
    264 | Sabine Stanley on What's Inside Planets

    enJanuary 29, 2024
    What is the primary function of Indeed in hiring?
    How does Rocket Money help manage personal finances?
    What services does FedEx provide for shipping?
    What methods do scientists use to study planetary interiors?
    How do exoplanets contribute to our understanding of planetary formation?

    Podcast Summary

    • Find and hire quality candidates with Indeed or manage your finances with Rocket Money and FedExUse Indeed for hiring high-quality candidates or save money by cancelling unwanted subscriptions with Rocket Money and efficient shipping with FedEx

      For hiring, instead of actively searching for candidates, use a platform like Indeed. Indeed is a matching and hiring platform with over 350 million monthly visitors and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates quickly. With features like scheduling, screening, and messaging, you can connect with candidates faster. Not only does Indeed help you hire faster, but it also delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job sites, according to 93% of employers. On a different note, many of us have unwanted subscriptions that add up and waste money. Rocket Money is a personal finance app that helps you find and cancel these unwanted subscriptions, monitor your spending, and lower your bills. With over 5 million users and an average savings of $720 a year, Rocket Money is a valuable tool for managing your finances. Lastly, for shipping and delivery, FedEx offers fast and reliable services, including weekend home delivery to 98% of the US population. With features like picture proof of delivery and simple returns, FedEx ensures that your packages are delivered securely and efficiently.

    • Expanding our understanding of planetsDiscoveries of exoplanets challenge beliefs about planet formation and reveal new kinds of planets, including gas giants orbiting closer to their stars than Mercury in our solar system. Ongoing research focuses on the role of planetary migration and the study of planets' interiors.

      Our understanding of planets and their inner workings has significantly expanded since the early space exploration days. While we once thought of planets as either terrestrial or gas giants, we now know that there's a vast array of possibilities. The discovery of exoplanets has challenged our beliefs about planet formation and revealed new kinds of planets. For instance, we've found gas giants orbiting closer to their stars than Mercury does in our solar system. This has led us to reconsider the role of planetary migration, or the ability of planets to change their orbits over time, in shaping planetary systems. The study of planets' interiors, including Earth's, remains a fascinating and ongoing area of research, with much still to be discovered.

    • Our evolving understanding of the solar systemNew discoveries challenge established facts about the solar system and drive us to explore its mysteries using indirect methods like seismology

      Our understanding of the solar system and its planets is continually evolving. What we thought were established facts, such as the order of Uranus and Neptune or Saturn's ring existence during the dinosaur era, may change as new data and perspectives emerge. For instance, Jupiter and Uranus-Neptune's positions might have switched places. As for the interiors of planets, direct exploration is limited, so scientists use indirect methods, such as seismology and other non-invasive techniques, to gather information. Even though we've only reached a small fraction of Earth's depth, our curiosity and the quest for knowledge drive us to explore and learn more about the planets' deep interiors. The solar system's mysteries continue to unfold, challenging our assumptions and expanding our knowledge.

    • Discovering the Secrets of Earth's InteriorThrough methods like studying diamonds, meteorites, seismology, and advanced technology, we've gained insights into Earth's interior, which is primarily made of magnesium silicates and iron, with a solid inner core and a liquid outer core.

      While we cannot directly explore the deep interiors of planets like Earth due to extreme temperatures and pressures, we have found creative ways to gather information through various methods. Diamonds and meteorites provide insights into the mantle, seismology helps us understand the material properties through earthquake waves, and advanced technology may one day allow us to drill deeper. The Earth's interior is primarily made of magnesium silicates in the outer layers and iron in the inner core, with a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. Seismology, specifically the study of earthquake waves, has been instrumental in discovering these facts. Despite the limitations, our understanding of the Earth's interior continues to expand, allowing us to learn more about our own planet and other rocky planets in the universe.

    • Understanding Earth's Complex Interior with Modern TechniquesModern analysis reveals Earth's interior as a complex system, not just layers based on depth or density, with a solid inner core, liquid outer core, upper and lower mantle, and crust.

