
    234 | Tobias Warnecke on Cellular Structure and Evolution

    enApril 24, 2023
    What is the role of histones in DNA regulation?
    What platform is suggested for effective hiring?
    How much can Rocket Money users save annually?
    Which organelle is responsible for energy production?
    What newly discovered group has impacted organism classification?

    Podcast Summary

    • Optimize hiring with Indeed, manage subscriptions, and discover histones' functionsUse Indeed for efficient hiring, save money by managing subscriptions, and learn about histones' crucial roles in our bodies

      For effective hiring, instead of actively searching for candidates, utilize platforms like Indeed. Indeed is a matching and hiring platform with over 350 million monthly visitors and a powerful matching engine. It streamlines the hiring process by offering features like scheduling, screening, and messaging. Additionally, 93% of employers agree that Indeed delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job sites. Another important takeaway is the significance of managing subscriptions to save money. With the help of personal finance apps like Rocket Money, you can easily identify and cancel unwanted subscriptions, monitor spending, and even lower bills. On average, Rocket Money's users save $720 a year with over $500 billion in canceled subscriptions. Lastly, it's fascinating how histones, which help organize and regulate DNA in our cells, have multiple functions. These proteins are essential for keeping DNA compact and managing its expression. Understanding their role can lead to groundbreaking discoveries in biology. So, to summarize, optimize your hiring process by using platforms like Indeed, manage your subscriptions to save money, and explore the complex role of histones in our bodies.

    • Discovering Histones in Bacteria and Archaea Challenges Traditional Classification of LifeHistones, a nuclear protein, found in bacteria and archaea challenges the traditional classification of life into bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, highlighting the importance of genomic sequencing and ongoing scientific discovery.

      The boundaries between different kingdoms of life, specifically bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, are not as clear-cut as once thought. A recent discovery of histones, a nuclear protein, in bacteria and archaea challenges the textbooks and sheds new light on the evolutionary relationships between these organisms. Eukaryotes, which include humans and other complex organisms, are characterized by the presence of a nucleus, but archaea, though they lack a nucleus, share similarities in their cellular machinery with eukaryotes. This discovery highlights the importance of genomic sequencing in understanding the intricacies of life and the ongoing nature of scientific discovery. The distinction between bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, while historically significant, may not be the final answer in the ever-evolving field of biology. Additionally, the existence and complexity of viruses, which were only recently recognized as organisms, further complicate the classification of life.

    • New discoveries challenge traditional categories of lifeNew discoveries, like the Asgard archaea, blur lines between bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, and our understanding of genetic information in eukaryotes is more complex than once thought, emphasizing the need for continued research.

      Our understanding of the diversity of life and the classification of organisms into bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes is continually evolving. New discoveries, such as the Asgard archaea, have blurred the lines between these traditional categories. Additionally, our knowledge of how genetic information is carried and expressed has become more complex, with multiple streams of DNA existing in eukaryotes from sources like mitochondria and chloroplasts. These discoveries challenge our previous assumptions and highlight the importance of ongoing research in this field.

    • Newly discovered archaea provide insights into eukaryotic cell originsThe discovery of Asgard archaea, with their long appendages and closer relationship to eukaryotes, offers clues to the symbiotic origins of eukaryotic cells, potentially involving a looser relationship between archaea and bacteria leading to organelle development.

      Recent discoveries of Archaea, specifically the Asgard archaea, have shed new light on the evolutionary relationships between archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes. These archaea are more closely related to eukaryotes than any other archaea previously known, leading researchers to study them in the lab to better understand the origins of eukaryotic cells. The most intriguing aspect of these organisms is their long, noodle-like appendages, which some scientists had predicted would be present in the closest relatives of eukaryotes due to the theory that archaea and bacteria may have formed a symbiotic relationship leading to the formation of a single eukaryotic cell. Although the exact details of this process are still unclear, researchers propose that archaea may have engulfed bacteria in a more loosely associated relationship, eventually leading to the development of organelles such as mitochondria and the nucleus. Despite some similarities at the genetic level, archaea and bacteria have distinct differences, including the absence of peptidoglycan in archaeal cell walls. While the precise nature of the event that led to the formation of eukaryotic cells remains uncertain, the study of these organisms continues to provide valuable insights into our understanding of cellular evolution.

