
    #25 - The Desk That Ruined Our Friendship

    enAugust 07, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Smosh Summer Games Takeover: Courtney's River Adventure and Foot OdorCourtney shares her experience of jumping into a potentially contaminated river during Smosh Summer Games, raising safety concerns and engaging in playful banter with team members, including a foot odor incident with Noah.

      The Smosh Summer Games Takeover on the SmoshCast continues to bring fans their favorite Smosh Summer Games members, as they share their experiences and entertain audiences. During the episode, Courtney discussed her experience of jumping into a potentially contaminated river with animal costumes on, raising concerns about safety and potential health hazards. The group also engaged in playful banter, discussing various hypothetical scenarios and making light of their appearances. Courtney shared an incident where Noah commented on the smell of her feet, leading to a humorous exchange. The episode showcases the camaraderie and lightheartedness of the Smosh team, making for an enjoyable listening experience.

    • The Importance of Personal HygieneBe aware of your body odor and communicate openly with roommates to maintain a comfortable living environment.

      The importance of personal hygiene was emphasized in this conversation. The speaker shared an embarrassing experience where she discovered that her roommate's feet smelled strongly of cheese, leading to a heated conversation. This incident made her reflect on the significance of being aware of one's own body odor and being considerate of others. The conversation also touched upon the topic of Disney movies and the speaker's appreciation for them. However, the main theme that emerged was the importance of maintaining good hygiene and being open to feedback when necessary. The speaker learned that it's essential to communicate with one another about such matters to avoid misunderstandings and discomfort. Overall, the conversation was a reminder of the importance of being considerate and taking care of ourselves and those around us.

    • Exploring contrast and challenges in storytellingIncorporating contrast and challenges in storytelling can add depth and excitement, but execution and quality are crucial. What one person finds unpleasant, another might find normal or enjoyable, emphasizing the importance of adapting and finding joy in unexpected circumstances.

      Creating contrast and incorporating challenging elements, such as dealing with the realities of growing up and facing less than ideal conditions, can add depth and excitement to a story. However, the execution and quality of these elements are crucial. For instance, a murky pool may be a part of the experience for some, but for others, it could be a health concern. This discussion also highlighted the perspective that what one person finds unpleasant or even dangerous, another might find normal or even enjoyable. This notion was further emphasized by the speakers' different experiences and reactions to the pool situation, which was attributed to their varying backgrounds and experiences. Ultimately, the ability to adapt and find joy in unexpected circumstances is an essential skill for storytellers and individuals alike.

    • Trusting Your InstinctsLearn to trust your instincts and be assertive in saying no to things that don't make you happy, even if others may see it as being selfish. Respect boundaries and understand that no means no.

      It's important to trust your instincts and make decisions based on what feels right for you. The speaker shares an experience where she was advised against getting in a potentially contaminated river while filming, but ultimately decided to follow her own judgment and jump in. She reflects on how she's learned to be more assertive in saying no to things she doesn't want to do, even if others may see it as being selfish. The speaker emphasizes that everyone deserves to do what makes them happy and that saying no can be a positive thing. She also acknowledges that people may take rejection personally, but encourages the importance of respecting boundaries and understanding that no means no.

    • Exploring the depth of long-term relationshipsLong-term relationships bring unique energy, deep bond, and shared joy through understanding quirks, physical touch, personal experiences, and self-care.

      Long-term relationships bring a unique energy and connection between people. They understand each other's quirks and can bring out the best in each other. Physical touch, like hugs and even burping, can symbolize the deep bond shared. Personal experiences and shared interests further strengthen the connection. Additionally, finding joy in simple things and practicing self-care, such as attending church, can positively impact mental health and deepen relationships. The speakers in this conversation express their appreciation for each other and cherish their time together. They have become "sweat sisters" and share a deep bond that goes beyond the surface level.

    • Exploring the power of shared ASMR experiencesASMR experiences foster connections and friendships through unique shared sensations, and embracing change can lead to personal growth.