      Modern analysis techniques and computational methods have allowed scientists to gain a more detailed understanding of the Earth's interior. They have discovered that the Earth is not just a simple model of layers based on depth or density, but a complex system with lateral structure. The Earth's interior is made up of the core, mantle, and crust, with the mantle further divided into upper and lower mantle. The only liquid part in the interior is the outer core, which is surrounded by a solid inner core. The deep interiors of the Earth are under immense pressure and temperature, causing solid materials to remain solid despite the high temperatures. The Earth's activity, including plate tectonics, is a result of the planet's cooling process, which takes a very long time due to the presence of radioactive elements that continue to generate heat.

    • Exploring the Earth's interior through multidisciplinary approachUnderstanding the Earth's interior requires a combination of physics, chemistry, geology, geochemistry, seismology, and observational methods. Estimates of core elements depend on crust and upper mantle samples, while seismology, gravity, and magnetic fields offer insights into composition and density.

      Understanding the interior of the Earth and other planets requires a multidisciplinary approach, combining fundamental physics knowledge, chemistry, geology, geochemistry, and various observational methods. Estimates of uranium and thorium in the Earth's core are based on samples from the crust and upper mantle, and the distribution of these elements depends on geological and geochemical factors. Seismology plays a crucial role in studying the interior of the Earth and planets, with active efforts to install seismometers all over the surface and even on other planetary bodies like Mars. Additionally, gravity and magnetic fields provide valuable information about variations in density and composition below the surface. The Earth's interior is a complex puzzle that can only be solved by combining various types of knowledge and data.

    • Insights from Gravity and Seismology Data on Planetary InteriorsGravity data reveals bulk properties while seismology detects specific features like cores. Mars' core is larger than estimated, potentially less dense, and could be resolved by planet formation geochemistry. Magnetic fields indicate conductors and motions, providing info on thermal evolution and power sources.

      Gravity and seismology data provide complementary insights into the interior structures and compositions of planets. Gravity data reveals bulk properties, while seismology can detect specific features like planetary cores. For instance, the latest data from Mars' InSight mission revealed that Mars' core is slightly larger than previously estimated, suggesting it may be less dense than anticipated and contain lighter elements. This discrepancy, referred to as the Mars core crisis, could be resolved by a better understanding of planet formation geochemistry. Additionally, magnetic fields, another way to study planet interiors, indicate the presence of electrical conductors and motions, revealing information about a planet's thermal evolution and power sources. For Earth, this includes the convection in its liquid outer core.

    • Magnetic fields from planetary coresPlanetary magnetic fields are generated by conductive core materials, like molten iron, creating convection currents. This process protects the planet and offers insights into its history and conditions.

      The magnetic fields of planets, including Earth, are generated by the movement of conductive materials, such as molten iron in the core, creating convection currents. This process is essential for generating a magnetic field, which in turn protects the planet from solar radiation. Seismic observations can provide evidence of a liquid core, but magnetic fields allow scientists to learn about a planet's history and past conditions. The Earth's magnetic field reverses irregularly, and while it's not known exactly when the next reversal will occur, it's believed to take around a thousand years to complete. A magnetic field reversal could potentially impact technology that relies on stable magnetic fields, such as satellites and communication systems, but it's not clear what the exact consequences would be. The study of planets' magnetic fields provides valuable insights into their thermal evolution, past conditions, and histories.

    • The Earth's magnetic field and its impact on satellitesThe Earth's magnetic field, which protects satellites, could weaken or reverse, increasing their susceptibility to damage. Research on the Earth's magnetic field includes fluid dynamics, observational studies, and data analysis.