    • New findings on Asgard archaea reveal their complex structures and functionsRecent advancements in studying Asgard archaea in the lab have confirmed their complex structures and functions, shedding light on their potential role in the evolution of eukaryotic cells. These organisms, once thought to be limited to extreme environments, have been found in various locations and are opening up new avenues of research.

      The discovery of Asgard archaea, named after Norse gods due to their unique characteristics, is shedding new light on the origins of eukaryotic cells. These archaea, which are the closest known relatives of eukaryotes, exhibit complex structures and functions that suggest they may have played a role in the transition to more complex cellular structures. Initially, researchers could only make predictions based on their genomes, but recent advancements in visualizing and growing these organisms in the lab have confirmed some of these predictions, such as the presence of complex cytoskeletons. However, we are still at the beginning of understanding the full implications of these findings and how they relate to the evolution of life. These organisms were once thought to be limited to extreme environments, but they have since been found in various locations, including more common environments. The ability to grow and study these organisms in the lab is opening up new avenues of research into their internal processes and interactions with bacteria.

    • From extreme to ubiquitous: The surprising world of ArchaeaArchaea, once believed to inhabit only extreme environments, are now found in various habitats, including the human gut. They play essential roles in ecosystems and challenge the traditional view of their relationship to eukaryotes.

      Archaea, a single-celled organism once thought to be limited to extreme environments, are now known to be ubiquitous, often in low abundance. They can be found in various habitats such as soil, the sea, and even in the human gut. Archaea play important roles in these ecosystems, particularly in the digestive systems of termites and ruminants. The relationship between archaea and eukaryotes, the domain that includes complex organisms like animals and plants, has evolved over time. Previously, it was believed that eukaryotes evolved from archaea or that they were distinct domains. However, recent discoveries reveal that some archaea are more closely related to eukaryotes than to other archaea, challenging the traditional view. This shift in understanding highlights the complex and dynamic nature of life's evolution. Despite advancements in our knowledge, there are still many unknowns, such as the exact timeline of when eukaryotes emerged and the extent of their genetic similarity to archaea.

    • Understanding Eukaryotic Cell Structures: Nucleus, Mitochondria, and MoreEukaryotic cells have complex structures, including the nucleus for DNA storage, mitochondria for energy production, and the Golgi apparatus for protein modification. These structures ensure efficient cell function and protect DNA.

      Eukaryotic cells, which make up the majority of multicellular organisms, have complex internal structures, each with specialized functions. For instance, the nucleus stores genetic information, mitochondria produce energy, and the Golgi apparatus produces and modifies proteins for secretion. These structures ensure the efficient functioning of the cell and protect its DNA from damage. The intricacy of these structures, which can also be found in prokaryotes to a lesser extent, highlights the complexity and diversity of life. When considering the substructure within a typical eukaryotic cell, it's essential to know about the nucleus, mitochondria, and various other compartments, each dedicated to specific tasks. These structures enable the cell to carry out its functions effectively and adapt to its environment. The protection and organization of DNA are crucial aspects of these structures, as DNA must be accessible for transcription while being shielded from damage. The intricate relationships between these structures, reminiscent of intricately connected metabolic pathways, underscore the complexity and interconnectedness of life.

    • Understanding the complex relationship between DNA and the cellDNA encodes information for cell structure and function, but the cell's self-organizing properties add complexity. The cell provides context for DNA to act, and fitting DNA into a cell requires neutralizing its charge.

      The complexity of the genome and the cell is vast and still not fully understood. While DNA encodes important information for cell structure and function, there are aspects of the cell that may be spontaneously self-organizing. The DNA and the cell are interconnected, and the cell provides the context for the DNA to act. To fit a meter-long molecule of DNA into a cell nucleus, we understand the basics, such as DNA's stiffness and negative charge, but neutralizing the charge with positively charged ions is essential. However, our understanding is still incomplete, and there is much more to learn about the intricacies of the genome and the cell.

    • Different proteins used for DNA compacting in various cell typesSperm cells use protamines for efficient DNA transport, while most other cells use histones for DNA compaction while maintaining access to necessary machinery. Some organisms use alternative proteins for DNA packaging.

      DNA compacting is crucial for various cellular functions, but the methods and proteins used for compacting differ between cell types. Sperm cells, for instance, use highly charged proteins like protamines for compacting DNA, allowing them to reach their destination efficiently without the need for new information or environmental responsiveness. Most other cells, including those in our bodies, use histones to compact DNA while maintaining access to necessary machinery. Histones are universal proteins found in eukaryotes and many archaea, and they help wrap DNA around a complex called the nucleosome. Despite their prevalence, the exact role and origin of histones are still subjects of ongoing research. Some organisms, like dinoflagellates, have acquired proteins from viruses to package their DNA instead of using histones. Understanding the role and evolution of these proteins can provide insights into the fundamental mechanisms of DNA organization and gene expression.