      The ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) experience, which can be likened to "ear VR" or "ear reality," can help people connect and form friendships through shared experiences, even if those experiences are as unusual as listening to someone apply hair extensions. The conversation also touched upon the significance of hair, with some expressing a sense of loss when they cut their long hair short, while others found freedom and a sense of self in the change. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the importance of embracing change and finding ways to adapt and grow, whether it be through a new hairstyle, rearranging a living space, or even purchasing a Porsche.

    • Rearranging desks for collaboration causes conflictCommunication and trust are vital in teams. Honoring boundaries and open communication can prevent misunderstandings and build a healthy team environment.

      Communication and trust are essential in a team setting. In the discussed situation, a group decided to rearrange their office desks to encourage collaboration. However, one team member, Courtney, expressed her excitement about the change, while others, including the speaker, were hesitant. Despite expressing her support during the group discussion, the speaker was surprised and upset when she found her desk moved without her consent over the weekend. The incident led to a breakdown in trust and caused distress for the speaker. It's crucial to honor people's boundaries and communicate openly to avoid misunderstandings and build a healthy and productive team environment.

    • Misunderstandings and mistrust from a simple actionRespecting boundaries and communicating clearly are crucial for building trust in relationships. Trust takes time and effort to build but can be easily broken.

      Trust is a crucial aspect of any relationship, be it personal or professional. A simple action, like moving a desk, can lead to misunderstandings and mistrust if not communicated clearly. It's essential to respect each other's boundaries and understand individual differences. The speaker in this conversation learned a valuable lesson about respecting others' personal space and the importance of earning trust through honest communication and actions. The incident served as a reminder that building relationships takes time and effort, and trust can be easily broken but takes longer to rebuild.

    • Misunderstandings and emotional expressions in relationshipsEffective communication and understanding emotions are vital in relationships. Differences in emotional expression and interpretation can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Being open and empathetic can help bridge gaps and strengthen bonds.

      Effective communication and understanding of each other's intentions and emotional expressions are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. The speaker in this conversation acknowledged that they had a misunderstanding with two individuals, leading to a separation. They both had different ways of expressing emotions and interpreting situations, which caused confusion and hurt feelings. The speaker mentioned that they struggle with letting people in and have a tendency to be closed off. However, they value friendship deeply and feel the need to work on allowing others to get closer to them. The individuals in question communicate similarly in expressing love and kindness, but the speaker felt they clashed due to their different approaches to friendship and emotional expression. The speaker expressed that they wished they had been more welcoming and understanding towards the newcomer, and that they plan to work on being more open and empathetic in their interactions with others.

    • Forming a Cohesive Team: Our Early DaysThrough long hours and unique challenges, a diverse team learned to navigate complexities, strengthen bonds, and grow individually.

      The early days of our team were marked by long hours spent in a cramped office space, where five very different individuals came together to form a cohesive unit. Despite the challenges and clashes that came with our unique personalities, we grew not only as a team but also as individuals. The experiences we had during those formative months were invaluable, and though there were moments of tension and frustration, we wouldn't trade them for anything. Our time together, filled with late-night therapy sessions and epic meals, helped us learn how to navigate the complexities of working in a group and ultimately strengthened our bonds. It's a unique experience that few people get to have, and one that I wouldn't want to relive in the same way with anyone else. Instead, I cherish the memories and the lessons we learned, and the love and respect we have for each other that has only grown stronger over time.

    • The quality and quantity of team event food has fluctuated, from 'year of mushrooms' to 'year of rationing'Team morale and sense of community can be significantly impacted by the quality and quantity of food provided during team events.