      The Earth's magnetic field, which protects satellites from solar wind and cosmic rays, is not permanent and could weaken or even reverse in the future. This could make satellites more susceptible to damage. While the magnetic field has been diminishing slightly in the last 150 years, it's important to consider the longer geological time scale before making conclusions. The study of the Earth's magnetic field is an ongoing project with various research areas, including fluid dynamics, observational studies, and data analysis. The Earth and the moon formed from the same material and studying each other provides valuable insights into the early solar system and the history of our planet. The impact theory, which suggests a giant impact caused the formation of the Earth and the moon, is the prevailing consensus. Recent research suggests that material from an impactor could have been incorporated into the Earth, but the extent of this mixing is still a topic of ongoing investigation.

    • Simplified models of Earth's interior may not capture its complexityComputer simulations and observations challenge our assumptions about the Earth's interior, revealing unusual features and the importance of ongoing research.

      The simple models we have of the Earth's interior, such as the cutaway earth with a symmetric inner core, outer core, and mantle, may not fully represent reality. For instance, computer simulations suggest that some materials may sink to the bottom of the mantle, and there are unusual features in the mantle that require further explanation. Regarding the moon, it does have a core, but it's much smaller than Earth's core, and it likely cooled down faster due to its size and formation history. However, we must be cautious when making assumptions based on size alone, as the discovery of Mercury's magnetic field despite early predictions to the contrary demonstrates. Data from scientific missions and observations are crucial to refining our understanding of planetary interiors.

    • Mercury's changing length of day reveals a large liquid iron coreThe study of Mercury's elliptical orbit and changing length of day led to the discovery of a large liquid iron core, highlighting the importance of considering unique planetary details in understanding formation and evolution.

      The study of planets, including Mercury, continues to reveal new insights and challenge our understanding of planetary formation and evolution. Mercury's elliptical orbit around the sun causes its length of day to change, which led to the discovery of a liquid layer decoupling its outer and inner parts, confirming the presence of a large liquid iron core. Mercury's orbit is not perfectly locked, which allows for unique observations and data collection. The differences between the inner planets, including Mercury's size and composition, are likely due to specific circumstances in their early histories. The study of planets, including exoplanets, requires a deep understanding of their unique details and circumstances to determine their habitability and potential for life. Venus and Mars, despite their similarities in size and interior composition, have vastly different living environments due to slight differences in their distances from the sun. Overall, the ongoing exploration of planets reveals the importance of considering the specific details and probabilistic events in understanding their formation and evolution.

    • Challenges in Studying Venus' InteriorVenus' slow rotation, toxic atmosphere, and lack of a magnetic field hinder traditional methods for studying its interior, but recent progress includes measuring its rotation and upcoming missions may provide new insights. Venus' core is believed to be liquid, but its lack of convection could be due to its slower cooling rate compared to Earth.

      Studying the interior of Venus poses unique challenges for planetary scientists due to its slow rotation, toxic atmosphere, and lack of a magnetic field. These factors prevent the use of traditional methods like seismology and shape analysis to learn about Venus' interior. Despite these challenges, recent progress includes measuring its rotation and precession rate, and upcoming missions may provide new insights. The core of Venus is believed to be liquid, but its lack of convection may be due to its slower cooling rate compared to Earth, which benefits from plate tectonics as an efficient cooling mechanism.

    • The availability of volatile materials affects a planet's plate tectonicsCloser proximity to the sun, loss of water, smaller size, cooler temperature, and lack of plate tectonics can be reasons for a planet's inability to have plate tectonics

      The presence or absence of plate tectonics on a planet is closely linked to the availability of volatile materials like water inside the planet. Venus, being closer to the sun and having undergone a runaway greenhouse effect that removed all its water, is believed to lack plate tectonics as a result. Mars, on the other hand, may have a liquid core but lacks convection due to its smaller size, cooler temperature, and lack of plate tectonics. The solar system's gas giants, like Jupiter, were once thought to have a clear boundary between their rocky cores and gaseous atmospheres. However, recent discoveries suggest that these planets have more complex structures, with a gradual transition between the core and the atmosphere, making them "fuzzy" rather than sharply defined. Understanding the implications of these findings for planetary formation and evolution is an ongoing area of research.

