
    212 The Power of Breathing to Get In the Zone with Laird Hamilton

    enAugust 10, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • The transformative power of breath trainingBreath training connects us to our soul and enhances mind and body performance, essential for life

      The importance of mastering the breath for optimal mind and body performance. Laird Hamilton, a legendary athlete and innovator, shared his experience of the transformative impact of breath training during a session with Louis. This practice not only helps in water sports but also connects us to our soul or spirit, making it essential for life. As Laird mentioned, "When a baby takes its first breath, the spirit comes into the body. And when the breath stops, the spirit leaves." This connection highlights the significance of focusing on our breath for overall well-being and reaching higher levels of consciousness.

    • Mastering breath for improved performance and well-beingFocusing on breath control through practices like yoga can lead to enhanced performance, increased calmness, and better overall well-being.

      Breathing is a crucial aspect of our lives, as it provides the oxygen necessary for our bodies to function. The speaker shared how they have recently focused on mastering their breath through yoga and other practices, leading to improved control over their system and enhanced performance in various aspects of their life. This includes better swimming abilities, increased calmness, and the ability to use breath to raise energy levels or manage lactic acid build-up. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being conscious of breathing and the role it plays in our overall well-being, especially during physical exertion or stressful situations. By practicing intentional breathing techniques, one can unlock newfound control and efficiency in their body and mind.

    • The power of intense breathing workoutsBreathing workouts can be just as effective, if not more so, than traditional workouts in improving endurance and fitness through discipline and practice.

      Intense workouts aren't always about physical movement. The speaker shares an experience of an intense breathing workout that left him feeling dizzy and tingling, yet it was more challenging than traditional workouts he's done in the past. This experience highlights the importance of mastering the art of breathing and how it can be just as effective, if not more so, than traditional workouts. The body doesn't distinguish between intense breathing and physical exertion, it simply requires oxygen. Through discipline and practice, one can train their body to adapt to challenging breathing exercises, leading to improved endurance and fitness. This unconventional approach challenges our preconceived notions of what constitutes a good workout and invites us to explore new ways of pushing our bodies to their limits.

    • Mechanical meditation brings focus and presenceMechanical meditation, like Wim Hof method, improves focus and presence by requiring full attention to breath and body, leading to benefits such as tingling sensations and oxygenation.

      Meditation, specifically a mechanical meditation system like the Wim Hof method, can help bring focus and presence into one's life by requiring full attention to the breath and body, making it difficult to dwell on other stressors or distractions. This method, which involves a specific breathing pattern, can lead to sensations such as tingling and oxygenation, and can be learned in a relatively short timeframe compared to traditional meditation practices. By practicing regularly, individuals can experience the benefits of meditation, including improved focus and presence, in a way that resonates with a practical, scientific mindset.

    • Boosting Oxygen Intake for Better WorkoutsPracticing breath-hold exercises or proper breathing patterns can increase oxygen intake, enhancing workout performance and endurance.

      Optimizing your body's oxygen intake can significantly enhance your physical performance. During workouts, our bodies often require more oxygen than we normally breathe in. By practicing techniques like breath-hold exercises or proper breathing patterns, we can increase the amount of oxygen in our system, allowing us to perform better and longer. This requires discipline and patience, as it may be counterintuitive to focus on doing nothing rather than grinding away at an activity. However, the benefits can be substantial, leading to improved workouts and overall fitness. It's important to remember that the energy required for breathing and physical activity can make it challenging to get enough oxygen, making efficient breathing techniques crucial for maximizing performance.

    • The power of community and collaboration in personal growth and progressEmbrace the power of community and collaboration to help each other grow and push personal barriers, rather than focusing solely on competition and beating others.

