
    262: Let's Talk About Septums and Scrotums

    enAugust 02, 2022
    Who is the author of the books discussed?
    What surgery did Ross undergo after learning about breathing?
    What personal struggle did the speaker share about breathing?
    How does mouth breathing affect sleep quality and performance?
    What experiment did the speaker participate in at Stanford?

    Podcast Summary

    • The Transformative Power of Proper BreathingAddressing breathing issues can significantly improve overall health and well-being, and sharing knowledge and experiences can inspire others to make positive changes.

      The author of the books "Deep" and "Breath," James Nestor, significantly impacted the life of the podcast host, Ross, by inspiring him to get a septoplasty surgery after reading about the benefits of proper breathing techniques. The conversation between Ross and James, as well as Ross's personal experience, highlights the transformative effects of addressing breathing issues and the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences with others. Additionally, the episode features a song submission from a listener, Bill Dumas, about septums and scrotums, adding an entertaining element to the discussion.

    • The significance of proper breathingProper breathing affects posture, tooth shape, and overall health. Learning how to breathe correctly can transform lives and potentially change the species.

      The way we breathe, which is something we do around 20,000 times a day, has become an obscure topic despite its significance. For decades, people have assumed that as long as they're breathing, they're okay. However, James Nestor's book, "Breath," reveals that the way we breathe matters, just like how we eat or exercise. Our ancestors have known this for thousands of years, but for the past century, we've overlooked it. The book shares stories of people whose lives have been transformed by learning how to breathe properly, and Nestor remains passionate about spreading this message. He believes that the information in "Breath" has the potential to fundamentally change the species. The way we breathe is linked to our posture, the shape of our teeth, and even our evolution. It's not just about getting air in and out of our lungs, but how we breathe can impact our overall health and well-being.

    • Impact of industrialized foods on facial structures and airwaysIndustrialized foods have led to changes in facial structures and airways due to less hard chewing during development, resulting in crooked teeth, smaller airways, and increased instances of snoring and sleep apnea.

      The shift to industrialized foods over the past few centuries has led to significant changes in the structure of our mouths and airways, resulting in issues like crooked teeth, smaller airways, and increased instances of snoring and sleep apnea. This change is not just due to the nutrient deficiencies in processed foods, but also because these foods require less hard chewing during our formative years, which in turn affects the development of our facial structures. The evidence for this can be seen in the skulls of pre-industrial societies, which show straight teeth and a pronathic face, compared to modern human skulls which often display crooked teeth and a narrower jaw and upper palate. This issue is not just relevant to children, but also to adults, as the lack of proper oral development can lead to various health problems later in life.

    • Mouth training for improved breathingNeglecting mouth muscles for muscle building can lead to breathing dysfunctions. Oral pharyngegeal exercises, or mouth training, can help tone these muscles and improve breathing, reducing snoring and sleep apnea.

      The health of our mouth and airway plays a significant role in our ability to breathe properly and reduce snoring and sleep apnea. While many focus on building muscle in the gym, neglecting the muscles and tissues in the mouth can lead to breathing dysfunctions. Oral pharyngeal exercises, also known as mouth training, can help tone these muscles and improve breathing. These exercises, which can be found online, are often overlooked but have been shown to be effective for decades. The speaker, who has a personal connection to the topic due to his own breathing issues, encourages those struggling with snoring or sleep apnea to give them a try. These exercises, when practiced regularly, can lead to improved breathing and better overall health.

    • From Mouth Breather to Nasal Breather: A Personal JourneyExploring the science behind mouth vs nasal breathing led one woman to discover the importance of nasal breathing for overall health and improved her own life, despite initial skepticism and personal sacrifices.

      The speaker's personal experience of struggling with mouth breathing and later becoming an obligate nasal breather inspired her to explore the science behind it. She shares how she went from being a mouth breather as a child, experiencing dry mouth and cavities, to learning to breathe through her nose and improving her health. She also mentions her skepticism about the idea being a compelling story, but later discovering a larger story when she spoke to other researchers. The speaker also shares her experience volunteering for an experiment at Stanford to better understand the difference between mouth breathing and nasal breathing, despite ethical concerns and financial costs. The experiment involved filling her nose with silicon for ten days, and the experience gave her a new perspective on the struggles of millions of people suffering from chronic obstruction.

