. The speaker shares his personal experience with cancer treatment and how it made him realize the insignificance of his previous worries. He also suggests voluntarily seeking discomfort through activities like cold plunges or hard workouts to prepare for life's challenges and make regular stressors seem less daunting. The speaker's conversation also touches upon the idea that we may need to experience some discomfort to truly appreciate the absence of it. Additionally, he expresses a preference for experiencing the cold, as it can provide a dopamine rush and a sense of connection to nature.

    • Stay near shore for safety on frozen lakesStaying close to the shore while on a frozen lake reduces the risk of falling through the ice and experiencing panic, disorientation, and potential danger.

      Being near the shore while venturing onto a frozen body of water is safer than being in the middle. This advice comes from personal experiences and stories of people falling through the ice, some resulting in tragic outcomes. The panic and disorientation that comes with falling through the ice can lead to loss of oxygen and difficulty surviving. This concept was depicted in the movie "Never Cry Wolf," where a scientist studying wolves falls through the ice and must find his way back to safety. It's important to remember that dogs originated from wolves, and early humans likely formed friendships with wolves through sharing food and campfires. So, stay close to shore when on a frozen lake to ensure safety.

    • Loss of Free-ranging Chickens to PredatorsFree-ranging chickens face risks from predators, causing emotional distress for their owners, and disrupting their flock.

      Free-ranging chickens can be at risk from predators such as coyotes or wolves, even if their living area seems safe. The owner's attachment to their chickens can make the loss devastating, and the experience of losing them can be a sobering reminder of the realities of rural life. The woman in the story shared her experience of having chickens and hearing wolves at night, which made her anxious about the safety of her chickens. She let them free range during the summer, naming them and becoming attached to them. However, one day when she was away, the chickens were attacked and killed by predators. The woman was deeply affected by the loss and even cried over it. Her neighbors, who were farmers, found it unusual for a city person to be so emotional about the death of chickens. The woman then replaced the lost chickens with two new ones, but they turned out to be the killers of the surviving chicken, Loretta. Despite the setbacks, she plans to get more chickens in the spring. The woman's story highlights the importance of being aware of the risks involved in keeping chickens and the emotional connection that can form between farmers and their animals. It also shows how the presence of predators can disrupt and even end the lives of free-ranging chickens.

    • The complex relationship between humans and wildlifeInstead of trying to dominate nature through violence, find ways to live in harmony with wildlife and appreciate their presence

      Controlling nature through violence may not be the most effective solution. The speaker's experience with chickens and coyotes illustrates this point. When she tried to eliminate the coyotes after they killed her chickens, she discovered that their population would only expand if she tried to completely eradicate them. Instead, she realized she could coexist with them and even appreciate their presence. The speaker also shared her love for coyotes and wolves, despite their potential harm to her chickens. This anecdote highlights the complex relationship between humans and wildlife and the importance of finding ways to live in harmony with nature rather than trying to dominate it through violence. Additionally, the speaker's experience with feeding deer in her neighborhood shows that humans often try to control nature in their own way, which can have unintended consequences. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the need for understanding and respecting the natural world and finding peaceful ways to coexist with it.

    • Government Control and Censorship ConcernsSpeaker raises concerns about increasing gov't control, censorship, and potential loss of individual freedoms during the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of freedom of expression and speech in Canada.

      There are concerns about increasing government control and censorship, particularly in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of technology. The speaker expresses a belief that Canadians value freedom of expression and speech, but the Canadian government does not. They fear that if such control measures are enacted, they may not be reversed, leading to a potential loss of individual freedoms. The speaker also shares their personal experience of leaving the city due to the pandemic and finding self-sufficiency in the desert. Overall, the conversation highlights the tension between individual freedoms and government control, and the potential consequences of this tension in the context of technological advancements and societal upheaval.

    • A man's self-imposed isolation during the pandemic for creativity and paranoiaDuring the pandemic, some people chose to isolate themselves for personal growth, but found it challenging to readjust to social life afterwards

      The speaker, during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, chose to isolate himself from society for several months. He did this both in Los Angeles and in a van while camping in the desert. The reason for this self-imposed isolation was a combination of creative experimentation and real paranoia due to a past health scare. The speaker found both the isolation and the freedom it brought him to be enjoyable, despite being single at the time. The length of his isolation was around three to four months, with occasional recharging periods where he would be around people. However, as things began to return to normal, he started being around people again and found it difficult to imagine spending months without social interaction.

