
    Podcast Summary

    • Divisiveness in the US: A Semi-Non-Violent Civil WarTo move past divisiveness, we need strong leadership and a shift towards consuming information that fosters unity, while holding accountable those who profit from division and hate.

      We are living in a time of deep divisiveness in the United States, with both political parties and media outlets capitalizing on this division for their own gain. This divisiveness has led to a non-violent, yet semi-non-violent civil war, where people are locked in mortal combat and unwilling to recognize that we are all part of one community called the United States. The way forward requires strong leadership and a shift in the information we consume, moving away from sources that stoke division and hate. Matt Taibbi's book, Hate, Ink, highlights the factors contributing to this divisive environment and the challenges of finding a solution. Ultimately, it will take a collective effort from leaders at all levels and from voters to choose those who serve the best interests of the country and take legislative action to rein in the power of big tech monopolies.

    • Politicians' Financial Ties to Tech Companies Hindering Section 230 ReformLegislative changes are needed to clarify Section 230, protect free speech, and ensure online safety by removing the provision allowing the removal of 'objectionable content' and establishing clearer guidelines based on the First Amendment.

      The lack of action from politicians regarding the censorship and power of big tech companies can be attributed to their financial ties to these monopolies. The debate revolves around Section 230, which grants tech companies legal immunity to moderate content as they see fit. However, the line between protected speech and objectionable content is blurred, and the potential for abuse is significant. To address this, legislative changes are needed to clarify Section 230 and protect free speech while ensuring online safety. The first step could be to amend the law to remove the provision allowing the removal of "objectionable content" and establish clearer guidelines based on the First Amendment.

    • Tech companies' role in regulating objectionable contentTech companies must balance free speech and regulation while being aware of foreign manipulation attempts, which can lead to baseless accusations and conflict.

      Tech companies have the power to regulate objectionable content on their platforms, but the line between protected First Amendment speech and unprotected speech can be blurry. Decades of Supreme Court precedents can guide these decisions. However, there are concerns about foreign actors using social media to stir up controversy and manipulate public opinion, as seen with the Internet Research Agency in Russia. These efforts can lead to baseless accusations and cause conflict among individuals. It's essential to be aware of this manipulation and not take every accusation at face value. The long-term goal of these foreign actors may be to get us at each other's throats, making it crucial to remain informed and critical of information we consume online.

    • The Erosion of Civil Liberties: A Threat to AllThe erosion of civil liberties like freedom of speech and privacy can lead to monopolies, limiting free speech, and reinforcing power. It's crucial to protect these freedoms for a healthy democratic society.

      The erosion of civil liberties, such as freedom of speech and privacy, can have grave consequences for everyone, regardless of political affiliations. The government's ability to surveil citizens and shut down new media entities can easily be used against those in power. This was a concern with the Patriot Act and mass surveillance, and it's becoming increasingly relevant today. Shutting down platforms in the name of stopping bad actors can lead to reinforcing monopolies and limiting free speech for all. It's crucial to stand up for civil liberties, as they protect us all and ensure the health of a democratic society. The recent events surrounding social media and the Capitol attack serve as a reminder of the importance of these freedoms.

    • Tech companies' power over search rankings raises concerns about monopolies and suppression of alternative platformsTech companies' control over search rankings can limit competition and diversity in information sources, while anonymous accounts on social media add to divisiveness and potential for misinformation. Balancing accountability and privacy is a complex issue.

      Tech companies like Google hold significant power in shaping information access through search rankings, which raises concerns about monopolies and potential suppression of alternative platforms like Rumble.com. This power can make it difficult for smaller entities to compete and be discovered, leading to a lack of diversity and transparency in information sources. The issue of anonymous accounts on social media platforms also adds to the divisiveness and potential for misinformation. A potential solution could be requiring real names for account registration, but this comes with the challenge of protecting whistleblowers. Overall, the balance between accountability and privacy in the digital age is a complex issue that requires careful consideration.

    • Politics as a High School Clique SystemVoters should base decisions on merit, not superficial qualities. Media and political parties can manipulate public opinion, leading to potential disastrous consequences.

      The political landscape in the United States can resemble a high school clique system, where people vote for candidates based on superficial qualities rather than qualifications and capabilities. This can result in individuals with little to no experience or understanding of government being given immense power. It's crucial for voters to be informed and make decisions based on merit, as those in power ultimately work for us. The media and political parties also play a role in manipulating public opinion. A clear example of this was the false missile alert in Hawaii in 2019, which highlighted the potential devastating consequences of such a situation and the importance of making informed decisions.