      The quality and quantity of food provided during team events has varied greatly, with some years offering abundant and delicious options, while others fell short. A notable instance was the "year of the mushrooms" at a Winter Games, where the caterers misunderstood a team member's dietary needs and served mostly mushrooms and unappetizing vegan substitutes. Another year, known as the "year of rationing," saw team members receiving smaller portions, but some, particularly those of African descent, reported receiving extra food. The team appreciated the efforts of the caterers who went above and beyond, providing additional cornbread and filling up bowls during chili night. Overall, the team valued the times when they were well-fed, as it contributed to their morale and sense of community.

    • Misunderstanding at a Motel: Clear Communication is KeyA misunderstanding at a motel led to a conversation about clear communication and mutual understanding to prevent future conflicts. The group acknowledged the importance of addressing potential misinterpretations and unintended actions, and agreed it was not a racially motivated incident.

      During a group stay at a motel, there was a misunderstanding regarding a mistaken room entry and perceived intrusion. The group members, including Courtney and Olivia, discussed their experiences and miscommunications, addressing concerns of potential misinterpretations and unintended actions. Ian, a podcast guest, had brought up the topic earlier, leading to a conversation about power dynamics and potential racial undertones. However, the group agreed that it was not a racially motivated incident, but rather a misunderstanding. The conversation also included light-hearted moments, such as discussions about food and shared experiences. Ultimately, the group acknowledged the importance of clear communication and mutual understanding to avoid misunderstandings and potential conflicts.

    • Exploring unexpected tangents in conversationStay open-minded and adaptable during conversations, as they may lead to unexpected but valuable insights. Every conversation carries unique experiences and perspectives, making active listening crucial.

      The speaker's conversation veered from discussing a murder mystery podcast to expressing personal fears and reflections, showcasing the unpredictability of human thought processes and the importance of active listening to understand the true intentions behind conversations. The speaker's anecdote about the murder of Sandra Clarkson led to a series of tangents, including a joke about dogs and a discussion about their own personal health concerns. Despite the seemingly disconnected topics, the conversation ultimately highlighted the importance of being open-minded and adaptable in conversations. The speaker's fear of death and health concerns were valid, and the conversation served as a reminder that everyone carries their own unique experiences and perspectives. The conversation also showcased the power of storytelling to bring people together, even if the story takes unexpected turns.

    • Forming Alliances and Building TrustEffective communication and transparency are crucial for building trust and cohesion within a team. Embrace diversity and learn from each other's unique strengths and perspectives.

      The group dynamics during their hiring process were tense and competitive, with members texting behind each other's backs to form alliances and assess their compatibility. Despite the initial awkwardness and uncertainty, they eventually formed a group chat and worked together, albeit with some high school-like drama. The experience taught them that communication and transparency are crucial for building trust and cohesion within a team. Additionally, they recognized the importance of being open-minded and respectful towards individuals with different backgrounds and work styles, even if they initially seemed challenging to mesh with. Ultimately, they learned that every team member brings unique strengths and perspectives, and it's essential to embrace the diversity and learn from one another.

    • Discovering Unexpected Team DynamicsInitial disagreements gave way to appreciation for each other's unique talents, creating a successful team dynamic. However, an uncomfortable experience led to a reminder of the importance of communication and respect for boundaries.

      Despite initial disagreements, the individual's unique talents and fit within a team proved to be invaluable. The team came to appreciate the individual's contributions, leading to a successful collaboration. However, an uncomfortable experience involving toe sucking during a video shoot left the speaker feeling uneasy and nauseous. The speaker expressed their discomfort with the situation and acknowledged the rumors surrounding Quentin Tarantino's foot fetish, but emphasized their admiration for his work as a filmmaker. The team's future content was jokingly predicted to be rated 18+ on the pH scale, referencing the acidic and basic nature of the content. Overall, the team's dynamic was characterized by a mix of disagreements, humor, and mutual respect for each other's talents and quirks.

    • A conversation about Quentin Tarantino's work and personal preferencesSpeakers admired Tarantino's work but clarified they didn't condone any alleged misconduct. They discussed favorite movies, with 'Django Unchained' being popular. The conversation then shifted to discussing feet and personal preferences.

