
    #285 - The Freemans - How To Have Better Arguments With Your Partner

    enFebruary 20, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Handling disagreements for relationship growthConflicts can reveal underlying issues and lead to growth if handled effectively. View relationships as a place for transformation and conflict resolution.

      Arguments in relationships are inevitable, but how we handle them can significantly impact the health and longevity of the relationship. An argument hangover refers to the period of disconnection and frustration following a disagreement, which can last from days to months. It's essential to learn how to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth rather than leaving the relationship. Small, unremarkable arguments can accumulate and lead to a slow deterioration of the relationship, often referred to as "death by a thousand cuts." Conflicts can reveal underlying issues, often rooted in past experiences, and provide opportunities for transformation and self-actualization. It's crucial to view relationships as a place for growth and conflict resolution rather than expecting them to be smooth sailing. By learning to argue effectively and leveraging conflicts as opportunities for growth, we can strengthen our relationships and access the gold hidden beneath the surface.

    • Conflict as an opportunity for growthApproach relationship conflicts as challenges to strengthen bonds and grow together, rather than threats to the ego.

      Conflict in relationships, when approached as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat to the ego, can lead to increased happiness and stronger bonds between partners. The societal trend towards avoiding discomfort and seeking instant gratification contributes to the belief that conflict is bad and should be avoided at all costs. However, this perspective can limit personal growth and hinder the potential for deep, meaningful relationships. Instead, couples should strive to see conflicts as challenges to be faced as a team, working together to find solutions and grow from the experience. By shifting this mindset, relationships can become stronger, more resilient, and ultimately more fulfilling.

    • Realizing the importance of personal growth in relationshipsFind a partner who values and supports your personal growth, and is open to their own. Practice relationship skills together and respect each other's unique paths of evolution.

      Personal growth and self-development play a crucial role in successful relationships. The speaker shares her experience of realizing this after reflecting on her past relationships and the importance of finding a partner who is also open to growth. She emphasizes that both individuals contribute equally to the relationship's development, and it's essential to learn and practice relationship skills together. The speaker also highlights that everyone is on their unique path of personal evolution, and it's essential to respect and support each other's progress. The key is to find a partner who is open to the idea of continuous growth and self-improvement. This mindset will help build a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

    • Identifying and nurturing a growth mindset and emotional awareness in relationshipsCultivating a growth mindset and emotional awareness in relationships can lead to personal growth, deeper connection, and a stronger bond between partners.

      In relationships, it's essential to identify and nurture a growth mindset in your partner. This means being open to conversations about personal growth and progression. During the early stages of a relationship, look for signs that your partner is receptive to such discussions. A growth mindset can lead to spiritual and professional development. However, if your partner is not open to these conversations, it may lead to challenges down the line. Another crucial aspect of relationships is recognizing and understanding emotional triggers. Triggers are reactions to specific events or words that elicit strong emotions. These triggers can be a result of past experiences or memories. When we become aware of our emotional triggers, we have the opportunity to look inward and understand the root cause of our reactions. This self-awareness can lead to a more profound and meaningful connection in the relationship. In summary, fostering a growth mindset and recognizing emotional triggers are essential components of a successful and fulfilling relationship. These elements can lead to personal growth, deeper connection, and a stronger bond between partners.

    • Recognizing and Addressing Anger in RelationshipsAnger impairs judgment, recognizing triggers, and effective communication are crucial for healthy relationships.

      Anger impairs our judgment and can significantly impact relationships. Anger is a common emotional trigger, and it's important to recognize and interrupt it before causing damage. This requires consistent practice and self-reflection. Instead of approaching conflicts as a boxing match, try to be on the same team by acknowledging when someone is triggered and helping them explore their emotions. Chris Voss's communication techniques, such as mirroring, can be effective in deepening conversations between assertive and reserved partners. Effective communication is crucial in relationships, and recognizing and addressing emotional triggers is a key component.

    • Understanding Different Communication Styles in RelationshipsEffective communication in relationships involves recognizing and respecting each other's unique communication styles, fostering healthier and more effective conversations through flexibility, understanding, and respect.

