
    Podcast Summary

    • Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover: Balancing Free Speech and Online SafetyAgnostic about Musk's ability to change Twitter, Harris advocates for a transparent and ethical moderation policy, acknowledges the difficulty of moderating online platforms, supports a no-doxxing policy, and emphasizes the importance of balancing free speech and online safety.

      The debate surrounding Elon Musk's potential purchase of Twitter and its implications for free speech and moderation policies is complex and nuanced. While some argue that a billionaire buying a major media platform is cause for concern, others celebrate the potential for change. Sam Harris expresses agnosticism about Musk's ability to improve Twitter, acknowledging the need for a more transparent and ethical moderation policy. He also emphasizes the difficulty of moderating online platforms and the inevitability of dissatisfied users. For those advocating for minimal moderation, Harris distinguishes between protected speech under the First Amendment and obnoxious or harmful content that can still be regulated on private platforms. He supports a no-doxxing policy and believes that certain individuals, such as Alex Jones and Donald Trump, should have been kicked off Twitter for inciting harassment and doxxing. Ultimately, Harris emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between free speech and online safety.

    • The line between doxxing and journalism is blurry, and solving social media harassment is complex.Twitter is not a town square, and creating a productive social media platform for smart and well-intentioned people is a challenge. Discussed topics included hyper partisanship, culture, deplatforming, and Murray's book 'The War on the West'.

      The line between malicious doxxing and necessary journalism is not clear-cut, and finding a solution to the problem of social media harassment and moderation is a complex issue. The analogy of Twitter being the town square and a place for free speech is not accurate, as there are successful people who thrive offline and losing one's platform on Twitter does not equate to losing personhood. The importance of creating a social media platform that works and is a productive use of time for smart and well-intentioned people is a challenging problem to solve. During a conversation with Douglas Murray, topics such as hyper partisanship, the primacy of culture, and the deplatforming of Trump and Alex Jones were discussed. The conversation also touched on Murray's book "The War on the West," covering topics such as the new religion of anti-racism, inequality, the 16/19 project, and moral panics.

    • A passionate defense of Western culture in 'The War on the West'The left's derangement overshadows honest engagement with ethics, facts, and internal consistency, according to Douglas Murray in his new book.

      Learning from this conversation with Douglas Murray is the passionate defense of Western culture presented in his new book, "The War on the West." Murray's unique ability to read and deliver quotations from those he deems as insane or sinister adds an entertaining dimension to his work. The discussion touched upon the left's derangement and the concerns with identity that seem to overshadow honest engagement with ethics, facts, and internal consistency. Although the central problem is agreed upon, Murray and the interviewer may have differences in opinion regarding the similarities between the left and right in this regard. The interview emphasizes the importance of remaining alert to potential areas of disagreement and acknowledges that while they may fully agree on the left and the topic of Murray's book, they might find differences when discussing the right.

    • Issues of double standards, hypocrisy, and destructive thinking in identity politicsCriticisms of left's assault on Western culture acknowledged, but problems on the right, such as conspiracy theories and intolerant prejudices, also addressed. Consistent criticism of own side, with condemnation of Trump's role in Capitol attack.

      There are significant issues of double standards, hypocrisy, and destructive thinking present in identity politics on both the left and right. While this conversation focused on the left's assault on Western culture, the speaker also acknowledges problems on the right, such as conspiracy theories and intolerant prejudices. The speaker's writing covers a wide range of topics, and they have consistently criticized their own side. For instance, they have condemned Donald Trump for inciting the January 6th attack on the Capitol. The speaker's primary focus is on addressing the issues they see as most pressing, which currently comes from the left. However, they make it clear that they are not silent on problems on the right.

    • Criticizing intolerance and misinformation in certain right-wing sectorsColumnist Rod Liddle speaks out against intolerance and misinformation, particularly anti-Semitic and pro-Russian sentiments, despite facing backlash. He emphasizes the importance of truth and distancing from harmful beliefs.

      Intolerance and the spread of misinformation, particularly anti-Semitic and pro-Russian sentiments, have become prevalent issues within certain sectors of the American and European right. Rod Liddle, a columnist, has spoken out against these trends, criticizing individuals and institutions for promoting such views. He has faced backlash for his criticisms, but remains unapologetic, emphasizing the importance of speaking truth to power and distancing himself from those holding harmful beliefs. At events like the National Conservatism Conference, Liddle has openly criticized figures like Donald Trump, despite being in a minority among attendees. His actions serve as a reminder of the importance of standing against intolerance and misinformation, even if it means going against popular opinion.

    • The damaging impact of the current cultural environmentThe unwillingness to acknowledge and address the root causes of societal issues within their respective ideologies can lead to dangerous outcomes, requiring self-reflection and healing for society.

      The current cultural environment, fueled by misinformation, moral panics, and social contagion, is causing significant damage to our democracy. This issue transcends politics and affects every aspect of our shared social reality. The unwillingness of some to acknowledge this problem, whether it's the derangement on the left or the refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power on the right, is a major concern. The inability to identify and address the root causes of these issues within their respective ideologies is a significant problem. The example given is the lack of a clear understanding of where the left goes wrong, leading to potential dangerous outcomes like the gulag. The assumption that one side is less likely to go wrong can no longer be made. It's crucial for all of us to engage in self-reflection and work towards healing the fragmentation of society.

    • Shift in trust among American rightConservatives now trust figures like Trump, despite past beliefs, and use them as weapons against opponents, highlighting the importance of factual information and critical thinking.

      The discussion between Jordan Peterson and Douglas Murray highlighted the concerning shift in trust and beliefs among certain sectors of the American right. They expressed their realization that they would trust and potentially risk their lives for figures like Donald Trump and Mike Pence, despite previous beliefs that these individuals were corrupt. This is a significant departure from the past perception that conservatives were too gentlemanly and would only slow down the left's progress. The right's choice to use Trump as a weapon against their opponents, although understandable, is also reprehensible. This situation underscores the need for critical thinking and factual information to counteract the spread of misinformation and mistrust in politics.

    • The deep-seated feeling of resentment fueled Trump's presidencyTrump's aggressive style resonated with those feeling bullied, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was a legitimate story downplayed by major news outlets, and journalistic institutions dismissing valid stories is a clear issue.

      The dynamic leading to Donald Trump's presidency can be attributed to a deep-seated feeling of resentment and a desire to be the bully among a section of the Republican party. This feeling was fueled by Trump's aggressive and confrontational style, which resonated with those who felt they had been bullied for years. The Hunter Biden laptop scandal is an example of how this dynamic played out in the political sphere. At the time, the story was dismissed as Russian disinformation and suppressed by social media, but recent admissions by The New York Times reveal that it was a legitimate story with potentially damaging information about the Biden family. The handling of the story highlights the problem of major news outlets downplaying significant stories, and the speaker is undecided about what should have been done differently. Despite this, the speaker acknowledges that there is a clear issue when journalistic institutions dismiss valid stories. The speaker also discloses their personal connection to the New York Post, the paper that broke the story.

    • The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop storyThe Hunter Biden laptop story, involving allegations of financial wrongdoing and personal indiscretions, was initially suppressed by major tech companies and the media. The real story was Hunter Biden's business dealings with foreign sources, which have been confirmed as authentic.

      The Hunter Biden laptop story, which involved allegations of financial wrongdoing and personal indiscretions, was a significant news event that was initially suppressed by major tech companies and the media. The speaker, who had no personal involvement in the story but knew people involved, believed it was a mistake to silence The New York Post, America's oldest newspaper, from reporting on it. The real story, according to the speaker, was not the prurient content but the fact that Hunter Biden was making large sums of money from foreign sources, including Ukraine, while his father was in office. The emails related to these business dealings have been confirmed as authentic by multiple news outlets. The speaker argued that the level of corruption at the top of American politics is outrageous and that both parties are guilty. While it's unclear if the story would have changed the election outcome, the speaker believed it was worth publishing due to its potential significance.

    • Media's handling of Hunter Biden laptop story and intelligence chiefs' interventionThe 2020 US election tested American democracy, with the media's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story and intelligence chiefs' intervention becoming major points of contention. Institutional politicization and Russian interference fueled distrust in the democratic process and its guardians.

      The 2020 US presidential election became a significant test of American democracy, with various institutions and individuals under scrutiny. The media's handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was initially suppressed due to allegations of Russian disinformation, became a major point of contention. The intervention by intelligence chiefs in the form of a joint letter labeling the story as disinformation was highly controversial. Many believe that these officials overstepped their boundaries and politicized their roles, potentially damaging public trust in crucial institutions. The issue of Russian interference in the election, combined with the politicization of institutions, created an environment where distrust in the democratic process and its guardians ran high. It's essential to maintain the integrity of these institutions and ensure they remain impartial to preserve the health of American democracy.

    • The Republican Party's Complex Departure from Traditional ValuesBalancing free speech and safety is crucial, as private companies wield significant power to silence voices, but incitement to violence or targeting individuals can be problematic.

      The current state of the Republican party is complex and can be seen as a departure from traditional conservative values. The politicization of institutions like intelligence services and the military, as well as the treatment of figures like John McCain, have created unusual dynamics. Regarding free speech, it's a tricky issue. Private companies like Twitter can make their own decisions, but they have significant power to silence voices. While it's essential to respect the right to free speech, incitement to violence or targeting individuals with large followings, putting their lives at risk, can be problematic. The courts are currently handling cases like that of Alex Jones. It's important to strike a balance between free speech and safety.

    • Social media's struggle to effectively moderate contentSocial media platforms face challenges in removing harmful accounts and content while upholding free speech. Users also share responsibility for the content they share and its potential consequences.

      Social media platforms, like Twitter, have struggled to effectively moderate content due to their massive scale and the complexity of the free speech issue. The failure to remove harmful accounts, such as those belonging to governments or individuals spreading misinformation, has raised concerns about the platforms' commitment to user safety. However, users also share responsibility for the content they put out and the potential consequences it may have. A no doxing policy and enforcing it consistently could be a start to addressing some of these issues. Additionally, individuals should be mindful of what they share on these platforms and consider the potential repercussions. Ultimately, finding a solution to effectively moderate social media while upholding free speech is a complex challenge that requires ongoing effort and dialogue.

    • Navigating the complexities of social media regulationThe speaker explores the need for self-regulation and better customs on social media platforms, but also questions the role of these platforms as public spaces versus private companies and the balance between free speech and deplatforming.

      We're navigating uncharted waters with social media platforms like Twitter, where virtual mobs can wield significant reputational damage. The speaker acknowledges the need for self-regulation and better customs, drawing parallels to the early days of email. However, they also question the role of these platforms as public spaces versus private companies, and the complexities of balancing free speech with deplatforming. The speaker suggests that the situation is far from resolved, and we must continue to grapple with these issues as individuals and as a society. For instance, the speaker ponders whether Twitter, as a private company, should have the power to deplatform certain individuals, like Alex Jones, while leaving others, such as the US president or foreign leaders, untouched. Ultimately, the speaker leaves us with the thought-provoking question of whether it's within the bounds of propriety for a company to "pull the plug" on a platform like Twitter and deplatform everyone.

    • Positive effects of deplatforming controversial figuresDeplatforming can reduce influence on news cycle and culture, but raises concerns about fairness and potential for misinformation

      The deplatforming of controversial figures like Donald Trump from social media platforms, while a complex issue, can have positive effects such as reducing their influence on the news cycle and culture at large. However, it also raises concerns about fairness and the potential for misinformation and manipulation. The discussion also highlighted the danger of certain individuals, like Trump, who can derange large segments of society and the role of external influences, such as Russia, in shaping beliefs and ideologies. The rightward shift of some Americans towards Putin and Russia is a prime example of this, with some people being misled by Putin's propaganda and others underestimating the Kremlin's actions. Ultimately, it's crucial to remain informed and critical of information sources and to recognize the potential for manipulation and misinformation.

    • The conversation about race has shifted from colorblindness to obsessionThe goal should be to reach a future where race holds no moral or political significance, but the current anti-racism discourse has shifted towards obsession with race, causing division rather than unity.

      The ongoing conversation about race and its significance in society has deviated from the original goal of reaching a colorblind future. Instead, it has become a focus of obsession, with some even advocating for prioritizing race over other aspects of identity. This shift is seen as a moral error, as it perpetuates division rather than unity. The speakers agree that the ultimate goal should be to reach a future where race holds no moral or political significance. However, they lament that this goal is no longer the focus of the current anti-racism discourse. This conversation also touched on the issue of recruiting jihadi mercenaries to attack Orthodox Christians, which they both agreed was an unseemly and morally questionable act, regardless of the identities involved.

    • Engaging in thoughtful conversations and accessing high-quality contentSubscribing to ad-free platforms offers access to in-depth discussions, bonus episodes, and a community of like-minded individuals, fostering meaningful conversations and expanding knowledge.

      Importance of accessing high-quality, thought-provoking content and engaging in meaningful conversations. Sam Harris emphasized this point by describing the allure of his subscriber-only podcast and app, which offer ad-free listening, bonus episodes, and AMAs. These platforms provide a space for in-depth discussions on various topics, from philosophy and neuroscience to politics and morality. By subscribing, listeners gain access to a community of like-minded individuals and the opportunity to engage in thoughtful dialogues. This model of listener-supported content creation allows for the production of ad-free, in-depth discussions, ensuring a valuable and enriching experience for those seeking to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world.

    Recent Episodes from Making Sense with Sam Harris

    #372 — Life & Work

    #372 — Life & Work

    Sam Harris speaks with George Saunders about his creative process. They discuss George’s involvement with Buddhism, the importance of kindness, psychedelics, writing as a practice, the work of Raymond Carver, the problem of social media, our current political moment, the role of fame in American culture, Wendell Berry, fiction as way of exploring good and evil, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, missed opportunities in ordinary life, what it means to be a more loving person, his article “The Incredible Buddha Boy,” the prison of reputation, Tolstoy, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #371 — What the Hell Is Happening?