    • Effects of Mouth Breathing vs Nasal Breathing10-day experiment showed decreased sleep quality, poorer athletic performance, and increased cortisol levels with mouth breathing. Nasal breathing filters and conditions air, making it easier for lungs to extract oxygen and less injurious.

      Breathing through the nose instead of the mouth can have significant impacts on health and well-being. During an experiment where participants breathed only through their mouths for 10 days, they experienced decreased sleep quality, poorer athletic performance, and increased cortisol levels. The air filtered and humidified by the nose is easier for the lungs to extract oxygen from and less injurious, while mouth breathing allows toxins and pollutants direct access to the lungs. Adaptation to poor breathing conditions can occur over time, making it hard to notice the negative effects. The structures in the nose serve a crucial purpose in filtering and conditioning air, making it essential to prioritize nasal breathing for optimal health.

    • Improve sleep quality by breathing through the noseBreathing through the nose instead of the mouth can lead to reduced snoring, improved sleep experience, and better overall well-being for individuals, including high-performance athletes.

      Breathing through the nose instead of the mouth can significantly improve sleep quality. This simple change, as shared by the speaker, led to a noticeable reduction in snoring and improved overall sleep experience. The speaker and his companion, both respiratory therapy patients, experimented with taping their mouths shut at night and found that they woke up feeling more rested. This anecdotal evidence was backed up by data from sleep tracking devices. The importance of nasal breathing extends beyond regular individuals to high-performance athletes, many of whom struggle with controlled breathing despite their demanding physical activities. By focusing on proper breathing techniques, individuals can experience improved sleep quality and overall well-being.

    • Improve athletic performance with proper breathingPractice nasal breathing during exercise for better performance and quicker recovery, but be patient and committed to the process

      Proper breathing technique, specifically nasal breathing, during exercise can significantly improve athletic performance and reduce recovery times. However, changing a long-term breathing habit requires patience and commitment. Start by practicing nasal breathing for short periods during exercise, gradually increasing the duration. Don't push yourself too hard, too fast, as it can lead to dysfunctional breathing and potentially hinder performance. Embrace the discomfort and trust the process, as the benefits will be worth it. Remember, there's a time and place for mouth breathing, but the majority of exercise should be done through the nose.

    • The Importance of Carbon Dioxide in Our BreathingContrary to popular belief, CO2 is essential for efficient oxygen delivery and improved health. Practice controlled breathing exercises for stress relief and better oxygenation.

      Our breathing patterns have a significant impact on our body and health, and it's all about finding the right balance. While it's true that we need a sufficient amount of oxygen to fuel our cells, we also require a balance of carbon dioxide (CO2). Contrary to popular belief, CO2 is not an enemy but a messenger for oxygen. When we breathe in oxygen, it goes to areas with higher CO2 levels, improving oxygen delivery. The author suggests that most people have a deficiency of CO2, making it harder for our bodies to get oxygen efficiently. Furthermore, the author emphasizes the importance of controlled breathing exercises, such as Wim Hof method or Kundalini, for short periods to stress the body and release tension. The author also suggests practicing deliberate breathing, exhaling for twice the duration of inhaling, as a simple hack to improve heart rate and overall well-being. This is not a new technique but a natural part of our biology.

    • The Power of Intentional BreathingConsciously controlling breathing rhythm lowers heart rate, increases oxygen delivery, and calms the nervous system.

      Utilizing specific breathing techniques can significantly impact our physiological state, leading to relaxation and stress reduction. This is not a new concept, but rather a well-established principle in physiology. By consciously controlling our breathing rhythm, we can lower our heart rate, increase oxygen delivery to the brain, and calm our nervous system. This simple yet effective method can be practiced using various techniques, such as counting sheep or using the 4-7-8 method (inhale for 4 counts, hold for 7, exhale for 8). This practice, which can be traced back to ancient rituals and prayers, has been shown to promote coherence in the body and may even have healing properties. Whether you choose to view it as a psychological tool, a physiological intervention, or a spiritual practice, the power of intentional breathing is undeniable.