    • Archaea and eukaryotes use histones for DNA packaging but differentlyArchaea have minimal histones and no access control through modifications, while eukaryotes have abundant histones and control gene expression through modifications.

      Archaea and eukaryotes both use histones as proteins involved in DNA packaging, but their usage and abundance vary greatly. Some archaea express only minute quantities of histones and likely don't use them for DNA wrapping or coating, while others have histones that coat most of their DNA. The evolutionary origin and transition between archaeal and eukaryotic use of histones is still a mystery. In eukaryotes, histones form a well-conserved complex, while in archaea, they seem to combine more freely. The specific architecture of the histone DNA complex in eukaryotes provides localized access control through modifications on histone tails, which doesn't appear to exist in archaea. Histones not only serve as an efficient DNA packing matrix but also offer control over gene expression in eukaryotes, which is an important distinction between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The evolution of this histone-based system in eukaryotes remains an open question, with suggestions that archaea may have served as experimental laboratories for early eukaryotic life.

    • Histones found in bacteria challenge long-held beliefsHistones, once thought exclusive to eukaryotes, are abundant and essential in certain bacteria, expanding our understanding of biological complexity

      Histones, which are typically associated with eukaryotic cells, have been discovered in certain types of bacteria. This discovery challenges the long-held belief that histones are exclusive to eukaryotes. These bacterial histones are not only present but also highly abundant and essential for the bacteria's growth. This finding was made possible through a combination of bioinformatics analysis and experimental validation. The discovery of histones in bacteria adds to our understanding of the complexity and interconnectedness of biological systems, and it serves as a reminder that our current knowledge may always be subject to revision.

    • Horizontal gene transfer in bacterial predators challenges traditional views of organismic groupsHorizontal gene transfer allows for the sharing of useful genetic material between different organisms, challenging our understanding of evolutionary trees and shedding light on the evolution of bacteria and unicellular organisms, with implications for human health.

      The world of biology continues to surprise us with new discoveries, as seen in the case of histones being found in certain bacterial predators. This challenges the traditional view of distinct organismic groups and evolutionary trees, as horizontal gene transfer allows for the sharing of useful genetic material between different organisms. The importance of understanding this phenomenon is twofold: it sheds light on the evolution of bacteria and unicellular organisms, and it has implications for human health as pathogenic genes can be shared and spread. While we have a good understanding of the mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer, we are still beginning to grasp its prevalence and implications for early evolution. Despite our human-centric focus on passing on genetic material through a protected germ line, the unicellular world is more sociable and adaptive, with genes and traits being shared freely.

    • Horizontal Gene Transfer and EvolutionHorizontal gene transfer, facilitated by various mechanisms, contributes to the evolution and diversity of life. It complicates understanding of ancient gene functions but offers opportunities in synthetic biology for expanded molecular toolkits.

      The exchange of genetic material between organisms, a process called horizontal gene transfer, plays a significant role in the evolution and diversity of life. This process can occur through various mechanisms, including the acquisition of DNA from the environment, direct bridges between bacterial cells, and viruses or phages. The genetic context and environmental conditions in which these transfers happen determine the usefulness of the acquired DNA. This knowledge complicates the understanding of the origin of life, as assumptions about ancient gene functions may be incorrect. However, it opens up new possibilities in synthetic biology, allowing for a larger selection of potentially useful molecular components to engineer desired properties into microbes.

    • Exploring the Frontiers of Synthetic BiologySynthetic biology is an emerging field that goes beyond DNA editing to create new functions and organisms, providing insights into life's fundamental rules and potentially answering origins of life questions.

      Synthetic biology, the manipulation and construction of new organisms from scratch, is an emerging field with significant growth potential in the coming decades. It goes beyond simple DNA editing to create new functions and organisms, which can then provide insights into the fundamental rules of life and potentially answer long-standing questions about the origins of life. This approach, sometimes referred to as "learning by building," involves assembling systems from various organisms and observing their interactions to gain a clearer understanding of life's rules. The frontiers of this field are being actively explored, and the answers to important questions are being discovered in real-time. Synthetic biology's potential for creating new organisms and advancing our understanding of life's origins is an exciting development in the scientific community.

