
    227: About Those Safe Spaces

    enNovember 23, 2021
    What dangers do safe spaces pose in democracy?
    How does the podcast criticize the concept of safe spaces?
    What was the speaker's experience with filmmaker Justin Folke?
    How does the film "No Safe Spaces" address free speech?
    What are the implications of shifting language and meaning?

    • The Dangers of Safe SpacesSafe spaces, while intended to protect individuals, can limit growth and even be dangerous in a democratic society. It's crucial to tolerate objectionable ideas to foster a diverse and inclusive society.

      Safe spaces, while well-intentioned, can be limiting and even dangerous in a democratic society. The discussion on the podcast, as depicted in episode 227, revolves around this idea. The speaker shares his opinion that safe spaces, with the exception of one, are a dangerous myth that stems from intolerance towards objectionable ideas. He believes that this mentality, which has become prevalent in colleges, contradicts the First Amendment. The speaker also shares his experience with a filmmaker, Justin Folke, who is similarly opposed to the idea of safe spaces. Together, they explore the concept of courage and the challenges of creating projects that challenge the status quo. The speaker's story, "A Safe Space," tells of a man named Roy who, due to societal intolerance, was unable to find a safe space to explore his personal proclivities, leading to tragic consequences. The discussion also touches upon Folke's documentary, "No Safe Spaces," which takes a deeper dive into the unsafe end of the pool. Overall, the podcast emphasizes the importance of tolerating ideas we find objectionable and the potential dangers of creating separate spaces to avoid such ideas.

    • The importance of keeping confidential information in businessKeeping business secrets can lead to success, but losing them can result in missed opportunities and negative consequences. Building a strong team and maintaining confidentiality are crucial for business growth.

      The secret to success in business can sometimes be a well-kept secret. Roy Raymond's "Victoria's Secret" started as a safe space for men but was later transformed into a multi-billion-dollar business empowering women when Leslie Wexner saw its potential. However, Roy's failure to keep his secret led him to lose a significant opportunity. This story serves as a reminder that the ability to keep confidential information can make or break a business. Despite the challenges, Roy used his experience to start a new business, but it ultimately ended in failure, bankruptcy, and tragedy. It's a cautionary tale about the importance of secrecy and the consequences of losing it. Additionally, the podcast production process, as shown in the conversation between the hosts and their guest, requires patience, persistence, and a strong team to overcome obstacles and deliver a quality product.

    • Chloe Hudson's Debut Documentary Impresses with Eloquence and PassionA scholarship discovery's eloquence and worldview impress a Hollywood director, leading to a shift in focus towards promoting American ideas and discovering unique talents like Hudson.

      Chloe Hudson's debut documentary, filmed in an abandoned warehouse, has received positive feedback despite its short length. Hudson, who was discovered through a scholarship program, impressed the director with her eloquence, worldview, and passion for her craft. The director, who previously worked in Hollywood on big productions, shifted focus to telling stories that promote the American idea, inspired by a desire to counteract negative perceptions of America. This change in direction reflects a broader trend of Hollywood producing content for international audiences rather than domestic ones. Hudson's unique background and perspective, as a welder and Instagram influencer, make her an exceptional talent in this new space. The director's experience in Hollywood allowed him to identify her potential and provide her with opportunities to grow, showcasing the power of collaboration and mentorship in the film industry.

    • International markets vs. domestic audience preferences in entertainment industryThe entertainment industry's prioritization of international markets has led to a shift in the types of films and content being produced, while efforts to limit the freedom to explore ideas challenge the concept of America as a safe space for storytelling.

      The entertainment industry, like other corporations, prioritizes international markets over domestic audience preferences, leading to a shift in the types of films and content being produced. This trend, which can be seen as early as the 1960s, has resulted in a significant change in the industry and the types of stories being told. Additionally, the concept of "safe spaces" has become a topic of debate, with some arguing that America is the true safe space for ideas and the freedom to explore and question them. However, this idea is increasingly under attack, and the last few years have seen a ramp-up in efforts to limit this freedom. The entertainment industry's focus on international markets and the pushback against the exploration of ideas are two interconnected trends that have significant implications for the future of storytelling.

    • Free speech and individual identity in today's societyThe importance of open dialogue and understanding is crucial in addressing the complexities of free speech and individual identity in today's society, including the rise of cancel culture and the significance of transparency in industries.