    • Exploring Hidden Gems in the American SouthwestDiscover Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, a hidden gem with rich history and cultural significance dating back to around 875 AD. Experience awe and isolation while learning about ancient civilizations and their architectural achievements.

      The American Southwest is home to countless hidden gems and ancient civilizations, often overlooked but equally as impressive as more famous sites like Machu Picchu. The speaker's personal experience of exploring Chaco Canyon in New Mexico, which dates back to around 875 AD and was a hub for trade from various regions including South America, showcases the rich history and cultural significance of these areas. The speaker's fascination with ancient civilizations and their architectural achievements, such as the pyramids, was further fueled by this discovery. Chaco Canyon, located on the Navajo Nation Reserve, offers a sense of awe and isolation, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking adventure and a deeper understanding of our past.

    • Discovering the Impressive Construction Techniques of Native American CivilizationsExploring Native American cliff dwellings reveals their impressive construction techniques, deep history, and appreciation for rural life and self-sufficiency.

      The Native American civilizations had impressive construction techniques, as evidenced by the cliff dwellings in Colorado and New Mexico, some of which date back to before European arrival. These sites were often utilized by incorporating natural caves and using local resources. Many of these areas were undiscovered by Europeans until much later due to territorial disputes and potential danger. Exploring these sites can lead to a deeper appreciation for the history and ingenuity of these ancient cultures. Additionally, the speaker's personal experience of discovering and living near these sites led to a newfound appreciation for rural life and self-sufficiency.

    • Exploring Self-Sufficiency through Renewable Energy and Off-Grid LivingThe speaker's deep connection to his log house led him to pursue self-sufficiency through renewable energy sources and off-grid living, including solar panels, wood stoves, and lithium batteries in various structures.

      The speaker has found a deep connection to his log house, which has led him to consider self-sufficiency through renewable energy sources and off-grid living. He has implemented solar panels, wood stoves, and lithium batteries in various structures on his property, including his van and a barn. While he currently receives payment for his solar energy surplus, he values the potential for self-sufficiency and independence from external energy sources. The speaker's perspective on life has shifted since realizing he would never leave this place, leading him to explore sustainable living options and a stronger connection to the land.

    • Living off the grid and exploring historyFilming in remote locations, Hans was self-sufficient and lived off the grid, charging his camera batteries with solar power. He also acknowledged the historical significance of Native American civilizations and reflected on the complex history and guilt attached to their treatment.

      The ability to be self-sufficient and live off the grid, as Hans Kim did by filming in remote locations and charging his camera batteries with solar power, offers a unique sense of freedom and creativity. However, the perception of his lifestyle was often misunderstood due to the power of social media and the size of his audience. Hans also reflected on the historical significance of exploring and acknowledging the rich civilizations that existed before European settlement in North America, and the guilt and complex history attached to the treatment of Native Americans.

    • Exploring history and nature in a self-sufficient vanDiscovering ancient artifacts and experiencing the beauty of nature in a self-sufficient van enhances a deep connection to history and the natural world, but also brings moments of fear and uncertainty.

      The speaker's experience of van life involved a deep connection to history and the natural world, enhanced by self-sufficiency and the freedom to explore remote areas. The discovery of ancient artifacts added to this sense of wonder and appreciation for the past. However, the speaker also encountered moments of unease and potential danger while being alone in the desert. The battery system of the van enabled extended stays in these areas, allowing for unique experiences like waking up to sunrises and making coffee in the wilderness. The feeling of being in touch with history and the natural world was heightened by the sense of self-reliance and isolation, but it also brought moments of fear and uncertainty.

    • Feeling Vulnerable in the WildernessThe wilderness can be beautiful but dangerous, requiring careful planning and self-protection against potential human and wildlife threats.

      The wilderness can be an alluring yet dangerous place, especially when venturing into remote areas alone. The speaker's experience camping in the Kabiza Prieta wilderness area along the Arizona-Mexico border led him to feel vulnerable and prompted him to buy guns for protection against potential human threats and wildlife. The area, marked with signs warning of human smuggling, drug smuggling, and the danger of traveling alone, underscored the risks involved. Despite the isolation and the potential dangers, the speaker found joy in his solo adventure, making music and streaming live from the middle of nowhere. However, the experience left him with a newfound appreciation for the importance of safety and self-protection in the wilderness.

    • Tom's love for vintage rifles and huntingTom cherishes the authenticity of old guns and the experience of hunting, sharing the meat with loved ones, and overcoming challenges to create something successful online.

