
    3/21/24: Dems Fund MAGA Candidates, Fox Begs O'Leary To Bail Out Trump, US Happiness Plummets, Biden Impeachment Hearing Off The Rails, Israeli Gen Says War Over Without US Weapons, Bibi Gaza Port For Ethnic Cleansing, Trump Says Jewish Dems Hate Their Religion

    enMarch 21, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Saving Money with Quality and ReliabilityKroger ensures quality with their brand products' guarantee, while Consumer Cellular offers reliable wireless coverage at a lower cost.

      Consumers can save money without compromising quality, as demonstrated by Kroger's guarantee on their brand products. Meanwhile, in the world of wireless services, Consumer Cellular offers the same reliable coverage as leading carriers but at a lower cost. In travel, the beauty of South Dakota lies in its ability to offer both disconnection and connection. In politics, the 2024 election is gearing up to be a significant one, with debates over foreign policy, candidates' performances, and the impact of young people's dissatisfaction on the country's happiness rankings. Additionally, there are ongoing debates about the US's relationship with Israel and the potential consequences of continuing to sell weapons to them. In entertainment, Tony Kushner and Jonathan Glaser have made noteworthy comments about Israel's actions. Lastly, Breaking Points is planning a significant upgrade to their premium service, which subscribers are encouraged to sign up for before the launch.

    • Florida GOP Primary: 19% of Voters Didn't Support TrumpDespite winning 81% of the votes in the Florida GOP primary, Trump faced opposition from 19% of voters. Some speculate these voters may have shifted to the Democrats. Melania's reluctance to engage in traditional First Lady duties may also impact Trump's ability to maintain his coalition.

      Despite Donald Trump securing a significant victory in the 2022 Florida GOP primary with around 81% of the votes, approximately 19% of the voters chose to vote against him. This is similar to the percentage of voters who didn't support Trump in 2016 after all other primary candidates had dropped out. The question now is whether these voters will continue to support Trump in the upcoming November elections. Some speculate that these voters may have already shifted to the Democratic party due to the ongoing realignment since 2016. Additionally, Melania Trump, who was reportedly not enthusiastic about her husband's campaign in the past, did not seem eager to return to the campaign trail. Her reluctance to engage in traditional First Lady duties and her desire to stay in New York or Florida indicate that she may not be fully committed to the role if her husband wins the presidency again. These factors could potentially impact Trump's ability to maintain his coalition and bring out non-traditional voters in the upcoming election.

    • Melania Trump's reduced campaign trail presence and poll shifts towards Joe BidenMelania Trump may not campaign extensively due to personal reasons and Barron's graduation. Poll shifts towards Biden should be viewed cautiously due to potential factors like negative sentiment towards Trump, consumer sentiment, or polling errors. Reliability of polls and voter turnout on election day are key concerns.

      Melania Trump may not be as active on the campaign trail this election cycle due to her personal preferences and her son Barron's graduation from high school. Regarding the presidential race, recent poll shifts towards Joe Biden should be viewed with caution, as these movements could be due to various factors such as increased negative sentiment towards Trump, improved consumer sentiment, or even polling errors. The reliability of these polls and the actual voter turnout on election day remain significant questions. It's important to remember that the presidential election cycle typically sees higher turnout, and the universe of voters that pollsters need to track can significantly impact the final results.

    • Ohio Senate Race: A Tight Contest with Abortion and Unions at PlayThe Ohio Senate race between Brown and Moreno is a tight contest, with Brown's pro-union, pro-worker stance contrasting Moreno's unclear stance on abortion and controversy over a linked adult website profile.

      The Ohio Senate race between Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown and Republican nominee Bernie Moreno is expected to be a tight and contentious contest. The abortion issue could play a significant role, as Moreno's stance on the issue is unclear and he has been on the wrong side of a pro-choice referendum in Ohio. Brown, on the other hand, is known for his strong pro-union and pro-worker positions, which have helped him distinguish himself from national Democratic trends. Polls currently favor Brown, but his margins are not overwhelming, and he faces criticism from Democrats who view Moreno as the most beatable candidate despite their efforts to portray him as too conservative. Additionally, there are reports of a controversial adult website profile linked to Moreno, which could further complicate his campaign. Overall, the Ohio Senate race is shaping up to be a crucial test of the major issues and political dynamics in the state.

