
    #2178 - Sam Morril

    enJuly 19, 2024
    What role did the venue play in the speakers' careers?
    How has the Joe Rogan Experience influenced comedians?
    What are the challenges of running a comedy club?
    Why is free speech considered essential by the speaker?
    How can comedians and club owners share ownership effectively?

    Podcast Summary

    • Historic Venue's EnergyA historic venue with a unique energy can play a significant role in personal and professional growth, inspiring perseverance through challenges and providing a sense of freedom

      The Joe Rogan Experience is more than just a comedy club; it's a historic venue with an energy all its own. The building, which has been around since 1927 and has hosted notable acts like Willie Nelson and Stevie Ray Vaughan, seems to have a life of its own. The speakers also shared personal stories about the challenges they faced in their careers and how the club played a role in their journeys. Despite the hardships, they all agreed that the energy of the place kept them coming back. Building a successful venture, they emphasized, requires a unique approach and a bit of fate or luck. The speakers also touched on their experiences with driving, expressing gratitude for the freedom it provides and the potential trouble they would be in if they couldn't drive in a post-apocalyptic world. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of perseverance, the power of a historic venue, and the joy of being able to drive.

    • Former President's shooting incidentSuspicious circumstances surround a shooting incident involving a former president, with witnesses reporting poor security measures and speculation of intelligence agency involvement. Concerns exist regarding the reliability of official narratives and the mysterious deaths of witnesses.

      The discussion revolves around the suspicious circumstances surrounding a shooting incident involving a former president. Witnesses claimed poor security measures were in place, and the shooter managed to get close enough to take shots, missing the president each time. The conversation also touched upon historical assassinations and theories suggesting involvement of intelligence agencies. The speakers expressed skepticism towards the official narratives and believed that there might be more to the story than what is publicly known. They also mentioned the pattern of witnesses in such cases dying in mysterious manners. However, it's important to note that the conversation contains speculative and unverified information.

    • Healthy lifestyleLeading a healthy lifestyle, physically and mentally, is crucial for overall well-being. Prioritize injury prevention, use muscles to maintain them, and recognize the connection between physical and mental health for compounded benefits.

      Leading a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally, is crucial for overall well-being. The speaker shares his experiences with injury prevention and the importance of using muscles to maintain them. He also emphasizes the connection between physical health and mental health, and the compounded benefits of prioritizing both. The speaker also touches upon the societal tendency to separate physical and intellectual pursuits, but encourages a balanced approach to both. The conversation also touches upon the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as one ages and the importance of making it a priority despite the obstacles.

    • Bar scene health risksExcessive drinking in the bar scene can lead to health issues like ulcers, and stress and antibiotics can contribute to their development. Adhering to a restrictive diet due to health conditions can be challenging.

      The bar scene, filled with comedy sellers, friends, and good times, can lead to excessive drinking and potential health issues, such as ulcers. The speaker shares his personal experience of dealing with ulcers and the challenges of adhering to a restrictive diet. He also mentions how stress and antibiotics can contribute to the development of ulcers. The speaker expresses frustration towards the limitations imposed on him due to his health condition and the difficulty of finding enjoyable food options while on the road. Ultimately, the experience serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of overindulgence and the importance of taking care of one's health.

    • Wealth distributionDespite a global income of $34,000 placing an individual in the top 1%, wealth distribution is more equalized than perceived due to regional cost of living differences. The internet age facilitates cultural exploration and appreciation.

      The world's wealth distribution is more equalized than one might think. With a global income of $34,000 placing an individual in the top 1%, it becomes clear that many of us belong to this elite group. However, this perspective shifts when considering the cost of living in various regions. Regardless, the internet age has made it easier for people to connect and engage with diverse cultures, leading to a greater awareness and appreciation for different places and experiences. The speaker expresses his admiration for various cities and events, such as the Kentucky Derby, and encourages exploration and openness to new experiences. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges the physical demands and mental focus required in various sports, such as Formula 1 racing and tennis, and expresses respect for the athletes' dedication and skill.

    • Childhood Trauma and Destructive BehaviorsExtreme childhood trauma and pressure can lead to destructive behaviors or outcomes, as seen in cases of forced gambling and the Unabomber, and raises ethical concerns regarding harmful experiments like LSD studies at Harvard

      Extreme pressure and trauma during childhood can significantly impact an individual's development and potentially lead to destructive behaviors or outcomes. The discussion touched upon various examples, including the father forcing his son to gamble against a Hall of Fame athlete and the infamous case of Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber. Both instances highlight how the absence of love, comfort, and normal childhood experiences can result in individuals becoming disconnected and even dangerous. Additionally, the mention of the LSD studies at Harvard raises ethical concerns regarding the potential harm caused by such experiments on unsuspecting subjects.

    • Empathy and communicationLack of empathy and ability to engage in genuine conversation can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection, while exploiting vulnerable individuals raises ethical concerns.

      Some people, like the friend's mom in the discussion, may not be equipped to have meaningful conversations or provide comfort during emotional situations. They may focus on themselves and their own experiences, making it difficult for others to connect. This lack of empathy and ability to engage in genuine conversation can lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the idea of finding individuals who are struggling in life and potentially manipulating them for nefarious purposes. This raises ethical concerns and highlights the importance of empathy, understanding, and respect for all individuals. The chaotic political climate and constant stream of information can make it challenging to discern fact from fiction and navigate complex issues. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of compassionate communication and the potential consequences of exploiting vulnerable individuals.

    • DNA data privacyThe sale of DNA data raises concerns about privacy and potential misuse, including creating bioweapons, and lack of legal protection makes it a significant issue.

      The sale of DNA data to companies like 23andMe and Ancestry.com raises serious concerns about privacy and potential misuse of the information. This data can reveal sensitive medical and genetic information, which could theoretically be used to create bioweapons specifically targeting individuals based on their unique DNA. The lack of legal and regulatory regimes to protect this data and the ease with which it can be sold and procured by adversaries make this a significant issue. It's important for individuals to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect their privacy and genetic information.

    • Rodney Dangerfield's generosityRodney Dangerfield's generosity towards fellow comedians, as shown through his wife's notes and a personal encounter, highlighted his passion for comedy and commitment to helping new talent succeed.

      Rodney Dangerfield, despite his off-stage antics, was a significant figure in the comedy world. His generosity towards fellow comedians, as evidenced by his wife sharing hand-written notes about them, showcased his passion for comedy and desire to help new talent thrive. A memorable encounter with Dangerfield himself further solidified this impression. His unique stage presence, from performing in a bathrobe to rattling off jokes even in his older years, made him a captivating performer. The impact of his Young Comedians Specials, featuring comedians like Bill Hicks and Robert Schimmel, is still felt today. Dangerfield's legacy extends beyond his stand-up career, serving as a gatekeeper for comedy and inspiring countless comedians to follow in his footsteps.

    • Comedy mentorshipMentorship and collaboration in comedy fosters a strong sense of community and family, contributing to the overall health and growth of the scene, benefiting both newcomers and veterans.

      The comedy scene, like sports, benefits from a strong culture of veteran comedians mentoring and supporting the next generation. This passing of knowledge and experience helps young comics thrive and keeps the comedy scene vibrant and innovative. The importance of this generosity and collaboration is not only good for the newcomers but also fuels the growth and success of the veterans. The comic culture creates a sense of community and family, where everyone's success contributes to the overall health and growth of the scene. This shared experience and support leads to a stronger and more resilient comedy scene.

    • Comedians and comedy club ownersA successful comedy club relies on a mutual understanding and shared ownership between comedians and business owners, creating an environment where everyone benefits from each other's growth and experimentation.

      The relationship between comedians and comedy club owners can be adversarial, but it's essential for the growth and success of both parties. The initial struggles and "fucking with" from club owners can actually be beneficial, as it tests a comic's resilience and determination. However, once a comic becomes successful and "undeniable," the power dynamic shifts, and they deserve a fair share of the profits. The key to a successful comedy club is having a shared ownership and understanding between comedians and business owners, creating an environment where everyone benefits. The best comedy clubs are those that prioritize the art form and provide a platform for comedians to grow and experiment, ultimately leading to a mutually beneficial relationship.

    • Creativity and Pressure in EntertainmentCapture ideas as they come, but be mindful of societal norms and public opinion in the entertainment industry, and extend compassion and understanding to all.

      Creativity can strike at any moment, even in the middle of the night, and it's essential to capture those ideas as they come. Comedians, in particular, value new material and the thrill of discovering fresh, golden gifts from the cosmos. However, the entertainment industry can be unforgiving, and public opinion and societal norms can shift rapidly, making it challenging for artists to separate their work from their personal lives. The pressure to conform to certain doctrines and adhere to every letter can be stifling, and the line between enjoyment and controversy can be blurry. Ultimately, it's important to remember that people can change and grow, and there's room for improvement on all sides. Compassion and understanding should be extended to everyone, regardless of their beliefs or actions in the past.

    • Cancel culture complexitiesThe speaker acknowledges the complexity of cancel culture, emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding, and suggests that all or no speech should be allowed as alternative solutions rather than calling for people's heads.

      Cancel culture, where individuals are publicly shamed and boycotted for their controversial statements or actions, is a complex issue with no clear-cut solution. The speaker acknowledges that it's not a new phenomenon, but it seems to be more prevalent on the left side of the political spectrum now. He also points out that sometimes people may not fully understand the implications of their words, especially if they're older or less tech-savvy. The speaker believes that either all speech should be allowed or none of it should be, and that calling for people's heads is not a productive solution. He also shares his admiration for comedians who push boundaries and take risks, like Jack Black and Tom Cruise, despite the potential backlash. Overall, the speaker encourages empathy and understanding in the face of controversial statements or actions, and a recognition that people are complex and multifaceted.

    • Comedian creativityGiving comedians freedom to experiment can lead to great jokes and successful performances. A strong opening joke sets the tone and helps connect with the audience.

      Allowing comedians like Louie C.K. the creative freedom to develop their jokes can lead to unexpected and hilarious results. A good comedian, like Louie, can turn a decent joke into a great one with just one additional line. The importance of a strong opening joke cannot be overstated, as it sets the tone for the entire performance and helps establish a connection with the audience. Additionally, comedians, even those at the top of their game, can still experience self-doubt and the fear of leaving a joke incomplete. Overall, the process of crafting a successful stand-up routine involves a combination of experimentation, refinement, and the willingness to take risks.

    • Input overloadExposure to excessive people and negative news can lead to anxiety and instability, affecting performance. Mindfully choosing positive influences can help prepare for success.

      Excessive exposure to people and negative news can lead to anxiety and a sense of instability, much like the unpredictability of natural disasters. The speaker's experiences with wildfires and a poorly-timed comedy gig left him feeling drained and unable to perform. It's essential to be mindful of the input we expose ourselves to before going on stage or engaging in other important activities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of positive influences, such as the supportive environment of a comedy club green room, to help prepare for success.

    • Unexpected challenges for performersClear communication and preparation are crucial for performers when accepting engagements outside of their usual venues to avoid unexpected challenges and potential regret.

      Performers, especially comedians, can face unexpected challenges when they accept engagements outside of their usual venues. The speaker in this conversation shared an experience where he was unprepared for the material he was given and the audience's reaction during a benefit event. He emphasized that such experiences can range from enjoyable to unbearable, and that some performers may even regret participating in these events. The speaker also criticized certain cable shows and hosts for their elitist attitudes and their lack of appreciation for good comedy. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of clear communication and preparation for performers when they step outside of their comfort zones.

    • Entertainment controversiesEntertainment figures can unintentionally cause controversy, but it's important to recognize the difference between performing and interacting with individuals in sensitive settings

      Entertainers like the speaker have found themselves in controversial situations, such as Justin Bieber signing Anne Frank's guestbook with a seemingly insensitive comment. These moments, while intended in good spirits, have sparked backlash and criticism. The speaker acknowledges that such places are not for humor, but also recognizes the difference between performing in front of an audience and a single individual. The speaker also shares experiences of going on morning shows and intentionally disrupting the hosts, finding joy in subverting the expected format. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the complexities of navigating humor and sensitivity in entertainment.

    • Unrecognized ComediansSome brilliant comedians, like Norm Macdonald and Patrice O'Neal, didn't receive the recognition they deserved during their careers, emphasizing the importance of celebrating and appreciating the greats while they're still with us. The comedy industry has evolved, with the rise of streaming platforms and changing careers, making it even more crucial to recognize talent.

      The comedy world has lost some brilliant and hilarious figures who didn't receive the recognition they deserved during their careers. These comedians, such as Norm Macdonald and Patrice O'Neal, had unique styles and approaches to comedy, often pushing boundaries and improvising on stage. Some, like Norm, even chose to leave the spotlight unexpectedly, while others, like Patrice, passed away too soon. Their legacies live on through their work and the impact they had on their peers and the comedy community. It's a reminder of the importance of appreciating and celebrating the greats while they're still with us. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the evolution of the comedy industry, with the rise of streaming platforms and the changing landscape of comedy careers.