    Recent Episodes from Sean Carroll's Mindscape: Science, Society, Philosophy, Culture, Arts, and Ideas

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    288 | Max Richter on the Meaning of Classical Music Today

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/09/09/288-max-richter-on-the-meaning-of-classical-music-today/

    Max Richter trained in composition and piano at Edinburgh University, at the Royal Academy of Music, and with Luciano Berio in Florence. He was a co-founder of the ensemble Piano Circus. His first solo album, "Memoryhouse," was released in 2002. He has since released numerous solo albums, as well as extensive work on soundtracks for film and television, ballet, opera, and collaborations with visual artists.

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    AMA | September 2024

    AMA | September 2024

    Welcome to the September 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with AMA questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/09/02/ama-september-2024/

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    287 | Jean-Paul Faguet on Institutions and the Legacy of History

    287 | Jean-Paul Faguet on Institutions and the Legacy of History

    One common feature of complex systems is sensitive dependence on initial conditions: a small change in how systems begin evolving can lead to large differences in their later behavior. In the social sphere, this is a way of saying that history matters. But it can be hard to quantify how much certain specific historical events have affected contemporary conditions, because the number of variables is so large and their impacts are so interdependent. Political economist Jean-Paul Faguet and collaborators have examined one case where we can closely measure the impact today of events from centuries ago: how Colombian communities are still affected by 16th-century encomienda, a colonial forced-labor institution. We talk about this and other examples of the legacy of history.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/26/287-jean-paul-faguet-on-institutions-and-the-legacy-of-history/

    Jean-Paul Faguet received a Ph.D. in Political Economy and an M.Sc. in Economics from the London School of Economics, and an Master of Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. He is currently Professor of the Political Economy of Development at LSE. He serves as the Chair of the Decentralization Task Force for the Initiative for Policy Dialogue. Among his awards are the W.J.M. Mackenzie Prize for best political science book.

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    286 | Blaise Agüera y Arcas on the Emergence of Replication and Computation

    286 | Blaise Agüera y Arcas on the Emergence of Replication and Computation

    Understanding how life began on Earth involves questions of chemistry, geology, planetary science, physics, and more. But the question of how random processes lead to organized, self-replicating, information-bearing systems is a more general one. That question can be addressed in an idealized world of computer code, initialized with random sequences and left to run. Starting with many such random systems, and allowing them to mutate and interact, will we end up with "lifelike," self-replicating programs? A new paper by Blaise Agüera y Arcas and collaborators suggests that the answer is yes. This raises interesting questions about whether computation is an attractor in the space of relevant dynamical processes, with implications for the origin and ubiquity of life.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/19/286-blaise-aguera-y-arcas-on-the-emergence-of-replication-and-computation/

    Blaise Agüera y Arcas received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University. He is currently a vice-president of engineering at Google, leader of the Cerebra team, and a member of the Paradigms of Intelligence team. He is the author of the books Ubi Sunt and Who Are We Now?, and the upcoming What Is Intelligence?

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    285 | Nate Silver on Prediction, Risk, and Rationality

    285 | Nate Silver on Prediction, Risk, and Rationality

    Being rational necessarily involves engagement with probability. Given two possible courses of action, it can be rational to prefer the one that could possibly result in a worse outcome, if there's also a substantial probability for an even better outcome. But one's attitude toward risk -- averse, tolerant, or even seeking -- also matters. Do we work to avoid the worse possible outcome, even if there is potential for enormous reward? Nate Silver has long thought about probability and prediction, from sports to politics to professional poker. In his his new book On The Edge: The Art of Risking Everything, Silver examines a set of traits characterizing people who welcome risks.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/12/285-nate-silver-on-prediction-risk-and-rationality/

    Nate Silver received a B.A. in economics from the University of Chicago. He worked as a baseball analyst, developing the PECOTA statistical system (Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm). He later founded the FiveThirtyEight political polling analysis site. His first book, The Signal and the Noise, was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Society Book Award in Science. He is the co-host (with Maria Konnikova) of the Risky Business podcast.