    • Learning to breathe effectively can improve healthPracticing specific breathing patterns, such as inhaling for 5-6 seconds and exhaling for the same duration, can lower blood pressure, change physiology, and significantly improve lung function for emphysema patients.

      The way we breathe has a profound impact on our body and health. For over a thousand years, various cultures have practiced specific breathing patterns for restoration. This pattern, which involves inhaling for 5-6 seconds and exhaling for the same duration, can lower blood pressure and change physiology. This concept was once dismissed as a myth, but scientific studies have proven it to be true. A vocal coach named Carl Stau discovered the importance of a full exhale for singing, and his methods were later adopted by hospitals to help emphysema patients. By focusing on long, deliberate exhales, Stau was able to help these patients significantly improve their lung function without the use of drugs or oxygen. This demonstrates the incredible potential of the human body when we learn to utilize our breathing effectively.

    • The Forgotten Breathing Techniques of StauUnconventional breathing techniques, like those of Stau, can significantly improve the lives of people with respiratory conditions, but their acceptance is often hindered by the medical community's adherence to traditional treatments and the challenges of scaling unconventional methods.

      The diaphragmatic breathing techniques used by a controversial figure named Stau, which helped people with emphysema to breathe and live normal lives, have largely been forgotten and overlooked by the medical community. Despite his unconventional methods and appearance, Stau's techniques were effective, but his arrogance and the medical establishment's resistance to change led to his techniques disappearing after his death. The techniques involve exercising the diaphragm and stretching the rib cage, which can be reinvented and reintroduced to help many people. The resistance to these methods comes from the medical community's adherence to traditional treatments and the difficulty of scaling unconventional methods in large healthcare systems. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing innovative ideas, even if they come from unconventional sources, and the challenges of implementing change in established systems.

    • Skepticism and open-mindedness towards informationBe skeptical towards established knowledge and embrace simplicity for life-changing insights. Simple practices like hand washing and breathing can lead to significant health improvements.

      In today's world, truth and accepted knowledge are often met with skepticism or blind acceptance, and it's essential to approach information with a critical and open-minded perspective. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being skeptical, even towards established knowledge, and acknowledges the role of simplicity in the dissemination of life-changing information. Using the example of Semmelweis and hand washing, the speaker highlights how simple yet impactful ideas can initially be met with resistance, but eventually become widely accepted. The speaker also touches upon the role of language and semantics in the perception of cures and the importance of recognizing the value of simple practices like breathing and hand washing in improving health.

    • The Significance of Breathing for Health and WellbeingThe importance of breathing for health and wellbeing is a growing scientific focus, with the COVID-19 pandemic highlighting its significance. The author's book 'Breath' conveys the solid science behind this ancient knowledge.

      The current focus on the importance of breathing for health and wellbeing is part of a larger scientific revolution, as significant as those related to food, exercise, and cleanliness in the past. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new attention to this ancient knowledge, as people have become more aware of the importance of something as fundamental as breathing when it's taken away. The author's book, titled "Breath," was a result of this growing interest and was meant to convey the solid science behind it, not a "new agey" or woo-woo concept. Despite the author's preference for a more action-packed title, the publishing team's decision to use "breath" as the noun instead of the verb was strategic to convey the message effectively. The author is currently working on a new project unrelated to breathing.

    • Mike Rowe's early appreciation for Evening Magazine inspired his media careerPassion for authenticity led Mike Rowe to pitch ideas, create fan-favorite episodes, and eventually start his successful media career

      Mike Rowe's career in media began with him being an early fan of a local Bay Area show, Evening Magazine. He appreciated the show's charm and authenticity, which inspired him to pitch ideas like "Pack Your Bags Friday" to keep it on the air. This led to some unconventional episodes, such as hosting shows from resorts, that became fan favorites. These experiences eventually influenced Mike to pursue a career in writing and media production, ultimately leading him to host Dirty Jobs. The story showcases the importance of passion and creativity in overcoming challenges and paving the way for new opportunities.

    • Freelancers Deserve Fair TreatmentThe speaker advocates for freelancers' rights to work independently and earn a living, emphasizing their significant contributions to the economy and the importance of deep exploration and immersion in various subjects.

