
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the history of unconventional fitness tools like kettlebellsFrom ancient civilizations to modern-day equipment, the history of unconventional fitness tools like kettlebells is rich and complex, inspiring us to explore the intricacies of the past.

      The use of unconventional tools for fitness, like kettlebells, has a rich history that dates back to ancient civilizations. The speaker shared his personal connection to Cheech and Chong, who introduced him to a love for martial arts despite his stepfather's disapproval. He also discussed the challenges of using heavy kettlebells and the evolution of bodybuilding techniques from using animals to modern-day equipment. The conversation touched on the discovery of ancient civilizations and cities underwater, emphasizing the vastness and complexity of human history. Despite the depth of the topic, the speaker expressed his fascination with it, encouraging listeners to explore the intricacies of the past.

    • Ancient humans' advanced tool-making and dietAncient humans were skilled tool-makers, using sharp rocks possibly made of glass-like material for effective hunting tools and major surgeries. They were likely meat eaters, but some were vegetarians, as evidenced by skulls.

      Early humans were remarkably advanced in their tool-making abilities, using sharp rocks, possibly made of a glass-like material, to create effective hunting tools, such as spear tips, a million years ago. These tools were so sharp that they could be used for major surgeries. Humans were likely meat eaters, but there were also vegetarians among ancient civilizations. The discovery of skulls reveals this, with meat-eating humans having larger jaw bones. It's intriguing how some animals, like chimps, are omnivores, eating both meat and vegetables, while others, like cows, do not harm other animals. The treatment of chimps in the past, with kidnapping and experimentation, is a stark reminder of the ethical implications of our actions towards intelligent beings. The circus industry, with its treatment of animals, raises questions about the ethics of entertaining at the expense of animal welfare. Ultimately, it's important to acknowledge the complexities and contradictions of human history and the impact of our actions on other species.

    • Bengal Tiger's Unique Anatomy Allows It to Jump HighThe Bengal Tiger's unique anatomy enables it to jump high without muscles or ligaments attached, making it a formidable predator in the wild. Humans have become detached from the natural cycle of life and death in the animal kingdom, while animals like tigers consume meat for survival.

      The Bengal tiger's unique anatomy allows it to jump high without being attached to muscles or ligaments, giving it an advantage in the wild. This was demonstrated in a documentary where a tiger leaped over an elephant and took a gamekeeper's hand. The tiger's design enables it to move freely and efficiently, making it a formidable predator. Moreover, the discussion highlighted the natural cycle of life and death in the animal kingdom and how humans have become detached from it. Animals, including tigers, consume meat and organs for survival, while humans have removed themselves from the process of hunting and killing animals for food. The conversation also touched upon the concept of alpha wolves and their dominance within their pack. In essence, the conversation shed light on the fascinating adaptations of animals in the wild and the intricacies of their social structures. It also underscored the stark contrast between human perceptions of animal behavior and their role in the food chain.

    • Encounters with Terrifying AnimalsNature's beauty and terror come alive in encounters with animals like wolves and tigers, highlighting their raw power and unpredictability, and the importance of respecting boundaries.

      Nature can be both beautiful and terrifying, as evidenced by the encounters between humans and animals like wolves and tigers. These animals, with their raw power and instincts, can be frightening and even deadly. The man who became a wolf in the first example was likely trying to assert dominance, but the wolf's intelligence and aggression made it a daunting challenge. Tigers, with their stealth and hunting abilities, pose a significant threat to humans, particularly in areas where they coexist. The documentary "Grizzly Man" provides a chilling account of a man's encounter with a grizzly bear, highlighting the unpredictability and danger of these animals. The man's identity crisis and his obsession with proving his heterosexuality added an unexpected layer to the story. Overall, these encounters serve as a reminder of the power and unpredictability of nature and the importance of respecting the boundaries between humans and animals.

    • Ancient Roman moral code and Christianity's role in maintaining social orderChristianity provided a moral framework during ancient Roman times, preventing chaos and violence through love, proper upbringing, martial arts, self-defense, healthy living, and avoiding cancer-causing substances.