    • Tulsi Gabbard's concerns overlooked due to political games and personal smearsTulsi Gabbard's presidential campaign was overshadowed by personal attacks and sensationalized stories, hindering voters' understanding of her national security qualifications.

      During her presidential campaign, Tulsi Gabbard felt that her serious concerns about national security and nuclear threats were overlooked and dismissed in favor of superficial attacks and personal smears. She believes this was due to her unwillingness to play political games, speak the party line, and accept corporate funding. The media and other candidates focused on sensationalized stories, such as the Russian asset allegations, rather than engaging with the substance of her arguments. This ultimately hindered voters' ability to make informed decisions about her qualifications for the presidency.

    • Politicians prioritize power over peoplePoliticians prioritize power over people's needs, leading to frustration and mistrust in the democratic process

      Political decisions in Washington are often driven by a desire to gain or hold onto power, rather than what's best for the American people. This was evident during a conversation the speaker had with Democratic Party leaders, who tried to persuade her to vote against her convictions for political reasons. This approach not only lost her support but also highlighted the frustration of the public, who are facing real-life challenges, while politicians play politics with their lives. The prolonged negotiations over stimulus checks are a prime example of this, with some politicians holding back on aid out of concern for how it might impact their political standing. This approach not only disheartens the public but also undermines trust in the democratic process.

    • Politics overshadowing individual well-beingPoliticians prioritizing ambition over people's lives is a problem. Vote for those who prioritize the American people's best interests.

      Politics can sometimes overshadow the well-being of individuals and communities. The example given was during the push for the First Step Act, a criminal justice reform bill, where some politicians prioritized denying a potential win for then-President Trump over releasing thousands of non-violent prisoners from long-term incarceration. This mindset, where political ambition takes precedence over people's lives, is not new and has become increasingly problematic. However, the power to change this lies with the American people through their elections. It's crucial to educate ourselves about the candidates and their intentions, and to vote for those who prioritize serving the best interests of the American people.

    • The importance of unbiased news sourcesThe repeal of the Fairness Doctrine has led to biased corporate media, prioritizing profits over public responsibility, resulting in a national obsession with Trump at the expense of critical global issues. To combat this, we need balanced news platforms or a reinstated Fairness Doctrine.

      The importance of unbiased and balanced news sources cannot be overstated. The repeal of the Fairness Doctrine has led to an increasingly biased corporate media driven by profits rather than responsibility to the public. This issue is particularly prevalent in cable news, where the focus on ratings and sensationalism has led to a profit-making machine that often overlooks important issues in favor of Trump-centric coverage. The result is a national obsession with Trump at the expense of addressing critical global issues like nuclear proliferation. To combat this, there is a need to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine or create balanced news platforms that represent views from across the spectrum. This would go a long way in providing the American public with accurate and fair information, enabling them to make informed decisions on the issues that truly matter.

    • Focusing on real issues in politicsShift focus from divisiveness to agriculture, environment, and bipartisan solutions. Seek out alternative sources for information and hold leaders accountable.

      The conversation around politics and news has been dominated by divisiveness and partisanship, but it's important to focus on real issues that matter, such as the destruction of agriculture and the environment, and the need for bipartisan solutions. The speakers expressed concern that these issues have not received enough attention from Congress, and urged people to shift their focus away from sensationalized news and towards meaningful conversations. They also suggested that the media's business model relies on stirring up controversy, and that people can make a difference by refusing to engage with that content and seeking out alternative sources for information. The speakers also acknowledged the importance of having political representatives who resonate with the public, but emphasized the need for a focus on issues rather than party affiliation. They agreed that it's crucial for individuals to hold their leaders accountable and demand action on important matters.

    • Post-inauguration emotions reveal deep US divisionUnderstanding and addressing underlying issues that led to Trump's election and avoiding misinformation are crucial for unity and success under Biden.