    #371 — What the Hell Is Happening?

    Sam Harris speaks to Bill Maher about the state of the world. They discuss the aftermath of October 7th, the cowardice and confusion of many celebrities, gender apartheid, the failures of the Biden campaign, Bill’s relationship to his audience, the differences between the left and right, Megyn Kelly, loss of confidence in the media, expectations for the 2024 election, the security concerns of old-school Republicans, the prospect of a second Trump term, totalitarian regimes, functioning under medical uncertainty, Bill’s plan to stop doing stand-up (maybe), looking back on his career, his experience of fame, Jerry Seinfeld, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


    #370 — Gender Apartheid and the Future of Iran

    #370 — Gender Apartheid and the Future of Iran

    In today’s housekeeping, Sam explains his digital business model. He and Yasmine Mohammed (co-host) then speak with Masih Alinejad about gender apartheid in Iran. They discuss the Iranian revolution, the hypocrisy of Western feminists, the morality police and the significance of the hijab, the My Stealthy Freedom campaign, kidnapping and assassination plots against Masih, lack of action from the U.S. government, the effect of sanctions, the cowardice of Western journalists, the difference between the Iranian population and the Arab street, the unique perspective of Persian Jews, Islamism and immigration, the infiltration of universities, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    #369 — Escaping Death

    #369 — Escaping Death

    Sam Harris speaks with Sebastian Junger about danger and death. They discuss Sebastian's career as a journalist in war zones, the connection between danger and meaning, his experience of nearly dying from a burst aneurysm in his abdomen, his lingering trauma, the concept of "awe," psychedelics, near-death experiences, atheism, psychic phenomena, consciousness and the brain, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #368 — Freedom & Censorship

    #368 — Freedom & Censorship

    Sam Harris speaks with Greg Lukianoff about free speech and cancel culture. They discuss the origins of political correctness, free speech and its boundaries, the bedrock principle of the First Amendment, technology and the marketplace of ideas, epistemic anarchy, social media and cancellation, comparisons to McCarthyism, self-censorship by professors, cancellation from the Left and Right, justified cancellations, the Hunter Biden laptop story, how to deal with Trump in the media, the state of higher education in America, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #366 — Urban Warfare 2.0

    #366 — Urban Warfare 2.0

    Sam Harris speaks with John Spencer about the reality of urban warfare and Israel's conduct in the war in Gaza. They discuss the nature of the Hamas attacks on October 7th, what was most surprising about the Hamas videos, the difficulty in distinguishing Hamas from the rest of the population, combatants as a reflection of a society's values, how many people have been killed in Gaza, the proportion of combatants and noncombatants, the double standards to which the IDF is held, the worst criticism that can be made of Israel and the IDF, intentions vs results, what is unique about the war in Gaza, Hamas's use of human shields, what it would mean to defeat Hamas, what the IDF has accomplished so far, the destruction of the Gaza tunnel system, the details of underground warfare, the rescue of hostages, how noncombatants become combatants, how difficult it is to interpret videos of combat, what victory would look like, the likely aftermath of the war, war with Hezbollah, Iran's attack on Israel, what to do about Iran, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.


    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.


    #365 — Reality Check

    #365 — Reality Check

    Sam Harris begins by remembering his friendship with Dan Dennett. He then speaks with David Wallace-Wells about the shattering of our information landscape. They discuss the false picture of reality produced during Covid, the success of the vaccines, how various countries fared during the pandemic, our preparation for a future pandemic, how we normalize danger and death, the current global consensus on climate change, the amount of warming we can expect, the consequence of a 2-degree Celsius warming, the effects of air pollution, global vs local considerations, Greta Thunberg and climate catastrophism, growth vs degrowth, market forces, carbon taxes, the consequences of political stagnation, the US national debt, the best way to attack the candidacy of Donald Trump, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #364 — Facts & Values

    #364 — Facts & Values

    Sam Harris revisits the central argument he made in his book, The Moral Landscape, about the reality of moral truth. He discusses the way concepts like “good” and “evil” can be thought about objectively, the primacy of our intuitions of truth and falsity, and the unity of knowledge.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

    #363 — Knowledge Work

    #363 — Knowledge Work

    Sam Harris speaks with Cal Newport about our use of information technology and the cult of productivity. They discuss the state of social media, the "academic-in-exile effect," free speech and moderation, the effect of the pandemic on knowledge work, slow productivity, the example of Jane Austen, managing up in an organization, defragmenting one's work life, doing fewer things, reasonable deadlines, trading money for time, finding meaning in a post-scarcity world, the anti-work movement, the effects of artificial intelligence on knowledge work, and other topics.

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.

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