      The speaker passionately believes that freelancers, including writers and independent workers, are being unfairly targeted by politicians, making it difficult to earn a living. This issue resonates deeply with the speaker, as they had a successful career in freelance writing before transitioning to writing books. They argue that freelancers contribute significantly to the economy and that the freedom to work on their own terms is a privilege that should not be taken away. The speaker also reflects on the importance of deep exploration and immersion in various subjects, which they developed through their freelance writing experiences. They express concern about the impact of regulations on industries like trucking and ride-sharing, and call on legislators to reconsider these policies. Ultimately, the speaker sees a connection between the human spirit and the freedom to explore and adapt, which they believe is being lost in modern society. They encourage readers to embrace the adventure of learning and to challenge conventional limitations.

    • Rediscovering our body's hidden capabilitiesExploring breathing techniques and reconnecting with our bodies can lead to better health and unlock reflexes shared with dolphins and whales.

      Our bodies have incredible capabilities that we often forget or neglect. Breathing techniques, like holding your breath, can lead to better health and even help us access reflexes that we share with dolphins and whales. James Nestor, an expert on the subject, has written books and given talks to remind us of these abilities and the importance of reconnecting with our bodies. His work also highlights the intelligence and communication skills of whales, which are only now being studied in depth through initiatives like the TED Audacious Prize. Ultimately, it's a reminder that we have much to learn from the natural world and the creatures that have thrived for much longer than us. So, take a deep breath and explore the world around you – you might be surprised by what you discover. If you're interested in learning more, check out James Nestor's books and his movie at amrjamesnestor.com.

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    This is not a lecture; it is a masterclass. His decades of research will blow you away, so let’s slow down and learn from the best in class.


    You need this, and I need this. Why? Because you and I have been breathing all wrong.


    Today Patrick is revealing the 5 ways breathing through your mouth hurts your health and leaves you feeling more anxious and stressed.


    You and I are getting coached by the world's leading expert on functional breathing for better health, more focus, less pain, better sleep, and, honestly, a better you.


    This is information that should be shouted from the rooftops. AND taught to parents, teachers, and health professionals everywhere.


    These steps are so simple, and yet they’re incredibly impactful on ALL parts of your life: your work, your ability to play and have fun, and your relationships.


    Best of all, this advice is ZERO-cost to you.


    You will learn:


    • What happens when you breathe through your nose.
    • How breathing through your mouth stresses you out.
    • How breathing through your nose improves your memory and focus.
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    • 3 simple yet powerful exercises that will leave you breathing easier.
    • Why the hell should you want to tape your mouth shut.
    • The study that found shallow breathing can lead to anxiety.
    • An exercise that will help you get more oxygen into your lungs.
    • Why your exhalation is the most important part of relaxation.
    • How breathing the right way can stop snoring.
    • Why the way you breathe during the day impacts your sleep at night.



    The science proves that the quality of your breath determines the quality of your life.


    So let’s dive in.


    Xo, Mel


    In this episode:


    • 3:15: Why do we breathe, anyway? Seriously.
    • 4:50: HOW are we supposed to breathe?
    • 5:30: Ok, so what are we doing wrong when we breathe?
    • 6:45: So what’s so important about breathing in through your nose?
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    • 8:30: The antiviral gas only produced when you breathe from your nose.
    • 10:00: How mouth breathing increased a child’s need for special education.
    • 12:45: This statistic about breathing and anxiety is still blowing my mind.
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    • 24:00: The incredible results I had after trying these breathing exercises.
    • 25:20: Listen to what happens when I tape my mouth shut. 
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    • 31:15: How many times should you breathe in one minute?
    • 32:00: Patrick coaches me into a proper BIG breath.
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    Nestor is a science journalist who wrote a book called, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, which spent 18 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and was translated into more than 35 languages.

    In this episode we talk about: 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/james-nestor-492

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    In today’s episode, we’re revisiting one of our most popular episodes with James Nestor.

    Breathwork is where my personal and professional interests collide. How we breathe affects every body system we have and I’m excited to welcome James Nestor, science journalist and author of the book Breath, which explores the data behind this ancient, but some might say lost, art.