    • Ohio Senate Race: Shaping the Political LandscapeThe 2024 Ohio Senate race between Bernie Moreno and Sherrod Brown could impact the political landscape, potentially leading to significant policy changes depending on the outcome. Brown's popularity and focus on jobs and abortion rights may help him secure another term, while Robinson's controversy highlights the importance of careful public statements.

      The 2024 U.S. Senate race in Ohio could significantly shift the political landscape if Democratic candidate Bernie Moreno manages to win against incumbent Sherrod Brown. With the potential for additional Republican gains in other races, the GOP could secure a larger Senate majority, leading to significant policy changes. However, Brown's strong local popularity and his focus on jobs and abortion rights could help him secure another term. Another notable mention is Republican Mark Robinson, who faced media scrutiny over a controversial quote, but upon reviewing the full context, it appears he was misrepresented. Regardless, it's generally advisable for politicians to avoid quoting divisive figures like Hitler in public discourse. The Ohio Senate race, along with others, will be a closely watched contest in the upcoming elections.

    • Primary election outcomes can shape the GOP's imagePrimary election results can impact the broader perception of the Republican Party, with extreme or traditional candidates potentially influencing winnable races and the party's overall standing.

      The outcomes of primary elections for gubernatorial races, such as those in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, can significantly impact the broader perception of the Republican Party as a whole. Candidates with extreme views, like Mark Robinson in North Carolina, who holds fringe positions on issues like abortion, may turn off voters and negatively impact winnable races. Conversely, more traditional Republican candidates, like David McCormick in Pennsylvania, may struggle against Democratic opponents in general elections. These races serve as important tests for both parties, with potential consequences beyond the individual contests.

    • Protecting Identity and Financial FutureIndividuals can secure their identity and future finances through services like Lifelock and retirement options like GameBridge's parody flexibility, while wealthy individuals may consider helping secure bonds for others.

      Individuals can take proactive steps to protect their identity and financial future. Lifelock offers identity theft protection, and women can explore flexible retirement options like GameBridge's parody flexibility, which guarantees a lifetime income. On the legal front, the ongoing efforts to secure a half-billion-dollar bond for Donald Trump have led to discussions about wealthy individuals potentially coming forward to help, but no clear solution has emerged yet. It's a reminder that financial security and flexibility are essential for everyone, and it's crucial to be informed and prepared for unexpected expenses or circumstances.

    • New York authorities can seize Trump's assets if he can't pay a $450M judgmentNew York authorities have the power to seize Trump's assets if he fails to pay a $450M judgment, potentially including properties, bank accounts, and investment portfolios. Trump could seek a stay or negotiate a payment plan, but his repeated requests for financial support from supporters may strain their resources.

      New York authorities have the legal power to seize Donald Trump's assets if he fails to pay a $450 million judgment. This could potentially include properties like Trump Tower, Wall Street office building, golf courses, bank accounts, investment portfolios, planes, helicopters, or even golf carts. Trump does have some options, such as seeking an emergency stay from a federal court or attempting to negotiate a payment plan. However, asking his supporters to crowdsource the funds for this judgment has been criticized as exploitative, especially given the significant amount of money already raised for his campaigns and legal efforts. Trump's repeated requests for financial support from his base may be straining their resources, making it increasingly difficult for him to fully fund his campaign and legal bills.