    • Exploring the Interiors of Gas GiantsLimited data exists about gas giants' interiors due to high pressures. Upcoming mission Dragonfly to Titan will provide more in-situ info, making it easier to explore due to lower gravity and denser atmosphere.

      While we have sent probes into the atmosphere of gas giants like Jupiter, it's challenging to explore deeper into their interiors due to high pressures. The fuzzy core of these planets is in a fluid state, but it's not like anything we encounter on Earth's surface. We've only been able to gather limited data from these planets, and probes that dive in and come back out don't exist for gas giants. However, there's an upcoming mission called Dragonfly, planned for Saturn's moon Titan, which will provide more in-situ information at multiple locations over large distances. Titan's dense atmosphere and low gravity make it easier to fly, allowing the Dragonfly probe to traverse the surface and collect data. The mission is currently in development and is expected to launch sometime in the next decade, with data possibly becoming available in the late 2030s. Despite our progress, there's always a risk that the mission could fail.

    • Distinct Characteristics of Jupiter and SaturnJupiter has a powerful magnetic field due to its metallic hydrogen core and rapid rotation, while Saturn's rings reveal internal motions and notable storms at its poles.

      The planets Jupiter and Saturn, despite their size and similarities, exhibit unique characteristics in their internal structures and external appearances. Jupiter, with its sizeable metallic hydrogen core, generates a powerful magnetic field, and its rapid rotation creates distinct, striped bands in its atmosphere due to the separation of fluids in rotation. Saturn, on the other hand, has a similar metallic hydrogen core, but its rings can be used to study internal motions, and it features notable storms at its poles. Both planets showcase the complexities of planetary science, with engineering and scientific advancements enabling us to understand their intricacies.

    • Distinguishing Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune: Ice Giants and Gravity WavesSaturn and Jupiter share similarities, but Uranus and Neptune are unique ice giants with different magnetic fields, potential for diamond icebergs, and unusual properties like superionic water.

      While Saturn and Jupiter share similarities in terms of their physical properties, Uranus and Neptune are unique in their composition and behavior. Gravity waves, a type of disturbance in the gravitational field, were discussed in relation to Saturn's rings, distinguishing them from the gravitational waves detected from black holes. Uranus and Neptune, however, are considered "ice giants," with different magnetic fields and the potential for unique phenomena such as diamond icebergs in their deep interiors due to the separation of carbon from other materials under extreme pressure. These planets, believed to be mostly composed of water, ammonia, and methane, offer a fascinating test bed for understanding the behavior of these elements under high pressure and temperature. Recent experiments have even recreated superionic water, a phase of water with unusual properties, in laboratories on Earth. The discovery of diamond icebergs in Uranus and Neptune, if proven, could have significant implications for the diamond market and our understanding of exoplanets.

    • Exploring the Wonders of Our Solar SystemInstead of focusing on lab-made diamonds, scientists should study diverse forms of matter in our solar system for valuable insights and origins of essential elements. Exoplanet discoveries offer opportunities to test planetary formation theories.

      While we can technically create diamonds in labs, their high value comes from the scarcity created by efforts to prevent lab-made diamonds from entering the market. Instead, the focus should be on exploring the diverse forms of matter in our solar system, particularly asteroids, comets, and other small bodies, which serve as leftover ingredients of planet formation and provide valuable insights into the history of our planet. The study of these celestial bodies also sheds light on the origins of our water and other essential elements. The discovery of thousands of exoplanets presents a significant opportunity for scientists to test theories about planetary formation and the unique characteristics of our solar system. Overall, the exploration of our own solar system and beyond offers a wealth of knowledge and learning opportunities.

    • Discoveries in Exoplanet Research: Hot Jupiters and Potential Life CandidatesThe discovery of the first exoplanet orbiting a live star, a hot Jupiter, highlighted the importance of planetary migration. Titan, a moon of Saturn, and Neptune's diamond ocean are strong candidates for potential life beyond Earth due to their water sources, complex organic molecules, and energy sources.