      The aftermath of the 2021 presidential inauguration has shown the deep division in the United States, with many people expressing strong emotions towards the previous administration and its supporters. The intense engagement on social media and the widespread use of memes and self-aggrandizing posts have highlighted the energy and passion that exists on both sides. However, there is a danger in dismissing those who voted for Trump as "deplorables" or bad people. The underlying issues that led to his election, such as deeply seated problems in the country, must be addressed. Biden's ability to unite the country and address these issues will be crucial to his success as president. Additionally, it's important to understand the electorate process and avoid falling for misinformation and conspiracy theories, such as the idea that the election was stolen. These issues highlight the need for education, open dialogue, and a commitment to truth and facts.

    • Bipartisan bill proposed to prevent election manipulationDespite political narratives, factual voter fraud is rare. A bipartisan bill aimed to ensure paper backups for electronic voting systems failed in Congress, leaving concerns about election integrity unaddressed.

      The perception of election fraud during the 2020 elections has been distorted by political narratives, leading many to believe in false claims. The amount of voter fraud is not zero, but it's important to distinguish between fact and fiction. A bipartisan bill, the Securing America's Elections Act, was proposed to ensure a paper backup for electronic voting systems to prevent potential manipulation and maintain election integrity. However, Congress failed to pass the bill despite its potential benefits. The hypocrisy of political leaders in raising concerns about election fraud only when it serves their interests is a major issue. The lack of foresight and action from Congress to address vulnerabilities in the electronic voting systems before the 2020 election has left many questioning the integrity of the results.

    • Accountability crucial for addressing issues like election securityInstead of addressing critical matters like election security and COVID-19, some prioritize distractions, potentially eroding trust in democracy and its consequences.

      Accountability is crucial in addressing current issues, such as election security. Many people who criticize leaders today could have taken preventative actions in the past but chose not to. The threat of election hacking is real, as demonstrated by the ease with which children were able to manipulate replica voting systems. Instead of focusing on important issues like election security and addressing the COVID-19 pandemic, the first action of the new Congress was to remove gendered language from their rules. This distraction from critical matters is concerning, especially given the high percentage of Republicans who question the legitimacy of the 2020 election results. The erosion of confidence in democracy could have serious consequences. It's essential to prioritize issues that directly impact people's lives and maintain trust in our democratic processes.

    • Election Interference and Divisive PoliticsThe 2016 election and its aftermath have eroded trust in the electoral process and free speech, leading to politically-driven violence and censorship. Political figures' lack of leadership and self-interest have worsened the situation. New parties and divisive rhetoric only widen the divide, but honest online discussions can help foster unity and dialogue.

      The 2016 U.S. presidential election, and subsequent events, have deeply affected people's trust in the electoral process and their ability to express their opinions freely. The Russian interference in the election, misinformation, and the widening partisan divide have contributed to a dangerous normalization of politically-driven violence and censorship. The lack of leadership and self-interest among some political figures have further exacerbated the situation. The formation of new political parties and the use of divisive rhetoric only serve to widen the divide and undermine the unity needed to address the challenges facing the country. It's crucial that we strive to see each other as Americans, respect each other, and focus on finding common ground to solve the great problems of our time. Online platforms that allow for more honest and unfiltered discussions can play a role in fostering this dialogue.

    • Reasonable dialogue bridges gaps between differing viewpointsFocusing on shared values and engaging in open conversations can help us find common ground and work together to solve disagreements and larger issues

      Reasonable and honest dialogue between individuals with differing viewpoints is not only possible but essential for building connections and understanding. Crystal and Saga, as representatives of this ideal, demonstrate that even when disagreements arise, they can be addressed in a polite and objective manner. The desire for friendship, love, community, economic opportunities, and personal freedoms are shared values that can bridge the gaps between various political beliefs. By focusing on these core desires and engaging in open conversations, we can find common ground and work together to find solutions to the smaller disagreements and larger issues. The lack of this kind of dialogue in Washington is a significant problem, and it's crucial that we strive to bring this mindset to our everyday lives and interactions.

    • Finding common ground through shared physical activitiesEngaging in shared activities and respecting others' humanity can build meaningful connections and understanding in high-pressure environments.

      Despite political differences, engaging in shared physical activities and treating each other with basic human respect can foster meaningful connections and understanding between individuals, even in high-pressure environments like Congress. An unexpected interaction between the speaker and Speaker Boehner during a yoga class served as a reminder of the importance of recognizing the humanity in others and finding common ground. Additionally, the challenge of practicing yoga, with its focus on strength, flexibility, and mental peace, can serve as a powerful tool for personal growth and self-reflection, encouraging individuals to move beyond high school mentality and embrace the potential for positive change in their lives.