      During ancient Roman times, a moral code was crucial for maintaining social order as violence was prevalent. Christianity served as an essential ideology that provided a moral framework for a small group of people. The absence of such a code might have led to chaos, as people would have been more inclined to use weapons like swords for violence. Today, we are fortunate that we don't live in such a violent society, but the discussion also touched upon the importance of martial arts and self-defense. Additionally, the conversation delved into the topic of cancer, with one participant sharing their personal experience and the importance of maintaining good health by eating antioxidants and avoiding substances that feed cancer, such as sugar. The conversation also highlighted the importance of love and proper upbringing in preventing individuals from becoming violent or abusive.

    • The Impact of Food Choices on HealthBeing mindful of food choices is crucial for maintaining good health. Whole foods provide essential nutrients, while refined sugars and corn syrup can have detrimental effects. Consider following specific diets, like green or raw food, for improved health. Juicing and blending can also provide health benefits.

      While some food ingredients, like organic marshmallows, may have their benefits, others, such as refined sugar and corn syrup, can be detrimental to health. The discussion highlights the story of a fighter who suffered health consequences after consuming large amounts of sugar before a fight. The conversation also emphasizes the importance of getting nutrients from whole foods, including fiber, and the potential benefits of juicing and blending. The speakers also share their experiences with following specific diets, such as green and raw food diets, for improved health. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being mindful of food choices and their potential impact on health.

    • Discovering the Healing Properties of Cannabis OilCanadian farmer Rick Simpson cured his skin cancer with cannabis oil, helping others with various types of cancer despite legal challenges.

      Rick Simpson, a Canadian farmer, discovered the healing properties of cannabis oil, specifically THC, when it cured his own skin cancer. Despite the success, doctors refused to acknowledge it due to potential legal implications. Simpson then shared this discovery with others, helping numerous individuals with various types of cancer. The oil, which is applied topically and consumed, can induce strong psychoactive effects. Despite federal laws, some states and countries have made exceptions for medical use. The ultimate goal is to make this life-saving medication legal and accessible to all.

    • A personal story of marijuana use in the 1950s and 1960sThe speaker shares a nostalgic view of a time when marijuana use was less stigmatized, but kept his use private due to fear of consequences and the difficulty of obtaining more.

      The speaker shares a personal story about discovering marijuana in the 1950s and 1960s, a time when the climate around its use was much more relaxed than it is today. He recalls an incident involving the Four Tops, a singing group, and their arrest for possessing marijuana. Despite the potential consequences, the speaker kept his use of marijuana to himself due to fear of turning others on to it and the difficulty of obtaining more. The speaker also mentions his first experience with marijuana was in Calgary, which led him to quit school. The overall tone of the conversation suggests a nostalgic view of a less judgmental time towards marijuana use.

    • Balancing Conventional and Natural Approaches to HealthRegularly hydrate, eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and essential oils, cleanse liver and kidneys, and consider both medical advice and natural remedies for overall wellness. Simple practices like using sea salt and water for cleansing can make a difference.

      Maintaining a balanced approach to health, incorporating both conventional medical advice and natural remedies, can lead to better overall wellness. The speaker shares his personal experience of dealing with potential health issues and how he learned the importance of hydration, a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and essential oils, and regular cleansing of the liver and kidneys. He emphasizes the importance of listening to medical professionals, but also encourages exploring alternative methods. The use of sea salt and water for cleansing is a simple and effective natural remedy mentioned, which can be practiced regularly for improved health.

    • The importance of soil health and organic farmingSupport organic farming, consume balanced diets, and be aware of the sources of food to maintain soil health, reduce negative environmental impacts, and promote overall well-being.

      The health of our food and the environment it grows in is crucial for our well-being. The soil can become mineral-deficient if crops are grown in the same spot for too long, leading to less nutritious produce. Additionally, the use of non-organic fertilizers and genetically modified seeds, like those from Monsanto, can have negative impacts on both the environment and our health. For example, the once-healthy coconut industry was ruined by Monsanto's actions. It's important to support organic farming practices and consume a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. Furthermore, the lack of proper nutrition and the need for work can contribute to societal issues and conflicts. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of the sources of our food and the impact they have on our health and the environment.

    • Concerns over security in less secure locationsThe speaker advocates for more effective use of current resources and systems, such as the DEA, to address security concerns and generate revenue, rather than relying on new systems or continued illegal activities.

      While there may be security measures in place in more developed areas, there is a lack of protection in less secure locations, such as Miami. The speaker expresses concern that this could provide opportunities for terrorists or criminals to exploit. The DEA, which is responsible for enforcing drug laws, is perceived as corrupt and their confiscated drug money is not accounted for or used effectively. Instead, the speaker suggests using the DEA for educational programs or transferring them to the Secret Service. The speaker also advocates for the legalization of drugs and the implementation of sales taxes as a source of revenue for the state. In essence, the speaker believes that current systems and resources can be utilized more effectively to address security concerns and generate revenue, rather than relying on new systems or continued illegal activities.

    • Cannabis: Medicinal and Industrial BenefitsCannabis offers therapeutic benefits beyond psychoactive effects through components like CBD, used in cancer treatment. Hemp, a cannabis type, has industrial uses in paper, textiles, and plastics, promoting sustainability.

      Cannabis, specifically marijuana, is a versatile plant with numerous benefits for both medicinal and industrial uses. Despite its illegal status in many places, it has been shown to have therapeutic properties that surpass those of certain pharmaceuticals. The plant is not just psychoactive; it also contains non-psychoactive components that are beneficial for health, such as cannabidiol (CBD), which is used for cancer treatment. Moreover, hemp, a type of cannabis, has industrial applications, including the production of paper, textiles, and plastics, making it a viable alternative to forestry and petroleum industries. The misconception that today's marijuana is not as potent as in the past is not entirely true, as there have always been variations in quality. The plant has remained the same, but the cultivation techniques and strains have evolved, leading to more potent varieties. Overall, the legalization and decriminalization of cannabis could lead to significant economic benefits and environmental sustainability.

    • The benefits of using hemp ropes for workouts and the history of marijuana use among bodybuildersUsing hemp ropes for workouts offers health benefits and improves body movement. Marijuana use among bodybuilders has varying effects, with some reporting improved performance and others negative experiences.

      The use of hemp ropes for physical workouts, like battle ropes, offers numerous benefits for health and body movement. This was a common practice among bodybuilders in the past, including Arnold Schwarzenegger. The use of marijuana, specifically in the form of joints, was also discussed, with some individuals having positive experiences and others having negative ones. For instance, Tommy Chong shared his experience of getting high before a comedy gig and having it lead to his best performance yet, while Anthony Bourdain had a negative perception of marijuana and avoided it. The conversation also touched on the topic of bodybuilders and their use of performance-enhancing substances, with a mention of Dr. Drew getting caught for promoting certain antidepressants. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between physical fitness, marijuana use, and personal experiences.

    • The Blurred Lines of Celebrity Morals and Personal LivesDr. Drew's case illustrates the potential conflict between celebrity status and personal morals. Normalization of marijuana use and its impact on people's lives were also discussed, along with personal experiences and career challenges.

      The line between celebrity status and personal morals can blur, as seen in the case of Dr. Drew, who received significant funds from a pharmaceutical company and later faced sexual harassment allegations. The discussion also touched upon the normalization of marijuana use and its potential positive effects on people's lives. The speakers shared their personal experiences with the substance and its impact on their comedy and relationships. Furthermore, they reminisced about the challenges they faced during their careers, including run-ins with the law. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and contradictions that come with fame and the human experience.