      Effective communication in relationships is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Understanding different communication styles and being open to adapting our own communication methods can help us connect better with our partners. The speakers shared their experience of attending couples workshops and identified four communication personality types: assertive-inflexible, assertive-flexible, reserved-inflexible, and reserved-flexible. Each type has unique characteristics and requires different approaches. For instance, an assertive-inflexible person may immediately share their thoughts, while a reserved-inflexible person might need more time to process emotions. Misunderstandings can occur when partners have different communication styles, leading to feelings of disconnection or frustration. By recognizing and respecting each other's communication styles, couples can foster healthier and more effective conversations. For example, a reserved person might ask for time to process emotions before engaging in a conversation, while an assertive person might benefit from being given a heads-up before discussing sensitive topics. Overall, the key takeaway is that effective communication in relationships requires flexibility, understanding, and respect for each other's unique communication styles.

    • Balancing emotions and future in relationshipsEffective communication requires balancing past healing and future imagination, avoiding oversharing, and focusing on shared goals and dreams.

      Effective communication in a relationship involves striking a balance between sharing emotions and thoughts, and recognizing the importance of creating a future together. Past healing and evolving are essential, but the ultimate goal is to imagine and build a future filled with infinite possibilities. Oversharing should be avoided, and it's crucial to reflect before sharing significant emotions or thoughts. The relationship's purpose is to create and imagine a future, and our thoughts shape the world around us. By clearing up the past, we can focus on the exciting conversation of what we want to experience and achieve together.

    • Conflicts as opportunities for growthConflicts can teach us about ourselves and our relationships, leading to personal growth and stronger bonds

      Conflicts in relationships are not a problem, but an opportunity for growth. The more cognitive biases we have, the less rational and balanced we become, leading to conflicts. Instead of viewing conflicts negatively, we should see them as a chance to learn about ourselves and our relationships. By changing the way we remember conflicts and focusing on what we've learned, we can turn a negative experience into a positive one. This perspective ties in with the idea that nothing is inherently good or bad, but rather a learning experience. Additionally, the peak-end rule from psychology suggests that the most emotionally intense moments and the end of an experience are the biggest retainers in memory. Therefore, focusing on the learning opportunities in conflicts and remembering them positively can lead to long-term benefits for our relationships.

    • Managing the peak and end of argumentsEffectively managing the last moments and peak of anger in arguments can help prevent or mitigate negative impact and shorten the argument hangover.

      The way we perceive and remember experiences, including conflicts, is heavily influenced by the peak and end of those experiences. For instance, a painful medical procedure that is elongated but has lower discomfort at the end can be perceived as less painful overall. Similarly, in arguments, the last moments and the peak of anger can have a significant impact on how we remember and feel about the conflict. Therefore, it's essential to try and manage the peak and end of arguments effectively. This might involve taking breaks, allowing reserved partners time to reflect, and focusing on reconciliation rather than escalation. Additionally, addressing emotional triggers before conflicts can help prevent or mitigate the negative impact of arguments. Overall, the goal is to shorten the argument hangover and keep conflicts from escalating to damaging levels.

    • Making agreements to prevent arguments in relationshipsEffective communication involves making agreements to prevent arguments, empathizing during disagreements, and actively listening to understand and resolve conflicts.

      Effective communication in relationships involves making agreements to prevent arguments from escalating and causing unnecessary damage. Agreements can be based on each other's triggered behaviors, such as not raising voices or bringing up the past. During arguments, it's essential to learn how to be a better listener. This means empathizing with your partner's emotions and not just hearing their words. Listening is an active process that requires attention and presence, and it's crucial in understanding and resolving conflicts. By focusing on empathy and effective communication, relationships can become stronger and more resilient.

    • Identifying and addressing passive aggressiveness in relationshipsRecognize passive aggressiveness, approach with patience, ask open-ended questions, reflect on own role, and focus on repairing the relationship.