    • Learning from others' mistakesObserving the consequences of poor choices can help us avoid making the same mistakes. Reflecting on others' experiences and engaging in meaningful dialogue can lead to growth and progress.

      Learning from other people's mistakes and failures can be invaluable. Observing the consequences of poor choices can help us avoid making the same mistakes ourselves. The speaker shares a personal example of a friend who wasted his life on drugs, and how this experience served as a powerful lesson for the speaker. The speaker also encourages introspection and collective action to address current issues, and plans to launch a podcast to facilitate in-depth conversations on various topics. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of learning from others and engaging in meaningful, substantive dialogue.

    • The importance of face-to-face discussionsCreating opportunities for respectful dialogue can lead to understanding and unity, despite political differences.

      Meaningful and productive discussions require a face-to-face interaction where people can truly understand each other's perspectives. According to the speaker, this was evident during their town hall events where even combative individuals found common ground and openness for conversation. The speaker emphasizes that leaders play a crucial role in fostering such environments and that divisive energy can be replaced with a sense of community and kindness. The speaker also highlights their own experience on The View, where they remained calm and composed, allowing for a reasonable discussion. The key takeaway is that despite political differences, there is more common ground than disagreement, and creating opportunities for respectful dialogue can lead to understanding and unity.

    • Connecting through communities and open dialogueCreating spaces for open dialogue and understanding fosters connection and learning among individuals from diverse backgrounds, leading to the production of 'This is a Trailer' podcast.

      People are drawn to communities where they can connect with like-minded individuals and engage in meaningful discussions. This desire for connection can lead people to alter their beliefs to fit in with their community. The importance of creating such spaces for open dialogue and understanding was emphasized, as it allows individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together and learn from each other. The upcoming podcast, "This is a Trailer," aims to be that space, providing in-depth conversations and perspectives on various issues, both in-person and remotely. Independence and control over content were also highlighted as important factors, as the podcast will be produced completely independently to avoid potential censorship or de-platforming.

    • Demonetization on YouTube raises censorship concernsTech companies should make content decisions based on clear, transparent guidelines to avoid arbitrary censorship and maintain trust with creators

      The process of demonetizing content on platforms like YouTube raises concerns about censorship and the power to dictate what creators can or cannot discuss. With millions of videos uploaded every day and limited resources to review each one, the potential for arbitrary decisions and misunderstandings increases. The ultimate goal should be for these tech companies to make content decisions based on clear, transparent guidelines, as outlined in the First Amendment and other legal precedents. By moving to a platform like Spotify, creators can have more trust in the stability and support for their content.

    • Culture of anger and canceling based on race, gender, or politicsVirtual signaling and disregard for facts can lead to harmful actions, dividing people based on race, gender, or politics, and undermining respect and trust.

      The ease of communication through social media has led to a culture of anger, hate, and canceling individuals based on their race, gender, or political beliefs. This was highlighted in a troubling statement made by Congressman Steve Cohen on CNN, where he cast doubt on the loyalty of National Guard soldiers based on their race and gender, assuming they were more likely to have voted for Trump. This is a dangerous form of racism and tribalism that can lead to division and mistrust. Another example was seen during discussions about the vaccine rollout, where some argued that prioritizing essential workers over elderly people would create a more balanced demographic, even if it meant more elderly people dying. These actions, driven by virtual signaling and a disregard for facts, are harmful and do not promote healthy or productive dialogue. It's crucial to remember that everyone deserves respect and the presumption of good faith, regardless of their race, gender, or political beliefs.

    • Vaccinated individuals can still spread COVID-19Even if vaccinated, individuals can unknowingly spread COVID-19 to others, especially the elderly. Clear communication about vaccine distribution and safety protocols is crucial.

      While COVID-19 vaccines have been proven to prevent serious health complications and death, they have not been scientifically established to prevent the transmission of the virus. Therefore, even if someone has been vaccinated, they can still potentially spread the virus to others, especially to those who are more vulnerable, such as the elderly. It's important for individuals to understand this and continue to follow safety protocols like wearing masks and social distancing, regardless of their vaccination status. Additionally, the definition of essential workers according to the CDC is broad and includes a large portion of the workforce. Decisions about vaccine distribution should be based on who is most at risk of serious illness or death, rather than occupation alone. Failure to communicate this information clearly could lead to unintentional transmission of the virus.

