
    Podcast Summary

    • Distinguishing between real and manufactured fearsBe cautious of apocalyptic scenarios exploited for financial or moral gain. Approach topics with a critical and informed perspective.

      While there are legitimate concerns about the future of civilization, it's important to distinguish between real and manufactured fears. Some individuals and organizations exploit apocalyptic scenarios for financial and moral gain. For instance, the climate change movement has gained significant traction due to both financial incentives and the opportunity to present themselves as saviors of humanity. However, it's crucial to remember that young activists, like Greta Thunberg, may not fully understand the complexities of the issues they're advocating for. Ultimately, it's essential to approach such topics with a critical and informed perspective.

    • Media exploitation of young activistsBe cautious of simplistic narratives and media spectacles surrounding young activists and complex issues like climate change, and strive for nuanced understanding and open-mindedness.

      The attention given to young activists like Greta Thunberg, while not dismissing their intelligence or passion, can sometimes be a result of exploitation by the media and political world. This relationship can create a public spectacle that may not accurately represent the complexities of the issues at hand. Additionally, the rigidity of certain narratives in science, such as climate change, can lead to the dismissal of alternative perspectives, even if they are supported by scientific evidence. It's important to consider the motivations behind the spread of information and the potential consequences of holding certain beliefs. The science of climate change is complex and requires a nuanced understanding of various factors, and it's crucial to avoid attaching ideologies to scientific facts.

    • Censorship in climate change debateCensorship harms climate change discourse by stifling important discussions, promoting fear, and silencing dissenting voices. Encourage open, respectful dialogue based on facts instead.

      Censorship in the name of climate change awareness can do more harm than good by stifling important discussions and promoting a culture of fear and silencing dissenting voices. This can lead to the spread of misinformation and distortion of facts. The climate change debate should be based on evidence and facts, not on fear-mongering or labeling those with opposing views as "deniers" or "racists." It's important to encourage open and respectful dialogue, rather than censorship, to address the complex issue of climate change effectively. Additionally, it's crucial to be aware of the manipulation of data and historical ignorance in the climate change discourse and to encourage critical thinking and fact-checking. The same applies to other controversial topics, such as gender experiments on children, where the truth should not be sacrificed for ideological points.

    • Ideological beliefs and harm to childrenThe pursuit of certain ideologies can result in manipulation and harm to children, including controversial practices like administering drugs and surgeries based on perceived gender identity, normalizing unnatural requests, and questioning the ethics of breastfeeding by men.

      The pursuit of certain ideological beliefs can lead to the manipulation and harm of children. The discussion highlights the controversial practices of administering drugs and performing surgeries on children based on their perceived gender identity. This is described as an ideological crusade that justifies the existence of adults who identify as transgender by involving children. The speaker expresses concern over the normalization of such practices and the potential long-term consequences for these children. Another point raised is the absurdity of some requests, such as a man wanting both a penis and a vagina, and the ethical dilemmas that come with them. The conversation also touches on the issue of breastfeeding by men, which is questioned due to its unnatural nature and potential sexual connotations. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of critically examining ideologies and their potential impact on vulnerable populations, especially children.

    • Navigating complexities of gender identity and expressionOngoing dialogue and understanding is crucial as we navigate societal debates around normalizing behaviors that challenge traditional gender roles and identities, considering potential risks, individual freedom, and societal validation.

      The normalization of behaviors that challenge traditional gender roles and identities, such as men breastfeeding their children or individuals identifying as transgender using women's spaces, can lead to complex societal debates. While some argue for individual freedom and acceptance, others express concerns for potential risks and the blurring of boundaries. The discussion also touched upon the potential impact of societal validation on individuals with mental health issues or criminal backgrounds, raising questions about the importance of individual scrutiny and the potential consequences of unquestioning acceptance. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the need for ongoing dialogue and understanding as we navigate the complexities of gender identity and expression in today's society.

    • Transgender rights vs women's freedomsTransgender rights should not infringe upon women's freedoms, privacy, and opportunities in sports and facilities. Misogynistic actions in these spaces can undermine women's achievements and violate their personal boundaries.