      The evolution of man and progress in various activities, including fitness and fighting, thrive best in a collaborative and community-driven environment. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and helping each other reach their full potential, rather than focusing on competition and beating others. This approach is rooted in ancient philosophies and is reflected in various modern practices, such as Wim Hof's philosophy, natural born heroes, and Spartan races. The speaker believes that the collective survival and progress of humanity depend on our ability to work together and support each other, rather than competing against one another. While healthy competition can be enjoyable, the ultimate goal should be to help each other grow and push our individual barriers.

    • Courage and true competition in extreme sportsIn extreme sports like big wave surfing, the last person standing, not necessarily the best technically, wins due to courage and survival skills. Courage allows individuals to push past limits and take risks, inspiring progression for humanity.

      According to the speaker, true competition and courage go hand in hand in extreme sports like big wave surfing. The speaker believes that the last person standing, who may not even be the best technically, but has the most courage and survival skills, is the winner. Courage is essential as it allows individuals to push past their limits and take risks, even if it means being the only one to do so. The speaker also mentions that environment and a natural thrill-seeking mechanism can inspire individuals to pursue such extreme sports. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that there needs to be a certain group of people who are willing to take risks and go against the odds for the survival and progression of humanity.

    • The power of personal experiences and adversities in fueling ambitionPersonal challenges and adversities during youth can ignite a deep-seated drive and passion for achieving greatness.

      The drive and passion for achieving greatness often stems from personal experiences and adversities, particularly during one's youth. Using the example of dolphin pods, young males, who are the most aggressive and willing to take risks, are typically the ones on the outside protecting the group. Similarly, humans, especially young males, face their own challenges and may use these experiences to fuel their ambitions. For the speaker, this meant a deep-seated love for surfing, a desire to prove people wrong, and navigating racial tensions and family dynamics. These factors combined created a perfect storm that cultivated his relentless and fearless pursuit of excellence. Despite facing adversities such as poverty, the speaker saw these challenges as opportunities to become stronger and more determined. Ultimately, it was the combination of his innate drive and the right environment that led him to his destiny.

    • Growing up in Hawaii shaped the speaker's life deeplyImmersing oneself in local culture can help overcome racial challenges and foster respect for diverse communities.

      Growing up in Hawaii and immersing oneself in the local culture had a profound impact on the speaker's life. This experience helped him cultivate strength and respect for the community, despite facing racial challenges. The speaker learned to earn respect from those around him over time, recognizing that his identity as a white person would always be present but not defining. The most intense part of his experience was navigating the complex racial dynamics within the diverse Hawaiian community. Despite encountering racism from some groups, the speaker gained a deep appreciation for the unique culture he grew up in and the resilience of the Hawaiian people.

    • Experiences and mindset shape performanceOur backgrounds influence us, but focus, clarity, and adaptability to conflicts help us excel in high-pressure situations

      Our experiences and background shape us in profound ways, but it's our mindset and preparation that enable us to perform at our best, especially in high-pressure situations. The speaker shares how his upbringing and personality have made him a "disobedient" and independent thinker, but it's his focus and clarity that allow him to excel in extreme sports and other challenging environments. He emphasizes the importance of dealing with conflicts and keeping a clear mind as essential elements of getting into the "zone," where one can fully concentrate and perform optimally.

    • The value of living in the present moment through surfingSurfing teaches us to transcend time, engage fully, find pride in personal accomplishments, and live authentically.

      Living fully in the present moment, as exemplified by the art of surfing, is a valuable and meditative experience. Surfing, like any skill or passion, allows us to transcend time and fully engage in the experience. For those learning, the feeling of being fully present can be achieved even on small waves. For experienced surfers, this state becomes more unconscious and easier to access. In life, we can find pride in surviving and thriving, as well as in personal accomplishments such as quitting a harmful habit out of self-discipline. The ability to be true to ourselves and live authentically deepens our relationships and allows us to fully engage in life.

    • Getting lost at sea: A terrifying experienceBeing lost at sea for an extended period tests one's limits and requires preparation. The human spirit can endure even the most daunting circumstances.