    • An unexpected arrest leads to merchandise and fan connectionAn arrest can lead to unexpected merchandise opportunities and fan connections through the internet

      The entertainment industry, even in the 1970s, could lead to unexpected experiences, as comedians Cheech and Chong discovered when they were arrested after a performance. The experience of being in a holding cell was surreal, with Cheech trying to cover for their actions by telling a fellow inmate that a black man had given them the drugs. The incident resulted in mug shots that later became popular as merchandise. The internet has since transformed the way fans connect and create content, with websites like teachingchongfans.com showcasing interviews and videos. The duo is now working on an animated movie based on their old bits, a natural progression given their voiceover work on shows like The Simpsons. The unexpected arrest and the subsequent fan-generated content serve as reminders of the unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry and the power of the internet to connect fans.

    • Unexpected arrests impacted comedy careerUnexpected events, including arrests, can lead to unique stories and unexpected success in comedy

      The interviewee's career in comedy was significantly impacted by unexpected events, including arrests during the Bush administration. The attorney general at the time, John Ashcroft, was notoriously extreme and made controversial decisions, leading to the interviewee's arrest for selling bongs. The interviewee also mentioned a prosecutor, Beth Buchanan, who targeted him for his involvement with the company, even though he wasn't directly involved in the sales. These experiences provided the interviewee with unique stories to share and brought him unexpected attention and success. The interviewee also mentioned that he had formed friendships with unexpected people, including judges, despite being perceived as an outlaw.

    • Unexpected encounters and challenges of fameFame brings unpredictable experiences and potential risks, including unwanted attention and encounters with undercover cops.

      Fame and celebrity status can bring unexpected encounters and challenges. Tommy Chong shared his experiences of being recognized at parties and events, leading to unwanted attention and fans wanting to get high with him. He also shared stories of encountering individuals disguised as hippies, who turned out to be undercover cops. Chong's anecdotes highlight the unpredictability of fame and the importance of being cautious, especially when it comes to illegal substances. Additionally, he shared how he once unknowingly hired undercover cops to help him set up a club, leading to a humorous and unexpected situation. Overall, Chong's stories illustrate the unique experiences and challenges that come with being a well-known figure.

    • Marijuana Prohibition's Racist OriginsMarijuana prohibition was fueled by racism and xenophobia, associating it with jazz culture and certain ethnic groups, despite its lack of addictiveness and destructiveness compared to other drugs.

      The history of marijuana prohibition is deeply rooted in racism and xenophobia. The drug was made illegal through propaganda that linked it to racial and ethnic groups, and this continued even as the logic behind the connection was faulty. Marijuana was most prominent in jazz culture and was often sold on the streets by dealers. Users, particularly musicians, would take small amounts to enhance their performance and take the edge off. Despite the negative association, marijuana was not as addictive or destructive as other drugs like heroin or cocaine. The conversation also touched on the origins of the name "marijuana," which was originally used to describe a wild Mexican tobacco, but was later redefined as a potent form of cannabis. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex and often biased history of marijuana prohibition in the United States.

    • The Consequences of Drug UseDrugs can cause addiction and harm, leading to a cycle of use and withdrawal, negatively impacting users and those around them. Jail can offer a chance for personal growth.

      Drugs, whether it's heroin or prescription pills like Oxycontin, can provide intense feelings of pleasure and euphoria, but they also come with serious consequences. These substances are addictive poisons that can leave users feeling sick and crashing hard after the initial high. The pursuit of these feelings can lead to a never-ending cycle of use and withdrawal, causing significant harm to both the user and those around them. Jail, while challenging, can also serve as a spiritual retreat for some, providing an opportunity for introspection and personal growth.

    • Life in Prison: Snitching, Coercion, and CommunityPrisoners face harsh conditions, form communities, and are sometimes falsely accused of being snitches. Native American inmates found solace in a sweat lodge, but historical mistreatment and the use of derogatory terms persisted.