      We are living in a time where the importance of free speech and individual identity are under intense debate. The film discussed the relevance of these issues in today's society, with the rise of cancel culture and the notion that offending someone justifies silencing or removing someone. The founder of Ritual, Kat, shared her personal experience of wanting transparency in the supplement industry and her belief that all individuals deserve to know what they're putting into their bodies. Meanwhile, the discussion touched upon the Microsoft campaign for blind people, which raised questions about the importance of understanding someone's identity based on their appearance. The conversation highlighted the complexities of these issues, with some advocating for a colorblind society and others embracing the significance of individual identity. Ultimately, it's essential to remember the importance of open dialogue and understanding in addressing these challenges.

    • Critique of Excessive Identity Politics and Virtue SignalingThere's a need to refocus society on the content of character rather than the color of skin, as Martin Luther King Jr. advocated, but the current climate of increasing unforgiveness and a focus on past mistakes may make this a lost cause.

      There is a growing concern about the excessive focus on identity politics and virtue signaling in today's society, which is seen as a waste of time and a distraction from important issues and ideas. This issue was highlighted in a critique of a long-winded Microsoft video that spent too much time on the presenters' appearance and not enough on substance. The speakers also discussed the importance of focusing on what we can control, such as our beliefs, actions, and choices, rather than immutable characteristics like race or ethnicity. They expressed hope that society can refocus on the content of character rather than the color of skin, as Martin Luther King Jr. advocated, but expressed concern that this may be a lost cause in the current climate of increasing unforgiveness and a focus on past mistakes. The speakers also lamented the potential removal of symbols and monuments representing figures like MLK, who championed the idea that character should matter more than skin color. Overall, they called for a return to a more productive and less divisive discourse.

    • Speaking the truth can be a daunting task in today's climateDespite fear and censorship, speaking the truth collectively is essential for progress and detente.

      In order to achieve meaningful progress and detente, we must reexamine and reintroduce self-evident truths. However, in today's climate of fear and censorship, speaking the truth can be a daunting task. People are hesitant to speak out due to potential backlash, including job loss and social media scrutiny. But if we all continue to tell the truth collectively, it can make a difference. The courage to speak out is essential. The case for self-evident truths needs to be made, and it's important to remember that even being associated with certain individuals can lead to negative consequences. Despite these challenges, it's crucial to keep speaking up and telling the truth, as it's the only way to move forward. The examples set by individuals like Dennis Prager, who have made persuasive cases for their ideas, can serve as inspiration for us to do the same.

    • Bridging Divides: Influential People Engaging Across Tribal LinesInfluential people today are those who can engage in meaningful conversations with individuals from different ideological backgrounds, bridging divides and promoting open dialogue.

      The most influential people in society today are those who can break through tribalistic boundaries and engage in meaningful conversations with individuals from different ideological backgrounds. This includes figures like Glenn Greenwald, Brett Weinstein, Dave Chappelle, and Bill Maher, who have the ability to criticize their own tribes and engage with those on the other side. Social media and tribalism have made it easier for people to be cordoned off into their respective groups, leading to a siloed society where meaningful dialogue between different perspectives is rare. The individuals who can bridge these divides and have open, honest conversations are the ones who truly have the power to influence and make a difference.

    • Open and respectful conversations bridge dividesEffective communication and respect for differing views can foster understanding and build relationships across diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Utilize tools like Stamps.com to streamline operations and save resources for more meaningful connections.

      Having open and respectful conversations with people holding different views, as demonstrated by Adam Carolla, can help bridge divides and foster understanding. Despite the backlash from both sides, Carolla's consistency and truthfulness have earned him respect from a diverse range of friends and fans. This approach can be applied on a personal and professional level, allowing individuals to build relationships with people from various backgrounds and perspectives. Additionally, utilizing efficient tools like stamps.com can streamline business operations and save resources, allowing more time for fostering these connections. The legacy of shows like Donahue, which facilitated in-depth conversations between opposing viewpoints, serves as a reminder of the importance of open dialogue and critical thinking.

    • Exploring the importance of free speech through humor and insightThe film 'No Safe Spaces' uses humor and insightful commentary to tackle the suppression of free speech in today's cultural climate, drawing attention to its urgency and potential impact.