      Dealing with passive aggressiveness in relationships can be a challenging experience. It's important to identify if you or your partner falls into the "reserve" archetype, as passive aggressiveness can be a way for built-up emotions to be expressed without engaging in productive conversation. If you're the one dealing with a passive aggressive partner, it's crucial to approach the situation with patience and understanding, acknowledging that their behavior may not be a conscious choice. Instead of getting defensive or dismissive, try to elicit a response by asking open-ended questions that encourage them to express their true feelings. After an argument, focusing on reconnecting and repairing the relationship is essential. This may involve reflecting on your own role in the conflict and making an effort to reconcile, even if the damage seems significant. Remember, the goal is to create a safe and open space for communication, where both partners feel heard and understood.

    • Effective communication and taking responsibility in relationshipsAdmitting fault and taking responsibility early in conflicts can prevent resentment and passive aggressiveness, setting a tone for healthy communication and relationship dynamics. Modeling conflict resolution for children can help them develop emotional intelligence.

      Effective communication and taking responsibility for one's actions are crucial in resolving conflicts and maintaining strong relationships. When faced with disagreements, it's essential to reconnect faster rather than letting the issue simmer. Leading by admitting fault and taking responsibility can encourage the other partner to do the same, breaking the cycle of resentment and passive aggressiveness. Setting this tone early in a relationship can help prevent conflicts from escalating and create a healthier dynamic. Additionally, modeling conflict resolution for children by making up in front of them can help them develop emotional intelligence and understand the importance of effective communication and taking responsibility.

    • Learning relationship skills for stronger bondsFocusing on relationship skills can help align and strengthen any relationship, potentially reducing arguments.

      Improving relationships involves learning relationship skills. The speakers, who are promoting their book "The Argument Hangover," emphasized that focusing on these skills can help align and strengthen any relationship, whether it's romantic or not. They encourage individuals to prioritize learning these skills, and their book offers valuable resources, including pre-order bonuses worth $200, available at theargumenthangover.com. The speakers are also active on social media under the handle @thefremans, where they engage with their audience and provide additional resources. By focusing on relationship skills, individuals can potentially save or reduce the volume of arguments in their relationships.

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    08 - CONFLICT - Teddy & Faye - A therapist's take on conflict, toxic conflict and relationship breakdown

    08 - CONFLICT - Teddy & Faye - A therapist's take on conflict, toxic conflict and relationship breakdown
    Welcome to Series 2 of the OPENHOUSE Podcast and our first OPEN(HEART) episode where Louise is joined by the incredible Dr Tari Mack - a leading clinical psychologist and a celebrity relationship expert.⠀In this episode, Louise & Tari go deep into the recent Teddy & Faye argument that recently blew up on Love Island and use it as a vehicle to discuss conflict and toxic conflict, what does it mean when we get triggered, where and who do we learn our anger responses from, and is anger self-sabotage or does it hold the key to something deeper?⠀Dr Tari also takes the pair through who was gaslighting who in this situation, who should have walked away; and whether or not she would advise the two to repair their relationship. ⠀They also look at the biology of anger, what healthy conflict means; and the four 'horseman' - the four communication and conflict errors that have been statistically proven to be most likely to lead to divorce and relationship breakdown. ⠀⠀Let us know how you enjoyed the episode and be sure to share this on social media, as well as giving us a rating and review on Apple or Spotify. ⠀Connect with Louise on social:  @iamlouiserumball ⠀Connect with OPENHOUSE:   @openhouselife ⠀Connect with Dr Tari Mack: @drtarimack ⠀⠀Sign up to join the OPENHOUSE mailing list to receive first access to all workshops: www.thisisopenhouse.com ⠀⠀Reach out to Dr Tari directly: www.drtarimack.com⠀––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––⠀Music Sources ⠀Vibe With Me by Joakim Karud http://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud ⠀Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/-7YDBIGCXsY  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Getting Along Is Overrated

    Getting Along Is Overrated

    A lot of people really dislike conflict and have a low opinion of it. They're uncomfortable with disagreements at the office, think there's no room for contention at church, worry that fighting with their partner means their relationship is destined to dissolve, and generally feel that heated arguments tear communities apart.