      The prison system, particularly jails, can be characterized by a culture of snitching, coercion, and privatization. Prisoners are often subjected to harsh conditions and may form their own communities, such as the Native American Indian Sweat Lodge Society, to find solace and purpose. The speaker shares his experience of being caught talking on the phone with his wife and being falsely accused of being a snitch. He also describes the existence of a sweat lodge in the prison, which provided a sense of community and freedom for the Native American inmates. The speaker criticizes the use of the term "Indian" and reflects on the historical mistreatment of Native Americans. He also describes the presence of wild animals, including dogs and rabbits, in the desert surrounding the prison. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the complex and often challenging realities of life in prison.

    • Inmates adapt and find joy in prison lifeInmates discovered creative ways to survive and find joy in challenging prison conditions, despite the harsh realities of the justice system.

      Despite the challenging conditions in prison, inmates found creative ways to adapt and survive. From the dogs' strategic hunting methods to feeding ground squirrels and even growing their own gardens, inmates found joy and camaraderie in their daily lives. However, the harsh realities of the justice system were also present, as seen in the story of Eric Larson, who was sentenced to 14 years for buying drugs for golfers. The harshness of the system left some inmates bitter, but others found ways to turn their situations around and make the best of their time. Overall, the story illustrates the resilience and resourcefulness of those in the prison system.

    • Tommy Chong's Career and Love for MarijuanaTommy Chong, known for his comedy duo Cheech and Chong, encouraged a former inmate and shared stories of their marijuana-centric career, despite opposition.

      Tommy Chong, one half of the iconic comedy duo Cheech and Chong, has had a long and impactful career in comedy, much of which revolves around their shared love for marijuana. Chong shared stories of his experiences with a former inmate, encouraging him not to let his past define him after a prison sentence for a drug-related offense. Chong also discussed his friendship with a drug counselor and the influence of Cheech and Chong on their audience, who would use their name as a code for getting high. Despite some professional opposition, particularly from Saturday Night Live's Lorne Michaels, Chong and Cheech continued to make movies and music that resonated with their fanbase. Their unique brand of humor, centered around marijuana use, became a defining part of their legacy.

    • Respect for culture and creative control in entertainmentSpeakers emphasized the importance of cultural significance and creative control in entertainment, sharing experiences of being excluded and rushed during performances, but finding joy in authentic expression and audience connection.

      Respect for culture and creative control were major themes in the discussion. The speakers expressed disappointment about not being included in a particular show, feeling that their presence was important due to the cultural significance of their work. They also emphasized the importance of having control over their creative vision, whether it be in music or comedy. The speakers shared experiences of being rushed during performances and feeling bulldozed by event organizers. Despite these challenges, they found joy in performing with their loved ones and appreciated the connection with their audiences. Ultimately, they valued the freedom to express themselves fully and authentically.

    • Denver's unique culture shaped by nature and historyDenver's connection to the Rocky Mountains inspires deep reflection on civilization's origins and the complexities of religion and culture, emphasizing the importance of personal decisions and positive energy.

      Denver, Colorado, known for its acceptance of marijuana, has a unique culture shaped by its natural surroundings and history. The speaker expresses a deep connection to the city, which he finds humbling and inspiring due to the presence of the Rocky Mountains. He also reflects on the origins of civilization and how certain regions have shaped global history. The speaker also touches upon the complexities of religion and culture, particularly in the context of the Middle East, and the impact of external perceptions on internal realities. Ultimately, the speaker encourages a more mindful approach to life, emphasizing the importance of personal decisions and the power of positive energy.

    • Understanding Boundaries and Context in Sensitive SituationsRecognize unique situations, communicate openly and empathetically, and remember societal norms evolve to navigate sensitive issues like molestation and inappropriate advances.

      The line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior can be blurry, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like molestation and inappropriate advances. The speaker shares various experiences, some involving uncomfortable situations, and how he handled them. These incidents highlight the importance of understanding context and boundaries, and the potential long-term impact on individuals. The discussion also touches upon the evolution of societal norms and how they influence our perception of such incidents. It's crucial to remember that every situation is unique, and open communication and empathy are essential in navigating these complex issues.

    • A Comedy Club's Rich History: The Troubadour in PasadenaThe Troubadour in Pasadena, a legendary comedy club, has hosted comedians like Joey Diaz and Cheech and Chong. Joey plans to start a Ustream show documenting his morning routine. The club's past includes comedians pushing boundaries and facing censorship. Comedians face struggles with clubs imposing their own standards.

      The Troubadour in Pasadena, California, holds a special place in comedy history, with notable comedians like Joey Diaz and Cheech and Chong gracing its stage. Joey Diaz, known for his hilarious stand-up and pothead lifestyle, is planning to start a new Ustream show documenting his morning routine. The conversation also touched upon the club's past, where comedians like Cheech and Chong never held back and faced attempts at censorship. Despite these challenges, they continued to push boundaries and entertain audiences. The discussion also highlighted the struggles of comedians, especially those in the middle, dealing with clubs imposing their own standards and trying to control the act.

    • Early days of comedy: building a career through dedication and authenticityTo build a comedy career, comedians had to send out tapes, face rejection, and stay true to their style, while partnerships and collaborations could impact success or failure. Perseverance and a strong work ethic were essential.

      In the comedy industry, especially during the early days, performers had to put in a lot of effort to get recognized and booked. This involved sending out tapes of their acts to clubs and radio stations, and sometimes even facing rejection or miscommunication with club owners. The process was time-consuming and required dedication, but it was essential for building a career. Another important factor was the importance of authenticity – performers had to be true to their style and material in order to stand out and attract audiences. Additionally, the dynamics of partnerships and collaborations could play a significant role in a comedian's success or failure. Fear of not working and the desire for independence and control over one's career were also common motivators. Ultimately, the comedy world was a challenging but rewarding one, where perseverance and a strong work ethic were key to making it.

    • Staying true to one's visionControl and creative freedom are crucial for success, but compromising your vision can lead to disappointment. Embrace new opportunities, but stay true to your vision to achieve long-term success.

      Control and creative freedom are essential for success, especially in the entertainment industry. The speaker shares his experience of losing control during a television project and how it led him to reject offers and focus on his own vision. He emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision and the potential risks of compromising it for someone else's idea. The speaker also mentions the appeal of performing in front of live audiences and the benefits of using platforms like the internet to reach fans without the interference of external production companies. Additionally, the conversation touches on the topic of Japanese culture and its influence on various aspects of life, including martial arts and technology. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying true to one's vision and embracing new opportunities while being mindful of potential pitfalls.

    • A Corvette fine, Dice Clay admiration, and hemp car panelsThe speaker shared a story about getting a fine for customizing his Corvette, admired Dice Clay's comedy, and considered using hemp for car body panels.

      The speaker shared a story about customizing his Corvette with hydraulics and tinted brake lights, which led to a fine. He also expressed his admiration for Dice Clay's comedy and the potential of using hemp for car body panels. The speaker also mentioned his experience attending a Doug Benson taping and seeing Dice Clay's performance, which exceeded his expectations. The speaker also shared his thoughts on Dice Clay's character and how it is a combination of reality and fiction. Despite some people's misconceptions, the speaker believes that Dice Clay's comedy is not a reflection of his true beliefs. The speaker also expressed his willingness to spend a lot of money to replace the fiberglass body panels of his Corvette with hemp, and his fondness for garden breadsticks and menus. The speaker ended the conversation by thanking everyone who attended the Doug Benson taping and expressing his enjoyment of Vegas and Dice Clay's show.

    • Joey Diaz's Unique Comedic StyleDespite getting things wrong and facing controversy, Joey Diaz's unique New York attitude and goofy humor endear him to audiences, making him a successful comic and actor.