      The speaker, Tom, is passionate about both vintage rifles and hunting, particularly deer and elk. He appreciates the authenticity of old wooden guns and enjoys the experience of hunting and sharing the meat with friends and family. Additionally, Tom expressed gratitude for Tom Green's influence on his life, specifically the inspiration to start his own internet talk show in 2007. Tom looks back on that time fondly, remembering the excitement of streaming live video and building a community online. Despite the challenges and the unknowns, Tom persevered and eventually went on to create something successful on his own.

    • Last-minute ticket opportunities at the box officeDespite sold-out shows, fans can still purchase tickets at the box office due to last-minute cancellations. Tom Green's upcoming tour and Amazon Prime special can be followed on his social media platforms.

      Even when shows are sold out, there's a chance to still get tickets at the box office due to last-minute cancellations. Tom Green also mentioned his various social media platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, where fans can keep up with his upcoming tour and Amazon Prime special. Tom Green is currently shooting his stand-up special in Ottawa and will be touring in April in various cities such as Cleveland, Lexington, Kentucky, Louisville, Detroit, and others. Fans can look forward to a montage of his stand-up performances from the tour. Overall, Tom Green expressed his gratitude for his fans and his excitement for his upcoming projects.

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    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross

    #2163 - Freeway Rick Ross
    Freeway Rick Ross is a former eighties drug kingpin who is now an author, motivational speaker, and community advocate. www.freewayrickyross.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2162 - Tim Dillon

    #2162 - Tim Dillon
    Tim Dillon is a stand-up comic, actor, and host of "The Tim Dillon Show" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Tim Dillon: A Real Hero," is available on Netflix. Look for his book "Death by Boomers: How the Worst Generation Destroyed the Planet, but First a Child" in 2024. www.timdilloncomedy.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    All of this and more on the Shawn Bolz show!

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    Episode 385: THIS IS SOMETHING YOU DO!

    Episode 385: THIS IS SOMETHING YOU DO!

    In this WINNING Word of The Day Coach JC shares with you something you DO... and it is CONFIDENCE!

    Coach JC | Life Coach | Motivation | Personal Development| Business| Win All Day | Entrepreneur | Author | Speaker


    A performance company that has become recognized for Building WINNERS & WINNING Teams through Personal Development to achieve Peak Performance!

    We Do This Through...
    Coaching, Consulting, Training & Curriculum

    We Specialize In...
    Human Performance, Personal Development, Leadership Mental Performance & Personal Branding.

    We Serve...
    Corporations and Organizations
    Athletes and Athletic Teams
    First Responding Agencies

    Coach JC is recognized as a passionate coach and advisor to high performers (CEO’s, Business Owners, Pastors, Pro Athletes, and First Responders) when it comes to living a life of purpose, leading with passion and having it all, health, wealth and relationships. 
    He has empowered thousands of people to WIN in life through his 6 books, professional speaking, podcasts, coaching, social media, and the WIN ALL DAY movement.

    As an entrepreneur Coach JC has launched 5 companies and a non-profit within the personal development and business arena all based around his PERSONAL BRAND and serving others. He has been recognized as a 30 under 30, 40 under 40, The Best of The Best, and The Young Entrepreneur of the year. 

    Coach JC believes every person deserves the opportunity to WIN in life and through his WIN ALL DAY Playbook and Academy Coach JC and his team help high performers build purpose driven, passion filled lives and highly profitable personal brands.

    In the WIN ALL DAY Podcast Coach JC drops a daily WINNING Word of The Day (Mon-Fri) and once a month interviews a guest that is representing what WINNING looks like!

    The podcast will inspire you, motivate you, encourage you, empower you and most importantly coach you to WIN ALL DAY - to live a life of passion, fueled by purpose!

    Have a question you’d like Coach JC to answer on a future WIN ALL DAY episode?
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    Be sure to join Coach JC's VIP email list, download our free resources and learn more about WIN ALL DAY and Coach JC at  www.CoachJC.com 



    Mule trainer, Mike Price from Whitefish, Montana shares his mule training experiences. Mike worked with Brad Cameron early on in his mule training career; Mike prefers to work with mules and believes the mule can do anything a horse can do. OF COURSE HE CAN! Mike is passionate about his work, listen to what Mike has to share with the mule community. 

    Mule Talk is on Facebook - Mule Talk is an Every Cowgirl's Dream production - www.EveryCowgirlsDream.Com