      Getting lost at sea for an extended period can be a terrifying experience, pushing one's limits both mentally and emotionally. The speaker, who has had numerous extreme encounters, identified this incident as the scariest due to its length and the uncertainty of being rescued. Lost in the foggy waters between Hawaiian islands, the speaker was put out in the middle of the ocean with no clear sight of land or help. The hours spent waiting for rescue tested the speaker's will to survive, and the experience left a lasting impact. Despite the fear and uncertainty, the speaker was eventually rescued by the Coast Guard, who arrived in a helicopter. The speaker's account highlights the importance of preparation and the power of the human spirit to endure even the most daunting circumstances.

    • Profound impact of survival experiencesSurvival experiences, no matter how small, can shape us and bring us closer to our community. Fear of extreme activities remains constant, but sharing experiences with loved ones deepens connections and understanding.

      Survival experiences, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, can have a profound impact on a person's life. The speaker shares an experience of leaving a gallon of gas in his car, which later saved him from danger. This event, along with other experiences, shaped him and brought him closer to his community. The fear of extreme activities, such as surfing, may not decrease with time, but the intensity of the emotion remains constant. The speaker values sharing his experiences, including his passion for surfing, with his family and wants them to understand who he is. Ultimately, these experiences make him who he is and give him a sense of power and connection to nature.

    • The Thrill of Achieving Goals and Surfing Big WavesThe body prepares for the excitement and anticipation of achieving goals and the thrill of surfing big waves, which are essential for our growth and existence.

      The excitement and anticipation before achieving a goal can be both exhilarating and exhausting, but the body has a mechanism to prepare for it. Surfing big waves is an example of this, where the danger and adaption required keep the sport evolving and the surfer content. The focus is now on hydrofoil surfing, which allows for riding big waves in less conditions but adds to the danger. Without waves, there would be no life as they are an essential part of nature and our existence. Individuals also need challenges and obstacles, or "storms," to thrive and grow.

    • Emphasizing the importance of strong relationships and morning routinesStrong relationships built on truth, love, reliability, and honesty enable individuals to pursue their dreams confidently. A successful morning routine with a cold shower, food, and caffeine sets the stage for a productive day.

      Love and genuine relationships are the greatest treasures in life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being truthful, loving, reliable, and expressing opinions honestly in building strong relationships. They believe that having a strong foundation of relationships allows individuals to pursue their dreams with confidence. Additionally, the speaker shares their morning routine as a key to starting their day successfully. This includes taking a cold shower, fueling up with food and caffeine, and having a combination of morning rituals. The cold shower helps them get energized, while the food and caffeine provide the necessary fuel to tackle the day. The speaker's morning routine sets them up to win each day by starting it off on the right foot.

    • Three Essential Truths of Life: Authenticity, Self-Discovery, and LoveEmbrace authenticity, discover oneself, and experience love for a fulfilling life. Connect with the speaker through their businesses, Layered Stand Up and Layered Apparel.

      Authenticity, self-discovery, and love are the three essential truths of life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself as the foundation for genuine relationships. They also advocate for taking risks and living life to the fullest. In the speaker's estimation, love, whether it's for oneself or for others, is a crucial element of a meaningful existence. The speaker is an entrepreneur with various ventures, including a stand-up paddling equipment business and a new apparel line. To learn more about the speaker or connect with them, you can explore their businesses, Layered Stand Up and Layered Apparel.

    • Entrepreneur and Innovator Pushing Boundaries in Fitness and WellnessLaird Hamilton, an entrepreneur and innovator, is deeply involved in projects focusing on fitness and wellness, including roller fitness devices, golf boards, superfoods, and a documentary about hydrofoil surfing.