    • Trump may allow assets seizure in NY investigation, could appeal in Georgia caseTrump could face asset seizure in NY investigation and may delay Georgia case through appeal process, potentially impacting his brand

      Former President Trump is considering allowing New York Attorney General Letitia James to seize his assets, including Trump Tower, as part of ongoing investigations. This move could be used politically by Trump and may lead to lengthy appeals. In the Georgia case, a judge has granted Trump the right to appeal a decision allowing District Attorney Fannie Willis to remain in charge of the prosecution. This could potentially delay or undermine the case against Trump and further lengthen the legal process. Trump's brand, built on his iconic properties, could be significantly impacted if these assets are seized. The Georgia case also requires Willis to re-present six specific RICO charges before bringing them to trial.

    • The Connection Between Financial Security and HappinessDespite efforts to improve financial flexibility and self-confidence, the high cost of essential needs continues to hinder financial security and overall happiness, particularly for young people.

      Financial security and happiness are interconnected, and both present significant challenges for many individuals, particularly young people. The cost of essential expenses like healthcare, housing, and education in the United States has significantly increased, leading to a decrease in overall national happiness, with young people being the most affected. Companies like GameBridge and Meaningful Beauty aim to empower individuals by providing solutions for financial flexibility and self-confidence, respectively. However, the high costs of essential needs like healthcare remain a fixed and significant expense, making financial security and happiness an ongoing challenge.

    • Young Americans face financial struggles with housing, healthcare, and educationRising costs in essential areas delay marriage, parenthood, and lead to lower happiness for young Americans. Countries with affordable housing and universal healthcare rank higher in happiness reports.

      The rising costs of housing, healthcare, and education are making the American dream less attainable for younger generations, leading to feelings of despair and uncertainty about their future. This is a major reason why young people in America report wanting more children than they can afford, and why they express lower levels of happiness compared to people in other countries. The high cost of living, particularly housing, is delaying marriage and parenthood. Countries like Finland, Denmark, and Iceland, which have universal healthcare and more affordable housing, consistently rank higher in happiness reports. The economic trends pre-date the COVID-19 pandemic, but the pandemic has added to the anxiety and mental health challenges for young Americans.

    • Can Finland's social democracy model work in the US?Critics question if Finland's successful social democratic model can be replicated in the US due to differences in size, diversity, and economic structure.

      While Finland's social democracy model has proven successful in creating a high standard of living and social safety net for its homogenous population, there are questions about whether it can be replicated in a country as large, dynamic, and diverse as the United States. Critics argue that America's entrepreneurial spirit and free market economy may not align with the social democratic model, and that the success of such a model in Finland may be due to unique historical and global circumstances. Some believe that social democracy can provide a balance between ensuring everyone's needs are met and allowing for innovation and creativity, but others worry about the potential loss of American ingenuity and competitiveness. Ultimately, the debate revolves around what America truly represents and whether its values and economic structure can accommodate a social democratic model.

    • Viking and GameBridge focus on comfort and financial securityViking prioritizes child-free, casino-less travel in Europe, while GameBridge ensures financial security for women with retirement options and guaranteed income. Impeachment hearing witnesses testified about lies and corruption, but no solid evidence against Joe Biden was presented.

      Viking offers comfortable travel experiences through Europe with no children and no casinos, while GameBridge focuses on financial security for women with flexible retirement options and a guaranteed lifetime income. Meanwhile, the ongoing impeachment hearing in Washington featured heated exchanges between witnesses and lawmakers, with claims of lies and corruption, particularly regarding Hunter Biden's business dealings. However, no clear evidence of a monetary connection between Hunter and Joe Biden has been presented. The hearing also featured witnesses with questionable backgrounds. Despite the controversy, both Viking and GameBridge aim to provide solutions for comfort and financial security, respectively.

    • Political Divisions and Challenges of Oversight in Biden Corruption InvestigationsRepublicans and Democrats trade accusations over Biden family corruption investigations, with each side criticizing the other's motives and handling of the issue. The lack of solid evidence and political polarization have hindered progress in the investigation.

      The ongoing investigations into allegations of corruption involving the Biden family have become a contentious issue, with both Republicans and Democrats accusing each other of hypocrisy and overpromising. The Republicans have been criticized for their handling of the investigation, particularly their failure to produce solid evidence against President Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Democrats have accused Republicans of using the issue for political gain and trying to tie it to Russian interference. The investigation has not gained much traction beyond the Fox News ecosystem, and some Republicans are growing frustrated with the lack of progress. At the same time, other issues, such as concerns about Biden's age and fitness for office, remain more salient for voters. The situation highlights the deep political divisions in the country and the challenges of conducting meaningful oversight in a polarized political climate.

    • Russia and US politics: Manafort's Putin mask and Israel arms salesThe political situations in Russia and the US continue to be complex, with Manafort's Putin mask adding to the distraction of the impeachment investigation, and Israel's stance on arms sales causing tension with the Biden administration

      The political situation regarding Russia and the impeachment investigation in the US continues to be a source of controversy and uncertainty. The discovery of Paul Manafort's Putin mask during a search of his home added to the embarrassment and distraction of the ongoing investigation. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is facing pressure to suspend arms sales to Israel due to concerns over humanitarian aid and compliance with international law. The deadline for a decision is this weekend, and there are reports of deep skepticism within the administration regarding Israel's stance. The situation highlights the complex and contentious nature of international politics and the challenges of balancing competing interests and priorities. In other news, Viking offers comfortable travel experiences through Europe, GameBridge provides retirement solutions for women, and Meaningful Beauty focuses on creating confidence in one's skin at any age.

    • US military support for Israel and pressure to cut off weapons shipmentsThe US provides significant military support to Israel, but the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza is leading to pressure for countries to stop arms sales, with Canada considering such a move and raising ethical concerns

      The US's support for Israel's military capabilities is extensive, with a significant portion of their high-tech weaponry coming from the US. This means that cutting off weapons shipments could significantly impact Israel's military capabilities. However, given the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where the entire population is at severe levels of food insecurity and some are starving to death, the US and other countries are facing pressure to take action. A recent certification that Israel is allowing humanitarian aid and is in compliance with US laws despite this reality raises ethical concerns. Canada's decision to consider stopping arms sales to Israel following a non-binding parliamentary motion is significant, as it highlights a split in Western posture towards Israel and adds pressure on the US to reconsider its own military support.

    • U.S. support for Israeli military operations despite civilian targetingThe Biden administration continued to provide military aid, vetoed UN resolutions, and offered diplomatic support for Israel despite acknowledgement of civilian targeting and lack of a clear plan to defeat Hamas.

      Despite the U.S. knowing that Israel was indiscriminately bombing civilian targets in Gaza without solid intelligence during the 2021 Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Biden administration continued to provide full support for Israeli military operations and approved over 100 arms deals. This was acknowledged in a Washington Post report, which revealed that Israeli intelligence sources admitted to intentionally hitting civilian targets, and Israeli officials had no clear plan on how to defeat Hamas. Yet, President Biden continued to provide unconditional military aid, vetoed UN Security Council resolutions, and provided overwhelming diplomatic and rhetorical support. This raises ethical concerns regarding the U.S.'s role in the conflict and the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.

    • U.S. approach to Israel met with skepticismThe Biden administration's 'bear hug' strategy towards Israel has faced criticism and disconnect, with Israeli officials disregarding public statements and private intelligence findings not aligning.

      The Biden administration's approach to Israel, known as the "bear hug strategy", has been met with skepticism and disregard from the Israeli side. The Washington Post reported on a classified briefing where the intelligence findings did not align with the administration's public statements about a Hamas command and control node in a hospital, leading to numerous raids, including at al-Shifa. This disconnect between public and private has led to criticism and even contempt from Israeli officials. Despite the administration's attempts to be close and supportive, they have not been effective in influencing Israeli actions or policies. Netanyahu's recent behavior towards Schumer is a clear example of this. The overall strategy of being close and supportive may have its merits, but it seems to have fallen short in this particular situation. The lack of real strength and assertiveness from the U.S. administration has been noted and exploited by Israelis. It's important to remember that this is just one aspect of the complex relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

    • Israel's proposed solution for Gazans to leave is complexThe US is being asked to fund and oversee a temporary port for Palestinians to leave Gaza, but the lack of international support and engagement from the Biden administration is causing controversy and criticism.

      The current situation in Gaza, where private companies are being investigated for trying to help Palestinians leave, is more complex than it seems. While Israel has stated that Gazans are free to leave, no countries are willing to accept them. The idea for a temporary port to help Palestinians came from Israel, and the US is being asked to foot the bill and take responsibility for occupying the area. The situation is seen as a humanitarian issue, but the US is not taking significant action. The lack of engagement and apparent indifference from the Biden administration towards the concerns of those who oppose its unconditional support of Israel has been criticized. The situation is a contentious issue, and the disconnect between the US and those affected by the conflict is widening. The viral video of a White House spokesperson's dismissive response to the issue has added fuel to the fire. The situation highlights the complexity of the conflict and the need for a more nuanced approach.

    • Israeli influence ops target US lawmakers via fake social media accounts and news sitesIsraeli influence ops used fake accounts and news sites to target US lawmakers, particularly Democrats and African Americans, to advance Israeli interests, potentially in response to growing pro-Palestinian sentiment.

      Israeli influence operations have been targeting US lawmakers, particularly Democratic and African American ones, through fake social media accounts and news sites to advance Israeli interests. This was highlighted in a Haaretz report which revealed that hundreds of fake accounts amplified three mysterious news sites to target these specific groups. The Israeli government is suspected to be behind this operation, but it's not confirmed. This operation may have been a reaction to the growing pro-Palestinian sentiment, especially among young people, on social media. Meanwhile, a controversy arose at the Oscars when filmmaker Jonathan Glaser rejected the weaponization of his Jewishness and the Holocaust during his acceptance speech. In response, over a thousand people signed an open letter denouncing him, but doubts have been raised about the authenticity and the number of actual Jewish creatives and professionals among the signatories. This could potentially impact Glaser's career, as speaking out for Palestinians has led to job losses in Hollywood before.

    • Using the Holocaust to justify harm to others is wrongThe Holocaust should not be used to dehumanize or harm others, and people should have the freedom to form their own opinions within their communities

      The Holocaust and Jewish identity should not be used to justify or support actions that dehumanize or harm other people. Tony Kushner, a renowned playwright and producer, made this clear in his public statement against the situation in Gaza, which he described as ethnic cleansing. Kushner, who has worked with Spielberg, urged people not to associate their Jewishness with supporting such actions. Trump's comments, which dictated how Jewish people should view the conflict and their religion based on their political affiliations, were also criticized as anti-Semitic. The internal policing within the Jewish community regarding Israel and the Democratic Party was also discussed, with Trump attempting to leverage this issue for the Republican Party. It's essential to remember that people should have the autonomy to form their own opinions and beliefs within their religious or ethnic groups. A majority of Jewish Americans support a ceasefire, emphasizing the diversity of opinions within the community.

    • Linking Jewishness to Israeli policies can fuel anti-SemitismLinking Jewish identity to Israeli policies is inaccurate and potentially harmful, as it can lead to increased anti-Semitism and misunderstanding of Jewish identity.

      Conflating Jewishness with unconditional support for Israel's policies can lead to an increase in anti-Semitism and make Jews around the world less safe. This perspective, which was discussed in relation to Jonathan Greenblatt's speech and Donald Trump's comments, is not only inaccurate but also potentially harmful. It's important to recognize that Jewish identity is not defined by support for the Israeli government or its actions. Furthermore, demanding loyalty to a particular political stance and then labeling those who don't adhere to it as anti-Semitic is a contradictory and problematic approach. This issue, while controversial, is crucial to address as it can significantly impact the levels of anti-Semitism in society.

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    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

    Ryan and Emily discuss Hillary warning Biden that debating Trump is impossible, Bowman crushed by AIPAC in New York election, Kenya parliament on fire as troops occupy Haiti, Ryan exposes pro-Israel group lying about campaign funding, MIT nuclear expert dire warning on Russia Ukraine war. 


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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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