      During a conversation about Quentin Tarantino and his alleged actions, the speakers also discussed their personal preferences, including movies, music, and feet. The speakers expressed their admiration for Tarantino's work, but clarified that they were not condoning any alleged misconduct. They also shared their favorite movies, with "Django Unchained" being a popular choice. The conversation then shifted to discussing feet and whose they would be willing to suck, with some stating they had a preference for certain individuals based on foot care. The speakers also shared their past experiences with unpleasant foot odors and how they handled it. Overall, the conversation was a mix of professional and personal topics, with the speakers expressing their opinions and preferences.

    • Unexpected sensation from Diet Coke and gas maskContrary to popular belief, standing near a microwave while it's in use is generally safe due to shielding. Hypothetical health concerns about prolonged exposure to MRI machines require further investigation.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience with a diet Coke and a tight gas mask, leading to a confusing sensation. Another topic that came up was a debate about standing in front of microwaves while they're in use. Despite the common belief that it's dangerous, most microwaves are designed with shielding to contain the radiation. The conversation then shifted to a hypothetical situation about working above an MRI machine for an extended period and the potential need for health checks. The conversation ended with a lighthearted suggestion to get an MRI and STD check, along with listening to music and engaging in playful activities.

    • Unconventional expressions of love and appreciationSpeakers express strong emotions in unusual ways, encouraging engagement through various platforms and valuing their fans' support.

      Despite the unusual and humorous interactions between the speakers, their love and appreciation for each other is clear. They express their emotions in an unconventional way, but the sentiment remains strong. The speakers also encourage their audience to engage with their content through various platforms, such as the video version, audio-only episodes, and merchandise. They value their fans and express their gratitude for their support. The overall tone is playful and endearing, showcasing the speakers' unique personalities and connection with their audience.

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    #46 - Solving Smosh's Problems

    #46 - Solving Smosh's Problems
    Amanda and Shayne are going to solve the cast and crew's problems, 100% guaranteed.  0:00-4:32 Intro 04:33-10:16 I just started to snore, how do I not inconvenience my partner? 10:17-16:35 How do I stop being dumb? 16:36-22:29 I’m afraid of confrontation! 22:30-28:40 Can you help me create a DnD baddie? 28:41-34:23 My voice sounds AI-generated 34:24-40:36 Peter is bullying me 40:37-47:06 Can you help me with my dating profile? 47:07-53:48 Help me with this baby! 53:49-59:27 My dad is dead 59:28-01:06:26 Stuck in a cycle of feeling the need to “succeed” 01:06:27-01:12:40 I’m addicted to Fortnite 01:12:41-01:19:30 How do you make friends as an adult? SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com  WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Marcus Munguia // https://www.instagram.com/marcus.munguia/ Erin Dougal // https://www.instagram.com/erindougal/ Lizzy Jones // https://www.instagram.com/soundproofliz/ Andre Gardere // https://www.instagram.com/onwithdre/ Nicole // https://www.instagram.com/nicole.normal/ Josh Fleury // https://www.instagram.com/josh.fleury/ Emily Rose Jacobson // https://www.instagram.com/frankly_emily_/ Angela Giarratana // https://www.instagram.com/angelagiovanagiarratana/ Matt Duran // https://www.instagram.com/durrrrran/ Rock Coleman // https://www.instagram.com/rockycole_pictureshow/ Trevor Evarts // https://www.instagram.com/trevorevarts/ Selina Garcia // https://www.instagram.com/maraselina/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Andre Gardere Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Assistant: Adam Mustafa Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director: Selina Garcia Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh
    Smosh Mouth
    enMay 13, 2024