      Laird Hamilton is a multifaceted entrepreneur and innovator, constantly pushing boundaries in various industries. He is deeply involved in projects that focus on fitness and wellness, such as roller fitness devices, golf boards, and superfoods. These ventures cater to diverse needs, from surfing and skiing to agility and balance, and even golf. Hamilton's authentic approach to business stems from his personal experiences and genuine passion for these products. Additionally, he is working on a documentary about hydrofoil surfing and continues to evolve in his pursuits. Overall, Laird Hamilton's diverse projects reflect his commitment to improving people's lives and experiences in various ways.

    • Embrace compassion, humility, and courage for greatnessGreatness is achievable by embodying compassion, humility, and courage, connecting with others, staying grounded, and facing challenges with bravery.

      Laird's consistency, truth, and courage in serving others have been acknowledged, and these qualities are essential components of greatness. Compassion allows us to connect with others and understand their experiences, humility keeps us grounded and open to learning, and courage enables us to face challenges and make a positive impact on the world. By embodying these traits, we can strive for greatness in our own lives. LewisHouse.com slash 212 is a valuable resource for those seeking to optimize their body, mind, and lifestyle, and Laird's wisdom is a reminder that greatness is within reach for anyone who is willing to put in the effort and embrace compassion, humility, and courage.

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    Successful culture and competitive advantage are achieved by having the right people on the bus, developing that A- Team to trust and value superior processes and systems, and providing strong leadership at the top. How are you doing?

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    Lara Stein about building movements with positive impact and scaling education

    Lara Stein about building movements with positive impact and scaling education

    In this episode of The 2pt5 innovator podcast my guest is Lara Stein. We are talking about building movements and communities, scaling education, inspiration and positive impact, shared values and passions, global and local, about being driven by larger causes, global events and climate change.


    Check out The 2pt5 website for all the links, videos and a transcript mentioned in the episode - https://the2pt5.net/larastein/


    Innovators from around the globe share the highs and lows of an innovator's life, their motivation and creative passions as well as their favorite methods, tools, conferences and ideas.

    The 2pt5 - https://the2pt5.net - conversations connecting innovators podcast is hosted in Baden-Württemberg in the Southwest of Germany by Innovation Coach Klaus Reichert - https://www.klausreichert.de

    Exploring the Edge of your Comfort Zone

    Exploring the Edge of your Comfort Zone

    Jose & Crystal here and we are back with Episode 202 of the Undeniable Level Up Podcast.  In our last episode we discussed the sacrifices that are required to achieve success.  If you missed it, please go and listen to it now by clicking on the "last episode" hyperlink.  We heard a moving story from Steve Harvey about how he sacrificed for his chance at comedy stardom after his first open mic on stage and the truth is, most of us haven't really considered the sacrifices that are required to make our dreams a reality.  So I definitely encourage you to check out that podcast.  


    Today we are exploring the edge of your comfort zone!  For some of you, you have gotten so comfortable that you've resorted to NEVER getting out of that comfort zone.  But that's where life begins!!!  At the edge.  Right where fear turns your stomach and anxiety pulls you back from the edge, this is where the magic happens.

    Roy Bennet wrote in 'The Light in the Heart', "It's only after you've stepped out of your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform".  


    Q: Do you agree or disagree with Bennet?


    It is extremely easy to get stuck in your comfort zone.  Some even refer to it as being "stuck in a rut".  If you've experienced this before, you know exactly what this feels like.  Your day is the same old routine, day in, day out.  Nothing changes.  You wake up, get the kids ready for school, you go to work, you come home and make dinner.  Spend a few minutes helping the kids with homework, a little Netflix and then its off to bed and the routine repeats the next day.  And then the next and then the next.  At some point you wonder how 10 - 15 years have just passed without any excitement, no growth and a deep dark depressing boredom that you wear along with your now permanent frown.  


    But this doesn't have to be your reality, right?  The very first step to change is realizing that you need to make a change.  So how do you know if you are stuck in your comfort zone and need to begin exploring the edge a little more.