      The push for transgender rights in women's spaces can lead to the infringement of women's freedoms and privacy. Instances such as men flashing women in changing rooms, dominating women's sports, and using women's facilities are examples of this issue. These actions can be considered a double whammy of misogyny, as they undermine women's opportunities to excel in sports and violate their personal boundaries. The situation becomes even more concerning when progressives and leftists, who typically advocate for women's rights, support these actions. The blurring of gender lines can result in significant consequences, including the erasure of women's achievements and experiences. It is essential to recognize and address these concerns to ensure fairness and respect for all individuals.

    • Transgender athletes and women's sports: Complex questions of fairness and societal normsThe debate over transgender athletes competing in women's sports raises complex questions about fairness, societal norms, and biological reality. Some argue for separate divisions, while others emphasize inclusivity. A nuanced and thoughtful approach is needed to balance the needs and rights of all individuals.

      The issue of transgender athletes competing in women's sports raises complex questions about fairness, reality, and societal norms. Riley Gaines, a swimmer who came close to competing against a transgender athlete, highlights the potential for unfairness and the societal acceptance of such situations. The NCAA's handling of the issue and the unwillingness to acknowledge biological reality is criticized, with some suggesting the creation of a separate division for trans athletes. However, this raises questions about the limits of inclusivity and the potential for exclusion. The conversation around this issue is complex and evolving, with varying perspectives and emotions involved. Ultimately, it requires a nuanced and thoughtful approach that balances the needs and rights of all individuals.

    • Manipulation of Truth in SocietyIdeology distorts truth, as seen in the manipulation of a news story about an 80-year-old man and the Orwellian manipulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing the importance of factual understanding

      We're witnessing a significant distortion of truth and reality in today's society, with ideology taking precedence over facts. This was exemplified in a news story about an 80-year-old man who was reported as a woman after beheading a woman. The truth was manipulated to align with the current ideological climate, reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984. This trend was also evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, where people's trust in institutions was manipulated, and dissenting opinions were met with hostility. It's crucial to be aware of this Orwellian manipulation of truth and reality and to strive for a more balanced and factual understanding of the world.

    • Maintaining freedom of speech during crisesSuppressing debate during crises can lead to extreme measures and decimation of civil liberties. Allow for open debate and trust individuals to make informed decisions.

      During times of crisis or external challenges, it's essential to uphold freedom of speech and the right to dissent rather than restricting these rights. The examples given were the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate change debate. In both cases, those pushing for strict adherence to their views couldn't answer fundamental questions and were intolerant of opposing views. The consequences of suppressing debate were seen in the extreme lockdown measures during the pandemic, which led to a decimation of civil liberties. Similarly, the net zero hysteria and the insistence on using only electric cars, without considering the consequences of these actions, are also examples of this intolerance. The Twitter files revealed that even experts were silenced for dissenting views during the pandemic. It's crucial to allow for open debate and trust people to make their own decisions to make the right choices for society.

    • Cultural Amnesia and the Forgotten Restrictions of the COVID-19 LockdownsDespite the widespread acceptance of restrictive measures during the COVID-19 lockdowns, it's crucial to remember and reflect on the implications of these actions for our individual freedoms and societal norms.

      The COVID-19 pandemic led to a widespread cultural amnesia regarding the restrictions and control imposed during the lockdowns. People seem to have forgotten the details of the restrictive measures, such as yellow-taped park benches and drone surveillance, and even feel a sense of shame or horror at how quickly societies became dictatorial. The ease with which these measures were accepted, even by public intellectuals, raises questions about how and why this happened, especially in countries like the United Kingdom, known for their commitment to freedom and individual rights. The reluctance to confront this reckoning may be due to the discomfort of acknowledging the loss of personal freedoms, but it's a conversation worth having to understand the circumstances that allowed such a shift. The ongoing situation in Brazil serves as a reminder of the importance of examining these events and their implications.

    • Government pressure on Twitter to suspend political opponents' accounts raises concerns about freedom of speechGovernment intervention in people's right to express dissenting views through social media is a threat to freedom of speech, essential for preventing irrationalism and hysteria, and allowing for dissenting voices to challenge harmful ideologies and policies.