      Learning from this discussion with astrobiologist Sabina Stanley is the significant discoveries made in the field of exoplanet research. The most surprising finding for Stanley is the discovery of the first exoplanet orbiting a live star, a giant hot Jupiter, which showed us the importance of planetary migration. As we look for potential places to find life beyond Earth, Stanley suggests Titan, a moon of Saturn, as a strong candidate due to its water ocean beneath the surface, complex organic molecules on the surface, and energy sources from tidal interactions. The search for life on Neptune's diamond ocean is also intriguing, as it could potentially harbor life forms capable of surviving at much higher temperatures and pressures than on Earth. Overall, the discoveries in exoplanet research continue to expand our understanding of the universe and the potential for life beyond Earth.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/09/09/288-max-richter-on-the-meaning-of-classical-music-today/

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    AMA | September 2024

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    Blog post with AMA questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/09/02/ama-september-2024/

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/26/287-jean-paul-faguet-on-institutions-and-the-legacy-of-history/

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/19/286-blaise-aguera-y-arcas-on-the-emergence-of-replication-and-computation/

    Blaise Agüera y Arcas received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University. He is currently a vice-president of engineering at Google, leader of the Cerebra team, and a member of the Paradigms of Intelligence team. He is the author of the books Ubi Sunt and Who Are We Now?, and the upcoming What Is Intelligence?

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    285 | Nate Silver on Prediction, Risk, and Rationality

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/12/285-nate-silver-on-prediction-risk-and-rationality/

    Nate Silver received a B.A. in economics from the University of Chicago. He worked as a baseball analyst, developing the PECOTA statistical system (Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm). He later founded the FiveThirtyEight political polling analysis site. His first book, The Signal and the Noise, was awarded the Phi Beta Kappa Society Book Award in Science. He is the co-host (with Maria Konnikova) of the Risky Business podcast.

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    AMA | August 2024

    AMA | August 2024

    Welcome to the August 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/08/05/ama-august-2024/

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    284 | Doris Tsao on How the Brain Turns Vision Into the World

    284 | Doris Tsao on How the Brain Turns Vision Into the World

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/29/284-doris-tsao-on-how-the-brain-turns-vision-into-the-world/

    Doris Tsao received her Ph.D. in neurobiology from Harvard University. She is currently a professor of molecular and cell biology, and a member of the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, at the University of California, Berkeley. Among her awards are a MacArthur Fellowship, membership in the National Academy of Sciences, the Eppendorf and Science International Prize in Neurobiology, the National Institutes of Health Director’s Pioneer Award, the Golden Brain Award from the Minerva Foundation, the Perl-UNC Neuroscience Prize, and the Kavli Prize in Neuroscience.

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    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/22/283-daron-acemoglu-on-technology-inequality-and-power/

    Daron Acemoglu received a Ph.D. in economics from the London School of Economics. He is currently Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Econometric Society. Among his awards are the John Bates Clark Medal and the Nemmers Prize in Economics. In 2015, he was named the most cited economist of the past 10 years.

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    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    282 | Joel David Hamkins on Puzzles of Reality and Infinity

    The philosophy of mathematics would be so much easier if it weren't for infinity. The concept seems natural, but taking it seriously opens the door to counterintuitive results. As mathematician and philosopher Joel David Hamkins says in this conversation, when we say that the natural numbers are "0, 1, 2, 3, and so on," that "and so on" is hopelessly vague. We talk about different ways to think about the puzzles of infinity, how they might be resolved, and implications for mathematical realism.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/15/282-joel-david-hamkins-on-puzzles-of-reality-and-infinity/

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    Joel David Hamkins received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently the John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Logic at the University of Notre Dame. He is a pioneer of the idea of the set theory multiverse. He is the top-rated user by reputation score on MathOverflow. He is currently working on The Book of Infinity, to be published by MIT Press.