    • Prioritizing vaccines for high-risk populations could save lives and reduce hospitalizationsVaccinating high-risk populations can prevent 80% of COVID-related deaths and nearly 50% of hospitalizations, improving individual and national health.

      Prioritizing vaccines for high-risk populations, such as those over 65 years old, could reduce COVID-related deaths by approximately 80% and hospitalizations by nearly 50%. This would have a significant impact on individuals' lives and the country as a whole. Hawaii, which had a long-term quarantine and now requires negative COVID tests for travelers, has seen relatively low infection rates as a result. However, there needs to be more focus on health and wellness, including nutrition and exercise, to strengthen the immune system. The economic impact of the pandemic on Hawaii, which heavily relies on tourism, has been devastating. While reopening to tourism may be necessary for the economy, there are discussions about taking a more balanced and sustainable approach. Additionally, concerns about the regulation of fishing practices and the potential depletion of ocean resources are pressing issues that need attention.

    • Overexploitation of natural resources and its consequencesIgnoring environmental issues can lead to devastating long-term effects, requiring global cooperation and policy changes to prevent further damage. Authentic communication and dialogue are essential to inspire change, while challenging perspectives and seeking the truth are crucial in a world of misrepresentation.

      The overexploitation of natural resources, such as overfishing, can have devastating long-term effects on the environment and ultimately impact all of us. This issue requires global cooperation and policy changes to prevent further damage. Tulsi Gabbard, a former presidential candidate, shares her concerns about the consequences of ignoring environmental issues and the importance of authentic communication and dialogue to inspire change. She also highlights the need to challenge perspectives and seek the truth in a world where misrepresentation is prevalent. The mainstream media's role in shaping public opinion and the complexities of political dynamics were also discussed. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of addressing environmental concerns and fostering open dialogue to create a better future for all.

    • Biden talks about his working relationship with Harris and their disagreementsBiden values honesty and moral principles over political power and would consider resigning instead of faking illness to avoid disagreements with Harris.

      During a conversation, former President Joe Biden discussed his past working relationship with Vice President Kamala Harris and mentioned that if he disagreed with her on a moral principle, he would consider resigning instead of faking an illness. The conversation also touched on various topics such as CBD drinks, pineapple and anchovies, and health and wellbeing. Biden shared that he and Harris have a similar philosophy of government and approach to issues, and their disagreements are usually resolved in private. The conversation also included some light-hearted moments, such as joking about having a pool bet on how long Biden would last in office. The conversation ended with a discussion about health and the importance of making healthy choices.

    • Leadership inconsistency and hypocrisy erode trustClear, truthful info and consistent enforcement are vital for trust and unity during crises. Consider individual circumstances when making decisions.

      Inconsistency and hypocrisy in leadership can erode public trust and understanding, particularly during times of crisis. The discussion highlights instances where conflicting messages and actions from those in power have led to confusion and frustration, such as the handling of COVID-19 restrictions and wellness campaigns. Providing clear, truthful information and consistent enforcement of rules is crucial for maintaining trust and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goal. Additionally, the discussion touches on the importance of considering the unique circumstances and impacts on individuals and businesses when making decisions.

    • Politicization of COVID-19 crisis and arbitrary decision-makingThe lack of servant leadership in decision-making during the COVID-19 crisis has led to frustration, loss of faith, and the economy being used as a political tool. Staying connected to reality is crucial for effective leadership.

      The politicization of the COVID-19 crisis and arbitrary decision-making by officials without considering science or common sense has contributed significantly to the frustration, loss of faith, and trust in leadership during this public health crisis. This has led to many businesses being used as political pawns and the economy being used as a political tool. The root cause of these issues is the lack of servant leadership where decisions are made based on the best interest of the people. The speaker also shares their personal experience of being a congresswoman and the importance of staying connected to reality by frequently returning home to Hawaii despite the long travel time.