    #45 - Smosh The Sitcom w/ Syd & Olivia

    #45 - Smosh The Sitcom w/ Syd & Olivia
    Shayne & Amanda talk with Syd & Olivia about their comedy dynamic and writing Smosh The Sitcom Live! (https://live.smosh.com/) Go to http://auraframes.com and use code SMOSH to get $20 off their best-selling frame. 0:00-01:47 Intro 01:48-4:57 How Smosh the Sitcom came to be 4:57-22:19 Syd and Olivia’s origin story 22:20-29:15 Boundaries and approachability 29:16-30:24 Sponsors! 30:25-46:09 Smosh the Sitcom characters 46:10-55:25 Premise of the live show "episode" 55:26-01:00:27 Favorite experience of the show SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ Syd & Olivia ( @SydOliviaTube ) // https://www.instagram.com/sydandolivia/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Josh Pressman, Jacqui Culler Audio Mixer: Jose Perez Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran Technical Director: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Editorial Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    #44 - We're Married

    #44 - We're Married
    Amanda, Shayne, and Courtney discuss the events of April 1, 2024. Go to http://auraframes.com and use code SMOSH to get $20 off their best-selling frame. SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Courtney Miller // https://www.instagram.com/co_mill/ Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Luke Baker and Kortney Luby Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Prop Master: Luke Brau Prop Assistant: Josh Pressman, Jacqui Culler Audio Mixer: Jose Perez Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Videographer: James Hull Assistant Director: Amanda Barnes Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/Lead AE: Matt Duran Technical Director: Tim Baker Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia Operations PA: Katie Fink CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

    #43 - Explaining Our Characters' Backstories

    #43 - Explaining Our Characters' Backstories
    Sarah Christ, The Chosen, Courtney Freaking Miller, Karen...where do they come from? Amanda and Shayne discuss their character creation process and what inspires them. SUBSCRIBE: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshCast WEAR OUR JOKES: https://smosh.com WHO YOU HEAR Shayne Topp // https://www.instagram.com/shaynetopp/ Amanda Lehan-Canto // https://www.instagram.com/filmingamanda/ WHO YOU DON’T HEAR (usually) Director: Selina Garcia Editor: Andre Gardere Producer: Amanda Lehan-Canto, Shayne Topp, Selina Garcia Assistant Director: Marcus Munguia Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby, Natalie Lewis Audio Mixer: Scott Neff Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs DIT/AE: Matt Duran CEO: Alessandra Catanese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Post Production Manager: Luke Baker Director of Production: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Operations & Production Coordinator: Oliver Wehlander Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Channel Operations Coordinator: Audrey Carganilla Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler, Tommy Bowe Social Strategist: Erica Noboa, Mallory Myers Social Media Coordinator: Kim Wilborn Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: https://smo.sh/Sub2Smosh Smosh Pit: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshPit Smosh Games: https://smo.sh/Sub2SmoshGames El Smosh (Spanish Dub): https://smo.sh/Sub2ElSmosh FOLLOW US: TikTok: https://smo.sh/TikTok Snapchat: http://smo.sh/OnSnapchat Instagram: https://instagram.com/smosh Facebook: https://facebook.com/smosh

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    So, if you're curious about dealing with gossip, this episode is a must-listen!

    What I know ultimately, though, is we have to talk about gossip. We have to address it, and it has to be a part of our agreements and expectations that we set in our businesses, especially when we run small business.

    Key Takeaways From This Episode

    1. Definition of Gossip: Differentiating between venting, complaining, and gossip

    2. Gossip and Workplace Culture: Impact of gossip on undermining authority and building actions

    3. Role of Leaders in Addressing Gossip: Responsibility to establish clear values and expectations regarding gossip

    4. Creating a Culture of Open Communication: Importance of creating a culture where issues are addressed directly

    5. Developing Healthy Workplace Behaviors: Providing support for employees to raise concerns in a constructive manner

    Contact Information and Recommended Resources

    Connect with Kris Plachy

    ONE HOUR LEADER Transform your current team into the million dollar self-directed team you wish you had in as little as one hour per week.

    Private Subscriber List: Get on the list today! TheVisionary.ceo

    Work with Kris and Her Team:

    Email: hello@thevisionary.ceo





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    4 C's to Mental Toughness

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