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    AMA | August 2024

    AMA | August 2024

    Welcome to the August 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/05/ama-august-2024/

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    284 | Doris Tsao on How the Brain Turns Vision Into the World

    284 | Doris Tsao on How the Brain Turns Vision Into the World

    The human brain does a pretty amazing job of taking in a huge amount of data from multiple sensory modalities -- vision, hearing, smell, etc. -- and constructing a coherent picture of the world, constantly being updated in real time. (Although perhaps in discrete moments, rather than continuously, as we learn in this podcast...) We're a long way from completely understanding how that works, but amazing progress has been made in identifying specific parts of the brain with specific functions in this process. Today we talk to leading neuroscientist Doris Tsao about the specific workings of vision, from how we recognize faces to how we construct a model of the world around us.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/29/284-doris-tsao-on-how-the-brain-turns-vision-into-the-world/

    Doris Tsao received her Ph.D. in neurobiology from Harvard University. She is currently a professor of molecular and cell biology, and a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, at the University of California, Berkeley. Among her awards are a MacArthur Fellowship, membership in the National Academy of Sciences, the Eppendorf and Science International Prize in Neurobiology, the National Institutes of Health Director’s Pioneer Award, the Golden Brain Award from the Minerva Foundation, the Perl-UNC Neuroscience Prize, and the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience.

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    283 | Daron Acemoglu on Technology, Inequality, and Power

    283 | Daron Acemoglu on Technology, Inequality, and Power

    Change is scary. But sometimes it can all work out for the best. There's no guarantee of that, however, even when the change in question involves the introduction of a powerful new technology. Today's guest, Daron Acemoglu, is a political economist who has long thought about the relationship between economics and political institutions. In his most recent book (with Simon Johnson), Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity, he looks at how technological innovations affect the economic lives of ordinary people. We talk about how such effects are often for the worse, at least to start out, until better institutions are able to eventually spread the benefits more broadly.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/22/283-daron-acemoglu-on-technology-inequality-and-power/

    Daron Acemoglu received a Ph.D. in economics from the London School of Economics. He is currently Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Econometric Society. Among his awards are the John Bates Clark Medal and the Nemmers Prize in Economics. In 2015, he was named the most cited economist of the past 10 years.

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    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    The philosophy of mathematics would be so much easier if it weren't for infinity. The concept seems natural, but taking it seriously opens the door to counterintuitive results. As mathematician and philosopher Joel David Hamkins says in this conversation, when we say that the natural numbers are "0, 1, 2, 3, and so on," that "and so on" is hopelessly vague. We talk about different ways to think about the puzzles of infinity, how they might be resolved, and implications for mathematical realism.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/15/282-joel-david-hamkins-on-puzzles-of-reality-and-infinity/

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    Joel David Hamkins received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently the John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Logic at the University of Notre Dame. He is a pioneer of the idea of the set theory multiverse. He is the top-rated user by reputation score on MathOverflow. He is currently working on The Book of Infinity, to be published by MIT Press.

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    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Welcome to the July 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/08/ama-july-2024/

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    Simon Conway Morris received his Ph.D. in geology from the University of Cambridge. He is currently an emeritus professor of evolutionary paleobiology in the Department of Earth Sciences at Cambridge. Among his awards are the Walcott Medal of the National Academy of Sciences and the Lyell Medal of the Geological Society of London. 

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    Richard Dawkins received his Ph.D. in zoology from the University of Oxford. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, where he was previously the Simonyi Professor for the Public Understanding of Science. He is an internationally best-selling author, whose books include The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, and The God Delusion. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Society of Literature.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/02/19/266-christoph-adami-on-how-information-makes-sense-of-biology/

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    Christoph Adami received his Ph.D. in physics from Stony Brook University. He is currently professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics as well as Physics and Astronomy at Michigan State University. Among his awards are the NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society for Artificial Life. His new book is The Evolution of Biological Information: How Evolution Creates Complexity, from Viruses to Brains.

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    You can’t always get what you want, as a wise person once said. But we do try, even when someone else wants the same thing. Our lives as people, and the evolution of other animals over time, are shaped by competition for scarce resources of various kinds. Game theory provides a natural framework for understanding strategies and behaviors in these competitive settings, and thus provides a lens with which to analyze evolution and human behavior, up to and including why racial or gender groups are consistently discriminated against in society. Cailin O’Connor is the author or two recent books on these issues: Games in the Philosophy of Biology and The Origins of Unfairness: Social Categories and Cultural Evolution.

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    Cailin O’Connor received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of California, Irvine. She is currently Associate Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and a member of the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Science at UCI. Her works involves questions in the philosophy of biology and behavioral science, game theory, agent-based modeling, social epistemology, decision theory, rational choice, and the spread of misinformation.

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