      Comedy legend Joey Diaz, known for his unique New York attitude and goofy humor, once shared with the speakers that he doesn't do research and often gets things wrong but delivers it with such conviction that it's endearing to audiences. Despite facing protests and controversy, Diaz continued to perform and even directed a movie. His ability to connect with audiences and his great timing made him a successful comic and actor. The speakers also shared their experiences of working with him, including introducing his wife Shelby on stage and an incident involving Bobcat Goldthwait. Through it all, Diaz's New York attitude and comedic style stood out, leaving a lasting impression on those who encountered it.

    • From party animal to professional: Mark Wahlberg's transformationThe entertainment industry is filled with unpredictable individuals, from Mark Wahlberg's transformation to comedians' controversial pasts, and quirks like extensive line memorization or partying all night.

      The entertainment industry can be unpredictable, with individuals evolving and surprising us. Mark Wahlberg, for instance, was discussed for his transformation from a wild partier to a dedicated professional. Similarly, some comedians, like Bobcat Goldthwait, have had controversial pasts but continue to make an impact in their respective fields. The industry also has its quirks, such as actors like Mark Wahlberg memorizing their lines extensively, while others like Jean-Claude Van Damme have been known to struggle on set despite partying all night. Overall, the entertainment industry is filled with unique individuals and stories, making it an intriguing and ever-evolving landscape.

    • Unexpected experiences can lead to growthEmbrace new experiences, find inspiration in the unexpected, and stay true to your values and passions.

      Unexpected experiences and encounters, even those that seem negative at first, can lead to new opportunities and growth. Cheech and Chong shared a story about performing at a Scientology-affiliated venue, which initially seemed strange and uncomfortable. However, they eventually came to appreciate the experience and even used it as inspiration for their podcast name. The conversation also touched on the importance of authenticity and embracing one's unique identity, as well as the power of perseverance and adaptability in the face of challenges. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of staying true to one's values and passions, even when faced with external pressures or distractions. Overall, the conversation offered a reminder to approach new experiences with an open mind and to find the silver lining in seemingly difficult situations.

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    Joyce Gerber, creator of the CannaMom show, and Reverend Kelly Addison, Founder of Kelly's Green Lounge

    Joyce Gerber, creator of the CannaMom show, and Reverend Kelly Addison, Founder of Kelly's Green Lounge

    Today we have a special edition of the Alpha Woman podcast as we're interviewing Joyce Gerber, creator of the CannaMom show, and Reverend Kelly Addison, Founder and Managing Director of Kelly’s Green Lounge. 

    Joyce Gerber is an attorney, advocate and writer. She is the creator and host of The Canna Mom Show where she is using her unique voice to change the narrative around cannabis and caregiving. When not advocating for cannabis normalization, Joyce is active with many community and civic organizations in Cambridge, Massachusetts, some of them being managing a rock band and running for a local political office

    Reverend Kelly Addison truly embodies what she does as the founder and Managing Director of Kelly’s Green Lounge (KGL), a cannabis-friendly establishment quickly gaining notoriety within the cannabis community, and within its local community of Orono, ON. Rev. Kelly brings a wealth of experience as an educator, counsellor, and builder of community to her work in founding KGL. She is a Certified Reiki Master Practitioner, and is studying plant medicines and other healing modes to add to her skill set. Motivated by the spiritual aspects of the plant, Reverend Kelly was ordained as a Minister in 2020, and holds “The Cannabis Church of KGL” as a celebration of unity, community, and respect for the cannabis plant and her divine properties. The Church is in the process of being recognized with Vital Statistics Canada, making “Cannabis” a spiritual designation in the country. 


    Episode intro (1:30)

    The origins of the CannaMom show (6:30)
    How Kelly got involved with cannabis (13:20)
    The woman that inspires you the most (19:12)
    The new cannabis banking bill in the United States (31:51)
    Problems on the Canadian side of the border (35:14)
    Talking to your kids about cannabis (40:47)
    What does it mean to you to be an Alpha Woman? (45:45)

    Podcast researcher Anvi Sethi

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    • Coca-Cola Announces Auction of NFT for Friendship Day. (NFTs)

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