    My guest today, Ian Leslie, used to be one of these conflict-averse people. But as he discovered in researching his new book, Conflicted: How Productive Disagreements Lead to Better Outcomes, conflict not only brings us together, the lack of it, he says, just plain makes us stupider. Today on the show, Ian and I discuss why people get the idea that conflict is unproductive from watching online arguments and why these flame wars aren't actually indicative of the value of arguing offline. We then delve into this surprising value, from the way conflict makes us smarter, to how couples who have heated arguments are actually happier. Ian unpacks some of the myths around difficult conversations, such as the idea that they have to be done in a strictly rational and unemotional way to be fruitful, and he offers ways to approach conflict that will make it more productive, especially remembering to always prioritize the relationship above all.

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    Conflict Creates You, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO187

    Conflict Creates You, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO187

    How you view conflict in your life has so much to do with what energy you're putting out, what progress you're making, and how far along you're going to get. What makes movies and books so exciting is the conflict! Yet people have such a terrible view of it. But if you want to be successful, you have to change your perspective about it. In fact, you have to come to believe that conflict is actually what creates the greatness in you.

    Ep 27: Navigating Tough Conversations with Skill and Curiosity

    Ep 27: Navigating Tough Conversations with Skill and Curiosity

    Discover the art of facing tough conversations as a leader head-on in this episode. Many leaders find themselves grappling with avoidance tactics, whether it's the looming anxiety, the relentless dread, or those sleepless nights. If you've ever felt the weight of challenging discussions, worry not. Today I share tips to guide you through the maze and emerge on the other side not just unscathed but with a refined skill set, ready to tackle difficult conversations.

    If you'd like immediate support with the issues you’re facing as a Leader, then book a call with Elisia at https://elisiakeowncoaching.com/call 

    You can find show notes, resources, and more here: https://tinyurl.com/3auaaef3 

    Navigating A Collision of Values | Tom & Lisa Bilyeu (Replay)

    Navigating A Collision of Values | Tom & Lisa Bilyeu (Replay)
    [Original air date: Sept 6, 2017]. Tom Bilyeu and Lisa Bilyeu (@lisabilyeu) dive into topics such as: * Agreeing on rules of engagement, value systems, and social contracts between each other. * Understanding parental judgment on prenups. * Solutions to feeling a greater connection in long-distance relationships. * Effectively communicating plans to your partner * How 'opposites' in a relationship can be a strength * Why forgiveness needs to be a core value in your life *And more... Tom Bilyeu is the co-founder of 2014 Inc. 500 company Quest Nutrition — a unicorn startup valued at over $1 billion — and the co-founder and host of Impact Theory. Impact Theory is a first-of-its-kind company designed to facilitate global change through the incubation of mission-based businesses and the cultivation of empowering content. Every piece of content Impact Theory creates is meant to underscore the company mission to free people from The Matrix and help them unlock their true potential. Impact Theory exists to inspire the next generation of game-changing companies and creators that will make a true and lasting impact on the world. SPONSORS: If you purchase an item using these affiliate links, Impact Theory may receive a commission.  Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Try Audible free for 30 days! Just visit https://audible.com/impacttheory or text impacttheory to 500-500. ​​This episode is sponsored by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at https://betterhelp.com/impacttheory and get on your way to being your best self! Start your free online visit today for your personalized ED treatment options at https://Hims.com/IMPACT. Prescriptions require an online consultation with a healthcare provider who will determine if appropriate. Restrictions apply. See website for details and important safety information. Subscription required. Price varies based on product and subscription plan. Try amazing skincare using code IMPACT15 when you checkout at https://oneskin.co and get 15% off your first purchase Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Go to https://tryfuture.co/IMPACT to get 50% off your first month and improve your health today! Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. FOLLOW TOM BILYEU TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2iyjY5P INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2j7vqX8 FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2hPStWo DOWNLOAD the 25 Bullet Impact Theory Belief System: http://bit.ly/2ubknRe TOM BILYEU READING LIST: http://bit.ly/2rZdpO9 FOLLOW LISA BILYEU INSTAGRAM @lisabilyeu: http://bit.ly/2tMtCUX FACEBOOK.com/Lisa.Bilyeu: http://bit.ly/2rTysON FOLLOW IMPACT THEORY TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2iC5lN3 INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2hPSGJa FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2iystOf Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices