
    #286 - Dr Zach Bush MD - Why We Shouldn't Aim For A New Normal

    enFebruary 22, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing global traumas for personal growth and societal changeGlobal crises can provide opportunities for growth and understanding, leading to a more meaningful existence

      Going through global traumas and experiencing history firsthand, despite the discomfort, can add meaning to life. Dr. Zach Bush believes that this awareness and the threat it brings can help us avoid the lethargy and laziness that comes with taking things for granted. He emphasizes that being aware is to be threatened, and in the comfort state, we tend to dull our senses. The lessons learned from such experiences can lead to a new sense of gratitude and a deeper understanding of the world. The current global crisis is an opportunity for personal growth and societal change, and embracing it with an open mind can lead to a more meaningful existence.

    • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growthDifficult experiences can lead to profound personal transformation, increasing integrity and authenticity in life

      Difficult experiences, such as losing a job or facing hardships, can actually lead to profound growth and self-awareness. Instead of trying to avoid or dull the pain, it's important to embrace the moment and use it as an opportunity for personal transformation. Loss and challenges can serve as catalysts for change, leading to new perspectives and a more authentic, fulfilling life. The public narrative around loss should focus on the potential gains rather than dwelling on the loss itself. Life is meant to be lived on the edge, with all its ups and downs, and embracing the discomfort can lead to the most meaningful experiences. According to research, the majority of people who go through traumatic events report that they were significant turning points in their lives, leading to personal growth and increased integrity. So, the next time you face a loss or challenge, try to see it as an opportunity for growth rather than a setback.

    • Personal growth through loss and hardshipReflect on feelings during uncertain times and reevaluate values and priorities for personal growth

      Sometimes, loss and hardship can lead us to our greatest growth. The speaker shares his personal experience of losing his job and everything he had built his identity around, which forced him into a free fall experience of losing everything. This was a terrifying and isolating experience, but it ultimately led him to ask profound questions about who he was when he had nothing. He hopes that everyone experienced a similar pause in 2020, when the world came to a standstill and we were forced to confront our feelings in the face of uncertainty and loss. In this moment of pause, it's important to reflect on what we're feeling and use this time to reevaluate our values and priorities. While no one would wish for the kind of loss and hardship the speaker experienced, it can ultimately lead to profound personal growth.

    • Embrace the unknown and trust the processDuring change and uncertainty, shift perspective, face deep emotions, trust the process, and recognize our power to shape reality

      During times of change and uncertainty, it's important to let go of preconceived realities and allow ourselves to flow with the universe instead of fighting against it. This can be a scary moment, as it may feel like we're losing control or even facing despair. But if we can shift our perspective, we may discover new opportunities and possibilities. The speaker encourages us to trust the process and embrace the unknown, even if it feels uncomfortable or uncertain. Another key idea is the importance of facing our deepest emotions and using them as a source of strength rather than a source of suffering. The speaker references Jordan Peterson's advice to take the things that poison us and turn them into a tonic. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the potential missed opportunity for global unity during the pandemic, expressing concern that instead, people have been dividing and coming head to head. Overall, the speaker encourages us to approach life's challenges with a philosophical perspective, recognizing that our reality is constantly evolving and that we have the power to shape it through our thoughts and actions.

    • From Ethics to Integrity: A New Vision for Human Rights and CommunityThe speaker advocates for a shift from ethics to integrity, emphasizing the objective and unifying nature of integrity, and the dangers of conformity in the pursuit of unity.

      The past should not dictate our future, and we must move towards a future built on integrity rather than ethics. The speaker argues that ethics are subjective and can be easily manipulated, leading to conformity and a loss of individual identity. In contrast, integrity is objective and unifying, as it requires no perspective and has no internal conflict. The transition from ethics to integrity offers a new vision for human rights and community, one that values unity without conformity. The speaker warns against the dangers of unity being mistaken for conformity, which can lead to a loss of self-identity and individual truth. Ultimately, the goal is to create a future where all parts are aligned and in their highest truth, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling existence.

    • Unity vs Conformity: Growth vs StagnationUnity fosters growth and synergy, while conformity stifles creativity and hope. Recognizing interconnectedness and promoting unity in relationships and societal structures can lead to positive outcomes for both human and planetary health.

      Unity and flexibility in relationships, whether it's in marriage or in a larger societal context, lead to growth and synergy where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Conformity, on the other hand, stifles creativity and hope for the future. This concept of unity versus conformity can be seen in various aspects of life, including the way we view our country and our allegiance to it. The current global climate is marked by chaos and complexity, with numerous political and environmental issues arising from a lack of care and responsibility towards each other and the planet. These issues are interconnected, and the failure to address them can lead to devastating consequences for both human and planetary health. It's important to recognize the links between human and planetary biology and work towards finding solutions that promote unity and growth rather than conformity and stagnation.

    • Microbiomes and External Environment Impact Immune SystemRecognize interconnectedness of microbiomes and external world, prioritize preserving biodiversity, and foster behaviors that promote peace and health.

      The health and diversity of our microbiomes, which are influenced by our external environment, play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our immune system. When the microbiome is disrupted, as seen with the use of certain chemicals like Roundup, the immune system can go into overdrive, leading to chronic inflammation and various health issues, including depression and anxiety. This phenomenon can also manifest in societal conflicts and political tensions. To prevent this, it's essential to recognize the interconnectedness of our microbiomes and the external world and prioritize preserving biodiversity and living in harmony with nature. The development and rollout of the COVID vaccine, despite being a remarkable scientific achievement, should be approached with this holistic perspective in mind. By adopting a new philosophy of human integrity and unity within the complex web of life on Earth, we can foster behaviors that promote peace and health for individuals and societies.

    • A pivotal moment in history: consumers demand non-GMO and scientists manipulate genomicsConsumers demand non-GMO products, scientists manipulate our own genomics, potential unforeseen consequences, arms race in science, ultimately away from nature, human consciousness may save us

      We are currently witnessing a pivotal moment in human history where consumers are increasingly demanding non-GMO products, and scientists are taking the reins from nature to manipulate our own genomics. This genetic modification, disguised as a vaccine, has the potential to open a Pandora's box with unforeseen consequences. With trillions of viruses in our environment, the quest for the next missing gene could lead to an arms race in science and pharmaceutical warfare, ultimately leading us further away from nature and potentially towards our demise. However, human consciousness and fickleness may save us from this slippery slope.

    • The next century holds significant risks for humanity, including the potential advent of AGI and natural/anthropogenic threats.Believing in our own intelligence and ignoring natural lessons could lead to extinction, but a shift in philosophy and potential discovery of intelligent life could bring new technologies and philosophies.

      The next century holds significant risks for humanity, with the potential advent of artificial general intelligence being a major concern. The chances of making it through the next 100 years are estimated to be 5 out of 6, but there are various risks, both natural and anthropogenic, that could lead to extinction. The more we believe in our own intelligence and ignore the lessons from nature, the closer we may be to encountering the "great filter" that stops civilizations from reaching their full potential. However, there is a chance that we have already passed this filter. A fundamental change in philosophy is necessary to mitigate these risks and ensure our survival. Additionally, the discovery of intelligent life could drastically change our spiritual, scientific, and philosophical identities. Sudden innovations or insights happening simultaneously around the world could be a sign of a shift in the planet's frequency resonance, leading to new technologies and philosophies.

    • A shift in human consciousness leading to an increase in neurodivergent conditionsThe universe is working towards biodiversity, and our current stage of innovation is preparing us for potential contact with other intelligent species, while emotions remain a powerful aspect of human nature.

      We are experiencing a significant shift in human consciousness, which is manifesting in various ways, including an increase in neurodivergent conditions like autism. This shift is making us more open to new perspectives and potentially even to contact from other intelligent species. The universe seems to be working towards biodiversity in all sectors, and our current stage of scientific and sociologic innovation is preparing us for this next step. Emotions are a powerful aspect of human nature, and it's unlikely that any sufficiently advanced alien civilization would be more emotional than us, as too much emotion can hinder coordination and productivity. Overall, this period of change presents an opportunity for existential healing and growth, as we come to terms with our interconnectedness in the universe.

    • Impact of Emotions on Self-Identity and Societal FunctioningEmotional responses impact self-identity and societal functioning, practicing daily silence and stillness helps maintain mental robustness, and future health advancements may bring dichotomous possibilities requiring adaptability.

      Our emotional responses, triggered by neurochemical reactions in the hippocampus, can significantly impact our self-identity and societal functioning. The consequences of increased emotional subjugation can be catastrophic, even at a 5% increase. To maintain mental robustness, practicing daily moments of silence and stillness can help align ourselves with the universe's flow and make better decisions. This mindfulness gap between stimulus and response is a valuable skill. Regarding the future of health, there are multiple, dichotomous possibilities. We might see advancements in microbiome and gut health, topsoil management, and personalized medicine. However, these futures may not blend seamlessly, and it's essential to remain adaptable and open to change.

    • Imagining a future where we live in harmony with natureExperiment with small changes, imagine larger community projects, shift towards a deeper connection to nature, and create a new way of living rooted in integrity.

      To navigate the current environmental crisis and potential extinction, we need to start experimenting with new ways of living in harmony with nature. This can begin at the individual level, with small changes like harvesting food from a garden for breakfast, and can grow into larger community projects. It's essential to start thinking beyond the current paradigm and imagine a future where we are connected to nature in all aspects of our lives. This future may involve decentralizing human societies and creating microcosms that can become macrocosms. The current narrative of relying on gym memberships or individual actions alone to avoid extinction is not enough. Instead, we must create a new way of living that is rooted in a deeper connection to nature. This shift in thinking and behavior can attract like-minded individuals and communities, leading to a collective pivot towards a sustainable future. Ultimately, this requires a philosophical and spiritual approach, grounded in fundamental truths and integrity, to guide our actions and create a better future for ourselves and the planet.

    • Discovering truths with the power to transformDr. Zach Bush's work spans understanding the microbiome, regenerative agriculture, and the virome, offering insights to reshape perspectives and inspire action.

      The truths we discover in life have the power to transform and apply across various aspects and environments due to nature's inherent integrity. Dr. Zach Bush's work encompasses this idea, from understanding the role of the microbiome in human health at ionbiome.com, to the importance of regenerative agriculture through Project Biome, and the Global Health Education Initiative exploring the virome and public health statistics at zachbushmd.com. These initiatives offer opportunities to delve deeper into truths that can reshape perspectives and inspire action. For more information, visit zachbushmd.com, ionbiome.com, and projectbiome.org.

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    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality

    #796 - Rob Kurzban - The Evolutionary Psychology Of Human Morality
    Rob Kurzban is a psychologist and an author. What is morality? Why did it come about? Have humans always had it? Is it universal or temporary? Does it exist as a truth independent of humanity or is it entirely contingent on our culture? Expect to learn the evolutionary psychology of abortion policy, where the evolution of morality came from, the best examples of modern moral rules you might not think about, the biggest issues with being a moral hypocrite, the role that reputation plays in judging someone’s morality, how wisdom can help us overcome our biological hardware and much more... Sponsors: See discounts for all the products I use and recommend: https://chriswillx.com/deals Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period from Shopify at https://www.shopify.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get $150 discount on Plunge’s amazing sauna or cold plunge at https://plunge.com (use code MW150) Get 5 Free Travel Packs, Free Liquid Vitamin D and more from AG1 at https://drinkag1.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: http://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: http://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: http://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Modern Wisdom
    enJune 13, 2024

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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    Please send your thoughts to me at scott@visirity.com

    Links to most of my books, which are available on Amazon, appear on my web site, visirity.com