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    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Ask Me Anything | July 2024

    Welcome to the July 2024 Ask Me Anything episode of Mindscape! These monthly excursions are funded by Patreon supporters (who are also the ones asking the questions). We take questions asked by Patreons, whittle them down to a more manageable number -- based primarily on whether I have anything interesting to say about them, not whether the questions themselves are good -- and sometimes group them together if they are about a similar topic. Enjoy!

    Blog post with questions and transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2024/07/08/ama-july-2024/

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    259 | Adam Frank on What Aliens Might Be Like

    259 | Adam Frank on What Aliens Might Be Like

    It wasn't that long ago that topics like the nature of consciousness, or the foundations of quantum mechanics, or prospects for extraterrestrial life were considered fringey and disreputable by much of the scientific community. In all these cases, the tide of opinion is gradually changing. Life on other worlds, in particular, has seen a remarkable growth in interest -- how life could start on other worlds, how we can detect it in the solar system and on exoplanets, and even thoughts about advanced alien civilizations. I talk with astrophysicist Adam Frank about some of those thoughts. We also give the inside scoop on what professional scientists think about UFOs.

    Blog post with transcript: https://www.preposterousuniverse.com/podcast/2023/12/11/259-adam-frank-on-what-aliens-might-be-like/

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    Adam Frank received a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Washington. He is currently the Helen F. and Fred H. Gowen Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Distinguished Scientist at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester. Among his awards are the National Honors Society Best Book in Science award, and the Carl Sagan Medal from the American Astronomical Society. His new book is The Little Book of Aliens.

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    Hot Rod Rocket Cars, Burnin' Mars Gas!

    Hot Rod Rocket Cars, Burnin' Mars Gas!
    In honor of Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos putting their butts on the launch pad, we salute the spirit of hot rods in space with this encore presentation of one our most popular episodes. Fasten your safety belt and -- aw, screw it, just hop in and hit the gas, let's goooooooo!!! --- Using gravity waves, Astronomers announced they discovered two neutron stars colliding in an epic explosion! Forbes Magazine's favorite fact about this natural wonder is that the event created 28 Octillion Dollars worth of Gold! (Priorities, people, c'mon.) Everyone says the global race to space won't really begin until we find some kind of (boring, so boring) natural material (yawn) to mine (geez, really) on some asteroid, moon or planet. What do people really love on Earth? Oil! What the IF oil (sticky, smokey, delicious) oil were found on Mars? A bazillion tons of it! Would Elon Musk's dreams of a massive Mars-based corporate economy erupt, using all that cheap, stinky oil? What would happen on Earth with all this insanely cheap oil suddenly available to everyone? Rocket cars belching smoke! And so much more. Check out this really fun, crazy, episode -- chock-a-block full of REAL SCIENCE -- and our awesome flavor of extrapolation imagination as we envision another entirely new world that comes to life when we ask... What the IF? --- Got an IF of your own? Want to have us consider your idea for a show topic? Send YOUR IF to us! Email us at feedback@whattheif.com and let us know what's in your imagination. No idea is too small, or too big! --- Want to support the show? Click a rating or add a review on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast app! itunes.apple.com/podcast/id1250517051?mt=2&ls=1 Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe at WhatTheIF.com Keep On IFFin', Philip, Matt & Gaby

    27 - Earth Will ROCK YOUR WORLD

    27 - Earth Will ROCK YOUR WORLD
    TODAY WAS CRAZY because GEOLOGY suddenly sped up like craaaaaazzzzy. No more waiting eons for mountains to rise, watch 'em before your very eyes. Heck, ride that mountain as it grows, grows, grows! The continents move at wicked speed under our feet. Earthquakes, earthquakes and more earthquakes Volcanoes, volcanoes, oh boy, so many erupting volcanoes! Come with us on this hair raising, and flaming, ride, it's super, super fun, if you can stand -- literally, can you stand? -- this volcanic visit to EARTHQUAKE EARTH. Also, did we say LAVA? Lots and lots of lava! What the, what the... What The IF?