
    #22. How To Know If You’re Close To Burning Out

    enApril 13, 2021

    About this Episode

    How do you know if you’re on the verge of burning out?

    Is it when you feel scattered and overwhelmed with everything you need to do…

    Is it when you wake up feeling still feeling exhausted…

    Or is it when you feel so anxious that everything feels out of control…

    Burnout doesn’t just hit you out of no where. There are key symptoms your body throws at you to tell you you’re heading in the wrong direction. And key symptoms where your body is screaming at you to tell you that burnout is just around the corner.

    Want to know what those symptoms are?

    Then today’s podcast episode is for you.


    Recent Episodes from Healthyish + Happy

    #52. How to boost your immunity (and stop getting sick!)

    #52. How to boost your immunity (and stop getting sick!)

    Fed up of fighting the sniffles, battling a sore throat, feeling run down, and throwing vitamin C and cold and flu tablets back like they're lollies? Then, oh boy, are you going to love this episode.

    The time has come where you can finally stop falling sick every winter (or all the time). And even more amazing, is the answer is super simple: boost your immunity.

    Cold and flu tablets are great to reduce your symptoms, but they're not going to stop you from getting sick the next time a bug floats your way.

    What will stop those bugs from causing a flu, cold, cough, achy bod or a diarrhoea party is building your immune system up. Once you do, your chances of falling sick in the first place dramatically reduce. Meaning no sicknesses, even when someone coughs or sneezes a snot rocket in your face.

    Let's dive in and I'll show you how easy it is to boost your immunity up (and how easy it is to not get sick again!).

    Let's get you feeling healthier + happier.

    Come say *Hola* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enAugust 21, 2023

    #51. How everything went wrong in 2022 (and my journey back to myself in 2023)

    #51. How everything went wrong in 2022 (and my journey back to myself in 2023)

    A few things have changed around here, the most obvious being the new brand spanking name for the poddy: Healthyish + Happy podcast.
    But one other - maybe not so obvious change - is me.

    In todays episode, to mark the start of a new era, I want to share with you the truth of what happened these past 18 months.

    Because, in 2022, I got sucked into a very bad yet common invisible spiral which eventually left me feeling flat, lost, confused and off...with a sprinkle of being scared as fudge. (A spiral I'm sure you'll resonate with)

    Then cue early 2023: when I healed and found my true self again despite it being a really tough year personally.

    Holy fudgeballs, I've never felt so aligned, healthy and happy despite all the shiz going on. Like, the kind of disgusting happiness where you often cry because you're so happy. Yep, I've now joined that party.

    Tune into the first episode of the new Healthyish + Happy podcast era to hear the truth of what went on behind the scenes.

    And while it's by no means a new me you'll be seeing. It's the real me. I can't wait for you to meet her.

    It's good to be back.

    Healthyish + Happy
    enAugust 04, 2023

    #50. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [cortisol hormone]

    #50. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [cortisol hormone]
    Are you feeling anxious and you don't know why?

    Do you feel
     numb/meh/bleh and not like yourself and can't be bothered with anything lately?
    Have you been feeling so sluggish that you're struggling to wake in the morning and could easily nap in the day?

    You might think your stress hormone cortisol is super high, but I bet my bottom dollar it's actually too low.
    Low cortisol issues are massively overlooked because we generally assume cortisol is high ALL THE TIME.

    But if tiredness and low moods are in the picture - then you may be looking at it all wrong.
    This also means a lot of support & supplements to REDUCE cortisol are causing more harm than good.

    How hasn't this been flagged in your blood test results?
    #1. Cortisol isn't generally tested unless you ask
    #2. For your blood test to flag a low cortisol - your cortisol has to be MASSIVELY struggling.
    Aka. you'll be feeling so flat emotionally, physically and mentally. And usually placed on antidepressant medication before having your cortisol looked at.

    But there is a much more specific reference range you can look for with cortisol to know it's healthy and doing well and NOT causing your tiredness, anxiousness or meh mood.
    So let's figure out if that's you!

    Let's jump in.


    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enOctober 20, 2022

    #49. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [thyroid hormones]

    #49. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [thyroid hormones]
    Have you been feeling so sluggish that you're struggling to wake in the morning and could easily nap in the day?
    Are you struggling to focus and feel like it takes mental effort just to think of a word?

    Have you noticed you're feeling more anxious, your moods dropped, your hair might be falling out more than usual or you're gaining weight?

    Then you might have a thyroid hormone issue.
    Your thyroid hormones are the master controllers of your metabolism, oomph and go. They fuel your body and help it heal & recharge.
    So if your thyroid isn't working well - you're going to feel like a total zombie.

    The problem is, thyroid hormone problems are massively overlooked.
    Because for your blood test to flag your thyroid - your thyroid has to be MASSIVELY struggling.

    Like falling asleep while driving struggling.

    The reference ranges for your thyroid hormones detect diagnosed hypothyroidism that need thyroid hormone replacement (aka. a thyroid that is under-functioning and not making your thyroid hormones).

    Your thyroid doesn't go from super happy & well to not functioning at all - there is a middle ground where it's beginning to struggle, not producing enough thyroid hormones - and YOU will feel the effects.

    This stage, where your thyroid isn't super happy, is detectable in your blood test results if you know the reference range to look for.

    And that is what we dive into on todays poddy episode - part 4 - all about your thyroid hormones and how to detect if they're not working well and the blood test results we want you to have to know they ARE functioning well.
    And let me tell you, 85% of my clients thyroids are not happy campers and need some TLC.

    So let's figure out if you're the same.

    Let's jump in.


    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enOctober 11, 2022

    #48. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [Vitamin B12]

    #48. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [Vitamin B12]

    Your true Vitamin B12 test results.

    Ever felt tired, brain foggy, anxious, spiralling throughts - so you go to get blood tests done to figure out what's going on. Only to be told "You're bloods are fine. You're fine"...

    But you sure as heck don't feel fine.

    So what the eff is going on?

    Firstly, if you don't feel fine, then something is going on.

    Secondly, at first glance your blood tests may not tell you why, but if we look closer and find the golden nuggets in your results, then I promise you you'll find the answer as to why you're feeling so meh.

    Once you know the answer - you know what you need to do to feel better.

    Strap in, as this episode is jam packed with the magical answers as I uncover the golden nuggets you need to be looking for in your blood test results to figure out why you feel meh, and also where you'll want your blood results to be if you want to be at optimal health.

    Let's jump in.


    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enOctober 05, 2022

    #47. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [Iron]

    #47. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [Iron]

    Your true iron test results.

    Ever felt tired, on edge, icky, brain foggy - so you go to get blood tests done to figure out what's going on. Only to be told "You're bloods are fine. You're fine"...

    But you sure as heck don't feel fine.

    So what the eff is going on?

    Firstly, if you don't feel fine, then something is going on.

    Secondly, at first glance your blood tests may not tell you why, but if we look closer and find the golden nuggets in your results, then I promise you you'll find the answer as to why you're feeling so meh.

    Once you know the answer - you know what you need to do to feel better.

    Strap in, as this episode is jam packed with the magical answers as I uncover the golden nuggets you need to be looking for in your blood test results to figure out why you feel meh, and also where you'll want your blood results to be if you want to be at optimal health.

    Let's jump in.


    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enSeptember 29, 2022

    #46. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [Vitamin D]

    #46. Your bloods say you're fine, but you don't feel fine? The hidden blood test nuggets [Vitamin D]

    The true vitamin D test results.

    Ever felt tired, on edge, icky, brain foggy - so you go to get blood tests done to figure out what's going on. Only to be told "You're bloods are fine. You're fine"...

    But you sure as heck don't feel fine.

    So what the eff is going on?

    Firstly, if you don't feel fine, then something is going on.

    Secondly, at first glance your blood tests may not tell you why, but if we look closer and find the golden nuggets in your results, then I promise you you'll find the answer as to why you're feeling so meh.

    Once you know the answer - you know what you need to do to feel better.

    Strap in, as this episode is jam packed with the magical answers as I uncover the golden nuggets you need to be looking for in your blood test results to figure out why you feel meh, and also where you'll want your blood results to be if you want to be at optimal health.

    Let's jump in.

    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enSeptember 22, 2022

    #45. Client Spotlight: How Nicola became calm, energised & reignited her happiness in 8 weeks

    #45. Client Spotlight: How Nicola became calm, energised & reignited her happiness in 8 weeks

    Struggling to get through your to-do list and clearly see exactly what you need to do without drowning in overwhelm?

    Nicola was.

    But not anymore!

    Nicola's story is one I'd bet my bottom dollar you totally relate to. A business owner who was drowning in everything she had to do, found simple & easy tasks too hard, didn't feel happiness or excitement for the future of her biz, and riddled with health issues with her energy, gut and skin.

    But not only was her business and clients being impacted, so were her relationships and zest for life.

    But within 8 weeks, she was so much calmer, clear headed, energised and most importantly, feeling happy and connected to the people who mattered most to her.

    More importantly, she still feels this way, 7 months AFTER her Frazzled to Free healing journey ended.

    She's getting through more to-do's, being more productive, doing things daily that are nourishing to her soul AND has time left over at the end of the day to do whatever her heart desires. #worklifegoals

    Let's jump in.


    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enSeptember 15, 2022

    #44. My 3-step healing formula: from frazzled, overwhelmed & drained to calm, clear & free

    #44. My 3-step healing formula: from frazzled, overwhelmed & drained to calm, clear & free

    Do you ever wonder how on earth you can work/run a business without feeling overwhelmed, scattered or highly strung? Then this episode is a bucket of rainbow goodness for you!

    There's a simple 3 step healing formula I used on myself and now with countless clients that will take you from feeling stressed, highly strung, drained & brain foggy to calm, clear, energised & happy AF - long term.

    And it's simpler than you think.

    In today's episode we dive into each step of the healing process:

    • Step 1: Feel good ASAP - jumpstart your hormones
    • Step 2: Reset your nervous system
    • Step 3: Reset your health (aka. address the root causes)

    Do step 1, 2 and 3 and you'll be feeling super calm, clear, energised & happy - long term! Even when life throws you those horrible lemony curveballs.

    Let's jump in.


    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enSeptember 07, 2022

    #43. Tired? It’s because of one of these 7 health issues 🥱

    #43. Tired? It’s because of one of these 7 health issues 🥱

    Feeling tired for days, weeks or (heaven forbid) years in a row? A health issue is to blame.

    And if may not be something super obvious like a lack of sleep or low iron...it could be so many other things like...

    • Sleep apnoea
    • Vitamin D or vitamin B12 deficiency
    • Blood sugar rollercoasters
    • Mitochondrial dysfunction
    • Sluggish thyroid or thyroid antibodies
    • Low cortisol
    • And/or latent viruses

    Tiredness is your body trying to tell us something is wrong, so let's figure out what it is so you can get back to feeling energised, clear headed and happy ASAP!


    Let's jump in.

    Come say *Hi* and find me at:

    Healthyish + Happy
    enAugust 29, 2022