    • Passion in workFinding a job or passion that you genuinely enjoy can lead to success and fulfillment. Separating personal interests from professional criticisms is important.

      Finding a job or pursuing a passion that you genuinely enjoy can lead to success and fulfillment. The interviewee shared his experiences in comedy, working for the UFC, and his admiration for Aaron Rodgers. He emphasized the importance of liking what you do, which makes it easier to excel and show up with enthusiasm. The discussion also touched upon the importance of separating personal interests from professional criticisms, such as the controversy surrounding baseball players and steroids. The interviewee's love for baseball, particularly the historical era, was evident and added a personal touch to the conversation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of passion and enjoyment in personal and professional pursuits.

    • Impact of Historical EventsHistorical events significantly shape the lives and careers of influential figures, with wars and social norms shaping their public perception and personal experiences.

      The lives of influential figures, such as Joe DiMaggio and presidents like George W. Bush, have been shaped by significant historical events, including wars and social norms. DiMaggio's love story with Marilyn Monroe and his prime years lost to the war share similarities with Ted Williams' baseball career and military service. The presidents, particularly George W. Bush, have faced criticism and personal struggles, with Bush's decision to go to war leading to regret and sadness. The era's social norms and expectations played a role in how these figures were perceived, with Bush's sensitivity and artistic pursuits contrasting with the more aggressive and dominant image of Trump in politics. The conversation also touched upon the impact of war on generations and the transformative nature of social media and public discourse.

    • Media portrayal of eventsThe media's sensationalized news coverage can impact public perception, but it's important to maintain a sense of humor, perspective, and engage in meaningful dialogue to filter out the noise and find reliable sources of information.

      Despite concerns about the current political climate and the potential for global conflict, it's important to remember that the media's portrayal of events may not always align with reality. The speakers in this conversation expressed skepticism towards the sensationalized news coverage and the impact it can have on public perception. They also noted the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and perspective in navigating the complexities of modern society. The speakers acknowledged the challenges of filtering out the noise and finding reliable sources of information, but emphasized the importance of critical thinking and engaging in meaningful dialogue with others. Ultimately, they encouraged a more nuanced and balanced approach to understanding the world around us.

    • Authentic Connections and Free SpeechAppreciate the value of genuine relationships and free speech, as societal norms and behaviors change over time. Be cautious of manufactured conflicts and the erosion of free speech, which can lead to tyranny and violence.

      People's behaviors and societal norms can change over time, and it's important to appreciate the value of authentic connections and free speech. The speaker reminisces about simpler times when people didn't lead with their political or personal affiliations and instead focused on building genuine relationships. However, when people lack conflict in their lives, they may manufacture it and even trauma bond with others. The speaker also shares concerns about the erosion of free speech and the potential consequences of compelled speech, which can lead to tyranny and violence. They believe that being pro-free speech is essential and that platforms like Twitter, once the worst offender for censorship, are now one of the last bastions for open expression. The speaker acknowledges that people will always try new things, even if they don't always work out, and that growth and learning are part of the process.

    • Comedy, power ofComedy can uplift, inspire and transport us, providing a valuable outlet for expression and connection. Old-school comedians with unique styles and dedication to their craft can bring joy and meaning to audiences, even in the face of adversity.

      Comedy, despite its potential for hardships and disappointments, is a beautiful and valuable outlet for expression and connection. The speaker shares his admiration for a particular comedian, who finds humor in life's challenges and brings joy to audiences with his pure, silly jokes. The comedian's dedication to his craft and ability to make people laugh, even in the face of adversity, serves as an inspiration to the speaker and a reminder of the power of comedy to transport and uplift. The speaker also highlights the comedian's unique style and old-school approach, which sets him apart from the industry and adds to his appeal. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of finding joy and meaning in life's challenges and the power of comedy to bring people together and provide a much-needed escape.

    • Comedian communitiesSupportive communities like Amazon Prime Video and Punchup.live provide valuable opportunities for comedians to perform and express their creativity freely

      Sam Morrell shares his experience of joining Amazon Prime Video for their comedy specials, praising their treatment of comedians and the opportunity to perform in various locations. He also mentions his friend Danny Frankel's platform, Punchup.live, where comedians can share their upcoming gigs and exclusive content without monetary transactions. Morrell expresses his appreciation for the platform and its founder, who values comedy and freedom of expression. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of supportive communities for comedians and the value of platforms that prioritize their creative expression.

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