      The ongoing situation in Brazil, where the government is attempting to pressure Twitter into suspending the accounts of political opponents, highlights the crisis of freedom of speech in our times. This issue is not being widely reported in mainstream media, but it's significant as it raises concerns about government intervention in people's right to express dissenting views. The role of social media in this context is crucial, as governments have increasingly outsourced censorship to private companies, leading to state censorship with the complicity of these tech giants. Freedom of speech is essential in guarding against irrationalism and hysteria, allowing for dissenting voices to challenge potentially harmful ideologies and policies. The suppression of these voices has been a common trend in various societies over the past decade, contributing to the success of various manias and crises. Ultimately, unleashing free speech and allowing people to express their dissenting views is essential in addressing these issues and preventing them from escalating further. Every freedom we enjoy is the gift of heretics, those who dared to challenge the status quo and speak out against societal norms.

    • The role of dissent in shaping societyDissent plays a crucial role in shaping society by enabling individuals to express unpopular ideas and paving the way for greater freedoms. Freedom of speech is a fundamental human right that allows us to be autonomous individuals and make informed decisions.

      The freedom to express dissenting ideas, even if they were considered heretical or illegal at the time, has played a crucial role in shaping our modern society and upholding our right to access information and make our own decisions. Figures like William Tyndale, who risked his life to translate the Bible into English during the Protestant Reformation, are examples of individuals whose actions paved the way for greater freedoms. Freedom of speech is not just a means to settle disputes peacefully, but it's the fundamental human right that enables us to be autonomous individuals and exercise our moral muscles. Censorship, on the other hand, can be detrimental as it not only restricts individuals from expressing their views but also deprives the public of the opportunity to engage with diverse ideas and make informed decisions.

    • Social media poses risks, particularly for young people due to cultural trendsRecognize social media's risks, limit use, and foster a culture of resilience and self-reliance

      While social media provides unprecedented access to information and communication, it also poses significant risks, particularly for young people. The problem isn't the technology itself, but how it interacts with pre-existing cultural trends towards hyper-fragility, self-obsession, and narcissism. Social media platforms like TikTok can exacerbate these issues by allowing users to engage with potentially harmful content all day long. Narcissism, which is often associated with self-love, is actually rooted in self-doubt. The culture of narcissism encourages the expectation that the world should always reflect our image back to us, making it difficult to accept that the world is a tough place where we need to prove ourselves. It's important for individuals and societies to be aware of these risks and take steps to mitigate them, such as limiting social media use and fostering a culture that values resilience and self-reliance.

    • The danger of self-diagnosis driven by narcissism and hyperfragilitySelf-diagnosis can distract resources and attention from those who genuinely need help, stigmatize and pathologize real mental health issues, and blur the lines between genuine medical conditions and attention-seeking behavior.

      The culture of narcissism and hyperfragility can lead to destructive self-obsession, with individuals falsely diagnosing themselves with mental health conditions or gender identities as a way to explain their struggles and seek attention. This not only distracts resources and attention from those who genuinely need help, but also stigmatizes and pathologizes real mental health issues. It's important to be mindful of the potential for self-diagnosis to be driven by a desire for validation and attention, rather than a genuine need for medical intervention. Additionally, the use of language and the push for certain political agendas can blur the lines between what is and isn't a genuine medical condition, leading to confusion and potential harm.

    • Discussion on gender identity and censorshipCensorship through cancel culture silences individuals, stifles open dialogue, and limits individual freedoms.

      There's a concerning trend of enforcing certain ideologies and identities, leading to censorship and social pressure. This discussion highlighted the issue of gender identity and the potential for coercion into transitioning, drawing parallels to countries like Iran. The speaker emphasized the consequences of expressing dissenting opinions, such as losing one's job or being expelled from society. This culture of censorship, known as cancel culture, is a form of heresy hunting that silences individuals and sends a chilling effect to the rest of society. The fear of backlash keeps people from speaking out, creating a climate of conformity and intolerance for diverse viewpoints. It's essential to acknowledge and challenge this culture to ensure open dialogue and respect for individual freedoms.

    • Growing intolerance towards free speech and the silencing of dissenting voicesThe fear of being labeled as transphobic, Islamophobic, or holding outdated beliefs is leading to a dangerous environment where people are silenced and even crushed for expressing normal, legitimate views. Encouraging free speech and resisting the pressure to conform to politically correct narratives is the solution.

      There is a growing culture of moral cowardice and intolerance towards free speech, particularly when it comes to controversial topics like gender identity and political correctness. JK Rowling, a renowned author, has faced backlash and even death threats for expressing her beliefs, which are seen as out of step with current societal norms. These beliefs include acknowledging biological sex differences and questioning certain ideologies. The media and political establishment's unwillingness to defend her is a reflection of the fear of being labeled as transphobic or Islamophobic, among other things. This creates a dangerous environment where people are silenced and even crushed for expressing normal, legitimate views. The use of language to demonize and label people as beyond the pale is a tool used to silence dissenting voices and stifle open debate. The ultimate consequence of this trend could be the rise of AI as a form of authoritarian overseer, as people become too consumed by ideology and tribal conflict to govern themselves. The solution, therefore, lies in encouraging free speech and resisting the pressure to conform to politically correct narratives.

    • Working-class people feel marginalized and unheardDespite the flaws of unconventional leaders, working-class people see them as a means to assert their voice and claim their place in public life, pushing back against the established order and refusing to accept the status quo.

      The political climate, particularly in the US and UK, has led many working-class people to feel marginalized and unheard by the established elite. This frustration has resulted in the election of unconventional leaders like Donald Trump and the push for Brexit. The elite's contempt for working-class people is evident in their derogatory labels, such as "deplorables," "semi-fascist," and "gammon." Working-class people have been left with few political mechanisms to express their grievances, as trade unions have weakened and the left has become an instrument of the bourgeoisie. Despite the flaws of these unconventional leaders, the working class sees them as a means to assert their voice and claim their place in public life. The important thing is that people are pushing back against the established order and refusing to accept the status quo. This historical pattern of conflict and resistance is a reminder that societies have never been completely at peace, and the access to social media has only amplified the ability to voice dissent.

    • A time of division and confusion amplified by social mediaDespite the challenges of a divisive society and the role of social media in fueling culture wars, there is reason for optimism as ordinary people push back against irrational views and seek to restore reason and fairness in politics.

      We are living in a time of great division and confusion, much like during the Vietnam War era. However, what sets this period apart is the role of social media, which amplifies conflicts and fuels culture wars between various identities. Meanwhile, ordinary people are growing increasingly concerned about the irrationality and dangerous views of the establishment on various issues, from borders and national security to biology and climate change. This has led to a populist movement seeking to restore reason and fairness in politics. The international conflict adds to the complexity of the situation, with the educated elites showing questionable moral compass during moments of clash between civilization and barbarism. Despite the challenges, there is also reason for optimism as ordinary people push back against these issues.

    • The serious phenomenon of wokeness and its impact on the Israel-Gaza conflictWokeness has warped perspectives, leading to Israel being falsely accused of atrocities during the Israel-Gaza conflict, despite defending against Hamas's genocidal intentions.

      The current state of wokeness, which is often perceived as a frivolous or ridiculous ideology, is actually a serious phenomenon that has warped people's perspectives and created a situation where they may take the side of forces of evil over civilization. This was evident during the Israel-Gaza conflict, where Israel, which was defending itself against Hamas, was branded as the oppressor and accused of various atrocities, despite Hamas's genocidal intentions towards Jews. The situation is particularly concerning because it involves an inversion of truth and morality, with Israel being accused of the very things it is trying to prevent. The conflict is also one of the most scrutinized wars in history, yet civilian casualties, which are unfortunately a part of war, are being exaggerated and used as proof of Israel's evil intentions. It's important to remember that the coverage and commentary of the conflict should be based on the truth of the matter.

    • Singling out Israel for extreme criticism without acknowledging similar actions by other statesThe disproportionate focus on Israel's actions in the context of the conflict in Gaza, without acknowledging similar practices in other recent wars, raises concerns of historical antisemitic rhetoric.

      While the intense scrutiny on Israel's actions towards Palestinians in the context of the conflict in Gaza is understandable due to the widespread coverage and technology available today, it's important to remember that similar practices have occurred in other recent wars with less coverage. However, the cultural interpretation and obsession with Israel's actions, which some argue is disproportionate and myopic, bears striking similarities to historical antisemitic rhetoric. Criticisms of Israel should not be equated with antisemitism, but the singling out of Israel for the most extreme form of moral opprobrium without acknowledging the actions of other states is a cause for concern. The conflict itself, with its devastating consequences for civilians, is a troubling situation that requires a nuanced understanding and dialogue.