      Entertaining and thought-provoking content is essential in reaching and impacting audiences, especially in the current cultural climate. The film "No Safe Spaces," featuring Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager, serves as a prime example of this, as it tackles important issues surrounding free speech while keeping viewers engaged through humor and insightful commentary. The production of the film was influenced by significant events, such as the Berkeley riots and the cancellation of an event featuring the film's stars at Cal State Northridge. These incidents served as wake-up calls, highlighting the urgency and importance of addressing the suppression of free speech on college campuses and beyond. Being part of the story added a sense of importance to the filmmakers, emphasizing the relevance and potential impact of their work.

    • Learning from Controversial Topics in 'No Safe Spaces'The film 'No Safe Spaces' highlights the importance of personal responsibility, hard work, and tackling controversial topics, while addressing issues like the skills gap in the trades and the need for workforce development.

      The film "No Safe Spaces" not only entertains but also delivers a strong message about personal responsibility, hard work, and the importance of not shying away from controversial topics. The creators, inspired by the morality plays hidden within shows like Dirty Jobs, aimed to entertain while leading with their political stance. They even created a scene murdering the First Amendment character "Firsty" to emphasize their message. Making the film allowed the filmmaker to learn about important issues, such as the skills gap in the trades, which will leave half of the workforce retired in the next decade and raise questions about who will do the necessary repairs and infrastructure work. These issues are alarming and require attention, making it crucial to tackle difficult topics head-on.

    • The importance of clear communication in the face of shifting language and meaningClear communication is crucial in today's world where language and meaning are constantly evolving, especially in relation to workforce development and the skills gap. Avoiding rhetorical tactics and promoting persuasive messaging can help young people consider alternative paths to success.

      The language and meaning of key concepts are being shifted and redefined in real-time, making it crucial to clarify and communicate accurately. The speaker emphasized the importance of this issue, particularly in relation to workforce development and the skills gap. They noted that infrastructure used to have a clear definition, but now includes concepts like free college and healthcare. The speaker also discussed the challenges of the supply chain and the impact on businesses, using the example of their own whiskey launch. They expressed concern about the rhetorical divide and the use of tactics like ad hominem attacks and logical fallacies to derail conversations. The speaker highlighted the need for clear and persuasive communication to counter these trends and encourage young people to consider alternative paths to success beyond a college degree. They praised the work of content creators like Justin for helping to spread these messages. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of clear communication and the potential consequences of allowing language and meaning to be distorted.

    • Addressing the Skills Gap in the TradesThe skills gap in the trades poses safety risks and inconvenience, emphasizing the importance of recognizing their value and encouraging more people to enter these fields. Resources and organizations can help bridge this gap.

      The skills gap is a pressing issue affecting various industries and professions, including the trades, which are essential to our daily lives. The trades encompass more than just fixing broken pipes or clogged toilets; they include professions like air traffic control, heating and cooling, and culinary arts. The consequences of not addressing this gap can lead to safety risks and inconvenience. The conversation between Mike and Chuck highlighted the importance of recognizing the value of trades and the need for more people to enter these fields. They also emphasized the interconnectedness of all jobs and the importance of showing up early and getting things done right. To learn more about this issue and ways to help, people can check out the movies "Trading Up" and "Inequality for All." Additionally, they can explore resources and organizations that support trades education and training.

    • Exploring Controversial Topics in FilmFilmmakers like Justin Folkes embrace fearless storytelling, navigating sensitivity and censorship to bring controversial topics to light.

      Fearless filmmaking involves tackling controversial topics and speaking hard truths, even if it requires going rogue and navigating sensitivity and censorship. Justin Folkes, a filmmaker, discussed his upcoming feature-length documentary, which he's keeping under wraps due to its controversial nature. He also mentioned his past work and shared his admiration for Werner Herzog's quote about filmmakers needing to pick locks and forge documents to tell a good story. Folks are finding it increasingly difficult to promote their projects due to sensitivity and censorship, which is a reflection of the current cultural climate. The art of filmmaking requires a fearless approach, and Justin's work embodies that spirit. If you're interested in following Justin's journey, you can find him on Twitter at @justinfolk. Additionally, for business needs, consider using services like stamps.com for mailing and Viator for travel experiences.

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