    Casey Imafidon, from Lifehack, provides us with 8 signs that indicate it's time for you to take leap out of your comfort zone.  If any of these signs resonate in your heart, then it's time to begin to expand your comfort zone and go from being alive to actually living:


    The first indicator that you are stuck in your comfort zone is that you are unhappy.  Many times it's difficult to identify what exactly is making you unhappy. 


    Q: Have you ever found yourself feeling deeply unhappy and feeling like you are stuck in rut?  How did you handle it?  What things did you do to implement changes?


    The next indicator is a profound feeling of self doubt.  You either don't think you can accomplish much, you feel like you peaked in life or have an overwhelming sense of feeling incapable of more than you are currently doing.  That could be working a dead end job and not feeling like you are worth of a promotion, or maybe you are trying to get in shape, but feel like you're too old to really make the transformation you want.


    Q: Have you ever found yourself second guessing your ability to achieve a goal or an objective?


    The next indicator is that you are living a stagnant life.  Meaning there is no movement in your life.  Everyday seems still and eventless.  You might be accomplishing mundane tasks that do not add value or excitement to your life.


    Q: Have you ever found yourself in a stagnate state?  What put you there?  How did you get out?


    The next indicator is that you can't recall the last time you did or tried something new.  Your day to day has become so mundane that your zest for learning and growth has all but vanished.


    Q: When was the last time you tried something new?  How have you enjoyed it?  What challenges did you face?


    The next indicator is that you have nothing to talk about.  When you are around others, you are the least exciting person in the room.  You are amazed by the lives and stories of others and can't imagine doing half of the things that the people around you are doing.


    Q:  Have you ever been the least exciting person in a room?


    The next indicator is that you constantly say "NO' to anything you've never done before.  Rather than try something new, you prefer to stay in that flaccid state of inactivity and non-action.


    Q: When was the last time you said NO to trying something new?  Why?  Do you regret it?  Would you do it now?


    The next indicator is that you procrastinate on taking action.  You want to learn how to dance Salsa, and you will as soon as you lose 30 pounds.  Or you always wanted to learn how to ride horses, and you plan to, as soon as the kids are grown up and move out of the house.  


    Q:  What types of things have you wanted to accomplish but continue to procrastinate on?  How will you change your behavior?  


    Finally, you often use the words "IF' and "WHEN" to excuse your current state of comfort.  Negative words like "CANT" and "WONT" are common in your vocabulary.  "I WON'T jump out of plane because I am afraid of heights", or "I'm NOT going diving because I CAN'T swim well".


    Q: What type of negative self talk do you use or have you used in the past?  How have you changed the narrative of your self talk?  How has that reflected in your choices?


    So what do you do if you find yourself stuck in that comfort zone?  Well, there are several different things that you can do to get yourself unstuck.  And we are going to give you 12 different things you can do to turbo boost yourself out of that nasty yucky comfort zone.


    The first one can be challenging.  But it involves understanding how you body handles and responds to fear.  I've found myself in some very scary situations and so I know exactly how my body responds to fear and I also know how to control my reactions to fear.  Understanding how you manage and deal with fear allows you to control the stress that you'll encounter as you begin leaving your comfort zone.


    Q: How do you respond to fear?  Have you always responded this way.


    Second is self affirmations.  And if you haven't listened to the Undeniable Level Up podcast, Season 1, Bonus Episode 3, "I am a Champion" The Power of Positive Affirmations" then please go listen it to it now.  This is a great way to help you edge out of your comfort zone.


    The third, is change your internal dialogue and control your narrative.  You can tell yourself, this is too hard to endure, or you can say, "I've got this, I've been through tougher situations".  Controlling your narrative will allow you to put thing...

    Stand Up for What - The Backbone Edition

    Stand Up for What - The Backbone Edition

    The eternal flame of the internal battle between speaking up and just remaining quiet. This time around, you and I will be diving into the world of having a backbone. Also, I'll be touching on personal experiences and growth opportunities I've personally faced that has helped me work on this ever important skill. Enough reading, press play!