    • Conflict between Hamas and Israel: Innocent Civilians SufferBoth Hamas and Israel bear moral responsibility for civilian casualties; Hamas initiated the conflict and Israel's tactics result in disproportionate civilian deaths, creating more martyrs. Innocent civilians deserve compassion and priority in finding a resolution.

      The conflict between Hamas and Israel is complex and has resulted in a significant number of civilian casualties. While Hamas is responsible for initiating the war and refusing to end it, Israel's military tactics have resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Reasonable objections to Israel's actions include concerns about the disproportionate number of civilian deaths and the creation of more martyrs. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Palestinians are trapped under Hamas' rule and have little control over its actions. Ultimately, the moral responsibility for the crisis lies with both Hamas and Israel, and compassion for innocent civilians should be a priority in finding a resolution.

    • The Reality of Wars: Complex and Morally ChallengingWars involve difficult decisions, civilian casualties are tragic but inevitable, and it's important to consider historical context before condemning them.

      Wars are complex and morally challenging situations that require difficult decisions. The use of military force against civilians is a horrific reality, but sometimes it's necessary to protect a society from existential threats. The moral judgment to go to war or not should be carefully considered, and the consequences will always be terrible. It's essential to understand that those condemning wars often come from a place of privilege and lack of personal experience with real threats to their existence. The historical context of wars, such as the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and even the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, shows that civilian casualties are a tragic but inevitable part of warfare. It's crucial to remember that war is an ugly but sometimes necessary response to threats that cannot be peacefully resolved.

    • Moral questions beyond numerical equationsThe intentional targeting of civilians by Hamas is morally indefensible, while Israel's pursuit of Hamas results in collateral damage. Education and social media shape perspectives on this issue, and it's crucial to examine why some support Hamas despite its barbaric actions. Israel's right to exist and defend itself is the ultimate moral question.

      The Israel-Hamas War raises complex moral questions that go beyond numerical equations and require deeper reflection. The intentional targeting of civilians based on their race by Hamas is morally indefensible and cannot be compared to the collateral damage resulting from Israel's pursuit of Hamas. The education system and social media play a significant role in shaping people's perspectives on this issue, and it's essential to examine why some educated individuals and young people are supporting Hamas despite its barbaric actions. Ultimately, the moral question at stake is whether Israel has the right to exist and defend itself against an anti-Semitic army that seeks its destruction.

    • Is the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas just?The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas raises moral dilemmas, and it's essential to question the reasons behind the war to determine if it's just and worth the civilian casualties.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas results in significant civilian casualties and raises moral dilemmas. While it's important to acknowledge the horrors of war and the fact that civilian casualties are an unfortunate reality in every conflict, it's equally crucial to question the reasons behind the war. Some wars are fought for unjust causes, leading to unnecessary suffering and loss of life. On the other hand, some wars are necessary and just, such as the fight against Nazism. The current situation between Israel and Hamas requires a moral call, and we must consider whether we want Israel to continue existing as a safe homeland for Jews. The complexities of the situation demand that we look beyond the numbers and focus on the broader picture. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that every war comes with horrors, but the question is whether the war itself is just and worth fighting.

    • Israel-Hamas Conflict: Complex and NuancedBoth Israel and Hamas bear responsibility for violence and civilian casualties, with Hamas initiating conflict and Israel using superior military power.

      The conflict between Israel and Hamas is complex and morally nuanced, with both parties bearing responsibility for the violence and civilian casualties. Hamas is responsible for initiating the conflict and placing civilians in harm's way, while Israel has the superior military power and must exercise caution to minimize civilian casualties. The focus on the Israel-Hamas conflict as uniquely destructive or wicked may be due to political biases and a lack of awareness of other destructive conflicts. Ultimately, it is important to recognize the complexity of the situation and the need for a balanced perspective.

    • Understanding the complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflictIsrael's need to defend itself against Hamas's threat to civilization requires nuanced understanding and appreciation.

      The conflict between Israel and Palestine is complex and deeply rooted in historical, religious, and geopolitical factors. Israel is seen as a symbol of modernity and the West, but also as an oppressor controlling a people who are not of them. Critics condemn Israel's actions, but it feels the need to defend itself against a militant group like Hamas, which has demonstrated its willingness and capacity to murder Jewish people and threaten Israel's existence. Hamas is a radical, anti-Semitic organization that deserves to be destroyed, but the circumstances of the conflict make it difficult for Israel to do so without causing collateral damage. Rather than rushing to moral condemnation, it's important to understand Israel's perspective and appreciate the importance of destroying Hamas as a threat to civilization.

    • Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Complex moral issue with intense debate and emotionThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex issue with strong opinions, acknowledging the suffering of innocent people, but debating the morality of Israel's actions and the role of superpowers.

      The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex moral issue that has been the subject of intense debate and emotion. While acknowledging the horrors of war and the suffering of innocent people, some argue that Israel's actions are not uniquely wicked and that the conflict has been singled out for unjust criticism. Others believe that Israel's actions, particularly towards Palestinian civilians, are unacceptable and warrant strong condemnation. The discussion also touched upon the historical context of wars and the role of superpowers in shaping global morality. Ultimately, it's clear that the conflict is deeply emotional and polarizing, with strong opinions on both sides.

    • Universities' insulation and ideological rigidityUniversities suppress free thought and speech, create a cult-like environment, and hinder exposure to diverse perspectives, wasting resources and risking extreme actions

      Universities have become deeply insulated and ideologically rigid institutions where free thought and speech are often suppressed, creating a cult-like environment. This double standard is evident in the reluctance to allow academic analysis on certain topics, while allowing calls for genocide or offensive behavior towards marginalized groups. The problem is further compounded by the imbalance between conservative and liberal universities, making it difficult for students to be exposed to diverse perspectives. The situation is concerning as it wastes valuable time and resources on trivial matters and risks justifying extreme actions. It's crucial for individuals within these institutions to recognize and challenge this trend before it leads to more damaging consequences.

    • Prejudice against mobs and hysteria from the upper echelonsHistorically, elites have prejudiced against mobs and hysteria, but irrational thinking harms individuals and communities, and it's crucial to push back against it in education, corporations, and politics.

      The prejudice against mobs and hysteria coming from the upper echelons of society, including supposed experts, is a historical pattern. The destructive impact of irrational thinking, often seen in education, corporations, and politics, can have detrimental effects on individuals and communities. It's essential to recognize and push back against this irrational cult, which has infiltrated various sectors of society, including academia and corporations. The pushback against this irrationality is happening, with people refusing to buy into it and expressing their angst through various means. This pushback is a reason to be hopeful and a reminder that truth and reason should not be abandoned. You can find more of this perspective from Brendan O'Neill, the chief political writer for Spiked online magazine, on his podcast, The Brendan O'Neill Show, and on Instagram under the handle burnt oak boy.

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    Del Matthew Bigtree is an American television and film producer, and CEO of the anti-vaccination group Informed Consent Action Network, who produced the film Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe based on the views of Andrew Wakefield on an alleged connection between vaccines and autism. His appeal as a public speaker makes him one of the most prominent voices in the anti-vaccination movement.

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    Bigtree is the public face and chief executive of the anti-vaccination group Informed Consent Action Network, with Lisa Selz as its president. Under his leadership, ICAN promotes the theory that government officials have colluded with the pharmaceutical industry to cover up grievous harms from vaccines. Bigtree hosts a regular stream webcast, in which he frequently repeats anti-vaccination conspiracy theories, such as that the virus responsible for the 2019–20 coronavirus outbreak was made in a laboratory. The webcast is promoted by ICAN and often features Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    MATT325 - Herod Is a Champion of Censorship and an Abuser of Power, But John Speaks Truth to Him Anyway

    MATT325 - Herod Is a Champion of Censorship and an Abuser of Power, But John Speaks Truth to Him Anyway

    MATTHEW 14:1-12

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

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    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.



    On today's podcast, Tara and Stephanie start off talking about the latest shitshow taking place in New York with Governor Hochul spending $75 million on social media surveillance under the guise of countering negativity. Your hosts then discuss what's happening with the Government Surveillance Reform Act and the DAS program, as well as the UNESCO plan for creating a global "Internet of Trust." If that's not disturbing enough, the conversation turns to the how the appeals court in NY has ruled in favor of Governor Hochul moving forward with quarantine camps. 

    Read the biog and connect with Stephanie and Tara on TikTok, IG, YouTube, and Facebook.


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