    • Importance of individual health, economic diversification, and innovation during the COVID-19 pandemicFocus on health and wellness through individual actions and supplements like vitamin D to strengthen immune systems and protect against viruses. Embrace economic diversification and innovation to harden economies and create new industries.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of individual health, economic diversification, and innovation. The speaker expressed optimism that the country will bounce back by finding new ways to strengthen our immune systems, harden our economies, and invest in new industries. He also emphasized the role of health awareness and wellness, specifically mentioning the potential benefits of vitamin D and other supplements. Despite the challenges and hardships brought about by the pandemic, the speaker believes that we've been fortunate in many ways and that focusing on health and wellness is crucial for both the short and long term. He also criticized the lack of information and guidance from authorities on certain health practices, and shared his belief in the potential of combining certain supplements to boost the immune system and protect against viruses.

    • Combating Inflammation with NutrientsIncorporating nutrients like quercetin and zinc, along with an ionophore like corsetin, may help prevent or mitigate COVID-19 and inflammatory conditions. These nutrients have anti-inflammatory properties and can improve nutrient absorption.

      Incorporating certain nutrients like quercetin and zinc, especially in combination with an ionophore like corsetin, may help prevent or mitigate the effects of COVID-19 and other inflammatory conditions. These nutrients have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and can enhance the absorption of other nutrients into the body. The use of these nutrients is not only beneficial for COVID-19 prevention but also for treating conditions like traumatic brain injuries, where inflammation is a significant issue. The holistic approach to care for soldiers and service members, focusing on preventive measures and addressing the root causes of health issues, is gaining traction in the military healthcare system. This approach can lead to better healthcare outcomes and a reduction in the reliance on prescription drugs with potential side effects.

    • Recognizing the Health Impact of Military Burn PitsThe military and VA must prioritize acknowledging and addressing the health issues caused by toxic burn pits for soldiers and their families.

      The health and wellbeing of military service members who have been exposed to toxic burn pits, particularly during the post-9-11 era, needs more recognition and action from the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Veterans Administration (VA). The prevalence of these burn pits, which contain harmful substances, has likely led to numerous health issues for soldiers and their families. It's crucial that the military and VA prioritize acknowledging this problem and providing necessary care and compensation for affected individuals. Max Holloway's impressive performance in the UFC serves as an inspiring reminder of the resilience and determination of military personnel. However, the conversation also highlighted the need for greater awareness and support for those dealing with the long-term health consequences of toxic exposure.

    • Max Hawley's Impressive UFC Performance and Potential GreatnessMax Hawley's conditioning, discipline, and unconventional training methods set him apart in the UFC, with Khabib Nurmagomedov considering him a potential greatest fighter ever.

      Max Hawley put on an impressive performance in the UFC, knocking out Calvin Cader with an unprecedented number of strikes. His conditioning and discipline set him apart from other fighters, with Khabib Nurmagomedov, a legendary fighter, considering Hawley to have the potential to be the greatest fighter ever. Despite his impressive victory, Hawley may have retired after his last fight, but the upcoming Conor McGregor vs. Dustin Poirier fight is expected to be exciting. Hawkey's unconventional training methods, which involve minimal sparring, have sparked debate in the fighting community. While sparring is important for developing timing and distance, Hawley's extensive experience and muscle memory may allow him to continue to excel without it.

    • Muhammad Ali and Max Holloway's shared determination and resilienceMuhammad Ali's inspiring hometown parade and Max Holloway's mirrored fighting stance symbolize their unwavering commitment to their roots and craft. Tulsi Gabbard's upcoming project aims to promote unity and understanding through thought-provoking discussions and respectful treatment of all.

      Despite coming from different backgrounds and fields, Muhammad Ali and Max Holloway share a strong connection through their determination, resilience, and humility. Ali's inspiring hometown parade and Holloway's mirrored fighting stance in the UFC are testaments to their unwavering commitment to their roots and their craft. Tulsi Gabbard, in her upcoming project, aims to foster similar connections by promoting thought-provoking discussions and treating everyone with respect and love, encouraging unity and understanding during these divisive times.

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    This two-part episode offers advice/tips for good safeguarding practice in schools. In part one, safeguarding expert Elizabeth Rose speaks about current safeguarding trends and how schools can respond.

    Themes include the consequences of Covid-19 for safeguarding, safety of children outside school, the growing trend of online safety challenges at primary level – including peer-on-peer incidents, social media, cyberbullying, online abuse & self-generated images, and online gaming.

    Elizabeth advises on making successful referrals, applying thresholds of need, and information-sharing. Other topics include Early Help, parental communication, pupil voice, and staff training.

    Don't miss part two of this podcast on February 16.