    And yes, it is an art. As we discuss, it doesn’t matter whether you follow a new or ancient technique to harness the potential of your breath, the principles are the same. What I love about James’ approach is he has no agenda to push. He hasn’t developed his own breathing technique, theory or product. He’s a journalist with an enquiring, sceptical mind. By his own admission, he came from a place where – like many of you, perhaps – he thought, ‘What’s all the fuss about breathing? It’s automatic, it’s easy, our bodies know what they’re doing’. But do they really?

    During this conversation, we cover some of the fascinating – objective – insights James has uncovered in his research. He explains the benefits of nasal breathing, the importance of masticating and how diet affects the skeletal development of our children’s mouths. James reveals how learning to chew more, chewing on one side and using mouth tape at night has changed the structure of his own mouth. His airways – and his wellbeing – have never been better. We discuss the long list of conditions breathing may improve; how athletes can benefit. And James reveals the therapeutic process behind some ‘super breathing’ techniques.

    Whether you’re already practising breathwork, you’re curious or yet to be convinced, James has a no-nonsense, rigorous approach we can all take something from. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did!

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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    LLN Episode #144: Maria Mastrodicasa - From Impossible To Possible & Creating The Life You Want

    LLN Episode #144:  Maria Mastrodicasa - From Impossible To Possible & Creating The Life You Want

    About Maria Mastrodicasa:

    Maria Mastrodicasa learned early on how to turn impossible into possible. This young girl who grew up in Brooklyn, New York was told " You'll Never..." so many times. From You'll Never lose those thunder thighs, to You'll Never amount to anything because you can hardly read. Maria not only transformed her body she transformed her life which she shares in her two books, ("You'll Never..." The Journey To What Is Possible Through Self-Advocacy, and The Self-Advocacy Empowerment Journal) After transforming her body and building her confidence she headed to New York City where she worked with the wolves of Wall Street. As she ran with the wolves they told her It's a man's world and you are lucky you were invited. You'll Never be a broker here. Maria ran ahead of the pack becoming the #1 broker in her department of thirteen men. Making six figures at the age of 26. That would be a half a million dollars today. Nothing is impossible if you believe.

    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Maria shares her journey as a young girl from Brooklyn who was told “YOU’LL NEVER amount to anything.” She left high school in the tenth grade, determined to make a better life for herself despite struggling with dyslexia. Maria’s drive for achievement and instinct for self-advocacy led her to Wall Street where she ran with the wolves and came out ahead of the pack, earning six figures by the time she was 26 years old.

    She shares the powerful lessons she learned while battling the violence and apathy of the school system, the old boys’ network of Wall Street, and the heartbreak of domestic violence and divorce.

    For every challenge, Maria developed a method to be her own advocate, and now shares her stories and lessons that can empower you to succeed against the odds.

    Maria also shares about her book - her journey on personal transformation and how she pushed through the pain of domestic violence, won a law suit in its entirety that was initiated against her falsely. She shares the lessons she’s learned on how to go from victim to victor and turn impossible into possible so all can live their best life!

    Maria also shares how to push through our pain by shifting our mindset to achieve the best results, and how the importance of living in the present moment can bring beauty and joy into our lives. She shares how we can do this despite the busyness we experience in our lives.

    Free Resources from Maria Mastrodicasa:

    Grab Maria’s great offer of 2 free 30- minute sessions to help and support you on how to use your voice to advocate for yourself and others more effectively. To schedule email Maria: goaskmaria@gmail.com


    Resources from Maria Mastrodicasa:

    Her book, You'll Never..." The Journey To What Is Possible Through Self-Advocacy, and The Self-Advocacy Empowerment Journal, can be purchased through her Website and Amazon:

    Website: https://www.mariamastrodicasa.com    



    Connect with Maria Mastrodicasa

    Website:   https://mariamastrodicasa.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-mastrodicasa-213b713b

    Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/maria.mastrodicasa.7


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized & Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    5 Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health: Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    How to Thrive in Menopause:  Hot flashes? Low Energy? Difficulty with weight management? If MID-LIFE & MENOPAUSE are taking their toll then I've got a solution for you! I've taken all my very best strategies and solutions to help you feel energized, vibrant, lighter & healthy, and compiled them into this FREE resource! Thrive in midlife and beyond - download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


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